Littlehampton Branch 1982 - 1992 tenth anniversary strike badges have been ordered and by the time this letter appears you should be receiving same.
it was necessary to collect money before going ahead as some £700 was needed. You will appreciate that this is difficult to find from your own pocket.
This was not a Branch funded venture but a personal one; we do not have those kind of funds in our Branch.
If anyone else would like a badge I will still take orders but it will be necessary to clear 250 to be able to get them as cheap. They cost £3 each.
May I wish all our readers a Merry Xmas and the best wishes for 1993. We have some hard times ahead. Let’s fight them together, not divided.
Bob Dorkings
Littlehampton Branch
LEFT ~ RIGHT: Back Row T.Baty, B.Dey, David Bacon, I.Morgan, D.Hinson, G.Owen, P.Woodhouse, Dave Oconnell, D.Little, A.Marriott, General Secreary Derrick Fullick, G.Johnston, J.Earwicker, C.Nelson, Alan Beeching, Fred Orton Jones, M.Eden, A.Pope, B.Collings, Paul Horan (Seaford), Dominic Morrow (L. Bdg.), M.Hemmings (Norwood), S.Hughes, Robert Mundy, T.Godden, D.Lawson
APRIL 1993
Bro. William MacKenzie (Brighton Branch) has been elected to the Executive Committee to represent District No.1 He takes up his duties on Monday 3 May, replacing John Davies who is shortly taking retirement from the industry.
His initial term of office will run until 31 December 1996.
District No.1 Result MacKenzie W.E.J. (Brighton) 905 votes, Read W.H. (Waterloo/Nine Elms) 205 votes, Rowe J. (Basingstoke) 697 votes.
APRIL 1993
The retirement “do” for Bro Tom Holder and Conductor Bertie Edwards of Seaford depot was held on 2 February.
First of all, I would like to thank our District secretary Len Warboys who that night drove all the way from Portsmouth to make the union presentation. On our behalf. Len, you done us proud.
Tom started his railway career back in 1946 at Newhaven Loco and was to spend the next 13 years there . In 1959, he eventually got his driver’s job; this was at St Leonards. In his railway career, Tom transferred no less than six times and finally settle down at Seaford in 1974 where he tased until his retirement in January. Unfortunately, Tom had to retire early through ill-health.
But, in his time, he held the LDC Chairman’s post for a number of years are was also our Health and Safety representative.
Bertie started his railway career back in the 1940s, but he broke service several times. He started at Seaford depot as Guard in 1971 and resigned in 1978.
A couple of months later, Bertie was back and this time he stayed until he retired in October 1992. Like Tom, he was forced to take early retirement due to ill health.
It was an evening that will long be remembered by us all, which saw many retired folk attending.
S.J. Fuller
Branch Secretary
Southern Region Section Council Staff Side 1993
L~R Tony Allen (Seaford) Arthur (G'ford), Bill Eames (L. Bridge) Tommy Taylor (Slade Green), Jim Rowe (Basingstoke) & Ron Lifford (Battersea (Vic 'E')
Extracted and adapted from
HELD ON APRIL 13th 1993
District Secretary Len Warboys called the meeting to order, in doing so explained to all the reason why Brighton had not had a formal branch, he accepted our outstanding grievance on the issue of election procedures. He called upon the members to
form a branch, this, the members agreed with the following rider.
“That this branch, whilst forming a branch, do so, but still rejects the E.C. ruling on the disfranchisement of branches in elections, and further calls upon the E.C. to remove all such restrictions.”
District Council Report
Bro. L. Warboys explained the union and where we all stand and called for 100% backing on 16th February. He continued saying, that privatisation was never thought to be a threat, also pension would be affected and everybody would suffer under the proposed Privatisation Plan, ghost franchises would be set up and run independent to any other set ups, staff would have
no P.T. & R.A. outside their own franchise, and have dedicate links, we must all fight for just rights.
The secretary asked for the District Secretary to present to Bro. Mackenzie a small token of our support in his election success as E.C. and resigned as Branch Chairman, Secretary called for a vote of thanks.
District Council Report
Bro. L. Warboys explained the union and where we all stand and called for 100% backing on 16th February. He continued saying, that privatisation was never thought to be a threat, also pension would be affected and everybody would suffer under the proposed Privatisation Plan, ghost franchises would be set up and run independent to any other set ups, staff would have
no P.T. & R.A. outside their own franchise, and have dedicate links, we must all fight for just rights.
The secretary asked for the District Secretary to present to Bro. Mackenzie a small token of our support in his election success as E.C. and resigned as Branch Chairman, Secretary called for a vote of thanks.
Above Brighton A.S.L.E.F. Branch member Bill MacKenzie (right) former E.C. President
and E.C. member for District No.1, with Jim Rowe (left) A.S.L.E.& F. Southern Region Sectional Council "B" (Basingstoke Branch).
Bill served on Brighton M.T. L.D.C. from 1971~1993 before being elected straight onto the Executive Committee of A.S.L.E.& F. for District No.1 and later elected by his fellow E.C. members to the position of E.C. President.
MAY 1993
Brighton Branch held its first meeting this year in April at the request of our District Secretary Len Warboys.
Len had asked for the meeting to explain the actions of the E.C. Our Branch along with many others felt so incensed by the decisions of the E.C. to disenfranchise some branches from a vote in the Functional Council election that at our A.G.M. in December a motion was passed not to elect any Branch Officers and not to hold any Branch meetings.
Through various channels of debate, the members of Brighton agreed to the April meeting. The District Secretary opened the meeting by calling for members to withdraw the motion.
In doing so, members still regarded the action of the E.C. as totally unacceptable and called on all delegates to the A.A.D. to reject any change to the election of Functional Council members.
After electing the Branch Officers, the Chairman Bro. W. MacKenzie called for business and, after reading the outstanding correspondence, requested that Standing Orders be suspended so that our District Secretary and our guest speaker could address the membership.
Len spoke of our role in the present situation on the plans to privatise the industry and prospects for our jobs under the (new) proposed franchised of these separate companies’ P.T.&R. Pensions were also addressed.
We took the unusual step of allowing the R.M.T. representative G. Hewitt the chance to address the meeting. He explained the R.M.T.’s position and why they have taken action
Finally, as Branch Secretary I called upon the District Secretary to make a presentation. Bro. (Bill) MacKenzie, as members know, as been elected as the E.C. member for our District and we wished to say that we wished him well in his new post.
Bill has been a very active Branch Officer and L.D.C. rep over many years. His presence locally will be missed by all (not least, by management).
Bill thanked members for their support both in the election and over the many years at Brighton and assured us that he will fight for the members of A.S.L.E.F. and see that justice is done and the rights of members maintained.
C. Newton Brighton Branch Secretary
Capital Connect Express
14th June 1993 - January 1997
Made up of 4 dedicated 8 car DIG units (4 BIG + 4 CIG) which were permanently coupled
Replaced in 1997 by the Connex Express
Using 7 dedicated 319/2s
Extracted and adapted from
HELD ON JUNE 8th 1993
Chairman then called for standing orders to be suspended so that the E.C. member could speak to the branch.
Following the special meeting held at the Littlehampton
Branch, Bro. Mackenzie agreed to explain the current position on matters of privatisation, and the set up of the ghost franchise.
The 1.5% Pay Award explained
The proposed new rate of pay for Driver Instructor’s £2,000.00, it would go on the basic and would be 12,792.00
Proposed new drug testing arrangements, manning of ballast trains. Expected job losses and the effects on the pension funds and the effects of the government’s plans to seek control of the pensions.
Request by members that the L.D.C. look into the A/Rs within the links, and also alterations to some rest days particularly on nights turns.
Rumours of a new super depot at Barnham, at the moment management have no firm plans, but members were assured that this branch would seek firm assurances with regards to the diagrams of Brighton.
Brighton Driver Phil Briggs
on a "Bicycle Belle" at Brighton 1993
JULY 1993
Intercity’s South East flagship Gatwick Express could be running in private hands by late 1994, according to detailed sell off plans prepared by British Rail.
It is disgusting that BRB and the Government are rushing ahead despite the mounting tide of public opposition and numerous campaigns against privatisation.
But a document Restructuring for Privatisation, which has been handed to the Society, say consultations on Gatwick Express will begin this month aimed at a “shadow franchise” starting in early October.
JULY 1993
John Lillywhite & Len Worboys
Our recent Branch social event honoured the occasion of Branch chairman John Lillywhite’s 50th year as an A.S.L.E.F. member.
District secretary Len Worboys presented John with the 50 year medallion and certificate.
Len recalled how this was a particular honour for him, for it was when was a fireman at Fratton that Len learned from him his craft. He went on recall some hilarious events, not least the fact (says Len) that since his association with John he had always had trouble boiling a kettle.
John eventually achieved promotion and a driver at Bognor where he has always played an active part in the Branch and social life on Bognor, not least his prowess as an excellent cricketer.
The evening continued with a presentation to Traction Inspector Ron Cann, followed by an excellent meal for which we thank the committee and all the ladies.
We were shocked by an announcement during the evening that our dear friend and colleague Les Friend passed away while receiving treatment in hospital.
Les had been a victim of asbestosis, and had only recently been successful in receiving recognition of this fact at a DSS Appeal. We were reminded of happier times with Les and John Lillywhite.
All in all, an evening of memories that will long remain with us
Branch reporter
May I express my very sincere thanks to all at A.S.L.E.F. Head Office and also to Elizabeth Barnes of Robin Thompson and Partners, for my successful claim for compensation at the C.I.C.B.
Please find enclosed donation of £100 for the A.S.L.E.F Orphan Fund
Frank Geal
Driver, West Worthing EMUT
Brighton Train(WO)man "D" Clare De Marinis
Clare enters the footplate grade as a Train(WO)man "D” at Brighton M.T. on the 16th August 1993, and become the first woman Train(WO)man at Brighton.
In c1995 Clare ginned her promotion to Driver at Brighton and became the first woman driver at Brighton. Due to ill health issues Clare was force to leave the railway in c2002
On 30th October we say goodbye to Ron Lifford, one of the most respected and dedicated individuals one could meet.
His respect was recognised by management and by all the footplate fraternity. His dedication was seen by his years of office as a Branch Chairman, LDC Staff Side secretary and, of course his 22 years on Southern Region Sectional Council “B”, of which he was the Staff Side secretary.
He finishes his career as a Profit Centre representative on the South Eastern Division.
We have known him as our Mr Methodical but sometimes the other side of the table had another for him - but wouldn’t say it within earshot.
Ron, most of all, was a footplateman, proud of everything has did in his long years, whether firing from Waterloo to Bournemouth or Waterloo to Salisbury. I am given to believe that our now General Secretary got backache firing to Ron.
At the negotiating table, he was supreme. Certain management called him a professional; we called him a man who knew his job at all levels of the Machinery through and through.
Ron served under many peers of A.S.L.E.F. throughout his active trade union career. To me, and many more like me, he was the king of them all.
Well, Val and Ron, have a long and healthy retirement. You will be missed so much by so many. Thanks for everything you taught me, but, above all, for how much you gave your member grades of A.S.L.E.F.
Your old mate
Bill Eames
Secretary, NSE SE Divisional Functional Council
Brighton driver Ron Terrill and his trainman Jeff Edisbury
at Eastbourne with the 'Sussex Belle' on the 11th September 1993
The July meeting was well supported and we were pleased once again to have District Secretary Len Warboys in attendance.
The Branch observed a minute’s silence following the death of Bro. Graham Dubb. Our sympathy goes out to Sheila and his family.
Len dealt with the national scene, with special reference to the forthcoming shadow franchises, proposed changes in the Bargaining Machinery, and the implications of the BR decision to cease collection subscriptions (“check off”) for a sister trade union. The Branch expressed its gratitude to the General Secretary and the EC have made to that decision.
There was a lively debate and one was left in any doubt that we are facing radical change.
The Local representatives gave a detailed report and concern was expressed about the influence Train Crew Agreement 500 has had on their efforts to compose a roster.
Following Branch business, Len made a presentation to Bro. Ken Literals and gave the Branch a detailed description of Ken’s long role as an A.S.L.E.F. activist.
Ken has served as Branch secretary, chairman, committee member, minute taker (never opposed for that, Ken) and for many years as Chairman of the then LDC.
Len recalled their battles through the ‘70s and ‘80s when Len was LDC secretary and how he respected the invaluable part Ken played through those turbulent days. Portsmouth Branch has lost a dedicated colleague whose experience and help was acknowledged by the present Local representatives.
Branch Report
I am writing to thank A.S.L.E.F. and its solicitors for the help given me when I was involved in road traffic accident in 1991.
as my claim has just recently been finalised, I would be obliged if my thanks to both could, if possible, be put in Locomotive Journal.
As a token of my thanks I have enclosed a cheque for £100 made payable to A.S.L.E.F. This may assist in a small way to aid someone else in A.S.L.E.F.
W. Kelman
Retired Norwood
10 October 1993
Gatwick Express becomes first shadow rail franchise ready for privatisation.
It was a foregone conclusion that a Drugs and Alcohol Policy would be introduced by British Rail after the publication of the Transport and Works Act 1992.
But what I cannot understand is why as a union with a proud history of fighting for the rights and protection of fighting for the rights and protection of its members conditions - we have allowed British Rail to introduce a policy which basically say we now own you seven days a week for 48 weeks a year for NO EXTRA PAYMENT.
Surely, as a union, we should be saying to British Rail: “Yes we agree with the Drugs and Alcohol Policy 100 per cent but if you require drivers to withhold celebrating his/her birthday/ anniversary r birth of their child until they are on annual leave, then what compensation do you intend to pay them for the inconvenience this will cause?”
Not £210.65 (basic) because our members are humans beings not robots.
A.R. Armstrong
Health and Safety representative
Selhurst EMUT
Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 for the Orphan Fund following my successful settlement of my claim due to my accident.
Grateful thanks to A.S.L.E.F. and Robin Thompson and Partners. I now have had to retire through ill-health after 45 years’ service.
It was a great privilege to have worked with fellow drivers and to be in a craft union like A.S.L.E.F.
G. Reynolds
extracted and adapted from
OCTOBER 21st 1993
Owing to the large number of members attending and the limited space, only the number is
being recorded, 37 members.
E.C. Member W. Mackenzie
Our E.C. member was welcomed to our branch and gave a very detail account of our present position.
Reported – the plans of how each business is in relation to depots (who does what).
A.A.D. Decision for a ban on Rest Days
Sunday Working Rostered Duties
Privatisation – Pension Right/Funds
D.F.C. Member A. Allen
Again we welcomed our D.F.C. member to our branch and thank him for coming. Tony spoke on many issues
Driver Instructions how the agreement to pay the rate was reached and if the problems surrounding it, the roll these members
are playing
T.U.P.E. was mentioned and on how we would be unprotected if allowed to go.
An indepth report on the Air/Rail Gatwick Service set up.
Possible Franchise of Thameslink and on the members of drivers required
Current vacancy list situation
D.F.C. function, and roll with Depot rosters, and link formation, and that of L.D.C.
Junior Drivers in Link (4) were concerned about their position with regards to earnings, type of work, and time expected to be
in Link (4).
The L.D.C. explained how and why they had to do what they had, and the restriction the Train Crew Agreement had placed
upon them.
E.C. Member Bill Mackenzie, explained the 1988 Train Crew Agreement and on the points raised by Link (4) members then
referred to the to the agreement for a detailed answer.
D.F.C. Member Tony Allen spoke, Tony was very concerned about the reports of a letter sent to the Depot Manager Brighton,
regarding the roll L.D.C.’s had in forming Links etc. Tony explained very clearly D.F.C.’s, function and that of L.D.C.’s, and that the L.D.C. had clearly complied with every part of the agreement, and that it was unfortunately that some members seemed to be restricted.
The issue was then opened to all members for debate, and senior members felt that position was fair and just and had full confidence in the way the L.D.C. had carried out it’s roll.
The following resolution was then put to the members.
“That this branch has full confidence and support in the L.D.C. Committee at Brighton.”
Proposed B. Hall & Seconded P. Staniford.
Voted unam
On 30th November 1993, Lew Adams ASLEF General Secretary, officially opens the Network South Central Croydon Training Centre
Driver Trainers based at Croydon Training Centre
Back row Chopper Harris (ex R'hil), Ian Simmons (ex R'hill) Chris Haynes (ex R'hill),
& Tony Harper (ex Ebne)
Front row Christine (admin), Pete Wensley (?), Johnny Rutter (ex N'wood)
Johnny Saunders
re-learning steam on a Bullied's Merchant Navy "Port Line”
for the Christmas steam specials on the Water Cress Line,
Autumn 1993.
Bognor driver Alec Price's Retirement
Left to Right Standing:- John Lillywhite (Bognor), Todd Slaughter(Littlehampton), Harry Brown (Bognor), Les (Coaster) Caswell (Bognor), Trevor Allen, Roy Spreadbury (Littlehampton), Don Giles (Bognor), Alec Price (Bognor), Vic Lambert (Bognor), Dickey Dye (Bognor), Ron Cann (Bognor), Fred Janaway (Littlehampton), John Tarrant (Bognor), Russell Dare (Bognor), Graham Kingshott (Bognor), Barry Atkinson (Bognor), John Flowers (Bognor), Bob Morgan (Littlehampton), Ron Cheeseman (Bognor), Alan Arnold (Bognor) & Paul White (Bognor Guard).
Front row: - Tony Watts (Bognor), Eddie "Sooty" Fordham (West Worthing), Bart- Jones (Bognor), Nick Bullimore (Bognor), , Ernie Whitfield (Bognor).
Brighton Driver Laurie Osman (Left) & Bedford Driver Geoff Lovell
This photo was taken on Laurie's last driving turn at Bedford whilst awaiting to work his
return trip back to Brighton. Laurie enter the footplate grades on 4th November 1948 at
Brighton. Laurie transfered to Addiscombe and then later moving back to Brighton E.M.U.T.
Laurie spent many years on the Brighton E.M.U.T. L.D.C.
Railway accidents on British Railways
Southern Region
Central Division
Our Branch meeting in October saw a larger than usual turnout. Our Chairman opened the meeting and dealt with the agenda as agreed. He then suspended the normal Branch business to allow our two representatives to address the meeting.
Our District No.1 E.C. member Bro. Bill MacKenzie was our first speaker. Bill’s address reflected on the issues of rest day working ban, rostered Sundays, depots’ futures under the Business Centres and the issue of drink and drugs.
Our next speaker was the D.F.C. member Bro. Tony Allen who addresses the meeting about issues on our patch. Driver Instructor grade, operation of Sandite units, depot closures and vacancies
Now the reason for the large turnout. Some members of the depot who were in the Starter Link felt that the L.D.C. were acting unfairly when they allocated work and earnings in their link and had approached the Train Crew Manager to ask the D.F.C. could become involved with the L.D.C. in the way they formed rosters.
Bro. Hawkins of the L.D.C. took great exception to the question. He clearly pointed out to all the members Appendix F of the Traincrew Agreement, to which they had to work, and the fat that they had more than sought to address the earnings of all links.
Tony Allen of the D.F.C. said that they were upset that members thought of them becoming involved. This task was clearly one addressed by L.D.C.s
Bill MacKenzie also reiterated the position in the agreement, how L.D.C.s applied the agreement, and concluded that the L.D.C. had carried out their duties with all due fairness. Members should realise that, with the link promotions becoming stagnant, members would be links longer than expected and that this was a natural occurrence caused by the reduction in
A resolution was put forward saying that members had full confidence in, and support, their L.D.C. and Branch Officers. A vote was taken and passed unanimously
The platform urged members to realise that we have wider and more important matter to address with the Government’s Bill on railways.
C. Newton
Brighton Branch Secretary
Brighton M.T. Driver Chic Debenham
Brighton M.T. Driver Mick Hawkins
Appearing through the steam is Driver Johnny Saunders
Brighton M.T. Driver Johnny Saunders (Right)
and his Fireman for the day Martin (Mickey) Brown (Norwood)