Chairman Bro. C. Cornford
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday February 15th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The Chairman then read a letter of resignation from the Assistant Secretary Bro. V. Thorpe. Chairman then asked for nominations for Assistant Secretary 1953. proposed by Bro. j. Murphy and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker, Bro. R. Vanson, and no further nominations.
The assistant secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting. Moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. K. Passmore. “That the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as a true record.” Carried.
Circular 25/1953 uniform and protective clothing.
Bro. A. Brooker proposed and Bro. K. Passmore seconded. “That as a third choice every two years “Waistcoat and Trousers” be added to Mackintosh or Overcoat.” Carried.
Social Committee a vote of thanks was proposed Bro. C.r. Cornford and seconded by Bro. A. brooker to Bro. C. waghorn for his services as Chairman of the social Committee since 1948.
Social Committee Resignations
Bros. C. Puckett, R. Saunders, W. Stiff, R. Bridger, C. Waghorn, R. Vanson, G. Adlins, K. Passmore, H. Blackmore, E. Dunmall, W. Gent, C. Russell, J. Murphy, and R. Sullivan. With the exception Bro. R. Vanson, C. Waghorn, C. Russell and G. Aldins, last years’ committee are willing to serve in the coming year. Bros. G. Pavey and R. Copey also willing to serve on the committee. It was proposed by Bro. C. Waghorn and seconded by Bro. F. Robinson. “That these willing to serve on Social Committee be voted en block and that a letter be posted for three volunteers to serve on this committee to make up the required committee of 16.” Carried
Next the Social Committee balance sheet was read ouyt. Bro. F. robinson raised the question of inscription on wreaths. It was proposed by Bro. A. brooker and seconded by Bro. F. Robinson. “that the Inscription read “From T.W.W. Branch A.S.L.E.F. “ Carried
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 1.15 p.m. and thanked all for their attendance.
Members present Bros. K. Passmore, A. Brooker, C. Puckett, J. Murphy, C. Waghorn,
R. Saunders, R. Vanson, F. Robinson & C.R. Cornford.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 19th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The Chairman asked for the minutes of the February meeting to be read out. Bro. K. Passmore moved and Bro. C. Puckett seconded “That they be signed as a true record.”
Bro. A. Brooker then asked about there being no T.W.W. amendments on the A.A.D. agenda, no posting of notice regarding Rule 5 and notice of previous meeting still on the notice case two days before notice for present meeting was posted, and asked for an explanation from Secretary at next Brach meeting.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. K. Passmore gave the report
Returned Serge Jackets and caps for better fit, notice to be posted that they be returned by certain date if not suitable fit for future issues. Lockers installed and being allocated.
It was proposed by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. K. Passmore. “That officers of the Branch be posted and year after A.G.M. and the posting of information.” Carried
District Council Report given by Bro C.R. Cornford including items on pensions, Saturday enhanced payments. Bro. cleaver’s reported on brake power on 2 car setsand and Tunbridge Wells Branch, all members being out of benefit.
Trains meeting, Bro. C. Puckett gave his report, delegate for next train’s meeting proposed Bro. F. Elmer and seconded Bro. R. Vanson. “Bro. C. Puckett.”
There being no other business the Chairman called the meeting to a close at 1.15 p.m. and thanked all for their attendance.
Members present Bros. C. Puckett, K. Passmore, A. Brooker, F. Elmer, C.R. Cornford
& R. Vanson
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday May 17th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
Questions on mins., Secretary gave explanation asked for at previous branch meeting.
Resolution Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker, Re members being out of benefit, that we receive notification from H.O. Bro. F. Elmer proposed and Bro. K. Passmore seconded “That the minutes be adopted as a true record.”
Diaries Bro. A. Brooker proposed and Bro. F. Elmer seconded. “That a request be made that Sunday starts the week in the A.S.L.E.F. dairies.
L.D.C. Report, given by Bro. Passmore, covering replies from his ambulance inquiries and Coronation Day arrangements.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.15 p.m.
Members present Bros. A. Brooker, K. Passmore, F. Elmer, R. Vanson, F. Robinson
& C.R. Cornford.

Tunbridge Wells Special Branch Meeting
Sunday September 13th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Bro C. Cornford in the Chair opened the meeting asked for a minute secretary as Bro. Vanson had left the services but no one was nominated.
The Chairman then asked for the minutes of the last meeting to be read, and it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. K. Savage. “That the Chairman sign them as a true record.” Carried.
Correspondence was then read, there were two letters from H.O. re Bro. Neal and Housing and good discussion took place on same. It was moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. Cornford. “That a panel of three members of this branch be set up and the Secretary to see Mr. Stone to see if this could be arranged, and to report back at the next meeting. The Panel to be the Secretary of the Branch, Chairman of the L.D.C. and Bro. K. Savage.” Carried.
A letter was also received re Society Diaries regarding the order of the days, and H.O. pointed out that it was the General make up of all big Diary Forms.
Meeting closed at 1.15
Members present
Bros. K. Savage, P. Savage, V. Rumley, J. Murphy, W. Stiff, B. Gower, C.R. Cornford,
A. Brooker, C. Puckett & F. Robinson.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday September 27th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
Minutes of special meeting were read. Moved by Bro. C. Puckett and seconded by Bro. E. Dunmall. “That the Chairman sign them as being read.” Carried.
correspondence, there being only one circular from the National Council of Labour Colleges information
Nominations for Branch Officers
Proposed Bro. C.R. Cornford.
Vice Chairman
Proposed Bro. A. Brooker
Proposed Bro. F. Elmer
Assistant Secretary
Proposed Bro. V. Rumley,
Proposed Bros C. Puckett, W. Ovenden, R. Saunders, E. Dunmall, K. Savage, J. Murphy & F. Diplock
Arising out of any other business. It was moved that the Secretary write to Mr. Stone these points the state of No.2 pit, also the turn table, through, which men might just themselves in turning.
Also, that the lobbies should be painted instead of lime washing them.
The meeting closed at 1.15 a.m., the Chairman thanking all for their attendance.
Member present Bros. C. Puckett, E. Dunmall, P. Usherwood, W. Ovenden, R. Saunders,
C.R. Cornford, & F. Robinson

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 18th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Bro. V. Rumley and seconded Bro. E. Dunmall. “That the Chairman signs them at being read.” Carried
Matters arising
The Secretary told the meeting that he had written to Mr. Stone and his letter had been passed to Mr. Rodgers.
The Secretary had sent a letter to Head Office from Bro. A. Card, and he would be a. considered with the rest of the applicants.
A resolution was also read from the Exeter No. 1 Branch, and a good discussion took place on same, and it was moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. F. Robinson. “That it be sent to Head Office, and a copy to Bro. A. Leonard.” Carried.
The Chairman then closed the meeting at 1.15
Members present.
Bros. W. Ovenden, A. Brooker, F. Elmer, S. Pike, E. Dunmall, V. Rumley, D. Nye,
C.R. Cornford & F. Robinson.
Eridge c1953
Tunbridge Wells Committee Meeting
Sunday December 6th 1953, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
The Committee meeting to discuss two important items, the future of the branch also L.D.C. nominations. In absent of the Chairman, Bro. A. Brooker took the Chair, and in opening the Chairman stressed the importance of the meeting, the Secretary stated that he had received from Head Office a circular letter on the claim for increase rates of pay, decision No.15, also a letter from Bro. A. Blackmore that he could not attend the meeting as he was working.
The secretary then told the meeting they would have to find a new Branch Secretary at the end of the month.
A good discussion took place on both items and it was moved by Bro. R. Savage and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That two Branch meetings be called for Wednesday, December 9th, December 16 at 6.15 p.m. and to get many members to attend.” Carried.
Meeting closing at 12.30 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Saunders, C. Puckett, J. Murphy, A. Brooker, K. Savage,
F. Robinson & R. Bridger.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Special Meeting
Wednesday December 9th 1953, at 6.15 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
Bro. K. Savage proposed and Bro. V. Rumley. That Bro. G. Gower to act as a Minute Taker for this meeting.
Minutes of last meeting were then read and moved as a true record by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. F. Page.
True record of Committee meeting, moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. C. Puckett. Member for A.A.D. Bro. CR. Cornford. Moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. F. Page. Carried Unam.
moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley to support Bro. Pullen for the 1954 T.U.C. Carried.
Branch officers
Branch Secretary
Proposed by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded Br. W. Stiff Bro. K. Savage
Bro. V. Rumley declined for the present.
Next came elections of Committee and L.D.C.
Members nominated for Committee as like the two previous meetings
Bros. Puckett, Ovenden, Dunmall, K. Savage, Murphy, Diplock, Elmer, Bridger & Cavie.
Nominations Bros. Brooker, Cornford & Pike. Rumley, Ovenden & Stephenson
It was proposed by Bro. W. Stiff and seconded by Bro. F. Page. The a ballot vote be carried. Vote carried seven for and one against. Bro. K. Savage.
Scrutineers for ballot votes Bros F. Page & C. Puckett.
Votes to be opened next Special Meeting Wednesday 16th December.
It was then proposed by Bro. C. Puckett and seconded Bro. W. Stiff. That meetings start Sundays at 10.30, Welfare Rooms, Central Station, with a strict closing time at 12.30.
Meeting closed at 7.15. p.m.
Members present
Bros. K. Savage, W. Stiff, C. Puckett, P. Usherwood, A. Doughty, G. Power, F. Page,
J. Murphy, C. Francis, R. Bridger, V. Rumley, B. Gower, M. Flatman, F. Diplock
& A. Brooker.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Special Meeting
Wednesday December 16th 1953, at 6.15 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The Chairman moved Bro. A. Brooker act as Minute Taker for this meeting.
Minutes of October meeting and of Branch Committee were read. Minutes of Special Branch meeting of 9th December 1953 read out and the Chairman accepted adolendum re Bro. V. Rumley declining nomination of Secretary. Moved by Bro. A. Card and seconded by Bro. K. Savage. That the minutes as amended be signed as true record. Carried.
Discussion of minute of last meeting re 12.30 strict closure. Moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. That this matter be further discussed at next Branch meeting. Carried.
To get voting completed it was moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. That the correspondence stand by till after elections of Officers and L.D.C. Carried.
The following Offices were deemed elected.
Chairman Bro. C.R. Cornford, Vice Chairman Bro. A. Brooker, Assistant Secretary Bro. R. Saunders.
District Council Delegate Bro. C.R. Cornford.
Labour Party Delegate F. Robinson
General Committee Bro. A. Brooker, Divisional Bro. C.R. Cornford
Labour Party Delegates Bro. F. Robinson
Trades Council Bro. A. Murphy
Collectors Bros. V. Thorpe & A. Murphy.
The Chairman asked for nominations for Secretary. moved by Bro. K. Cavie and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. Bro. C. Russell, there being no other nominations, Bro. C. Russell was unanimously elected as Secretary. Bro. V. Rumley moved a vote of thanks for Bro. F. Robinson’s past services of 22 years. Bro. F. Robinson, wished luck to his successor and offered all assistance. The Chairman also added his thanks for past help and pointed out that owing to lack of nominations he would not even be on the Committee. Bro. Robinson pointed out the bad position created by shift meetings.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. L. Cavie. That Bros. K. Savage and R. Bridger be scrutineers for ballot of committee and L.D.C. Carried.
The 8 ballot papers for the 1954 Committee were added to the 14 cast with the following results.
Bro. C. Puckett 21, Bro. R. Saunders 2, Bro. K. Savage 17, Bro. F. Diplock 21, Bro. R. Bridger 20,
Bro. W. Ovenden 19, Bro. E. Dunmall 2, Bro. A. Murphy 21, Bro. F. Elmer 14 & Bro. K. Cavie 14.
A seconded ballot was required owing to a tie between Bros Elmer and Cavie, 10 votes cast. Bro. F. Elmer 3 and Bro. K. Cavie 7.
Making the 1954 Committee as follows
Bros C. Puckett, W. Ovenden, K. Savage, A. Murphy, F. Diplock, R. Bridger & K. Cavie.
The 8 ballot papers for the 1954 L.D.C. were added to the 13 cast on 9th December 1953 with the following result
Bro. A. Brooker 21, Bro. S. Pike 6, Bro. V. Rumley 13, Bro. W. Ovenden 17 & Bro. L. Stephenson 3.
Making the following L.D.C. Bros A. Brooker, V. Rumley & W. Ovenden.
Correspondence was then read
Circular 92/1953 Re R.S.N.T. No.15
Chairman gave his view that we had accepted the 4/- min. Regret was voiced re non unity of the three rail unions, also same line up of past claims point being made of anomaly of 5/- pay on Saturdays and R.E. avoidance of meetings. Advise was requested by Passed Men and their position re up grading to conduct men on strike.
From Tonbridge Secretary re Randall now Non.
Was agreed that the Branch support Bro. Pullen of Selhurst Branch for T.U.C.
Reciept for nomination of Bro. Cornford for A.A.D.
Bro. Cornford then gave a brief District Council report
R.E. Standard vision and medical lists. ASLEF opposing as no provisions for Corden line cases. Compensation obtained at the cost of £396, rail accident total £1317, other claims £3000. In Branch reports Brighton reported having trouble with management with proposed roster.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 p.m. and thanked members for their attendance, the following members being present
Bros. C. Russell, P. Pepper, R. Sullivan, A. Card, W. Ovenden, K. Cavie, K. Savage,
V. Rumley, R. Bridger, F. Robinson, A. Brooker & C.R. Cornford.