extracted & adapted from the
report by W. Yolland
The results into the circumstances which I attended a collision that occurred on Saturday
15th April, between two passenger trains at the ticket platform at Brighton station, when
about nine persons received bruises, contusions, or severe shakes, but I am informed
that none were seriously hurt. The ticket platform is situated a very short distance south
of Montpelier semaphore box at the entrance or the station yard. Down trains arriving
by the main line from London, and by the branch line from Hastings and Lewes, are
sometimes turned into the east side of the ticket platform, and sometimes to the west side
of it.
The signal box contains high signals for the main line and the Portsmouth branch, and
low signals for the Lewes and Hastings branch; one of these low signals being used
when trains are turned to run in on the east side of the ticket platform, and the other to
cover the line on the west side of the ticket platform. In addition to these low signals
there is a distant signal to the east on the Lewes and Hastings branch, which is 694
yards from the signal box, and which can be seen by a train proceeding to Brighton just
before it enters a short tunnel or at about 315 yards distant from the signal.
The line between Lewes and Brighton has a steep incline in each direction falling both
toward s Lewes and towards Brighton, that nearest to Brighton of falling for about one
mile at an inclination of 1 in 100, succeeded by 1 in 264 for 2l/2 miles, and thence level
to the junction for 31 chains. The last portion being in the on a sharp curve of 15 1/2
chains radius.
On the 15th April, the London, Brighton, South Coast Railway Company were engaged
in conveying large numbers of volunteers and other persons to Brighton for the
volunteer review on the following Monday. And It appears that the 9h. 0m. p.m. down
train from London Bridge was so heavy, that, instead of being united at East Croydon
with the portion coming from the Victoria Station, both portions were sent through to
Brighton as separate trains. The London Bridge portion of the train consisted of the
engine and 14 carriages, and it was 59 minutes late when it reached Brighton, having
been delayed by the train in front. It was kept outside the station yard about eight
minutes by the signals at the Montpelier signal box being against it, and when the signal
to proceed was given the train drew ahead to the east side of the ticket platform and had
not quite come to a stand-still when it was run into by the engine of the 9h. 0m. p.m.
train from Lewes, which struck the London train at about the fourth carriage from the
end, threw two carriages off the rails, completely destroying their bodies and carrying
away about 12 or 14 feet of the ticket platform. The collision took place about 9h.31 p.m.
This Lewes train consisted of an engine, six carriages and one break-van at the tail of
the train. It left Lewes eight minutes late, stopped about a minute at the Falmer Station,
and left about 9h. 22m., which station is not very far from the head of the incline falling
towards Brighton, and when it got near the bottom of the incline and came in sight of the
distant signal worked from the Montpelier signal box, which is soon through a short
tunnel, it is admitted by the driver, fireman, and guard of the train that the lamp of
the distant signal showed a red light or danger signal. The Montpelier junction signal
can be seen from the distant signal, and that junction signal was also on at danger
against this Lewes train.
The driver of the London Bridge train saw the Lewes train approaching as he moved
ahead towards the ticket platform, and he thought it was, running faster than usual, or
about 30 miles an hour, as it passed the distant signal. The signalman at the Montpelier
box says the Lewes train came in much faster than usual that night, and he estimates the
speed at which it was running when it passed his box, which stands some 20 yards north
of the spot where the collision took place, at 10 miles an hour. The guard of the train
thinks they would have stopped at the usual place at the ticket platform if the line had
been clear.
He also says the steam was off when they came in sight of the distant signal, and the
fireman says the same. The driver of the London train thinks it was off when he first saw
the Lewes train. The driver and fireman of the Lewes train were subsequently given into
custody for neglect in running in against the danger signals, and are to be prosecuted.
Both declined to give me the information I required, but stated that the lights at the
Montpelier signal box were badly seen, owing to steam about that part of the yard, and
that they were also wrongly directed, as they could not frequently be seen until the train
had passed the distant signal some considerable distance. They also urged that it would
be safer to work the traffic with the assistance of the electric telegraph, placing a
telegraphic signal box near the spot at the eastern side of the tunnel, where the distant
signal is first seen by a train approaching Brighton.
I do not think that there is any reason for supposing that they could not see the junction
signal that night, and at all events I am informed that the distant signal is never put on
at danger unless the east side of the ticket platform is occupied by another train. By the
admission of the driver and fireman this distant signal was on against them, so that I
have no doubt that the collision was occasioned by neglect and want of care on the part
of the engine driver in not having taken the proper steps to reduce his speed and to bring
the train under complete control as soon as he saw the distant signal at danger.
I must, however, remark that this Lewes train was not provided with a sufficient
proportion of break power, one vehicle out of seven independent of the engine is totally
insufficient to enable a train to be stopped in a short distance on so steep an incline as 1
in 88, which exists on the side towards Lewes, or of 1 in 100 towards Brighton.
I should add that the rule No. 33, page 17, in the company's regulations says “drivers
and guards are required to pull up their trains at the distant signal when at slop, having
done so they must without a moment's delay move gently forward as far as the road may
be clear to await a signal from the semaphore to proceed," is not very explicit, and is
differently understood by different people. If it means that they are to stop their trains
dead, it would be better to say so.