Chairman Bro. W. Clarke

Vice Chair Bro. J. Giles

Secretary Bro. A. Pearce

Assistant Secretary Bro. A. Rookley

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Jan. 26th 1930

Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair

14 members present being 

Bros. W. Clarke, A. Pearce, J. Giles, A. Rookley, M. Smith, D. Boyle, W. Ware, 

C. Lower, W. Brown, E. Collington, S. Lower, W. Ellis, E. King & H. Steadman.

Minutes of last meeting read and discussed as true record. Carried

Discussion on minutes of the last meeting. An open discussion ensued upon the case of Bro. W. Ware & Driver Bishop. This matter being left over again.

Correspondence, receipts for this Branch’s Funds to Head Office for the month of December 1929 were read.

A letter was read from Bro. Chiles stating that he had met with injuries to his throat and neck through coming into  contact with broken telegraph wires at Southerham on Sunday evening January 19th.

A letter was read from Sectional Council No.2 in respect of men being booked up for Sunday duty and then being cancelled, these men to be paid 8 hours pay.

Also the 12 hours rest at Home Station being violated. There was no discussion upon this.

A letter was read from Head Office re delegates for the A.A.D. for 1930.

Any Other Business

Bro. J. Giles asked why turn 8 duty in link had been shifted around. Bro. H. Stedman replied as to why this had been done which proved satisfactory.

On the proposition of Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. E. Collington. The Secretary was asked to write for interpretation of paragraph 18 of the National Agreement in respect to preparing and disposal of engines. Carried. 

Bro. C. Wilson's contributions, Bro. J. Giles moved & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. 

‘ That the men present at Branch meeting meet this. 

As an amendment, by Bro. S. Lower & Seconded by Bro. Stedman. 

'That the men of this Branch be levied one penny per month to meet this, till Bro. Wilson resumes work. Amendment carried.

Bro. W. Ellis moved. That a rail be places along the shed above boilers for cleaners to hold to whilst cleaning tops of boilers. 

Bro. W. Brown moved. That better and more torch lamps be supplied for use of cleaners. 

Bro. J. Giles moved ‘That the Lavatory at the Running Shed be cleaned more often. 

These three items were put into the Shed Delegates hands to try and remedy.

Much pleasure was felt through having one of our Bros. from St. Leonards with us in Bro. W. Gibbs. 

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Feb. 16th 1930

Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair

12 members present 

Bros W. Clark, J. Green, A. Rookley, A. Pearce, M. Smith, S. Lower, G. Dotterill, 

P. Reed, J. Giles, C. Woods, D. Boyle & A. Charman.

Minutes of last meeting read, moved by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That they be passed as a true record.

Arising from minutes of the last meeting, Bro. S. Lower asked for further information re seniority of Bro. W. Ware. Bro. S. Lower was informed as to the procedure he must take, this being through the Sectional Council.

Owing to the Shed Representative being absent the case of overhead rail, lamps and lavatory were left over.


Receipt read for this Branch Fund’s to Head Office for this month of January.

Letter read from N.U.R. Newhaven Branch, asking for this Branch of the A.S.L.E. & F. & C. To try and send two representatives to sit on the Committee to try and arrange a bumper send off to Mr. Tom Pargeter in his retirement.

Moved Bro. J. Giles & sec. Bro. A. Rookley. That Bros. W. Clark & A. Pearce sit as our representatives.

Bro. D. Boyle moved & Bro. J. Giles seconded. 'That a letter be sent Bro. A. Norman in respect to his arrears of contributions to this Branch.

A letter was read from Head Office re agenda of suggestions for the forthcoming A.A.D. This was not discussed.

Bro. Boyle moved & Bros. J. Giles & S. Lower seconded. 'That if our General Secretary Mr. J. Bromley M.P. could come over on Sunday Feb. 23rd to address locomen. Bro. A. Pearce would post a notice in Shed.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun March 16th 1930

Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair

15 members present 

Bros W. Brown, C. Goldson, S. Lower, W. Ware, W. Terrill, A. Rookley, A. Pearce, 

W. Clarke, M. Smith, D. Boyle, E. King, H. Stedman, J. Hillman & C. Barrow.

On the motion of Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. M. Smith. The minutes of last meeting were adopted.

Arising from the minutes from the last meeting, Bro. A. Norman arrears, the Secretary reported having sent two letters to Bro. A. Norman in respect to his arrears, one of Feb 16th and one of Marh 11th. No reply had been received from Bro. A. Norman. Moved by Bro. D. Boyle & seconded by Bro. W. Terrill.' That Bro. A. Norman's arears be left as it stands. Carried. 

Our General Secretary Bro. J. Bromley M.P. intimated to our Secretary Bro. A Pearce.' That he would be down one Sunday during the Summer to address us.

Bro. S. Lower's query in respect to Bro. W. Ware's seniority. Bro. H. Stedman stated he had been given by the Secretary of the Sectional Council the date the Southern Railway had put forward for Bro W. Ware's seniority as August 14th 1918. Bro. W. Ware moved & Bro. W. Ellis seconded.'That Bro. H. Stedman write asking Bro. J.T. Long to come down to address the Branch re this matter. Being put to the vote this motion was quashed.


Receipt read for this Branch’s Funds to Head office for February.

Letter read from the Newhaven and District Labour Party, asking for names of members willing to stand for election at the forthcoming Urban District Council Election. This was left on table.

A pamphlet was read from Head Office entittled 'Non Unionist Dilemma'. Bro. ellis moved & Bro. E. King seconded. 'That our Secretary post this pamphlet in Loco Shed. Carried.

A letter was read from Head Office re Spare Firing turns Southern Railway from Section Council No.2. minute 4 This to be suspended.

Voting papers received for delegates to Labour Party Conference, October 1930. These for political members only.

Letter read from Bro. A. Pearce stating he wishing to resign from the position of Secretary. moved by Bro. D. Boyle & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. 'That this resignation not be accepted.' After discussion Bro. A. Pearce withdrew it.

Moved by Bro. E. King & seconded by Bro H. Stedman. 'That Secretary write Bro. W. Holland, thanking him for his kindness and help in collecting contributions.

Moved by Bro. Boyle & seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. ‘That a vote of confidence be given our Secrrtary. Carried.

Moved by Bro. Barrow & seconded by Bro. E. King. ‘ hat notice to all members be sent every quarter to notify them of their contributions.

Voting papers received for delegates to Trade Union Congress.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun April 13th 1930

Bro. J. Giles in the Chair

15 members present 

Bros A. Pearce, A. Pearce, J. Giles, P. Bridger, B. Piddlesden, D. Boyle, W. Terrill, 

S. Lower, A. Charman, G. Bollen, W. Ware, W. Ellis, E. Eacott, W. Clarke, F. Wilde 

& P. Reed.

Minutes of March meeting read, proposed by Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. W. Terrill. That they be accepted as a true record.

No correspondence from Head Office only draw tickets for Golders Green Hospital and Hitchin Branch in aid of one of our members who is totally disabled from footplate duty, agreed that we try to sell tickets.

Bro. A. Rookley sent in his resignation as Assistant Secretary. Pro. by D. Boyle & Seconded by S. Lower. 'That his resignation be accepted.' Nominations for Assistant Secretary, Bros. W. Brown, E. Eacott & G. Bollen were nominated. Bros. Brown & Eacott declined and Bro. Bollen accepted. Carried.

Application for membership from F. Wilde, moved by W. Goldson & Seconded by H. Stedman. 'That he be admitted a member. Carried.

Any Other Business, 

Bro. Ware came to the for again, arguments and discussions it being our Secretary’s duty to answer many questions, but owing to not having any correspondence on this matter and our Shed representative being absent, it was moved by H. Ellis & seconded by S. Lower. 

'That Secretary or Shed Representative write to Secretary of Sectional Council Bro. J.T. Long and ask him to come down one Sunday and ask him to give an explanation of  the case as it would only mean a repetition of what we have had for the last six Sundays.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun May 18th 1930

Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair.

15 members present 

Bros W. Clarke, A. Pearce, J. Giles, S. Lower, D. Boyle, W. Charman, W. Brown, 

B. Piddlesden, W. Terrill, W. Ware, C. Dotterill, H. Stedman, E. Eacott, F. Wilde 

& W. Elliss

Minutes of April meeting read, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes of last meeting re W. Ware case, Secretary read letter from Secretary of Sectional council in answer to letter for visit to Newhaven, to explain case, he stating that he would not attend unless permission from Head Office was granted. Bro. Charman asked if Shed Representative could read correspondence appertaining to case as he said he could not attend on occassions when it was read, a considerable amount of discussion and arguments arose and in the  end it was moved. ‘ hat Secretary write to Head Office and ask permission for Bro. J. Long to attend and in the event of Head Office granting permission, Secretary write and ask Bro. Long to fix a date.

Correspondence receipts for Appeals returns read and also receipts for draw tickets from Hitchin Branch. letter re Washington Hours Convension, also agenda of 1930 A.A.D., also Wool Textile dispute and circular from Head Office re bringing paid officials salaries up to par with other railway trade unions. Proposed by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That Secretary write to A.A.D. delegate telling him that this Branch were not in agreeance with Organiser’s salaries be raised owing to small money some of our members were earning.

Any Other Business, owing to an unforeseen incident happening, nominations for Assistant Secretary were asked for by Chairman. Pro. A. Pearce & Seconded by B. Piddlesden. 'That Bro. Elliss be elected. Carried.


Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun June 22th 1930

Bro. J. Giles was in the Chair

17 members present 

Bros E. King, C. Lower, E. Eacott, B. Piddlesden, D. Boyle, H. Stedman, J. Hillman, 

J. Giles, W. Ware, W. Brown, W. Terrill, C. Wilson, G. Bollen, J. Green, S. Lower, 

A. Charman & A. Pearce.

Also present Bro. J.T. Long, Secretary of Sectional Council to explain the case of Bro. W. Ware and Driver Bishop.

Minute of May meeting read, proposed by Bro. S. Lower and seconded by Bro. A. Charman. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from the minutes of the last meeting, Bro. Bollen asked Secretary if he did not think that he was exempt from contributions whilst on active service. Secretary explained that the exemption was only for the period of war.

Correspondence from Head Office asking for nominations for Sectional Council for the two returning members.

Letter from H.O. retrospective pay for Bro. Ware and Driver Bishop.

Secretary also read replies from Bro. Long and H.O. re visit to this Branch. receipts for May returns read also receipts for draw tickets for Golder’s Green Hospital

Chairman next called on Bro. Long to state the case for Bro. Ware. Bro. Long explained everything apertaining to the case and asked all members present not to be to ask question. Several questiond were asked and satisfactory answers were given.

Chairman next asked Bro. Boyle to move a vote of thanks to Bro. Long for the able and interesting address he had given us regarding the case. 

Bro. Boyle moved & Bro. S. Lower seconded. 'That the best thanks of the meeting be accorded Bro. Long for the able manner in which he had address us.'

Bro. C. Lower asked if the details of this meeting could not be placed in the journal. But Secretary and Bro. J. Long both declined as this was a meeting conviened for Sectional Council.

Secretary also thanked Bro. Long for his attendance as it had cleared the air and if he had not have been repretitions of the last several meetings.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Aug. 17th 1930

Bro. J. Giles in the Chair

5 members present

Bros. J. Giles, A. Charman, A. Lower, B. Peddlesden & A. Pearce

Minutes of June meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. A. Charman and seconded by Bro. B. Peddlesden. That they be accepted as a true.

Receipts for June and July read.

Correspondence, letter from Bro. Stedman asking for suspension pay for one day. Pro. by A. Lower & seconded by Bro. Peddlesden. 'That Secretary pay Bro. Stedman same.

Letter from Bro. Stedman resigning from the office of Shed Representative. Pro. by A. Lower & seconded by B. Peddlesden. 'That we accept same.'

Letter from Head Office in answer to Secretary and Bro. Stedman’s report, read and discussed.

Letter from Head Office re alterations in payment of Political Levy, agreed that Secretary being this circular to next meeting there being a poor attendance at this one.

Letter from Secretary of Sectional Council re rating spare Fireman and Cleaners, to straighten matters out concerning promotion on the whole of the line basis.

Any Other Business. Nominations for Shed spokesman, moved by A. Lower & seconded by B. Peddlesden. 'That Secretary be asked to take over until next meeting, when a summons meeting be called as this meeting and the last were very poorly attended and they thought that a good representation should be present at the election of a Shed Representative.

Moved by Bro. Peddlesden & seconded by A. Charman. 'That the best thanks of this Branch be accorded Bro. Stedman for his past services as Shed Representative for this Branch. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Sept. 21st 1930

Bro. J. Giles in the Chair

9 members present

Bros. A. Rookley, J. Giles, S. Lower, E. Eacott, J. Giles, A. Lower, B. Peddlesden, M. Smith & A. Pearce. 

Minutes of August meeting read, proposed by Bro. A. Lower and seconded by Bro. B. Peddlesden. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re proposition of the last meeting to summons members to this meeting for the purpose of electing a Shed Representative. Members asked Secretary why he had not carried out his duties in not issuing summons to members, Secretary apologised for not doing so, but he explained that it was not for the members not knowing as he had placed two notice in Shed drawing their notice to same.


Letter from Head Office re members paying Political Levy agreed to read same at next meeting.

Letter from Cooperative Society asking for delegate to attend one day school at Brighton, no action owing to school taking place on day before meeting.

Any Other Business. Chairman asked for nominations for Shed Representative, no nominations were put forward so it was moved, by A. Rookley & seconded by E. Eacott. 

'That Secretary write and summons every member of this Branch to the next meeting for the purpose and also to decide if the meetings should be held on Sunday eve

nings instead of mornings during winter months to see if more members would attend.'

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct. 19th 1930

Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair

21 members present 

Bros P. Reed, F. Wilde, J. Hillman, W. Clarke, A. Pearce, C. Wood, C. Barrow, W. Brown, C. Lower, G. Bollen, C. Fenner, W. Terrill, W. Ellis, A. Rookley, H. Hamblin, W. Allison, 

F. Harris, D. Boyle, A. Charman, A. Norman & S. Lower

Minutes of September read, moved by Bro. A. Lower and seconded by Bro. F. Wilde. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re circular urging members to pay the Political Levy a considerate discussion arose and finally it was moved by Bro. A. Rookley and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That it lay on table. 

Correspondence receipts for quarter including September 30, 1930 read.

Letter from Head Office re nominations for 1931 A.A.D. moved by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. W. Allison. That Bro. D. Boyle be nominated. Bro. Boyle accepted, Secretary promising to do canvasing to other Branches for Bro. Boyle.

Circular from Head Office urging all members to standby the Executive Committee when the truce with Railway Companies end on November 13, 1930.

Subscription list from Wadebridge asking for help for one odour members who is totally disabled from service on railway. Moved by Bro. H. Hamblin and seconded by Bro. W. Elliss. That it be taken round depot. Bro. Eliss  kindly contending to take it round a book of tickets from Golder’s Green Hospital agreed that they be taken round. Bro. Norman consenting to sell them.

Circular from Head Office re unions demands at forthcoming truce with Railway Companies. 

Any Other Business, Bro. Bollen moves & H. Hamblin seconds. 'That Branch meetings be held on Sunday evening

instead of the morning during winter months. Decision was taken 9 for and 10 against. so meetings will still be held at 11 a.m. Sunday Mornings.

Bro. Bollen asks if Shed Representative Secretary see Foreman re No.2 Roster, curtain adjustments being required to suit men. Secretary explained seen Shed Representative of N.U.R. Who wished to hold an open meeting for all loco-men at this depot to see if an agenda could be compiled to put before Foreman, Bro. Bollen agrees to leave same to that meeting.

Bro. Charman moves & Bro. Bollen seconds. 'That spokesman, see Foreman re spare Fireman loading ashes whilst labourer as are in shed doing Fireman's work, also to something could be done to the dumping ground as they have to throw into filick at a great height owing to continentally digging into ground.' Agreed that Shed Spokesman see Foreman.

Bro. Elliss asked if spokesman could mention to Foreman the state of flue at the top of No. 2 road as present one was broken and smoke immited down on them when at work also hand rails be placed round shed for them when cleaning Atlantic's boilers.

Secretary next asked if the members would agree to the annual meeting being held as he was pleased with the attendance and he was positive that he would not get a better meeting next month. considerable discussion arose and in the end it was moved by A. charman & seconded by W. Brown. 'That this meeting be closed and we start a special meeting for the election of Branch Officers. Carried Unam.

Meeting closed at 12.15 p.m.

 Ron Terrill Collection

 Bill Terrill, Unknown, & Unknown 

Minutes of the Newhaven Special Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct. 19th 1930

for the purposed of electing officers for year 1931

21 Members present

Bros P. Reed, F. Wilde, J. Hillman, W. Clarke, A. Pearce, C. Wood, C. Barrow, W. Brown, C. Lower, G. Bollen, C. Fenner, W. Terrill, W. Ellis, A. Rookley, H. Hamblin, W. Allison, 

F. Harris, D. Boyle, A. Charman, A. Norman & S. Lower

Chairman asked for nominations for 


Moved by Bro. C. Wood and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That Bro. J. Giles.

Moved by Bro. G. Bollen and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That Bro. J. Hillman stand.

Moved by Bro. A. norman and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That Bro. G. Bollen stand.

Put to the vote, Bollen 4, Hillman 7, J. Giles 8. Bro. J. Giles elected as Chairman in his absence he agreeing before hand.

Vice Chair

Proposed by Bro. H. Hamblin and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That Bro. J. Hillman.

Proposed by Bro. A. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That Bro. G. Bollen stand.

Put to the vote Bollen 7, J. Hillman 8.


Proposed by Bro. C. Lower and seconded by Bro. W.Terrill. That Bro. A. Pearce still stand.

Proposed by Bro. S. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That Bro. W. Brown stand.

Proposed by Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That Bro. G. Bollen.

Put to the vote Bro. A. Pearce unan.

Assistant Secretary

Proposed by Bro. G. Bollen and seconded by Bro. A. Charman. That Bro. W. Brown

Proposed by Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That Bro. A. Rookley stand

Result of voting, Rookley 9, Brown 10 


Bros A. Pearce, W. Clarke, C. Wood, W. Allison, G. bollen, W. Elliss, & A. Lower. Elected en bloc.

Representatives for Trades Council 

Bros. A. Pearce & D. Boyle carried.


Bros. W. Brown & C. Barrow were elected

Place of meeting, moved by Bro. A. Rookley and seconded by Bro. C. Fenner. That we still hold meeting at present place, namely Railway Hotel.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Nov. 16th 1930

Bro. J. Giles in the Chair

10 members present 

Bros. A. Pearce, J. Giles, W. Brown, A. Lower, A. Charman, W. Clarke, D. Boyle, 

J. Brock, B. Peddlesden & J. Hillman.

Minutes of October read, proposed by A. Charman and seconded by Bro. D. Boyle. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes,Shed Spokesman gave a report upon his interview with Foreman re flue at the top of No. 2 road, also hand rails for cleaning boilers but he forgot to mention ashes, a favourable decision was arrived at.

Correspondence, reply to Bro. D. Boyle nomination for A.A.D., receipt from Wadebridge Branch for list for one of our colleagues permanently incapacitated in the Company’s service. Receipt for October returns read.

Any Other Business Secretary was asked if he had heard from N.U.R. re open meeting, considerable discussion arose and it was moved by W. Clarke & sec by B. Peddlesden. That Secretary be given proceed to call open meeting of N.U.R. So decides.

Pro. By W. Clarke & sec. By A. Lower. That the open be held on a Sunday morning.

Pro. By A. Charman & sec. By W. Brown. That Shed Spokesman see Foreman on the question of Cleaner's lobby as it had come our knowledge that coal-men had made application for one and we of this Branch thought that a Cleaner's lobby could be built at same time.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Dec. 21st 1930

Bro. J. Giles in the Chair

10 members present 

Bros M. Smith, W. Brown, H. Allison, C. Lower, E. Eacott, F. Wilde, G. Bollen, E. King, J. Giles & A. Pearce.

November minutes read, proposed by Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. G. Bollen. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising from minutes re open meeting at this depot Secretary stated interview with Branch Secretary of N.U.R. He explaining that he had instructions from his H.O. That he was to keep interviews and correspondence down to a minimum while the unions and Companies were negotiating over the present crisis a considerable discussion took place and it was thought that we ougt to get our an agenda of revisions of working at this depot to hand to the Foreman as soon as the National crisis was over.

Pro. By G. Bollen & sec. By H. Allison. ‘ That Secretary sees Secretary of N.U.R. to see if a friendly meeting could be arranged.

Nominations for National Insurance Agent, proposed by Bro. E. King and seconded by Bro. F. Wilde. That Secretary be Insurance Agent for 1931. Carried

Correspondence from Head Office re Non Unionist read and discussed, Circular re Company’s proposals to union re conditions and wages read and discussed, receipt for draw tickets for Golder’s Green Hospital read.

Any other Business. Bro. H. Allison asked what constitutes the pilot link, he was informed that was one of the turns   was going to be dealt with at the open meeting.

Secretary next brought to the notice of the Branch a remark that had been used concerning him and Bro. Boyle, it being said that if Bro. Boyle and himself had put in an application for vacancies at other depots instead of hanging round here until we had got regular job perhaps other people would have had job, Secretary said he resented such stories as if it had been the right thing for him to have done he would have made an application long ago, but he would let the Branch know that he and Bro. Boyle were permanently appointed in 1927. Secretary passed chit round to members to inspect.

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