Railway accident on the
Southern Railway
Brighton Section
I am pleased to report good attendance at our last meeting, and a very interesting subject was discussed. The members decided unanimously to adopt Page 16, Clause 1, Establishment, and have representatives from Seaford, Eastbourne and Ore, pending the further extention of electrification. so well so good.
On December 1st, along with others,invaded Ore and had a very pleasant three hours where the above was also agreed to, but the important item of the day was the opening of a branch there, and it gave pleasure to those who paid a visit. Ore to see all possible roll up to open this branch. I hope this is another strong link in our cable. Bro. J.V. Sweeney, previous to the opening addressed the meeting, and particular laid down the necessity of these extra branches, thereby being able to receive first-hand information from General Office. a vote of thanks to him and visitors concluded the business.
Also good wishes to my scattered Brothers ex-Army, and others, for Year 1936.
(Bert) A. E. Harrison
Seaford's first Branch Secretary
Standing next to a 2 NOL
Bro Bert Harrison, motorman, Southern Railway, and his dog, which regularly takes his food to him on duty and takes home the basket.
The dog is almost as well known as Bert.
- - - - - - -
Bert Harrison was one of the original motormen at the newly opened Seaford depot.
On the 16th June, 1912, Bert travelled down from Battersea, to attend the opening of the Newhaven Branch of A.S.L.E.F., this branch was opened by Organiser W. Warwick. The delegation also included a large number of A.S.L.E.F. members from the Brighton branch, and A.E. Marshall from the Eastbourne branch.
We are still on the map, and our last meeting very important business discussed. Holiday question, the Electrical Engineer has taken from us the second week in August without the matter being settled through the L.D.C. No.5.
The next was the dirty state of motor cabs on the Eastbourne, Ore and Seaford extension, and in particular the very dirty state of look-out windows, motorman's driving side, likewise the neglected state of the window cleaners, that is to say it is impossible to clear front of glass through same being either worn out or in other words perished. Whilst we do not admit the present ones are of any use for what they are there for, we have suggested a better kind should be supplied. In the meantime, we do think some attention should be given to our complaint, as this is very detrimental to the safe running of trains, especially under weather conditions of the last five months.
Another very important question came up, re necessary accommodation for motormen and convenience at Seaford Depot, which we do hope our E.C. will do all in their power to obtain, as in our opinion this is urgently needed. I have to report a forward move in Seaford, that is we have had the first public meeting for local Council election, whilst we were not successful in gaining a seat with our one candidate we had a very good number vote Labour. Better luck next time is our motto.
Extracted and adapted from
February 16th 1936
Special meeting for Motormen
Officers present F. Wilmshurst Chairman, A. Harrison Secretary,
Bros. A. Scott, A. Pearce, G. Oram, W. Smith & E. Watson.
Minutes of previous meeting not read, re letter from W. Lewery Holiday Sussex Fortnight
Moved A.G. Scott and seconded G. Oram. "This depot support No. 5 L.D.C. in the steps they have taken Re Alteration of Holiday Roster (August) as statistics were taken last year and did not warrant the Holiday Period being broken in this area during the Sussex Fortnight". Carried Unanimously.
Re letter from Mr. Auliff.
Moved Bro. A. Pearce and seconded Bro. E. Watson. "That we at this Depot arrange any alteration of Holidays mutual between ourselves, letter be sent Bro. W. Lewery & Mr. Auliff ". Carried Unanimously.
Moved Bro. A. Pearce and seconded Bro, A.G. Scott. "That Secretary write General Office to ask them to take matter in hand with a view of writing the General Manager S.R. Re lobby and conveniences, for requirements at this Depot". Carried Unanimously
After correspondence read re Representation L.D.C. and Moved Bro. W. Smith, and seconded Bro. A. Pearce. "We fully support Secretary’s action in dealing with above". Carried Unanimously.
Moved A. Pearce and seconded Bro. A.G. Scott. "We appreciate the manner Secretary had dealt with the business on hand". Carried Unanimously.

MARCH 1936
Our monthly meeting was held on Sunday, January 26th, several members attending. I myself would like to see more attend and gel in the branch business, as these are times which we should all pull together. Nominations for our 1936 L.D.C. took place, and I am pleased to say our three members now serving were nominated, which is very encouraging after the last year or two, when unofficial members have been elected.
We also had Bro. Harris of Brighton branch giving us a visit. He gave a very interesting report on last year’s A.A.D., on which he was elected for the first time in his career. Bro. Harris answered questions that were put to him in a most able manner. Our meeting closed with a vote of thanks to Bro. Harris, who we hope to hear again.
D. Sargent,
Assistant Branch Secretary.

Above is a memo sent to Brighton engine driver Fred Horsman, informing him of his retirement.
Fred had entered the footplate grades on the 24.06.1889, and through out his railway service he remained a member of the A.S.R.S. & later the N.U.R.
This was case of many engine man of that the period .
Extracted and adapted from
12th April 1936
Officers present F. Wilmshurst Chairman, A. Harrison Secretary,
Bros. E. Tucknott & H. Stedman
Re HOLIDAY Question
Moved Bro. H. Stedman and seconded Bro. E. Tucknott.
"We the members effected by the letter from Herbert Jones re Holidays, determine that this matter must be dealt with under the Rail Act 1921 & Appendix therein by L.D.C. 5. The secretary be instructed to forward this resolution to Executive Committee and Secretary of Sectional Council No.2 and ask for immediate action be taken owing to Hebert Jones determination of application for date being laid down for March 31st. We are very definitely for this being effectively dealt with. We are disgusted with the action taken up to now by our General Office".
Re Staff Room
Instructions from Station Master for all other grades to be kept out of same (to be noted) 17 in lobby at once).
Moved Bro. E. Tucknott and seconded Bro. H. Stedman.
"A letter be sent to Gen. Office for them to still press for a lobby for our own requirements”.
Carried Unam.
Extracted and adapted from
Newhaven Branch Meeting
Sunday April 19th 1936
This Branch considered "Wage Negotiations" circular from all angles and all of the opinion that the Company's offer is inadequant and considers that from the loco men's point of view, the rates for night duty, Sunday duty & overtime are of prior importance to the 2 ½% cut and therefore instructs the A.A.D. to thoroughly consider Company's proposals before committing themselves. Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. F. Elmer.

In 1936 saw the opening of Streatham Hill E.M.U.T. Depot Streatham Hill A.S.L.E.& F. members were part of the Battersea Branch
MAY 1936
On Thursday, February 27th, Bro. J.F. Brett presided over a large assembly of railmen and their wives at the Carlton Hotel. Bro. "Dick" Coomber, N.U.R., in the vice-chair. The attraction being the presentation to one of the old pioneers of the Trade Union world in the person of retired Driver Jesse Finch, A.S.L.E. & F. Mr W. Powell, locomotive superintendent, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells West, with a well-chosen and witty speech, made the presentation, which took the form of a handsome striking clock and an umbrella to Mrs. French. Bro. French, in reply, pointed out to the young fraternity the need for a "clean card," and regular attendance at branch meetings. Bro. F.G. Robinson, indefatigable branch secretary, assisted by Bros. J. Brooker, Bert Burrill and Harry Ovenden, provided an excellent and talented programme. Votes of thanks to Presentation Committee, hosts, and artists, concluding with Auld Lang Syne, brought an enjoyable evening to close all too soon.

Extracted and adapted from
Sunday 10th May 1936
A.S.L.E.&F. Sectional Council, Secretary, Bro. F. Jeans, and
Herbert Jones Southern Railway
Extracted and adapted from the Seaford Branch of A.S.L.E.F. minute book.
A Special Joint Meeting of Motormen from the Sussex Coastal depots, of Brighton, West Worthing, Seaford, Eastbourne & Ore. The meeting was held on Sunday 10th May, 1936. The elected Chairman for the meeting, gave a lengthy explanation of the current situation, and letters were read out from A.S.L.E.& F. General Office, the Sectional Council,Secretary, Bro. F. Jeans, and Herbert Jones from Southern Railway.
After the report from the Chairman and the correspondence had been read out, a lengthy
discussion took place which resulting a motion being put to the meeting. The motion was
moved and seconded from Seaford Branch, moved Motorman, Bro. A. Pearce and
seconded by Bro. H. Stedman which read as follows:-
"We the Motormen of Eastbourne, Seaford, Ore, Brighton and West Worthing, supported by the London District, and call upon the Executive Committee to act immediately, and take up with Southern Railway Company our requirement, having failed to get satisfaction through correspondence to Sectional Council Secretary. To press our claim for Representation and the attitude taken by Herbert Jones against the agreed machinery, further the non-attention to genuine report.”
"We call upon General Office to allow a Central meeting of Motormen to deal with questions, effecting all Motormen on Southern Railway's Railway.”
"Having failed to get permission to our previous resolution to sanction a meeting as per letter of 24th February G95/53, we demand in the interest of Motormen and Society a special meeting for Southern Railway Motormen be held at Brighton. This is in accordance with all Depots failing permission for same it to be called for Sunday 31st May at 6.45 p.m. and expenses be covered by collection at meeting”.
Carried Unanimously.
Following this motion another was moved by Seaford Motorman Bro. A. Pearce, and seconded by Brighton Branch Chairman, Motorman Bro. W. Lewery (Brighton No.2 Branch).
"Secretary send letter to reach Organising Secretary Bro. J. V. Sweeney by Friday mornings post (re cancelling meeting)."
The meeting was then finally closed with a hearty vote of thanks to visitors who attended this meeting, this was moved by Seaford Branch Chairman, Motorman Bro. F. Wilmshurst.
Organising Secretary Bro. J. V. Sweeney, arranged a meeting to be held at at the Brighton Labour Club, this meeting was to be held on Sunday 21st June, and starting at 2.30 p.m. At this meeting, Bro. J. V. Sweeney gave a up to date report to the Motormen, after which a number of various discussions and questions were raised, and after three hours, the meeting was finally adjourned. Bro. J. V. Sweeney was to reconvene a further meeting. This meeting was arranged for Sunday 28th June, which saw two meetings being held, one being a morning meeting, starting at 10.30 a.m. which was followed by an evening meeting, starting at 6.30 p.m. This was to enable as many Motormen as possible to attend from both the early and late shifts.
Organising Secretary Bro. J. V. Sweeney, gave a further detailed report of the current situation and after lengthy discussion, the Seaford Branch Secretary, Motorman A. E. Harrison (ex Battersea), moved a resolution, that spelt out the feelings of the vast majority of Motormen, who were in attendance at both of these meetings, the motion reads as follows.
"That this main meeting of Motormen, view with grave dissatisfaction the delay with which the complaints of Motormen are dealt with, and are of the opinion that in its present operation the machinery is inadequate to deal with such complaints. We express the opinion that the number of appointed representatives of Motormen is inadequant and that immediate steps should be taken by the Society to increase the number of L.D.C. from 5 to 6."
"Further we suggest that consideration be given to the setting up of a separate Sectional Council for Motormen for the purpose of speeding up the settlement of matters in dispute by representations competent in technical knowledge of varying subjects."
"Further in view of our increased numbers, we express the opinion that we should be given increased representation on the E.C."
"Further with a view to assisting the E.C. and the Sectional Council to promote these objects a Motorman’s Vigilance Committee be appointed for the purpose of collecting necessary facts and submitting them to the proper authority."
"We ask the E.C. to obtain this or suggest some better method whereby the business can be carried out more quickly and satisfactory."
The resolution was carried with only one Motorman voting against the resolution. A Special Meeting was called for 13 September. (No info available yet!!).
Eventually a position on the Executive Committee was created to represent the views and issues of the Motorman grade.

Extracted and adapted from
Special Meetings Held at
Brighton Labour Club on
Sunday 28th June 1936
10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
When Resolution was carried (there was one against) moved by Bro. A. E. Harrison
"That this main meeting of Motormen, view with grave dissatisfaction the delay with which the complaints of Motormen are dealt with, and are of the opinion that in its present operation the machinery is inadequate to deal with such complaints. We express the opinion that the number of appointed representatives of Motormen is inadequant and that immediate steps should be taken by the Society to increase the number of L.D.C. from 5 to 6".
"Further we suggest that consideration be given to the setting up of a separate Sectional Council for Motormen for the purpose of speeding up the settlement of matters in dispute by representations competent in technical knowledge of varying subjects".
"Further in view of our increased numbers we express the opinion that we should be given increased representation on the E.C."
"Further with a view to assisting the E.C. and the Sectional Council to promote these objects a Motorman’s vigilance Committee be appointed for the purpose of collecting necessary facts and submitting them to the proper authority".
"We ask the E.C. to obtain this or suggest some better method whereby the business can be carried out more quickly and satisfactory".
JULY 1936
"I have eaten your bread and salt,
I have drank your water and wine,
The deaths ye died, I have watched beside,
And the lives ye lived were mine,
Have told the tale of your lives..."
I have now been a member of our great Society for 40 years and 2 months, and am amongst it's oldest members who are still at work, and as the last 27 years of my life have been in the service pf the Union and of yourselves, it appears to me to be fitting in these last few days before my retirement on the 15th July, 1936, that I should say a word of farewell to you and of thanks for your unswerving loyalty and devotion to the Cause for which the A.S.L.E&F. was founded in February 1880.
Very many of the older members, Comrades of my early days, have either gone into retirement, or have taken their last long train, but there are still a large number left who worked with and helped me and our Union in my days as an Organising Secretary, which whilst nominally in the North Midland and North Wales area, frequently extended throughout the country. What splendid fighting days those were. They were also for me days of less personal responsibility and difficulty than has been my lot during the 22 years that I have been your General Secretary, and although the latter have not been unhappy years, they have been strenuous, difficult, and sometimes very trying, but together we have weathered many storms, faced many issues, and come through more or less triumphantly.
Let me now thank you for your sterling courage, idealism and persistent patience as trade unionists all down the years that I have known you, and in addition for your great loyalty and support of my myself. We have passed through some trying times, and, like all other unions, we have found a few misfits and self-seekers, but the heart of the rank and file of our Union has always been stout, strong, and honourable.
My life in your service has been a strenuous one, but it has also been a happy one, because I have been serving men who I can safely claim are amongst the finest trade unionists in the world. It is not only I who say that, for there are others outside our ranks who know your generous financial help to other trade unionists in trouble, both nationally and internationally, who know of the powerful assistance you have given to others in times of strike, and in 1919, when you fought to the last minute to help others within a few months of the time when you had received satisfaction on your own conditions of service.
These things, my Comrades, are not quickly forgotten by many who have watched you. In fact, I think you tend to forget them more quickly yourselves, and I want , in my last few words to you, to ask you to remember what you have done. How you have made trade union history, and something of the brave and unique things which you have done, and the principles which you have established, often unaided and alone, and occasionally even against opposition, which, blind and unreasoning, sprang up from the directions in which you had the right to feel secure.
Let me remind you, you were the first Union in Britain of a national character to present a National Programme of wages and conditions of service. It was your ideal. you clung to it for years. You preached it in season and out of season, and finally fought for it and won it, and to-day you are the only Union with branches all over the countries which makes up Great Britain which has one national set of conditions of service with no town, country, or district rates. Thus was persistence and patience rewarded.
You raised the banner of the 8 hour day. fought for it during a period of war, and won pledges alone and unaided, which eventually brought that great reform to all railwaymen, and led other industrial workers to battle for and win the same ideal.
You were almost the first Union to present before Wages Board and before war-time Committee on Production, a string of workmen witnesses - drivers, firemen and cleaners. You trusted the intelligence of you own people, and they did not let you down, for under my examination they established the case for British locomotivemen.
You secured, when things looked black indeed, the front end of the electric train for the train for the young footplatemen who had served long apprenticeship to the position of engine driver, and who saw it nearly snatched from their grasp when motive power in some places changed from steam to electricity. That was result of the efforts of virile men in a strong Union, and again alone and unaided you wrung success out of difficult circumstances, for which every junior footplateman owes everlasting thanks to the men of A.S.L.E.&F.
You spent, during the period of my office service with the Union, some £500,000 in battle for yourselves and others, or in the results of others fighting, and of that large amount of money only a fraction over one-fifth of it was spent on yourselves. I refer to 1924, when you fought one of the most gallant fights against great odds which it is possible for me to conceive.
In 1926 you again fought for others, taking your place in the united ranks of angry trade unionism. You entered the fray in the first moment, and came out of it in the last split second. you entered that battle with no money in your fighting fund, but with a debt to past battles, of £58,000, yet you never complained, but took your stand to the end and came out of it with a debt of nearly £230,000, and you never squealed.
That, my friends, is a record of which you may be justly proud, and which you should never forget. That is why I am asking now to remember.
When I leave you in a few days' time you will have recovered your financial losses. You have paid every farthing due from you as a Union, and you have established a fighting fund again, greater than you have had for very many years, and are in a position to protect every locomotivemen of this country from any unjustifiable neglect.
You have to-day a greater percentage of the men you cater for organised in your Union than ever had before, with a oneness of purpose and understanding, which, while you keep your organisation strong, will ever be your sheet anchor.
Is it too much for me to ask of our younger members that they should ever remember the sacrifices made by the earlier pioneers of our Union who built and paid and met danger and defeat, giving sacrifice and accepting sorrow, so that your Union could be made strong. so that when the time came that you were prepared to move for your own betterment, you should have a machine working, properly constructed and ready to face industrial storms at great odds. These gallant old members are not entirely forgotten. I know, but it is well that they should be even more often and more generously remembered, for they worked and strove for your uplifting without ever hoping to reap the fruits of their efforts themselves. We may be proud of the fact that many of them did so, but only for a few years, whilst you to-day are gaining the full advantage of their untiring efforts and Sterling courage. you have inherited their mantle, fail ye not at your peril to live up to the high standard which they set for you and to the tradition and prestige which they established for our Union.
So comrades, a long farewell. iu shall watch you from the shadows of my retirement. I shall joy with you in your triumphs and I shall sympathise with you in your defeats, unless they rise from apathy and indifference, from slothfulness or lack of patience and persistence, and should that ever be I shall curse you, because you will not have lived up to the standard which has been set for you under trials and difficulties with to-day you wot not of.
That you will go from strength to strength and further progress and advancement I am satisfied. and my only one regret will be, that I shall not be with you in your future struggles,
"Deep in the valley lie my strenuous days,
In the vale now wrapped in silver haze,
But I sill may share some pleasant wind that stirs the plain below,
And blows me perfumes that I used to know."
And so my time is up, my act is over, and I must nit linger on the stage beyond my period. Again I thank you for unblemished loyalty, both to myself and to our Union. I thank you for understanding and for help, and I wish you well.
May my memories of you keep ever green. Vale.
1914 - 1936
Railway accident on the
Southern Railway
Brighton Section
Off all business conducted in our branch meetings when men of various thought are gathered together, the most impressive is when the chairman asks that all will stand in silence as a token of respect for one who has departed and sympathy for bereaved ones left behind. Such was the occasion at our meeting of 5th July. Grief was expressed at the passing away of Bro. Jack Gayler, who was laid to rest 4th July, at the Brighton and Preston Cemetery. Six of the members acted as bearers, a very large gathering of his fellow fraternity and representatives of various Labour associations paid a last repest. Bro. J.W. Godfrey, E.C. member, and Bro. J.V. Sweeney, Organising Secretary, were also present. Bro. Gayler, during his nine years at Brighton. had done a great deal to put Brighton branch on the active list of branches of the Associated, during this period he had attended the A.A.D. twice, been member of L.D.C. most of this time, was serving his second term as Sectional Council member, and was actively engaged in the local Labour affairs, and was chairman of the Moulscombe Labour Party. His attendance and guidance will be greatly missed in and out of the branch five years branch chairman. Again it was indicated by our official what sacrifice was entailed by the recipient, who suitably responded, encouraging others we trust to cone and do likewise. dare we hope that the foregoing is an augury of a revival of the old pioneering spirit; the future depends upon our actions.
See Below for Jack Gayler’s Funeral
Extracted and adapted from
Special Meeting held 3rd December 1936
Extracted and adapted from the Seaford Branch of A.S.L.E.F. minute book.
Pro. W. Lewery (B'ton No.2), Sec. A.J. Scott, Bro J. Goodyear (Ebne?) be Chairman.
The Secretary then explained reason for calling meeting.
Bro. J. V. Sweeney then addressed the meeting in particular on Representation, E.C., Sectional Councils and the possibility of the E.C. sanctioning a meeting of the 5 L.D.C’s on Southern Railway.
Moved Bro. H. Stedman, Sec A.G. Scott.
No. 1 "That this meeting of the members of Seaford Branch call the attention of the E.C. to the continued developments and extension of Electric Train working on the Southern Railway. In order that our Motormen members may have complete confidence in the Society and adequately safeguard then interests we make application for E.C. to sanction a conference of the five elected L.D.C.’s on the Southern Railway for the purpose of confiding their respective minutes and agreeing on a common policy for the future." Carried Unam.
Moved E.G. Tucknott, Sec. A.E. Harrison.
No. 2 "That this meeting of members of Seaford Branch view with apprehension the speedy development of electrification on British Railways and particularly not that work is already in hand for electrification between Liverpool & Sheffield on the L.N.E.R.
We express the opinion that the E.C. should immediately review the constitution of representation and suggest that more than one position should be allotted to Motormen on the Executive Committee.
Further that the Society inaugurate a movement for a revision of the scheme of Sectional Councils with the view of a separate Council for Motormen on those Railways where electrification is a declared policy.
Further, that the question referred to in this resolution be treated as items of emergency from the E.C. be submitted to the 1937 A.A.D". Carried Unam.
A vote of thanks to Bros. J.V. Sweeney, Chairman and visitors.
Mr. Galyer who was fifty-one, was well known in Brighton and Moulscombe, not only in his employment as an engine driver on the Southern Railway but also as the employees’ representative of the Sectional Council. He was also Chairman of the Moulscombe Labour Party and contested the Moulscombe Ward in 1934. Mr. Galyer first began his municipal experiences in Coulsdon Surrey, and he came to Brighton in 1928.The interment was at the Brighton Borough Cemetery, the entrance of which was lined on either side by about 50 railwaymen. The coffin was borne to the grave by two motormen, two engine drivers and two firemen.
In an appreciation, “G.W.T.G.” writes:
"John Mason Galyer was a man of sterling worth and character. As chairman of the local Labour Party at Moulscombe for many years, his sturdy frame and deep sounding voice brought to every meeting he conducted a sense of confidence and responsibility.”
Not only in the political field but also in the industrial field will he be missed. He was an active member of the Brighton branch of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. As one time chairman of the Local Department Committee for Brighton - a committee responsible for adjusting local matters a between employers and employed - his work met with appreciation on both sides. Guided by a practical business instinct he gave assurance of a fair and accurate interpretation of the highest ideals of Trade Unionism and of modern Labour negotiations machinery.
As an advocate in railway discipline case by his services were greatly appreciated by his colleagues, and an unjust decision was fought with mighty force of his personality, pleading extenuating circumstances or giving an interpretation of rules which even his superiors were obliged to acknowledge.
His appointment as the locomotiqemen’s representative on the Sectional Council, the highest appointment in railway Trade Union negotiating circles, in the year 1931, and his re-appointment to that position by an overwhelming majority in 1934, were convincing proof of his qualities.
On two occasions he was invited to contest municipal elections at Coulsdon, Surrey, where he resided prior to coming to Brighton in 1928, and at Moulscombe in 1934. His defeat by the narrow margin of third six votes was a keen disappointment to his supporters, who foresaw a brilliant future for him in the realms of municipal administration.His sudden death must prove a serious loss to the Labour movement, but those who knew can say;
“We knew a man who gave of his best to the cause in which he profoundly believed and to the people whom he belonged, without fear, and without reward other than the knowledge of duty well done.” AMONG THE MOURNERS
The Chief mourners were Mrs. Galyer (mother), Mrs Galyer (widow), Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Galyer, Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Galyer (sons & daughter-in-laws), Miss Grace Galyer, Miss Nancy Galyer (daughters), Mr. A. Galyer (brother), Mr. Eric Sergeant and Mr. Tom Field.Among the large representative gathering at the church and cemetery were: Mrs. Bransby Jones, Mrs. Burfield, Mrs Holdaway, Mrs. Turner, Miss Heats and Mrs. Potters (members and representatives of Moulscombe Mothers’ Union), Mrs. O’Brien (Vice Chairman, Women’s Section, Moulscombe Labour Party), Councillor H.J. Robbins (Vice Chairman, Moulscombe Labour Party) and Mrs Robbins, Mr. W. Whiting (Hon. Secretary, Moulscombe Labour Party) and Mrs Whiting, Mr. G. Garrett (former Secretary of the Moulscombe Labour Party), Councillor T. Hussey (Secretary Moulscombe Labour Party Executive), Mr. Fletcher (Treasurer Moulscombe Labour Party) and Mrs Fletcher, Mr. Frank Hancock (Lewes Labour Party), Mr. J.V. Sweeney (Organising Secretary of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers Firemen and Cleaners), Mr. W.J. Godfrey (member of the National Executive Council and representing Brighton No.2 Branch Southern Railway), H. Harris (Chairman and representative of Brighton No.1 Branch), Mr. J.S. Downs (representing the Portsmouth Branch), Mr. J.C. Urie (representing the local running department, Southern Railway), Mr. Morris representing passenger guards at Brighton) and Mrs. Morris.
Also present were: Mrs. Bunker, Mr. W. O’Brien, Mrs. Coomber, Mrs Cumming, Mrs. Day, Mr. Endersley, Mrs. Field, Mrs. Heritage, Mr. & Mrs. Imms, Mrs. Kateley, Councillor F. Larkin, Mrs. Langridge, Mrs. C. G. Manton, (representing Councillor C.G. Manton), Mrs. A. Skinner, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Standing, Mrs. Tullett, sen., Mrs. Witney, Mrs. White and Mrs. Wells. Councillor H.F. Parker, J.P., of Portslade, and Mr. J. Tanner (General Secretary Lewes Division Labour Party), were unable to attend.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by the funeral furnishment department of the Brighton Co-operative Society, under the personal supervision of Mr. A. Clarke.

John “Jack” Gayler this started as an examination of the L.B.S.&C.R. records held by the National Archives, scanned and made available by Ancestry for any records concerning John (Jack) GALYER or GAYLER. It soon became apparent that historically the spelling GALYER was prevalent and I have used this through out. It also became apparent when using other record sources that John’s father was also a footplateman. Specifically John’s Baptism record, the 1901 census and his his marriage record all contain references to his father’s occupation on the railway, Railway Fireman and Engine Driver. His father is a bit of a conundrum, being named as Henry Robert Galyer at John’s Baptism, just Robert Galyer at John’s marriage, and Robert Henry at his daughter Floence;s wedding in 1920 Some confusion exists in the LB&SCR records as well with three entries for new starters in 1877 and 1879, but apparently only one consistent name after that. The records do not show staff leaving service or transferring to other departments, only new entrants and transfers within the Locomotive department.
There is gap in Henry Robert’s L.B. & S.C.R. records after he achieved a pay rate of 7/6 in May 1905 until his apparent re-employment as an Engine Preparer in 1920 at around the age of 64. Was he on the top rate all that time and didn’t move so didn’t appear in the records? He does not appear in the pages of 18/09/1919 where the pay adjustments for all Locomotive Department staff after the strikes of 1919 (8 hour day etc.) were entered. In the 1911 census he still declared himself as a. Engine Driver. At the marriage of his daughter Lily, still in Epsom he declares as a Railway Engineer and in April 1920 an engine driver at the marriage of his daughter Florence. He does not appear in the pages of 18/09/1919 where the pay adjustments for all Locomotive Department staff after the strikes of 1919 (8 hour day etc.) were entered. See also http://www.epsomandewellhistoryexplorer.org.uk/WarMemorialsSurnamesG.html for War Memorial details of Fred Mason Galyer, John’s brother who died in the Great War and was another who used an alternative name (James). Stoats Nest .According to http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/c/coulsdon_north/index.shtml, the shed at Stoats Nest opened in 1900 and closed in June 1929 after 3rd rail electrification. The station was renamed Coulsdon and Smitham Downs in 1911 after an accident had occurred in 1910. Entries in the LB&SCR records after this are Coulsdon. Research by Neal Cowdrey.