Railway accidents on
Central Division
MARCH 1999
First-ever G.S. visit
Mick Rix became the first General Secretary to visit the Barnham branch when, along with Executive Committee member Bill MacKenzie and District Secretary Len Warboys, he addressed a well attended meeting 1 February, in what is becoming an annual event for this ever-growing Branch.
After presenting long service badges to four of our members, the 27 members present, including a visitor from Brighton Branch and C.S.C. Company Council Reps., heard our G.S. give a highly informative address, covering a wide range of issues, many of which reflected a central theme of the solidarity, professionalism, and strength throughout the Society.
One particular item that interested our Driver members, were the recent negotiated improvements on W.A.G.N. Although hesitant to use the word “benchmark”, a consensus was that these improvements could be reflected elsewhere.
Following his address, the Chair invited questions to Mick Rix, many of which seemed to become entrenched in the thorny issue of the cessation of rest day working.
The branch’s Conductors’ Sub-Committee secretary opened the round of questions, by asking about the future of Conductors within the Society and although not shying away from the question, many felt that a definitive answer was not given.
It was during these questions that Bill MacKenzie on his second visit in less than a yeaR, addressed the Branch, albeit briefly, on the rest day working situation, and how A.T.O.C. may, in the long term, be looking towards the reinstatement of a national P.T.&R. agreement.
Bill also informed us that work was still on-going with the clarification of the T.U.C. Disputes Committee award. Bill responded to a handful of questions in his usual inimitable fashion, and even Len Warboys, who had assured the Branch Secretary that he did not intend to address the meeting, spoke with his usual passion on a number of issues. (Well they say ‘you can’t keep a good man down!’).
Unfortunately,due to urgent Society business the following morning, Mick Rix had to depart from the meeting early. Following a unanimously carried vote of thanks, the branch was presented with a certificate to mark his attendance to Barnham, saying that he hoped that he would be invited again and then posed for a photograph with those present (thanks, Simon!).
Once the meeting had settled again, question to Bill and Len continued, with Company Council being “dragged” in , following a question from the Sub-Committee secretary on the increase in staff assaults along the Coastway West line. Management’s priority seems to be offering rewards for information on those who damage the trains, while those who have been assaulted do not even warrant a mention in despatches!
The discussion raged for a good 40 minutes, with all those present getting involved, some more vehemently than others, and when Bill asked what action was desired should this issue eventually find its way before the Executive Committee, he was left in no doubt as to the answer!
When the Chair finally managed to bring the meeting to a close, following unanimous votes of thanks for our remaining guests, many of the issues contained to be discussed amid the hospitality of the Barnham Hotel. Here’s to next meeting
Phil Sparkes
Branch Scertary

Mick Hawkins retirement presentation 14.09.1999
Left ~ Right: Trevor Fielding, Simon Smith, Ivan Wilson, Dougal, Ian Osborne, Len Warboys
ASLEF District Secretary No.1, Tony Farmer, John Osborne, Mick Hawkins, Harry Penter,
Bill MacKenzie ASLEF E.C. Member No.1, Dave Swaffield, Dave Pumfrey, Graham Morris
Connex SouthCentral DFC (Lon. Bdg.), Chris Newton, Andy Garwood, Tony West Assistant
General Secretary (Stratford), Roy Luxford Connex SouthCentral DFC (T. Bdgs.).
Mick entered the footplate grade on the 11.11.1957. at Brighton loco. Mick transferred to
Selhurst E.M.U.T. to seek promotion to driver, later transferred back to Brighton M.T. Mick
served as a member of Brighton M.T. ASLEF L.D.C. Rep since the early 1970's. and held the
position of Branch Chairman. With the introduction of a H&S rep in 1974 Mick become the
first ASLEF H&S rep., a posion he held up until he retired under ill health in C1999.
Railway accidents on
Connex South Central