Chairman Bro. E. King

Vice Chair Bro. 

Secretary Bro. W. Sherwin

Assistant Secretary R. Hooker

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun June 8th 1952

11 members present

Bros. A. Newbegin (A.S.L.E.F. Organiser), W. Sherwin, D. Brady, R. Crouch, 

M. Freeman, E. Hillman, J. Hillman, R. Hooker, J. Nash, J. Lower, R. Turner 

& E. King.

This meeting was held for the purpose of electing Branch Officers and re-constituting the Branch after a period of 5 years without Branch and was called by Organiser Bro. A. Newbegin for this purpose.

The chair was taken at 11.15 a.m. by Bro. W. Sherwin.

Minutes of last meeting of April 20th 1947 was read and as there was no questions asked concerning them it was proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. J. Lower. Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as read. 

Correspondences to date of most importance was read Secretary and as there was no discussion on correspondence it was proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. J. Nash. That correspondence be accepted as read. Carried.

Secretary then called attention to main business of this meeting which was the election of a panel of Branch Officers. At this stage Bro. A. Newbegin asked to say a few words.

Bro. A. Newbegin, called attention to this un-constitutional state which happened when there were no Branch Officers and called attention to the fact that Secretary had been carrying on alone more or less for many of 15 ½ years of service to the branch and invited all members present to try to arouse some interest in the Branch and assist the new officers in their appointment. Bro. Newbegin pointed out the fact that such apathy in branch meetings caused the members to lose touch with Head Office and so become out of touch with the Executive’s endeavours on our behalf as regards our Conditions of Service etc. He also pointed out that this loss of contact with membership was serious should it be necessary to close a Branch and rely on a Contributions Collector attached to another Branch. In this respect Bro. Newbegin was pleased to see a number of young members and called for all young members to take an interest in the affairs of their Branch.

The election of Branch Officers was then proceeded with and as Secretary was discussed of resignation from that position it was proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. J. Lower, Bro. E. King be Chairman of this Branch. Carried

Proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. R. Turner, to be Vice Chairman was (no nomination) to which all members present agreed Carried. 

On an introduction by retiring Secretary, it was proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by J. Nash. That Bro. W. Sherwin be Branch Secretary. Carried.

Volunteered, Bro. R. hooker to be Assistant Secretary was seconded by Bro. J. Hillman, to which all members present agreed.

The Branch Committee was formed of those members who being present and not in office other wise as follows.

Bros R. turner, J. Lower, J. Nash, E. Hillman, M. Freeman, D. Brady & R. Crouch.

Proposed by Bro. E. King and seconded by Bro. J. Lower. Bro. E. Lucknott be Branch Stewart and collector as he had offered to collect for Bro. E. King previously. Carrie.

Proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. C. lower. That Bo. E. King be No.4 District Council delegate as he was still willing to attend.

Bro. A. Newbegin the addressed the Branch, on the Society’s Policy as mentioned on member circulars letters and outlined the Executive Committee’s claim now put forward with the other two Railway Unions for an increase of 10% on wages also a cleaner and definite system of Payment of increase for Saturday afternoon working. Further he pointed out that the principle already evolved by the Society was without the support of the N.U.R. and T.S.S.A. and pointed out also that although cost of living was continually rising any increase offered would not be easily got, in view of the fact that we now had a Tory government and Mr. R.A. Butler was trying to coerce the T.U.C. to agree to a wage freeze.

Railway trade unions would have a stiff task to achieve any increase in wages or alterations in Conditions of Service, which would make necessary the attention of every member of the unions concerned.

Bro Newbegin then announced that the Railway Executives reply to the wages claim made would be published on June 28th and it might or might not include an offer of some sort much depended on the policy of Mr. Butler.

Bro. Newbegin then went on to speak about the society’s endeavours to formulate a pension scheme on the point that the salaried Staff have a superannuation fund of General application, but not the outdoor staffs and claim that what was as good for Clerks is equally good for other grades be further pointed out that whereas the Nat. Coal Board had now produced a pension scheme for the miners with a lump sum of £2,000 000 and even so the miner’s pension was not very big, but it was a pension. While the Railway Executive was formulating a pension fund financial structure it was apparently designed to be a voluntary nature, but the E.C. of the union considered any such scheme should be compulsory to ensure stability and satisfaction and in this way the pension could be higher.

At this year’s A.A.D. a resolution had been put forward for a Pension scheme to be formulated this year by the end of the year if no satisfaction is obtained a conference be called early in the New Year to consider matter further.

Some aspects and items of the Machinery of Negotiations had been amended, but the majority of the amendments would be accepted and some further negotiated. Nominations and elections of L.D.C. would come under this clause. Different arrangements were pending with regards to discipline cases, such as Form 1 charge sheets, more time than the 48 hours being allowed for a charged man to gather his evidence for an appeal and to interview or call witnesses. It has also been forward that the official of the Railway, hearing such as appeal, should not be the person who decided the request punishment; even should he not have signed the punishment order.

Bro. Newbegin further dealt with items being negotiated as to the holding of L.D.C. meetings, it being attempted to get L.D.C. meetings always held in on duty time, where this was not possible member who attend in their own off duty time should be paid for part of day or all day at ordinary rate for the time involved. Where L.D.C. member were asked to attend on Rest Days either a suitable day be given in lieu or payment made for 10hrs for such meeting. 

The address was terminated by a short survey of matters being discussed or decisions reached of matters domestic to the Southern Region. Points also touched upon were the proposal for a standard eyesight test and its bearing on new entrants into the service.

As no questions were asked, a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro. Newbegin for his help, to which all members concurred.

The address was terminated by a short survey of matters being discussion reached of matters domestic to the Southern Region, points also reached upon were proposal for a standard eyesight test and its bearing on new entrants into the service. s no question were asked, Bro. Sherwin proposed and Bro. J. Lower seconded. 'A vote of thanks be recorded to Bro. Newbegin for his help to which all members concurred.

 Bill Sherwin

Newhaven A.S.L.E.F. Branch Secretary 1952 - 1954

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Oct 26th 1952

6 members present

Bros. E. King, M. Smith, J. Lower, M. Freeman, J. Nash & W. Sherwin

Meeting was declared open at 11 a.m., minutes of last meeting accepted, proposed by Bro. 

M. Freeman and seconded by Bro. J. Nash.

Correspondence was dealt with to satisfaction of all concerned.

Several items were discussed as regards matters in the loco shed, but there were deemed L.D.C. matters, and were taken in hand by Bro. E. King who is Secretary.

Method of procedure when falling sick were explained as regards getting certificate for Union, Club and approved Societies. 


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