National Conditions of Service
Railway Locomotive Enginemen,
Firemen, Motormen,
Assistant Motormen & Cleaners,
Interpretations and Examples.
J. BROMLEY, General Secretary.
Price 6d.
Town Hall Chambers.
Time to be calculated at the rate of eight hours per day.
The total time for the week to be arrived at by adding the daily hours and fractions and
payment for the week to be made to the nearest half of an hour.
In connection with the calculation of time in respect of payment for;-
(a) Overtime.
(b) Sunday Duty.
(c) Night Duty.
the excess payments for odd minutes for overtime, Sunday duty and night duty shall be
cumulative to the end of the week, and the odd minutes then dealt with in the following manner·:-
(i) Periods of less than 15 minutes to be dropped.
(ii) Periods of 15 minutes and up to 44 minutes 1/2 an hour.
(iii) Periods of 45 minutes and up to 60 minutes= 1 hour.
A11 time worked on week-days in excess of the standard hours shall be paid for at the rate of time- and-a-quarter, or, if between the hours of 10.0 p.m. and 4.0 a.m. at the rate of time-and-a-half. (See Section 3 under the heading of “Night Duty.”)
For the purpose of compilling overtime each day shall stand by itself.
Overtime rates shall not. apply to any hours worked between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday, nor from midnight Sunday to completion of turn on Sunday - Monday turns, but all time so worked shall be paid for at the Sunday rate, viz., time-and-a-half. All week-day time worked in excess off 8hours in anyone week shall be paid for at overtime rates.
3.-Night Duty.
All ordinary time worked between the following hours, viz.:-
Sunday, midnight to 4.0 a.m. Monday (except all Sunday-Monday turns).
10. p.m. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thurs. day and Friday to 4.0 Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday.10.0 p.m. Saturday 10.0 midnight Saturday shall be paid for at the rate of time-and-a-quarter
All OVERTIME worked between these hours shall be paid for at the inclusive rate of time-
4.-Sunday Duty.
All time worked between midnight. Saturday alld midnight Sunday shall be paid for at. the
rate of time- and-a·half.
A turn commencing all Sunday and running into Monday shall be paid as for a Sunday turn at the rate of time-and-a-half.
Hours worked on these days in excess of 8 (standard day)-shall not be computed as part of the hours of work of any other day.
Neither overtime rate nor night duty rate applies to any time worked on Sundays, or Sunday-
Monday turns. All such time worked shall be paid for at the inclusive rate of time-and-a-half.
5.-Payment for Good Friday and on Christmas
Day when latter falls on a Weekday.
JANUARY 1st, and 2nd (Scotland) .
Turns of duty worked on Good Friday and Christmas Day by men employed in England, and
on January 1st and 2nd by men employed in Scotland ‘(except. when Christmas Day, January 1st or 2nd falls on a Sunday), are included in and form part of the guaranteed week’s work.
All time worked on these days to be paid at the inclusive rate of time-and-a-half, the extra
allowance of half-time on time worked to be paid for in addition to the payment for the
guaranteed day.
A turn is the period of employment between each appointed time of booking on and off duty.
A Sunday turn is one Which begins not earlier than midnight Saturday.
Turns commencing on Sunday and extending into Monday to be paid under the conditions
applicable to Sunday turns.
No man to be paid less than a standard day’s pay for each time of signing all duty except as
stated below:-
(a) Men working a short day for their own convenience, or illness.
(b) Men Coming late on duty through their own fault to receive payment for the actual hours
(c) Electric Trainmen.-On the London Underground Railways split turns of duty are to be
continued, but in the case of Motormen and Conductors are not to exceed 5 per cent. of the total duties on each line with a maximum spread over of 12 hours, and with a maximum of 7 1/2 hours actual work. Time beyond this either’ “spread over" or "actual work” not to be booked, but if worked to be paid for at overtime rates.
Gatemen working the same turns as Motormen and Conductors will be governed by the same rules as to split turns, but Gatemen employed solely for strengthening trains may all have to work split turns, spread over not to exceed 12 hours, actual work 7 1/2 hours, in the same way as Motormen, Conductors, and other Gatemen. All possible steps will be taken to absorb them in other duties so as to reduce split working to all absolute minimum.
8.-Guaranteed Week.
The standard week’s work to consist of 48 hours.
The standard week’s wages exclusive of any payment for overtime, Sunday duty or night duty to be guaranteed to all employees who are available for duty throughout the week, but turns commencing on a Saturday and finishing on a Sunday shall form part of the guaranteed week, and all turns commencing on a Sunday shall be excluded from, and be paid for independently of, the guaranteed week.
A turn commencing at midnight on a Saturday night is to be treated as a Sunday turn of duty, and a turn commencing at midnight on Sunday night is to be treated as a week-day turn of duty.
A turn commencing on a Saturday and extending into Sunday, which forms one of the six
ordinary week-day turns of duty, shall be paid for as a guaranteed day, and independent of
any extra payment for night. duty or Sunday duty, that is to say, a man who books one duty on a Saturday night and works one of his ordinary six turns into a Sunday, shall receive a full standard day's pay for such booking, in addition to the night duty rate between 10.0 pm. and 12 midnight Saturday, and the Sunday rate for time worked after Saturday midnight into Sunday.
In the event of a Strike affecting the work of any grade, either generally or in any district, the question of suspending the operation of this Article shall be referred to the Joint Committee to be set up.
The roster shall provide for a period of 12 hours rest being shown in the case of all regular
duties for men when at their home station. In all other eases a minimum of 9 hours shall be
allowed from the time of signing off for one tun of duty to signing on for the next turn of
(a.) The rest interval agreed on shall not be adhered to when it is necessary to call out for
emergencies, such as breakdowns, failures, fog, etc. This is not intended to vary the agreed
arrangements in regard to the intervals of rest between train duties.
(b) The 12 hours interval for’ rest may be reduced to 8 hours by mutual agreement in the case of men working in shifts of 8 hours when changing turns of duty at the week-ends.
(c) The 9 hours interval shall not necessarily be adhered to in respect of trainmen working
race trains, excursion trains. or other similar special trains; in such cases it is agreed that an
interval of 7 hours rest only need be given where the outward working has not exceeded 7
hours. In such cases the men shall be released from work as soon as possible after completion of the return journey.
10.-Meal Times.
(a) Steam Locomotive Drivers and Firemen.
To have continuous duty. Meal times to be taken as opportunity arises. In the case of Drivers and Firemen working on shunting engines, where the working is continuous, it is realised that opportunity for a meal must be given, although a definite interval cannot be rostered, an interval of 20 minutes shall be arranged between the third and fifth hours of duty.
(b) Motormen and Electric Trainmen
To have continuous duty. in cases where the work is so incessant as not to give opportunities
for carrying out the necessities of nature, there shall be allowed 30 minutes in one or more
breaks, one of which breaks shall be of not less than 20 minutes duration provided, if it be
agreed that there shall be only one break, that break will be arranged for between the third
and fifth hours.
11.-Special Train Duties.
Special train duties to be eliminated as far as possible with a view to the number of drivers
and firemen who are shown as standing '' spare " for such duties being reduced to the
In view of the fact that it is not possible to avoid special train duties for drivers and firemen
who are not rostered for fixed working, a system shall be instituted under which each man
when booking on duty shall be given a form to show at all at hour, after he has had 12 hours
rest, he shall hold himself in readiness for resuming work.
If he is not booked on for duty within 10 hours of the time shown on the form, provided such time falls on a weekday, he shall be given a day's pay at his ordinary standard rate, and be allowed to take a further period of rest, with a minimum of 8 hours.
Such payment shall be taken into consideration in the Guaranteed Week's pay, but shall not be taken into consideration in regard to overtime payments. Before the expiration of the 8 hours rest, the man shall be advised at what hour he is again to hold himself in readiness to be called for work.
If the time shown on the form falls between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday, and the man is not booked on within 8 hours of that, time, he shall be given a day's pay at his
ordinary standard rate. Such payments shall not form part of the Guaranteed Week. In cases where a man is shown on the form to hold himself in readiness for duty on Sunday, and is not made use 01, he shall not be liable for call again before 6 a.m. on Monday.
(a) Where the mileage in any turn of duty exceeds 120 miles, payment to be made on the
basis of 15 miles = 1 hour. Distances of less than 1/2 mile to be ignored, distances of 1/2 mile and upwards to be calculated as one mile.
(b) Men whose day’s work is on the mileage basis, if brought out earlier, or kept out later, for the purpose of piloting, shunting, or to perform work of any description other than mileage, not provided for in the" day's work on the mileage basis,” are to be paid for such time worked, in addition to the day's mileage, in accordance with the regulations governing
payment by time, less the usual diagrammed time for engine requirements.
(c) The allowances for night duty, overtime and Sunday duty, where payable, are to be paid
on the hours worked, and in addition to the payments referred to in paragraph (a) of-this
(d) In no circumstances will the time paid for be less than the actual time on duty.
NOTE.-Odd miles to be dealt with in the following manner;-
Distances of less than 5 miles to be dropped. Distances of 5 miles and less than 11 miles = 1/2 hour
Distances of 11 miles up to 15 miles = 1 hour.
See Examples Nos. 1 to 15, pages 30 to 44.
13.-Rates of Pay.
1st and 2nd years ... ... ... ...12/- per day
3rd and 4th years... .... ... ...13/- per day
5th, 6th, & 7th years... ... ...14/- per day
8th year onwards... ... .... ...15/- per day
1st and 2nd years ... ... ... ... 9/6 per day
3rd and 4th years... .... ... ... 10/6 per day
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th... ....11/- per day
10th year onwards... ... .... ...12/- per day
16 Years of age and under ... ... .....4/- per day
18 & 19 Years of age and under ... 5/- per day
20 Years of age and over ... ... ... ...4/- per day
In cases where these rates do not reach the present combined Standard Rate of Wages and
War Wage, the difference in War Wage must be added, that is the combined rate under the new Agreement will be the same as on August; 18th, 1919, and until an agreement has been arrived at on new standard rates.
It is agreed on and off duty should be at the shed, with certain special exceptions which will be agreed and scheduled locally.
(b) Men booking on and off Duty whose Engines are prepared and disposed of by the
Shed staff.
It is recognised that the system of preparation and disposal of engines by the Shed Staff will
of necessity be increased by the introduction of the 8-hour day. Where this is done, it is
agreed that 15 minutes should be allowed before going off the shed, to include booking on,
examining notices, taking charge of the engine, and taking the engine to the signal. The same allowance (viz. 15 minutes) to apply in the case of men relieved on arrival at the Shed Yard to include making out tickets and booking off duty. In each case the allowances made, in certain circumstances, have to be dealt with, on a " give and take" basis on domestic lines.
It is agreed that the expression," engines prepared and disposed of by Shed Staff’’ means -
being prepared and disposed of by men, one of whom must; not be graded below that of
passed driver in accordance with his seniority.
(c) Marginal Times for preparing Engines.
The following marginal times for preparing marginal times engines to be adopted :-
For engines with a heating surface of more than 1,500 Square feet ... 60 minutes
For all other classes of steam engines .... 45 minutes.
(The above not to include Gland packing with soft packing.)
It is recommended that the system of coaling engines before putting them on the Shed be
generally adopted.
(d) Time allowed for disposal of engines by Trainmen.
In accordance with paragraph (II) of this Clause it is understood that generally the work of
disposal is done by the Shed Staff’, the driver leaving the engine to be responsible for
pointing out to the former any special matters requiring attention, and for booking lie same in the repairs book when necessary.
If required to turn and examine engines, clean fires, ash-pans, smoke boxes, etc., extra time
will be allowed according to circumstances.
15.-Engine Cleaners, Firemen and Drivers.
Promotion and Seniority.
(a) Engine Cleaners to Firemen.
A cleaner when firing to be paid in accordance with the first and second years' firing rate.
Promotion from Cleaner to Fireman to be by seniority, if qualified, when a vacancy arises.
Permanent promotion to be by seniority.
A cleaner after working 313 turns or shifts as a fireman to be considered as entering upon his second year as a firemen when firing, and each 313 subsequent turns or shifts of firing duty will be treated as equivalent to one year's service as a fireman, and his pay regulated
In the case of a cleaner who has worked 313 firing turns or shifts; and is not permanently
appointed, he will be paid the minimum firing rate when cleaning and receive a fireman’s
If, through force of circumstances, a permanently appointed fireman has to be put back to
cleaning, he shall be paid the first year's fireman's rate whilst so acting.
All cleaners to be promoted to firemen, if qualified, on a" line" basis.
A cleaner who is not qualified by reason of age shall, when graded as a fireman, take his
position in order of seniority of service.
For temporary firing duties the senior available cleaner shall be taken.
Opportunity to be given by removal on the “ line “ basis for the senior" cleaner to qualify by
313 turns before his next junior.
A cleaner who for domestic reasons does not accept removal shall have a further opportunity
with consequent loss of seniority.
Cleaners who have not done 313 firing shifts will be graded as cleaners and paid at cleaners’
rates when cleaning.
If, owing to the exigencies of the service, the staff at a depot is in excess of the requirements
the senior cleaners may be removed to depots where firing work is available.
When further adjustment is necessary the junior graded fireman to be so removed
It is understood that the age at which a junior shall become adult is18. It is, however,
considered that in special emergency youths below that age may be called upon to act as
firemen on Shunting Engines.
No cleaner under the age of 18 to be allowed to act as fireman on the Main Line. When the 8-hour day becomes finally operative, no one under the age of 18 to be allowed to go out on the footplate. In the meantime, men specially promoted owing to existing conditions not to be put back.
(b) Firemen to Drivers (Steam Engines).
A fireman when driving to be paid ill accordance with the Driver’s first year's rate.
Promotion from fireman to driver to be by seniority, if qualified, when a vacancy arises.
Permanent promotion to be by seniority.
A fireman after working 313 driving turns or shifts to be considered as entering upon his
second year as a Driver when driving, and each 313 subsequent turns or shifts of driving duty will be treated as equivalent to one year’s service as a driver, and his pay regulated
In the case of a fireman who has worked 313 driving turns or shifts, and is not permanently
appointed, be will be paid the maximum fireman's rate when firing, unless he has completed
10 years service as a fireman, including the first 313 turns or shirts of firing duty as one year; in such case he will be paid the minimum driver's rate of pay when firing.
If, through force of circumstances, a permanently appointed driver has to be put back to
firing, he shall be paid the first year’s driver's rate whilst so acting.
(c) Seniority of men off duty through Sickness or Accident.
Men whose duties entitle them to automatic promotion will not be debarred from receiving
that promotion for any period of absence from duty through illness, or accident all or off duty, not exceeding 6 months, at tile expiration of such time each case to be specially considered.
(d) General.
These conditions to apply to future promotions only.
16.-Incapacity of Enginemen owing to
Defective Eyesight.
If a driver or fireman is taken off a footplate owing to failing eyesight, the Company will do
the best they can to find him employment, and if he is put into a lower rated position, he shall receive the mean between the position he vacates and the position he assumes; provided that in no case where employment is found shall a driver be rated at less than 40s. per week, nor a fireman at less than 35s. per week.
NOTE.-It has been agreed that this applies to Motormen also.
17.-Lodging Allowances.
The allowance to be l 1/2d per hour, or portion thereof, for two whole of the time from
booking on duty at the home station to booking off duty at the home station. Minimum 3s. 6d.
Where the Company provide lodging accommodation a reduction of 1s. per day or night to be made.
After being once booked off, a man shall be worked back to his own station, but in
unforeseen circumstances it is necessary to book a man off again, the allowance small be at
the rate of 2d. per hour from the time of signing off duty for the second rest to signing off
duty at the home station.
Where the Company provide lodging accommodation a reduction of 1s. per day or night to be made.
The allowance to be 2d. per hour, or portion thereof, for the whole of the time from booking
on duty at the home station to booking out duty at the home station. Minimum 4s.
Where the Company provide lodging accommodation a reduction of 1s. per day or night to be made.
In the case of a man ordered to work a double home turn, who packs food accordingly, but is
advised after leaving his home that he will not be required to take rest away from home, the
sum of 1s. 6d.8. shall be allowed.
Lodging allowances for men temporarily transferred from their home station to another
station to be 3s. 6d. per day and night.
Where the Company provide lodging accommodation a reduction of 1s. per day or night to be
It is agreed that the following clothing shall be supplied to Enginemen free of cost:-
2 suits of jean overalls, 1 serge jacket, 1 cap, Annually
1 reefer jacket, or 1 overcoat Every 2 years
This arrangement to commence with the next general issue of clothing.
19.-Height at which Youths are Eligible for Cleaners.
The height, of all youths entering the service of any Railway Company as cleaners shall be as follows:-
5 ft. 2 ins. at tho age of 16, and
5 ft. 4 ins. at the age of 18.
It is, however, understood that these heights are not to be considered absolute so as to
preclude the engagement of suitable entrants into the Railway Service.
Any Cleaners now in the service of the Railway Companies who are 5 ft. 4 ins. or more in
height to-day shall not be debarred from promotion to firemen and drivers.
20.-Higher Duty Pay.
A man temporarily filling the post of a man in a higher grade or higher class of a grade shall be paid as follows:-
If he works 4 hours or less per day in the higher grade, he shall be paid for the full turn of
duty a mean between his lower rate of pay and the minimum of the higher grade he follows.
If he works more than 4 hours per clay in the higher grade, be shall be paid the minimum
wage of the higher grade for the full turn of duty. This arrangement !lot to apply to cleaners
when working as firemen, or firemen when working as drivers.
One week’s holiday with pay after 12 months’ service, to include the casual employees who
are regularly employed, without prejudice to those men who already have a longer holiday
under their existing conditions of service.
1.-Rates of Pay
1.-Rates all Motormen
(a) In the case of those Companies who, in the past appointed, a man as an extra driver
before his regular appointment as a driver, the new rates are to apply from the time of his
appointment as an extra driver.
(b) In the case. of those Companies who have not recognised the principle of grading men as
extra drivers, the new rates are to operate in accordance with the number of years a man has
been appointed as a driver.
(c) Where it is the practice of any Company to promote a man from fireman to driver in
accordance with the number of turns or shifts of driving duty, the new rates are to operate in
accordance with the number of years such a man has been acting as a driver.
(d) In the case of those Companies where no complete records are available in regard to men passed and used as drivers without registration, it is to be assumed, in the absence of other
evidence, that such men performed 313 turns or shifts as passed drivers before being
2.-Firemen and Assistant Motormen
(a) In the case of those Companies who, in the past, appointed a man as all extra fireman,
before his regular appointment as a fireman, the new rates are to apply from the time of his
appointment as an extra fireman.
(b) In the case of those Companies who have not recognised the principle of grading men as
extra firemen, the new rates are to apply in accordance with the number of ,ears a mall has
been appointed a fireman. -
(c) Where it is the practice of any Company to promote a man from cleaner to fireman in
accordance with the number off turns or shifts of firing duty, the new rates are to operate in
accordance with the number of years such a man has been acting as a fireman.
(d) In the case of those Companies where no complete records are available in regard to men
passed and used as “Firemen without registration, it is to be assumed, in the absence of other
evidence, that such men performed 313 turns or shifts as passed firemen before being
3.-Engine Cleaners.
Piecework payments in connection with the cleaning of engines to be abolished.
2.-Men Reduced for Breach of Regulations, or Standing Back
owing to Physical
Disability but who are still Working on the Footplate.
(a) With regard to the application of the new basic rates in relation to years of service,
affecting men who have been reduced for breach of regulations, or who have forfeited
promotion owing to physical disability, it is considered that the new rates are to be applied in accordance with the years of service as explained in paragraphs 1 and 2.
(b) In future all men “ put back" or " held back" through either of the above causes will be
dealt with on their merits.
3.-Firemen Performing less than 313 Turns or Shifts of Driving
In the case of it fireman who has performed, say, 300 turns of driving duty at the time of his
appointment as a driver, he is, after completing 13 more turns of driving duty, to be
considered as entering upon his second year as a driver, for the purpose of regulating his pay.
4.-Cleaners Performing less than 313 Turns or Shifts of Firing
In the case of a cleaner who has performed, say, 300 turns of firing duty at the time of his
appointment as a fireman, he is, after completing 13 more turns of firing duty, to be
considered as entering upon his second year as it fireman, for the purpose of regulating his
5.-Definition of “Turn” or “Shift.”
A “Turn” or “ shift.” of duty performed by a fireman acting as a driver, or by a cleaner acting as a fireman, is to be understood as an occasion of driving or firing duty as the case may be.
Two or more occasions of such duty during one day's work are not to be counted separately,
but only as one "turn" or " shift."
6.-All Time Trip Rates to be Abolished.
7.-Mileage Payment to Drivers and Firemen.
Computation of Mileage to be from Shed to Shed.
(a) Men whose day’s work is on the mileage basis, of brought out earlier, or kept out later, for the purpose of piloting, shunting, or to perform work of any description other than mileage, not provided for in the’ day's work on the mileage basis, are to be paid for such time worked, in addition to the day's mileage, in “ accordance with the regulations governing payment by time, less the usual diagrammed time for engine requirements.
(b) All work in connection with trains on the mileage basis is included in the time paid for on the mileage basis; such payment covers all duties actually connected with the preparation and disposal of the man's own engine and train, and also extra time worked due lo late arrival.
(c) If a man on mileage is called upon to perform work, other than that connected with his
train, at any intermediate point on his journey, he is to be paid for such extra duty. On the
other hand if a man all mileage is kept back for a later train at any intermediate point in his
working, he is not to be paid anything in excess of his mileage rate for time so detained,
unless called upon to perform any special work during the period of such detention.
(d) A man paid on mileage who finishes the later part of his day’s work travelling passenger,
on account of the hours of duty, will be paid the mileage rate up to the time he gives up his
engine, plus the time for the hours occupied travelling passenger, less any marginal time for
the disposal of his engine.
(e) In the event of a man finishing his mileage trip at a distance away from his home station
and being employed to work a train to his home station, payment for such work will be
incorporated in his mileage payment.
8.-Ten Years Firemen.
On the question of Wage Rates of Firemen who have been 10 years as firemen, including
turns of firing performed whilst still classed as a cleaner, it has been agreed that a fireman
under such circumstances is to be paid at the minimum driver’s rate of 12s. per day, irrespective of whether he has performed any driving shifts or not, the deciding factor being “having completed 10 years' service as a fireman." Firemen who have not received this rate, and who are entitled to it, are to be paid back from the 18th August, 1919, or from such date since that. date when they had completed 10 years as a firemen.
9.-War Service and Rates of Pay.
Cases have occurred where Companies have not counted the time during the War that regular drivers and firemen have been reduced owing to War conditions to fireman and cleaners respectively, but still received either their own rate or the minimum rate of the grade from which they have been reduced, in calculation the men’s wage rates under the new agreement.
It is now agreed that such time shall be counted. That if owing to War conditions men who
would have been driving under normal circumstances and who have had to be put back for the convenience of the Company and paid the driver's rate, such firing duty is to be considered as “turns of driving duty" for the purpose of determining the basic rate in relation to the years of service. This principle to operate in the case of firemen put back to cleaning duty under similar circumstances.
Note.-This does not apply to men, who may have been promoted but for War conditions, but
only to those promoted and reduced.
Cases have occurred where the Companies have not counted the period served with the
Colours for computing the present rates of drivers and firemen who have returned to footplate work.
It has been agreed that such time must be taken into consideration ill computing the rates of
pay in accordance with the following extract from a circular issued by the Railway E.C. its
August, 1914, viz.:-
" It has also been decided that positions in the service shall be found for the men on their return, and the salary or wage will then be paid according to scale to which they would have been entitled had they not joined the Colours."
l0.-Shed Duty.
With regard to the wages of drivers, firemen and cleaners employed preparing or stabling
engines, or turning or moving engines within the limits of the Loco. shed yard:-
(a) Qualified drivers and fireman engaged on Shed Work, such as Shed Relieving, Turning,
Stabling, and Preparing Engines, are to be paid the engine drivers' and firemen's rates in
accordance with their seniority of service, i.e., the rates as set out, in Clause 13 of agreed conditions on page 10.
(b) Firemen acting as drivers and employed on the duties set out in Clause ((a) above, to
receive the driver’s rate of pay in accordance with the, turns of driving duty which they have
performed either on or off the Shed.
(c) Cleaners acting as firemen to men employed on the Shed duties as set out in Clause (a)
above, to receive the fireman’s rate of pay in accordance with the turns of firing duty they
may have performed either on or off the Shed.
(d) Men other than drivers and firemen (also ex-footplatemen whose footplate service has not been continuous) at present employed on the duties shown in Clause (a)above, and such men acting as mates to be paid a rate equivalent to the first year’s driver's and fireman’s rates respectively. These men to be graded as Shed Enginemen and Shed Enginemen's Mates. The men referred to in this Clause to be superseded in due course by qualified drivers und firemen.
(e) Drivers and firemen with continuous footplate service who having been reduced for
breach of regulations, or who had forfeited promotion owing to physical disability prior to
August 18th, 1919, and who were engaged on shed duties as set out in Clause (a) above, to
receive the drivers' and firemen's rates in accordance with years of service, as such as set out
in Clause 13 of agreed conditions on page 10.
(f) Drivers and firemen with continuous footplate service who, since August 18th, 1919, have, been “put back” or "held back,” and not qualified or desirous of performing work outside the Locomotive Shed Yard limits, shall, when employed on duties enumerated in Clause (a) above, be paid as a minimum the first year’s fireman’s and driver's rates respectively, and shall not whilst so employed on such work be paid a higher rate than:-
14s. per day for drivers, and 10s. per day for firemeni.e.-Such men may, under this Clause, advance from the minimum to the maximum rates given. A man reduced under this Clause shall have an opportunity to again qualify for work off the shed.
Men reduced under this Clause to also have the advantage of Clause 72 or the report of the
Royal Commission on the Railway Conciliation Scheme of 1907, or other established machinery, if desired.Clause 72 reads as follows:-
" Men charged with misconduct, neglect of duty, or other breaches of discipline should be
permitted to state their defence, to call witnesses, and to advance any extenuating
circumstances before their officers, prior to a final decision being arrived at.
Where doubts arise, or where serious results to men are likely to follow, the cases should, we think, be placed before the higher Officials of the Company. Appeals after punishment lead to a difficult position, and the necessity for them should be avoided.”
(g) The wages rates and seniority of drivers and firemen employed in the Shunting Yards of
Railway Shops.
1. Such men to be placed in the seniority lists of the Running Department.
2. Where such men are prepared to perform main line work paragraph (a) of this Clause to
3. Where such men are confined to the Shunting Yards of Railway Shops paragraph (f) of this
Clause to apply.
11-Ticket and Walking Time.
Men paid for walking time after being relieved, but received no allowance after arriving at
Shed for making out tickets and booking off.
Walking allowance to be revised locally with the view of allowing 15 minutes after arrival at
tIle Shed in accordance with paragraph (b) of Clause 14 of agreed conditions on page 11.
Walking allowances are to be agreed locally in accordance with paragraph (a) of Clause 14 of agreed conditions all page 11.
Where Companies have not been making an allowance in addition to the 15 minutes for
Ticket and where drivers have been expected to examine their engines after arrival on Shed,
it wall agreed that the Companies he requested to go into the matter as early as possible at
their Locomotive Depots, in order that by local mutual agreement time may be allowed for
any work other than making out Tickets. This also to apply where extra work is done in
getting the engines ready, to give effect to paragraph (d) of Clause 14 of agreed conditions on page 12, wherein it is laid down:-
“ If required to turn and examine engines, clean fires, ash pans, smoke boxes, etc., extra time will be allowed ACCORDING”TO CIRCUMSTANCES.”
It was agreed that, whatever allowances, either before or after train time, are given to driver,
similar allowances ought to be given to firemen, and it; was considered desirable that all
Companies should adopt this practice.
13.-Calculation of Wage Rates.
Where men have been utilised as drivers and firemen prior to other appointment as such, all
turns of driving or firing duty are to be credited for the purpose of fixing the rate of pay.
14.-Spare Work.