Members present F. Locke, R. Swetman, M. Thompson, J. Parks, M. Hawkins, B. Pegg, A. Bell, A. Flowers, T. Janes, P. Plaine, M. Hunter, I. Osborne, J. Osborne, C. Newton & P. Hayward.
ITEMS FOR A.A.D.As there was no A.G.M., items put forward were deferred and owing to the lack of time before they can be forwarded to head office it was hoped that these items are accepted.
LDC (Co-op MEMBERS)Proposed J. Osborne and seconded by M. Hunter. “That the four candidates for LDC who would have been elected next to the four members already elected, that these members be elected as co-opted members, these members are as follows;- M. Hawkins, T. Fielding, F. Locke, C. Newton. Voted all in favour.
SOCIAL FUND As new proposals for the fund were being made, Bro. P. Plaine explained how the old fund was set up and run, and also its present balance. It was then proposed after much discussion that following be accepted. Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded R. Swetman. “That meetings of those interested party’s to be set up of the proposal social fund.”
ANY OTHER BUSINESSBro. Jim Parks has asked to be put forward as Health & Safety Rep for West Worthing and requested to go on a course run by the T.U.C. New set of L.D.C. minutes to be made and posted for members proposed by A. Flowers.Also that a review of the LDC minutes takes place to see if they need amending. Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded R. Swetman.
L.D.C ReportBro. P. Plaine gave a report on Health & Safety, Bro. F. Gething’s signal incident, preparing 319 stock in mont. Sidings, Rest Day agreements, notice to staff of weather condition and booking agreements, car park re-security arrangements.

Fred Gething
Members present A. Ricketts, V. Clarke, T. Farmer, M. Hawkins, J. Carney, C. Horlock,
W. Mackenzie, C. Newton, S. Neal, P. Edwards, T. Janes, M. Hunter, J. Osborne R. Abell.
Proposed item for A.A.D. “That a central fund be set up by Head Office for members killed whilst in service.”
Resolution 05/1989
“That no Trainmen (D) or (G) be allowed into cabs for the purpose of route learning.” Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded A. Ricketts. Voted all in favour. Bro. M. Hawkins explained the reason behind this resolution.
Bro. A. Ricketts raised the matter over the removing of smoking compartments behind driver cabs of E.M.U. Trains.
Resolution 6/1989
“Those men who are sick not recorded with having worked rest days.” Voted all in favour.
Proposed A. Ricketts & seconded P. Edwards
Resolution 7/1989
“That unless an improvement of lighting and walk ways at Preston Park is forthcoming this forthcoming this branch will black these sidings.” Vote all in favour.
LDC Report
Changes to diagrams and if possible alteration to train services in the further, also train course update.
Members present M. Thompson, C. Horlock, M. Hunter, P. Hayward, R. Swetman,
M. Hawkins, W. Mackenzie, A. Bell, B. Noakes, I. Osborne, J. Osborne & P. Plaine.
W. Mackenzie gave a full report on a strong delegation from Brighton. Matter discussed included the removal of L.D.C.’s break up of the B.R. board, 6 – 12 hour flexible rostering, end of paid P.N.B.’s, and union membership under train crew agreement. It was reported that it is now open for ASLEF to recruit all trainmen (D).
“Unless the British Rail Board are prepared to negotiate a settlement with the trade unions on the machinery of negotiation, this branch calls on the executive Committee to call a complete national ban on rest day working and overtime work.
Proposed P. Plaine & seconded B. Noakes. Voted al in favour.
“That the Executive Committee reconsider its position in respect of resolution 154/363 on Minder Drivers and take it upon themselves to understand that the monetary position that a driver avail himself to when taking the position and the consequences which could befall him.” Proposed A. Bell & seconded J. Osborne, voted all in favour.
“That this branch will support any driver who is disciplined in association with the training problems on the Southern Region.” Proposed I. Osborne & seconded C. Horlock, voted all in favour.
“That this branch calls on the General Secretary to stand down immediately and in any event that the negotiations on the machinery of negation be handed over to the present Assistant General Secretary. Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded C. Horlock, voted all in favour. All resolutions to go to the Executive Committee, with a copy to the Southern Region Liaison
A letter was from the Croydon Area Manager was read, which asked Selhurst drivers to reconsider their position on minder drivers, threatening that otherwise trainmen would do their driver training away from the depot, as would minder drivers, and those not complying would be disciplined. One result would be that Selhurst would lose work, particularly Thameslink.
Bro. Mackenzie reported that Brighton LDC would not accept this work. Brighton drivers had now been offered extra Thameslink work in No.2 link. There was a long discussion on the merits of accepting extra route learning without discussion in the LDC. P. Plaine moved next business & seconded M. Thompson.
Other Business
P. Plaine reported on Brighton Train Crew Social Fund, and proposed the following motion for the March meeting. “That this March meeting dissolve the Brighton Nos. 1 + 2 social Fund, and the remaining funds and assets be handed over to the Brighton Train Crew social Fund.” Proposed m. Hawkins & seconded B. Noakes. W. Mackenzie reported that the new Train Crew manager had vetoed the proposal for a fruit machine; further attempts would be made to change his mind.
P. Plaine had surveyed Lover’s Walk Sidings, concerning lighting and boarding points, and the lighting in Preston Park sidings, which was felt to be inadequate.
Members present W. Mackenzie, M. Thompson, P. Edwards, A. Ricketts, D. Pumphrey,
R. Sheehan, J. Carney, S. Neal, W. Jones, A. Farmer & W. Kenchington.
“Questions were asked about J. Parks, and LDC member taking on minder drivers duties. It was felt that as minder driving involved a supervisory role, any member taking up such a position should relinquish all LDC and union positions. Proposed A. Ricketts & seconded D. Pumphrey, agreed unanimously.
W. Mackenzie reported that he had met the new A.T.C.M. (Donnelly), who had said that his priority would be safety and therefore would no propelling onto buffers in Brighton station (and the pilot would be retained), and all walking routes would be the official ones. Although doubts were raised about the safety of signalling, Donnelly said his budget was limited and
there would be no major improvements.
Resolution 12/89 was passed unanimously proposed A. Ricketts & seconded W. Jones.
Questions were raised on the availability of a union notice case, it was said this would be in the new accommodation, but there was no certainty that new accommodation would arrive.
Res13/89 “That from April 1st 1989 Brighton will no longer consider a P.N. point unless
1 New accommodation available.
2 Emergency lighting down fire escape.
3 Water leaks in the kitchen repaired.
Proposed W. Jones & seconded A. Ricketts.
It was also pointed out that the display screens in Brighton station were distracting to incoming drivers, that on some D.O.O. trains buffet staff and drivers were being booked pass in cabs and that E.P.B slam door stock was being sent D.O.O. from Brighton to Victoria.
HELD ON MARCH 2nd 1989
Members present M. Hunter, F. Gething, W. Mackenzie, D. Hill, C. Newton, A. Flowers,
P. Plaine, M. Hawkins, F. Locke, S. Fortune, P. Hayward, J. Osborne, G. Hoad, G. Tew,
I. Osborne, I. Munro, M. Styles, A. Bell & A. Ricketts.
New branch members were accepted by all members present. Chairman then presented Bro. P. Paine with his 45 years membership badge and expressed his and this branch’s thanks and congratulations for his loyal service to the union.“Rest day working” under a joint branch/L.D.C. matter the issue over managements decision to end rest day agreement, Bro. P. Plaine as L.D.C. Chairman explained to the branch, meetings held with the Area Manager and his decision to end the guarantee rest day agreement, and after much discussion the following resolution was passed.
“That this branch instructs the Brighton M.T. L.D.C. to inform management that we rescind the existing rest agreement minute
Item 11, and also inform management adhere strictly to national and local rostering agreements.” Proposed F. Locke & seconded A. Bell. Voted 17 for, 1 abstained & 1 against.
L.D.C. ReportBro. P. Plaine gave a full report, items raised
Proposed changes with May diagrams and the possible increase in D.O.O work, proposed new accommodation for staff position of temporary accommodation, rest day working this matter has already been raised, new P.A. System fitted to 455 units, late night services and management’s decision to stop trains to and from Seaford due to violence etc., relieving/departure times, sickness certificate and pay issue, and Health & Safety (Walkways and lighting at Preston Park, lack of phones in L.W.S., detonators being incorrectly sealed, medicals of drivers, poor lighting of M..L.V.s)
Brighton Social Fund
Brighton Social Fund to be closed and any monies donated to the new Social Fund set up in Brighton. Resolution passed “That Brighton A.S.L.E. & F. Social Fund be disbanded and closed down, and funds transferred to the new independent Social Fund.” Voted all in favour.
Bro. A. Stanton was given the floor as owing to the weekend rail accident at Purley he need to get away to oversee events. He began by explaining the purpose of the meeting, having been called and the two issues being discussed, the machinery of negotiation and the labour supply South East Area. He gave a breakdown of the present machinery system and then on the proposed new system, and went on to the fact that B.R. Board was about to be broken up into new sections also the ending of L.D.C.s and Sectional Council’s as we know them and ending up with possibility of only one area representative. One example of the new machinery, was that if failing to reach an agreement, management would implement their decision after 14 days, he went on to explain the importance of L.D.C.s and Sectional Councils, and that some senior management have said there was a need for L.D.C.s but still they are going ahead with their plans, he continued by asking members to talk to others
and that we were never so strong as we are today, a call for one week rest day and overtime ban area by area, but within national and local rostering agreements. This campaign is a national federation campaign and meetings were taking place up and down the country to advise members of the situation. Thanking us for our time, he allowed time for questions before having to leave.
Then Bro. J. Davis stood and began by firstly talking on the meeting that took place between the unions and B.R., the various levels of discussion and A.S.L.E & F. reply’s, it was noted that Bro. Davis is on record as being opposed to any agreements, and the lack of leadership, he urged us to lobby the E.C. into doing something more positive.
He then went on to the Labour Supply problem, here in the South and how management seam prepared to have deals done in secret with individual depots in particular minder drivers, and that deals like these will become the norm in the future, and depots would be against other depots because of the earning powers they have. Bro. Davis urged members to go away and
seriously consider the long term effects of the B.R. proposals. He then answered questions.
Having answered many questions the meeting was closed.
HELD ON MARCH 9th 1989
Members present G. Hatcher, R. Sheehan, W. Kenchington, A. Light, P. Edwards, C. Horlock,
A. Farmer, A. Ricketts, G. Hussey, R. Abell, M. Gray, B. Overton, W. Mackenzie,
N. Wallhead, C. Aiello, S. Neal, M. Hawkins, R. Jarrett, D. Pumphrey, M. McCabe,
C. Debenham, L. Osman, M. Thompson, E. Janes, R. Bollingboke, J. Osborne, C. Newton
& M. Hunter.
As with pervious meeting, branch voted to except new members, with one exception, J. Bedford cannot be a member because he is not a trainman.
Branch Resolution, “Rest Day Agreement”. Having explained to members the reason for calling for action, this meeting voted on the resolution. Voted 26 in favour, total branch members voting 43 for, 1 against. As from 00:01 Monday 15th March, resolution will be carried out.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. W. Mackenzie gave a report on the outstanding issues, and of progress matters still outstanding were Preston Park
Extra Ordinary Business
Concern was express by members due to the “Purley Rail Accident.” Management were making statements to the media, and yet we could not make any statements, it was decided to adopted the following resolution should events allow.
“That this branch contacts the radio and press media to refute statements made by managements representatives made about the “Purley Rail Accident.” Proposed A. Ricketts and seconded N. Wallhead.
In light of the proposed new machinery of negotations and the fact that we may not have a proper L.D.C. Committee, it was
decided to raise this issue at the next meeting with the view to forming a Committee to act for members.

Lino Aiello Collection
Lino Aiello & Ken Benfell
HELD ON MARCH 9th 1989
Members present G. Hatcher, S. Neal, I. Osborne, J. Osborne, M. Hunter, D. Knight,
P. Edwards, M. Hawkins, G. Hussey, R. Abell, R. Sheehan, A. Ricketts, T. Fielding,
D. Pumphrey, T. Farmer, C. Newton, W. Mackenzie & M. Thompson.
Donation towards election expenses of Brighton Labour Party, having considered this appeal a proposal by M. Thompson and seconded by M. Hawkins. “That we give £30 towards the funds.” Voted all in favour.
Election of General Secretary, this was brought to the attention of members, and the 5 candidates were read out explaining their election appeals and after this, the branch voted to nominate Bro. D.F. Fullick as our candidate, voted all in favour (18)
Exchange Delegation to German Democratic Railway. Bro. M. Thompson has asked to be put forward as a delegate, members voted all in favour.
Other Business.
New Members:- This branch has voted all in favour of Railman D. J. Green becoming a member if A.S.L.E. & F. Brother Green has been accepted to become a driver through the new manning agreement.
Car Park Security:- concern over the increase in vehicles and bikes being stolen and broken into, a call for special compound for staff.
Eyesight charges, a call for assistance with meeting the cost of charges soon to be levied against people by D.H.S.S.
L.W.S. Working PracticesMembers express concern that working practices in L.W.S. were not being fully implement by management and that the following resolution was adopted. “That from 00:01 Monday 17th April, no propelling movements etc. in or out of L.W.S. unless management agrees to meet the L.D.C. and to clarify the position over propelling of trains and locos in the Brighton
area.” Proposed R. Abell and seconded D. Pumphrey, voted all in favour.
District Council Report
A full account of the District Council was given and of the proposed action requested by Council, following the reading of the proposal this branch proposed the following resolution.
“That this branch instructs the L.D.C. to inform management of the withdrawal of rest day and voluntary overtime for two weeks commencing May 8th 1989, and that all national and local rostering conditions will be strictly adhered too.” Voted in favour (18) and abstained one.
HELD ON MAY 4th 1989
Members present S. Neal, N. Wallhead, C. Horlock, P. Edwards, R. Lewis, G. Hatcher,
T. Farmer, T. Fielding, C. Newton, A. Ricketts, T. Janes, J. Osborne, A. Flowers & M. Hunter
L.D.C. MattersNew diagrams, the May diagrams were now being agreed upon, position over L211 Link learning Purley/Smitham as we’ve only one duty with work over that line.
Items raised for L.D.C. action.
Bank Holiday Rotation, how did management come by their rotation and what of further Bank Holiday
Depot Establishment, latest review
Sundays, Why trainman are getting in on Sunday additional duties and extra Sunday men are being booked off.
Smoking on all units, what response is there on introducing a no smoking area immediately behind driving cabs on all units.
HELD ON June 1st 1989
Members present L. Osman, S. Neal, M. Thompson, F. Goff, T. Janes, G. Hussey, D. Gillam, P. Edwards, T. Farmer, F. Maskell, R. Sheehan, W. Jones, D. Pumphrey, V. Clarke, A. Light, W. Kenchington, A. Ricketts, W. Mackenzie, C. Newton, J. Carney, J. Osborne & I. Osborne.
New members
Proposed S. Neal and seconded D. Pumphrey. “That Miss B. Hallett be accepted as a new member of A.S.L.E. & F.” voted all in favour.
Matter regarding eyesight charges, who is be expected to pay for company glasses.
“That this branch instructs the Chairman or Secretary to write to the General Manager of Southern Region over the lack of effective management in the Brighton Area.” Proposed A. Light and seconded L. Osman. Voted all in favour.
There were many complaints made about local management.
1 Reports being sent by other managers of departments not directly connected to the Train Crew section.
2 Refusing Comp. Leave
3 Delay in replying to drivers letters
4 Training programme
5 Route Learning
These and other matters were to be placed before management.
Resolution, “That if by June 12th there was no improvement by management over managements approach to members, that a one day withdrawal of labour be called for.” Vote carried by all members.
A letter of thanks to the Branch of the T.G.W.U. at Southdown Bus Company for the support by members in refusing to operate bus service’s covering train cancellations.
Letter to union Head Office, “That this branch will not work Bank holidays, unless L.D.C. scrutinise Holidays.” Proposed L. Osman and seconded F .Maskell.
Men who work rest days. Proposed F. Goff and seconded T. Janes. “That any man who works whilst this depot is in dispute, be credited with working two days for every one worked.” 2 for, 20 against.
Retirement of Bro P. Plaine. “That this branch give a gift to Bro. Plaine for the good service he has provided to this branch over the many years he has been a member, both union and L.D.C. wise.” Proposed P. Edwards and seconded F. Maskell.
Voted all in favour.
HELD ON June 8th 1989
Members present none recorded
Withdrawal of labour. In view of developments by L.D.C. with management it was agreed to defer any such action. Branch agreed to presenting Bro. Phil Plaine with a gift on his retirement.
District Council Report
Chairman gave a report on meeting highlighting some studies made by management in the Anglia region on cost initiatives.
A.A.D Report, re –reason for postponing ballot, because the wording, branches would be kept informed of any new ballot would be called in about three weeks.
It was also reported that the files on the Purley Train Crash were now being sent to the D.P.P. for possible court case, and it was stressed once again for drivers to take union advice before making any statements, reports or just comments to both B.R. or police.
L.D.C. matters
Temporary accommodation, moving date had been set for 1st July, and time expected to be in temporary rooms was minimum six months was posted in messroom.
HELD ON July 6th 1989
Members present F. Locke, G. Reynolds, J. Osborne, M. Bloomfield, I. Osborne, A. Bell, M. Hawkins, S. Fortune, C. Newton, W. Mackenzie & B. Brown.
M. Hawkins who is now the H&S Rep reported on Preston Park sidings, Mont. Sidings and on Hove sidings, and the general lack of clearance of line side foliage.L.D.C. Report.
Report on the temporary accommodation and this branch instructs the L.D.C, to tell management that the proposed accommodation is not acceptable without changes.
HELD ON July 13th 1989
Members present V. Clarke, S. Neal, G. Hussy, P. Edwards, C. Newton, C. Newton, R. Jones, A. Ricketts, C. Horlock, D. Pumphrey, T. Fielding & T. Farmer.
A letter was sent to Head Office asking whether we as members are in breach of contract by being in dispute with B.R., and what happens about pay if we are locked out.
Also a letter to Bro. D. Fullick asking that he guards against rash and ill prepared remarks to the press and television.
L.D.C. Report Referring to previous branch meetings H&S on sidings, at Preston Park, Hove & Mont sidings.
A list of complaints were given to the L.D.C. and after much discussion proposed the following resolution. “That if by August the 14th the complaints about sidings at Hove, Mont sidings, Preston Park have not been dealt with this branch instructs the L.D.C. to inform management that the sidings will be blacked.” Vote all in favour.
“Smoking compartments on 421 class type E.M.U.s at what date will removal of smoking compartments on these units be completed.”
Members present R. Swetman, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, W. Mackenzie,
P. Hayward, M. Bloomfield & Retired member P. Plaine
Any Other business
“Failure to sign sick forums.” Discussion on failure by T.C.S. to sign sick notes, no further action will be taken at the moment.”
Presentation made to Bro. P. Plaine.
This branch wishes to thank Bro. Phil Plaine for all his years of service to A.S.L.E.& F. and Brighton L.D.C. we wish all the best on his retirement from the railway.

Above Mick Pullinger, Vic Sexton & Gerry Aggett
HELD ON August 10th 1989
Members present M. Hunter, D.J. Green, D. Punphrey, S. Neal, A. Ricketts, W. Mackenzie,
C. Newton, P. Edwards, T. Farmer, G. Hussey, T. Janes, W. Jones, & M. Thompson
Letter from Hither Green “Manning of Ballast Trains” was discussed and members made aware of the “Manning of Ballast Trains,” a copy will be posted on the notice board.
Members asked for the up to date position on the removal of smoking compartments of VEPs, CIGs & BIGs, also the general state of the cabs.
LDC Report
Preston Park sidings, survey surgery’s under Health and Safety. Branch resolution (re blacking of Preston Park, Hove & Mont. Sdgs) will be implemented on August 14th from 00:01 until work had been completed on the Preston Park sidings. On Survey
Surgery’s, the L.D.C. warned of attending such meetings.
Members present R. Sheehan, P. Edwards, S. Neal, G. Hussey, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne,
I. Osborne, F. Maskell, N. Wallhead, P. Bradford, A. Ricketts, J. Parks, T. Fielding,
C. Newton, L. Osman, B. Noakes & W. Mackenzie.
Health & Safety Report
H&S rep. reported on the painting of the messroom at Brighton, on the work being carried out regarding sidings at Preston Park & Hove.
L.D.C. Report
Chairman gave a report on October Diagrams and on roster scrutiny, other matter raised “L.D.C. Resignation.” Chairman explained why the decision to resign was taken, after giving the Branch their chance to comment, the following resolution was proposed by A. Ricketts and seconded by G. Hussey.
“That this Branch proposed, that the L.D.C. withdrawal its decision to resign forthwith.”
Voted all in favour, also further resolution was put forward to the branch.
“That if annual leave and Bank Holiday roster are published, and do not comply with national and local agreements, that this Branch instructs members that these are illegal rosters.”
Proposed L. Osman and seconded I. Osborne, voted all in favour.
Chairman informed branch of the decision to charge Bro. Morgan of Littlehampton with manslaughter, and that we wait and see the outcome before taking any action.
Members present W. Mackenzie, J. Osborne, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, R. Swetman,
A. Flowers, M. Thompson, P. Hayward, S. Fortune & M. Bloomfield.
L.D.C. Report
Chairman gave a report on new diagrams, then Bro. W. Mackenzie explained reasons why the L.D.C. had taken the decision to resign, the branch resolution (from previous meeting) was read out and noted, also resolution (re annual leave & Bank holiday) was read and voted on, voted all in favour.
The decision by the D.P.P. to charge Bro Morgan of Littlehampton with manslaughter was mentioned, and we have decided to await the outcome of any trial before taking action.
Left ~ Right: Ron Lifford (Battersea, Sectional Council Secretary) & Bernie Noakes (Sectional Council, Brighton No.2 Branch).
Ron Lifford is presenting Bernie Noakes with a plaque on his retirement in October/November 1989 at his last Full Council meeting on 15th November 1989. Bernie was a driver West Worthing E.M.U.T. for many years of his driving career. Bernie had previously been at depots in the London area (Norwood/New Cross Gate?) and transferred to West Worthing 1958
Members present S. Neal, T. Farmer, P. Edwards, A. Ricketts, N. Wallhead, T. Janes,
C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins, M. Thompson & B. Brown.Correspondence
Acknowledgements:- Pass on D.O.O. non passenger trains, re-signal failure letters regarding signal irregularities “Arundel Junction area.” Disciplinary action rule 30 union rules, Sectional Council “B” nomination.
Proposed M. Hawkins and seconded T. Janes. “That this branch supports Bro. W. Eames for Sectional Council “B.” voted all in favour.
Proposed M. Hawkins and seconded A. Ricketts. “That this branch supports K. Harrison for South East TUC Regional Council 1990/93.” Voted all in favour.
Nomination for sectional council “B” casual vacancy, proposed A. Ricketts and seconded M. Hawkins. “That Bro W. Mackenzie be nominated for the posted.” Voted all in favour.
Any Other Business
Matter raised over the issue of exhaust emissions from diesel engines and the possible link to throat cancer.
Health & Safety
Bro M. Hawkins gave a report on the meeting held with management and the way Brighton area was run and the total shambles of administration. Incident which involved Bro. Mantell’s accident was highlighted with regards to protection and safety.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. W. Mackenzie explained the latest on new diagrams and the up to date position on our accommodation.
L.D.C. proposed A. Ricketts and seconded T. Janes “That M. Hawkins be nominated.” Proposed M. Hawkins and seconded B. Brown. “That J. Osborne be nominated.” Voted all in favour.
Proposed P. Edwards and seconded T. Farmer. “That Bro. A. Ricketts to be nominated vice chairman.”
Proposed A. Ricketts and seconded N. Wallhead. “That Bro. T. Farmer to be nominated for the branch committee.”
Proposed M. Hawkins and seconded P. Edwards. “That Bro. N. Wallhead to be nominated for the branch committee.”
Proposed M. Hawkins and seconded S. Neal. “That the present chairman, secretary and present branch committee be nominated for office.” Branch voted all in favour of the nominations.
Members present D. Pumphrey, M. Bloomfield, C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins,
J. Osborne, I. Osborne, R. Swetman & P. Hayward.
Sectional Council “B” nomination , Bro. W. Eames. “This branch voted all in favour, nomination papers forwarded to HeadOffice.”
S.E. T.U.C. Regional Council vacancy 1990/93. “This branch voted all in favour for K. Harrison to be nominated, papers forwarded to Head Office.”
Casual Vacancy Sectional Council “B” nomination , “Bro. W. Mackenzie nomination.” That this branch voted all in favour of branches nomination, papers forwarded to Head Office, also support for nomination is being sort from other branches.
Health & Safety
Lighting Preston Park, management have asked for a costing etc. for improving the lights. Bro. M. Hawkins summarised on the Regional Safety meeting, smoking compartments, matter is now at Regional level, awaiting decision.
Bro W. Mackenzie explained the present position regarding the new accommodation and on a proposal depot ballot on “Non Smoking Area” in the new accommodation.
New depot minutes were drawn up and Annual Leave change overs were dealt with.
Proposal that M. Hawkins and J. Osborne be elected for L.D.C. was carried, no other nominations forthcoming
Proposed that A. Ricketts be nominated for vice chairman, nomination carried, no other nominations.
Proposed M. Hawkins and seconded D. Pumphrey. “That Bro. M. Bloomfield be nominated as auditor vice C. Horlock.” Voted all in favour.
Proposed J. Osborne and seconded R. Swetman. “That Bro. D. Pumphrey be nominated as a trustee.” Voted all in favour.

Mac McCabe second manning on a Crompton (Class 33 loco).
Members present G. Hussey, S. Neal, P. Edwards, A. Edwards, T. Farmer, N. Wallhead,
A. Ricketts, W. Mackenzie, C. Newton & M. Hunter.
District Council Report
Bro. W. Mackenzie gave a report on Council meeting on a proposes new move under P.T.&R. Arrangements, on the latest depot closures proposed by B.R.. use of non qualified staff to cut in or out rolling stock. A proposal by management to buy off men’s transfer moves. District Council’s resolution on the E.C.’s efforts to come to an agreement on the machinery of
negotiation talks.
Branch resolution. “That the branch supports the District Council and its decision to urge the E.C. to reach an agreement on the machinery of negotiation.” Proposed A. Ricketts and seconded T. Farmer. voted all in favour.
Members present W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins, M. Styles, I. Osborne, A. Flowers,
M. Bloomfield, P. Hayward, F. Locke, J. Osborne, M. Hunter
& guest speaker Bro. Tony West.
Health & Safety
Preston Park Sidings improvements, and new messroom completion date reported on.
LDC Report
New establishment figure for Brighton to be 148 men. Anticipate new work in May diagrams to Southampton. Discussion on new link structures, and new route norms to be discussed with management.
District Council Report
District Council has endorsed our branch resolution and passed the following. “For the E.C. to convene a meeting with B.R.B. to protect interests of membership under the present machinery and under no circumstances should the E.C. allow the machinery to be under mind to the detriment of the machinery."