Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday February 12th 1978 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch secretary read the minutes of the meeting held on 4th December ’77 and it was moved F. Diplock and seconded W. Baldwin that they were a true record.
Correspondence since the last meeting was read out and included the following.
The collection for S.C. ‘B’ Chairman H. Bagilhole which amount to £5.10 which had been forwarded to B. Eames and a letter from the Branch to R. Lifford had been sent.
A letter from Head Office cancelling the T.U.C. Course which A. Brooker was to attend.
A circular naming the students to attend the Society National School at Dorking on February 19th to 24th , which included this branch’s nomination M. Allen.
Statement of the account from the Bristol & West Building Society in connection with Mutual Aid Fund
The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on the following items.
Letters had been sent and development awaited on
The modification to Unit 1310, the position with regard to Forge Farm Crossing new barrier and operation by trains of tredal devices.
The amendment to the speed restriction 40 m.p.h. over the section between Birchend down distant and 50 m.p.h. restriction over curves at Birchend down home signal.
The question of drivers acting as guards to eleviate mass disruption to train service on 1st February.
As Required booking of drivers when a full weeks work is not available.
Questions were asked on the subject of booking of drivers who are As Required and after discussion the L.D.C. Secretary said that further correspondence would take place on this issue and the item may have to be listed for an L.d.C. meeting.
Questions were also asked on the mutual changing of turns between drivers and the subsequent application for comp leave by one of the parties. A full discussion took place on this with the result:- It was proposed L. Stevenson and seconded B. Baldock. “That this branch instruct the L.D.C. to seek to obtain an agreement with management that when two drivers change turns for a given period, then one driver goes sick or has a comp day or own account day during the period then the other reverts to his rostered turn.” This was unanimously agreed by all members present.
Questions were asked on the booking older of drivers on bank holidays which the L.D.C. Secretary said were as fair as could be possible.
The L.D.C. Secretary report on meetings in connection with the proposed re-opening of the Oxted branch Sundays, and the May 1978 timetable.
A letter from K. Savage in conjunction with booking of Sundays and the L.D.C. letter of reply sent to him.
After the L.D.C. report the L.D.C. were asked to look into the P.N. point facilities at New Cross Gate, and the position surrounding the formation of the 16:11 empties New Cross Gate to London Bridge and the 16:40 London Bridge to Uckfield being increased from time to time from six cars to nine cars. The L.D.C. Secretary said that these would be looked into.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:53.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 30th 1978 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman asked the members present to stand in silence as a mark of respect in memory of the late K. Savage.
The Chairman reported on the death of Ken Savage after a short illness and apart from the loss to his wife and family and to the members as a whole. It should be recorded that Ken’s death was a loss to the tradition of Trades Union and the promotion of working class people as he was always prepared to put a point view forward.
The Chairman reported the cancellation of the minute applying to the calling of meetings every two months on the third Sunday in the case of this meeting as circumstances had cause the cancellation of meetings which had been called on 2nd, 9th, 16th April.
Minutes of the meeting of 12th February were read out by the secretary and it was moved B. Baldock and seconded F. Diplock that they were a true record.
Circulars were presented and there were no matters arising.
A letter from Harold Bagilhole thanking the branch for the donation on his retirement. A letter from Bill Eames thanking the branch for their donation to the retirement fund for Harold Bagilhole.
Correspondence on the Political Fund exemption of P. Pepper, on the transfer of C. Exley from Neville Hill, Leeds to Tunbridge Wells, and the transfer of J. Vigar to Three Bridges from Tunbridge Wells.
A letter sent to Head Office in respect of the death of K. Savage and the secretary reported that suitable article would be to the Locomotive Journal. A statement of the Branch funds in the National Westminster Bank.
Correspondence on the new service on the Oxted line Sundays and the engineers work which will affect the service.
The latest figures for the collection for K. Savage
Arising from the Branch Secretary’s report it was moved A. Brooker and seconded B. Baldock.
“That an additional clause be added to rule 5 of the Mutual Aid Fund. Should any member die service the maximum payment be made as from death benefit and further that this shall take effect from 1st April 1978.”
It was moved A. Bridger and seconded B. Baldock.
“That the members of this branch wish to express their sincere thanks to those who helped to take up the collection for the late K. Savage and the secretary to write to those concerned.”
It was moved A. Brooker and seconded M. Allen.
“That this branch wish to thank sincerely all those contributed to the collection for the late K. Savage and report that the sum of £10.00 was set aside for a floral tribute and the rest would be given to Mrs. Savage with a list of contributors.”
The Branch Secretary reported on his attendance at the Society’s National School at Dorking and submitted his report.
The L.D.C. secretary submitted his report on his attendance at District council and pointed out an item on allowances for P.C., T.C. and other items. Discussion took place and members present felt that laid down timings for such work would serve no useful purpose and more information should be gained on this.
The Secretary reported on letters in connection with modification to Unit 1310, Forge Farm Crossing, speed restriction at the sight of the old Ashurst Junction, stock working on the 16:40 London Bridge – Uckfield service, annual leave for the new members of the branch and annual leave payments for A. Brooker and R. Brown.
The new pension scheme and its effect on drivers paying back and on pensions earning related.
The secretary reported on the agreements reached in connection with the booking of Holiday & Sickness Relief men and the changing over of duties of drivers.
The question of shed lighting where mopeds are parked and the sink in the drivers lobby T.W.W. were raised and the Secretary reported that these items were being processed.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:55
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday June 18th 1978 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Secretary read the minutes of the meeting held on the 30th April 1978 ant it was moved F. Diplock and seconded W. Baldwin. "That the minutes are a true record.”
Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting were
Reply had been received from the General secretary to the letter re the death of Ken Savage, the article submitted to the Locomotive Journal had been published, the collection for the late Ken Savage had been completed and amounted to £125.10 of which £10.23 had been allocated for a floral tribute and the balance £114.85 had been given to Mrs Savage together with a list of contributors.
In line with the decision to amend rules of the Mutual Aid Fund, the new clause had been added to the rules of the fund. In line with the rules of the Mutual Aid Fund the maximum payment as death benefit had been withdrawn from the Bristol and West Building Society and the amount of £7.20 paid to Mrs. Savage.
The position regards annual leave premiums for A. Brooker and R. Brown had received attention and the original mistake in the payment had been corrected.
The position with regard to the lighting in the loco shed No.4 road had been processed and the go ahead has been given and the work would commence in the future.
The position regards a new sink unit was being looked at in connection with the redecorating of the drivers room and developments awaited.
In line with the decision of the branch, letters had been sent and posted the collectors and contributors for the fund for the late K. Savage.
A letter had been sent to Head Office in response to their request for information on increased productivity and responsibility and their acknowledgement had been received.
A letter had been sent to Head Office requesting information as to why S.E.S. had not been paid to drivers for Sunday 23rd April.
A letter had been received from P. Plaine A.A.D. delegate for this area, giving the conference decision on all the items at this years A.A.D. a reply thanking him for the information had been sent.
A nomination form had been received for a vacancy for Sectional council ‘B’ (Central Division). It was moved F. Diplock and seconded A. brooker. That this branch nominate B. Noakes, Brighton No.2 for Sectional Council. Carried unan.
Arising from any other branch business the Secretary reported that the branch minute book was now full and it was moved M. Allen and seconded W. Baldwin.
“That the Chairman enters a suitable postscript to the minute book which spanned some 30 years.”
In light of the fact that it had been learnt that F. Fahey had passed away, it was moved M. allen and second W. Baldwin.
“That the Secretary write to Mrs Fahey recording our deepest sympathy on the death of her husband. Carried unan.
The L.D.C. secretary reported on the following items
The position as regards the staff room at Eridge being opened on Sundays, the advertising of Sunday trains at London Bridge wrongly and the action taken.
The hot weather patrol now being used by the P&W department
Correspondence in connection with the booking of spare men at Tunbridge Wells on Saturday late turn.
The new cattle grid installed at Uckfield and the position of drivers in relation to this.
The latest position on annual leave premiums.
Arising from any other L.D.C. business was
In light of the new proposals for the station building at Tunbridge Wells and the possible effect on the car parking the L.D.C. keep a careful check on any developments
In view of the alteration to the diagram of 11:47 326 duty, the L.D.C. keep a check on this type of alteration.
A suggested new way of booking drivers on bank holidays was put forward. Drivers on bank holidays was put forward by L. Stephenson and after discussion it was moved W. Baldwin and seconded M. Allen.
“That the proposed new way of bank booking holidays be posted together with a sample of the old way of booking and a letter explaining all relevant details connected with this.” Carried unan.
The chairman reported the in line with the A.A.D. decision with regard to branch standing orders the following procedure would be adopted.
A list of possible standing orders would compiled.
The committee would be called together to discuss the proposed standing orders and make their recommendations.
The standing orders will be presented to the branch for their discussion.
The chairman declared that there being no other business the meeting be closed at 13:45.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday September 10th 1978 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Secretary read the minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 1978 and it was moved F. Diplock and seconded W. Baldwin. That the minutes are a true record.
Matters arising from the last meeting was, the item on the suggested new way of booking drivers on Bank holidays, it was moved F. Diplock and seconded D. Ward. That in view of ASLEF Circular 156/1978 and its contents claim by the ASLEF for additional Bank Public Holidays, and the effect the outcome of negotiation on this might have on the present system or on any new system, of booking drivers on Bank Holiday, this item lie until call for. Carried Unan.
Circulars received since the last meeting which had been posted in the driver’s lobby were presented. It was moved F. Diplock and seconded W. Baldwin. That the circulars received since the last meeting be taken as read and contents noted.
Correspondence dealt with since the last meeting included, nominations form for A.A.D. Representative 1979. it was moved Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded Bro. M. Allen. That the contents be noted and developments awaited.
A voting paper for Sectional Council ‘B’ S.R. which had not been acted on du to a meeting arranged after the Branch Secretary’s holiday being too late for a vote to be cast.
The letter sent to Mrs Fahey was read out and a copy sent in line with Branch decision of the meeting held on 18.6.78.
Branch Funds 1978
Statement of account National Westminster Bank £19.54
Branch funds 1978 £13. 6
Bristol & West Mutual Aid Fund interest on account 30.6.78 £1.33
Bristol & West account £53.42
Trades Council fees £2.95
It was moved by Bro. A. Young and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. That the items contained in the Secretary’s report and his action taken noted. Carried Unan.
The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on the following various items, opertaining to the booking of drivers in connection with weekend work had be passed to the Secretary and points contained therein were dealt with and answered by him.
With regard to Sunday working in Oct. 1978, a report on the latest position was given.
The weekend roster and work content was reported on and the roster accepted.
The Chairman declared that there being no other business, the meeting closed at 13.40.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday November 12th 1978 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Secretary read the minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 1978 and it was moved A. Young and seconded L. Stephenson. That the minutes are a true record.
Matters arising from the last meeting.
The question of booking of drivers on Sunday in relation to 317 & 318 duties. The effect on extra Sunday booking and the further action contemplated by the L.D.C. in view of the discussion be suspended and further developments awaited and until then this item lay in the table. Carried Unan.
The Chairman reported that Ken Passmore of St. Leonards dept. had had a heart attack and died. Because of the fact that he been a member of this Branch in the past, he asked member to stand in silence as a tribute to departed colleague.
Correspondence dealt with since the last meeting were
Moved Bro. A. Uoung and seconded Bro. L. Stephenson. That this branch nominate Bro. D. Fullick for re-election as E.C. representative for group 40.
The Chairman gave his report on his attendance at District Council which included.
Hastings electrification, Oxted services Sundays.
The L.D.C. Secretay gave his report on F. Fahey’s pension details, A. Ashdown signing of unclaimed wages, P. Mussel-White change of two days annual leave, A. Ashdown claim for domestic leave.
Discussion took place on an item raised by Bro. M. Allen on the accommodating of drivers on other than rostered turns by the list clerk, no formula was reached as the Secretary saw no way to challenge this practice.
The Chairman advised the meeting that there would be two vacancies for the L.D.C. dealt with at this meeting as Bro. A. Young had reached the end of his term and Bro. F. Diplock who had covered the other one was retiring from dealing with diagrams full time.
The Chairman called for nominations
It was moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. M. Allen be nominated as on of the Branch’s official ASLEF Candidates.
It was moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded Bro. M. Allen. That Bro. A. Young be nominated as on of the Branch’s official ASLEF Candidates.
It was moved by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. D. Ward be nominated as one of the Branch’s official ASLEF Candidates
There being three nominations the Chairman informed the meeting there would be an election. A vote was called for by a show of hands and was as follows.
Bro. D. Ward 2, Bro. A. Young 2, & Bro. M. Allen 4
The Chairman informed the meeting that the position was that Bro. M. Allen receiving a majority vote would be deemed elected at this purpose of a second vote as there was a tie for the other position.
A second vote was called for by the Chairman and was as follows
Bro. D. Ward 2 & Bro. A. Young 2.
The Chairman informed the meeting there was still a tie, after discussion it was moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded. That the second vote be taken again. Carried unan.
The second was taken again and was as follows
Bro. D. Ward 1, Bro. A. Young 3.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the voting was now conclusive,
Bro. D. Ward 1, Bro. A. Young 3, & Bro. M. Allen 4, and Bro. M. Allen and A. Young would be this branch’s official candidates for the two L.D.C. positions
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin. That Bro. F. diplock be elected scrutineer. Carruied Unan.
It was moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. That a sincre vote of thanks be given to Bro. Fred Diplock for the sterling service to this branch through the L.D.C. , diagrams and his concern for his fellow drivers, and the travelling public for who he worked so hard for so long. Carried Unan
The Chairman declared that there being no other business, the meeting be closed at 13.30
It was moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That Bro. P. Plaine receive this branch’s vote for 1979 A.A.D. Carried.
Tunbridge Wells Special Branch Meeting
Sunday November 26th 1978 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman declared this a special meeting to discuss RSNT Decisions 60 & 61 and unofficial actions by some drivers. The Chairman gave an up to date run down on R.S.N.T. Decision 60 & 61 and the latest position as far as the E. C. were concerned. He reported that an emergency meeting had been called of District Council no.4 at Arkwright Road in connection with the decision as of that the E.C. were meeting management on the same subject. Dates being 27th November and 28 November respectively.
The meeting then went to be along discussion and many points were covered. It was moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That on giving the latest position in connection with R.S.N.T. Decisions 60 & 61, full consideration at a special meeting of this branch and in light of E.C. Minute 2369. this branch reaffirms its decision of 12th November, 1978 minute 17/78. Carried Unan.
It was moved moved by Bro. A. Ashdown and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That this branch will support any action decided on a Regional basis at the Special meeting of District Council to be held on Monday 27th November, 1978. Carried Unan
It was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. young. That following any Southern Region decision, the E. C. decision will prevail. Carried Unan.
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 13.00
Tunbridge Wells Special Branch Meeting
Sunday November 26th 1978 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman declared this a special meeting to discuss RSNT Decisions 60 & 61 and unofficial actions by some drivers. The Chairman gave an up to date run down on R.S.N.T. Decision 60 & 61 and the latest position as far as the E. C. were concerned. He reported that an emergency meeting had been called of District Council no.4 at Arkwright Road in connection with the decision as of that the E.C. were meeting management on the same subject. Dates being 27th November and 28 November respectively.
The meeting then went to be along discussion and many points were covered. It was moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That on giving the latest position in connection with R.S.N.T. Decisions 60 & 61, full consideration at a special meeting of this branch and in light of E.C. Minute 2369. this branch reaffirms its decision of 12th November, 1978 minute 17/78. Carried Unan.
It was moved moved by Bro. A. Ashdown and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That this branch will support any action decided on a Regional basis at the Special meeting of District Council to be held on Monday 27th November, 1978. Carried Unan
It was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. young. That following any Southern Region decision, the E. C. decision will prevail. Carried Unan.
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 13.00