Brighton calling!
A Happy New Year, fellow-members, and the best of luck for 1932. We need it after 1931.
What a year! Plodding along; striving and hoping for success, but all in vain. But are we downhearted? Decidedly no. The past year has been very disappointing one. We been up against it, in more ways than one; but there is one consolation to know that even a sinking ship can boast some loyal support. May I through this journal, express my sincere thanks to all those who have supported and helped me in any way during the past year. Fellow members, may I appeal to you to give your officers for 1932 a good send off? Give them your support, encouragement, and gratitude for what they are doing for you. It entails much time, energy, and patience to cope with demands made upon them from time to time. Remember they are doing it because their interest is their; let their interest be your interest, don’t let Mrs. Bromley’s hard work be in vain; let our pioneer see how much we appreciate what she has done for us in previous years. Rally to the cause and carry on with the good work. This is an anxious time for us all, but grumbling and grousing will not improve matters. The men may need our help; let us be prepared to give of our best. Only by being united ourselves can we do this. Make 1932 a bumper year; come along to the branch-room and give our secretary and chairman the encouragement they deserve. Let us get back to the old standard and we shall find there are many happy times in store for us all. Let us prove we are clean fighters; take defeat with a smile and keep on fighting. It’s worth it, friends. Every cloud has a silver lining. In the end the reward is ours.
Your old Jack Bromley is the man,
He’ll fight your battles all he can,
He’s as firm as a rock, staunch and true,
So stick to him, men, whatever you do,
He doesn’t care whether it’s Lord or Peer,
He’ll sift to the bottom, never fear,
He’s out for justice, truth, and right,
So stick to him, men, and just hold tight,
And his wife, god bless her, we’ll stand by her, too,
For she’s just as straight and staunch and true,
If we stand by our men, as she’s stood by him,
We’re bound to come out on top and win,
So men and women, just listen;
Cling to all you hold most dear,
Put every effort in the fight,
And trust to Bromley to put you right,
(Mrs.) E.M. CARTER
MARCH 1932
We much regret the loss of yet another fine trade unionist, Bro. Tom Dugnall, who died so
suddenly on January 19th, we have been hit hard lately by losing four fine fellows during the last nine months. Bro. Dugnall was a man who would always support the organization. A letter of sympathy has been sent to Mrs. Dugnall, expressing the members’ sympathy in her bereavement. Bro. Dugnall was carried to his last resting place by six of his comrades – two or three were cleaning with him some thirty years ago. We wish to thank all members who subscribe – a fine response.
I expect soon we shall be hearing a little from the companies. They will want a little more, but we must put our backs up this time or we shall be soon back in the old times. There are
difficult times ahead; all must stand together and nothing less than complete co-ordination
will do. We must bring our branch up as strong as we were in 1926, and this can be done if
all members help us, we still have a few “nons,” and you can have their names from the
secretary, who will be pleased of your help to get them in. we read to-day of the Canadian
Railways agreeing to accept a 10 per cent. wage cut, and learned Judges in England, getting £5,000 a year, refusing a reduction of 20 per cent. as they have not enough to live on at 80 years of age. Railwaymen have to retire at 65, some few on a pension of from 1/- to 18/- a week or so, and pay for it all their lives, while thousands get nothing.
I appeal to all members to support the organization, attend your branch meetings and assist
us. Bring your grievances to the meetings, don’t air them in the lobby, that does not give you
satisfaction. Our L.D.C will do all that is asked of them. I trust by the time this Journal is in
circulation Bro. Galyer will be elected to Sectional Council No. 2 – he is the man for the job. It is most pleasing to us all at depot to have the chance to have a representative on Council at a most critical time for us at Brighton, and if elected, inroads of electricity and the consequent changes will be one of the problems he will have a hand in dealing with. All
locomen at this depot are wondering what is going to become of them next year. The general
public are told at all functions what is going to happen but the staff are told nothing. We have tried to get this information for our members but have been unsuccessful. We should like to know how we stand.
All locomen at this depot are wondering what is going to become of them next year. The
general public are told at all functions what is going to happen but the staff are told nothing.
We have tried to get this information for our members but have been unsuccessful. We should like to know how we stand.
Now, don’t forget the Annual Dinner this Good Friday, at the Aquarium. We may lose a lot of old faces next year. Mr. Bromley has promised to attend. Out stations please note. We shall be pleased to see any of you, and information can be had of Bro. A. Clack Social Secretary.
MARCH 1932
I can assure you all that we are very much alive and can claim to be nearly 100 per cent. in membership. The very few “nons” that we do possess will, I fill sure, soon make up their minds and join up at once. Surely they can see their folly by now. Why a man is not in the union fogs me completely. Is it due to apathy? If so, I ask them did apathy get you your conditions in 1919? Will apathy ever get you anything? The reply is in the negative. That sort of thing has got to be cut out if we are to maintain our present conditions. Every man has got to do his duty by joining up without delay; and also get into that very good habit of not getting into arrears. Give your secretary a chance.
I very much regret to have to report the death of our well worth member, Bro. H.A. Miller, on January 23. Driver Miller was one of the most staunch and true members that Associated could wish to have. His regularity at the branch-room was a credit to him. Cut off very sudden, at an early age of 37 years, he contracted an illness lasting only six days, and double pneumonia claiming his life. No man ever preached the doctrine of the Trade Union and Labour Movement more than our late Brother. In the troubles that we have had in previous years, Bro. Miller was a familiar figure. Always cheerful at the heart, he was liked wherever he went. As a mate on the footplate he was great, his conversation was such that one could feel themselves being educates from him. He was never more happy than when he was talking about matters concerning trade unions or the Labour Movement. He took an active part in both. Principle was his motto of the day. In case of hardship, he was always very willing to help. So, Mr. Editor, we give you a little idea what kind of a man we have lost from our ranks. It does not seem true, even now, that he has gone. To his widow and child we extend our heartfelt sympathy. They have lost a good husband and father, and we have lost an excellent workmate. The high esteem with which he was held was evident at the funeral, nearly a 100 staff of all grades being present to pay their respects. Four acted as bearers.
So good-bye, “Old Pal,” we bow our bare heads to you in respect, while you rest silent in your peaceful grave.
Brighton Driver Harry “The Captain” Finley, with Horace Raymond Taylor
Harry started on the footplate at Brighton in September 1883 and retiring in 1932.
below is his obituary
Robert Pitts Collection
MARCH 1932
On Sunday, January 31st, this branch had the honour of a visit from Bro. W.P. Allen, chairman of the E.C. Bro. F. Robinson was in the chair, and we had a fair attendance. Those who were absent through duty or otherwise missed an educational treat. Bro. Allen gave one of the most inspiring addresses delivered in these parts. It is sincerely hoped the excellent food for the mind will take root, and that the interest and enthusiasm asked for will be forthcoming in the very near future. Votes of thanks to Bros. Allen and F. Robinson brought an all to early close to an enjoyable evening.
JUNE 1932
At our branch meeting held on Sunday, April 7th, C.W.B. Minute No. 177 was discussed to
give Bro. J. Galyer the feeling of the branch about it, as it is on the agenda as a delegate.
Knowing that the minute has been well discussed in the shed and lobby, I was surprised at the attendance, the largest one this year, but all transferred men, only six old L.B.S.C.R. being present. This is not very encouraging for my colleagues and myself. I have been chairman for five years, but it does not encourage anyone to carry on unless we get support at branch meetings. We are making new members every meeting, and are getting as strong as ever we were, but we do appeal to you all to attend the branch meetings and support us. Bring your complaints along and the L.D.C. will not let you down. I should like to warn members of the coming of electricity to Brighton.
Remember, we hold the front end and we must stick to it, but we require the support of all
enginemen or we shall lose it. Now “nons,” take your chance and join up; let us get up to 100 per cent. The conductor rail will steal your bread and butter if you let it. So, members, drum it into our few “nons" (nearly all 5s. a day men).
We appeal to all members to keep their contributions paid up; remember you are out of
benefit if you over three months in arrears, and don’t think the clouds have passed, stick to your organization, give it all your support.
Our General Secretary told the company, on Good Friday, at the annual dinner, that we are not making no more sacrifices for the shareholders. The next thing is to get back what we have lost.
The railways are all economizing, saving on this and that by sending a razor gang round
cutting out everything they think. What about their wages? I suppose they don’t do it for
nothing- more “stamps” I expect. Like everything else, economy starts at the bottom. If they
went about this economy stun in the right way they would start at the top; no man of any
railway is worth £15,000 a year; they could save £14,000 easily on one man instead of
cutting out staff on £2 to £3 a week.
I have been asked to inform you of the progress made by the “presentations for all” scheme.
Six presentations were made at Aquarium on April 8th, two enginemen and four shed staff.
The two enginemen were one N.U.R. member (Bill Stiles) and one “non.” Note the difference in the subscription lists of these two recipients. The amount subscribed for these six was £48 12s. 6d., and to this amount £36 12s. 6d. was subscribed by enginemen. In the last twelve presentations, £125 has been subscribed by all staff at the depot; enginemen have subscribed £100 of it, which I think, is very creditable, and I trust you will give the same support to our two members who will soon be retiring; Bros. Bill Sands and Freddy Queen.
Our annual dinner and dinner and dance, at the aquarium, on Good Friday, was a great
success. We were very pleased to have with us our General Secretary, Mr. Bromley, and he
was very welcome, as it was with his assistance that this function was a great success. Mr.
Bromley replied to the toast of the “Railway Trade unions,” proposed by Bro. J. Galyer, and referred to “Sir” Josiah Stamp saying we were getting to much money, which means we must prepare, and resist any attempt on our wages. He was pleased to note that Brighton branch was going from strength to strength.
Above the first electric train arriving at Redhill on Sunday 17th July 1932
The decision to electrify the entire main line was taken in 1929, and the section from Coulsdon North (the furthest point of the suburban system) to Three Bridges.
The new electric service started on Sunday 17th July 1932. This is also included a electric service of to Reigate. With the introduction of these new electric services Reigate and Three
Bridges required two new motorman's depots at Reigate and Three Bridges. These depots
where created earlier in 1932 to affiliate the training of enginemen to learn the new electric
Later on in 1932 another two motorman's depots were opened at Brighton and West
Worthing, in readiness for the completion of the electrification down to Brighton and West
Worthing and the electric service to start on Sunday 1st January 1933.
Some Enginemen from the coastal depots transferred to these depots and later moved back to the new established Motorman's depots with the electrification slowly expanding southwards over the next six years. Ex Newhaven Enginemen A. Pearce become a Motorman at Three Bridges and moved to Brighton Motorman’s depot in late 1934 and finally moving to Seaford Motorman’s depot when it opened in 1935.
Enginemen W.H. Read (previous depot not known) was a Motorman at Three Bridges and
moved to Brighton Motorman’s depot in late 1934.
Enginemen W.E. Read (previous depot not known) was a Motorman at Reigate and moved to Brighton Motorman’s depot in late 1934.
Brighton Motorman F. Gurman (previous depots not known) moved to Seaford Motorman’s depot when it opened in 1935.
Reigate & Three Bridges Motorman’s Depot opened in early 1932.
Brighton & West Worthing Motorman’s Depot mid 1932 in
preparation for the opening of the electrified lines to Brighton and
West Worthing.
A motorman’s depot opened with arrival of electrification in 1932. The site of the depot was on platform 3 in the former waiting room building. Some time in the 1950s they moved into the buildings on platform 5. They later moved to its current location on platform 2 in the old buffet in 1969 when the loco shed close.
Extracted and adapted from
Newhaven Branch Meeting
Sun Dec. 18th 1932
Bro. Ware bought forward the case of money put in Companies bank by employees, and the way in which it had been used as a lever against us at recent Wages Board Meeting. He asked Chairman's advice on this matter as he was a contributor. Bro. Pearce advised him to draw it out and place elsewhere. After much discussion on this matter it was proposed by W. Ware & seconded by C. Lower .
"That Secretary write Head Office and tell them that this Branch is of the opinion that a circular should be sent to all Branches stating the case fully, and saying how this was being used as a lever against us in the fight to cut our own wages down."
The Southern Railway purchased a Sentinel Cammel Steam Railcar in 1932 for use on the
Dyke Branch. Although operational successful, the single railcar and was not large enough to meet the needs of the branch line. The railcar was transferred away in March 1936.
A Sentinel Steam Rail Car seen at Devil’s Dyke Station, this Rail Car regularly worked
over the Devil’s Dyke line between 1932 - 1936
Brighton and West Worthing Motorman’s depots established during 1932. This was to
establishing the necessary training for the steam drivers transferring to the electric trains.
On the 2nd November, 1932 a trial running between London and Brighton on the newly electrified line. A formal ceremonial inaugurated on the 30th December, 1932, travelled from London to Worthing demonstration from London to West Worthing using the Cliftonville spur took place. Southern Railway officers and various V.I.P.s travelled on a 6 CIT electrical multiple unit.
The electric public service being extended from Three Bridges to Brighton and West Worthing (including the Cliftonville Spur) starting on the January 1st 1933.
With the closure of 1932, saw the withdrawal of steam locomotives working regularly
between London and Brighton. The last steam “Southern Belle” from Victoria, the 3.5 p.m.,
on Saturday, December 31, 1932, was hauled by ex L.B. & S.C.R. ‘L class’ Baltic tank No.
2332, “Remembrance”. Engines of this class had not been used for the “ Southern Belle” for some years, and made it a fitting finale.
The last regular Steam service from Victoria to Brighton was the 12:05 a.m. on the morning
of the 1st January 1933. Hauled by ex L.B. & S.C.R. 'L class' Baltic Tank, no 2329 “Stephenson”, and worked by Engineman Rodgers (is standing next to the locomotive) and
Fireman C. Stoner is seen leaning out of the cab. (Bro. C. Stoner, later served as Brighton
No.2 Branch of A.S.L.E.&F. Branch Secretary between 1951 - 1964.