Minutes of January 7th 1988 Branch Meeting
Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs
Members present: I. Munro, D. Knight, J. Parks, E. Janes, B. Pegg, P. Plaine, F. Locke
& A. Flowers (8).
Ass/Branch Secrectary thanked chairman Bro. P. Plaine for 5 years as Chairman, and presented pen/pencil set on behalf of E.C. members. Presenalso expressed thanks to Bro. P. Plaine.
Branch Secretary, to find out from Organising Secretary Staton, exact procedure for closure of branch.
Bro. F. Locke & Sec E. Janes. “Bro. A. Ricketts be asked to be 4th co-opted L.D.C. member, and L.D.C. co-opted members be paired with full L.D.C. members” All in favour (8).
Ted Janes
Minutes of January 14th 1988 Branch Meeting
Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs
Members present; A. Ricketts, B. Noakes, P. Edwards, A. Edwards, G. Hussey, G. Hatcher, A. Light, C. Newton, M. Cole, L. Osman & R. Sheehan (11).
This meeting wished to express their thanks to Bro. P. Plaine for 5 years Branch Chairman.
Closure information in hands of E.C. Member, J. Davies & A. Staton, Organiser secretary. Waiting for them to send it to him.
Minutes of February 4th 1988 Branch Meeting
Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs
Members present: A. Flowers, M. Styles, R. Thomas, B. Noakes, E. Janes, F. Locke,
G. Lawrence, C. Newton, I. Munro, P. Plaine & J. Parks (11).
Chairman P. Plaine opened the meeting and called on Bro. C. Newton to act as Ass Secretary in the absence of Bro. D. Knight, who is sick, and at the same time expressed the hope that Dave would soon be well.
Proposal of Bro. F. Maskell, re Fallen Trees, & Walk ways. This proposal was debated to some length, it was then proposed M. Styles & seconded by G. Lawrence. “That this branch instruct the L.D.C. to inform management that we are no longer prepared to work trains over reversible lines Preston Park – Balcombe Tunnel Junction until the walk ways are cleared”. Voting all in favouor (11).
Further proposal, pro E. Janes & sec G. Lawrence. “That this branch instructs the L.D.C. to seek early meeting with A. M. Brown over the condition of line side dangerous and fallen trees, and express our grave concerns regarding the safety of our staff and public. It also instructs it constituents to run at reduced speed in areas that they consider unsafe. Should the effort to rectify the situation by management be un-positive towards these hazards in the near future, then the L.D.C. further instruct it constituents to ban all movements of trains during the hours of darkness” . Voting all in favour.
Pro F. Locke & sec E. Janes. “That the March meeting of this branch be held on Wednesday 16th March at 6.45 p.m., together with the Brighton No.1 branch to finalise arrangements to close both branches and form one branch”. All in favour (11).
Minutes of February 11th 1988 Branch Meeting
Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs
Members present: L. Osman, C. Newton, F, Maskell, R. Vickery, G. Hussey, A. Ricketts,
& W. Jones (7).
This meeting felt that L.P. & T.U.C. fees be withheld until merger. Pro F. Maskell & Sec G. Hussey. “That this branch meeting instruct the secretary to with hold payment of the above fee’s until amalgamation with Brighton No.1”. Voting 6 for.
Debate took place on this resolution (8/88). Bro. Maskell wished to make it known that his orginal resolution was completely ignored and wished his name struck from the top of Res. No. 8. Voting for Res No. 8 6, for
A rider was added to the resolution of E. Janes & G. Lawrence. “This meeting agrees in principle to Res. 9, with reservations i.e. no trains after dark. Further another meeting be called before any action is taken”. All in favour 6.
Events have overtaken this resolution, the committees of both branches recommending a joint meeting on 9.3.88.
Minutes of Joint Branch meeting held March 9th 1988
Members present: C. Newton, A. Ricketts, P. Plaine, L. Osman, A. Light, B. Noakes,
C. Horlock, F. Goff, W. Mackenzie, T. Fielding, F. Maskell, R. Matthews, W. Jones,
D. Morgan, R. Lewis, J. Carney, M. Hawkins, P. Edwards, G. Hussey, M. Hunter,
M. Thompson, F. Locke, J. Osborne, R. Hammond & I. Osborne (25).
Chairman P. Plaine opened meeting, and explained that this is the last meeting before rationalisatation.
Brighton No.1 minutes of 20.1.88 were read, prop M. Hawkins & sec J. Carney, a true record. Financial Report from Bro. Fielding, reveals £65.26 in branch funds & £43 in Political Fund.
Brighton No.2 minutes o 4.2.88 were read, pro F. Locke & sec B. Noakes, a true record. Minutes of 11.4.88 were read, pro. W. Jones & sec. C. Newton, a true record. Financial report from Bro. Ricketts reveals £113.81 in branch funds & £53.54 in Political Funds.
Questions were asked and answered on all above minutes.
New Standing Orders debated, pro. M. Hawkins & sec J. Carney. “New standing orders be introduced on 30.3.88”. voting all in favour. (To be written into new minute book).
Nomination for Branch Officers were called for, Below is a list of new officers, effective from 30.3.88
Chairman Bro. W. Mackenzie
Vice Chairamn Bro. A. Light
Secretary Bro. C. Newton
Asst Sec Bro. M. Thompson
Trustees Bros. P. Plaine & J. Carney
Auditor Bros. C. Horlock & R. Matthews
District Council Delegate Bro. P. Plaine
Committee Bros. A. Ricketts, F. Locke, B. Noakes, B. Pegg, J. Osborne, I Osborne
M. Hunter, D. Morgan, G. Hussey, T. Fielding, L. Osman & P. Edwards.
Chairman W. Mackenzie, thanked Bro P. Plaine for his years as Branch Chairman
Chris Newton
Brighton Secretary 1988 - 2000.
Special Branch Meeting Minutes held March 23rd 1988
Members present; P. Plaine, C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, B. Brown, A. Ricketts, M. Hunter,
C. Debenham, T. Fielding, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, N. Light, L. Osman,
W. Jones, C. Horlock, R. Lewis, M. Thompson & T. Parsons (18)
Chairman W. Mackenzie opened the meeting explaining reasons why “Special Branch Meeting” had been called. Bros. W. Mackenzie & P. Plaine explained that information from management regarding the additional work i.e. Reading and Sunday (Thameslink) diagrams had come to them and called for a “Special Meeting”. Both explained that they were told that the Reading work had been withdrawn to appease other depots for the loss of their work, and also feelings regarding the unfairt allocation of Thameslink Sunday work diagrams, between Brighton/Selhurst/Bedford.
These were discussed by members, all of which felt they too had points to raise.
Bro. A. Ricketts then put forward the following proposal.
“Loss of inter-regional work to Reading and Thameslink Sunday diagrams. That this Brighton Branch of A.S.L.E.F. instruct the L.D.C. (Brighton M.T.) to inform management that a state of non co-operating i.e. rest Day, overtime working (outside) variable day roster agreement), no movement of men off their roster (to assist management) will exist, further until both grievances are settled to this branch’s satisfaction the non co-operation will not be lifted”.
Proposed A. Ricketts & Seconded W. Jones, voted on 18 for, 0 against, carried unanimously.
This would now be presented to the management and that they would report back to this branch.
Minutes of Branch meeting held March 30th 1988
Members present: P. Plaine, M. Styles, T. Fielding, M. Thompson, W. Mackenzie,
C. Horlock, P. Osborne, J. Osborne, D. Knight, A. Ricketts, R. Lewis, D. Morgan, A. Bell,
L. Osman, A. Flowers, & M. Hawkins.
Bro. Plaine reported on discussions with management over allocation of work. They now realised Brighton was not a “soft touch”. Many questions were asked but there were more discussions to follow, so no decisions were made.
Resolution 1/88.
That all previous minutes and branch records be put into one book and kept for historical value, and previous secretaries be asked for additional items of merit.
Pro. P. Plaine & sec L. Osman.
District Council Report
P. Plaine reported on new allowances and claims procedures, channel tunnel work, a proposed workers federation to include A.S.L.E.F.
Steve Forey had lost his final appeal, with heavy implications for all of us.
Further reports on, pensions surplus and new schemes, Train Crew Concept, Thameslink, 455 brakes, run by’s of signals to be investigated by psychologist, appeals procedure, statements to police, new rule book.
Resolution 3/88 “That £25 be donated to S. Forey’s appeal as requested by S.R. Liaison Committee”. Pro A. Ricketts & sec D. Morgan, agreed unan.
Bro. Mackenzie reported on the poor state of the training program. Bro Mackenzie was then presented with a pen.
Speaker Carl Liver from the P&O ferry strikers spoke to the meeting. 2,300 seafarers had been sacked for refusing to accept a contract with 11 days holidays per year, only 6 hours sleep in every 24, and a cut of £45 a week in wages. After 3 months the strike was still solid out, they were very short of money as they had no strike pay.
Resolution 4/88 “That £50 be given to the strike fund, and a collection sheet displayed. Pro A. Ricketts & sec D. Knight.
Questions were asked on the position of smoking coaches on Class 63 VEP units. The L.D.C. were asked to look into this.
Back Row Left - Right: Dave Pumfrey, Dickie Potts, Johnny Saunders, Peter Mantell, Unknown. & Chris Exley (Instructor (ex TWW & Bton)
Front Row: Left - Right: Ernie Meeds, Alan Hardiman, Mick Bassett (Chief Traction Inspector (ex Bton), Peter Staniford & Brian Young
HELD ON April 21st 1988 AT 11:00 &
Number of member present, a total of 53 members a list had compiled and has been enclosed.
Both meetings were opened by the Chairman Bro. W. Mackenzie who explained the reason for calling these meetings, by explaining there was no branch meetings for April owing to the merger of No.1 & No.2 Branches and to hear the men’s grievances and up date the position as to Managements position.
First the “Reading Work” this was explained and that there was still a good chance of retaining the work as the matter being perused by the General Manager.
Secondly, complaints about the list clerk, it was pointed out that management have been told of the problems caused by Mr. Ken Smith not working to the agreed minutes as drawn up both management and L.D.C.’S Thameslink service.
Sunday situation has been explained and should resolve itself.
Training Courses
Position of 47 class explained that a course of 3 Brighton men on June 6th and that no more course date were known, and that men in the L211 link opting out would not take preference over men in the other links.
Secondly, complaints about the list clerk, it was pointed out that management have been told of the problems caused by Mr. Ken Smith not working to the agreed minutes as drawn up both management and L.D.C.’S Thameslink service.
Sunday situation has been explained and should resolve itself.
Training Courses Position of 47 class explained that a course of 3 Brighton men on June 6th and that no more course date were known, and that men in the L211 link opting out would not take preference over men in the other links.
Chairman gave a breakdown of mileage and D.O.O.
Weekday 12 x Mileage/D.O.O. 7 x 319 Duty, 5 x E.M.U.T.
Saturday 16 Mileage duties,
Sunday 7 duties and there is 78 instance of D.O.O against 19 at present.
Two resolutions were then put before the meeting.
Proposed A. Ricketts & Seconded E. Janes. “That this ASLE&F Branch (Brighton M.T.) instructs its L.D.C.’s to progress the grievances expressed at the two
meetings held on Thursday 21.4.88 with Management as a matter of great urgency, and in the event of these problems not being resolved to this Branches
satisfaction, a withdrawal of co-operation will be implement.” Voted: Unanimously by all the members.
Resolution, “That this Branch wishes to pass a vote of no confidence in the List Clerk Mr. Ken Smith.”
Proposed G. Hatcher & Seconded by P. Edwards. Voted: Unanimously by all the members.
L - R: Charlie Constable, Chris Newton, Brian Hall & Fred Maskell in the front.
HELD ON APRIL 28th 1988 AT
Members Present 30, I. Ailes, A. Light, T. Fielding, M. Hawkins, W. Mackenzie, P. Plaine,
L. Osman, P. Bradford, C. Newton, D. Morgan, C. Horlock, M. Thompson, D. Hill,
P. Hayward, W. Jones, I. Osborne, P. Osborne, J. Osborne, Hussey, F. Locke, G. Hoad,
& R. Lewis
L.D.C. N. Light, L. Osman, P. Plaine, W. Mackenzie T. Fielding & M. Hawkins attended both meetings.
The meetings are held to inform members of the latest position.
List Clerk, grievances about rostering were explained to management and some improvement was made and the L.D.C. were hoping that things would improve.
Rest Days, all Rest Days will be shown weather working or otherwise and all work covered by out stations to be shown and a no cover list to posted in case.
Training, it is hoped that with improved instructor training that more “47 class” course will be made this matter is to be discussed further.
Reading Work, decision on this is still waiting from Operating Manager, but L.D.C. see no reason for this work not coming to Brighton.
HELD ON May 4th 1988 AT
Members Present M. Hawkins, E. Janes, A. Ricketts, G. Hussey, L. Osman, R. Abell,
T. Fielding, B. Brown, W. Mackenzie, C. Newton, A. Flowers & R. Lewis.
Letter re Steve Forey from branch secretary King’s Cross, receipt of appeal for Steve Forey.
Ref. N.U.S. appeal, £50.00 sent to appeal fund and posted in messroom for donations.
LDC report Class “63” VEP stock smoking, this matter still to be raised, Diesel training programme matter to be discussed future, List Clerk problems s till not resolved branch called for meeting with Senior Management.
HELD ON May 11th 1988 AT
Members present C. Horlock, M. Hawkins, R. Swetman, R. Lewis, D. Morgan, B. Brown,
P. Hayward, W. Mackenzie, M. Thompson, & P. Plaine.
LDC Report. The new rosters were complete, but there were still problems with the training programme – a meeting with the
Divisional Personal Manger was due soon and this would be sorted out. There was an unofficial agreement that men with
routes still to learn should be booked on rest day if not required for other work, but the list clerk was still not applying this.
Front Row L~ R: Russel Dare (Bognor), Neal Cowdrey, Roy Swetman & Freddie Goff.
Middle Row L~R: John Lucas (Norwood), Bill Lawrence, Bernie Hayne & Ron Rabbetts
Back Row L~R: Alfie Pelling, Peter Gambling, Brian Hobby (Instructor), Reg Jarrett
& Mick Neale (Horsham)
HELD ON June 2nd 1988
Members present G. Hatcher, I. Ailes, R. Bolingbroke, L. Osman, A. Light, C. Horlock,
A. Ricketts, D. Knight, F. Maskell, M. Hunter, & C. Newton.
Branch stood in silence for a minute to respect the death of one of our brothers, Ron Baker.
Minutes were read and propped as a true record, proposed A. Ricketts & seconded G. Hatcher. Comments were made about the LDC Report by members who felt that the situation regarding problems created by the Rosters still have not been fully resolved and felt a more positive position should be taken with the possibility of implementing the Branch resolution of non co-operation.
LDC Report, members still felt strongly over the problems. Bros L. Osman and N. Light said owing to route learning they had not attended any meetings during the last four weeks, but would raise any matters with management.
Bro. F. Maskell brought up the problems of the 319 cabs, and after making a strong case put forward a proposal. Proposed F. Maskell and seconded D. knight “That draughts and overhaul condition of 319 units to be improved by the next winter diagrams.” Vote 6 for and 5 abstained.
Bro. A. Ricketts raised issue of equalising of bonus etc. amongst the links, pointing out that there seems to be more mileage/D.O.O. in the L211 and number one link compared to links two, three and four. After much talk and comments a proposal was put forward to be recorded. Proposed A. Ricketts and seconded F. Maskell “That the LDC review the earnings of all links regards to earnings to hours worked.” Voted, all in favour.
HELD ON June 8th 1988 AT
Members present M. Thompson, W. Mackenzie, P, Hayward, T. Fielding, D. Morgan,
R. Lewis, P. Plaine, R. Swetman, B. Noakes, & T. Janes.
The LDC report, there were continuing complications in the training programme, and with the list clerk. There was a long discussion on these matters, and referring to previous resolutions.
Labour Party Delegates report, Bro M. Thompson reported that the May elections, there were 27 labour councillors on Brighton council, a majority of 6.
Nobby Clarke, who many members remembered well as a station supervisor had recently retired from political activity after many years service to the labour party, due to ill health.
Regarding the election for labour leadership, the Brighton Pavilion constituency Party had disenfranchised affiliated unions.
This was unconstitutional, and the Branch agreed to ask the District Secretary to complain to the southern Region Labour Party. Proposed M. Thompson & seconded by R. Swetman.
Bro Thompson proposed the Branch nominate Tony Benn and Eric Heffer for the leadership of the labour party. There being no seconder, the motion fell after some discussion.
HELD ON July 14th 1988
Members present A. Ricketts, P. Edwards, F. Maskell, G. Hussey, C. Horlock, W. Mackenzie,
I. Ailes, I Osborne, J. Osborne, M. Thompson, M. Hunter, P. Plaine, & T. Fielding.
Correspondence read, then a debated and comments made in particular about signals passed at danger, braking systems, new rule book re rule 1:14:1:82. Bro. P. Plaine explained position with regards to an article in the “Evening Argus” and on how managements viewed it in the light of the new rules, and that writing to him warned him of such action would be taken, and
could well lead to being disciplined.
Equal earnings matter was raised by members with members in links other than L211 and No.1 being worse off. Chairman W. Mackenzie try to explain the reason for the in balance , also Sunday quota in link two was considered unfair by members and after much discussion the LDC were ask to review this and report back to the branch.
Resolution put forward by Brighton LDC “That as from the October 1988 diagrams this LDC will not accept Sunday duties over 8 hours.” Proposed G. Hussey & seconded P. Edwards, vote all in favour. Amendment to resolution, “That this resolution will apply only if the majority of other Central LDCs support this motion.”
LDC report, 47 training position improving with more courses, meeting with Mr. Eccles still to be arranged and 319 training will be raised with management regarding links two and three. Extended comp leave raised with in the light of Bro. R. Dove which was turned down, matter somewhat resolved by R. Dove’s transfer.
Health and Safety report by Bro. P. Plaine who along with M. Hawkins made a five page report which is now with management.
HELD ON August 4th 1988
Members present Bros. B. Noakes, E. Janes, R. Swetman, R. Lawrence, M. Hawkins,
P. Hayward, P. Plaine, & W. Mackenzie.
Letters in reply to support of 8 hour Sunday from Three Bridges & Battersea Branches.L.D.C. Report, meeting arranged for Tuesday 9th August with management to discuss T.C.C. introduction. LDC to also include various items L211 link, M.L.V. training, diagrams, dirty cabs on locomotives, and Sick Pay Arrangements. Discussions in these items to place question being asked and answered.
Left - Right Passed man Brian Overton, unknown & Driver Harry Woolacott
HELD ON August 11th 1988
Members present A. Ricketts, J. Osborne, E. Ailes, T. Fielding, C. Horlock, G. Hussey,
M. Hunter, C. Newton, B. Brown, L Osman & D. Morgan.
Members were concerned about reports of men refusing training courses and wished it to be noted that as a branch it was against men refusing courses for what ever reason other than annual leave or domestic reasons.
Smoking compartments on units, position was still not units resolved as units still coming out of repair shops with smoking compartments still behind drivers cabs, matter to raised with Area Manager regarding D/As applying for drivers job regarding length of service before applications be accepted, advice to be sort from head office.
LDC report items brought up, management proposal for starter link of 8 men, L211 & No.1 links to have blank turns in each links, MLV training Links No. 1 & 2 to be trained. Cabs and windows of both units and engine cleaning should be done by C.M. &E. depot. Radio Training, Bro. H. Vincent told of position regards to refusal of position regards to refusal to be trained.
Sick pay forms, members told they must complete these forms on returning to work.
Three new drivers to Brighton, Bros. Sharp, Lewis, & Simmons.
Train Crew Concept, Area Manager refused to talk about this.
HELD ON September 1st 1988
Members present M. Thompson, D. Morgan, W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins, P. Hayward,
C. Horlock, P. Plaine, A. Flowers, J. Parks, I. Munro, & B. Pegg.
Correspondence, Littlehampton & Seaford Branches wrote supporting the Brighton Branch
resolution on Sunday Working.
Ballot for Appeals Committee, the Branch supporting Bro. P. Plaine.
The Journal “Unite” was agreed to be posed on the notice board, subject to agreement at next meeting.
Circular No. 192, Driver Shortages, many points were raised about B.R.s recruiting policy and the lack of training of new drivers.
Arising from the correspondence on Sunday working it was agreed. “That West Worthing Depot be associated with the resolution, and West Worthing LDC be instructed accordingly” motion proposed by J. Parks & seconded I. Munro.
The following motion was agreed unanimously. “That this Branch instruct the LDC Secretary to enquire from other LDCs as to what support we have regarding the Branch Resolution ‘Sunday Duties over eight hours, and act accordingly to their findings.’ Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded C. Horlock.
Any other business
The following motion was agreed unanimously. “That this branch instructs the Branch Secretary to forward on the details of the claim of Bro. P. Plaine for payment of ~L215 in full to the General Secretary for him to place before the E.C. for their consideration with the view of pursuing the claim.”
LDC report (Brighton)
The diagrams proposed a loss of work to Norwood, and the LDC had refused to accept them. Some Sunday diagrams over 8 hours had been altered to be brought under.
The management proposed a reduction of 2 in the establishment, this was opposed by the LDC and management withdraw the proposal.
The LDC had tried to achieve a fair distribution of earnings between the links when drawing up winter rosters.
Questions were asked about the removal of red paint at Earlswood, about Health and Safety aspect of empting train toilets in carriage sheds and stations, and about cab heaters. On the latter the L.D.C. was asked to press for on-off switches.
West Worthing LDC
One turn, the last one night, as nine hours, but in practice often lasting over that time, had been re-arranged to bring it under, but still qualified for night rate payment.
Members present B. Noakes, C. Newton, A. Light, W. Mackenzie, T. Farmer, I. Osborne,
M. Hawkins, T. Fielding, F. Locke, L. Osman, & M. Hunter.
Letters of support from branch resolution “Sunday 8 hour diagram” from Littlehampton and Seaford, this follows on from other branches.
Health and Safety
Bro. M. Hawkins made a report about matters of health and safety, in particular Wall Sidings, but pointed out that drivers are not reporting things to the Area manager or Health and safety Rep., and he asked for drivers to report any matter concerning health and safety. It was asked for that the Branch Secretary writes to the B.R.B. and Area Manager about track side safety.
LDC report
As on the previous branch meeting, LDC explained position over loss of work, and earning amongst the links, questions of these and on excess use of red paint were raised.
319 training, LDC were going to ask that No.2 link be trained, as far as all other training, there was nothing to indicate that management would be suspending courses.
Members present A. Light, G. Hatcher, I. Ailes, A. Rickets, C. Horlock, W. Mackenzie,
C. Newton, P. Edwards,T. Farmer, G. Hussey, D. Morgan, L. Osman, I. Osborne, D. Knight,
& P. Plaine.
LDC & Branch NominationsThe following have been nominated for LDCP. Plaine, Proposed A. Light and Seconded L. Osman
W. Mackenzie, Proposed A. Ricketts and Seconded G. Hussey
T. Fielding, Proposed P. Edwards and Seconded L. Osman
F. Locke, Proposed A. Light and Seconded P. Plaine
M. Hawkins, Proposed I. Osborne and Seconded L. Osman
G. Hussey, Proposed A. Ricketts and Seconded D. Knight
C. Newton Proposed G. Hatcher and Seconded C. HorlockBranch Officers
Proposed A. Ricketts, seconded G. Hussey “That all previous officer be re-elected to server another term in office”. Assist Secretary’s position to be raised, owing to present member’s position regarding being placed on same shift as Secretary.
Any Other Business
Matter about article in N.U.R. paper about ASLE&F poaching members was raised by A. Light, but Chairman explained the policy adopted by both trade unions over recruiting of members.
LDC Report
Present link structure explained about how the links were formed, also that the main form of traction for Brighton was E.M.U.T. with M.T. secondary.
Listing was now under Vanessa and it was felt that some progress had been made now that Mr. Smith had been allocated other depots.
Holiday list, all change over and application for vacant positions were now complete and list will now be posted.
The long a waited meeting with Mr. Eccles, Regional Operating Manager, LDC put forward all outstanding matters concerning Brighton, and felt that some head way was made although there was still areas where we are hoping for improvement.
Bro. A. Ricketts, brought up the issue of non smoking on units particularly areas behind driving cabs, a letter from this branch will now be forwarded to the Regional Safety Committee in the hope changes would take place.
Left ~ Right: Ron French, Bill Lipscombe, Les Smith & Freddie Bell
Members present J. Long, W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins, F. Locke, B. Noakes, J. Parks,
B. Pegg, C. Newton, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, P. Edwards, S. Fortune, P. Haward, R Swetman,
M. Hunter, P. Plaine, A. Flowers & M. Thompson
LDC & Branch Nominations.In addition to those members proposed at the meeting held on the 6th October. The following were proposed.
J. Osborne, Proposed M. Hawkins and Seconded M. Hunter
P. Edwards, Proposed M. Hunter and Seconded M. Thompson
No other candidates proposed.
LDC (West Worthing)
J. Parks, Proposed B. Noakes and Seconded B. PeggBRANCH OFFICERS
Proposed B. Noakes seconded A. Flowers. “That this branch meeting adopt Bro A. Ricketts’s proposal that all officers of the Branch be re-elected, also that Bro. S. Fortune be elected to committee in place of Bro. D. Morgan.”
This Branch wishes it to be placed on record it’s thank and appreciation to Bro. D. Morgan. Proposed P. Plaine & Seconded B. Noakes.
Any Other Business
Branch resolution “8 Hour Sundays” after much discussion and in the light of information received, resolution to be rescinded. Proposed M. Hawkins & I. Osborne.
Social Fund. Owing to the fact that the Treasurer Jim Sayers was retiring a new Treasure was proposed. Bro. W. Mackenzie
proposed P. Plaine and seconded C. Newton. A report on future proposal was made and was of raising cash, also on the present balance.
As before the meeting with Mr. Eccles, R.O. manager was explained by P. Plaine at length and new information regarding
E.M.U.T. courses were also now beginning November 21st. Bro. B. Noakes, said the Fareham line electrification would affect Central Depots as it was proposed a Southampton to Gatwick service, but plans were at an early stage and no one could say what effect this would have on this depot.
Preston Park sidings lights still not done, and dissatisfaction was felt about progress. Also members were told about work in the L.W.S. area and to be aware when working in this area, concerns over the berthing of engines in Mont. Sidings etc., was raised, this will be referred to Area Manager.
Members present C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, P. Plaine, N. Light, W. Kenchington,
R. Sheehan, W. Jones, J. Carney, A. Ricketts, G. Hatcher, A. Edwards, G. Hussey, T. Fielding,
P. Edwards, N. Wallhead, A. Farmer, F. Maskell, L. Osman, C. Aiello, G. Aggett, C. Horlock
& S. Neal.
DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORTBro. P. Plaine read out the report of the Council items discussed were
The lowering of vision standards, Train Crew Concept, Driver Minders, Driver’s Assessment review, pay negotiations, sick leave, and welfare. Concern over the different standards being used in areas when dealing with Form One’s and passing
Items for AAD
One item put forward was for Sunday’s to be kept to 8 hours this and others will be raised at the AGM in December.
Voting for LDC
Procedure for voting papers given to members and placed in a envelope and sealed for counting after voting at the next meeting.
The last group of Brighton M.T. driver's learning the juice, in November 1988.
Left - Right: Maurice Hunter (Dougal), John Osborne & Trevor Fielding
Members present A. Bell, F. Goff, R. Swetman, M. Gray, W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins,
C. Newton, C. Horlock, B. Brown, M. Bloomfield, M. Bullen, P. Horan, F. Gething,
C. Debenham, F. Locke, I. Osborne, J. Osborne, P. Osborne, M. Thompson, R. Abell,
I. Munro, D. Knight, P. Hayward, V. Francis, M. Hunter, P. Plaine, A. Flowers & M. Styles.
DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORTBro. P. Plaine elected chairman for District Council, gave a full and frank report on items like eye sight standards, welfare, pay, train crew concept, minder drivers, driver assessments review, etc.VOTING FOR LDC
As on the previous meeting voting procedure was explained and voting papers were issued to member who had not voted.
Members elected to are as follows P. Edwards, W. Mackenzie, J. Osborne & P. Plaine.
A vote of thanks for all members who stood as LDC members was called this voted all in favour.