Chairman Bro. F. Sherwin
Vice Chair Bro. C. Dotterill
Secretary Bro. A. Pearce
Assistant Secretary Bro. H. Bowden
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 31st Jan. 1926
14 members present
A. Pearce, H. Bowden, W. Eelis, A. Charman, W. Brown, P. Reed, W. Goldson,
B. Peddlesden, F. Sherwin, C. Barrow, S. Lower, C. Wilson, F. Brown & L. Lower.
Minutes of December read and discussed and proposed by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes re “the dummy attached to Seaford points”, Bro. C. Barrow gave his report of his meeting with Mr. Maitland. It was mentioned that Shunters would take the responsibility of the points being on proper position , but it was mentioned that eventually this matter would be seen into.
Another item was bought up by the N.U.R. Delegate re sheets to be provided for Tender Engines. Mr. Fuller was also present at this meeting said that as engines come out of the shops they were being fitted with hooks, to which sheets could be adjusted.
Correspondence re ’Seniority’ from Ramsgate read and discussed.
Correespondence from Lewes Divisional Lbour Party read and discussed, on the question of being affiliated to his party. it was mentioned that this could not be done, as provision for only one affiliation was granted, this being with the Trades and Labour Council.
Letter from Minority Movement was read and discussed.
Bro Ellis brought up the question of Seniority with other depots where men with less service are passed and getting their rate 9/6 per day. He also mentioned transfer paper he and W. Goldson had signed and accepted but h ad heard nothing more about them, it was mentioned, the this seniority question is a very knotty problem, which men with great experience cannot solve yet. W. Goldson proposed the L.D.C. Delegate should see Mr. Maitland regarding their transfers, but both men were advised to the Foreman themselves first.
Proposed by Bro. A. Norman and seconded by Bro. W. Ellis. That the Shed Staff hold a dinner on Good Friday. Bro. A. Rookly put forward an amendment to this, saying that it should be a loco and traffic dinner. On the vote the amendment was lost, therefore it was arranged that a diner for Shed Staff only should be held on this day.
A Dinner Committee was formed and Bro. W. Brown elected as Secretary of this Committee. The Committee are
Bros. W. Brown (Sec.), F. Sherwin, H. Bowden, C. Dotteril, W. Ellis, A. Charman, A. Norman & C. Barrow.
Secretary was instructed to get names of those who intended going before Sunday Feb. 7th, 1926, when a Dinner Committee meeting would be held.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 28th Feb. 1926
19 members present
Minutes of January red and discussed and proposed by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. W. Smith. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes re “no dummy on points to points at Seaford”. Bro Barrow shed spokesman did not attend but informed Secretary that final instruction from Mr. Fuller were when Shunter or porter saw points were over and gave hand signal. They accepted responsibility also in respect of sheets for Tender Engines each depot would be supplied with name of depot on them.
Correspondence from Head Office re Conference of Cleaners to be held at Head Office in May, pro. by Bro. W. Brown and sec. by Bro. P. Reed. That Bro. W. Ellis be candidate, Pro. by Bro. S. Lower and sec. by Bro. L. Lower that Bro. A. Lower be candidate, put to the vote and Bro. A. Lower was elected.
Letter from Bro. Goodyear of Eastbourne, read and discussed.
Correspondence re Salvage dispute read and discussed.
Letter from Secretary of N.U.R.,asking for co operation on respect to a show a card week, beginning on March 8th. A lively discussion arose: the Secretary stated, that he had been asked particulars and was informed that every member with a clear card would wear a flag and had informed the Secretary of N.U.R.,that all our members paid quarterly, so if our members agreed to co operate he would be given sufficient flags for each member. Pro. By Bro. F. Brown & sec. By S. Lower. That we cooperate. Pro. W. Godson & sec by P. Reed as an amendment that we ignore them, put to the vote, the proposition was carried.
Nomination for membership,
Pro. by Bro. W. Smith & sec by Bro. A. Charman. That A.C. Dell become a member of this Society.
Pro. by Bro. W. Brown & sec. by Bro. C. Wilson. That G. Bullon become a member of the Society.
Both nominations were carried.
Correspondence from Secretary of Sectional Council Circulars re medical test and turning light engines
out station areas to count for main line turn for 15/- rate, also supervision of shed drivers read and discussed.
Bro. Lower spoke on notice in Shed for positions of permanently appointed Drivers at different depots. Pro. By Secretary. That he & Bro. Lower being the two senior spare Drivers at this Depot that they see Foreman to see if they could make application for the two positions at this depot as stated on notice.
The following was proposed to be placed on the agenda of Shed Spokesmen VIZ.
Pro. by Bro. A. Pearce. That hose pipe be placed on coal stage.
Pro. by Bro. H. Bowden. That men working in Shed on Sunday early turn as well as middle.
Pro. by Bro. W. Ellis. That cleaners work a turn Firing on Sundays.
Pro. by A. Charman. That of any extra work come along on Sundays, that spare men work it .
Pro. by Bro. F. Brown. That spray caps be placed on injectors for the operation of sprays & spray cocks be made workable.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 28th March 1926
Bro. C. Dotteril in the Chair
12 members present
minutes of February read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they be accepted s a true record.
Arising from minutes re notice in shed for two permanently appointed drivers, Secretary explained that he and Bro. Lower saw Foreman and he advised them to make application for same and he would give them his fullest backing.
Correspondence from Head Office re circular from General Secretary asking for particulars of long hours worked by enginemen, so as he could forward same on to Ministry of Transport.
Circular re suspension of Shed enginemen read and discussed.
Letter from Ashford Branch asking for support of Bro. Bumstead in forthcoming election for vacancy of Bro. Cordrey on the Executive Committee
Ballot papers for Conference of Cleaners at Head Office issued and signed.
Bros. Ellis & Lower discussed their position with other depots as they said that at other depots junior men than them were firing and they were still cleaning and they would like a transfer to another depot. Secretary advice both to see Foreman before summer serviced started.
Bro. Clarke, asked if it was not the practice to take an hour on last engine. Secretary looked up conditions of Service, but it did not state if such was case in the disposal of engines.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 25th April 1926
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
14 members present
Minutes of March read and discussed, proposed by Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. E. Brooker. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes re Secretary advising Bros. Lower & Ellis to see Foreman regarding transferring to another depot, Bro. Lower reported seeing the Foreman and he advised them to make an application and he would send them on.
Correspondence re Cleaners rate of pay from Head Office was read and discussed.
Minutes of No.5 District Council read and discussed.
Letter from Barrow Labour Party asking for funds to provide uniforms for Barrow Labour Band. Bro. D. Boyle advised Secretary to go to members and asked them to contribute to same.
Pro. By F. Brown & sec by D. Boyle. That Secretary write to Organizating Secretary Bro. Barton Wild asking him to pay us a visit with an idea of holding a meeting.
Bro. C. Barrow Shed spokesman gave his report of meeting with Mr. Fuller on agenda of Feb. meeting re water spike on coal stage, spray in injectors, early turn for Drivers working on Shed on Sundays & Sunday duty all worked.
Proposed. That spare Drivers work on Shed on Sundays and Motor spare Drivers work on motors and spare work to distributed between both links. Proposed by D. Boyle & seconded By L. Lower. That Sunday work be accepted.
Considerable discussion arose owing to the action of N.U.R. Representative, out delegate said it did not think that the delegate of the N.U.R. Had acted in a straight forward manner and hoped that out members would make as little possible for him to deal with until October when we hoped to elect two of our members to stand for the she representation, all member present expressed their disgust at N.U.R. Representative manner and gave full support of our representatives action.
Pro. By F. Harris sec by F. Brown. That shed representative approach Foreman with an idea of having, discussions arrived it being parted in shed for all concerned to see.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 25th April 1926
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
14 members present
Minutes of March read and discussed, proposed by Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. E. Brooker. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes re Secretary advising Bros. Lower & Ellis to see Foreman regarding transferring to another depot, Bro. Lower reported seeing the Foreman and he advised them to make an application and he would send them on.
Correspondence re Cleaners rate of pay from Head Office was read and discussed.
Minutes of No.5 District Council read and discussed.
Letter from Barrow Labour Party asking for funds to provide uniforms for Barrow Labour Band. Bro. D. Boyle advised Secretary to go to members and asked them to contribute to same.
Pro. By F. Brown & sec by D. Boyle. That Secretary write to Organizating Secretary Bro. Barton Wild asking him to pay us a visit with an idea of holding a meeting.
Bro. C. Barrow Shed spokesman gave his report of meeting with Mr. Fuller on agenda of Feb. meeting re
water spike on coal stage, spray in injectors, early turn for Drivers working on Shed on Sundays & Sunday duty all worked.
Proposed. That spare Drivers work on Shed on Sundays and Motor spare Drivers work on motors and spare work to distributed between both links. Proposed by D. Boyle & seconded By L. Lower. That Sunday work be accepted.
Considerable discussion arose owing to the action of N.U.R. Representative, out delegate said it did not think that the delegate of the N.U.R. Had acted in a straight forward manner and hoped that out members would make as little possible for him to deal with until October when we hoped to elect two of our members to stand for the she representation, all member present expressed their disgust at N.U.R. Representative manner and gave full support of our representatives action.
Pro. By F. Harris sec by F. Brown. That shed representative approach Foreman with an idea of having, discussions arrived it being parted in shed for all concerned to see.
Minutes of the Newhaven Special Branch Meeting
held at the Loder Hut on Monday 3rd May 1926
Bro. C. Barrow was voted in the Chair
Correspondence from Head office i.e. Strike in support of the Miners read and discussed.
Election of two representatives for local joint strike committee.
Proposed By F. Harris & seconded by A. Norman.
That secretary & Chairman Bros. A. Pearce & F. Sherwin elected on same. Carried.
Accommodation during strike.
Pro. By D. Boyle. That we have Loder Hut* during period of strike. Carried.
The Secretary spoke on Bro. Boyle's proposition as a very good one and said our members could co-operate with members of other unions in sports and games.
The Secretary then gave a speech in which he urged member to stand by their Executive in the fight for the miners because if the miners went down in wages and conditions it was the railwaymen’s turn next.
The Secretary, then gave a speech in which he urged members to stand by their Executive Committee in the fight for the miners, because if the miners went down in wages and conditions it was the railwaymen’s turn next.
Secretary then gave notice of roll call for 9.30. a.m.
NEWHAVEN 13th May 1926
B4 Class No. 69 ‘Bagshot’ with Newhaven ‘SCAB’ Enginemen (names not known) who did not strike during the General Strike. With the help of members of the general public volunteering and worked with scab enginemen to help to break the strike.
Newhaven Locomotive Running Foreman John Pelham Maitland (1924 - 1929), carried out driving duties during the General Strike. Whilst he was working a boat train from Newhaven to London Victoria in the Keymer area his engine dropped its plug (His fireman is not know). This meant that the enginemen had allowed the water in the boiler to fall below a dangerous level, and this allowed the heat of fire to melt a copper plug and cause major damage to the engine. This cause major disruption whilst they waited for assisting engine to arrive (from the rear or from the front) with very few engines available on the L.B.S.C.R. to come to their rescue.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on the 30th May 1926
15 members present
Minutes of April meeting read and discussed and were proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Green. That they be accepted as a true record.
Minutes of Special Strike meeting held on May 3rd, 1926, were read and accepted as a true record, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. by J. Green.
Correspondence re turns of settlement of strike read and discussed.
Letter re Unions officials meeting with Companies regarding reinstatements and working of minimum of 3 days work at ordinary rate of pay read and discussed.
Letter from Ashford re Bro. Bumstead’s nomination for E. C. read, asking this branch to support him.
Circular read from Head Office re financial position of union read and stead that the greater economy that exist in future with regards to Staff salaries and “Fancy Prices”, etc, and the Branch was asked to forward a resolution to the A.A.D., through its delegate agreeing with this move.
Much discussion took place over this matter and Bro. Wilmshurst pointed out that he would not move a resolution to the effect that it would lower any salaries of the staff if they were being paid at Trade Union rate. More discussion followed and at last it was moved
'That this Branch is agreeable to strictest economy in future in every thing possible, so long as it does not effect staff salaries.' seconded by F. Wilmshurst.
Bro. A. Pearce reported of meeting with Mr. E. J. Coxes on the matter of charges for loan of the Loder Hut during the recent strike. Mr. Coxes said he would leave matter in Secretary's hands and whatever charge members thought should be be made, should be sent to the Miner's Distress Fund, or to the Local Distress Fund. Pro. By C. Barrow& sec by P. Reed. That £2 would be reasonable.
An amendment was moved by Bro. F. Wilmshurst
That £3 should be charged providing the Dockers Union paid half and if any difficultly in obtaining their share, the charge should stand at £2.
The members voted and the amendments was carried.
Bro. A. Charman brought up about the working of special traffic the following week with spare firemen and only one spare Driver and it was state that very likely Brighton men worked them owing to Brighton being on short time and Newhaven all in. Bro. Charman said he would let the matter drop as he said those men who tell, most never came to the meeting room. When the miner's crisis was over, to do his best for the younger men.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on the 20th June 1926
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
Minutes of last meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. f. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they accepted as a true record.
Arising from minutes, Bro. Wilmshurst asked what had been done regarding the rent for Loder Hut during the strike. Secretary explained that he had paid 30/- to Mr Coxes and he sent it on to Lady Slesser for the fund for feeding Miners children.
Pro. By F. Sherwin. That Secretary write to Head Office and find out which promotion was in force service or area as there seemed to be a misunderstanding.
Correspondence read and discussed.
Bro. W. Brown asked Secretary to write to Head Office re sliding scale rate and see if cleaners were entitled to any rate retrospective.
Bro. W. Brown asked if shed spokesman could see Foreman re coaling rate of man when performing coaling work 52/-.
Bro. Peddlesden asked what calling up job was and he was advised to see Foreman failing satisfaction to place it in the hands of shed spokesman.
Bro. Peddlesden also remarked that Bro. Wilde was performing work that senior men should be doing.
Bro. Wilmshurst suggested that a spare Fireman should be appointed on the shed with shed Drivers.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on the 25th July 1926
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
15 members present
Minutes of June meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence re Cleaners rate read also of Promotion of Footplatemen.
Proposed by W. Ellis.
That she spokesman approach Foreman on the subject of spare Fireman acting on the Shed with each shed Driver, seconded by Bro. A. Lower.
Amendment by C. Wood.
That this lay on the table until after the coal strike and times were normal.
seconded by Bro. L. Lower.
Amendment was carried.
Letter from Bro. Goodyear of Eastbourne, concerning his visit to give report on this years A.A.D. and asking Secretary to state a date when he would be pleased to come.
Proposed by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That he should come on Sunday August 8th.
Proposed. That the Loder Hut be acquired for this Special Meeting. Proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. W. Smith. That the meeting start at 6 p.m.
Correspondence from Head Office re L.D.C. agreed to leave this over until Bro. Goodyear had attended, when some information on the subject might be given.
Letter from Secretary of Woman's Branch at Brighton asking for members wives of this join their Branch.
Later in the evening Bro. Harris attended and some advice was given re spare Fireman with shed Drivers, another vote was taken on the subject and the votes for proposition and amendment were equal. Chairman gave the casting vote in favour of proposition.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on the 25th Aug 1926
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
15 members present
Minutes of July meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.
Proposed by Bro. W. Smith and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That the minutes re Spare Firemen working with Shedmen and shed, lay on table until future date
Correspondence read re Wages Board, discussion and A.A.D. Conference and letter of appeal from General Secretary re Financial Position of Society.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on the 1st Oct. 1926
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
11 members present
Minutes of August meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from minutes re spare Fireman working with Shed Drivers, much discussion arose and in the end Bro Shedman proposed & sec. By S. Lower. That it lay on table until an opportune time.
Correspondence re sliding scale for Cleaners read, also letter from Head Office announcing nominations for next year’s A.A.D., proposed by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro, S. Lower. That Bro. Wilmshurst be nominated, Bro. Wilmshurst said he could rather some one else be nominated.
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst nd seconded by Bro. L. Lower. That Bro. Stedman be nominated. Bro. Stedman agreed to stand.
Correspondence announcing a competition in Aid of Assurance and Orphan Funds.
The shed delegate gave his report of meeting with Mr. Fuller ie Lobby accommodation, Mr. Fuller reported the matter to Waterloo and they stated that owing to improvements at Newhaven could be done, but he would have the place swept out each day and scrubbed out twice a week, and he also stated that a sanitary bin was being placed in lobby to place rubbish in.
Bro. Barrow handed in his resignation as shed representative.
Pro. By F. Wilmshurst. That Secretary take up with N.U.R. Secretary with the idea of forming a L.D.C. Bro. C. Barrow seconded. Carried.
Bro. H. Stedman asked Secretary to state fully in his letter to the N.U.R. Secretary the object of an L.D.C. And to call an open meeting of all Loco-men at this Depot to form the same and also to state that an L,D.C. Comprises four representative we were agreeable to nominate two from each union.
Bro. H. Stedmen asked Chairman to as Bro. Barrow to continue as Shed Representative until L.D.C. Was formed, Bro. Barrow said he was agreeable.
Pro. by L. Lower & sec by C. Barrow that H. Hamblin be readmitted to the Society. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Open Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 7th Nov. 1926
The meeting for all grades in the Loco Depot for the idea of forming a L.D.C. At this Depot.
Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair
15 members present
Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. W. Smith that Bro. H. Stedman take the Chair. Carried Unan
Chairman opened with a few remarks on the benefits of a L.D.C.
Pro. By F. Browning sec by F. Sherwin. That we make application to be formal. Carried.
Agreed that joint application be made. Nominations for Representatives was next called it being a general view.
That it was as opportune time to elect them as there was a good attendance.
Pro. by H Musgrove & sec by P. Lower. That F. Browning be elected,
Pro F. Sherwin & sec. By F. Wilmshurst. That H. Stedman,
Pro. By F. Wilmshurst & sec. By E. Brooker. That M. Smith be elected.
Pro by F. Wilmshurst & Sec C. Woolger. That nominations be elected in Block. Carried unam.
Pro by M. Smith and seconded by Bro. P. Lower. That nominees be elected in block. Carried unanimous
Secretary of N.U.R. stated that they could find a representative for shed staff.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 28th Nov. 1926
Bro. H. Stedman in the Chair
8 members present
Minutes of October meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. W. Smith and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence letter from Secretary of Sectional Council re transferred Drivers firing when a unions were Driving.
Letter read from Chairman of Executive, Bro. Cordrey re recent strike on behalf of miners and report of monies paid out as benefits in strikes since 1919.
Business of Election of Officers for onsuing year be left over till next meeting as it was a general opinion that there was a poor representation of the members here being only 8 present and Bro. Stedmen pro. That election of officer would take place, the Secretary also stated that he made it quite clear that, he assure need it was Annual Meeting, on this meeting notice and also that next meeting take place on December 19th.
Bro. Brown pro. That Shed Spokesman see Foreman to see if better coal could be placed on boat engines.
Minutes of Special Meeting of both Unions to consider application for L.D.C. read and discussed. Proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.
Secretary stated that he and Secretary of N.U.R. had drafted a letter to Mr. Maitland asking for formation of same and had received reply to the effect that he had forwarded it on to proper quarter.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 19th Dec. 1926
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
Minutes of November meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Brown and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence, letter from Head Office re contribution to Miners Wife & Children by the A.S.L.E. & F. read and discussed.
Letter read reporting the Death of Assistant General Secretary Mr. Moore.
Proposed by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro. F. Wilmshurst. That Secretary send a letter of condolence to Widow and Family.
Bro. C. Barrow gave his report of meeting with Foreman re better coal for engines working boat trains.
Election of Officers
Proposed by Bro. H. Bowden and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That Bro. F. Wilmshurst be Chairman for 1927.
Proposed by Bro. E. Brooker and seconded by Bro. F. Brown. That Bro. H. Stedman be Vice Chairman.
Proposed by Bro. A. Rookley and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That Bro. A. Pearce, still remain as Secretary.
Proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. F. Brown. That Bro. W. Brown remain as Assistant Secretary.
The election of the Committee was taken en bloc the following members to constitute the same.
Bros. H. Bowden, J. Giles, C. Barrow, J. Hillman, F. Brown & L. Lower.
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. F. Brown that Bros. C. Wilson and F. Sherwin be auditors for 1927.
Representatives for Trades and Labour Council.
Proposed by Bro. C. Wood and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That Bros. H. Stedman and F. Sherwin serve on same.
Bro. H. Stedman spoke highly of Secretary's work in the Branch for the past year and hoped he would continue for many years to come, he also spoke highly of Bro. F. Sherwin as Chairman and he said that the past year had been a real test of endurance for Officers and Members alike.
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That meetings be held on Sunday mornings instead evenings at 11 a.m. Carried Unanm