Chairman Bro. R. Taylor

Vice Chairman Bro F. Jenner
Secretary Bro. D. Roberts

Special Meeting January 23rd 1979

Commenced 10.45 close 12.20

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, R. Waghorne, 

E. Spray, W. Arling, J. Hoath, A. Thompson, A. Stratton, L. Baldwin & P. Hawkins.

Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. That the minutes were read as a true record.

Correspondence was read concerning the present dispute.

After a long and intensive debate, the following resolution was adopted by Ore Branch, to be sent to Head Office.

“That this Branch inform the General Secretary and the E.C. That they are dissatisfied with the handling of this dispute and that they are seriously considering withdrawing their support

This was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.

Meeting closed 12.20

 Jack Hoath

 Meeting April 29th 1979

Commenced 10.45 close 12.35

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling & R. Chamberlian.

Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That the minutes were read as a true record.

Correspondence was read and various voting papers were dealt with.

L.D.C. Report

Bro. S. Tingley discussed the new workings which come into force in May. These turns were debated on by the members present.

The question of Compensatory Leave was discussed and it was agreed that management be approached on this, by word of mouth over the number of days outstanding.

The Tunbridge - Hastings electrification was discussed and the date had been put back to 1984.

The meeting held at Brighton on Wednesday 4th April 1979 concerning signalling was discussed. Various points such as new bulbs being introduced and other safety factor in signal boxes would improve the position. The question of painting signal posts in a fluorescent paint would help in cases where signals could have failed, cases where signals have changed back to red owing to a surge connected withe bonding rails. It was explained that all cases of signalling irregularities should be reported to A.D.M. Brighton. The question of longer shades on signals approaching Keymer Junction was brought up at the meeting by Ore L.D.C.

The question of signal CW39 at East Croydon was brought up again.

The S&T notice published by the South Western Division was a better version of the one issued by the Central Division. It was agreed that the A.D.M. Brighton be contacted to see if our version would be punished on these lines.

The Annual Leave rotation for 1980 was discussed and it was agreed that they would stat 31st November 1980. 

Bro. W. Arling requested that a sum of money be granted from the Branch Funds be granted from the Branch Funds for Health and safety literature. It was agreed that Head Office would be contacted first before drawing on Branch Funds.

Meeting closed 12.35.


Ore shed

  ¼ Meeting July 8th 1979

Commenced 10.10 close 12.05

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain, 

P. Bowles, & D. King.

Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. That the minutes were read as a true record.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

L.D.C. Report

Bro. S. Tingley gave details of meetings which had been requested with management concerning the Outer Home Signal on the Down Road at Hamden Park. The L.D.C. were also meeting the management concerning diagrams.

The various alterations and the ensuing work were given out by the L.D.C. Secretary. the cause of this work would take place over many months in various stages.

A meeting would be requested for the alterations to signalling at Ore. Detach of enlarged men’s room facilities at Ore were also discussed.

District Council Report

Bro. R. Taylor gave a full report on matters which had been raised at the recent District Council, such as Shunt Drivers rate of pay, medics which would be at ages 20, 30 & 40 years service. Details of A.S.L.E.F. centenary 

celebrations were also raised. There was apparently going to be large function to be held in London next year and Bro. R. Taylor gave details on this, one ticket admitting two people would be sent out to each Branch.

It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles. 

That the ticket should go to the Branch Secretary. this was agreed unanimously.

Local celebrations would be held, a diner and dance organised by St Leonards Branch with Ore members invited by ticket was being discussed. Details of this would be given to us by the St Leonards Secretary later.

In any other business, Bro. P. Bowles asked if a letter would be sent to Chief Constable, Hastings on the behaviour pattern of foreign students travelling by rail. It was agreed that this would be done after hearing details of the incident in which he was involved in. Proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.

Meeting closed 12.05   

 ¼ Meeting November 4th 1979

Commenced 10.15 close 12.40

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, A. Thompson, R. Chamberlain, 

P. Bowles, W. Arling, L. Baldwin & S. Spackman.

Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes were read as a true record.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

The proposed Diner/Dance arranged by St Leonards Branch would be held in April 1980 at the Falaise Hall. Tickets were approx £5.00 each.

The question of line side telephones was brought up and also the platform lighting at Eastbourne. These lights were very bright and dazzling when entering station.

Letters which had been met to Hastings police regarding foreign students travelling by train. The safety poster which had be requested through Division had not be received. It was decided that Bro. W. Arling, Heath & Safety Officer would take correspondence concerning this and contact management.

The 1980 diaries had been distributed unfortunately one member Bro. K. Major had  had his taken from the case. It was decided to buy him one out of branch funds. It was also felt that Head Office should be told that members feel the conditions of service should have been included in the diary, at least the P.T.R. arrangements.

L.D.C. Report

The question of Rest Day working was discussed at length.

The proposed closure of Ore Depot was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman.

That the L.D.C. do all in their power to fight the proposed closure of the depot. 

District Council Report

Bro. R. Taylor gave a fall report on the last Council meeting. This included men travelling by taxis, signal irregularities, centenary year badges, a list was up in the room for same.

The 1979 Christmas workings were discussed in any other business.

Meeting closed 12.40  

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