New Machinery of Negotiations agreed between the railway unions 

and British railway companies

At the beginning of 1935 it became known that electric services between Brighton, Seaford, Keymer Junction, Eastbourne and Hastings would start in June. Notices were posted of motormen vacancies.  Twenty-six would be required at the new electric depot being built at Ore.  Eastbourne would require ten, so quashing the hopes of any junior driver getting a job without moving.  Seaford needed eight. This was less than fifty in all and caused much concern as many more men than this were redundant over the Southern area. There was also a five new motormen position at Brighton depot in May, and a further eight positions by December of that year.

It was turmoil all along the line at the various loco sheds and it dominated most all the conversations. This saw redundant Eastbourne enginemen moving to Brighton and the newly opened Norwood loco sheds



The Chichester to Selsey Railway was closed on Saturday 19th January 1935, by the Southern Railway. 
This resulted in the colusre of the Loco Shed at Selsey




Business as usual: First Sunday in eack month, at the Labour Club, 10.30 a.m. Better 
attendance of late. Now, then , you sleeping members, come and assist to put and keep your 
house in order, both national and local. it is gratifying to be able to report that another of our 
members Bro. T. Larkin, has been successful at the recent elections here, so will be able to 
assist Councillor Harris, also of this branch. Bro Gayler, unfortunately, failed to get elected as a councillor by a small majority of 36 votes. Better luck next time. By the way, Bro. Gayler is the official candidate for Sectional Council. it is your vote we want for him, when the time comes very shortly, to assist carry on the good work; now, don't make a mistake when you get your voting paper. 

It is with reluctance I have to report that we still have a number of "nons here. I have promised the District Council, who are watching this item closely, to see that the number is reduced. Who is going to help me? These "nons" are good advisers round the shed on what ought to be done. My tip to them is join the branch, attend the meetings, and see their grievances are dealt with. nothing please the branch officers more than plenty of business to get on with. Bros. Andrews, Harris and Stevenson are the offical candidates for L.D.C, 1935; every vote is needed to secure their election. Vote solid for your own Societycandidates, and see that they have plenty to do. I wish to draw the members' attention to Rule 5, Clause 17, on the back of your contributions card. Keep your cards clear each quarter, and don't put the Secretary in the unhappy position of having to state that your case (if you have one) cannot be dealt with, as the above rule is strictly operative. should this report meet the eyes of "nons” here and elsewhere, I respectfully ask them to think, and ask themselves if they are playing the game by taking all the unions get for them and not contributing the small mite necessary. Now then, you "nons," give us your shilling and keep paying, and help to make the present position secure, and assist to open up the prospect of regaining more of our lost ground.



Brighton driver William Plaine standing on the front of his locomotive, with his fireman at 

Brighton station.


MARCH 1935


Recently a party was given to the children of the Associated and N.U.R. members. Tea began at 4 o'clock, followed by community singing while the tables were cleared for games. Afterwards came a concert to which the parent were invited and, finally, Organiser Wilson's report re Bro. Appleton, was undoubtley a favourable one, still he has been put labouring at Wigan, and the N.U.R. member sent home until sent for. The important points the unions should take up with the company are:

(1) Modification of the colour-vision test;

(2) Modification or elimination of eye-sight test for cleaners on appointment to Firemen, many cleaners to-day are 35 years old and over; 

(3) Suitable work to be found for eye-sight failures. 

In conculision, I must mention the very sucessful re-union of our retired work-mates on January 5th. A very happy evening was spent with 22 of our veterans and their wives.




Eastbourne Loco Shed

The drawing by Ray Ruffle and commissioned by Eastbourne Driver Cyril Woodrow for his retirement in 1993. 


APRIL 1935


We have just had one of the most important meetings with the largest attendance for a considerable time. It being an open meeting we had the privilege of welcoming visitors from Brighton, Hastings, and St. Leonard's, with N.U.R. locomotive men from Eastbourne, who are in some way, and there are not many who are effected by electrification in this area, which, according to an approximate list posted at the depots affected, will displace about 60 sets of men on steam work. We had with us Bro. F. Jeans, S.C. Secretary, who kindly gave up his week-end to explain the Council's agreements regarding transfers and other vital information on points effecting our members who will largely suffer. I must say it was a very busy afternoon for Bro. F. Jeans. He was ably assisted by Bro. J. Gayler, from Brighton, who was in the fight on the last extention to Brighton, and he described how they were dealt with by the company and how the were affected. now, Eastbourne, Hastings, St. Leonard's. and Brighton, be careful what you are up to. I have suffered, and I speak from personal experience, owing to electrification in the Croydon area, so I advise all members to look in their branch room at every meeting held from now till the crash comes, and have a voice in your future, and it is yours, I can assure you. I sincerely hope Bro. F. Jeans helped those who were in doubt, and I am positive he did his best to explain some important items under our National and Sectional Council agreements, which no doubt will wound as well as heal. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks from our members from St. Leonard's branch, and concluded a busy afternoon, and I am sure well spent.





Above Brighton No.2 Branch subscriptions book page 3 with new members transferring from Brighton No.1 Branch.

With the expansion of the electrification on the East coast routes, the Brighton depot increase to cater for additional work and by the September of 1935, a further five Brighton Enginemen, transferring from the Brighton No.1 Branch. By the December of that year another eight Brighton Enginemen transferred to the Motorman's depot. 

With further expansion of electrification from West Worthing to Portsmouth and down the Mid-Sussex line. The Motorman's depot along with the Brighton No.2 Branch grew, with more steam drivers transferring across from the steam depot to the Motorman's Depot. 

It was a recognised practise for "Dual Link" drivers to firstly get their appointments at West Worthing and later transfer back to the Motorman's depot at Brighton. This was also the case for many Motormen who where trying to transfer within the motorman's grade. At Brighton, along with other Sussex coastal depots, these depots where considered to be "Dead Men’s Shoes" depots. This practise continued up until the Motormen grade was phased out.

It must be noted, that some footplate-men did not want to join any trade union, or where reluctant to leave the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servant (later becoming the National Union of Railwaymen (A.S.R.S./N.U.R) owing to their past loyalty to this trade union.



Work on the 60 mile extension to Lewes, Eastbourne and Hastings was begun at the end of 
1933 and public electric service was inaugurated on 7th July, 1935, when a total of 444 route and 1,156 track  miles was operated electrically by the Southern Railway.

The Enginemen's pride in his engine was vanishing. As far as the Brighton section was concerned, the interest in his job was gone. If we were in a siding or at a platform, when a Brighton electric stopped, we were bawled at. "Old iron! Any old iron!" The Motormen would leave with just a whine of the motors, and the Enginemen would leave with a heavy grunt, steam whistling past ill-faced valves to exhaust and a clanking of bearings which needed setting up. The majority Enginemen did not care for they knew that within a few months they would be on their way - somewhere.

At the beginning of 1935 it became known that electric train services between Brighton, Keymer Junction to Seaford, Ore and Eastbourne. Notices were posted of Motorman vacancies. The vacancy list closed March/April, with training starting beginning in May at Selhurst.The training was given to twelve men for two weeks (12 days (Monday - Saturday), with six taken for four hours and the other six were out on the running road, receiving tuition from suburban motormen.With the training over, the senior drivers were back at their loco shed working the usual steam service.

On Sunday 7th July 1935 saw electrification of the main East coast line being opened between Brighton to Ore direct and with the spur lines via Eastbourne. Also completed was the route between Seaford to Horsted Keynes via Plumpton linking up to the main line from Brighton at Keymer Junction. This brought about the introduction of more electric train services. This in return created three new Motormen depots at 

Ore (the main depot on the East coast) with 26 Motormen positions 

T.F.C. Page (Eastbourne loco (20.09.1912)

H. Hobden (Eastbourne loco (15.05.1913) 

Eastbourne with 10 Motormen positions and 

Seaford with 10 Motormen (recorded motormen) positions, of which two positions where filled by Brighton Motormen and one Battersea (Victoria) transferring within the grade. 

A.E. Harrison Seniority 02.11.1896 or (01.06.1898) (ex Battersea Loco Vic 'C' Motorman), 

F. Wilmshurst  Seniority 16.03.1899 (ex Newhaven loco) . 

W. Smith to many W. Smiths (ex Newhaven loco), 

H. Stedman Seniority 14.07.1902 (ex Newhaven loco) .

E. Tucknott Seniority 21.07.1911, 

F. Garman Seniority 16.11.1917 (E.F. ?)  (ex Brighton Motorman F. Gurman),

A. Pearce Seniority 18.03.1889 (ex Nhaven loco, transferred to T Bdges & B'ton Motorman) 

A. Scott Seniority 22.05.1908 (A.G. Scott)

A. Potter Seniority 09.04.1913 (?)

G. Sargent Seniority 22.02.1899 (?)

Brighton Motorman depot was increased in two stages in May by five Motormen and in December a further eight Motormen. The list below is the steam men from Brighton loco's Dual Link (Brighton No.1 Branch)


W. Routledge Seniority 31.05.1901

G. Peckham Seniority 06.05.1903

S. Rovery Seniority does not appear in 1925 Seniority list

C. Cottrell Seniority 19.05.1898

A. Taylor (Junior) 08.05.1897 or 19.05.1898


C. A. Skinner Seniority 23.05.1898? (A. Skinner)

J. Fellingham Seniority 08.09.1903

A.E. Newman Seniority 29.03.1893?

W.H. Hudson Seniority 06.06.1911

A. Turner Seniority 05.02.1904 ?

H. Taylor Seniority 31.05.1897?

A. Fenn Seniority 04.07.1907

J. H. Barton Seniority 23.09.1907

* Information from A.S.L.E.&F. Brighton No.2 

It has always been the case that on the Central Section of the Southern Railway to have small Motorman’s depots at terminal stations, junctions or other key locations. 

With less than fifty jobs being created through electrification, this was not nearly enough to absorb the mass job losses in the subsequent redundancies in the  locomotive depots affected (St Leonards, Eastbourne, Newhaven and Brighton) and as a result this meant many Enginemen and Firemen having to move throughout the Southern Railway to stay within the Grade.

Owing to the expansion of the electrification in 1935, the Brighton Motorman’s depot saw two small influxes of Enginemen transferring from Brighton loco depot 5 new Motormen in May and a further 8 in December. There was no increase to the size of the West Worthing Depot (this is figure may slightly higher).

The Brighton No.2 Branch had by the end of December 1935 a combined membership of 70 members. 


With electrification reaching Seaford in July 1935, a motorman’s depot was established at Seaford, with the new electric service officially opened by the Lord Mayor of London on the 4th July, with a public service starting on the 7th July. The majority of the motormen who took up the positions of motorman at Seaford, had previously been enginemen at the nearby Newhaven Loco Shed and over the coming years the vacancies at Seaford depot were filled by Newhaven 'Dual Link' drivers, who had opted to become motormen. This was the only way of filling the vacancies unless a motorman from another depot had placed a transfer to another motorman's depot.


Like many small Motormen depot's which were established at the same location as an existing Loco shed, the Eastbourne Motormen did not form their own branch, and were members of the Eastbourne Branch

Norwood Loco Shed 1935 

(Southern Railway)

Norwood locomotive shed was opened by the Southern Railway  with a five-road shed and a 65 ft turntable. The shed was opened to replace West Croydon shed and after the Second 
World War New Cross. This locomotive shed was closed in 1964 and demolished in 1966. 
The motive power depot was relocated in Norwood Yard.



6th JULY 1935

Passenger Service was withdrawn between Chichester to Midhurst on Friday 5th July 1935 (No passenger service on Saturday and Sundays). The line remained opened for goods traffic until 1951 

World War ll, Just before D-Day (6th June 1944) freight services were disrupted somewhat as Drove (Singleton) and Cocking Tunnels were used for storing ammunition wagons for the royal Navy and double steel doors were build across either ends of each tunnel with a 24hour armed guards at each.

1951 Through freight on the Chichester to Midhurst Branch was abrupted halted on 19th November 1951 when the daily goods train from Chichester after C2x No. 32522 fell into a stream after a culvert had been washed away about a mile south of Midhurst. 

1953 The Freight Services to Cocking and Singleton ceased after the closure of both stations on 28 August 1953. Lavant remained open.

1955 The Withdrawal of Passenger Services between Midhurst to Pulborough and Passenger and Freight Services between Petersfield and Midhurst (although the former LSWR yard remained open for the Midhurst Whites Brickworks). Closed on 5th February 1955 (no services on Saturdays and Sundays). The Midhurst Loco shed closed but freight workings continued covering all statins between Pulborough and Midhurst. There was The Hampshireman Rail tour on 5th February 1955 with the bunker to bunker E5x Classes Nos. 32570 & 32576 returning the next day. There were other Rail tours visiting Midhurst after passenger closure.   

1963 Freight Services ceased at Selham and Fittleworth in May 1963.

1964 Freight Services ceased at Midhurst on Friday 12th October 1964. However, there was the Midhurst Bell Rail Tour on Sunday 18th October 1964.

1966 Freight Service ceased at Petworth on 28th May 1966

1971 Lavant Station Closed

1972 Gravel extraction started south of Lavant at Snakes Lane Bridge (now Hunters Race) 

1981 Gravel extraction closed in June 1981

1983 Gravel extraction was reopened in September 1983

1991  Gravel extraction ceased in March 1991

Railway accident on the 

Southern Railway 

Brighton Section

Streatham Junction 19th July 1935 

Involving Driver J. Rugman & Fireman W. Ayers Depot unknown 



The West Croydon Loco shed was closed by the Southern Railway. 
The Motorman’s depot remained opened. West Croydon loco men moved to the newly created depot at Norwood (cJune).




Hello folks! New Cross speaking from Norwood. Just another little brain wave on the Company’s part has made our members move from West Croydon, Stewarts Lane, Redhill, Bricklayers’ Arms and Eastbourne, to Norwood Loco. As I anticipated, the opening of this shed is a complete chaos so far as locomen are concerned - insufficient staff provided, overtime too bad for words, no system of working in operation - making our lives on the job very uncomfortable, which is a disgrace to the company’s officials who handled this matter, seeing that two years is the time they have had to get down to the opening of Norwood Loco. 

A fairly well attended meeting of the A.S.L.E.F. men has been held, and their interest in the matter spells good for Norwood Loco. May it continue. We have transferred to Norwood some live wires. I have transferred from a live depot, and it is a pleasure to see that I have gone amongst men who promise to be just as live as New Cross men. Keep it up, friends; it will be needed. Our official L.D.C. candidates Bro. Jowitt, from West Croydon and Bro. Coulter, from Battersea; and the humble support of the men is all that is needed to make our job - a difficult one - into a fairly easy one. We promise opening a Norwood Branch of A.S.L.E.F. at the end of 1935, and I trust all members will make the arrangements necessary with their branch secretaries for a transfer. An official opening night will be arranged, and no doubt Jack Bromley will be able to give us the pleasure of his company on that evening. New Cross branch members can pay their contributions to me until the end of the year. We have some capable officials at the West Croydon branch, and I don’t think we shall want to alter things much, when we have men such as Henderson, Jerome, Barnaby, and many others holding the reins. I had one West Croydon member pulling me up at the opening meeting. Let me say that I appreciated his remarks, also his acceptance of my answer; he is the chap we want, may we all do it to all we think entitled to be pulled up, is my wish. Maitland, Gumbleton, White and Foy are our Foremen and Supervisors, and if they all turn out as White as Foy can be , we can say amen to a depot that will be a credit to us. 

A presentation is being arranged for our late Foreman, Mr. Hollins, of New Cross; let it be a success. If you want to know why, I’ll tell you, if you care to ask me. Mr. Hollins has got a rise in the world; how, I don’t wish to know; but Mr Edge is edging out and Mr. Hollins is edging in. 

Jim Bradley has retired from Section Council work, and though perhaps he has not always pleased us. I trust we shall show our appreciation in a suitable manner for the good work we know he has done. Bro. Sands is having a “go” from New Cross; support him is my request, he has taken on a job which does not interest me. 

A very good A.A.D. this year, the left wing element on the increase; it is needed, in our organisation. Bromley is going, others are coming; they have a job to do, see that they do it; don’t be; asking in your support, but do everything you can to help get back the conditions of service we have lost. 

Our continental outing this year was a great success. We had “Trade Horn” with us, and can’t that boy trade! I’ll say he can! We shall stage another trip to Paris, and any A.S.L.E.&F. member in the British Isles who desires to attended should let me know at the earliest. The outing will take place in June 1936 and will leave London at 11 p.m. on a Friday night, arriving back in London on the following Monday night at 6.30 p.m. Other particulars can be obtained from you humble. The number is limited, so don’t delay in having your name down if you desire a trip.

Our effort in regard to roping in the “Nons” at New Cross was very successful. Our branch secretary, Bro. Eaton, deserves every praise; he along with myself, has received the E.C. and T.U.C. medallions for the work and the success it has achieved. 

A suitable evening to show our appreciation must be arranged; and to all my friends at New Cross may I express my thanks for the associations that have existed between us, and will I know still exist, but one today, to keep his job, has got to be prepared to move. Don’t lose your job through want of applying. I hated shifting, but I was compelled to apply to be on the safe side, and I haven’t forgotten those who did apply and were not successful, though they should have been; it will be a matter for discussion at a later date, and you may still reach Norwood loco. and get that position you have been entitled to for some years now, but which has been denied you, viz., a regular rostered job as a firman.

So long, folks; best wishes to all old and new friends of the 1935 A.A.D. We shall meet again, says.

P. K. Willshaw,

New Cross Branch Chairman 

As a result of electrification extension of 1935 to the East Coast. A number of the junior enginemen/firemen found themselves having to move across the company with some re-locating at the newly opened Norwood Loco Depot.        






This branch was formed in February, and it is encouraging to know we are steadily increasing our membership. On March 28th we held a very successful social and dance which raised £2. 6s. for branch funds. As this was our first venture, its success makes us look forward to next Autumn and Winter, when we hope to hold further similar functions.By that time we hope to be a very active branch.


Seaford Branch of A.S.L.E.&F. was founded on 
Sunday 18th August 1935
The branch was opened for the Seaford Motormen depot

Seaford Branch of ASLEF opening meeting held at the 

Pelham Place on 

Sunday 18th August 1935  

A special meeting of Seaford's motormen was held at Pelham Place on Sunday 18th August 1935, with District Organiser Bro. J. V. Sweeney being in attendance, along with members from the Battersea Branch, Bros. G. Walters, J. Satchwell, A. Cooper, & A. Avis. The meeting decided to elected Bro A. Harrison to become the Branch Secretary and F. Wilmshurst to become the Branch chairman.The District Organiser then went on say how advisable it was for all depots to be in close touch with the General Office to get first hand information on all matters"

The opening page of the Seaford Branch of A.S.L.E.& F. minute 






I have also attended meetings at Yarmouth, Hampstead (for a conference of L.D.C representatives), and at Seaford. 

The latter place has been made a depot in connection withe the electrification of the Southern Railway. Bro. A.E. Harrison migrate there from Battersea, and it was not unexpected when overures came from him for the opening of new branch. The usual arrangements followed, and at the initial meeting we were favoured by the attendance of Bros. Joe Satchwell, George Walters, and other members of Battersea branch. Just like old times to see our members travelling about to attend meetings. The Seaford Branch was declared open, with Bro. "Bert" Harrison as secretary, and Bro. F. Wilmshurst as chairman. We all join in greetings to this new branch of the Society.



On the 30th September 1935, the Woodside and Sanderstead line was electrified and this effectively completed the suburban lines. 




The above branch is able to report progress in membership, the "nons" slowly but surely realizing the necessity of joining up, and the officers of the branch will not be happy until we are 100%. Once again I appeal to members to look up Rule 5, Clause 17, do not leave it until you are in trouble and say you could not see anybody to pay, and so put yourself in the position of being out of benefit. Further, brother, let us have more of you paying into the Orphan and Political funds; a copper per week won't break you, but will help make our Orphan and Political funds. The attendance at Branch meetings of late has been disappointing; please try to attend at least occasionally and assit in conducting the business, and not leave it to the few regulars. 

On Friday, October 4th, the Brighton No.1 and No.2 Branches and Welfare committees, jointly are running a complimentary Social and Dance at the Aquarium, 7.30 p.m., at which our Society representatives to the Labour Party Conference, Bro. Lunniss, of King's Cross, and Bro. Wilkinson, of Grimsby, and Mr. Bromley, will be met by the members and wives of the Brighton snd outlying branches. A cordial welcome also awaits members attending Conference on behalf of local Labour Parties, etc. Outlying branches please note application for tickets must be made not later than 21st September. An enjoyable evening is assured you.


Extracted and adapted from

Seaford Branch Meeting

October 6th 1935

A discussion arose over the Chairman & Secretary being elected Pro Term explanation given it was then moved by Bro Stedman and seconded Bro Garman, Bro. F. Wilmshurst be Chairman for the ensuing year. Carried.

Pro Bro Tucknott Sec Bro Stedman A.E. Harrison be Secretary for the ensuing year.

A discussion then arose re Standing Orders, the time & re future meetings, Proposed Bro Tucknott and seconded Bro. Stedman, meetings be held at 9 Pelham Place, at 11. a.m., first Sunday in each month. If insufficient members are in attendance to form a quorum books closed at 11.30 a.m. should there be a meeting same to close at 12.30 p.m. Carried.

Proposed Bro. Stedman and seconded Bro Garman with the exception of item No.1 we adopted Battersea Branch Standing Orders. Carried.

November 3rd 1935

Officers present Chairman A. Harrison, Secretary 

F. Wilmshurst, & Bros. H. Stedman & E. Tucknott.

A discussion took place on the question of having a suitable room for Motormen to make out returns, F.&F. likewise the availability of suitable means of obtaining drink water and lavatory accommodation, wash bowls etc.
It was mentioned the most suitable place would be the General Waiting Room it was then moved by Bro. H. Stedman, seconded Tucknott, "the Secretary write Mr. H. Jones direct re above". Carried.

It was decided to lay correspondence re-election of Organising Secretary on table for next meeting.

Correspondence read by Secretary to the Company Head Office & letter from Head Office to Sir H. Walker re the very dirty state of cabs front windows and reference to a saw dust & eyesight. Moved Bro Tucknott and seconded Bro. H. Stedman, "We endorse Secretary actions compliment him on same". Carried.

A discussion then arose, re look out windows in cab, it was decided for Secretary to get in touch with General Office, and other Depots to endeavour to get size of same reduced owing to size and braking same with a view to minimize the danger to motormen and means be provided for cleaning same. Agreed.

Extracted and adapted from


Special Meeting Nov. 24th 1935

To discuss letter from Bro. Lewery (B’ton No. 2 Branch), Re- Xmas, & Good Friday, Holidays, & Representation.

Officers present 

F. Wilmshurst Chairman, A. Harrison Secretary, 

Bros. A. Pearce, A. Potter & W. Smith.

After discussion & letters read from Bro. W. Lewery, moved Bro. Potter, Sec. Bro. Pearce. Then men that work Xmas day be off Boxing Day this to be worked in a cycle. That is to say no man to be off duty a second time before cycle is worked through.

No leave of absence be granted unless representatives agree. Carried Unanimously.

Moved Bro. Pearce, Sec. Bro. Potter. That a draw be held in public 7 early turns, being 1 to 7 A, late being 1 to 7 B, this cycle be sent to Waterloo for their guidance for booking men off on above days. Carried Unanimously.

Moved Bro. Smith, Sec. A. Pearce, "That Good Friday be worked on and a separate draw be taken for same". Carried Unanimously.

That we agree Secretary write out above and all men be asked to sign in favour of same.

Moved Bro. A. Pearce, Sec. Bro. A. Potter. "That this Branch is in agreement with the Machinery of the Rail Act 1921 (I E) two Depots Representatives for Ore, Eastbourne & Seaford.

This to be laid before meeting at Ore, Dec. 1st

It was then put to meeting. We have confidence of Secretary dealing with the above business on our behalf. This is in reference to Mr. Roberts remarks to Bro. W. Lewery. Carried Unanimously.

Bro. W. Lewery then entered the Branch Room straight from work and gave explanation of what transpired at L.D.C. meeting 19th Nov.

The secretary was then asked to write Bro. Jeans, asking if he could produce any minutes of Sec. Council re Mr. Roberts remarks.

A vote of thanks to Bro. W. Lewery (Brighton No.2) for coming over as above and for information he gave. 

Ore Branch of A.S.L.E.&F. was founded on 
Sunday 1st December 1935
The branch was opened for the Ore Motormen depot

An artist impression of an evening looking across Pevensey Bay with Eastbourne in the background.




At the meeting held on November 3rd a discussion took place as to some alteration being asked to be made for the benefit of the motormen's cab front windows. In the first place, it is hardly possible in a damp atmosphere or drizzly rain to see signals at the distance, and the appliances for cleaning these are not suitable, as at times they make them very smeary, and they are difficult to use with only one hand available, the other being fully occupied with Dead Man's Handle. This refers to all cabs except those fitted with air machines for working same. in the next place it was pointed out the unnecessary size of same, as at present when they get broken by birds, etc., a reduction in size may prevent this happening. Further, they could be made so that motormen could wipe outside. During the sunshine, again it would be helpful if it was reduced in size, giving the motorman opportunity of getting a view of signals without the glare of the sun penetrating through the window as at present, with reduction at the top of 8 or 9in., 4in. left side, 6in. right side, and 6in. at bottom of look-out front window motormen's side. It was likewise put forward the right side could be blanked, thereby preventing the possibility of same at any time any time being broken or the sun penetrating through as at present. I was instructed to get views of other motormen's branches, in particular the men working main line trains. This will no doubt be well discussed, and with that in view I am asking our Editor to published same, I may then receive the opinions of a number of motormen.


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