Chairman Bro. F. Sherwin
Vice Chair Bro. J. Green
Secretary Bro. A. Leonard
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch a Special Meeting
held at the White Hart on Thursday Jan. 9th 1919
The meeting was called to discuss the situation caused by the strike at Brighton also in reference to loco-me having to go to Lewes to do work of the men that was on strike, also to get the views of the men in reference to these items, so that it could be understood by the other unions whether we were prepared to give support or not.
Bro. W. Goldsmith was elected to the Chair.
A letter was read from the Brighton Strike Committee also telegram which was discussed, re telegram was also read from Head Office instructing members to keep at work and not to refuse duty.
Bro. Leonard gave a report of meetings, which had been called for all Trade Unionists, after discussion it was moved by Bro. Stoner & Sec. Bro. Barber.
That this meeting decided to stand by our E.C. and take no part in the present strike. (Carried Unam.).
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Jan. 26th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
The minutes of the previous meetings read and passed correct.
Correspondence dealt with which included items from District council, one received from Brighton Branch stating they had elected Bro. H. Funnell for their representative on the District Council, after some discussion it was proposed by Bro. Wilmshurst & sec. W. Smith.
That while we agree to Brighton sending a representative, at the present time that the smaller branches who are grouped with Brighton should have the opportunity of sending a delegate alternately (Carried Unam).
December Quarterly returns presented, the Secretary explained why the receipt did not correspond with the account sent to Head Office, it was owing to the ft the entrance fees to the new Assurance Fund had been entered in the column for Society Int Fees, and the Secretary said that he had instructions that it was not to be entered there in the future, also that money for the Branch Fund was not to be deducted from the quarterly dues, but a claim sent to Head Office for same. The members present accept the Secretary’s statement. It was moved by Bro. F. Wilmshurst & sec. by Bro. W. Goldsmith (Trustees for Branch Fund). That the Secretary hold the balance of fund 1/6/. Carried.
Bro. W. Goldsmith gave report of Trades & Labour Council meeting.
This photo was probably taken in c1919, when double manning of locos were introduce as a result of the introduction of the eight hour day being implemented. Each loco prior to 1919 had one dedicated driver and after 1919 the loco was shared between to dedicated drivers.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch a Special Meeting
held at the White Hart on Thursday February 6th 1919
Owing to the Secretary having received a letter from the General Secretary calling our members out in support of the Electric Motormen who were on strike over the question of food time during the 8 hour day.
Brother F. Sherwin was in the chair and a fair number of members present including two N.U.R. Loco-men, after correspondence had been read and telegrams from Brighton Branch.
Some discussion took place, and the Secretary reed rule 24 to the members. It was moved by Bro. F. Wilmshurst & Seconded by A. Stoner.
That meetings be held at 12 noon at the White Hart (Carried Unam)
Strike Committee:- Bros. A. Leonard, F. Sherwin, W. Goldsmith, Proposed by F. Wilmshurst & Seconded W. Goldsmith. That F. Harris be on Committee. Pro. F. Wilmshurst & Sec. F. Harris that H.G. Bowden be on the Committee (Carried Unam.).
The Secretary stated that he received the letter on Wednesday afternoon not in time to arrange for meeting the same day, and that he see our Chairman and Bro. Wilmshurst in reference to it, and that they agreed that if called upon to do duty on the next day other than their booked turn of duty they would refuse, it happened on Thursday morning that our Secretary was called upon to work a passenger train usually worked by Brighton men and he had refused to work it, but finished his own turn of duty.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday March 9th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin was in the Chair
The minutes of the last Special and Ordinary meet ins were read and passed as correct.
Correspondence dealt with mostly in reference to the recent strike, E.C. Minutes presented and extracts read, arising out of the correspondence.
Bro. F. Wilmshurst proposed & Bro. J. Rye seconded.
That the Newhaven Branch decides to have a subscription list in aid of our Orphan Fund, to commemorate the 8 hour day, any sum acceptable (Carried Unam).
Bro. F. Sherwin (Chairman) then read a letter that he has received from Bro. A. Leonard resigning his position as Secretary of Newhaven Branch as he did not wish to be the cause of any friction between members, questions were asked as to the cause of friction, the Secretary explained his position and said he wished to leave the members free to taking any action they decided re men working here from other depots, after considerable discussion it was moved by Bro. Wilmshurst & Sec. H. Bowden. That Secretary’s resignation be accepted (Carried Unam.).
The Chairman then asked for nominations for position as Secretary. Bro. Wilmshurst was proposed but declined, Bro. Wilmshurst then proposed that Bro. A. Pearce be Secretary, Bro. Pearce stated that having only just returned from service that it would hardly be fair for him to take it on, seeing that he was not conversant with the present working, after further discussion the mover of the previous resolution Bro. Wilmshurst asked permission to move that it be rescinded Bro. H. Bowden agreed. Proposed Bro Wilmshurst & Bro. Bowden seconded.
That previous resolution be rescinded and that the Secretary be asked to reconsider his resignation until the end of the year 1919 (Carried Unam).
The Secretary stated that he was in the same position as before, and asked what action would be taken in the event of work being reduced at this depot, it was agreed that another member should be appointed to conduct any correspondence relating to this question with our Officials at Brighton. Bro. Wilmshurst then agreed in the event of our Secretary away before the end of the year, he would carry on until the end of 1919. It was moved by Bro. Pearce & seconded. That a vote of confidence be accorded to Bro. Leonard (Carried Unam.).
A letter was also read from the Secretary of the Local Labour Party re affiliation, seeing that only a small number of members pay in the Political Fund, it was decided not to take any action at present.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday April 18th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
The minutes of the last meeting was and passed as correct.
Correspondence dealt with, quarterly receipts presented.
Bro. F. Wilmshurst & Bro. W. Smith seconded.
That this Branch Secretary records its appreciation of the E.C. And the General Secretary for the able way in which they have conducted negotiations on our behalf (Carried Unam.).
Two cases were dealt with Bros. J. Giles & A.G. Hubbard the members suspended made a statement to the meeting, after which Bro. Wilmshurst proposed & Bro. C. Barrow seconded. That the claim be allowed (carried Unam.).
Bro. A. Leonard proposed & F. Wilmshurst seconded. That Frederick Edward Brown and Edward Hillman become protected members of this Society. Carried
Bro. F. Wilmshurst moved & Bro. C. Barrow seconded.
That a letter be sent to the Foremen, in regards to the reduction of work at this depot, and men being still employed here who have been transferred from other depots (Carried Unam.).
Pro. By C. Barrow seconded by A. Pearce.
That Bro. F. Wilmshurst should write the letter and hand same to Mr. Holton, the signatures of all spare Drivers at the meeting to attached to the letter, also years of service.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday May 4th 1919
Bro F. Sherwin in the Chair
The minutes of the last meeting read, Bro. F. Wilmshurst proposed and Bro. A. Pearce seconded, that the minutes be adopted.
Correspondence read, question were asked, Bro. Wilmshurst said that he had wrote and delivered the letter as requested to Mr. Holton, but had not had anything in reply to same. Bro. A. Leonard asked if the men concerned were satisfied as to the report to the present, as practically three weeks had lapsed since handing in the letter. Members present expressed their opinion and thought they might wait another week or two before taken further action.
The agenda for the Annual Assembly of Delegates May 20th, 1919 was before the meeting, it was proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. J. Green.
That the delegate to conference be instructs to oppose terms of arrangements before the A.S.L.E. & F. and the London Provincial Union of Licensed Vehicle Workers, it was pointed out that we accept to first come to an agreement with the Loco men in the N.U.R. (Carried Unan).
Voting paper for delegate to Labour Conference to hand.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch
a Special Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday May 18th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
Bro. F. Sherwin said that the meeting was called to appoint a Secretary in place of Bro. A. Leonard expecting to return to Tunbridge Wells. Pro. By A. Pearce & Seconded J. Green.
That F. Wilmshurst be Secretary till end of year. Bro. Wilmshurst said he would accept the office but would like to see someone else take it as he did not like the idea of keep changing as would resign at the end of the year.
Minutes read of last meeting moved. Pro. A. Pearce & seconded Bro. C. Barrow. That the minutes be adopted. Correspondence read, questions were asked the question. Bro. F. Wilmshurst asked the question, seeing that the late Secretary thought that three was long enough for an answer to our letter and pressed us to go further on the question of his removal did not think that seeing he had a reply two weeks it was quite long enough. Bro. A. Leonard replied and stated that he was waiting for a reply from his letter asking on what conditions he was returning to Tunbridge Wells but was going to see if he could get a indication on Monday. After a strong discussion it was moved C. Barrow & seconded J. Green. That we wait and see what becomes of the interview.
Bro. A. Leonard as asked for one new member. Moved F. Wilmshurst & second F. Sherwin a vote of thanks be recorded to our late Secretary. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday June 29th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
Minutes of the last meeting was read, proposed by Bro. F. goldsmith and seconded by Bro. C.J. Lower, that they be adopted.
Correspondence was read and the following resolution was proposed by H. G Bowden & seconded by M. Smith.
That having discussed the reply received from the General Manager we are of the opinion that the reply is not satisfactory and press on our E.C. To press the matter further with a view to all men leaving the Company Service to start at the bottom of the ladder we pledge our support to the E.C. To get satisfaction. Carried
Bro. Hubbard complained of having to coal engines at cleaners rate of pay also having to help coaling after doing a nights cleaning after a discussion it was proposed by Bro. G Hubbard seconded by C.J. Lower that the Secretary take the matter up with the Loco Foreman. Carried.
Brothers Bowden and Smith complained of being kept firing and other men making overtime when they could have been driving, also still being retained on the goods were they cannot be got at when required. Pro Bro. H.G. Bowden & Sec Bro. W. Smith. Secretary take up with Loco Foreman on the matter. Carried.
Two new members.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday August 10th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
Minutes of the last meeting was read, proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. M. Smith, that they be adopted. Discussion on the minutes took place and the Secretary gave a brief report of his interview with the Loco Foreman. Carried.
Numerous correspondence was read out and discussed, March quarterly receipts presented.
A strong discussion took place regards the work at this depot through the 8 hours and that we have several spare men. It was proposed by A. Pearce & seconded by H.G. Bowden.
That the Secretary take up the Loco foreman and see if he could get more turns of duty at this depot. Carried.
Proposed by M. Smith & seconded by A. Pearce. That William Brown be admitted as a member of this Society.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Monday Sept. 29th 1919
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, discussion took place on the last minutes regards more work at this depot. Secretary replied and gave his report regards his interview with the Foreman.
Letter read from Secretary of Brighton Branch and was received with some strong remarks after a strong discussion it was proposed that the Secretary take up with Brighton Branch & Head Office regards the same.
Rule 24 discussed regards Strike pay as all men out in support of the cause.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Oct 19th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
The Chairman gave a report on the question of putting engines away and said he had an interview with the Foreman on the question and said he had booked a pair of men on the night shift and would start the day shift when he had the men.
Letters from Head Office read re the Strike also agenda for A.A.D. discussed.
Secretary asked for two delegates to attend Labour conference to be held at the Co operative Hall, Nov. 8th at 2.30p.m.
Bro. A. Pearce proposed and Bro. M. Smith seconded that the Secretary attended. Carried
Bro. L. Lower proposed and Bro. C. Wood seconded that the Chairman attend. Carried
Bro. M. Smith proposed and Bro. A. Pearce seconded. That Bro. H Bowden be a sub delegate in case the others could not attended. Carried
Bro. H. Bowden proposed and Bro. C. Wood seconded that Bro. A. Pearce be a sub delegate. Carried
Bro. W. Goldsmith made a strong appeal to the members present to pay the Rule 11 Levy.
A strong discussion took place in regards to changing our meeting place and it was decided to see if we could not find another room, the matter to up next meeting.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Dec 14th 1919
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
Minutes read of last meeting,proposed by Bro. M. Smith and seconded by Bro. D. Boyle. That they be passed as correct. Carried
A strong discussion took place arising out of the minutes with regards the moving of our Branch Room, when it was moved by D. Boyle & seconded by L. Lower that we stop at the same place. Carried.
Letters read from the Labour Party inviting our members be affiliate with them, when it was moved by Bro. W. Smith and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce. That we be come affiliated carried.
Correspondence read from Head Office re increase contributions and journals.
Election of Officers for 1920 took place.
Chairman Bro. F. Sherwin,
Vice Chairman Bro. A. Pearce,
Secretary Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Bros. C. Barrow, W. Smith, P. Reed, J. Green, H. Bowden & D. Boyle.
Moved by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. W. Smith. That meeting be held on the first Sundays in each month at 7.0p.m. Carried
Bro. H. Bowden proposed and Bro. C. Wood seconded that Bro. A. Pearce be a sub delegate. Carried
Bro. W. Goldsmith made a strong appeal to the members present to pay the Rule 11 Levy.
A strong discussion took place in regards to changing our meeting place and it was decided to see if we could not find another room, the matter to up next meeting.