Chairman Bro. J. Hillman
Vice Chair Bro. J. Brock
Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 17th 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
9 members present
Bros. J. Hillman, W. Terrill, W. Brown, F. Wilde, C. Wilson, F. Harris, J. Giles,
H. Allison & A. Lower.
Minutes of December meeting read, proposed by Bro. A. lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. They be accepted as a true record.
Arising from minutes, letter from Secretary to Bro. O’Dell on his retirement.
Letter read from Bromley re proposed propaganda meeting to be held at Newhaven 24th Jan.
Post card read from Brighton Secretary re Cleaners meal times.
Moved by W. Brown & sec by W. Terrill. "That Secretary write Bromley re propaganda meeting and arrange for same to be held at Labour Club 11.0 a.m. 24th Jan."
Pro. By F. Harris & sec. By J. Giles. "That H.O. Send hand bills also to Brighton & Eastbourne."
Pro. J. Giles & sec. A. Lower. "That Bro. J. Hillman be Chairman of propaganda meeting and Secretary asked to write Brighton & Eastbourne re this meeting."
Good deal discussion over Sunday work arose but nothing could be done so the subject was dropped.
Bro. J.Giles asked Shed Representative, men’s decission re holiday traffic at Brighton, he stated in reply company's proposals refused.
Bro. Harris also asked Bro. Allison if Foreman was doing anything re Tank Engine on 590 turn, reply B503 for turn when back from repairs at Brighton Shed.
Proposed by Bro C. Wilson & Sec. by W. Brown. "That Shed Representative see foreman re condition of roof and unsafe flues in shed and getting some improvement made. Bro. Harris also requested through Bro. Allison, "That taps in lobby and lavatory be renewed, great waste of water."
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun February 14th 1932
Bro. W. Elliss in the Chair
9 members present
Bros. W. Ellis, W. Brown, A. Pearce, A. Lower, W. Terrill, H. Allison, J. Giles,
A. Norman & F. Wilde.
Minutes of January meeting read and discussed, passed as true record. Proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. W. Terrill.
Arising from minutes. Bro. Allison said water tap in lobby had been replaced but nothing could be said of flues and the shed roof.
Bro. A. Pearce moved that complaint re holiday arrangements be left over Sec. A. Lower. Carried.
Letter from Head Office read re nomination of E.C. delegate, proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. Matter lay on table.
Letter from F. Stevenson Brighton read re 'Rota' system for A.A.D. Elections and also minute of Southern Council meeting read for meeting held on January 10th 1932. Discussion of afore said 'Rota' system per A.A.D.
Letter from Stevenson, Brighton re Cleaners meal time read.
Bro. A. Pearce and Seconded by Bro. Allison, ‘See Foreman re abolition of meal allowance for Cleaners concerned.
Bro. Pearce proposed letter re candidate for Labour party in forthcoming Local Election, lay on table.
Secretary read letter from Bromley thanking Bro. A. Pearce for his six years service as Secretary and a vote of thanks to Bro. Pearce was moved by H. Allison & Seconded by A. Norman. Bro. Pearce said ably replying for appreciation of his services etc.
Some discussion was brought on by small attendance to branch meetings and as result Bro. Allison prop. Evening meetings and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce as temporary experiment. Bro. J. Giles put forward an amendment,
'That meetings stop as at present (Sunday mornings) seconded by A. Lower. Amendment Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 13th 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. J.Hillman, W. Clarke, A. Pearce, W. Brown, A. Lower, H. Allison & F. Wilde.
Minutes of February meeting read and passed as a true record. Proposed A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. A. Lower.
Arising from minutes
Proposed independent tap in shed for filling kettle and buckets. Bro. Allison said Foremen was making enquiries and seeing to same.
Bro. Allison had seen Foreman re abolition of Cleaner's meal-hour but Mr. Lelew had turned it down at Brighton but matter was not settle for here. Bro. Pearce thought he would be able to enlighten us more on subject after Southern Council meeting.
Other Business Bro. W. Clarke complained of coal not being damped before putting up on tenders etc. & Bro. Allison promised to see Foreman on the matter & Bros. Pearce & Clarke would both lodge a complaint with Foreman owing to the dust being detrimental to Enginemen’s sight.
Bro. Pearce proposed & W. Clarke seconded. That Bro. Allison press Foreman with regard to Coal man’s lobby as same was badly needed.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun April 17th 1932
Bro. J. Brock in the Chair
12 members present
Bros. J. Brock, W. Clarke, J. Thompsett, W. Brown, J. Giles, F. Wilde, H. Allison,
A. Pearce, A. Lower, W. Ellis, C. Lower & F. Harris.
Minutes of March meeting read and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. A. Lower and seconded by Bro. Pearce.
Arising from minutes item re abolition of Cleaners meal-hour Bro. Pearce said that at Southern Council meeting it was ruled that it was a matter purely in the hands of L.D.C. & Foreman at Shed concerned.
Bro. Allison stated that if Cleaners affected so desire he would see Mr. Hollins and ask for interview with Mr. Lelew to deal with this matter. Agreed to same.
Damping of coal Bro. Pearce said he had forgotten to see Foreman in this matter, but Bro. Clarke state he had complained to Foreman as agreed or past meeting, but he seemed to think it entailed a great deal of work for coalmen etc so Bro. Clarke told Foreman he would work under protest until something was done, as we had lot of wet weather recently dust was quite so noticeable.
Appeal from Manor house Hospital and draw tickets enclosed. Bros. J. Giles and H. Allison took tickets for Secretary.
Nomination from for G. Bollen, read and he was accepted as a member.
Other Business
Bro. Pearce gave brief account of how Branches of this area stood regards membership & nons etc as given at last Sunday's S.D.C. Meeting. Bro. Pearce asked Secretary to S.D.C. Secretary know names of men willing to assist with cycles etc. in case of strike Bro. Allison informed members of proposed new and turn to be worked for this depot from May 1st. and asked for proposal re link working of new turn, a good deal of discussion arose and Bro. Harris proposed that Bro. Allison see Foreman re opinion of this meeting. That 1.8 p.m. turn be put in with Branch Link and 10.16 a.m. turn put in No.2 Link Agreed.
Bro. Pearce moved 'That if there should be any disagreement over this when meeting with Foreman & J. Browning etc. was held. Bro. Allison should tell Foreman he would refer it to open meeting to be called as required to discuss this agreement. Agreed.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun May 22nd 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
11 members present
Bros. F. Harris, B. Peddlesden, F. Brown, E. Brooks, C. Wood, H. Christmas, J. Brock, J. Giles, H. Allison, J. Hillman & F. Wilde
Minutes of April meeting read and passed accept as a true record, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. J. Brock.
Arising from minutes re Cleaners meal hour. The secretary read letter to Head Office and reply to same, and letter to Mr. Jeans and his reply also, after which Bro. Allison agreed to see Foreman again.
Bro. Allison said matter concerning water tap and coal damping was in Brighton hands. New turn working at Newhaven.
Bro. Allison had carried out Branch proposals and seen Foreman etc. Bro. woods asked why open meeting was not called re new turn and putting same into links, after which Bro. Wood proposed & Bro. Christmas seconded ' Open Meeting be called.' Amendment, Pro. F. Brown & Seconded by J. Brock. 'That proposed open meeting be rejected.' Amendment carried.
Secretary read letters re lapsed member and Labour research also appeals from Bros. Collick and Watson for support in E.C. election.
Other Business. A good deal of discussion arose re Sunday work, but matter was left over to next meeting for proposals and suggestions.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun June 19th 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
12 members present
Bros. F. Harris, A. Pearce, C. Lower, H. Hamblin, C. Barrow, A. Charman, C. Wilson, A. Lower, J. Giles, J. Hillman, H. Allison & F. Wilde.
Minutes of May meeting read and accepted as a true record, proposed by Bro. H. Allison and seconded by Bro. J. Giles.
Discussion of minutes
Cleaner's meal-hour. Bro. Allison had explained matter to Mr. Lelew and give case a recent special, having of fetch men's food etc for them, matter put forward to Waterloo. Bro. Allison also said Mr. Oxly was seeing about tap and damping gear for coal.
Secretary read letter from H.O. re Temp. Cleaners, Pick up trains, Competence Pilot-men, also letter from Sectional Council Secretary and minutes of their last meeting and letter from Basset Law Labour Party.
Other Business
Sunday Boat Train working, Pro. C. Barrow, and Bro. H. Hamblins 'Bro. Allison see Foreman re keeping month and month about early and late.' Carried
Pro Charman, and sec. Barrow. ‘ hat Bro Allison see Foreman re Holiday Roster, that it be strictly carried out except in case of family illness.' Carried.
Pro Wilde and sec. Hamblin. 'Bro. Allison see Foreman to make pair of men when work warranted same rather than men making overtime.
Pro. Wilson and sec A. Lower. 'Senior Cleaners be brought forward to cover firing duties.' Carried
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun July 24th 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
6 members present
Bros. A. Pearce, J. Hillman, W. Brown, H. Allison, W. Clarke & P. Bridger
Minutes of June meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. H. Allison as a true record.
Correspondence, letter read re re cleaners being dismissed and leaving line of promotion.
Arising from minutes,
Bro. Alison said Cleaners meal hour, business had been squashed, nothing more coud be done at this meeting owing to small attendance.
Much discussion arose over senior Cleaners being brought forwarded for firing duties, the point of Foreman using discretion arose.
A good deal of argument arose concerning Sunday Boat Train working.
Holiday Roster will be strongly adhered to.
Bro. Pearce gave brief report on South Council Meeting and advice received re Shed Representatives, namely submitting two names to Foreman and if N.U.R. put one, ballot to be arranged in October.
Question of Shed Representative arose, owing to Bro. Allison's resignation, and Bro. Pearce moved 'a vote of thanks to Bro. Allison for efficient manner he had performed his duties.' Sec. W. Clarke.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Aug. 21st 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair.
7 members present
Bros. F. Harris, W. Brown, J. Giles, W. Clarke, H. Allison, J. Hillman, F. Wilde.
Minutes of July meeting read and accepted as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. W. Brown.
Letter read from Lewes Divisional Labour Party, mites of District Council meeting read.
Arising from minutes, Pro. W. Brown and sec. J. Giles. 'That Secretary write Secretary of Sectional Council re Cleaners night shift, meal hour etc.
Proposed by Bro. J. giles and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That secretary retain draw tickets to National Trade Union Club and Basset Law Labour Party.
Other Business
Some discussion arose concerning W. Bishops preparing other than his own engine on Saturday's, but matter dropped, owing to small attendance and no Shed Representative.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Sept 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
9 members present
Bros. F. Harris, C. Lower, F. Wilde, W. Brown, J. Giles, B. Peddlesden, J. Hillman,
W. Clarke & A. Charman
Minutes of August meeting read and disgust, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Giles.
Letter re retirement of Great Western Drivers and Cotton Operatives Strike read
Arising from minutes,
Cleaners meal hour, Secretary to write Mr. Jeans, urging reply to last letter. Pro. W. Clare and Sec. B. Piddlesden.
Other Business,
Discussion over seniority to stand over.
Pro. B. Piddlesden and Sec. W. Clarke. ‘Next meeting be by Summers Notice.'
Bro. Clarke to stand Shed Representative Pro. J. Giles and Sec. F. Harris. Bro. Clarke to see Foreman re small coal and inferior quality of same with a view to better quality for economy sake. Lights in shed and sand-hole need attention.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun October 23rd 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
21 members present
Bros. W. Brown, A. Pearce, J. Simmons, S. Lower, F. Wilde, A. Lower, C. Wood,
C. Lower, A. Charman, J. Hillman, Christmas, F. Brown, C. Wilson, J. Giles, W. Terrill, B. Peddlesden, C. Collins, J. Green, W. Goldson, W. Clarke, E. King, Brock, H. Allison, E. Ellis, F. Harris.
Minutes of September meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. C. lower and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce.
Arising from minutes, Bro. Clarke interviewed Foreman re bad coal at depot and bad lighting of shed. He said lighting of shed has been remedied, and the case re bad coal is under consideration.
Bro. Charman interviewed Foreman re Bro. Ware's seniority. Foreman informed him that Ware takes his seniority from Aug.3rd 1917.
16/- receipt read from Cotton Fund
Letter from Bro. Jeans re Cleaners meal hour read. This item is on next agenda of Sectional Council.
Letter read re wage reductions read, also asking Branch to forward what action they wish the E.C. To take.
Bro. Allison proposed that this Branch will support the E. C. In any action they proposed to take. Sec. By W. Clarke.
It was stated by the Secretary that Bro. Collington was six months in arrears. A. Pearce pro and W. Clarke sec. ‘ hat Secretary write him on this matter.
Bro. Allison proposed that Secretary write Mr. Woods, Secretary, Local Labour Party, stating we are unable to contribute anymore to the Cotton Fund.
Bro. Brock brought forward the case of W. Bishop going to Seaford without Pilotman. He asked if it was in order.
Much discussion more from this case, and to terminate it, Bro Brock proposed that Foreman be asked to write Waterloo, for conditions under which W. Bishop works. Sec. W. Clarke. Proposed that W. Clarke see Foreman on this matter as early as possible.
Re new turn that has come to this depot. Bro. Clarke stated that Foreman asked him to get the members at this meeting to decide in which link this turn is to be placed. After much discussion, it was proposed by J. Giles and seconded by A. Charman. 'That this turn re 9.45 a.m. be placed in motor link and the 3.55 p.m. turn in pilot link. ‘ Carried.
Re new turn that has come to this depot. Bro. Clarke stated that Foreman asked him to get the members at this meeting to decide in which link this turn is to be placed. After much discussion, it was proposed by J. Giles and seconded by A. Charman. ‘ hat this turn re 9.45 a.m. be placed in Motor Link and the 3.55 p.m. turn in Pilot Link.’ Carried.
Proposed by Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. B. Piddlesden. ‘ hat 12.15 Monday turn be classed as a firing turn.
Proposed Bro. J. Giles proposed and A. Pearce seconded ' That as we have a good attendance at this meting, it would be advisable to have election of officers for 1933.’ Carried
Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke. That Bro. A. Pearce act as Chairman, seconded by Bro. H. Christmas. Carried.
Bros. W. Clarke, H. Allison and A. Pearce were nominated as Shed Representatives, Bro. A. Pearce refused. proposed by Bro. A. Charman. Bros. W. Clarke and H. Allison act as Representatives for 1933, seconded by Bro. W. Brown. Carried.
Proposed by Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce. That Bro. J. Giles act as Vice Chairman. Carried
Proposed by Bro. B. Peddlesden and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That Bro. F. Wilde act as Secretary. Carried
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilde and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce. That Bro. W. Brown act as Assistant Secretary. Carried
Proposed by Bro. B. Peddlesden and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That Bros. C. Wilson and E. King take place of Bros. C. Dotteril and A. Pearce on Committee, others elected en-bloc
Committee Bros. C. Wilson, E. King, W. Terrill, M. Smith, A. Lower and J. Brock.
Trade Council members
Proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded Bro. W. Clarke. That Bro. S. Lower be elected in place by Bro. D. Boyle as a member of Trades Council. Bros A. Pearce and S. Lower were elected members 1933.
Bro. Pearce gave his report District Council Meeting.
Pro. by S. Lower and sec by J. Giles. 'That Secretary should state in his letter to Head Office re wage reduction. That working to rule would be the best policy to adopt.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 20th 1932
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
15 members present
Bros. F. Wilde, W. Brown, H. Allison, Ellis, Bridger, C.Wilson, J. Hillman, J. Brock,
C. Lower, B. Peddlesden, M. Smith, A. Pearce, W. Clarke, W. Ware & A. Charman.
Minutes of October meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. C. Lower and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce. They be passed as a true record.
Arising from minutes, Bro. Wilde said he had written Bro. Collington, re his arrears, but he had had no reply.
Much discussion arose, and to terminate it. Bro. Brock pro. 'That Bro. Pearce interview Bro. Collington on the matter.' Bro. Pearce said he would also see G. Bollen on the same subject.
Bro. Wilde gave a report on his meeting with Lelew & J. Browning re Shed Representatives, much discussion arose. Bro. A. Charman & sec. By W. Ellis. That two members of this Branch act as Shed Representatives. Bro. Wilde to report to Mr. Lelew on Tuesday the decision of the Branch.
Bro. Clarke gave a report on his interview with Foreman re W. Bishop working conditions. Foreman said that Bishop must not run over main line, other than that which he works over during his own working. He must not dispose of any main line engine unless it is a case of emergency, especially if Walshart valve gear.
Bro. Clarke also stated that Foreman cannot grant 12.15 a.m. Cleaners turn Mondays as a Firing turn.
Letter read re Railway Companies Claims. The nature of this letter did not refer to this depot, as no Senior app: Driver, fireman or Cleaner had been reduced for any long period.
Letter read from Lewes Divisional Labour Party re affiliation.
Letter re Railway Company's claims. The nature of this letter did not refer to this depot, as no senior app: Driver, Fireman or Cleaner had been reduced for any long period.
Bro. Charman again brought forward the case of Bro. Ware's seniority. The usual discussion and turmoil arose. Bro. Ware said he to put an end to the whole matter he would take the matter up himself and have his seniority placed from 11.4.17.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Dec. 18th 1932
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
21 members present
Bros. A. Pearce, J. Giles, W. Ware, A. Charman, W. Brown, W. Clarke, C. Lower,
A. Lower, F. Wilde, A. Rookly, C. Dotterill & J. Brock.
Minutes of November meeting read and discussed, proposed a true record by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. W. Ware.
Arising from minutes, Bro. Pearce stated that he had not seen E. Collington since the last meeting re his arrears, so he would write him on the matter. He had not spoken to G. Bollen re his arrears, as he was under the impression that he had paid them, or intended to pay them.
Bro. Wilde stated that he had had another interview with Mr. Lelew & J. Browning re Shed Representative. Mr. Lelew said that this case must be settled between the two Branches.
Bro. Wilde suggested that the three members who were to attend committee meeting with other unions representation re experience of recent mass meeting, should have an additional meeting with N.U.R. Members on the above case. This suggestion of Bro.Wilde's was carried, and Bro Clarke proposed that Bros. Pearce, W. Brown & F. Wilde should be the members from this Branch. Sec. By J. Giles. Carried.
Bro. Pearce asked for suggestions on which above committee could work. Proposed by A. Rookley & seconded By W. Ware. That there should be one from each union, one condition being that Bro. J. Browning should not be N.U.R. Representative. Amendment to this was put by Bro.Charman. He proposed that their should be two from this Branch and one from N.U.R. When put to the vote amendment was carried.
Bro. Pearce asked Bro. Ware if he had approached anyone re his case of seniority. He had not. He had been to the clerk at the Harbour Works and had found out full particular from him first. He started on Company 11.4.17 worked as labourer for three months, and then placed on engine as Fireman. After ten or twelve months was rated and called a Fireman.
Bro. Pearce asked Secretary to write Head Office re this case of seniority, before Ware takes case forward on his own. Pro. By W. Clarke & sec. C. Lower.
Letter read re nominations for Organising Secretary.Circular read from Hornsey Branch urging this Branch to support Bro. Allen nominated as Organising Secretary. Proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. C. lower. That this branch support this nomination.
Letter read from Jeans re Cleaners meal hour on nights. It was agreed at Sectional Council meeting, that Cleaners should work 8 hours on night duty.
Letter read from Secretary Lewes D.R.P. re dissatisfaction in “Daily Herald,” Bro. A. Pearce stated that he thought this had been remedied now.
Bro. Ware bought forward the case of money put in Companies bank by employees, and the way in which it had been used as a lever against us at recent Wages Board Meeting. He asked Chairman's advice on this matter as he was a contributor. Bro. Pearce advised him to draw it out and place elsewhere. After much discussion on this matter it was pro. By W. Ware & sec. By C. Lower . That Secretary write Head Office and tell them that this Branch is of the opinion that a circular should be sent to all Branches stating the case fully, and saying how this was being used as a lever against us in the fight to cut our own wages down. Carried.
Much discussion arose over the coal sent to this depot. Bro. Clarke said he would see Mr Lelew on this matter.