Chairman Bro. F. Diplock
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday January 27th 1980 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The chairman was Bro. F. Diplock, Secretary was Bro. C. Exley. There were five members present.
Due to the fact that Secretary had mislaid his notes from the last branch meeting and were therefore left unread. The Chairman express his concern of this matter but suggested the meeting move onto items of correspondence.
Centenary Function
A letter sent from Union Head Office to all branches which set out the Society’s plans to celebrate its centenary with a function and social event at the South Bank, London, on the 10th April 1980. This letter also contained an induction for two member of this branch to attend same.
That two representatives from this branch be selected and their names be forwarded to Head office to receive a official Invitation to attend. Moved by Bro. R. Harris and seconded by Bro. R. Harper. That Bros. M. Allen and C. Exley be selected to represent this branch at this function.
The next item was that Bro. C. Exley of this branch had been nominated by the Executive Committee to represent this Society at the T.U.C. Youth Congress at Congress House with Bro. R. Johnson of Stratford Branch and Bro. C. Buckingham of West Brompton branch.
There being no further items of correspondence. The Chairman moved onto the next items which were circulars.
The Chairman moved onto L.D.C. report for this purpose he asked the L.D.C. Secretary to give details.
Staff restricted to depot or shunting work due to illness or pending medical affairs report. This was for the items as they affected Bro. R. Harper of this item.
Management to afford facilities for drivers at depots full route learning over routes where they move been given rostered train work specifically duty 319 at T.W.W. depot.
The Secretary noted the progress so far with the issue of diagram scrutiny
This is typed in with the latter issue but was more specifically dealing with R.S.J.C. min L574.
Cover duties move especially at weekends at the progress made with management on this issue.
The L.D.C Secretary told the meeting of management’s policy in regard to D.E.M.U. No.1111, which was supposed to be the first of all these types of trains to be given a refurbishment and modification treatment and its future traffic action.
Free passes and their issue to staff this was the request by member of the depot to time free ticket issued to all staff at this depot at Tunbridge Wells West station.
Drivers who have written to management stating that they do not wish to work as driven assistants on the loan to other depots on any day more especially on Sundays.
The L.D.C. Secretary then moved onto Health and Safety and it the progress made so far with these matters and a inspection he had made with the H&S inspector to Hempstead Farm Crossing near Uckfield. After giving details of this matter in progress the L.D.C. Secretary moved to T.U.C. run schools for L.D.C. and H&S delegates from all industries and he ask that he attend the same with the permission of the Branch. Moved by himself. That he Bro. M. Allen be this branch’s official delegate to attend a T.U.C. run scholl for Health and Safety at work. Seconded by Bro. J. Carney. Carried unanimously.
There being no other business the chair closed the meting at 13.15
Tunbridge Wells Branch A Special Meeting
Sunday February 10th 1980 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
This meeting was called by the branch secretary on the request of Bros. M. Allen and W. Baldwin both Committee Members on the instruction of the Branch Chairman.
Bro. W. Badldwin was acting chairman as the branch chairman had other prior engagements.
Bro. J. Carney assistant Secretary was elected Secretary was Acting Secretary because the Branch Secretary had prior engagements.
The first item to be dealt with was the centenary function to be held at Queen Elizabeth Hall Southbank London to celebrate the 100 years of this union. When this item came before the last meeting there had been some misunderstanding as to just who could attend the above as the representatives of this branch. The circular No. 23/1980 received just after the last meeting clarified this point and in the light of which Bro. C. Exley reludantly stood down to allow Mrs. M.A.H. allen attend. Bro. C. Exley made known his action by letter to the meeting.
Moved by Bro. D. Godden and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin. That in the light of the information contained in Head Office circular No.23/1980 in respect of who could represent this branch.
That the representatives to attend the A.S.L.E.F. Centenary function April 1980 and the representative nominated from the last meeting be Bros. M. Allen and C. Exley be recinded and a new minute in favour of Bro. M. Allen and his wife attend as this branch’s representatives. Carrined unan.
Moved by Bro W. Baldwin Chairman That the Branch Secretary to inform Head Office of the above branch minute.
The next item on the agenda was a letter sent from Victoria branch requesting this branch to hold a collection on behalf of the late Bro. W. Long of their depot.
Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin. That a collection be taken up by the Branch secretary of the behalf of the Late Bro. W. Long of Victoria.
A third item of the agenda of the meeting was deferred till a full branch meeting.
Tunbridge Wells Special Branch Meeting
Sunday April 20th 1980 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The chairman was Bro. F. Diplock, Secretary was Bro. C. Exley. There were nine members present.
The Chairman opened the meeting and asked Bro. M. Allen L.D.C. Secretary to give details of the meeting and the reason he asked for it to be called.
He explained details of the history of the grievance with local management. He went on to detail a ballot held early at the depot which the membership to back back the L.D.C. strong line after the 20th May, 1979. when other depots were given extra work when Tunbridge Wells depot was not, he went on to explain the whole history from 1976 after the B.R. S.T.O.P.S. exercise which affected the train service between Oxted and Eridge
After the above Chairman then put the matter to the floor where a full and very enlightening discussion was held. Where it was felt that Sectional Council ‘B’ had been ignoring matters at this depot and that a letter be sent to state this depot dissatisfaction with the way matters have been dealt with.
Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the Branch Secretary write a letter to be addressed to the general secretary personally stating the following.
This Branch is concerned about the lack of interest given by sectional council ‘B’ over Sunday duties at this depot are been that we at this depot are being victimised by the Divisional managers office at Croydon. Carried unan
A further minute as follows
Moved by the L.D.C secretary with the backing of the whole depot via a vote taken on the 30th July 1979 seconded by Bro. J. Norris
That a day of action be held Tuesday 22nd April 1980 and if management try to implement the same or very similar duties for Sunday 27th April we take another day of action on Friday 25th April. This action is to be a 24 hour withdrawal of labour in each case.
All the forgoing as per submitted to the Area Depot Manager Friday 18th April 1980.
David Dixon Collection
MP12 course, Oct 1979 to April 1980.
Back row L-R, Neil (from Tonbridge), Dave Dixon (Basingstoke), John Robinson (Eastleigh)
& Gerry Ellard (Tunbridge Wells West),
Front L-R Paul Teti (Brighton MT), Pete Roberts (Instructor) & Pete Joshua (Eastleigh)
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday May 4th 1980 10.50 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. W. Baldwin, Secretary was Bro. C. Exley. There were six members present.
The Minutes of the last meting where read out. This meeting was held on Sunday 27th January 1980 Bro. M. Alen moved the minutes were true record, seconded by Bro. J. Carney.
The minutes of meeting before the above were a true record due to the fact the the minutes were incomplete at the last full meeting. Moved by bro. j. Carney and seconded by Bro. M. Allen.
The minutes of the Special Meeting held on Sunday 2nd December 1979 were a true record were a true record. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney.
The minutes of Special meeting held on Sunday 20th April 1980 were a true record. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney.
The chairman brought the meetings attention to a point in the minutes of the meeting of Sunday 18th November 1979 and also a letter in front of him from Bro. V. Rumley retired of this Branch. The letter was a thank you from Bro. Rumley after a retirement function had been held in his honour at the Kelsey Arms Tunbridge Wells.
The Chairman moved to the Branch Secretary a vote of thanks for arranging the same. He then put before the Branch that the secretary write to Bro. V. Rumley inviting to become an honorary member of this Branch.
Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson . That the branch Secretary write to Bro. V. Rumley inviting him to be an honorary member of this Branch. Carried Unan.
Bro M. Allen the moved from the floor that this meeting express via a letter a vote of thanks for all the stirling work put in by him over the past years to Bro. Bridger. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That the Secretary write to Bro. Bridger to express a vote of thanks to him for his work in the Branch. Carried unan
The Chairman then brought the meetings attention to minute 71/80 which is a request from Victoria branch that we at this branch hold a coolection for Bro. W. Long’s family after Bro. W. Long had died. Suddenly the Chairman had asked why the Secretary had not held a collection.
The secretary brought the meetings attention to the fact that he had requested that Victoria branch hold a collection for Bro. V. Rumley on his retirement which they failed to do. The Chairman then asked the Secretary to hold a collection for Bro. long has his was a death and it was always the policy of this branch to help the family of a member of this union who died suddenly whilst employed by British Rail.
The Chairman moved onto Branch minute and asked this minutes had now expired, that a new minute be made to cover this subject.
Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded D. Ward. That on every occasion until further notice that other depots are rostered work on Sundays south of Oxted on the Uckfield line, and this depot is not given equal share of the work above Oxted. Industrial Action will be taken by this branch. Carried unan.
The Chairman asked that further to the above a letter of protest to be sent by the Secretary to our Union Head Office for the attention of the General Secretary with a copy of the same be sent to the Organising Secretary to complain at the lack of interest been shown by these people and by the Sectional Council ‘B’ in this branch’s dispute. It was moved from the floor that this branch as a form of protest do not support the stand given by this union to the T.U.C. day of action on May 14th 1980. Further if this did not bring the required result, that the membership of this branch to change their union.
Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. D. Ward. That the Branch Secretary write to our Head Office stating this branch’s disapproval of their lack of action over this branch’s dispute with local management.
The Chairman then moved to voting paper received from head office after the following item.
T.U.C. District No.2 election of delegate Bro. J. Rowe was given this branch’s support.
Labour Party Conference District No. 2 election of delegate Bro. E.A. Stratton of Eastleigh was given the Branch’s support.
Section Council ‘B’ election of representative for the Central Division Bro. W.T. Eames was given this branch’s support
Parliamentary Panel This paper was not voted upon as there were no candidates from the Southern Region.
The Chairmen then moved onto L.D.C. report and called for the L.D.C. Secretary to give the same. The L.D.C. Secretary listed the items which are as follows.
Failed staff, route learning, diagrams, cover duties, 1111 D.E.M.U. refurbishment , free passes, Oxted plan for rail network and its future, Car parking and motorcycling at the depot at T.W.W. and dispute – Oxted line services.
Health and Safety, a visit by inspecting officer to visit Tunbridge Wells area on June 18th 1980.
The Chairman then asked for any other business.
A movement from the floor by Bro. L. Stephenson That the Branch persue a agreement with management over the way in which rest day working is booked to individual drivers. The Chairman asked that as time was getting short that this item rest till the next meeting.
Moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. M. allen. That at the next branch meeting we adopt standing order. Carried
The chairman closed the meeting at 13.45 and asked that the next meeting be held one month from the date of the meeting now recorded.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday June 22nd 1980 10.50 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock, who opened the meeting. With four members present.
The Minutes of the last meting where read out and it was brought to the attention of the Secretary that there was an error in the following paragraph in the section of voting papers. Third paragraph sixth letter the word not was omitted from the same. This was rectified and initalded by the chairman. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney.and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That the minutes were a true record of the meeting held on Sunday 4th May. Carried unan
The chairman then moved onto the next item of business which was this branch’s adoption of standing orders in accordance with society rule no.37 paragraph II. The orders where drawn up by Bro. J. Carney and were fully discussed and it was put tot the floor to adopt the same when they had been rectified and altered. That the standing orders has drawn up by Bro. J. Carney be adopted by this branch. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley.
Chairman then moved to Head Office circulars and correspondence
Letter from A.S.L.E.F. head office dealing with centenary silver badges.
Letter from Bro. N. Milligan District Organiser for District, concerning this branch’s dispute with local British Railways management.
Letter from Doncaster branch who are holding an appeal on the behalf of a member of their branch Bro. J. Burden who has suffer an illness of some severity.
The Chairman then asked if their were any items arising out of the items of correspondence.
Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That old minute dealing with the way this branch donated to request for financial help to our fraternity on other regions other than the Southern Region be recinded and the following be adopted.
That we at this Branch will now donate to any collection for loco-men on any region. This collection to be held at the loco depot only where the collection its for man known to all the staff at Tunbridge Wells West then the collection be held at the station as well.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to put forward the following recommendation in the light of the low standing of the branch funds due to raising administration costs. That we at this branch investigate the possibilaty into fund raising activities to boast branch funds. The Chairman asked Bro. J. Carney who has done this sort of work before make a recommendation at the next branch meeting.
The Chairman then called upon the L.D.C. Secretary to give his report of matter arising to the meeting.
L.D.C. items
D.E.M.U. specifications, Track Circuit Clips, Unit 1111 this item still standing, drivers to be trained in the use of fire fighting equipment,
Plan for rail network Oxted area. The L.D.C. expected a meeting with Central Division Management to discuss this subject with Sectional Council.
Energy conservation fuel shortage re the strengthening of the 06.22 empty train to Uckfield from 6 cars to 9 cars.
Cover Duties. Redignation of 04.00 a.m. to 05.00 a.m. also 13.00 cover Monday to Saturday and the gaining of a Saturday only 12.30 C.M.E.E. cover and Sundays 07.00 a.m. cover.
Oxted line Sunday services, the retiming of the Uckfield to Tonbridge service to make a connection at Tonbridge with Reading service.
Driver R. Harper at T.W.W. who is medically restricted.
The Chairman then asked the meeting if their was any other items of business to be brought before the meeting.
The Chairman then declared the meeting closed at 12.55 p.m.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 19th 1980 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The meeting was attended by 12 members of the Branch and the chairman was Bro. F. Diplock who opened the meeting at 10.30 a.m.
The Minutes of the June meeting put before the meeting. As this was the last full meeting as this was the last full meeting of the branch due to the fact that august meeting failed to gain a quorum.
The minutes of the June meeting were a true record of the business of the branch. Moved Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. adopted.
Items of correspondence were the first matter put before the branch by the chairman. The secretary put before the meeting letters received by this branch from branches in the society who were requesting this branch donate to collections held by them for members of their branches who have suffered disabilating illnesses. A minute was now in order at and to facilate this. The secretary ask that we adopt some form of fund raising to enable this branch to donate to these and any further requests. It was suggested by the floor that the secretary and the chairman hold collections on behalf of the already received letters till such machinery can be set up to deal with this minute. All other letters of request from affiliated charities be dealt on merit by successive branch meetings.
The Chairman then asked the meeting to move on to head office circulars which had been posted in the drivers mess room at Tunbridge Wells West depot. These included all the circulars which would have been dealt with at the cancelled August meeting.
The Chairman raised the implications of Circular 219/1980 loss of traffic and proposed cuts in traffic, and the way it was to affect this depot especially in the light of what he had been told by the L.D.C. Secretary who had received correspondence from. B.R. southern Region in relation to loss of earnings due to abandonment of weekend services.
The Chairman then moved to L.D.C. nominations for two positions which were up for renewal.
Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That Bro. M. Allen be re-elected to L.D.C. to continue his good work as the secretary. Carried Unan.
The second position for the L.D.C. was then put before meting, it was moved from the floor that Bro. G. Brown of ‘B’ shift has indicated verbally that he would be prepared to stand, but as he did not indicate by letter to the meeting or by the fact that he did not attend the meeting.
Moved by Bro. D. Ward and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That Bro. A. Young be asked to retake his position on the L.D.C. Carried 11 for and 1 against.
The Chairman then moved onto notice of motion as presented by Bro. J. Carney, they are as follows.
Motion 1
The T.W.W. branch be held every 3rd Sunday of each month to discuss normal branch and union business also to deal with L.D.C. business. This motion was differred to the Annual General Meeting.
Motion 2
The winter leave for 1981 and every year will be split into two one week periods i.e. one week in the early part of the year and the other in the later part of the year.
An amendment to motion No.2 was moved and was as follows
After year in the first line substitute the follwing. That we pursue three weeks to be taken in the summer period and one week in the winter period.
The Chairman asked the meeting to first consider the amendment and opened the discussion to the floor were the opinion was that B.R. management would not consider such a request and therefore asked the amendment to be withdrawn. That amendment to notice of motion be withdrawn. Moved by Bro. D. Ward and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin
The floor was then asked to vote on the minute and gave the following result 2 for 10 against and the amendment was lost.
The Chairman moved to the motion and the following was adopted hat this branch adopt the notice of motion. Moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. J. Norris. The meeting was asked to vote on the motion and gave the following result. 10 for the motion and 2 against, the motion was carried.
The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. Secretary to report on their business.
Mutual change of duties, meeting called by management, R. Harper who is medically restricted.
The gaining of an early turn to complement the late turn he already has (a ballot was held to ask members of ‘B’ shift if they approved of the L.d.c. action the outcome of which was as follows 10 for 1 against and 1 no).
Proposed new roster to accommodate Bro. Harper on these new turns of duty from November 14th 1980.
Annual leave which is adjusted to accommodate training will be treat by management and any new date will be honoured.
Complaints after installation of new rubbish disposal bins adjacent to car park which could possibly damage drivers car staff side have reported that these be moved.
319 duty and the movement of empty stock from London Bridge station to New Cross gate and Selhurst, Trees and foliage, cuts in services and B.R.S. proposal as they affect this depot i.e. loss of Sunday starting from the 1st of June 1981.
That concluded L.D.C. report and the Chairman then asked for any other business as there was not any forthcoming, the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.40 p.m. with a thank you to all attended a very good meeting.
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday December 1980 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The meeting opened 10.30 with five members present.
The minutes of the meeting held at the above venue on Sunday 19th October 1980. Moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That the minutes of October were a true record. Carried Unan
As this is the Annual General Meeting the Chairman moved to the election of Brach Officers. Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That all officer of the branch be returned from the year 1980 and also that the the Chairman be appointed as a further trustee for this branch. Carried Unan
The Secretary brought to the attention of the meeting the fact that we at this branch did not have a deputy to attend the District Council No. 4 meetings. The general feeling of the meeting was that as the meeting of the D.C. are only held once every quarter and it was felt that we therefore did not require a deputy.
After these items the Chairman moved onto correspondence and the Secretary brought before the meeting the following letters.
Labour Research Department
This letter was to request either individual members or the branch collectively to consider subscribing to this service.
After this matter the meeting progressed onto voting papers. We had one voting paper requesting that this branch consider the following. Bro. Plaine of Brighton No.2 branch s the delegate for this area who attends the Annual Assembly of Delegates. But Bro. Marchant of St. Leonards Branch would like to be considered to take the place of Bro. Plaine at the Annual Assembly of Delegates.
Bro. M. Allen suggested that if the Bro. Marchant of St. Leonards was elected perhaps he would bring new ideas forward at the Assembley and Bro. Allen moved that perhaps this branch should support Bro. Marchant of St. Leonards. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That this branch vote for Bro Marchant of St Leonards.
The Chairman then called upon the L.D.C. Secretary to give his report on L.D.C. items and also his report of District Council meetings.
The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report of District Council No. 4 meetings he stated that the General Secretary addressed the meeting by giving his report following the publication of the Monopolies’ and Mergers Commission report in the London and South East area rail services. The General Secretary stated that the use of lieu or compensation days plus days leave without pay were included in the total of days that the national press used as absenteeism days. The L.D.C. Secretary then went on to list the other items of business of the D.C.
After addressing the meeting with the fact of the D.C. meeting, the L.D.C. Secretary then went on to items of the L.D.C. business which was as follows.
Faults & Failure Guides, B.R. owned Housing Accommodation and Bro. R. Harris. He then went to list items which were in correspondence and Health & Safety, these were as follows.
Staff sided request for cover turns at weekends.
Eridge engineer’s sidings down siding
Mutual exchange of shifts by Bro A. Rigby and Bro. G. Ellard.
Outstanding Annual Leave taken it could be taken subject traffic requirements. Request by Driver Plummer to have lieu leave on December 24th 1980. Refused by management because of holiday arrangements. Uncertified leave, sickness reasons due to staff not having been paid after of less than three days because they refuse to complete the forms posted to them from the Area Depot Manager.
That concluded L.D.C. report the Chairman then requested the meeting for any matters arising from the L.D.C. report. The membership asked that the Branch Secretary write to A.S.L.E.F. Head Office to get the E.C. to back our cause against the Area Depot Manager over the payment for uncertified leave due to sickness. The Chairman back this call and so he instructed the secretary to do the same and to enclose the forms that A.G.M. posted to the members of this branch.
The Chairman then asked for any other business.
It was moved that we at this branch adopt the fund raising scheme as suggested by Bro. J. Carney. That this branch adopt a football pontoon to raise funds for the use of the branch. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin. Carried Unan
After this the Chairman asked for any other business, there was not any forth coming then the chairman closed the meeting by thanking all for attending the meeting closed at 13.45 p.m.