Chairman Bro. A. Brooker

Vice Chairman Bro E. Dunmall
Secretary Bro. B. Gower
Assistant Secretary L. Stephenson


On the top of the T.W.W. Loco Shed in March 1963. 

Does anyone no the names of the Loco Cleaners 

Tunbridge Wells  Branch Meeting

Sunday June 30th  1963 at 10.45 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read (25th November 1962) and it was moved and seconded that these be a true record.

Correspondence was then read mainly regarding alteration and amendments to the present redundancy arrangements to the present redundancy arrangements that have brought about by the Beeching Report.

The Secretary Bro. B. Gower expressed his disgust at the Society for their apparent lack of interest in the threatened closures of lines and stations in our area no correspondence had been received from Head Office re Closures since 16th of April, this was shared by all members and it was decided that a resolution from this branch be sent to Head Office deploring their lack of action and interest.

It was also decided that a letter be written to Lord Storham, Chairman of the  Inland Transport Committee giving our views as to the methods of the B.T.C. in giving the public as poor as service as possible on lines due for closure.

Bro. A. Brooker read the District Council report which proved of an informative nature, there being no other business to discuss the meeting was closed at 12.45 p.m.

Members present Bros. Card, Ovenden, Christian, Rumley, Brooker & Gower.


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