Chairman Bro. F. Diplock

Vice Chairman Bro W. Baldwin
Secretary Bro. C. Exley
Assistant Secretary Bro. J. Carney

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 24th  January 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

As the chairman had not arrived by 10.15 it was put to the floor for a member to stand in as Chairman fort this meeting. That Bro. J. Norris stands in as Chairman for this meeting only, due to the absent of the Chairman. Moved by Bro. G. Brown and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. Unam

The Chairman then open the meeting and welcomed all for coming, there were 11 members. The Chairman mention that Bro. D. Fullick with Bro. Milligan were asked to come to this meeting and were due at anytime. Bro. D. Goddon asked if he would welcome our Bros. on their arrival, as this was agreed by all this was done.

The minutes of the special meeting was then read out. It was them moved. That the minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 10th January are a true record. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock, Unam.

The minutes of the December meeting was then produced and were then read, after which Bro. M. Allen ask if the minutes could be read again as the first part did not sound correct. This was done and  Bro. M. Allen pointed out that the Circular with Ore nomination on had not been posted from Head office until January 6th 1982 and this should therefore removed from the minutes. It was then put forward. That the minutes of the December meeting be taken as a true record after the amendment as mentioned. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. Carried.

Then Bros. D. Fullcik and N. Milligan did arrive and they apologised for being late and Bro. Fullick that as they were late they would leave later than they had planned as they had another branch to go to at 11.30.

It was then put forward by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. G. Brown. That Standing Orders be suspended until 11.45. Carried.

Bro. Fullick thanked all for asking him to attend the branch meeting and then went into as the reasons behind the dispute, he mentioned that as the president of the E.C. went to all the meetings with Bro. R. Buckton (General Secretary) and it was his notes that he gave to the fellow E.C. members, some of the points made were, the B.R.B. would not stop at the 7 to 9 hours but will go for their plan of 4 to 12 hours turns. Bro. Fullick asked at one of the meetings with A.C.A.S. if the Chairman could clear up a point, as the Chairman of the meeting was the same as last August Meeting would tell us if the agreement were connected or separated. The Chairman of A.C.A.S.replied separate, but he refused to inform the reporters and TV etc. Bro. Fullick did ask members of the branch to play it cool not to take the newspapers seriously and not to go barmey and hold an all out strike. King’s Cross driver were mention as the Sun newspaper had taken them to court to get an injunction on them. After summing up Bro. Fullick sat down and the Chairman then thanked the E.C. member and Bro. N. Milligan.

Bro. G. Brown moved and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That we the branch wish to thank our E.C. member Bro. D. Fullick and Organising Secretary Bro. N. Milligan for attending. 

The Chairman then opened the floor for questions

Bro. D. Goddon asked a question on 8 hour day, Bro. Fullick answered if within the existing agreements.

Bro. J. Morris asked a question on Labour Party Leader Mr. Foot. Bro. Fullick answer a few Labour have come forward but not Mr. Foot.

Bro. C. Exley asked a question on York diagrams. Bro. Fullick answered was the diagram, was for drivers.

Bro. Goddon Asked if actions of the other grades would effect our labour. Bro. Fullick answered the two unions are closer now than ever before.

Bro. M. Allen asked the question on the agreements of last August. Bro. Fullick answered explained that the E.C. knew how men felt on these.

Bro. M. Allen did asked are the E.C. in discussion on productivity. Bro. Fulllick replied “NO.”

Bro. C. Exley asked do the E.C. think  the B.R.B. will suspend all if other grades start action. Bro. D. Fullick answered possibility, if all do, the whole Trade Union will be involved.

As time was then getting on for 11:45 the Chairman ask that no more questions should come forward as to allow our E.C. member to leave for his next appointment.

Bro. M. Allen then two motions forward to be sent to head office.

“That Action of the E.C. be endorsed, that the E.C. continue to put out as much information as possible to all bodies, to who it is felt that should be advised. The E.C. to continue to appose variations of the 8 hour day or worsening of Condition of Service.”

“That In the event this item be dealt with under arbritation, E.C. to take no commitment to agree to any decision that would mean any variation of the Condition of Service.”

Just before Bro. Fullick and Bro. Milligan left, Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. “That the Branch Secretary send to Head Office a letter of congratulations to Bro. D. Fullick on his appointment to President of the E.C. 

Bro Fullick then thanked all for a very warm welcome given by the members of this branch and again apologised for the rush by themselves, but he has another meeting at Tonbridge.

The Chairman then ask the members for adoption of Standing Orders. Moved by Bro. D. Godden seconded by Br. G. Brown

That the Standing Orders of this Branch be reinstated. All in favour.

Bro. C. Exley then mentioned that with the news of  King’s Cross colleagues, he felt that we should help them in some way, he then put forward a motion.

That King’s Cross to receive £5.00 from Branch Funds. Seconded by Bro. M. Allen

Bro. G. Brown then put forward an amendment. That the amount should read £10.00. seconded by Bro. A. Herriot. This was voted on 10 for and 1 against. Carried.

Bro. W. Overton then put forward

That when Branch Secretary receives a letter from King’s Cross the letter to be put up for all drivers to see and read and a general collection to be made. This was seconded by Bro. M. Allen. All were in favour.

The Chairman then asked that the circulars be taken as read with the exception of voting paper. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. D. Godden. That circulars be taken as read. All in favour. 

The Chairman then mention that there were two voting papers before the table. The first was for on of our members Bro. M. Allen to attend the T.U.C. No.2 area. I t was moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That our vote be for our member Bro. M. Allen. All were in favour.

The 2nd voting paper was for Labour Party Conference and as there was a member from the Battersea Branch put forward, it was decided that this member should receive our vote. Moved by Bro. J. Norris and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That Bro. Browning of Battersea receives our vote. All were in favour.

Bro. M. Allen then mention that the Branch Secretary to photo copy letters of Circular No. 13/82 and send to the local paper and to Trade councils also the local Labour Party. Seconded by Bro. A. Herriot. All in favour.

The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. Secretary for the L.D.C. Report. It was mentioned by the L.D.C. Secretary that the L.D.C. had not gone to any meetings since the last the Branch Meeting event though the L.D.C. had several items in the machinery, except one which was on variable rostering and they only gave a day’s notice and one member of the L.D.C. never had notice until the day of the meeting. This the L.D.C. Secretary did ring the A.D.M. and complained and also mentioned that in the light of the dispute over the same item that was on the agenda, this L.D.C. could not go.

The L.D.C. also said that in line with request made at the L.D.C. nominated at the November meeting, that in the event of a Co-op member being required it would definatley be Bro. R. Luckhurst, who failed to be nominated. It was then moved by Bro. G. Brown.

 That the L.D.C. not to go to any meetings over managements agenda until all matters put forward from this L.D.C. has been dealt with. Seconded by Bro. C. Exley. All in favour. 

As time was running out and as nothing was being put forward to the Chairman, he then mention that on the agenda next month will be annual leave alteration and the mutual aid fund.

Meeting closed at 12:35 

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

 Sunday 21st  February 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There was 7 member present and later in the meeting Bro. V. Rumley did join the meeting. Apologies for not being able to were Bros. J. Norris and G. Brown. The Chairman was Bro. C. Exley and at 10:15 he did open the meeting and asked the Secretary to read the minutes for the January meeting. After the minutes had been read the chairman asked for a mover for the minutes. Bro. M. Allen did then point out that one of the questions put to Bro. D. Fullick was asked by him and not by the person that the Secretary had put. The Secretary said he was sorry for that error and would corrected it. After that it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. A. Herriot. That the minutes of the January meeting be taken as a true record. All were in favour, Carried.

The Chairman then asked for any matters arising from the minutes as there were none he then asked the Secretary to move on to the Circulars that had been put up in the drivers room.

The Secretary then mentioned the amount of Circulars that he had received since the last meeting from No.7 to No.32 so it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley That Circular that have been posted at the depot except voting papers and No.27/1982 be taken as read .all were in favour Carried.

The Chairman then mentioned that he had received a letter from the Tunbridge Wells Trade Council, by mistake as they have not been notified of change of Branch Secretaries.

It went on to say that they do give A.S.L.E.F. full support in the fight for the 3%.   It was then mentioned by Bro. M. Allen that we all knew what the B.R.B. were trying to do, but thanked the Trades Council for their support by asking the members to all instruct the Secretary to write back to the Trade Council and thanked them for their letter and their support and to point out that we see what was happening also to apologise for not sending any member along for their meetings.

Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That this branch instructs the Secretary to write to the Tunbridge Wells Trade Council and thank them for their support during our industrial action. All in favour. Carried.

The Chairman then mentioned that he had voting papers before him and he asked if any one was interested being a table. Trustee as there were none coming forward, that voting papers was left on the table. 

The second was the 34 Congress of the I.T.F. in Madrid Spain 1983, as it was unlikely that anyone from the Southeast would get the votes, it was suggested that if no one wish to go to leave this one. No one made it known, so this was put aside.

The third was for nomination of E.C. Southern Region.

It was mentioned that Bro. D. Fullick had done avery good job as E.C. member and as he also now is president we should support him again. It was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplcok. That this branch does nominate Bro. D. Fullick of Waterloo Branch for E.C. Southern. All were in favour .Carried

The Chairman then mentioned that a letter had been received from Basingstoke Branch informing the member of their late member Bro. Arthur Guppy who died with Leukemia, it was decided that this should be put up for a collection, but after the two that were at this moment had finished.

Any matters arising from Correspondence as there were none the Chairman then went on. Bro. Harris mentioned the fact that he had heard of a member working his rest day after the E.C. had sent out a letter informing members not to work rest days or voluntary overtime. After some discussion it was decided that as this man had worked his rest day and as this was before the special meeting it was asked that a note be mentioned in the minutes.

That if any member does work during a dispute were head office has made it known that we should not. That member will be inform by letter from the Branch Secretary to the person concerned and Head office be informed. Moved by Bro. Harris and seconded by Bro. Herriot. All in favour. Carried

Bro. Harris asked the Chairman on the Long Siding at Tunbridge Wells West. The Chairman put this over to the L.D.C. Secretary, who mentioned that as a member had been up on a disciplinary hearing over the Long Siding. No trains to enter, also Bro. Harris mentioned that when we were on strike someone moved the units in the yard in the inner sidings and he would like to know who this person was and on who’s authority did that person do it, the L.D.C. Secretary Bro. Allen said he would look into this.

The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. Secretary for the L.D.C. report but Bro. Allen asked the Chairman for standing orders as he believed that the L.D.C. business was not next, but the Secretary apologised for not having his copy of the standing orders and so did the Chairman. It could not be clarified so Bro. Allen asked that the above be noted in the minutes.

Bro. Allen then gave the L.D.C. report. He had received a letter from the A.D.M. Bro. R. Brown medically unfit for main line driving.

Bro. Baldwin then asked if the L.D.C. and seconded by Bro. C. Exley . that the L.D.C. to try and get any position that became vacate i.e. telephone attendant, and they try and get them jobs for failed drivers. All in favour. Carried.

Bro. M. Allen then went on to the holiday sheet and mention the good work Bro. A. young did on it but it has since found it does not work and Bro. J. Norris did then have a go to see if he could sort it out and he has gone up with new sheet which instead of working over 13 weeks rota, now works on a 11 week. It was then suggested by Bro. M. Allen that this be put in the L.D.C. Case at the depot, and to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Bro. F. Diplock then asked the L.D.C. Secretary that did he know that the pay clerk was being sent home 4 hours earlier on Thursday leaving men who were working i.e. P. Way etc. having to wait until Friday. Bro. M. Allen replied by saying that the L.D.C. had been made aware of this and they were taking this item up.

Bro. R. Harris then asked if the L.D.C. had drawn to management’s attention the condition of the track and what if any was management going to do in the near future, the L.D.C. Secretary thanked Bro. R. Harris for bringing up this subject as it was a long ago as last August that the L.D.C. had written in for a meeting over this line and this January progress up to I.R.O. to try and get some sort of movement on this so maybe within the next month we might get a reply.

Bro. Allen then finished his L.D.C. report an d then asked if he could put forward a motion over the successful conclusion of the ending of our six week long strike. It was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Harris.

“That this branch congratulate the Executive Committee and the General Secretary on a successful result from the industrial action, in that against all odds, the B.R.B. government, press and the public opposition and the poor support shown by other other rail unions. The A.S.L.E.F. have succeeded in bringing about what was right.3% rise as part of the 1981 pay settlement and the right to have all items of productivity as proposed by B.R. discussed in the proper machinery of negotiation for rail staff.

The method of instituting the industrial action be applauded and the timing of the hardship fund be considered just right.

The officers of the Society, Head Office Staff and other involved in helping our case succeeded be given our sincere thanks, however this branch urges the utmost caution in respect of forthcoming negotiations.

The B.R.B. given the opportunity will no doubt try to introduce items of productivity will no doubt try to introduce items of productivity in numbers and try through all stages of the machinery including the R.S.N.T. to get such items implemented.

Remembering the commitment given in the understanding on pay, by A.S.L.E.F. on  variation to the 8 hour day and the commitment by the Society’s members to retaining the principle of the 8 hour day and no worsening of condition of service.

The Executive Committee should be seen in others eyes to be making progress on some productivity items while retaining the principles of the Society.

For should the Society’s representatives seen inflexible on all productivity items and such arbitration be awarded against A.S.L.E.F., only B.R. proposals having been discussed, then such pressure on us by outside influences will surely cause great concern.

The Society’s representatives must be imaginative with counter proposals on productivity to such a degree as to show how low productivity is in other grades and how all grades should contribute. Show what positive proposals by the Society on some items have been put to counter management proposals and of course why management proposals are unacceptable or unworkable for us.”

All were in favour carried.

The Chairman then went on to the setting up of a hardship fund. It was after some discussion, a motion formulated

That the fund be held by the Branch Secretary an d the Branch Assistant. Moved the motion by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley all were in favour. Carried.

It was then moved by Bro. Harris and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That a ballot of th men at the depot to give every member the chance to see if they would need the help or not. All in favour.

Bro. C. Exley moved and seconded by Bro. M. Allen.

That the Hardship Fund to be split among those who return the slip of paper back with a yes on it until all the £82.00 has gone. The Secretary when allocating monies be subject to the strictest of confidence. All in favour. Carried.

It was then mentioned to which fund does the denotations kindly given by Bro. H. Love, the feeling of the members was that it should go in the Branch Funds.

The Chairman then asked the Branch Secretary to give a report on Mutual Aid Fund. The Secretary then mentioned that in the Mutual Aid Fund had £68.66 in the account but could not find a list of any members that belonged to this fund and on checking with the minute book, the Secretary could not find any information on this fund after June 1978 and had written to Bro. W. Baldwin on this subject.

Bro. W. Baldwin then mentioned that he has received his letter and replied that everyone was a member and if this could be put on the agenda for the March meeting. The Secretary agreed and so did all members present.

The Secretary then informed the members present that there were 4 members at this depot with 20 years service but three were not in attendance at this meeting, only Bro. M. Allen. The Secretary then asked our Honourable Member, Bro. Vic Rumley to congratulate our member on his long service with the Union.

Bro. V. Rumley did mention before handing over the presentation badge that he would thank Bro. M. Allen for all the good and hard work put in, not only as L.D.C. Secretary now but as Branch Secretary of the past, also the loyalty put into the depot, for whatever he does. This was agreed by all.

In return Bro. M. Allen was asked to present Bro. V. Rumley with a 1982 Diary and a Honourable Membership Card and made it known that he was welcome at anytime to come to Branch meetings and join in the debates. This was agreed by all.

The Chairman then asked the members that as time was getting on was there any other business.

The Secretary said that he had one and that was the Branch in December had nominated 2 trustees, the Secretary mentioned the work that the trustee was expected to do which was only once a year, after which Bro. W. Baldwin made it known he would stand as Trustee as from the March Meeting, as no one else offered. Then Bro. W. Baldwin was put forwarded to the members for those vote.

That Bro. W. Baldwin stands as Trustee for his Branch until 1982. All were in favour. Carried.

The Chairman then thanked all for coming and closed the meeting at 12:30

 Tunbridge Wells Meeting

 Sunday March 21st 1982 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The March meeting which should have been hold on Sunday 21st at the Welfare Rooms, Tunbridge Wells Central was not held, because a quorum of 4 members could not be made. so that meeting was deemed lost. 

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

   Sunday 18th April 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Six members were present at 10.00 after 10 minutes the Chairman had not arrived nor had the Vice Chairman, the Secretary asked for any member to sit in on as Chairman for this meeting. Bro. J. Norris suggested Bro. A. Herriet, he was asked if he wished to sit as Chairman for this meeting and he agreed, it was then moved by Bro. J. Norris and seconded by Bro, M. Allen. That in the absence of the Chairman, Bro. A. Herriett sit as Chairman for this meeting. All were in favour.

The Chairman then opened the meeting and welcomed all for attending, the time was recorded at 10.17. The Chairman then asked the Secretary to readout the minutes of the last meeting. Just as the Secretary was about to start Bro. C. Exley did join the meeting making 7 members present.

The Secretary then mentioned that as there was no meeting in March no minutes were taken, but February minutes were still to be read.

After the February minutes had been read the Chairman asked the members if the minutes of the February meeting is a true record. Moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That the February minutes be taken as a true record. All in favour except one abstain Bro. J. Norris.

On matters arising from the minutes, the question on Trades Council, the Secretary replied by explaining that had gone to the last meeting held on April 13th but due to only 6 delegates, that meeting was abandon, but he did find out that at this time, they were tryng to get the Secretary’s job filled, and if no one was willing to take on the post the Tunbridge Wells Trades Council could cease. The Secretary mentioned thst another meeting was being arranged for May 13th which the Secretary said he could not go, so Bro. M. Allen said he would go and report back to Branch.

Bro. R. Harris, asked had anything been done about the condition of track, this was hand over to Bro. M. Allen to answer. Bro. M. Allen did say that he had written to the I.R.O. and had only last week received a letter informing him that Mr. Sutherland had since died at Christmas, so our letter did not get progress as it would have done if he had still been alive. Bro. M. Allen then went on to say that he had heard that the Temporary I.R.O. was not as good and seemed to favour management.

After Bro. M. Allen had spoken, the Chairman asked for any more questions on matters arising from the minutes. The Chairman then went on to Circulars. The Secretary asked if it would be alright to read only the headings as these had been posted. This was agreed by all.

Circular No. 34 Hardship Fund, had been dealt with by the Branch Secretary and the Assistant and the point of Auditors had been cleared by the Branch on who should be the Auditors them to be. The Trustee, Bro. W. Baldwin and the other was yet to be named. The Secretary did make it known that Bro. J. Brown had assisted the Secretary and acted as Auditor for the December returns and had agreed to help on this. It was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That Bro. J. Brown be the 2nd Auditor for Tunbridge Wells Branch. All in Favour


As there had not been a March meeting the Branch Secretary approached the two new L.D.C. members to see if they were interested in going, as there was the nominations papers were completed and since a letter from Head Office has received to inform us that they have been successful in going on this course. Bro. C. Exley commented on what the Secretary had done and wish it to be minuted. That the Branch Secretay’s action on submitting to H.O. nomination paper No.52 be endorsed. Seconded by Bro M. Allen. All in favour.

No. 66

The 1982 Labour party Council Result and T.U.C. second ballot. After some discussion and the reading out of letters written between the Secretary and District Council. It was moved by Bro. R. Brown and seconded by Bro. J. Norris. That our vote for the T.U.C. 2nd ballot goes to our member Bro. M. Allen. Unam.

During the reading of Circular, Bro. G. Brown did join the meeting, 8 members present (10:42). 

Under matters arising from the Circulars, Bro. M. Allen asked the members if we could instruct the Secretary to complete a voting when it arrives, just in case the date is in between two meetings. The voting paper in question was the 34th Congress I.T.F., he mentioned that he had seen a letter written to the Branch on behalf of the Salisbury member, after which it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That the Secretary be instructed to complete voting paper in favour of Bro. D.J. Smith of Salisbury Branch. Unam.

The Chairman after hearing that there were no more matters arising from Circulars he then asked the Secretary to go on to Correspondence.

The Secretary maintain that Rule 37 Clauses 1 and 5 had been received this time were usually  only Clause 1 had previously be claimed, this amounted to £25.42, General Fund, £6.84 Political Fund.

A letter had been sent to Head Office asking for further copies of circulars over the recent pay agreements, these being for Bro. C. Exley for Labour Party but this was turned on cost.

There had been two collections at the depot one for the late Bro. Tommy Shaw who was involved with the Slade's Green incident and Bro. Reg Brown, who had been sick recently, amount of £19.50 to Bro. Tommy Shaw and £12.00 to Bro. R. Brown.

The Secretary mentioned that he had written to H. O. over the Hardship Fund, explaining that Motions 26/82, 27/82 & 28/82 made it difficult to expose names to the Auditors and would they except the Secretary and Assistant Secretary to be Auditors, but since these two letters have been received, the first date 1st April ’82 did just go over what was in the original circular, the 2nd dated 15th April ’82 was just a reminder that Head Officer had not received our statement, it was then discussed and then suggested by Bro. M. Allen. That we get the Auditors to sign the statement showing that £82.00 had gone into the account and that £82.00 had been withdrawn without showing any names.

It was then put forward the letter from Tonbridge Branch Secretary Bro. T. Wise, the Secretary who had been off sick for 4 days, on returning received a letter sent to the depot with regards to them being in dispute with management and asking No Tonbridge duty to be covered by any Tunbridge Wells men, the Secretary dated the letter the 30th March ’82, but was to late as one of our men had been asked to cover a  Tonbridge duty or part of on the Saturday 27thMarch. It was then put forward. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Tonbrdge branch and inform them why our men did cover part of their duties. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.

The  Chairman then moved to District  Council Report. Bro. M. Allen mentioned during the recent strike that many outside unions had given help and money towards our cause, one of over £5,000 was from the E.E.P.T.U. newspaper union and another from the Kent miners of £1,000. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that they had a very good discussion from a solicitor who gave a speech on safety when that person was asked about the Rule book, she was assured that the Railway could try and get around the problems this way. Bro. M. Allen said that he could not give all what was said and done but would typing out a fuller assessment which would be put in the show case at the depot.

On matters arising from District Council, Bro. G. Brown wish to move a vote of thanks to Bro. M. Allen on the report and the work gone into it, this was seconded by Bro. C. Exley. Unam.

After what was a surprise, Bro. M. Allen who thanked all the members for their appreciation.

The Chairman then asked for and motion and other  business.

Bro. J. Norris was first, who informed the Branch of his dismay about the Railnews, saying that we are all subsiding a management proganda paper and wished no copies be sent to Tunbridge Wells as a form of protest. It was then moved by Bro. J. Norris and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That this branch have no copies of the Railnews sent to Tunbridge Wells West. Unam.

Further to that motion, Bro. F. Diplock moved. That this motion be subject to a ballot of the men and to instruct the Secretary to write to the Loco Journal. Unam.

Bro. M. Allen then changed the subject by bringing to the members attention that the latest Sectional “D” Notice did have a revised Displinary Code of practices and after informing the members it was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Norris. That the Secretary write to Head Office and bring to their attention the amendment to Rule A of the rule book as shown in the April to June “D Notice.” Unam

Bro. F. Diplock then asked the Secretary if he would in the near future put up a collection for Bro. B. Asprey who has been sick for some time and also for Bro. K. Steer who retires after this month. The Secretary said that would be done.

The Secretary then mentioned that at the present time the Branch holds all its monies in the NatWest cheque account and as to bits low is just around the corner each branch must separate the monies that Head Office sends and the monies donated by members also the Mutual Aid Fund is now in a state of non assistance as the Secretary has no file on who is in this, Bro. V. Rumley was to give a reply but unfortunately he is not here.

The Secretary then asked the members what sort of account would they want him to open to describe to which ended  by them all agreeing to having another Building Society account and it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary draws up new rules and regulation for the next Branch to agree, this to cover the Mutual Aid Fund and any other monies other than General Fund and the tittle of the account will be the Tunbridge Wells Locomotive Grade Friendship Fund. Unam

As the time was getting on the Chairman then asked for the L.D.C. report

Headings only

Oliver Tom – water hester being dealt with

Sunday work, condition of track, speeds – Birchden/Groombridge, Uckfield to London Bridge extended to Charing Cross. These all sent to Sectional Council.

Uncertified Sickness

This was mentioned in detail because the L.D.C. have informed members that take is no requirement to put a note in, but when Bro. M. Allen wrote to the A.D.M. informing him that he had no right to with hold his days pay when he was sick, the reply was one of surprise and it would seem that all members here to do in the future was to write to the A.D.M. and say “I have been sick” as confirmation that you were sick on that day.

On Sunday Service, the L.D.C. have been told there is to be a meeting between T.W.W. L.D.C. and Head Office A.S.L.F. over the Sunday Service.

C.M.T. alteration No.74 being sent to Sectional Council.

Bro, G. Brown’s removal of letter from L.D.C. Case. Bro. M. Allen informed Branch that he would be taking this up with the A.D.M. again. Bro. G. Brown moved. That Secretary writes to Head Office over the A.D.M removal of L.D.C. letters from the L.D.C. show case without informing the L.D.C., what is there views on this. Seconded by Bro. M. Allen. Unam.

Route Knowledge Victoria to Croydon, pre scrutiny – most turns altered, A.W.S. time allowances at terminals.

Route Cards, Bro. G. Brown suggested that we should be more forceful and either get refresher or strike all routes of card i.e. tear them up.

The Secretary then informed the meeting that the time was now 12.30 and the meeting must be brought to a close unless standing orders No.17 was brought in.

Standing Order No.17 state:- suspension of Standing Orders, Standing Order may be suspended if a motion to suspend is by a majority.

It was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That Standing Order No.10 be suspended to allow the meeting to finish. Carried.

Bro. M. Allen then carried on with L.D.C. business, he mentioned that in the new workings we seemed to have 3 duties were men have the P.N. booked at New Cross Gate. He suggested that if the men do not want the break there, they should inform Control and go to London Bridge.

He also said that if it was the wishes of the Branch he would also list route learning East Croydon to Victoria. It was then moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the L.D.C. list the item for discussions the item of route learning over East Croydon to Victoria. Unam.

The last thing Bro. M. Allen mention was that under this new management plan, it was to increase the list clerks to 11 from 3 and to increase management to  the approx. cost of £250,000 when it was first brought out £100,000 was to be for the whole thing to be brought in.

The meeting was then closed at 12.45  

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 23rd May 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There were four members in attendance, in the Chair was Bro. C. Exley.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.31 and welcomed those members who attended in what was a wet morning. He then asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, which was the April meeting.

After the Secretary had read the April meeting it was pointed out by the Secretary that he had not written correctly – some words , which he asked if these minutes could be altered, after which the Chairman aske if these minutes could be taken as a trur record of the April meeting. It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. C.Ellard. That the minutes of the April meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

On matters arising from minutes Bro. F. Diplock asked if the two collections at the depot had come to a conclusion, the Secretary in reply said that they had for Bro. R. Aspey, the sum of £29.50 had been collected and for the late member Bro, K. Chadwick from Stoke-on-Trent the sum of £13.00.

On the question on the ballot f the Railnews, the Secretary did mention that as the votes were 17 in favour of not receiving the Railnews but there were 10 against leaving 14 abstaining. There was after some talking no motion made as this was being talked under matters arising from minutes.

Bro. F. Diplock then asked about the voting paper for the 34th I.T.F. Congress in Spain. The Secretary mentioned that as per the minutes of 18th April 1988, this had been done prior to this meeting and would be posted to Head Office as soon as possible.

The Chairman then moved on to Circulars.

Labour Party Summer Schools.

Bro. C. Exley made it known that he has an interest in applying to go to the No. 5 School headed Labour Party Summer Schools. Moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That Bro. C. Exley’s name to go forward for selection to the Labour Party Organisation and Training Course to be held at Ruskin Hall, Oxford 7th – 13thAugust 1982. All were in favour.

It was mentioned that as per Circular 99, copies of this booklet were for sale at 30p each if anyone wishing to obtain a copy, please would they let me know. Bro. F. Diplock and Bro. C. Exley did ask for copies and the Secretary took note and mentioned that he would also ask at the depot by displaying a letter explaining same.

The Chairman then asked that as Bro. M. Allen was not here as he was attending this year’s A.A.D. that the District Council report be held over to next meeting. This was agreed.

On asking for any motion the Chairman brought to the members attention of the fact that the Priviledge Rate for the Underground ticked had gone up well over 100% and reminded members that before the C.L.C. lower rate on the Underground the rate was 12p priviledge after the G.L.C. cut the rate went down to 10p. now after the Law Lords overturned the G.L.C. the rate was now 20p and the Chairman then finding the other members of the branch had agreed with him then put forward the following motion and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary write to Head Office and inform them that we at Tunbridge Wells could not understand why the priviledge rate had gone up to 20p instead of going back to 12p, so would they inform us of their views.

The Secretary then brought to the members attention that he had written to Head Office over two L.D.C. members attending L.D.C. Courses at Tavistock Square and as these were now being held over to September Head Office would have to be informed that as Bro. J. Norris was leaving Tunbridge Wells branch on a promotion move that the Branch’s Co-opted member Bro. R. Luckhurst would be replacing Bro. J. Norris. It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. G. Ellard. That the Secretary writes to Head Office and inform them as Bro. J. Norris will no longer be a L.D.C. member after June 14th. Bro. R. Luckhurst is requested by this branch to go to L.D.C. Course starting in September at Tavistock Square. All were in favour.

On the table was a letter from Toton Branch Secretary over one of their late members, after the letter had been read, Bro. F. Diplock mentioned that as this man did not die on duty and as he had been sick for over 3 years, he felt that a collection would not be right. Bro. C. Exley then suggested that we seng them £5 from the Pontoon money as this was the intention or one of them in the setting up the Pontoon. It was then moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by B ro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary send £5 to the Toton Branch for their late member. All in favour.

The Secretary then asked the member that a problem has arisen since changing accounts from Nat Westminster Tunbridge Wells to Nat Westminster Tonbridge, that while it had been normal practice in the past to have only the Branch Secretary’s signature, there had in fact been no mandate drawn up to say that this was excepted by the Branch, after using the new branch at Tonbridge several cheques were returned asking for another signature. On seeing the bank manager it was found that the mandate to date was to have two signatures not one has been the practice at Tunbridge Wells. Also in their records, Bro. A. Brooker was still Chairman, the Secretary therefore aslked that the records at the Branch’s accounts be corrected and that only one signature that of the Branch Secretary’s be Accepted. It was then moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by B ro. G. Ellard. That the Secretary to get the necessary papers to correct the Branch’s papers at the Nat Westminster, to who are the officers and that only the Branch Secretary’s signature is required on all chques on behalf of the Tunbridge Wells Branch. All were in favour.

The Chairman then went on to L.D.C. business and as the Secretary and the L.D.C. Chairman was absent. Bro. J. Carney did mention that the L.D.C. had attended two L.D.C. meetings, one was on new rosters for May to October workings, the others was over the new Holiday Roster sheet compiled by Bro. J. Norris. The rest of the L.D.C. report was held over until Bro. M. Allen returns from A.A.D.

Bro. C. Exley asked if the Secretary would write to Head Office over his complaint of being refused by management of a weeks holiday after management had said they would consider an application from him. It was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. G. Ellard. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Head office and ask if they would take up Bro. C. Exley’s complaint over his one week holidays July 19 – 24 without pay when it was management suggestion. All in favour.

Bro. J. Carney then asked for the Branch’s support after the reports he has put into the A.D.M. he supported his request by showing letters he written and had received, also Bro. J. Carney quotes extract from the rule book which clearly definds that no driver should propel onto or near stops which as been done and still is by a lot of drivers. Bro. F. Diplock asked Bro. J. Carney why had this suddenly taken interest when this practice had been going on for some years. Bro.J. Carney explained that when went on a Form 1 Charge to the D. M. he was insisted thatr we should drive down to buffer stops, even though Bro. J. Carney did explain that this would cause delay and excessive overtime due to drivers not completing their duties as booked. But he was adiment that we should at all times drive on to buffer stops and since meeting the Health and Safety Rep Bro. M. Allen has had a meeting with management over the long sidings and the outcome was that no trains to be stabled down the long sidings until a walkway and lighting has been made. After this Bro. J. Carney moved and it was seconded by Bro. G. Ellard. That the branch do backs Bro. J. Carney with respect to his reports over the long sidings. All in favour.

After this as no further motion come forward the Chairman then closed the meeting at 

12.20 p.m

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 25th July 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

8 members were in attendance, as the Chairman was on holidays it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. 

That Bro. R. Harris be Chairman for this meeting only. All in favour.

The Chairman then thanked all and welcomed the members for attending and then asked for any apologies. Bro. F. Diplock mentioned that Bro. W. Baldwin did send his apology and the Secretary mentioned that Bro. C. Exley, the normal Chairman sent his apology after which the Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the minutes.

The Secretary mentioned that the June meeting had to be cancelled due to only himself and the Chairman had turned up. The minutes of the May meeting was then read, after which Bro. J. F. Diplock moved and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the minutes of the May meeting be taken as a true account of that meeting. All in favour.

The secretary then mentioned that arising from the minutes he had been instructed not to proceed with Bro. C. Exley letter to Head Office as set down in the minutes, as he had arranged with some success from another source.

Bro. F. Diplock asked about the long sidings had this come to a conclusion. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that as the Divisional Manager had instructed us to drive down the long sidings after the Health and Safety meeting with the A.D.M. they had both agreed that there was no walk way beside the long siding and members would have to walk in the 4 foot or on the main line it has been brought to Bro. J. Carney attention that the A.D.M. Redhill with the Statin Manager Tunbridge Wells West were at this time compiling a notice to be entered into the Sectional Appendix. That a 3 car can be propelled down the long sidings but not a 6 car. This would to be shunted out side.

The secretary then said that the necessary papers to correct the Branch’s banking accounts had also been completed and was working OK.

The minute which asked the Secretary to write to Head Office to their views on the Priv. Rate going up to 20p had been written but the Secretary had not to date received a reply but would be sending another letter as a reminder.

The Chairman went on to Circulars received since last meeting. These had been mentioned at Special Meetings and 139 was mentioned that L.D.C. should not go to any meetings until Flexible Rostering had been dealt with at National level.

The Chairman then moved on to letters/correspondence.

The Secretary went through letters sent and received in date order since May up to date as shown below one letter that the Secretary had received only a few days earlier was from Waterloo Branch which was about the A.A.D. which asked member to vote and support their resolution on getting A.S.L.E.F. membership from the T.U.C. withdrawn. Bro. M. Allen asked that no motion or mandate be taken because as he had experienced from the last A.A.D. when discussion gets under ways that do get said that could change the argument and if he had a mandate from this branch he would not be able to put across the best intention for the society.

Bro R. Plummer withdrawing membership, Bro. G. Brown explaining why he went to work and a letter from Bro. R. Harris on strike action and also asked that this go forward to the Loco journal. 

After the letter had been read it was proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. 

That the contents of Bro. R. Harris letter be sent to Head Office for insertion in the Loco Journal as branch members report. 

All in favour.

Then the Chairman asked for any matter arising as their were none he moved on to district Council report. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that due to the strike the last District Council had been cancelled. The Chairman then asked for any matters arising from the District Council Report.

Then he moved on to any motion and amendments the Chairman said he had one and asked if he could leave the Chair while he spoke, he then asked that we complain about the N.U.R. Secretary with the way he acted during the strike and while talks were going on. He then proposed and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. 

That the Secretary write to the E.C. complaining about the attitude of the General Secretary of the N.U.R. and the open views he took through television and the media alike, totally neglecting his responsibilities as a fellow trade unionist. This we ask the E.C. to forward to the T.U.C. for their action. 

All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to excepting the rules of the new deposit account with the rules set out and been posted at the depot since April also copies sent to Bros. M. Allen and W. Baldwin. First the Chairman asked for any amendments to these rules, which were

Rule 1

That the fund be known as The Tunbridge Wells West Branch Fund

Rule 4 The word books be added to line 3.

Then it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the Mutual Aid Fund rules all be deleted and all monies in the said account be transferred into a new account known as the Tunbridge Wells West Branch Fund and the rule with amendment be excepted. All in favour.

Then it was further put forward by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That all donations except these from Head office as per new rules No.2 now be paid into this account. All in favour.

Then Bro. M. Allen asked that it be recorded a vote of thanks  to Bro. A. Herriott for the time and for acting as runner during the 2 week strike this was seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.

Then Bro. M. allen asked for a recorded vote of thanks for the hard work that the Branch Secretary Bro. J. Carney had put in during the two weeks strike. This was seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. All agreed.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. Report.

Bro. M. Allen mentioned that Bro. R. Aspey on shunting duties. This was to be a ballot on A Shift only but due to strike and we would no want to stop our members retaining his knowledge of the traction etc. would the branch move that the L.D.C. can proceed with this without a ballot. It was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the L.D.C. do proceed with correspondence with management over the appointment of Bro. R. Aspey on shunt duties. All in favour.

Bro. G. Brown’s letter had been sent to him asking him to resign as L.D.C. Chairman and the L.D.C. because he worked during the strikes and a reply from him with his resignation in it. So now there was a vacancy on the L.D.C. Bro. A. Herriott made it known that he would be interested in the L.D.C. it was then proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That this Branch excepts Bro. G. Brown resignation and puts Bro. A. Herriott forward on to the L.D.C. of Tunbridge Wells West. All in favour.

Also it was asked if Bro. A. Herriott be put forward to Head Office to go on the next school in September in place of Bro. G. Brown. It was then moved by Bro. M. allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the Secretary writes to Head Office and ask that Bro. A. Herriott be in place of Bro. G. Brown in the next school for L.D.C. at Tavistock Square. All agreed.

The Chairman then brought to the members attention that the position of Branch Secretary Assistant was vacant and the Secretary mentioned what would be asked of the Assistant, and the Chairman who was only acting for this meeting only made it known that he was in favour. As there was no other nomination it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro.R. Harris Branch Secretary Assistant as from July 25, 1982. All in favour.

The Chairman then was aked by Bro. M. Allen that he had left out of his L.D.C. report that a meeting had been arranged between the I.R.O. and this L.D.C. over the Machinery and negoaition and failure by management, but this fell on the first day of the strike s this had to be cancelled.

Bro. M. Allen then asked if members wish to hear what he was going to say at the re-called A.A.D. after which everyone agreed with the contents and congratulated him on his work.

As there were no more business the chairman then closed the meeting at 12.30 p.m.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

   Sunday 22nd August 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There were 4 members in attendance at the start of the meeting but increased to 8 by 10.30 a.m.

They were Bros A. Herriott, J. Carney, M.Allen, W. Baldwin, R. Harper, F. Diplock L.Stephenson & K. Knowells

The Secretary asked for someone to stand as Chairman for this meetig in the absent of the Chairman. It was  proposed by Bro. M. Allen and second by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. A. Herriott be the Chairman for this meeting. All in favour.

The Chairman then opened the meeting at 10.19 and welcomed all for attending and he then ask for any apologies. The Secretary said he had two Bros. P. Pepper & C. Exley, after which the minutes of the July meeting.

After which Bro. M. Allen proposed and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the minutes of the July meeting be taken as a true record.

On matters arising from minutes the Secretary briefly mentioned the new account that the July meeting asked the Secretary to look into and what interest they gave, but mentioned that as this was on the agenda he would explain more then, also a brief mention on the L.D.C. vacancy were Bro. G. Brown resigned and Bro. A. Herriott did make it know that he was interested and has since taken over on the L.D.C.

The Chairman then asked that the circulars be read. The Secretary mentioned that as requested at the July meeting, all circulars had been reposted from April to this meeting and as they had already been read. Circular regarding voting paper of the I.T.F. second ballot and as our member who we had voted for in the first ballot was not on the sheet, the Secretary mentioned that he had received a letter from Stratford branch asking for our votes, and the members then mentioned that if that was so our vote go in his favour, it was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That this Branch does vote in favour of Bro. A.W. Ramsay from Stratford for the I.T.F. in Spain 1983. All in favour.

Chairman then went on to letters sent out and received by the Secretary since last meeting. Bro. M. Allen then asked that the letter from Bro. R. Harris be put in the same file as the dispute file and the latter on Bro. A. Herriott over his sickness was explained in more detail. After which the Chairman then asked if there was any District Council report. Bro. M. Allen mentioned there was none at this time being.

The Chairman then went on to the Building Society. The Secretary then mentioned that he had been to four building societies in Tonbridge who had branches at Tunbridge Wells and ahd found that Nationwide building society favourable as these paid ½ per cent more than the others 8 ½  instead of 8 percent. It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That  as per the July meeting that the new account be opened in the building society known as the Nationwide building society, and the Secretary to close the account held with the Bristol and West. All in favour.  

The Secretary then brought to the meetings attention that as per rules, two Auditors  where to check the books each year, but as Bro. J. Brown had moved to Orpington there was now a vacancy and would any member attending this meeting be prepared to take this in. Bro. M. Allen said he would be prepared to carry out the Auditors duties. It was then proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconed by Bro. K. Knowells. That Bro. M. Allen to take on the vacancy of branch Auditor that was vacated by Bro. J. Brown. All in favour.

The Chairman then asked if there was any L.D.C. report. Bro. M. Allen gave a short report on the A.A.D. Recall, but mentioned that they the delegate  had to bacl the E.C. so not to that they were wrong but all agreed that they were under duress and have informed the B.R.B. that they cannot be blamed or will they help of the emn do not help make Flexible Roster work.

On Flexible Rostering the L.D.C. have written into the A.D.M. to have before any rosters meeting take place. Also we will be asking for 312 hours over 8 weeks cycle as per circular 156/1982. This meeting will be putting forward new minutes over roster safeguarding men’s working conditions.

On Bro. R. Aspey, the L.D.C. have now completed the minute and now Bro. Aspey is now working 349 & 350 duties along with Bro. R. Harper.

The L.D.C. had notice of the Christmas Holidays period and we at Tunbridge Wells have got 4 days off over Christmas but the New Year’s Day is a normal Saturday service and Monday 3rd January, we are off.

On the Long Sidings, which the Health & Safety Officers with the whole L.D.C. have explained that they consider the Long Sidings as non-existing. The D. M. know that drivers cannot drive down these sidings, but it would seem that the station manager does not seem to want to instruct his signalmen. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that under Health & Safety there is an emergency meeting outstanding.

Bro. M. Allen also mentioned as a reminder that as he was lucky to be elected he will be going on the T.U.C. course from the 4th September for one week.

The Chairman then moved on to any other L.D.C business, which the Branch Secretary had put on the agenda the notice of intent that was handed out to the L.D.C. on 13th August 1982 over the closure of line between Grove Junction and Burchden Junction.

The L.D.C. Secretary said we need to know more information before we can oppose it and questions from the floor asked the L.D.C. Secretary if we can ask for a meeting between ourselves with Management, with Sectional Council in attendance. Bro. M. Allen answered, yes and wordings from an agreement No.177.

Bro. F. Diplock said this Branch must stand to keep this line open, maybe when the L.D.C. go to meetings, they may be able to find out if the line was to close to see if a single line would be left between Tunbridge Wells West and Eridge to supply the service fully serviced. 

Bro. M. Allen mentioned that answers will be needed and to paragraph No. 6 and that notice of intent with what do they mean depot reduced and meaning relocating, find out they going to disperse the men, after which it was moved by  Bro W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.

That the Secretary does write to Head Office and inform them that. This the Tunbridge Wells Branch are extremely concerned and urgently need information over the proposed closure of this line between Grove Junction and Burchden Junction i.e. what is to happen to this depot, the Hasting to Tonbridge were will the engine be service etc would you please give this your earliest attention as we would like to have this information by our next branch meeting on 19thSeptember 1982. All in favour.

It was also asked if the Secretary could ask why we have been given a classreation A on the statement of intent whn we should have been under C, but the L.D.C. Secretary Bro. M. Allen said this was being takein up by the L.D.C.

Bro. M. Allen then informed the members that the Secretay has looked at the passed copies of the Locomotive Journals and found in May 1981 copy, a copy of the P.T.R. arrangements and asked that the Branch instructs the Secretary that he gets copies, photocopies of this and have ready for member to read. This to be paid from branch funds. This was seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary checks into pass publications of the Locomotive Journal for the P.T.R. Arrangements and the R.T.R. arrangements and get these photocopies and have these put up at the depot for the men’s information, the cost of these to come from branch funds. All in favour 

The Branch Secretary then mentioned that he will be starting the pontoon up again as from the 11th September with new prize money of which rules will be put on to next agenda as time is running out for this meeting to discuss under any other business. This was agreed, also it was mentioned that the word ASLEF would be taken out of the rules of pontoon.

The meeting was then brought to a close as time was running out, the Chairman then thanked all eight members for turning up and making the meeting very interesting and then he closed the meeting at 12.30 p.m.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 18th September 1982, 10.27 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Four members in attendance they were

Bros. M. Allen, C. Exley, J. Carney & L. Stevenson

The Chairman welcome all and opened the meeting at 10.27. The Secretary then mentioned that he had seen Bro. R. Harris and as he was on his way home from London and he sent his apologies.

The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. The Secretary firstly mentioned that due to an oversight on his side, he had not written to Head Office asking for information and inform them that we are extremely concerned over the closure of passenger service and the Secretary said this would be done first thing.

The minutes of the August meeting was then read, after which it was proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That the minutes of the August meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Branch be taken as a true record. All in favour.

On matter arising from the minutes the question was asked on what was happening to those members who did attend work during the two week all out strike. The Secretary informed the members that he had written to Head Office on 22nd July, 1982, over this and had written a chasing letter on 13th August 1982 and had to date received an acknowledgement dated 27th July 1982 and a letter dated 29th July 1982 informing us that the E.C. has yet to deal with this item.

It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That the Secretary be instructed to write again to Head Office over those member who did work through the strike. All in favour.

After which the Chairman then moved to circulars. The Secretary then mentioned that all circulars have been posted except 173 N.H.S. Industrial Dispute, 22nd September 1982, as that only received on 27th September, the day before this meeting but as it was for the 22nd September it should be dealt with. Bro. M. Allen then asked if the Secretary new what our Trade Council was doing and in reply the Secretary informed members that as he could not attend the last Trade Council meeting he had very little on what they were doing.

It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the Secretary asks the Trade Council what they are doing over this dispute and to see if any donation are being made. All in favour.

The Secretary then mentioned that he was having to put a dead line on the members who wish to reclaim their two weeks contributions that was taken from their wages after the strike and suggested 10 days from this meeting being October 2nd 1882 and each person who applies will receive an acknowledgement from the Secretary.

The Chairman then moved on to District Council report Bro. M. Allen who is our delegate, mentioned that it was a lengthy report and as it was over Flexible Rostering he pointed out that it is in the show case at work, some of the items were mentioned they were.

B.R. have decided that all spare and H.R.S. will work overtime to cover all work at depot that is if you are on a 7. 30 Hrs spare turn they could roster you a 8.30 turn forcing members to work one hour even if they did not wish to. H.R.S. to be the same.

The District Council have been instructed that strike badges will have to be issued, but members will be asked to pay for these, something like the men at Hastings have done.

On matters arising question on Flexible Rostering, were answered by Bro. M. Allen.

The Chairman then moved on to the next item of the pontoon to ceases  under Branch control. The Secretary then mentioned that as we have been given a date of closure of passenger service we could give the line and service a good send off by having a party of all grades and members involved with the Grove Junction to Birchden Junction, but felt that we could not do it under the A.S.L.E.F.  Branch name, and would suggested that a new Pontoon be started but under the control of a different body to represent all grades in the closure area.

Bro. M. Allen asked if the Branch Pontoon had been a success. The Secretary replied yes, and hoped that the present membership of about 54 would increase to around 90 under the new idea of the profits going for a party. Bro. M. Allen then asked have any rules been made up for this new idea. The Secretary replied he had made up a set of rules but yet to have them agreed by all.

Bro. M. Allen then put it to the floor and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That the Branch carries on with the Pontoon for the time being but asked that both the rules for the new Pontoon be put up with the rules of the Branch’s rules for all to choose. Carried.

The Chairman then asked the Secretary to give a report on the conclusions of Hardship Fund.

The Secretary informed members that he had received a letter from Head Office over the Hardship Fund but as he had seen all the members entitled to their share of the Fund, could the Branch allow him another two weeks to try and see these members and then get the Audits into check them, then send them back to Head Office.

It was then put forward by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That the Secretary writes to Head Office and explain the reason for delay and this Branch ask the Secretary to try and see these members before the next meeting. All in favour.

Then the Chairman moved onto L.D.C. Report.

Bro. M. Allen L.D.C. Secretary went quickly through the items being dealt with by the L.D.C. they were

Hempstead Crossing, Shed Road, Bro. Ross-Goff standing in for Bro. N. Millingan.

On Hemstead Crossing, one of the suggestions put by the L.D.C. to management was that a permanent speed of 30 m.p.h. limit as soon as possible be put on this crossing because of the farmers continual abuse of using this crossing.

The shed road had been measured but as it was within limits and properly sign posted was being looked into.

Flexible Rosters

Bro. M. Allen gave a detailed report on what management wanted and their interpretation of the McCarthy Report. The L.D.C. have submitted on the 24th August what changes they want in there minute L574 to work the McCarthy Report and he read out this letter and was awaiting a meeting. But said we will not be agreeing to any rostering that was not for the best of its members but could see and is expecting a fail to agree on his letter dated 24th August and so put back the introduction of Flexible Rostering.

On the closure of passenger service and possible line

The L.D.C. have written 2 letters

One to the A.D.M. asking for a meeting as they felt that more information should be given to the L.D.C. of which a reply had been received which went on to say they could not have a meeting until the notice of closure had been enforced, which mean the L.D.C. will have to wait until the line is closed which is no good so will be writing again.

The other letter was to Sectional Council over what they could do to help us and are hoping to have a meeting arranges over this.

On the long siding, Bro. A. Herriett has not heard nothing yet over his collision with the buffer stops, so fingers crossed.

N.H.S. under the T.U.C. Report and this will be mentioned at the next meeting.

Bro. M. Allen mentioned that we have only just received the statement of intent which is what management and Sectional Council have decided on the fate of each depot but have chosen not to go this path as it takes about 18 months to close a depot or lines, take the Sanderstead to Elmer End as an example, but we believe they do not want to wait so our lines is doomed to die.

Under Health & Safety it was mentioned that Oxted toilet were out of use on the up platform and staff and the public were being asked to use the down platforms toilets. Could Bro. M. Allen look into this, he said he would.

The Chairman then mentioned the Secretary had under any other business written a questionnaire which he want the Branch’s reaction. The Secretary read the questionnaire in detail and after a few alterations it was then noted that these forms would be in member’s wage envelopes this coming week and asks members if they would return them as soon as possible no latter than 2nd October, 1982. The Secretary then asked if the members who worked should get this help that will result from this questionnaire. Bro M. Allen proposed and seconded by Bro. C. Exley.

That the Secretary carry out a questionnaire to help Sectional Council, Head Office, the L.D.C. and the Branch with the exception of those who worked through the strike, they are G. Brown, R. Plummer, R. Aspey and R. Woodbridge. Bro. R. Bridger will get a form as he returned on strike after only two days because of his worries over pension. All in favour 

Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that the L.D.C. have got a meeting with I.R.O. on Wednesday 6th October 1982.

The Secretary also had on the table an application form filled in by our new branch member Bro. R. Simpson who is at present N.U.R. member but has seen that we as a branch can help him, has decided to join us, but due to no motion was made the Chairman the n closed the meeting at 12.30  

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday  October 1982, 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There were 4 members in attendance by 10.00, they were Bros. J. carney, M. Allen, F. Diplock & A. Herriott.

In the absence of the Chairman the Secretary asked the floor if any member wish to stand as Chairman for this meeting, it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bo. F. Diplock. That Bro. A. Herriott be asked to sit as Chairman for this meeting of which he accepted. When put to the floor all were in favour.

The Chairman then opened the meeting at 10.22, apologies were first taken, these were from Bros. W. Baldwin & C. Exley.

The Chairman then asked for the minutes of the last meeting, Brp. M. Allen moved and was seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the minute of the September meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour

On matters arising from the minutes.

Bro. F. Diplock asked about the questionair that had been sent to every one. Bro. M. Allen assured Bro. F. Diplock that we did ask these questions to get the feelings of them embers but whatever we will be objecting to the closure of the passenger service on the Grove Junction to Birchden Junction, but we must get answers to questions like on redundancies, this we will be doing in parallel with the fight to save our line.

Bro. M. Allen then mentioned Bro. B. Harris letter in this months journal, he mentions that the Assistant General Secretary, Don Pullen, had, when he visited Head Office, called Bro. M. Allen to him and mentioned that he had read Bro. B. Harris’s letter and complimented Bro. Harris for a very good letter which only goes to show that all letters are read by those at Head Office and they do take notice.

Strike badges, these are being made by Bro. D. Bush of Slade’s Green, and this branch has ordered 50 and these will be on sale at 80p each, then Bro. M. Allen asked if the branch would allow the Secretary to pay for these badges from branch funds and they on selling them re inburst the Branch’s accounts it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary be instructed to get in contact with Bro. D. Bush and pay him £40.00 from Branch funds for 50 A.S.L.E.F. loyalty badges. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to circulars since last meeting. Bro. F. Diplock asked if the Secretary would repost all the Circulars as he had not read all of them. The Secretary said he would.

Bro. M. Allen asked if circular No.188/1982 Railway Development, if the Secretary would write to the person in charge of this area, Mr. J. Barfield, to see if we can get any documents from him that might help us with our line also to mention that if wanted any from us, we would make them available.

The Chairman then asked the Secretary to give details of correspondence to and from the Branch. After which Bro. M. Allen asked if there had been no reply to the Secretary’s letter dated 9.10.82., not even a acknowledgement that this should be written in again, also to telephone around to people we know who have used the Welfare and get then to write to the B.R.B. and complain about the closure of this service. Bro. M. Allen asked the Secretary to telephone our late Bro. K. Savage’s wife and explain to her and ask would she write in to B.R. and say what a good service they are doing.

The Chairman asked for any other matters arising as there were none he asked for District Council report.

This Bro. M. Allen could not give as he explained the next meeting was not until 1st November.

The Chairman then moved o to the Football Pontoon. The Secretary then went on to say that due to the depot was sometime in the future to close, it would be an idea to hold some sort of party. The financing could come from something like the pontoon which is now run by the branch, as promised at the last month’s meeting a copy of the amended rules have been on displayed on the notice board. The Secretary felt that if the depot was to shut and the question of what and how the Branch Funds would be dissolved, he could not see other members of another union being allowed to enjoy the outcome of this discussion as he believed that the members will only wish to share the fund among A.S.L.E.F. members which the Secretary said only be right, but he went on to say, was that many f not more of the N.U.R. members had enjoyed helping to swell the Branch Funds by playing Pontoon and he felt now we have been told of this closure of the line we should think positively of all members effected by the closure with the view of holding a Grand Party, but putting in a clause that if after 2 years the B.R. have changed their minds and the line remains open, we should hold a Christmas party at the end of 1984/85 and a rethinking on the funds.

After which Bro. M. allen asked how much would this fund expect to make giving 2 years was the time limit? The Secretary said that the fund should if we maintain 54 members make around £8.00 profit but was aiming around £10 – 15 which after 2 years should be around £200 which should enable those who have contributed to the Pontoon be allowed to the Grand Party free with their guest.

Bro. M. Allen asked what would those who do not play pontoon be asked to pay  towards this party. Answer he would be expected a charge to be made which would make it fairer to those who did play Pontoon. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the Pontoon ceases under the Branch Control and will play no further part in it. All in favour.

The Chairman then went on to say that our latest member to the depot, Bro. R. Simpson was an N.U.R. member, but while lodging with the Branch Secretary has asked if he could become a member of A.S.L.E.F. The Secretary stated that as it was on the table at the September meeting but due to lack of time this had not been minuted and would the Branch excepted this member and endorsed the action of the Secretary who had already sent off the filled in application form in September.

It was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. R. Simpson be made welcome as a member of A.S.L.E.F. and of this branch and we endorse the action of the Branch Secretary. All in favour.

The Chairman then asked the Secretary to move on to the conclusion of the Hardship Fund. The Secretary mentioned that he had not been able to the members outstanding for payment. So we must take it now as their loss and would ask the members to allow him to wind up the affairs the Secretary went on to say that on closing the Hardship Fund £8.06 will have to be returned, but the £50 donated will go in the Tunbridge Wells West Branch Mutual Assistance Fund, once the Audits have completed the job.

It was the moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the Secretary conclude the Hardship Fund and when completed hand them to the two Audits. All in favour.

The Chairman then went on to L.D.C. Report.

The L.D.C. Secretary then mentioned the Long Sidings which Mr. Austin has said that this sidings will be put out of use because of no lights or walkways.

Toilets at Oxted this has now been repaired

T.U.C. Report is now complete and a copy was given to the Branch Secretary.

Flexible Rosters

The L.D.C. have managed to get one step ahead of management, as they had written into management their interpretation of the McCarthy Report and we now find ourselves in a position where we have a fail to agree by management.

We now will have to have our minute in one way or another before we can move on to the next stage. After some discussion, Bro. M. Allen mentioned that he with the L.D.C. Chairman had been asked to check three different workings. One we was asked to pre-scrutinise on a Sunday, we checked with each other and agreed to book the Sunday with the money earned less tax and insurance to go to Branch Funds, this being £20 from each of them, we asked therefore that the Branch excepted the £40 for Branch Funds.

It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the Branch excepts the monies earned by the two L.D.C. members for booking to work Sunday 3rd October 1982. All in favour.

Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that there was 3 meetings outstanding and was due to take place during the coming week, they were

Item No.17 staff side request for two L.D.C. members to be released for L574.

Variable Rostering

Local Traffic Management.

On the closure of the line after some information about what had been happening. Management had said that we could not jump over Sectional Council by holding a meeting on the closure. Bro. M. Allen has written back to explain we do not wist to go over our Sectional Council, but wish to contribute to and hear what was being done as laid down on the notice of intent.

Bro. M. Allen also went on to sat that it is the aim of the L.D.C. to oppose the closure of this passenger service and lines, but we must sort out the Redundancy on a parallel line.

The Chairman thanked the L.D.C. Secretary for his report and asked for any other L.D.C. business or matters arising from report.

Bro. J. Carney did speak on what he as an L.D.C. member found happening to the L.D.C. when a meeting was cancelled at short notice after referring to a recent incident  he moved. That the L.D.C. be instructed to conform to Conditions of Service on the interpretation of the 12 hours rest clause, and that any future meetings with management or other persons while carrying out L.D.C. business, they shall have at least 12 hours rest either side of the booking on and off time.

This was seconded by Bro. A. Herriott who gave a short talk on the motion after which a vote was taken and the motion was carried.

Bro. M. Allen said he will note and reminded member that the L.D.C. will be asked to cover work at the depot to get 12 hours either side.

The Chairman then asked for any other business as none came forward he asked members in attendance was any one interested in Branch Secretary Assistance or could they ask around if anyone might be interested. Please would they make it known to the Branch Secretary. 

As time was running out the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 21st  November 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Four members present Bros. A. Herriett, J. Carney, M. Allen & F. Diplock

Chairman Bro. C. Exley not present, moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. A. Herriett act as Chairman for the day. Carried.

Acting Chairman Bro. A. Herriett opened the meeting 10.15 a.m.

Minutes of the last meeting were read out.

Matters Arising

Correction to the reference made to Assistant General Don Pullen, should read Assistant General Secretary Don Pullen

Reference to the loyalty badges issued through District Council No.4 at a cost of 80p and the fact that some form of subsidy would seem reasonable.

Branch Secretary mentioned London Bridge have been subsidising their badges from Branch Funds. Moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That the Tunbridge Wells Branch subsides the loyalty badges requested by members of the Tunbridge Wells Branch by 30p each badge. Not extra badges. Carried.

Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary write to D. Bush of Slade’s Green Branch, who ordered and distributed the badges, to thank him for what he has done. Carried.

Circulars received sine last meeting and matters arising from circulars.

Moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That this branch nominates Bro. M. Allen to attend the 1983 A.A.D. Further that the Secretary be instructed to write to all Branches in Group 40 to ask for their support for our nominee. Carried.

Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That this Banchwish to advise the Executive Committee of the concern of this Branch over the rules governing members who worked in the strike not being applied. Rule 50.

Further that the low amount of money required to be paid as a fine, £10 per day worked be deplored.

Further to this the lack of information on how the members who worked in the strike will be advised, how the monies will be collected and what will happen if the fine should not be paid. Carried.

T.U.C. courses for union representatives in connection with Bros. A. Herriett & J. Norris attending L.D.C. courses.

Refunding of Trade Union contributions paid by members during the strike.

Acknowledgement from Sectional Council ‘B’ secretary in connection with our correspondence on line closure.

B.R. proposed to do away with Welfare service  - reply to our correspondence from Head Office. Transfer of Bro. H. Marchant to Tunbridge Wells and Bro. R. Simpson change of union membership to A.S.L.E.F. from N.U.R. correspondence to Head office.

Long service badge (40 years) for Bro. B. Gent. Correspondence to Head Office

Letter from Head Office reference the Hardship Fund, this has been wound up.

Flexible Rostering 1/3 of depots have agreed but this included the 71 depots where it was imposed and which have renegotiated.

Permission given for  privatisation of Gatwick Airport Service.

Election of Officers of Branch 1983

Chairman Bro. M. Allen, Vice Chairman Bro. A. Herriet, Branch Secretary Bro. J. Carney & Assistant Secretary Held Over


Bros. F. Diplock, R. Luckhurst, G. Ellard & P. Bodies

L.D.C. nominations

Bros. R. Luckhurst & M. Allen


Bro W. Baldwin

L.D.C. Report

Bro. M. Allen gave the L.D.C. reported and opened by advising of the change in the set up of the L.D.C. in 1983

Chairman Bro. M. Allen, Secretary Bro. A. Herriett & Bros. R. Luckhurst & J. Carney.

Health & safety Rep Bro. M. Allen

Items included in report

Flexible rostering local agreement Failed to Agree.

Local Traffic Management introduction

Closure of line Grove Junction to Birchden Junction proposed by B.R.

Matters arising

Any further information on morning staff to stations – nothing to report.

Oliver Tomms installation at Oxted, matter resolved in favour of Creda water heater.

No other business meeting closed 12.20

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 19th December 1982, 10.15 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Four members were present they were Bros. C. Exley, J. Carney, M. Allen & A. Herriett.

Bro. J. Knowles did join the meeting shortly before the finish of the meeting.

The Chairman was Bro. C. Exley who opened the meeting at 10.32 and he called the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, after which Bro. M. Allen. That the minutes of the November meeting be taken as a true record. Seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. All in favour.

The Chairman then asked for any matters arising, as no matters came forward, the Chairman moved on to Circulars, Bro. M. Allen asked as they had all been posted. Moved that they be taken as read with the exception of any voting papers. The Chairman asked that the Circular on travel facilities also be read, this was then put forward. That all circulars that have been posted since the last meeting with the exception of circulars Nos. 221 Society National Schools 1983 & 224 Simplification of Procedure for Issue of Travel Tickets be taken as read. Seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. All in favour.

Circular No. 221/1982 was dealt with first, this was on Society National Schools 1983. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that we as a branch should encourage members to go on this course as those who have been in the past know that it is a very worthwhile course. It was then put to Bro. A. Herriott if he wish to go as he would benefit by the course and help him as L.D.C. Secretary. Bro. A. Herriott agreed, it was then moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That Bro. A. Herriott’s to go forward from this Branch as a nominee for the Society National Schools at Dorking. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to Circular No.22 Society National Schools 1983 & 224 Simplification of Procedure for Issue of Travel Tickets and gave his thoughts on what he saw as the worsening of Travel Facilities and explain that under the new system he believed that you would not be able to break your journey without having to use up another ticket. Bro. C. Exley then asked if the Branch would write to Had Office and explain to them how we see traveling when the new system comes in.

On matters arising when the Chairman found none coming forward and moved on to correspondence.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report as there was no District Council report last meeting.

Bro. M. Allen reported that the T.U.C.C. was meeting on February 1st at Tunbridge Wells over the proposed closure of the Birchden to Grove Junction line. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that he will be sending to Sectional Council a report on this meeting also updating the figures in that report.

It was asked by that a letter from the Secretary should go to Head Office informing them of this meeting.

On the accommodation of drivers at Tunbridge Wells West. It has been proposed to take over the old flat that is attached to the main station buildings, a plan will be displayed in the L.D.C. case and any members who wish to know more or ask questions will they forward then to L.D.C., there will be a site meeting to be held in the new year between the L.D.C. and management over the plans they have submitted.

One item that have been raised with the L.D.C. and are still being dealt with are.

A.W.S. testing magnet at T.W.W.

Orange street lights confusion

Oxted home down signal and Uckfield down home signal, both need to be re-aligned. Badly placed at the moment

The Chairman then asked if there was any other business, as none came forward, he wished all members present a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year and closed the meeting at 11.35. 

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