Chairman Bro. K. Knowles
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 15th January 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance was Bros. A. Herriett, L. Stephenson, K. Knowles & J. Carney
The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.20 after welcoming all for attending the Branch, he did ask the Secretary if would read the minutes of the December meeting. After the minutes had been read the Secretary pointed out an error which also pointed out by the Chairman that was “The National Schools nomination to attend school was made by the Chairman, Bro. K. Knowles who wished to attend. This had been agreed by all those who attended that meeting” Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro L. Stephenson. That the minutes of the December meeting with amendments be taken as a true record. All it favour.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary about the Branch finance. The Secretary did mention that he has asked to see the Auditors after January’s meeting, but due to not having all the bank statements, but had informed Bros. W. Baldwin and G. Ellard the Auditors that as soon as this had been received and all forms completed this would be put into their hands.
On correspondence and circulars the Secretary mentioned that this time of the year not much is done with holidays in between but from the Branch.
The Chairman then moved on to Health & Safety and welcomed Bro. L. Stephenson as the depot’s new Health & Safety Officer. Bro. L. Stephenson first mentioned that at the present time the Health & Safety books and files where in the middle of being transferred from Bro. J. Carney to himself and since January 1st 1984 when he took over as Health & Safety Officer for Tunbridge Wells. He had been approached by member on one subject only, that was falling tiles off the roof next to the Foreman’s office and where men park their bikes, this he said was also being taken up by the L.D.C. and hope to have the roof made safe from lose tiles. Bro. J. Carney then mentioned that he was in the middle of transferring all the paper work over to Bro. L. Stephenson and said that the transfer should be completed within a week.
The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report. No letters had been sent by the L.D.C. since the last meeting. One matter that has arisen is Flexible Rostering, some men had complained over long weekends, they were not getting the same as other men because of their position on the roster. The L.D.C. have stated to look at a way of men working down the roster not like the one which is worked now. Some discussion took place on this, which had left the L.D.C. with some ideas to think on. Bro. A. Herriett did mentioned that the May workings were again to be defined as management change the train timetable so the L.D.C. would not think that any changes to the roster at this time was a good one.
The Chairman then moved on to any other business.
Bro. K. Knowles did mention to the Secretary that he had been checking through the rule book (A.S.L.E.F.) and found that as rule 40, his interpretation was that the Secretary should bring to the Branch quarterly returns that is sent by Head Office to this Branch be in and the Secretary did mention that the quarterly returns he mentions is a form sent to all branches showing what their membership is i.e. Tunbridge Wells 39 drivers, no Juniors. Then it shows a printed page of item brought and items outstanding which is always left empty, but the Chairman is corrected, rule 40 does mention that this should be brought to Branch meetings and will be suitable held in a folder for members to see at Branch meeting.
Bro. L. Stephenson also asked the Branch if the Secretary could take up a claim on his behalf through Sectional Council. This was about a day he was booked off with pay when he should have been rest day and work was not fully covered at the depot. It was then proposed by the Chairman Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the Secretary be instructed to send the required letters to Sectional Council with a view of getting Bro. L. Stephenson claim metl in full. All in favour.
After which no other business came forward, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 11.20.
Tunbridge Wells Special Meeting
Sunday 12th February 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
This meeting was requested by the L.D.C. over trains running down to Uckfield from Oxted on Sundays.
Attending meeting were Bros Simpson, Pepper, Exley, Marchant, Coomber, Taylor, Harris, MacDonald, Carney Knowles, Ashdown, Neal & Baldwin
Also attended was Bro. M. Allen
The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.15 and welcomed all and thanked them all for attending, he then asked the L.D.C. Secretary to address the meeting.
Bro. A. Herriet did then mentioned that the L.D.C. had been to seen management, Mr. Cole, who did inform the L.D.C. that the paper train for Eastbourne was to be diverted down to Oakfield for seven Sundays and due to engineers works, it had been asked could this train go any other routes. Management did mention that the paper traffic was worth over £¾ million pounds over the year and they were worried about losing this traffic. The L.D.C. then was asked about various items about trains. It was also mentioned that the minutes 75/80 & 6/81 did mention Industrial Action would take place if any trains run between Hurst Green and Oakfield and Tunbridge Wells West and Eridge, as this had now been done. The members were here to discuss and decide it was then asked that the Secretary did read the two minutes for a vote to be taken, after the Secretary had read the minutes Bro. C. Exley asked that all votes be recorded all were in favour.
Minute 75/80
That on every occasion until further notice that other depots are rostered work on Sundays south of Oxted on the Uckfield line, and this depot is not given equal share of the work above Oxted. Industrial Action will be taken by this branch.
Minute 6/81
That if we at this depot are to lose our Sunday work then we do not entertain any special openings on Sundays for fueling of engines or stock working. We further will not any longer do any train work on Bank or Public Holidays or undertake to do any loan work. All the above are not to clash with any motion for action from the traffic grades.”
Bro. C. Exley then went on to move. That the minutes 75.80 and 6/81 be rescinded. Seconded by Bro. H. marchant. But before a vote could take place amendments did come forward by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That each minute be voted on separately as both do not mean the same.
The amendment was then voted on. For 8, against, 0 abstantion 0 & members not voting 5. Amendment carried
The Chairman then asked members to vote on 75/80 first. That is to rescind minute 75/80. For 8, against 3, abstention 1 & member not voting 1. Motion carried.
The Chairman then asked member to vote on minute 6/81. That is to rescind minute 6/81. For 1, against 11, abstention 0 & member not voting 1. Motion carried.
Then a debate was had to decide if any Industrial action should be taken as management had ran a train when minute 75/80 was enforce. It was then proposed by Bro. P. Pepper and seconded by Bro. S. Harris. That no passenger train or passenger stock to run down the Uckfield line unless we get an option to work those trains (minute 7/84).
For 6, against 2, abstention 1 & member not voting 4. Carried.
It was at this time that Bro. A. Ashdown did leave the meeting, leaving 13 members present.
Bro. W. Baldwin did ask if the members would vote on the issue, do we have some sort of Industrial Action. Bro. W. Baldwin proposed and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That can the members vote to strike for one day in support of minute 75/80. This to be a one off and that no other Industrial Action take place unless minute 7/84 is broken.
For 5, against 6, abstention 1 & members not voting 0. Motion lost.
That then concluded the special meeting with Bro. P. Pepper prosing and seconded by Bro. MacDonald. That we send a letter of thanks to all the depots who have supported us in the past.
For 12, against 0, abstention 0 & members not voting 0
Chairman then closed the meeting at 12.10
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 19th February 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were Bro. K. Knowles, R. Simpson, L. Stephenson & J. Carney
The Secretary did receive one apology that was from Bro. A. Herriett.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.15 and the minutes of the January meeting was then read after which Bro. L. Stephenson proposed and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes of the January meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the Special Meeting held on Sunday 12th February 1984. It was then after the minutes being read that Bro. R. Simpson proposed and seconded by Bro. j. Carney. That the minutes of the Special Meting held on Sunday 12th February be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Secretary was then asked to read to out correspondence and circulars.
It was then mentioned that Circular No. 4/84 (R.S.N.T. 83 Irregular and unsocial hours payment) has brought a new light as Bros. H. love and R. brown claim over V.R.P. payment and would the Secretary write to Head Office to see if a claim should be progress now with this new information.
On Health & Safety did mention that the roof over the bike shed is now complete. Selsdon signal was brought to his attention. Hazard walkways now ok.
Two other complaints
Up Hastings Branch was now being investigated and outer home Birchden will have to be progressed through L.D.C. as it is now minute by the L.D.C.
That concluded Health & Safety.
The Chairman asked Bro. L. Stephenson if he could give a L.D.C. report in the absence of the Secretary.
Briefly he went through the meeting held with Mr. Cole on Monday 13th February 1984. L.D.C. hve asked for a meeting over the Foreman between 04.00 – 05.00 Monday mornings, mention was given over meeting with management at Beckham. Tunbridge Wells to lose 2-3 duties, a list has been put up in L.D.C. case. 27th March had ben given the date of the pre-scrutiny were the Chairman and Secretary will attend. Bro. L. Stephenson did mention that management had suggested some 12 car formation trains in new workings, it was then that the Chairman proposed and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the L.D.C. be informed and the management be told that the men of this branch will not work 12 car stock because of no walk ways for changing ends, also no station to except that amount of stock unless it is an emergencies. All in favours.
Chairman then moved on to any other business.
The following Bros. asked the Secretary of a copy of the Conditions of Service book from Head Office. Bros. L. Stephenson, K. Knowles & R. Simpson.
The Secretary then moved on to finance and mentioned that the Branch had, had a busy year were money had gone into the account and had been used again. The Secretary mentioned opening new accounts because of Mr. Tebit law. This was in the process of being done. It was now the Auditor who were to be sort after as these were now getting behind with these returns to Head office. That concluded the accounts.
The Chairman then closed the meeting at 11.50
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th March 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Tunbridge Wells West Loco
This was because of difficulties of getting into the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. W. Overden, R. Coomber, C. Taylor, H. Love, F. Diplock, A. Herriet, K. Knowles
& J. Carney.
Guest was Bro. W. Eames Sectional Council Chairman
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all for attending and apologies for the change of venue at such short notice.
The Secretary then mentioned that two drivers has sent their apologies to the meeting, they were Bros. R. Simpson & R. MacDonald.
The minutes of the February meeting was then read after which Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the minutes of the February branch meeting held on 19th February 1984 be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Secretary moved on to circulars & correspondence.
The voting papers had been received one being held over from last meeting that of the Assistant General Secretary and the later one of A.A.D. 40 voting.
First the election of Assistant General Secretary after a short debate it was felt that our vote should go to the following. Proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. C. Taylor. That the vote for Assistnat General Secretary, that the Tunbrdge Wells members do vote in favour of Bro. Kirton of Thornaby. All in favour.
The other voting paper was for A.A.D. District Delegate No. 40. Two member had been nominated Bros. M. Allen Eastbourne and A. Ricketts Brighton No.2. The secretary did then mention that he had received a phone call from Bro. M. Allen mentioning that he was unable to stand and would we not vote for him, as Three Bridges had nominated him without his knowledge and due to house moving not yet completed so unable to go and represent the members. With that knowledge the members did then propose by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. R. Collins. That Tunbridge Wells do vote for Bro. A. Ricketts in the election for Group 40 A.A.D. delegate. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved onto L.D.C. report.
Bro. A. Herriett L.D.C. Secretary did start his report by saying that they have asked management to look into early morning cover when the Foreman had not himself arrived, the hours being 04.00 to 05.00 Monday only. Also Bro. D. Nye had reported to the L.D.C. that a duty he had been asked to work did not arrive in time to be scrutinised by a L.D.C. member, so this was being looked into.
A meeting had been asked, but management asked for more items to be listed, so as to be dealt with at our meeting.
Paper trains running on Sundays between Hurst Green and Uckfield. Management said they would inform us of any other movement down that line involving engines.
The L.D.C. did ask that any members who finds that his duty has been altered in any way and find that it has not been scrutinised by this L.D.C. They are not to work the alteration but the original duty.
On the subject of 12 cars stock being worked by Tunbridge Wells West men from Tunbridge Wells to East Grinstead using two drivers. It was felt that the commented of our Sectional Council member Bro. W. Eames (who just arrived.) Bro. Eames did say that management had tried to bring 12 car stock at Slade’s Green to Dartford and back then into sidings. This was then stopped by Sectional Council and if this depot is trying to be pushed into having 12 car referring it back to Bro. R. Lifford.
It was at this moment the Chairman thanked the L.D.C. Secretary for his report and excepted a motion of suspending Standing Orders from Bro. R. Coomber and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Standing Orders be suspended for the rest of this meeting so as to give our Sectional Council member Bro. W. Eames and member time to talk. All in favour (time 11.28).
Bro. W. Eames thanked all for inviting him to this Branch and hoped that what he had to say was of some help to all.
The closure of Sevenoaks and Margate is set for April 16th 1984. The men there have all been accommodated but leave very little for even these men, work at other depots which got vacancy, the most of the Sevenoaks men will go to Orpington with the option of a 14(a) move if logged within 28 days.
When Coulsdon and West Croydon shut men move to go for the list which in turn left Selhurst with a lot of unfilled vacancies. Management did allow two men, one from each depot to take early retirement with around £10 to £12,000 which is not much when you see management leaving £47,000. Train Crews were leaving on a shoe string.
The exact number of men involved on April 16th is 33 men, 24 have got jobs, 15 men have to not got any identifiable work so vacancy No.3 sheet will be held so as to allow men to take up vacancy if no jobs has been allocated or chosen by these men by vacancy No. 4. They will have to take the P.T.R.A. arrangement with a view of getting rid of the junior man on the regional or whole of B.R. Area.
On the May workings, management are cutting down the amount of men in the Motive Power – Train Crews. If men are surplus at their depots in May, they will be left spare for up to one year and when the minister has given his decision weather to keep the line open or to close it is Sectional Council plan that this depot will close as soon as the re-berthing arrangements have been made. At the last establishment meeting it was the view of the Tunbridge Wells L.D.C. that if management wanted to reduce the establishment down to 40 that L.D.C./S.C were thinking of the future that go for 36 men with 4 taking early retirement. Management in reply wanted 38 men but no spare men at this time Tunbridge Wells West have two starred vacancies pending a feasibility project. Sectional Council had said Bro. W. Eames blown his top because they found that management had been to a meeting over this before pre-scrutiny which the outcome had been deferred to higher management, but of which this management were trying to implement. It is known that higher management think very different from lower management who always think the opposite of higher management. The establishment meeting has now been arranged and Sectional Council would like to suggest to the members and the L.D.C. that management are willing to go above the lines of keeping the members at 38 but worked by 36 men allowing 2 turns to be starred as they are now but only allowing two men to be surplus
Establishment Staff Side Running turns 25, Rest Day Relief 5, Spare 3 & Annual Leave 3 = 36 drivers.
Management Side Running turns 25, Rest Day Relief 6, Spare 3 & Annual Leave 4 = 38 drivers.
The Senior men are as follows
1 Bro. Doplock
2 Mr. Plummer
3 Bro. Bridger
4 Bro. Ashdown
5 Bro. Asprey
Bro. W. Eames did mention that the L.D.C. with Council had got a meeting to go to over establishment at Tunbridge Wells West it would be wise to give the L.D.C. an indication of what to except, bearing in mind that if you go for a fail to agree, Bro. F. Diplock could be made redundant on ill health grounds and his vacancy advertised (L.D.C. had tried to get 36 me with actual 34 men covering work) and management will still introduce 38 men advertising all other vacancy.
It was then discussed lightly and all agreed to ask the L.D.C. to seek the best formula they can and go for 38 men worked by 36 members as suggested by our Sectional Council member. Proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. W. Oveden.
Bro. W. Eames then moved on to the discussion on the Eridge – Grove Junction closure, as to date no decision has been made, but he said that even if the decision went against B.R., B.R. would still fight for the depot to be moved.
It has been heard by Council that if stock was to go to Selhurst, men could be booked on at London Bridge or New Cross Gate.
A question was asked on what age did management have to go down to for redundancies. Men down to 62 management response to men on P.T.R.A. if under 62. Men have to apply, this is because normally it is not worth the men taking early retirement under 62.
A question was asked on what would happen to depot if minister was not to give go a head to close line.
If line was not to close, Council thinks that the depot would not close because if the empties stock working involved, until that is had have another berthing and fuelling place for them to go to Selhurst not being able to take them yet.
The Chairman then brought the meeting to a close by asking the members to show a vote of thanks. All were in favour.
The meeting was then closed at 12.35
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 15th April 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
in attendance were Bros. B. Harris, H. Marchant, R. MacDonald, L. Stephenson, I Bond,
K. Knowles, A. Herriett & J. Carney
Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman for that meeting. The Chairman welcomed all and made special note to Bro. I. Bond’s first attendance to this Branch and thanked him for coming all the way from London by car to this meeting. The meeting was then opened at 10.07.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, which was March’s normal meeting. The minutes were adopted by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the minutes be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved on to circulars and correspondence.
The Secretary then asked the members present if he could purchase 2 clips to be used with the clips at the depot for posting notices at the depot as 3 clips were getting very full. = It was then proposed by Bro R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. A. herriett. That the Secretary be allowed to purchase 2 clips for the use of brand notices. All in favour.
The secretary had received a voting paper for Assistant General Secretary second ballot. The Secretary did mentioned that no member who we voted for had unfortunately got into the seconded ballot and the two members standing were Bros. Milligan and Ronksley. After a short debate it wasp proposed. That Bro. Milligan would get this branch’s vote in favour of Assistant General Secretary’s position. All in favour. Proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. MacDonald.
The Chairman then moved on to Health & safety which Bro. L. Stephenson mentioned that not much had been reported to him since last meeting but did mention that he was to start on his 10 week one day release course on Health & Safety.
The L.D.C. report was then next
On establishment this was
Running 25 duties, Rest Day Relief 6, Holiday relief 4 and spares 3 = 8 men.
Redundancy on two men at the depot was still awaiting their redundancy figures.
12 car formation of trains are still with us with conductors in and out of Selhurst. On the question of 12 car trains, the L.D.C. had objected to management, but management gave the L.D.C. one choice work them or the work would go to Norwood depot the Branch Secretary asked the L.D.C. are they progressing through to Sectional Council level. The reply was they were told that Sectional Council did not object when this was mention to them by management. The Secretary then asked the members if the Branch should to Council. The L.D.C. Secretary did mention that it was their view that going to Council they could loose the duties which is not what the L.D.C. wanted. It was suggested that the L.D.C. had excepted 12 Car trains on the assumption that work would disappear from this depot.
The L.D.C. did ask the Secretary if he would write to Head office over shortage of pay when working to hours carrying out L.D.C. meetings, but only being paid roster hours pay. D.I.C. Brighton being the ones who say that is all they are allowed to except.
On any other business Bro. I. bond asked about the depot could have a strike badge after a short debate on how many we should make. It was decided that Bros. Bond and MacDonald should make some designs for the next Branch meeting and the Secretary will post a list up to see how many badges each man wants.
The secretary then brought to the Branch’s attention that while being Co-opted as a L.D.C. member on several occasions he had seen one L.D.C. member arriving at a meeting before the other three had arrived and seeing management before the meeting. The Secretary mentioned that while there may be nothing in or between this private meeting, he had mentioned to be L.D.C. Secretary on at least one occasion that this could be seen as the L.D.C. split and suggested that on meeting take the opportunity of settling any last minute decision go into the meeting as one force.
The L.D.C. Secretary did mention in reply that the L.D.C. member involve, that it was his opinion that if the member concern was not having is own meeting as suggested and that it is not other persons business who he talks to before or after a L.D.C. meeting.
The Secretary did finish the subject by saying he was not criticising a person on the L.D.C. but the position he holds while going to L.D.C. meetings.
Other members expressed their views on what they heard.
The Secretary then asked the L.D.C. if the L.D.C. Stamp had worn out or damaged if o a replacement would have be ordered as this stamp made to let the members know that a official member has scrutinised the workings. The L.D.C. Secretary mentioned the stamp was ok and noted.
The member requested that this stamp is to be used a request from the L.D.C. Secretary for note books and money boxes. The Chairman then asked the Secretary to order same from Head Office.
The Chairman then mentioned that he was in receipt of some leaflets from the Post Office of telephone privatisation, these were to be distributed.
The Secretary mentioned that at the last District Council, they did have the President of the Betshanger Mineworkers and he did give a talk on the reasons behind the strike. A collection was made fort his train fare of which the Secretary did give a £1.00 and the Secretary did ask if his money could be taken as a donation from the Branch. It was then moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That the £1.00 the Secretary did pay towards the Kent Mineworkers President for his train fare, be reinburst to the Secretary and be taken as a donation from this branch. All in favour. All in favour.
That concluded the business and the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th May 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. R. Harris, P. Elston, L. Stephenson, I. Bond, H. Love, R. Simpson, R. MacDonald,
K. Knowles & J. Carney.
The Chairman for that meeting was Bro. K. Knowles, the only apologies was from Bro. A. Herriett.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.20 by welcoming all for attending and the Secretary was asked to read the minutes of the April meeting after which no comments were made and it was proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. Harris. That the minutes of the April meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved on to circulars and correspondence since the last meeting.
On matters arising from the circulars, it was felt by the members present that a letter should be sent to the E.C. and Railway Federation with reference to Circulars 95 & 99/1984 (rates of pay). After which some lengthy debate, it was moved by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris.
That with reference to circulars 95/1984 & 99/1984, we at this branch object to other depots working Sundays as we do not work Sundays because the depot is close on that day, also we feel this overtime, rostered or not. So this Branch wishes to inform the E.C. of ASLEF and the Council of the Railway Federation that this depot will work rest days if any other crews work Sundays of any kind. But we will refuse any other depot work and overtime on week days duties including specials. Passed unam.
It was requested that a copy be put up on the ASLEF notice board, one to the L.D.C. Secretary, one to Sectional council and Railway Federation.
It was also asked that on the notice board copy an explanation note be included that overtime is to be banned, that exceptions is ment by late running of train and cancelation of trains plus any emergencies. This was proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. R. Harris.
With reference to N.U.R. (Tonbridge) letter this was brought to the attention of the members. That as the union were holding Railway Federation, that this be encourage locally. So we can keep in touch with our respective unions. The members felt this was a good idea and suggest we nominate two members delegate to go to these meetings on the Branch’s behalf. It was proposed. That Bros. J. Carney and H. MacDonald to be this Branch’s delegates toattend meetings when possible. Proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. P. Elston.
The Secretary mentioned that the Trade Council dues were due again and as the last quarterly returns show 39 members. This is what we should inform the Trades Council. This was agreed and then proposed by Bro. Eston and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the Secretary be instructed to pay the Trades Council the amount required for this branch to maintain as a member. All in favour.
Bro. Harry Love brought up the subject of Bro. F. Diplock who has unfortunallyy been off sick for sometime and now is one of the members who will be made redundant from our Branch. A collection has been made and Bro. Love asked if the Secretary could have it ready by Thursday as he knows it was the day Bro. F. Diplock would be attending the loco.
Bro. Love then went on to Bro. D. Ward who aas a member of the Branch for some time until he went to Sevenoaks. It was with regret that our old friend has since passed away after a illness of some months. It was hoped that as many members of the Branch could attend his funeral which was held on Thursday 24th May. A collection is being held with the money going to Cancer Research or Cancer Relief.
The Chairman then moved on to Health & Safety.
Bro. L. Stephenson reply only one item outstanding during this month that of Ashurst Junction.
L.D.C. business
Bro. L. Stephenson said there had not been any meetings since last meeting so all other matters were held over to next meeting.

A question was asked on the 50p per week levy and members felt a bit reluctant in being told to pay 50p x 4 = £2, when ASLEF E.C. had committed themselves to £15,000. That we all monies collected times 22,000 driver = £44,000. Could the Secretary write to Head Office for clearance on this. This was agreed by all at the meeting.
The Chairman then moved over to the floor to discuss the subject of badges. Bro. I. Bond had brought with him some designs based on a shield type badge with a picture of the old clock tower in the centre.
It was discussed how many we should get. The Secretary had phoned up the firm who advertised in the Locomotive Journal. April 1984 and the prices he had got to show that by only getting say 50 done. It would work out around £4.50 each where as 400 would be lass than a £1 each. It was there voted on weather we should ave two badge. This was put to the floor by the Chairman. That this depot have two badges made of only 50 in number made the other of 400 in number. For 7, against 0 and abstention 1 = 8 members all voted.
The first badge of 50 in number will be of shield type as submitted by Bro. I. Bond with the colours yellow, blue and red.
The second badge of 400 in number will be of the shield type as submitted by Bro. I. Bond with the colour yellow, blue and red but the red and blue will be reversed in the second badge. The amount will be worked out and the charge to other than Tunbridge Wells drivers will be higher, the profits going to branch funds.
A vote of thanks was given to Bro. I. Bond and the Secretary instructed to write to Bro. I. Bond with a letter of thanks. All in favour.
On the question of how we are going to pay for them it was suggested that we as for the money first and they order the badges from say from each member then they will be reimburst when the final figure has been sorted our.
The Chairman then brought the meeting to a close at 12.40

Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th June 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. R. Collins, R. Simpson, L. Stephenson, I. Bond, A Herriett, K. Knowles & J. Carney.
The Chairman for the meeting was Bro. K. Knowles
The Chairman welcomed all and opened the meeting at 10.15
The minutes were then read by the Secretary and it was proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. I. Bond. That the minutes of the May meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Secretary then moved on to circulars and correspondence since last meeting.
The Secretary did have two voting papers before the members. The first was on Sectional Council and it was proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That this Branch does vote in favour of Bro. B. Noakes in the forthcoming election for Sectional Council. All in favour.
The seconded was for Appeals Committee, it was proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. Collins. That this branch does place its vote in favour of Bro. D. Bush for the Appeals Committee. All in favour.
The chairman then moved on to the badges being made by this Branch. The Secretary had received from Marks of Distinction a quote which inform us that each badge would cost £1.10 and the Secretary informed the members present that he had sent to Marks of Distinction a cheque £80.50 as a deposit for work to be done. Money coming into the Branch was over £20.00 to date and the Chairman asked that if members wishing to order would they pay in advance so we the Branch would have the other £313.00 when the badges were done (not including P/P).
As time was getting on the Chairman moved on to Health & Safety report from Bro. L. Stephenson. They were Tunbridge Wells West Yard, road to sidings proposed 10 m.p.h. speed limit, toilets in fitters area, lighting in yard, asbestos in depot & ceiling in mess room flaking.
On the question of the Health & Safety walk about he did ask for anything to be put as his walkabout was the following week to this Branch meeting. The Secretary said white lines Hurst Green to 12 car mark, lack of paper towels East Grinstead..
The Chairman moved to L.D.C. report and they were
Meeting for P.A.’s, letters to management over 304 duty, Birchden Junction signal, lack of light, mess room and availability of men to work Sundays
This the members asked the L.D.C. to report back to the branch when any more info available on any other business on L.D.C.
It was mentioned that it was seen that certain members of the depot were being favoured to work Victoria duties. After a short debate it was proposed by Bro. R. Collins and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That the Secretary instructed to write ti the L.D.C. Secretary over men being favoured to work Victoria turns. We as this branch wish to have it opened to everyone with the option of saying yes or no. all in favour.
It was then also mentioned that L.D.C. men where being covered to work a turn of duty after being released from duty to carry out L574 on Thursdays. It was felt that day not to except additional work. It was then proposed by Bro. R. Collins and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That this branch instructs it’s L.D.C. members to decline track work on Thursdays when released to do L574. Voting was as follows. For 4, against 0 & abstention 2. Motion carried.
On District Council, the Secretary informed members that the next meeting of the District Council was Monday 25thJune 1984, and did anyone wish anything to brought be brought up. One item did come, that was, why has one of the three vacancies been withdrawn without the consent of the L.D.C. in the way of consultation under the machinery and what do Sectional Council know of this.
After which no other business came forward and the meeting was closed at 12.10.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 15th July 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were Bros. R. Simpson, I. Bond, R. Harris, H. Marchant, K. Knowles
& J. Carney
Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman for that meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and opened the meeting at 10.07 a.m.
The minutes of the June meeting was then reads and one question on the minutes. Bro. R. Harris mentioned that with reference to Sunday work at Tunbridge Wells West and men working away from depot, he had heard the T.C.S. turn work away from the depot because he did not have a list of who of the membership should have the work. It was asked that when the L.D.C. member gave his report that this be brought up. After which it was proposed by Bro. R. Harris and seconded by Bro. I. Bond. That the minutes of the June meeting be taken as a true record. Unam.
Circulars and correspondence were then read.
The Chairman wish to bring several items to the members attention and they wee.
Firstly the last two for nomination for District Secretary. The Secretary informed he members present that Bro. D. Fullick had been in contact with him over this position and reminded members that he had in the past come to this Branch on several occasions to give up to the minutes info on Head Office action. The Chairman made it known that he would like to see this Branch uses its vote on the nomination form if front of this branch. It was then proposed by Bro. H. Marchant and seconded by Bro. by Bro. J. Carney. That this branch nominates Bro. D. Fullick for District Secretary for District No.1 in the forthcoming election. Unam.
The chairman then asked the Secretary to write to the L.D.C. Secretary in his absence from the meeting over Bro. S. Dunnings letter as this is an L.D.C. item and not a Branch’s.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the voting paper for the Parliamentary Panel, after which no member present put a proposal forward it was put on file.
On Bro. H. love closing to be Branch collection at the depot, it was indeed the action of the Secretary in the letter that was sent to Bro. H. Love
On Orpington branch asking for any member wishing to help the miners to purchase a special badge. Bro. Harris asked for the Secretary to er him 5 and he would pay shortly £10.00.
The Branch statements had again been returned this time to head Office. Secretary explain was now that the accounts were correct, they wish a new form completed, this again the Secretary was again chasing, the members present for their signatures.
Long Service Awards badges the two members concerned did not wish to have their badge given to them by the Branch, but the Branch wished them congratulations for the 10 years loyalties to the union.
The Chairman then called on the Secretary to give a report on the District Council meeting he attended.
The Secretary mentioned that District Council is set up so that a delegate from each Branch can get together to keep in contact with matters arising from Branches also to hear from Sectional Council, District Secretary and the Executive Committee Delegate, to what is affecting our District, which is No.1 and was No.4 until the re-organision in 1983. The meeting starts with a roll call and the circulars received from the Labour Party, T.U.C. etc. Then the minutes of the last meeting and matters arising very similar to how we run our Branch, except that there iis three main speakers, each time and we atre open to question their decision or guide them.
The E.C. President spoke first, who informed us that he would be seeking election for District Secretary, but went on to say that all branches should have the circular on bifocal glasses, these now can be obtained free when going to your next medical, inform the Medical Officer and they will now provide.
Bro. Fullick went on to circulars,
new contribution rate = 1% = £1.20,
visits to Germany, Scotland only must be under 30, all expenses paid.
Appeals tribunal - this is being dealt with under the Machinery of Negotiation
Days’ leave to get married can be backdated.
Affiliation to C.N.D. – this was adopted at 1984 A.A.D.
Stress and strain – political study was in favour of the drivers
Easement of one man trains – aprox savings on men, it is estimated that 1,930 footplate men would go, 390 P.N. Breaks of those left would be done away with.
B.R. management wanted an aggrated driving time of 8 hours actual driving, management want roster with this.
Trainmen Concept – still outstanding
Remote controls of loco traction unit – driver works engine to site, P.W. plug in a remote control unit and controls train by walking beside it, thus no driver required
On Train Crew rostering, management would have to do away with the power of the L.D.C. allagation computers to do work and knowledge of who is sitting spare and where if a job come up.
On Tolpuddle march, the Head Office asked every member to support this, but the local police have said only 6 members to each banner, all others cannot join the march, so we call for all banners, whose members are not using them to let Head Office know.
Miners Strike, 50p levy, 50% in already, just briefly asked on what will happen to those members who have not paid and those who are volunteering to pay, say a £1.00 a week to the soup kitchen but not to the Head Office. Bro. Fullick asked for these names to be put forward to the E.C. The 50p a week was a good house keeping exercise because of the demands made on the Society in the past few months, N.G.A., C.G.H.Q. and the miners.
On miners most effected it is not the miners down this way who are feeling the pinch so much but the Midlands Area another thing the Head Office is doing that any driver sent home because of refusing to cross a picket line, his days wages is being paid by the inion. District Secretaries in these areas are being authorised to make payment to cut down time and red tape. Depot who are affected are these depots who work is mainly to with the coal as management cannot give them another job.
A.A.D. excepted the above, once explained to them.
On Charing Cross men withdrawing their labour in support was because of police tactics in chasing miners over main lines to catch them turning buses around because miners travelling on them. The miners crime trying to attend a rally.
On soup kitchens these are being operated by the miner’s wives themselves and every penny sent is going to the soup kitchens. Typical meal for women and children is spuds, peas and gravy Monday to Saturday. Spuds, peas and half a meat pie Sundays.
D.H.S.S. holding back payment, some miner’s wives yet received any money. It was this that prompted members attending District Council for each member to donate £5.00 each, totalled £155.00 was collected, which all helps.
It was mentioned that if money were to be sent and it was for the Soup Kitchen, the Branch Secretaries should write to either
Notts. N.U.M. Area, Miners Offices, Berry’s Hill Lane, Notts
Yorkshire N.U.M. Yorkshire Area, Miners Offices, Barnsley
If you wish the money to go to the men on picket duty or to help with travelling fund. Then write to Sheffield Area N.U.M.
If you wish to send money to Bettshanger who will then send it on to the pits who need it the most. Bettshanger while on strike are not so bad off as those up north.
That concluded the E.C. report, the Sectional Council Secretary then gave a report on
Two tier management, working party groups, refreshing stock,
Effingham Junction closure 1985,
St. Leonards & Ore two points, 1, keep Ore open, 2, put all to Hastings as one staffing point.
Reaction of Redhill having some of the Gatwicks – management still looking.
The Organising Secretary, Bro. N. Milligan mentioned official that he had got the Assistant General Secretary’s job and asked to support Bro. D. Fullick to get his job as he believed their were only two horses in the race, Bro. D. Fullick and a London Transport chappie, as time was short Bro. Milligan thanked all for supporting him.
Next meeting is to be October 28th, 1984. That concluded the District Council Delegates report.
On L.D.C. report in absent of the Secretary, the Chairman asked Bro. H. Marchant for a report, they were
Sundays when require, lights in car park (pending closure of depot), men to carry out work on car park down to lobby, lobby to be painted by men being booked spare.
Bro. Marchant brought up under any other L.D.C. business which say. That this Branch instructs it L.D.C. members to decline track work on Thursdays when released to do L574.
It was mentioned that it was on only a very few occasions that this was done and then because of no other men being available either on overtime or as a rest day, and not to see the work go to another depot, it was proposed by Bro. Marchant that an amendment. That the word “except in an emergencies be put after L574.” This was seconded by Bro. J. Carney and all in favour. All agreed.
On Sundays the Branch said it would hope that a fair system could be adopted so as no favouritism would be success. After a short debate it was suggested that the L.D.C. furnish the Branch Secretary for his file the names of members who wish to work these go and when required Sundays and further the Secretary be instructed to write to each L.D.C. member with suggestions for this Branch. That is members wishing to be available to work Sundays other than those who have already put their name on the L.D.C. list. They shuld put a letter into the L.D.C. by 9 a.m. on a Thursday for the L574 man to compile a list for him to give to the T.C.S.
Any member on their list and find they do not wish to a particular Sunday, these must also put a letter into the L.D.C. by 9 a.m. on the Thursday before the Sunday.
The Branch did not want to minute this but hope the L.D.C. would take the suggestion when deciding which path they were going to take.
On any other business, the Secretary, Bro. J. Carney, asked if he could list the minutes the 39 members who are entitled to the special badge being made as some confusion was around to who may or may not be entitled to them
Proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. I. Bond. That the following 39 drivers second by Bro. I. Bond. That the following 39 drivers who may or may not at Tunbridge Wells West are entitled to the Tunbridge Wells West special badge because they were at the depot on July 12, 1982 and where on the Branch’s books up to or in between the May Branch meeting 20th, 1984.
It was then put forward by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. I. Bond. That all surplus of the above special badges be held in the Branch’s hands until all have claimed. All in favour.
The secretary did have a proof badge printed into lead. It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the proof badge goes into Branch files as part of the Branch’s property. All in favour.
It was suggested that Head Office gets one of our badges for Head Office Collection. This was proposed by Bro. I Bond and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That a badge from Tunbridge Wells West go to Head Office of A.S.L.E.F. for their badge collection. All in favour.
The Chairman then closed the meeting at 12.05 thanking all for coming.
For the minutes Bro. Marchant had to leave at 12.45 and Bro. Harris did leave at 11.30.
2, Ashdown
3, Baldwin
4, Bodium
5, Breeds
6, Brown J.J.
7, Brown R.
8, Carney
9, Cocks, J.
10, Coomber
11, Cox
12, Crampton
13, Diplock
14, Dodwell
15, Dougherty,
16, Ellard
17, Elston
18, Exley
19, Gent
20, Harper
22, Herriett
23, Knowles
24, Love
25, Luckhurst
26, McDonald
27, Neal
28, Nye
29, Ovenden
30, Pepper
31, Rigby
32, Stephenson
33, Sullivan
34, Taylor
35, Dore
36, Simpson
37, Marchant
38, Staggs
39, Bond
39 drivers in total. All if favour
It was suggested that Head Office gets one of our badges for Head Office Collection. This was proposed by Bro. I Bond and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That a badge from Tunbridge Wells West go to Head Office of A.S.L.E.F. for their badge collection. All in favour.
The Chairman then closed the meeting at 12.05 thanking all for coming.
For the minutes Bro. Marchant had to leave at 12.45 and Bro. Harris did leave at 11.30.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 19th August 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. A. Herriett, P. Elston, G. MacDonald, R. Simpson, R. Harris, I. bond, H. Marchant,
W. Baldwin, E. Exley, S. Neal, L. Stephenson, K. Knowles & J. Carney
Bro. Bill Ford of Tonbridge was a guest.
Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman for that meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and opened the meeting at 10.15 a.m. by asking the Secretary for the minutes of the July meeting. After which matters arising from the minutes were the L.D.C. Secretary did say he had not received a copy of the letter from Bro. S . Dunning N.U.R. Chargeman, Tunbridge Wells West. After which the minutes was then oared to the members as a true record. It was proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. H. Marchant. That the minutes of the July be taken as a true record. All in favour.
On to circulars and correspondence was read and there was one voting paper that was for election of District Secretary No.1 & 8. As the Branch had nominated Bro. Fullick in the July meeting it was the desire of the members present that we should vote for him even though the Secretary did mention he had received letters from the West London Electric branch for Baraclough and letters from Waterloo for support of Bro. Fullick. It was proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. H. Marchant. That Bro. D. Fullick does get Tunbridge Wells West vote for the forthcoming election for District Secretary. All in favour.
It was then asked that the Secretary write to Victoria drivers with the recent collection to Mrs. Ward.
The L.D.C. secretary did mention that item outstanding since the last meeting. Nothing had been done by management over those items, at the last meeting informed the Branch meeting the items discussed were. Asbestos at the depot, payslips late arrival at Tunbridge Wells West, electrification of the Hastings - Sectional Council had said that probably 10 cars to Tunbridge Wells Central and 8 cars to Hastings, the remaining either to Eridge or back to Tonbridge.
On any other L.D.C. nosiness, it was mentioned the trouble the Train Crew Supervisor was having when certain duties where rest day Saturday i.e. 04.00 319 R.D. Fri & Sat and R.D.R. 04.00 319 Fri at., who gets the earlist turn Sat. R.D. and it was asked if the L.D.C. could change over 310 & 338 on the roster and the Branch asked if the L.D.C. could report back at the next Branch meeting on any dealing with this problem. Bro. E. MacDonald did then asked if could propose a motion on men working rest days. This was seconded by Bro. Elston. That when a duty is a double rest day, he is to be booked the nearest time to his booked weekly work. There was a good debate after which the chairman put the motion to the vote and it was recovered as For 3, absent 8 & abstention 0 = 11 members voted. It was then declined the motion lost. Bro. C. Exley then asked the L.D.C. to changes to the roster as suggested be taken on board by them for future reference.
On Health & Safety Bro. L. Stephenson mentioned the asbestos in the mess room was to be renewed, Bro. R. Harris did inform the Branch that he had knowledge of asbestos in Unit 1123 and would the Health & Safety officer look into other units possibility of asbestos.
The Chairman then moved on to the next item on the agenda, which was badges. The Secretary read out the list to make sure members were aware of who was entitled to them. It was then brought about Bro. R. Bridger who did in fact came into work during the 1982 strike because of fears about his pension. The Secretary was asked what he had said to Bro. Bridger. The Secretary that made him join the strike. The Secretary said he had found that weather we all got sacked or not because Bro. Bridger was over 62 his pension right was safe, but also B.R. could not touch his pension as it had no control over it. It was then the Secretary gave his assurance to him that if he joined us on strike no members knowing the reasons for his return to work would not take any action against him. It was then proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That Bro. R. Bridger be entitled to a special Tunbridge Wells West badges. The vote was recorded as For the motion 11, against 1 & abstention 0 = 12 members voted. It was then asked by the member to record in the minutes the reasons why he was allowed the badge and why he worked which has been done.
The meeting welcomed Bro. Bill Ford from Tonbridge branch and invited him to do the draw for the badges as it was discussed and adopted that a raffle tickets be put in the box and the 38 men who were entitled to as mentioned at the July meeting. The first number from the list got No.1 badge and so on the names and numbers did come out as
02, I. Bond
03, D. Nye
04, R. Simpson
05, J. Staggs
06, F. Crampton
07, P. Bodiam
08, . Dore
09, A. Rigby
10, R. MacDonald
11, I. Breeds
12, R. Brown
13, P. Elston
14, S. Neal
15, A. Ashdown
16, R. Harper
17, R. Luckhurst
18, F. Diplock
19, W. Overden
20, C. Exley
22, R. Coomber
23, A. Herriett
24, M. Allen
25, R. Bridger
26, L. Stephenson
27, C. Taylor
28, H. Marchant
29, A. Dodwell
30, G. Ellard
31, R. Harris
32, H. Love
33, A. Cox
34, P. Pepper
35, J. Carney
36, K. Knowles
38, B. Gent
39 W. Baldwin
It was suggested and again excepted by all that Head Office be given No.50 and one of the ordinary type for their collection.
That left eight badges Not. 41 to 49 inclusive, it was decided by the members present to allow those member who have been listed up at the depot a chance of having a second badge, it was made known by members that ten where interested and there were only eight. Bro. D. Ford did draw out eight tickets and the successful members were 41, Bro. W. Baldwin, 42, Bro. R. MacDonald, 43, Bro. I. Bond, 44, Bro. S. Neal, 45, Bro. R. Harris, 46, Bro. J. Carney, 47, Bro. K. Knowles, 48, Bro. L. Stephenson & 49, Bro. P. Elston.
The list of names may change as men change badges but it was the wish of the members that members should make it know who has these badges with a view of making sure only members who should have them have got them.
It was then proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. P. Elston. That the above list of names be executable to this Branch. All in favour.
As any other business, it was suggested that a presentation to Bro. F. Diplcok. This was debated and Bros. Ashdown and Asprey names was mentioned as they are retiring this year. It was then put forward a retirement party be held and the date suggested was Sunday 25th November 1984. to pay for this, some of the badge money and a raffles. It was then left the Secretary to organise these raffles on a fortnightly draw with the profit going towards the retirement night. The Secretary to inform the branch next meeting of progress.
Bro. I. Bond ask if the Branch would sent a letter to his friend who did design the badge on our behalf from a photo, his name is Andy Gregory. The Secretary said he would do so.
As no other business came forward, the Chairman closed the meeting by thanking all and mentioning that the Secretary will be disposing of Bro. F. Diplock M.I.C. box after this meeting.
The meeting ended at 12.30

Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th September 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. I. Bond, J. Carney, K. Knowles, R. Harris, A. Herriett, L. Stephenson & R. Simpson
Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman for that meeting
The Chairman welcomed all and thanked all for attending and the meeting was opened at 10.18
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the August meeting aftwer which the Secretary reported an error in the minutes of the July minutes on badges it had seemed that Bro. Collins had been left of the list and the Secretary suggested that as it was unlikely that Bro. Dore who was only at this depot for a short while that this badge be given to Bro. Collins also in the August minutes it was quotes as 38 badges on page 17 and it should have read 39. The members excepted the Secretary’s error but on the badge for Bro. Collins it was minuted as being changed over. Proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. I. Bond. That Bro. Collins name be put in place of Bro. Dore’s name on the list of names for Special badges at No. 8. All in favour.
After which the Chairman asked if the minutes could be taken as a true record. Bro. A. Heriett proposed and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the minutes for the August meeting with a amendment be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved on to circulars & correspondence since last meeting.
On 185/1984 October W.T.T. 1984.
The L.D.C. Secretary informed the meeting that this circular arrived too late as this L.D.C. had already completed the October W.T.T. 1984 and such now leaves a problem. The Secretary said he would write to Head Office and informed them that this branch had completed its altered working with management prior to received circular 185.
With reference to the Political Fund repayment, the Secretary mentioned he had no knowledge and he would write to enquire the exact nature of the letter.
The Chairman then asked if he could have a copy of the names and addresses of the Trades Council delegates, the Secretary said to would get him a copy.
The Chairman moved on to L.D.C. report
The L.D.C. Secretary, Bro. A. Herriett then mentioned that the new workings for the October workings have been accepted and it was mentioned that we have got a total increase in mileage but over a shorter amount of work. The spare have had to be lengthen, plus we have now lost the Selhurst work but gained a trip to Redhill home pass Mon – Fri only. We have lost one running turn to Oakfield but gained a trip to East Grinstead. R.D.R. on the roster has been changed in line with the comments made at August Branch meeting.
On Sunday’s work, the members asked the L.D.C. if they could ask Redhill if any extra work Tunbridge Wells be informed there is Sunday work as after none coming though to the men at the depot
The L.D.C. Secretary did also mentioned that a meeting was arranged Tuesday 18th September 1984, on pre heating at Tunbridge Wells West in the morning.
Under any other L.D.C. business, Bro. J. Carney mentioned he was having difficulties with getting acknowledgements from management, it would seem that they have got internal problems, but Bro. J. Carney explained that should not affect the correspondence to and from T.C.M. Bro. J. Carney askd if the L.D.C. would take up his case when all the papers ones given to them. L.D.C. Secretary this they said they would.
Health & Safety Report was next and Bro. L. Stephenson listed what was on.
Mess Room – now been decorated but the floor has not been done, unsatisfactory.
Payslip problem, Brighton refuse the suggestion agreed between management and L.D.C. and seems all Brighton work will be down at Southampton.
Vacancy sheet shows 3 vacancies, one had ben cancelled, no reasons given.
Birchden Junction has now been started
On any other Health & Safety business. Signal T92 fast reversible has been reported.
Bro. J. Carney mentioned up Hastings branch E35 & 36, Perodical Notice informs drivers that Guard or shunter must inform signalmen when ready. E. stands for Eastern, we get C 35 & 36 for Central but it is not in their Health & Safety to take this one up as an L.D.C. item.
This item the Health & Safety officer has been seeing into fitters ------- now done
--------------- at East Grinstead, Ashurst station fences done.
------------------------- NEEDS TO BE ADDED
The next Health & Safety inspection is Tuesday 25th September
The Chairman thanked the K.D.C. and Health & Safety officers for their reports and moved on to any other business.
The Secretary that the retirement raffles were being well supported and that if had come to his notice that 2 N.U.R members are retiring around the same time as our 3 members and suggested to the members present that Bro. A. Moorse and Bro. F. Wickens as they are retiring and their members are supporting the retirement raffles, it would be a nice jesture. After a short debate it was proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That Bros A. Moorse and F. Wickens be invited to the retirement party with our 3 members. All in favour.
The Chairman notices as then brought to the attention that Bro. V. Hodges N.U.R. member had purchased one of our strike badges and then sold it to another N.U.R. member for £5. When the secretary had still got some of the badges at £1.50. it was then suggested by Bro. R. Harris that the Secretary write to Bro. V. Hodges and inform him that the Branch is upset to hear that he sold the badge so shortly after paying for it and then obtaining another from the Secretary.
On the miners badge, the Branch Secretary mentioned he had on order 7, yet to be received.
On the retirement party, the Secretary mentioned that he had been having difficulties in obtaining the hall outside the depot at Sharfields and after a debate on different venues and it was proposed by Bro. R. Harris and seconded by Bro. I. Bond. That the hll be Teen & Twenty Ten, the food be allowance of £130.00 The group be an organist and a drummer or Something Sumber. The time of party to run from 7p.m. to 11p.m. on Sunday 25th November. All in favour.
The Chairman then again mentioned that a vacancy outstands on the Branch Committee and Branch Secretary Assistant. It was then that Bro. Robert Harris was willing to take up the position. It was then proposed by Bro. A. Herriet and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That this Branch accepts Bro. R. Harris as Assistant Branch Secretary for 1984. 1984. All in favour.
Bro. I. Bond then asked if the Secretary could find out about his 8b to Waterloo, he is January 1979 and the sheet shows July 1979. The Secretary said he would ring up Sectional Council.
Some members then asked for the new ASLEF Badge Centenary, it would seem they have lost theirs or have received them. The Secretary said he would write off.
The Chairman then brought the meeting to close at 12.28, thanking all again for turning out to the meeting.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 21st October 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were Bros. A. Herriett, J. Carney, R. Harris, , L. Stephenson, I. Bond
& R. Simpson.
Special Guest Bro. John Davis Sectional Council member
The Secretary had received one apology that was from Bro. K. Knowles it was then Bro. A. Herriett Vice Chairman of the Branch did take the Chair.
Bro. A. Herriott asked if there was any objection to him taking the chair as there were none, the meeting was then opened at 10.24 by the Chairman thanking all for attending plus welcoming Bro. J. Davis for his attendance.
The minutes were then reading, on matter arising, the Secretary did reword as he had written satisfactory when it should have read unsatisfactory, this was amended after being read. On the letter to Bro. V. Hodges, the Secretary mentioned that it had been mention to Bro. Hodges before the Secretary had put pen to paper and that Bro. Hodges was looking forward to seeing this letter which to date had not been written, but would be done so within the next few days. On train heating, this was held over to L.D.C. reports.
It was then the Chairman asked for the minutes to be taken as a true record. Proposed by Brp. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the minutes of the September branch meeting be taken as a true record with the amendment. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved on to circulars and correspondence since last meeting.
The Chairman then moved on to voting papers, this was for 2nd ballot on Parliamentary Panel, after a short debate it was decided that Tunbridge Wells Branh did not want to use its vote on this subject, so was put aside.
The other paper before the brancg was nomination for Executive Committee Representative District No.1.
The Secretary then read out the letters received to date on those members wish to stand, they were
Bro. Len Worboys Portsmouth Branch
Bro. Ray Browning Battersea Branch
Bro. Jim Rowe Basingstoke Branch
Bro. Dave Bush Slades Green Branch
Bro. John Davies Hither Green Branch
The Branch welcomed Bro. John Davies to their meeting who did then give a talk on the reasons why he feels that he would like to represent us on the E.C. Bro. Davies did mention that there was one other member going for the E.C. position Bro. Bob Black of Selhurst Branch, but to date the Secretary had not received anything from him.
Members were invited to ask questions to Bro. Davies of which some were very local points. Bro. Davies did mention that his pet subject was pensions and welfare of the members and thought that he was very qualified in this field, and he had rang the Branch’s Secretary a week before this Branch meeting to ask if the Branch would nominate him for the forthcoming election, the Secretary on behalf of the members invited Bro. Davies to this meeting for that purpose, and becaue Bro. Davies ia Sectional Council member. Lots of question was asked on the local level.
It was then the Chairman asked the members to decide on which member they would like to nominate. Bro. R. Harris proposed and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That this branch nominates Bro. John Davies of Hither Green Branch for the forthcoming election for E.C. Member District No.1. all in favour.
The Chairman then mentioned that he had a 10 year long service badge and this was for the Secretary, Bro. J. Carney, this was then presented to Bro. J. Carney
After which the Secretary mentioned that the retirement party to date four members have replied, 3 have excepted one has said they could not attend. The hall has been booked, the Teen and Twenty of River Walk, Tonbridge. The food has been arranged, the music has yet to be finalised. On the sale of raffle tickets, it was mentioned that members are refusing tickets because they believe they have got tickers that have been drawn, so would members please check to see if they got the right tickets to date. We have just got over £100.00, it is expected that the total for the Retirement Party is £260 aprox.
The L.D.C. Report
Bro. A. Herriott mentioned that up Hastings Branch was still being looked into
Pre Heat man at Tunbridge Wells had been agreed to and as from the 1st Monday of November to the first Monday of March. A man will booked up and not to be used for any other purpose.
The Chairman then mentioned that it was close to 12.30 and unless standing orders are withdrawn the meeting would close. Bro. J. Carney proposed and by Bro. R. Simpson. That Standing Orders be withdrawn to enable the meeting to continue. All in favour.
On any other L.D.C. business Bro. J. Carney brought to the members attention that Signal T136 repeater was out of action and has been for the last two months. Could the L.D.C. take this up? The L.D.C. suggested that members write to management with a view of getting the signal re-sighted, taken out of service, await their reply and then progress through the L.D.C.
On Sunday work for Tunbridge Wells members, it has been heard that Sunday work is being turned away by the Foreman. The Secretary mentioned that Norwood are short of around 10 drivers this Sunday (21st October). Bro. R. Harris had been in contact with the T.C.S. Norwood before the meeting and found that 10 turns were uncovered. Bro. John Davies mentioned that Redhill had been offering Norwood work as were Victoria and could see no reason why Tunbridge Wells men should not be working. The L.D.C mentioned that they have had a meeting with management and formulated an agreement were Tunbridge Wells men would be uterlised after all other men at depots had been had been used. This did happen for two weeks only. Bro. J. Davies mentioned that he is attending a full Council meeting on Moday 22nd October and would ring the Secretary on Monday or Tuesday evening.
On Health & Safety
Bro. L. Stephenson mentioned that he had completed his quarterly inspection on September 25th. In his report were.
Mess room – finished decorated, 5 m.p.h. speed around yard, Birchden Junction, Ashurst River Bridge, East Grinstead Yard, Oxted – Brambles, water heater and lino in room at Tunbridge Wells.
Signal T92 fast reversible signal that was reported by bro. K. Knowles has been dealt with.
Any other business
The Secretary mentioned that the next District Council meeting was 29th October 1984 and other was the one vacancy missing, if anyone had anything they wish to bring up would they get in touch with the Secretary.
It was then moved by the Chairman that a vote of thanks to Bro. John Davies. All in favour
The Chairman then brought the meeting to a close by thanking all for attending.
Meeting closed 1.05
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18tht November 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. A. Herriett, J. Carney, R. Collins, K. Knowles, L. Stephenson, R. MacDonald
& R. Simpson.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.25 with the Secretary reading the minutes of the October branch meeting. The minutes where proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes be taken as a true record. All in favour.
It was then the circulars and correspondence since last meeting were read.
Circular No.203/1984 on the new colour anoraks. It was the feeling of the members that the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office. It was proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. Macdonald. That it is the feelings of this branch that the anorak issue should remain blue and strongly object to the colour suggested, bright orange, as we feel we are in frequently in contact with the public. All in favour.
The Secretary was also able to write to Head office for 10 year badge for Bros. R. MacDonald and R. Luckhurst, this the Secretary said he would do.
The L.D.C. Secretary then gave his report.
The recent meeting they had been to was the 6th October on the driver’s mess room lino. It was suggested that we did the alteration ourselves – this management were looking into.
Birchden Junction – still being dealt with, mess room Oxted – still being dealt with
Missing plank Ashurst station, Oxted to Uckfield passenger couch
Sunday payment – claim in progress
The L.D.C. Secretary finished his report by notifying the members present that L.D.C. members were up for re-election, they were Bros. R. Luckhurst & H. Marchant.
Bro. L. Stephenson then gave his Health & Safety report.
Ashurst station to be dealt with, first aid box at Eridge.
Items on the last Health & Safety walk about being dealt with. That concluded Health & Safety report.
The Chairman then moved to the nominations of Branch Officers at this meeting. It isi made known who is standing down and who would like to be nominated at the A.G.M. in December. Voting will take place on these position. The Chairman then mentioned all the officers holding position and if anyone else would like to hold that position to make it known at this meeting.
Chairman Bro. K. Knowles, Secretary, Bro. J. Carney, Vice Chairman Bro. A. Herriett, assistant Secretary Bro. R. Harris
Trustess Bros W. Baldwin & G. Ellard
Auditors Bros. R. Simpson & R. Collins
Committee members Bros R. Simpson, G. Ellard, I. Bond, R. Collins & R. MacDonald
Trades Council delegate Bro. K. Knowles & Assistant delegate no nomination
Scrutineer Bro. J. Carney.
L.D.C. Members
Two member up for re-election
Two standing members are L.D.C. members Bros. L. Stephenson & A. Herriett
Two members for re-election are Bros. R. Luckhurst & H. Marchant.
It was then that two other members asked to be nominated, they were Bros. R. Collins & R. MacDonald
The Chairman then mentioned that as there was more than two members applying for the L.D.C. positions it would have to go to a vote.
L.D.C.Co-opted member Bro. W. Baldwin.
Life members of this Branch Bros M. Allen & F. Diplock
That concluded the 1985 list of nominations for Branch Officers.
The Secretary then asked for some ruling on badges. Bro. J. Carney mentioned that had problems with one member who says he would like the badge (£1.50) but could not pay the amount as he does not carry that large amount around with him. After a debate. That Bro. L. Stephenson does purchase the badge on the Bro. C. Taylor’s behalf and for him to reclaim the £1.50 from him. Casting vote in favour.
The Chairman then mentioned that the L.D.C. Secretary had asked him to ger some photo coping done on their behalf and would now ask for the Branch to re-inburst him for cost of them. It was then proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That £2.30 be re-inbursed to Bro. K. Knowles for photo coping done on behalf of the Branch and L.D.C. All in favour.
Under any other business the members brought to the attention of the L.D.C. that he pre-heat portion was being abused by the T.C.S. The L.D.C. said they would look into this.
Bro. L.Stephenson did then start or try to mention something, but due to time and standing orders not being removed.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30 and thanked all for attending.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th December 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Agenda mentioned that the meeting was the A.G.M.
Members in attendance were
Bros. Harris, MacDonald, Herriett, Carney & Knowles
Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman and welcomed all for attending and opened the meeting at 10.23
The Secretary Bro. J. Carney then read minutes and proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That minutes of the November meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Chairman then asked for the circulars and correspondence since last meeting
After which the Chairman brought to the members attention that that this meeting was to decide who carries the officers of the Branch. The Chairman mentioned that in November nominations were taken and then asked if there were any alterations or other nominees.
The Secretary then mentioned that he had read the small print and found that the to auditors must not hold any other officers positions on the Branch. It was then decded that Bros. R. Simpson & R. Collins would be dropped from the committee members. It was then proposed by Bro. A Herriett and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the list of Branch officers for 1984/85.
The Chairman asked the L.D.C. Secretary if two new members had been found and the L.D.C. replied that nominations for L.D.C. members had been held over due to management interviewing future Panel Men.
L.D.C. Report was next.
The L.D.C. Secretary, Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that a meeting had been held over Sundays workings and to see what work we can do. It was asked by the membership that have already worked will be given a credit? The Secretary asked that this be an instruction to the L.D.C. as this will be done. It was then proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the L.D.C. do credit those who have been fortunate to have workd Sindays January 1984 when the L.D.C. had got a list of members wishing to and that when the new list is adopted these men will wait until all men on their shift has worked equal to them. All in favour.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to send a copy of this to the L.D.C..
L.D.C. had met management and they had asked if the late paying out of wages at Tunbridge Wells Booking Office on Thursdays be stopped and payment should be during normal booking office hours. The L.D.C Secretary mentioned that he was the only one against management doing away with the late payout. It was mentioned by Bro. J. Carney that the previous L.D.C had got that minute because of men booking on at 18.00. if the the Booking Office shut prior to this how was this man to be paid, this applies to other grades. This was felt that some of the L.D.C. members were letting down the members they represent.
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that he nominations for the two L.D.C. members had been extended to 20th December to allow for the Panel position to be filled. It was expected to Bro. H. Marchant to get the job, who is one of the L.D.C. up for re-election. The Branch did mention to Bro. Herriett that if Bro. H. Marchant did get the Panel job, he should not stand for L.D.C. for obvious reasons. It was then proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That when any member who is a Panel or represention management, that member could not carry out the object of an L.D.C. member as laid down on page 63 paragraph set out in the 1982 Condition of Service Book. All in favour.
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that on depot closure, waiting Mr. Ridley decision, The rumour going around is wrong as it is management’s view to close the depot and line.
Duties on December 24th/27th/28th and 31st are cancelled and special duties.
Pre-heat men, the shunt men will be used only as a last thing after everyone is booked on.
Bro. V. Hodges had give Bro. A. Herriett a letter over being sold, but Bro. A. Herriett had not got it on him. To be held until next meeting.
Healthy & Safety mentioned walkabout this coming week.
District Council report held over.
Under any other business the Chairman mentioned that he would like to some of the Standing Orders changed and on three he proposed only one was passed and that was a new standing order to be added. Proposed by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the right to oppose the Chairman ruling may be only made when 25% of members present support the motion and 75% or more members present who after a vote find in favour of the motion. All in favour.
After which no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.00