HELD ON MARCH 9th 1992
Members present M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, P. Osborne, M. Cole, C. Newton,
P. Edwards, W. Mackenzie, P. Bucknell & I. Wilson.
New Members
“Following be accept as members Bro. A. Pettett, Bro. P. Sparkes & Bro. J. Herriott. Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded P. Edwards. “That these members applications be accepted.” Vote unam.
L.D.C. Report
Chairman explained that at present there was little to report back to the members, various items were being taken up with management, and reports made at a later date.
Health & Safety Report
Bro. M. Hawkins gave a brief report, he stated how little change seems to be happening over the P.N. Point at Ardingly.
Concern over the kitchen area in the Messroom at Brighton, management were to be informed on the state of this and the L.D.C./H&S stand on this.
Members were still not wearing H.V. jackets whilst in L.W.S. and other places.
Concern that members were still giving up their trains to the Training Schools, the position has been made clear as to where
members stand in request of S.P.A.D.S etc.
Proposed M. Hawkins & P. Edwards. “That the branch secretary be instructed to post a letter of this issue.” Vote unam.
Bro. M. Cole raised the issue of member not being informed by whatever means possible of serious family matters, that require them being (possibly) relieved of duty and allowed to go home. T.C.S. were not forwarding messages on, this issue to be raised with management.

HELD ON APRIL 24th 1992
The meeting was opened by the Chairman Bro. W. Mackenzie who then requested the opportunity of addressing the meeting.
The Chairman pointed to the present state of affairs on the Machinery of Negotiation, he point out how drivers tended to concentrate on the D.R.I., yet letting other issues be forgotten.
April 6th 1992 was the date management set to withdraw from the 1956 Machinery of Negotiation and put in place an interim Machinery. Bro. Mackenzie continued with reference to some L.D.C.’s and their Reps. within the area of the Sussex Coast and how they have been undermining the formal Machinery by making deals with managements which were in breach of the Machinery, these deals are being implemented by managers, who give special allowances to Minder Drivers.
These representatives should, if they had any conscience resign their positions on the L.D.C.s. Brighton Branch and the L.D.C. are maintaining that these members along with others who are Minders should be treated exactly as per the Train Crew Agreement, and not to any management arranged deals which are outside the agreement.
At this point the chairman introduced our guest speaker Bro. M.A. Allen from Section Council ‘B’. Tony thanked the Branch for the opportunity of talking to members, the talk was both frank and in lighting, he started by explaining the 1956 Machinery, and that management now considered the Machinery ‘dead’ and that from April this year, here introducing a new interim Machinery before a full machinery later.
This was to be centred on and around the new Profit Centre and that any grievance(s) would only be dealt with at Profit Centre level and no further. All local level grievances would be dealt with by local managers and on the subject of Health & Safety Reps. this issue has still to be decided but in both cases no issue or grievance would be progressed above the Profit Centre level.
The B.R.B. wanted to have the new Machinery in place by July 1992, and yet clearly we must not be intimidated by their approach and resist the attempts to introduce this proposed Machinery.
Under the new set up councils would be as follows.
Profit Centre Level
Management Side 8 Reps - Staff Side 8 Reps.
Local Level Council
Management Side 2 Reps - Staff Side 2 Reps.
The other two Council level have to be decided on.
Again it is clear that without a proper system of grievance, management would undermine Trade Union Representatives.
P.T. & R.
Again this has deferred to a later date. Bro Tony made it very clear that each ‘Business Council’ may under the new proposals, withdrawn from the Machinery at any stage and introduce their own.
All staff side representation would only be allowed to progress to ‘Profit Centre Level’, and that all Staff Side Reps. would be elected by secret ballot.
Bro. Tony continued to explain the union’s outline proposals and what sort of deals have been employed by E.P.S. and Manchester Metrolink, what is of concern is the view stated by our Chairman that D.R.I. was given preference to overshadow the Machinery talks, and yet clearly the Machinery was of a greater importance.
Bro. Tony then took questions about the proposals, after which a request for a resolution was called for. The falling resolution was proposed.
Proposed J. Osborne Brighton Branch & seconded S. Fuller Eastbourne/Seaford Branch.
“That the proposed draft regarding the new Machinery of Negotiation are totally unacceptable to this body and that the membership be brought fully up to date on the negotiation talks.” Voted Unam.The Branch Secretary then called for a vote of thanks to Bro. Allen’s full and frank meeting and to our Chairman Bro. W. Mackenzie.
HELD ON MAY 12th 1992
Members present M. Hawkins, R. Matthews, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, P. Edwards, C. Newton,
T. Fielding, F. Langridge, P. Bucknell & M. Thompson.
Special Speaker Sectional Council Bro. T. Allen
L.D.C. Report
New rosters were now accepted and under agreement no Extra Sundays will be worked of late turns, this is to comply with Hidden 18.
Heath & Safety Report
Work still to be progressed in Brighton Messroom i.e. Kitchen area, installing blue light fly killer.
L.W.S., matters regarding Depot Protection were raised, Chichester Yard, now accepted for walkways.
Train Crews still not wearing H.V. Vests when in L.W.S. and other locations.
Members informed of the problems within the London Area regarding Train Crew Rosters and management.
At this point Bro. Tony Allen of Sectional Council ‘B’ was introduced to give members of this branch, another chance to hear the proposed changes to the Machinery of Negotiation.
After members were given his views on the M.O.N., questions were raised and answered.
Our Chairman then called for a voted of thanks to Bro. Tony Allen.

Ron Hubbard's last day on the railways in 1992
Left ~ Right: Rod Constable, Ron Hubbard & Dick Lawrence.
HELD ON JULY 13th 1992
Members present I. Osborne, P. Osborne, J. Osborne, P. Edwards, W. Mackenzie, F. Locke,
B. Brown, C. Newton, M. Hawkins & M. Thompson
Health & Safety Matters
Foilage again remained the main problem, L.W.S. sidings and associate sidings requiring major improvements.
List of P.N.B. Points which have failed to meet required standards now posted.
Concern over H&S and Branch Officials being advised of incidents to staff and on the level of support.
L.D.C. Matters
Depot Protection (L.W.S.) outstanding were areas that needed better regulation proposals were awaiting management response.
Letters posted by management over working Sundays was withdrawn and matters explained.
Safety Training Courses still not up to the required levels proposed.
Comp. leave, proposed by Management to “Buy Out” leave, this matter is to be raised at the next agenda meeting.
Christmas, management are proposing a Boxing Day service, this totally against branch policy and management will be told of our position to any such proposal.
A.A.D. Report
Bro. Mackenzie gave a brief report on it, he said that:-
E. C. were allowed to progress matters on the M.O.N. talks and report back.
D.R.I. a possible new offer was expected, conference voted to continue talks.
New membership, conference heard of the dispute between R.M.T. over the transfer of members, matter was being referred to the T.U.C.

Ron Terrill
Members present C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins, P. Edwards, J. Osborne,
M. Hunter, T. Fielding, R. Matthews & M. Thompson.
1993 A.A.D. Delegate nomination. Proposed P. Edwards & seconded M. Hawkins. “That Bro. W. Mackenzie is nominated as A.A.D. Delegate.” Voted unam.
Nomination for Profit Centre Council, proposed P. Edwards & seconded M. Hawkins.
“That this branch nominated Bro. G. Morris of London Bridge Branch for Profit Centre Council.” Voted unam.
I. D. Replacement Cards
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded R. Matthews. “That this branch instructs the General Secretary and the E.C. to negotiate with the B.R.B. for special duty cards to be issued to all staff required to carry certificate of competence B.R. 30852/10 in the course of their duties.” Voted all in favour.
Health & safety
Foilage between Lewes and Falmer is due to be cut back, 8th September.
Carry of I.D. cards
Havant to Chichester Resignalling, extra route learning for all drivers is to be pursued for in view of the length of shut down etc.
Trainman Diagrams, loss of light engine manning duties.
Following L.D.C. report the following resolution was passed.
“That this branch instructs the L.D.C not to agree rosters that do not include duties regarding trainman manning light engine
movements.” Voted all in favour.
L.D.C. Nominations
The following nominations were received for L.D.C. Reps.
Bro. M. Hawkins, proposed R. Matthews & seconded T. Fielding.
Bro. J. Osborne. proposed C. Newton & seconded M. Hunter.
Bro. W. Mackenzie, proposed M. Thompson & seconded P. Edwards.
Bro. P. Edwards, proposed M. Hunter & seconded R. Matthews.

Members present W. Mackenzie, I. Wilson, J. Osborne, M. Hawkins, P. Osborne, I. Osborne,
M. Cole & B. Brown.
Application for A.S.L.E.F. membership, proposed “That L.R. Berry be accepted as a new member.” Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded J. Osborne. Carried unam.
I. D. Replacement Cards
Letter from Bro. P. Edwards, withdrawal from the L.D.C. elections.
Letter from Bro. W. Eames (London Bridge), election of Profit Centre Representation Network Southeast South Central.
1993 A.A.D. Nomination of Representative.
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded I. Osborne. “That Bro. W. Mackenzie be nominated for 1993 A.A.D.” Carried unam.
Nomination of Profit Centre Representative Network South East South Central.
Proposed J. Osborne & seconded M. Hawkins. “That Bro. G. Morris (London Bridge) be nominated for the Profit Centre Representative South Central.”
Due to the withdrawal of Bro. P. Edwards from the L.D.C. elections, the three present members of the L.D.C. will still stand.
Election of Health & Safety Representative
Proposed J. Osborne & seconded I. Osborne. “That Bro. M. Hawkins be elected as the Health & Safety Representative of the Brighton Branch.” Carried unam.
Health & Safety Report
Removal foliage at Falmer, no hotplates in the mess room at Brighton.
L.D.C. Report
Route learning between Chichester and Havant, management proposal of one day being totally inadequate.
Christmas train service, the L.D.C. will not be producing a order to work.
Members present M. Hwakins, J. Osborne, P. Edwards, C.Newton, W. Mackenzie,
F. Langridge, T. Fielding, W. Jones, R. Matthews, M. Thompson, B. Brown, M. Hunter
& A. Flowers.
Letter from District Council
Recall of A.A.D. A.S.L.E.F. Head Office
A.A.D. Delegate explained the reason for the recall of A.A.D. (A.S.L.E.F. Trade Union Membership/R.M.T. ) and our position
with the T.U.C., also D.R.I. talks.
Circular 327 Profit Centre Reps. N.S.E. – S.C. nominations
Chairman read out this and after debating the issue, requested an adjournment until District Council report.
Health & Safety Report
Foilage between Lewes – Falmer – Brighton stil creating problems with slipping/braking.
Gatwick Airport P.N. Point – state of room.
Kitchen area Brighton Messroom, water leaks & hob units.
Walking Routes to L.W.S., and report better route proposed.
Incident involving Bro. R. Constable at Wokingham, two train in section together.
L.D.C. Report
Position of Christmas (period) working, our stance is that we will not be involved in the proposed service.
Chichester and Havant resignalling scheme. Management proposed one day, our advice to members is only sign when
compendent of new signalling
1993 Holiday Change over, those members attending were advised of all changes, members not accommodated, to be advised
District Council Report
Latest on D.R.I. talks, L.U.L. Pay Deal, 260 cases of deafness dealt with under the scheme, £258,500 paid to members in compensation.
Proposed issue of a licence to drivers, pension proposed scheme to protect members pensions.
From pit closure plans expected that up to 2,000 railway jobs to go.
After debating *Circular 327, and also District Council’s letter, and Counli’s Delegate’s report. The following resolution was
proposed. Proposed W. Jones & seconded T. Fielding.
“That this branch fully support District Council Resolutions of 26th October 1992, and wishes to add the following.”
“That this Branch wishes to express it’s total disgust at the decision of the A.S.L.E.F. Executive Committee to disenfranchise Branches in District No.1 in the election for Functional Council Reps. Further that the favouring of ones Branches nominations against another is not democratic.”Voted Unam.
Nominations For Branch Officals
Current Branch Officals were standing with addition of two new committee members, Bro. F. Langridge & W. Jones, with the added rider:-
“That the membership is so incensed at the E.C.’s handling of the Functional Council’s Elections, that the current branch will not elect a committee for 1993.”
* The main point of concern amongst the delegates was regarding the recent A.S.L.E.F.'s circular No. 327.
This circular was in relation to A.S.L.E.F.'s view towards the election process of the newly formed Functional Councils (now referred to as Company Council) which were to replaced the old Sectional Council.
The Brighton Branch was so appauled by A.S.L.E.F.'s positon on this matter and decided to moved a resolution was to supporting the A.S.L.E.F.'s District Council No. 1 resolution (Brighton Branch Resolution No.12/92).
1992 A.G.M.
As a result of Branch resolution No.12/92 and that there was not a quorum no members were nominated for office and that this branch will not be able to conduct any business. District Secretary and Head Office informed of current position.
14.12.1992 at 20:00
Circular 400/1992 E. C. Election District No.1.
That the circular be noted and that the following nomination be agreed, and forwarded.
Nomination “That this branch wishes to nominate Bro. W. Mackenzie of Brighton.” Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded J. Osborne. Vote unam.
Profit Centre Council Representative Election. That the correspondence be noted