Chairman Bro. F. Wilmshurst

Vice Chair Bro. H. Steadman 

Secretary Bro. A. Pearce

Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on the 30th Jan. 1927

Bro. C. Barrow in the Chair

Minutes of December meeting read and discussed, proposed and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That they be accepted as a true record.

Correspondence, letter from Head Office re Mr. Moore’s death and branches asked to nominate for position of Assistant General Secretary.

Circulars from Bro. Gregory of Cardiff and Bro. Sweeney of Birmingham asking for their nominations.

Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That we nominate Bro. Sweeney. Carried.

Letter from H. O. re County Donegal Railway working Motor Train or Bus with men out of the line promotion. After several meetings of the representatives of the Society & Company in question an agreement was reached, that these trains or Buses be discontinued.

Bro. H. Stedman gave his report on the advancing of the L.D.C. And also read a letter from Mr. Fuller giving names of those elected for Company sides as follows.

Mr. Fuller (Chairman), Mr. Maitland, Mr Rampton & Mr. Manning (Secretary).

That a meeting held in Drivers Room on Sun. Jan. 23. 1927 of the men’s side, the following were elected as act as officer for 1927 

Pro. By P. Fenner. That H. Stedman act as Secretary, Pro. By M. Smith that F. Browning act as Chairman.

Bro. H. Stedman spoke of the courtesy of Mr. Fuller in writing and giving the names of those on the companies side and also asking if the were satisfied. Bro. Stedman explaining that he thought it was step in the right direction for amicable working of both sides, he also gave full details of how he intended to proceed now he was elected as Secretary and asked if any member had any question to ask on the procedures.

Secretary gave his opinion of Bro. Stedman's procedure and said he thought much more could be gained by peaceful methods than by rush, Bro. F. Sherwin endorsed his remarks.

Any Other Business, 

Bro Ellis asked meeting, if the National Agreement was going to be achieved to during the Summer in respect to overtime, also if we could say that there should be any special rate in respect to calling up.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 27th Feb. 1927

10 members present

Minutes of January meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. A. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.

Correspondence, Guaranteed week circular from H. O. outlining the conditions for the resumption of the guaranteed week to start on and from April 11th 1927.

Personal Circular from General Secretary re state of affairs of Society’s Financial and suggestions for economics to bet Society on Financial footing.

Any Other Business, Bro. Brown gave his report on a interview with the Foreman on the question of placing Bro. A. Lower in turn for Sunday Duty with other spare Fireman, also the question of Cleaners re Sunday Duty for the coming summer.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun March 27th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair

9 members present

Minutes of February meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.

Correspondence, circular from Bro. Gregory asking for support for position of Assistant General Secretary. Chairman spoke on behalf of Bro. Squance and asked members to support him for position as Bro. Squance had been a worker for the Society for the Society’s casual and had suffered imprisonment through standing by his principles.

Any Other Business.

Bro. C. Lower moved & sec. By C. Barrow. That short goods link & goods link be placed into one. This led to a lengthy debate and in the end it was agreed to be on the agenda for the next meeting as it was thought that something might happen in the mean time to alter things.

Bro. Ellis asked if Secretary could say if good Friday coming on a man holiday  counted in.

Bro. Ellis also brought up the position of cleaners regarding firing duties on Sundays and it was agreed, place item on agenda for next meeting as it was thought that it would be better to go into matter after resumption of the guaranteed week.


Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun April 24th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair.

7 members present

Minutes of March read and discussed, proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. H. Stedman. That they be accepted as a true record.

Owing to very poor attendance Bro. C. Barrow moved that minutes be referred back to if attendance increased.

Correspondence re Executive Personal Circular and re Pro of Firelighters in the Line of Promotion for Fireman at New Cross read and discussed.

Any Other Business, a complaint was brought forward re Shedman Fenner ordering Bro. Potter to inspect engine B436 on Friday April 10th to ascertian if there were any defects. a lengthy discussion took place and in the end it was moves by C. Barrows Sec by H. Clarke 'That LDC be called together to deal with case in dispute.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun April 24th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair.

7 members present

Minutes of March read and discussed, proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. H. Stedman. That they be accepted as a true record.

Owing to very poor attendance Bro. C. Barrow moved that minutes be referred back to if attendance increased.

Correspondence re Executive Personal Circular and re Pro of Firelighters in the Line of Promotion for Fireman at New Cross read and discussed.

Any Other Business, a complaint was brought forward re Shedman Fenner ordering Bro. Potter to inspect engine B436 on Friday April 10th to ascertian if there were any defects. a lengthy discussion took place and in the end it was moves by C. Barrows Sec by H. Clarke 'That LDC be called together to deal with case in dispute.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun April 24th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair.

7 members present

Minutes of March read and discussed, proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. H. Stedman. That they be accepted as a true record.

Owing to very poor attendance Bro. C. Barrow moved that minutes be referred back to if attendance increased.

Correspondence re Executive Personal Circular and re Pro of Firelighters in the Line of Promotion for Fireman at New Cross read and discussed.

Any Other Business, a complaint was brought forward re Shedman Fenner ordering Bro. Potter to inspect engine B436 on Friday April 10th to ascertian if there were any defects. a lengthy discussion took place and in the end it was moves by C. Barrows Sec by H. Clarke 'That LDC be called together to deal with case in dispute.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun May 29th 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

10 members present

Minutes of April read and discussed, proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That they be accepted as a true record.

Correspondence from Head Office re Trades Union Bill read and discussed.

Circular from Secretary of Sectional Council re Coupling and uncoupling of engines on passenger trains. Pro. by F. Sherwin & sec. by J. Giles. ‘ hat this meeting is against the practice of coupling and uncoupling of engines and instruct Branch Secretary to interview each member not present and get opinions and forward resolution to Secretary of Member side of Sectional Council.

Minutes of March meeting which were deferred owing to poor attendance read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin. That Bro. C. Lower proposition regarding of both goods links be placed on the agenda of Secretary of men’s side L.D.C. seconded by Bro. J. Giles.

Pro. by F. Brown 'That LDC also look into the matter of Sunday turns of firing of B. Peddlesden, Goldson & Ellis.

Ballot papers for position of Assistant General Secretary distributed and filled in.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun June 26th 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

10 members present

Minutes of May meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Chiles and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from the minutes re coupling and uncoupling engines on trains by enginemen. Secretary reported that he had been to each member and all were unanimous  against, also Secretary for enginemen N.U.R. had also signed circular for his members against it.

Bro. Stedman reported his interview with Foreman re merging both goods link into one, also firing turns of duty for Bros. Goldston, Ellis and Piddlesden, and Foreman said if spare Fireman agreeable he would bring them into line with others. Bro. Brown gave his report on canvass with other five Fireman and all were unamonios against it.

Pro. by E. Collington & sec. by J. Hillman. 'That goods link stay as they are.' Carried.

H. Hamblin wished to become a member. Pro. by C. Collins & sec. by A. Pearce. Carried unanmious. Bro. Stedman pro and E. Collington seconded. ‘That a welcome be given to Hamblin into the Society'.

Secretary reported that Bros. Bridger and Bollen had lapsed in payment of contributions and

that he had sent a letter to Bro. Bridger aquainting him of his position.

Pro. by C. Barrow. 'That Secretary action be ordered and that a letter be sent to Bro. Bollen'. Seconded by E. King.

Correspondence Circular R.N.T.C. read and discussed.

Letter of appeal  for late Mr. Moore’s widow, read and discussed.

Letter from Head Office re include contributions read and discussed.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun July 31st 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

6 members

Minutes of June read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re Bro. Bridger lapsing in contributions. Pro by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and sec. by L. Lower. 'That he be given one month to pay sufficent contribitutions to bring him into benefit.' Secretary also reported interview with Bro. Bollen and he promised to pay, but had not done so up to this date.

Bro. Andrews (Brighton Branch) A.A.D. delegae gave his report on this years meeting of the Annula Assembley of Delegates. Bro. Andrews gave an able and interesting report of the whole proceedings and said he would like this Branch to send this resolution to H.O.

'That this Branch wants to know when this year's A.A.D. resolutions are going to be put into operation'. Pro. by F. Sherwin & sec by L. Lower. That Secretary send this resolution to H. O.'

Bro Sherwin proposed a vote of thanks to Bro. Andrews for coming here and giving us such an able report. 

Bro. Wilmshurst also thanked Bro. Andrews and said that since he had been a member of the Society he had never heard such an able report and also that this years A.A.D. have done great work regarding the Society Financially. 

The Secretary also thanked Bro. Andrews and also apologised for such a small attendance, it was not because it was not advertised, he was sure that those members not present had missed an interesting morning and he was rather surrised as some had said that thery were looking forward to Bro. Andrews coming over as they had several questions to ask.

Bro Andrews said it gave him great pleasure to come over and he also said it before ever member to take a deep interest in the Society's affairs as these were troublesome ahead

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun August 28th 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

10 members

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Green. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from the minutes re Bro. Bridger, secretary gave a report on interview with Bro. Bridger, who said he would pay 10/- this month and rest of contributions next month. Agreed that it stand over till next meeting to see if Bro. Bridger paid up.

Correspondence letter from Head Office re rebate to enginemen on income tax read and discussed.

Letter from Lincoln branch urging Sectional Councils and L.D.C.s to take action regarding seniority question, read and discussed.

Letter from General Secretary asking for support in tickets in an estimating competition in aid of Orpham Funds.

Letter from Bro Watson E.C. Member asking for the calling of meeting on Sunday 25th, on the  Propaganda  Campain to get lapse members in Society again. Considerable discussion arose over this and it was agreed in the interests of economy, that we should go to Brighton and save speaker coming here, agreed that the matter be left in Secretary's hands and that he write to speaker to arrange for us to to Brighton to hear him.

Any Other Business, Bro. Ellis asked if anything was going to be done regarding the claims at this depot and how we stand regarding seniority with Brighton, as he thought there were Junior men to him with regular job firing. Secretary explained that according letter he had received from Secretary of Sectional Council, we stood on our own and Secretary also referred to minutes of a earlier date of an interview of a shed representatives on the same question with Mr. Fuller and he said we were only under Brighton for administration. 

Considerable discussion arose, Bro. Elliss saying that on several occassions he had made applications for transfer and he had never heard any more of them. It was agreed that as Bro. Boyle was going to see Foreman on his position with Brighton to letter the matter stand over till next meeting.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct. 2nd 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

8 members present

Minutes of Sept meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re Bro. Bridger contributions, Pro. by F. Sherwin and sec by H. Bowden. 'That Secretary serve final summonds on Bro. Bridger and telling him that he would have to come into benefit or his name would be erased from books.

Letter from Secretary of Labour Club asking for delegates from this branch to attend a special meeting on October 12th of all interested bodies with an idea of getting more commodious  premises at Newhaven.

Letter from Head Office announcing result of second ballot for Assistant General Secretary, Bro. Squance being successful.

Letter from Bro Andrews of Brighton, asking members of this L.D.C. to attend a conference on Sunday Oct 23rd at Labour Club at 3 p.m., with an idea of getting into touch with different shed's working and procedures.

Circular from H.O. re proposal from managers of the Irish Railways for drastic cuts in locomens wages of that Country. Considerable discussion arose, and the General Secretary advising all lapsed members to pay up their contributions and become 100% strong as the English Railway managers were watching this and it might have strong reprecussions in this Country.

Any Other Business, Bro. Charman moved and seconded by Bro. Clark. 'That Secretary of L.D.C. see Foreman re  certain actions of foreman on business apertaining to Cleaners and asking him if he would communicate with him and that Bro. Brown be asked to attend next meeting.

Missed from minutes

Proposed that Bros. H. Bowden and L. Lower attend meeting at Labour Club re more commodious premises.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct. 30th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair.

10 members present

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes, Chairman asked if Bro. Bridger had answered final summonds re contribuations. Secretary explain that Bro. Bridger brought himself into benefit this week.

Correspondence from Head Office re new rules and scales of contributions read and discussed

Nomination Forms for 1928 A.A.D. and also Sectional Council for this area, it was decided not to nominate for A.A.D., but to support Bro. Andrews of Brighton who was standing again.

Another Other business Pro by C. Barrow. ‘ hat Secretary of L.D.C. to see Foreman re dating of Privilege Tickets as it was that present method very inconvenience.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun June 26th 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

10 members present

Minutes of May meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Chiles and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from the minutes re coupling and uncoupling engines on trains by enginemen. Secretary reported that he had been to each member and all were unanimous  against, also Secretary for enginemen N.U.R. had also signed circular for his members against it.

Bro. Stedman reported his interview with Foreman re merging both goods link into one, also firing turns of duty for Bros. Goldston, Ellis and Piddlesden, and Foreman said if spare Fireman agreeable he would bring them into line with others. Bro. Brown gave his report on canvass with other five Fireman and all were unamonios against it.

Pro. by E. Collington & sec. by J. Hillman. 'That goods link stay as they are.' Carried.

H. Hamblin wished to become a member. Pro. by C. Collins & sec. by A. Pearce. Carried unanmious. Bro. Stedman pro and E. Collington seconded. ‘That a welcome be given to Hamblin into the Society'.

Secretary reported that Bros. Bridger and Bollen had lapsed in payment of contributions and

that he had sent a letter to Bro. Bridger aquainting him of his position.

Pro. by C. Barrow. 'That Secretary action be ordered and that a letter be sent to Bro. Bollen'. Seconded by E. King.

Correspondence Circular R.N.T.C. read and discussed.

Letter of appeal  for late Mr. Moore’s widow, read and discussed.

Letter from Head Office re include contributions read and discussed.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun July 31st 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

6 members

Minutes of June read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re Bro. Bridger lapsing in contributions. Pro by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and sec. by L. Lower. 'That he be given one month to pay sufficent contribitutions to bring him into benefit.' Secretary also reported interview with Bro. Bollen and he promised to pay, but had not done so up to this date.

Bro. Andrews (Brighton Branch) A.A.D. delegae gave his report on this years meeting of the Annula Assembley of Delegates. Bro. Andrews gave an able and interesting report of the whole proceedings and said he would like this Branch to send this resolution to H.O.

'That this Branch wants to know when this year's A.A.D. resolutions are going to be put into operation'. Pro. by F. Sherwin & sec by L. Lower. That Secretary send this resolution to H. O.'

Bro Sherwin proposed a vote of thanks to Bro. Andrews for coming here and giving us such an able report. 

Bro. Wilmshurst also thanked Bro. Andrews and said that since he had been a member of the Society he had never heard such an able report and also that this years A.A.D. have done great work regarding the Society Financially. 

The Secretary also thanked Bro. Andrews and also apologised for such a small attendance, it was not because it was not advertised, he was sure that those members not present had missed an interesting morning and he was rather surrised as some had said that they were looking forward to Bro. Andrews coming over as they had several questions to ask.

Bro Andrews said it gave him great pleasure to come over and he also said it before ever member to take a deep interest in the Society's affairs as these were troublesome ahead

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun August 28th 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

10 members

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Green. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from the minutes re Bro. Bridger, secretary gave a report on interview with Bro. Bridger, who said he would pay 10/- this month and rest of contributions next month. Agreed that it stand over till next meeting to see if Bro. Bridger paid up.

Correspondence letter from Head Office re rebate to enginemen on income tax read and discussed.

Letter from Lincoln branch urging Sectional Councils and L.D.C.s to take action regarding seniority question, read and discussed.

Letter from General Secretary asking for support in tickets in an estimating competition in aid of Orpham Funds.

Letter from Bro Watson E.C. Member asking for the calling of meeting on Sunday 25th, on the  Propaganda  Campain to get lapse members in Society again. Considerable discussion arose over this and it was agreed in the interests of economy, that we should go to Brighton and save speaker coming here, agreed that the matter be left in Secretary's hands and that he write to speaker to arrange for us to to Brighton to hear him.

Any Other Business, Bro. Ellis asked if anything was going to be done regarding the claims at this depot and how we stand regarding seniority with Brighton, as he thought there were Junior men to him with regular job firing. Secretary explained that according letter he had received from Secretary of Sectional Council, we stood on our own and Secretary also referred to minutes of a earlier date of an interview of a shed representatives on the same question with Mr. Fuller and he said we were only under Brighton for administration. 

Considerable discussion arose, Bro. Elliss saying that on several occassions he had made applications for transfer and he had never heard any more of them. It was agreed that as Bro. Boyle was going to see Foreman on his position with Brighton to letter the matter stand over till next meeting.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct. 2nd 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

8 members present

Minutes of Sept meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re Bro. Bridger contributions, Pro. by F. Sherwin and sec by H. Bowden. 'That Secretary serve final summonds on Bro. Bridger and telling him that he would have to come into benefit or his name would be erased from books.

Letter from Secretary of Labour Club asking for delegates from this branch to attend a special meeting on October 12th of all interested bodies with an idea of getting more commodious  premises at Newhaven.

Letter from Head Office announcing result of second ballot for Assistant General Secretary, Bro. Squance being successful.

Letter from Bro Andrews of Brighton, asking members of this L.D.C. to attend a conference on Sunday Oct 23rd at Labour Club at 3 p.m., with an idea of getting into touch with different shed's working and procedures.

Circular from H.O. re proposal from managers of the Irish Railways for drastic cuts in locomens wages of that Country. Considerable discussion arose, and the General Secretary advising all lapsed members to pay up their contributions and become 100% strong as the English Railway managers were watching this and it might have strong reprecussions in this Country.

Any Other Business, Bro. Charman moved and seconded by Bro. Clark. 'That Secretary of L.D.C. see Foreman re  certain actions of foreman on business apertaining to Cleaners and asking him if he would communicate with him and that Bro. Brown be asked to attend next meeting.

Missed from minutes

Proposed that Bros. H. Bowden and L. Lower attend meeting at Labour Club re more commodious premises. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct. 30th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair.

10 members present

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes, Chairman asked if Bro. Bridger had answered final summonds re contribuations. Secretary explain that Bro. Bridger brought himself into benefit this week.

Correspondence from Head Office re new rules and scales of contributions read and discussed

Nomination Forms for 1928 A.A.D. and also Sectional Council for this area, it was decided not to nominate for A.A.D., but to support Bro. Andrews of Brighton who was standing again.

Another Other business Pro by C. Barrow. ‘ hat Secretary of L.D.C. to see Foreman re dating of Privilege Tickets as it was that present method very inconvenience.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Nov. 27th 1927

Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair

12 members present

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. E. Brooker. That they be accepted as a true recorded.

Arising from minutes asked if Secretary L.D.C. had given report on interview with Foreman re Privilege Tickets, he being absent it was deferred till next meeting.

Correspondence from Head Office re forms for Political Levy, also circular from General Secretary re Executive ignoring the amended rule No.12 reducing their number from twelve to nine, made by the 1927 A.A.D. also jeopardising the General Secretary and the constitution of the Society. Considerable discussion arose and in the end it was moved by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That in the event of this year’s A.A.D. having to reassemble, that the Secretary forward this resolution on to our delegate Bro. Andrews. That the amendment of Rule No.12 be strictly enforced ad that General Secretary suspend payment to Executive Committee until has been put into operation.

Any Other Business, Bro. Potter asked if Branch could move for link owning to his dismissal, he said he was quite willing to go into any grade and he did not mind where he wanted resolved. 'That Secretary see foreman on his behalf, also Secretary write to Bro. Andrews asking information re the nine Cleaners dismissed at Brighton their terms of service etc.

Bro. Goldstone asked if he was in order in making out application claiming seniority with Brighton as he knew their were Junior men to him doing firing duties.

Bro. Goldstone was advised to in application and report at meeting any answer he might receive.

General Secretary suspend payment to Executive Committee until has been put into operation.

Election of Officers

Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded Bro. H. Bowden. That Bro. F. Wilmshurst remain as Chairman. 

Proposed by Bro. W. Goldstone and seconded by Bro. A. Lower. That Bro. Ellis be Charman.

The amendment was lost and Bro. Wilmsurst was elected as Chairman

Proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That Bro. Pearce as Secretary.

Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. W. Gladstone. That Bro. Ellis be Vice Chairman .

Proposed b Bro. E. Collington and seconded by Bro. A. Lower. That Bro. Brown be Assistant Secretary.

Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That Bro. J. Giles be Assistant Secretary.

Bro. J. Giles was duly elected Assistant Secretary.

Auditors Bros F. Sherwin and C. Wilson


Bros A. Lower, W. Goldstone, E. Brooker, W. Brown, C. Barrow and H. Bowden, all elected en bloc.

Bros H. Stedman and F. Sherwin were elected as representative of Trades and Labour Council. 

Any Other Business, 

Moved by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That the date of next meeting be Sunday December 18th, owing to the Sunday after Christmas being the 1st of New Year.

Bro. Potter asked if Branch could move for link owning to his dismissal, he said he was quite willing to go into any grade and he did not mind where he wanted resolved. 'That Secretary see foreman on his behalf, also Secretary write to Bro. Andrews asking information re the nine Cleaners dismissed at Brighton their terms of service etc.

Bro. Goldstone asked if he was in order in making out application claiming seniority with Brighton as he knew their were Junior men to him doing firing duties.

Bro. Goldstone was advised to in application and report at meeting any answer he might receive. 

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Dec. 18th 1927

Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair

10 members present

Minutes of Nov. meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from October minutes re interview with Foreman on Privilege Tickets, Bro Steadman gave his report and said that the Foreman said he had no jurisdiction over the filling in of tickets it was his orders.

Correspondence read and discussed re Executive and General Secretary and Head Office asking for the new Executive.

Any Other Business, 

Place of meeting, proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That we still hold them at the Railway Hotel. Carried

Pro. by H. Steadman & sec. by F. Sherwin. 'That Secretary's action be endorsed for paying Bro. Potter out of work pay from contributions owing to H. O not forwarding it on.

Pro C. Barrow & sec. by E. Collington. 'That Bro. Stedman interview Foreman re the state of the fire place in Driver’s and Fireman’s lobby.

Nominations for L.D.C.

Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. L. Lower. That Bro. H. Stedman and W. Smith stand.

Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin. that Bro. Stedman stand and seconded by Bro. L. Lower.

Proposed by Bro. C. Barrow. That Bro. Clarke stand and seconded by Bro. H. Stedman

Bros H. Stedman and Clarke were duly elected

Voting papers for Sectional Council received and filled in.

Discussion arose re Good Friday Dinner, resolved that it stand over till next meeting

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