1956 - 1959

Chairman Bro. C. Cornford

Vice Chairman Bro A. Brooker
Secretary Bro. F. Robinson
Assistant Secretary R. Sullivan

 Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

Sunday January 26th 1956, at 7.15 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.

Bro C.R. Cornford presiding

It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger, second by Bro. R. Sulivan. “That Bro. A. Brooker be nominate taker. Carried

Minutes of 21.10.55 read all amended were moved as a true record by Bro. P. Usherwood and seconded Bro. R. Sullivan.


A letter from Head Office with an account for 12/- for metal badges which were ordered by C. Russell and should have been paid by him to Head Office.

New Members

It was moved by Bro. H. Blackmore seconded Bro. F. Page. “That J. Rae becomes member carried.

Moved by Bro. H. Blackmore seconded F. Page. “That H. Kemp become a member.” Carried

Members present

Bros P. Pepper, G. Piper, R. Sullivan, F. Page, P. Usherwood, R. Dunmall, A. Brooker, 

R. Cornford, F. Fellows, R. Bridger & E. Dunmall.

Nominations for Branch Offices 1956


Bro. C.R. Cornford moved E. Dunmall sec R. Sullivan

Bro A. Brooker W. Ovenden sec R. Cornford


F. Robinson R. Sullivan sec P. Underwood

Ass Secretary

No nominations 


Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

Sunday March 22nd  1956, at 6.40 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.

Bro R. Cornford presiding

Member present Bros. P. Usherwood, E. Dunmall, W. Ovenden, R. Pepper, D. Nye, R. Bridger, R. Sullivan, A. Simmonds, V. Rumley, J. Pring, F. Page, G. Howis, W. Baldwin, R. Dunmall 

& A. Brooker.

Chairman declared meeting for by asking minutes of 26.1.56., read as amemded was then moved that they be a true record. Prosposed P. Pepper and seconded W. Ovenden

New Member

A.Tapp was accepted at the meeting proposed H. Blackmore and seconded P. Pepper.

Social Committee

The Social Committee tender other resignation and all wish to stand for re election. 

The new committee is W. Stiff, J. Wareham, K. Savage, W. Baldwin, R. Bridger, R. Aspey, E. Dunmall, W. Gent, 

K. Cavie, P. Pepper, V. Rumley, R. Sulivan, D. Ward.

R. Bridger gave a report that the funds were better this year when at the same time last year, books where being audit and would be at the next meeting.


A verbal report was given by Bro. A. Brooker on the meeting hold 21.3.56. the main items being the disgraceful state of the shed and yard, the state of the sink on driver’s lobby, the first aid box, and No.1 to be kept clear of all material an agreement both sides, what this would be clean up at once.

A discussion took place on the men at this depot of working of where rest days, after being well discuss and by unanimous vote, Tunbridge Wells West men would not work their rest days. Proposed V. Rumley seconded W. Ovenden

Meeting closed at 9.45

Mike Bean Collection

Driver Alf Cox 

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

Sunday August 18th 1957,

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.

Bro R. Cornford presiding

Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed

Nominations for A.A.D. It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. F. Robinson, that this branch nominate Bro. C.R. Cornford the 1958 A.A.D. conference. Carried

The March quarter account was placed before the meeting, also the September contribution sheet.


Bro. V. Rumley gave a Social Committee report saying it was job to hold meetings and that some members were not their weight, and after a good discussion it was decided to try and improve the committee and two members present agreed to help these being Bros. B. Gowen & P. Usherwood, also in bank was the sum of £118.


Report was given by Bros C.R. Cornford & A. Brooker

Next business was the Tunbridge Wells sick club and after a good discussion it was moved for the Secretary to write Bro. Stiff to call a meeting of the meeting

Meeting closed at 1.0. p.m.

Member present Bros. V. Rumley A. Brooker, P. Usherood, C.R. Cornford, E. Dunmall,

F. Robinson, D. Ward & B. Gower.

BETWEEN 1957 - 1960

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