Chairman Bro. R. Taylor
Annual General Meeting January 18th 1981
Commenced 10.35 close 12.45
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain, D. King, A. Stratton, D. Rodgers, A. Thompson, P. Bowles, & L. Baldwin.
The minutes of last A.G.M. read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes were read as a true record.
Matters arising from these minutes were men changing turns on Sunday when travel by bus/taxi was involved.
It was agreed that a letter be sent to Head Office regarding the 1981 Christmas arrangements and method of payment.
This was a unanimously decision.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, It was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. A. thompson. That the minutes were read as a true record.
The Election of Officers.
Was dealt with next and the following officers were elected for 1981.
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts, Assistant Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
Branch Auditors Bros L. Baldwin & P. Bowles
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Trades Council Representatives Bros. R. Taylor & S. Tingley
Committee for 1981
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray & A. Thompson.
Correspondence was read and among various items was the question of Southease Level crossing, various letters had been sent to Head Office over this. The main reply to this was that we should carry out instruction as laid down in Head Office Circular 52/1979, which stated a speed of 10 m.p.h. over this crossing until procedure for using the crossing was attend.
L.D.C. Report
The question of payslips was again brought up, after much debate it was agreed that a letter be sent to the Legal Department, Head Office for their advice on this. We had failed to find agreement locally with the Hastings Station manager.
The down outer home signal at Hamden Park brought many complaints, we were given to understand that future improvements might soon be forthcoming.
The question of increased locker space in Ore locker room was discussed also repairs to fire exit door and week day notice case.
Members were quick to air their feelings over the proposed Brighton re-signalling scheme, whereby one would emerge from a tunnel to find RED lights just outside, this was the proposal on some of the double line workings (reversible roads).
District Council Report
This included the Sweet Hill Crash of December 1978, pensions, cut back on services and the extraneous payment which had recently been posted. The question of Goods Yard lighting was discussed after a member of staff had had his car stolen on Christmas Eve,
A letter had been received from Bro. J. Newett over this, he asked if it would be read out in any other business. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to A.D.M. Brighton over this.
Any A.A.D. resolution would be drawn up and submitted to Head Office for approval well before the end of the year.
It was agreed that in future meetings would be held at 10.0 a.m.
Meeting closed 12.45
¼ Meeting March 29th 1981
Commenced 10.15 close 12.15
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson, & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read as a true record, this was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
In matters arising which followed the question of station yard lighting was again raised. A meeting had taken place with various representatives of departments concerned. It had been agreed that if no stock was in No.5 road, this would help the situation. It was left at the time being for future developments, and consultation.
It was agreed that a meeting be arranged with A.D.M. Brighton re the question of payslip distribution. This was necessary owing to the outcome of letter sent to Head Office and previous lack of assistance from Hastings Station Manager.
Various voting papers were dealt with, it was proposed by Bro. A. Thompson and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That Bro. B. Noakes of Brighton No.2 be nominated for the forthcoming Sectional council ‘B’ elections.
Bro. S. Tingley and Bro. R. Taylor seconded.
That Bro E, Tinselly of Orpington be given the branch vote for the 1981 T.U.C.
Bro. S. Tingley proposed and Bro. A. Thompson seconded.
That Bro. L. Worboys of Portsmouth be voted for the Labour Party Conference 1981
A meeting was being held at Brighton on Thursday 9th April 1981 regarding the proposed cuts in services. It was agreed that Bros. W. Arling and L. Baldwin would attend this meeting. It was proposed by Bro. A. Thompson and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
That Bros. Arling and Baldwin would be allowed £3.00 each towards their expenses for attending this meeting. This would come out of Branch Funds (minute 2/81).
The question of XXX men on Sundays was raised. Men at other depots were being booked in “off shift” whilst XXX men were not fully utilised. The Branch Secretary was submitted a claim in this respect for himself for today 29/3/81.
The recent report in the Daily Mirror W/e 28/3/81 was discussed. The members who had read it were very dissatisfied with the contents. It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson.
That a letter be sent to Head Office asking what steps the E.C. were going to take over the report.
A resolution to Head Office over the introduction of A.W.S. was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. The resolution was requested to be submitted for the 1982 A.A.D. reads as follows.
“In view of the forthcoming introduction of A.W.S. on the Central Division of Southern Region, we consider some payment should be made for operating extra mechanical equipment, of this is not possible we should be given some form of renumeration for working the aid of the aforesaid equipment in the past.”
In any other business which closed the meeting the Branch Secretary requested a better suitcase to replace existing one. It was unanimously agreed that he obtains a new one, cost being born by branch funds (minute 1/81).
Meeting closed 12.15
Special Meeting May 17th 1981
Commenced 10.10 close 11.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, L. Baldwin,
S. Spackman, W. Arling, A. Thompson, P. Bowles & D. King.
The Chairman Bro. R. Taylor opened the meeting. The first item to be dealt with was the voting paper for the forthcoming Sectional council ‘B’ elections. It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson.
That we vote for Bro. B. noakes of Brighton No.2. This was unanimously agreed by the members.
Bro. R. Taylor, District Council Representative and Chairman spoke about the recent Tunbridge Wells dispute and its implications. A lengthy debate followed amongst the members present. At the conclusion of this it was proposed by Bro. S. Spackman and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles.
That the Secretary be instructed to write to other L.D.C.s with the view of staggered strikes during week commencing
1st June 1981.
The voting on this was 8 for and 2 against. It was agreed that a copy of our proposal be sent to the Tunbridge Wells Secretary, to show them what we were prepared to do. The Secretary agreed to write to the following Branch Secretaries also asking for a speedy reply.
Eastbourne, Three Bridges, Horsham, Bognor, Redhill, Littlehampton, Seaford (which comes under Eastbourne) and a copy to Tunbridge Wells.
On the question of the proposal from Eastbourne over stopped rest days, this was fully discussed but owing to several members having to book on around lunch time it was felt that insufficient time was given to this, It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Eastbourne Branch Secretary explaining this, and that we would discuss this proposal more fully at our next Branch Meeting
Meeting Closed 11.40
Meeting August 16th 1981
Commenced 10.05 close 12.50
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, D. King, P. Bowles,
S. Spackman, F. Jenner, J. Newett & A. Stratton.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes were read as a true record.
In correspondence which followed the Secretary brought a Head Office circular to the members notice, the empathised the need for members involved in suicides to indicate that they had suffered some form of shock, this would be in writing when filling in forms for the D.H.S.S.
In the L.D.C. Report that followed, the loss of Sunday work was discussed also the Brighton re-signalling scheme and the associate problems with several signal being sighted wrongly, had brought complaints from several L.D.C.s.
The proposed Gatwick Airport Rail Link from Victoria in the future was discussed. This involved the use of Class 73 locos and ten mark two coaches plus luggage van. Again several L.D.C.s had recorded their disapproval over this measure, quite naturally, feeling that work would be lost for E.M.U. men.
The fencing on of No.5 road at Ore and the refusal of management to improve lighting in yard was another item which our L.D.C. had dealt with. The lighting would have cost over £4,000 we are told. The gate at entrance to goods yard was not going to be locked after all.
Bro. R. Taylor gave a lengthy but informative talk on the District Council meetings, he had attended. Items included inter-union disputes, the question of more flexible hours and also on the question of the Channel Tunnel.
The widow Bro. R. Jefford, Littlehampton had received the sum of £50,000 over the Sweethill disaster which happened in December 1978.
Next item on the agenda was proposed strike which had been called by N.U.R. and A.S.L.E.F. over the refusal by the B.R.B. to accept the findings of Lord McCarthy’s tribunal of 11% without strings attached. A lengthy debate followed and all members present aired their views. It was proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. J. Newett that the following letter be sent to Head Office.
“This Branch deplores the was negotiations have been handles, lack of information in the early stages and consider, that a secret ballot should have been or should be instigated before the strike commences.”
The voting on this was 8 for with 1 abstaining.
It was proposed by Bro. P. Bowles and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner.
"That in the event of the strike taking place that we would hold a branch meeting on Sunday 6th September 1981 at
10.0 a.m. at the Granville Hotel.”
The Secretary said he would make provisional arrangements.
In any other business which followed the question of having to walk through long trains at night with possibility of meeting drunks still aboard was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. S. Spackman and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles.
That the L.D.C. take this up with management also the question of dividing D.E.M.U. stock at Hastings, reducing the train berthed in No.5 road at Ore by half which would solve the lighting complaints.
Meeting closed 12.50