Chairman Bro. R. Taylor

Vice Chairman Bro F. Jenner
Secretary Bro. D. Roberts

¼ Meeting March 23rd 1975

Commenced 10.20 close 12.25

Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. King, A. Stratton, J, Newett, L. Baldwin & R. Waghorne.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

Bro. S. Tingley gave a report on the meeting at Sectional Council. Matters relating to proposed pay award, London 

Allowance/Southern area and pensions were discussed. The question of Ascot depot closing was brought up. It was decided, that a letter be sent from Ore Branch to Sectional Council deploring the action taken over this matter.

The proposed new roster was fully discussed. The 07.00SP on Saturday to be used for Roads/Signals hove. It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. D. King. 

That the roster be accepted. This was carried unanimously.

The question of Rest Day working was brought up. It was unanimously decided that a letter be sent to Bro. B. Noakes stating that Ore Branch would not entertain Rest Day working unless approached by management.

The set turn for Bro. D. Roberts was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Newwit. That the set turn temporarily allocated to tis member remains as it is.

The A/L roster for 1976 was debated with a means to closing the summer period up.

A vote of thanks to Bro. D. Roberts for taking the job on as Secretary was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. J. Newett.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton to Bro. S. Tingley and Bro. R. Chamberlain for their work on the new roster. 

Bro. J. Newett brought up the question of covering a “Sickness Procedure Letter” to each driver.

Meeting closed 12.25

1/2 Meeting August 3rd 1975

Commenced 10.50 close 1.00

Members present Bros. J. Mould, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts, J, Newett, A. Stratton 

& L. Baldwin.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

The question of alterations vary each week to the rostered 468 duty was discussed.

Bro. T.J. Luck of Wolverhampton was nominated by this branch for the Society’s Parliamentary Panel. Proposed by 

Bro. J. Newett and seconded by Bro. J. Mould.

It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton. That a donation of £5.00 from Ore Branch 

Funds be sent to the National League of the Blind and Disabled, which had made an appeal.

L.D.C. report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. The 1976 Annual Leave roster was fully discussed and passed by the Branch.

The walkways at Haywards Heath sidings.

Bro. S. Tingley gave details of the proposed walkway to the middle and north sidings.

The question of booking en to work on the XXX Sunday was discussed and debated on by the members present.

Meeting closed 1.00

Special Meeting November 16th 1975

Commenced 9.45 close 12.45

Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. Roberts, E. Spray, J. Newett, J. Gain, D. King, 

A. Thompson, W. White, W. Arling, R. Waghorne & A. Stratton.

Also Bros J. Wallis & D. Pervis of St Leonards & Bro D. Keegan of Eastbourne

These members together with A.G.S. D. Pullen and D. Pullen (Senior) attended the second part of the meeting.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

It was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. 

That the sum of £5.00 from Branch Funds be sent to Bro. W. Eames, Staff sided member of Sectional Council ‘B’ 

towards the campaign being set up against proposed cuts in rail services.

A suggestion was made by Bro. J. Gain. That members should contribute towards the Branch Funds. It was decided to bring this up again at the Annual General Meeting.

L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley.

The question of the walkway and the lack of it to Signal CG16 was discussed. It was agreed to write to management over this matter.

The form of procedure concerning accident/sickness which L.D.C. had taken up with the view to have  a copy for each member of staff had been turned down on the basis of  cost involved. It was agreed that Branch Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office over this matter.

The case of Driver D. Hylands incident at Norman’s Bay crossing was discussed, also the train crew accommodation at Ore together with the cleanliness of the cab and cab windows.

The Special Branch Meeting

Bro. D.K. Pullen, Assistant General Secretary was welcomed to the Branch by Bro. R. Chamberlain who was acting Chairman.

Bro, D.K. Pullen deal wit aspects on British Law concerning accidents and gave several examples. He described various railway accidents of the past and present before coming to the compensation case of Bro. J. Newett.

He then went on with present copies such as the 10th anniversary of freight liners for which a celebration was held at Euston with representatives of large firms which use these services. Cut in services was  discussed together with the re-diagramming of  work and the eventual abolition of Rest Day working. The lobbying of Parliament by members of A.S.L.E.F. on 16th December 1975 and cases of drinking on duty brought the meeting to a close at 12.45 

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