Branch meetings have not been well attended recently, but we hope for an improvement in 1962, as we are experimenting by holding the meetings in June, July and August at 6 p.m. in the usual place.

Our appeal on the behalf of Bro. E. Garman has resulted in £73 being passed on to him. Bro. Garman writes: “I would like to thank you all for the amount collected for me, which will come in more than useful. It was a big surprise for me, just at Christmas. Many thanks and the best wishes to you all.”

W. Hucthings,

Branch Secretary


Horsham Driver Bill Jones (19.11.1918) at Guildford 1962

Driver Bill Jones, my old driver, he only ever had cheese sandwiches for his grub, and if he had oiled up, the cheese would be black, ran over a cow once at Beeding with a pull and push fitted M7, large air reservoir under buffer beam, old lady came up to us at Brighton enquired why we had stopped en route, she didn’t seem to believe Bill until he told her to look at the front of the engine, it was a foul job oiling the big ends for weeks, and it was our regular engine, "48", incidentally I was doing the driving that day!

Rodney Burstow

 William Jones seniority date 19.11.1918. Bill was a driver at Horsham. Bill and Charlie Cooke went down to Brighton to pass for driving on the same day. 

Information from Brian Cooke (Charlie Cooke’s Grandson)



Extracted and adapted from

Newhaven Branch Meeting

Sunday April 8th 1962

L.D.C. Report

The 2 Electrical (EMUT) turns to go to Seaford. 4 Drivers, Brothers C. Wickenden, W. Mullet, W. Lipscombe & S. Cheal will be transferred to Seaford on 30th April 1962.

The importance related in the fact that many small Depots (EMUT) would go up to Depots with 11 turns of duty, starting trains the crews would travel by STOCK/STAFF trains.

It was now clear that the Seaford L.D.C. Representatives had acted not only in their own interests, but in the interests of future Drivers who would be submitting Seaford as their first preference and application was expressed all agreed that our own Newhaven Representatives had also contributed considerably their negotiating methods and it was appreciated that these now going to Seaford had lost about £75 in hard cash, by not demanding their seniority position, although this had contributed considerably to them now going to Seaford.

This meeting was mainly caused by this subject matter and the 42 HOUR WEEK ROSTER.

Bro. S. Cheal explained that the L.D.C. had to come back to the Branch, as it was not now possible to work one Link of twenty. The short unofficial meeting with Mr. Lelew Shed Master at Essex House, Bros. E.A. King and S. Cheal made it clear we were prepared to assist the Running Foreman in compiling a Roster on the understanding it would not be an agreement.

It was appreciated that Newhaven were the only L.D.C. on the Central Section who requested Sectional Council No.2 Representation and Wednesday 18th April 1962 at 10.30 a.m. at Brighton was agreed by Staff-Side S.C. No.2 and Mr. Ryan Motive Power Superintendent.

The meeting could see that a great effort was being made by their Representatives and agreed to let the L.D.C. Negotiate on No. 1 Link 16 turns with a R.D.R. for the bottom men, with 1 1/2 H.S.R. turns.

It was agreed a new L.D.C. Secretary would have to be found as Bro. S. Cheal would be going to Seaford on 30th April 1962.

The last item caused through the time factor was Any Other Business.

Any Other Business

Moved by Bro. W. Mullett and Seconded by Bro. M. Giles, 

"That the Secretary write to the Seaford Branch Chairman and Secretary suggesting that the two Branches should amalgamate." Carried.

Moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. 'That the Secretary write to the Editor of the Locomotive Journal for explanation as to by a paragraph appeared in the stop-press of the Evening News. Carried.


Three Bridges Driver John "Chic" Debenham 

& Fireman Peter Kynaston


MAY 1962


PAGE 110

The state of the branch assistance fund was discussed at some length. It was decided that the attention of more men should be drawn to the existence of this fund.

Out of the agenda of suggestions for the A.A.D. some discussion revolved around the All-Line Promotion items; the idea was touched upon that if a vacancy was to be advertised a second time, this should be done on an all-line basis.

District Council report was read and it was good to hear that in the district the number of nons is coming down.

L.D.C. items were dealt with next. (If more men would attend the meetings or even put their thoughts in writing, it would save a lot of argument!) under the new R.D. Argreement the R.D.R. No.3 Link was discussed, also the Sunday work for the additional link.

The question of filling the vacancies on the annual leave roster was discussed; this matter around a revised local agreement.

A.E. Hodgkinson

Branch Chairman

 Ron Terrill Collection

Newhaven Enginemen Bill Terrill (23.01.1920) & Alf Charman (13.09.1918)  

at London Bridge having brought up the 7.17 ex Brighton via Eridge & Oxted 

on the 7th June 1962. West Country Class No. 34008 'Padstow'


JUNE 1962


PAGE 140

Our March meeting was well attended, but there is still room for improvement.

This branch very much appreciates the assistance given by Sectional Council Representatives, especially after learning that Bro. Saunders attended a meeting although still on the sick list. Likewise, our Branch Chairman, Bro. E.A. King, obtained doctors’ permission in order to preside over one of our Branch meetings.

We are not proud of the fact that we have two “nons”. Will all members keep these two continually reminded. To those who have paid their full 1962 contributions in advance, many thanks.

Appreciation has been expressed by the Chief Librarian of the Newhaven Public Library for the copy of The Lighted Flame.

S.F.G. Cheal,

Branch Secretary.


On the 18th June, 1962, eight 3 car D.E.M.U.s were introduced between Three Bridges and Tunbridge Wells West. With the introduction of these new trains, a large number of unit failures occurred, and the steam workings remained over this line until 1965.

Railway accident on British Railways

Southern Region 

Central Division

Barnham 1st August 1962 

Involving Brighton Motorman Alfred (Norman) Light 


27th SEPTEMBER 1962


On the 27th September, 1962, a collision happened at about 4.0 p.m. involving the 3.42 p.m. Empty Coaching Stock (No. 3 Down Siding) and the 3.58 p.m. Empty Coaching Stock (No. 4 Down Siding) in the Brockley Bank Headshunt.

accreditation © Mark Stothard https://msp.im

 West Country Class 34102 Lapford at Brighton Loco
The enginemen are known at the moment

28th SEPTEMBER 1962


On the 28th September, 1962, at 5.15 p.m. 4 car Electric Multiple Unit Train a Run Away from outside of  No. 3 shed collided with the buffer block at Balham Junction.

29th SEPTEMBER 1962


On the 29th September, 1962 a collision occurred at 11.58 p.m., when a steam push - pull train was misrouted and collided with Electric Multiple Units, that were berthed in Horsham sidings. 

The Bognor Loco shed was closed in November 1962, 

by the British Railways.

 Mick White Collection

Tunbridge Wells West Turntable

Extracted and adapted from 


Special Open Meeting 

Held at the Station

Sunday 18th November 1962

This was an open meeting called to mark the presentation of H. O. token to Bro. R. Bush, Chairman for past 9 years and called at Station to give members at work and members of our contemporary union the chance to join in. a good number turned up, Newhaven & Eastbourne branches being represented.

In making presentation Seaford Branch Chairman Bro. Tansell spoke of Bro. Bush’s activities both as Chairman and also his work on the L.D.C. Other speaker Bro. S. Cheal, Newhaven and Secretary A. Rookley spoke in same terms. All present wish Bro. R. Bush all the best in the future.

Bro. R. Bush thanked all present for turning up and for their wishes also H.O. for the Parker Pen & Pencil set.



PAGE 262


Attendance at meetings not good; hoping for an improvement during the winter months. Clear cards by 31 December should be the aim of all of us. Retirements; Bros. Weston, Clark and Harper. Still vacancies for 15 Drivers at our depot. Continual alterations to Engine Workings make our rosters a mockery and very little social life available; Tender First Running increasing and unsuitable engines booked on certain duties which makes our to more trying. What a way to run a Railway! Better pay and conditions is the only way to get the right chaps to stay on our job. Thanks to Assistant General Secretary for the compensation obtained by him for Bro. Killick and myself. I have visited Austria and Holland this year, and conversed with railwaymen there, and I found that their conditions are much better than ours, WHY? At a recent Special Meetings our members, by a unanimous vote endorsed the action taken by our E.C. over the one-day Strike and their efforts to try and implement the 1962 Conference decision. A very happy Christmas to all Branch members and Head Office Officials and Staff, is the wish we send from Norwood Junction.



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