Chairman Bro. A. Brooker

Vice Chairman Bro R. Bridger
Secretary Bro. W. Baldwin
Assistant Secretary Bro. F. Diplock

Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting

Sunday January 19th  1975 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. B. Baldock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That they were a true record.”

The Branch Chairman on opening the meeting welcomed Bro. A. Ashdown and Bro. R. Harper as new members to the Society and Branch as from the the 23.12.74., and this welcome was expressed by all members present.

Election of Branch Officers for 1975.

It was proposed Bro. B. Baldock and seconded Bro. A. Rigby and unanimously agreed by all members present that the Branch Officers for 1975 to be the same as 1974, but with the following exception. It was moved Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. A. Rigby. “That due to Bro. D. Ward now being an official L.D.C. Representative he would need to be an official committee member and this reason, it was unanimously agreed that Bro. D. Ward take the position of Bro. P. Pepper on the Branch Committee.

L.D.C. Report

The L.D.C. Secretary  gave his report to the branch, this covered, uniform belts & Slipover jackets, detonators in taxis, Edenbridge Town platforms and A.L. Roster 1976.

Matters arising from L.D.C. Report.

The matter of Edenbridge Town platform was given a full discussion and in the light of the L.D.c. Secretary’s report and a letter of reply of the Branch secretary’s letter of 12th November 1974. It was agreed that the L.D.C. secretary should write to Bro. R. Dickinson, Sectional Council ‘B’  Secretary and Bro. N. Millagan Organising Secretary on this, and if no satisfactory results call a meeting for further discussion on it.

Bro. A Rigby brought to the attention of this meeting the possibility of some drivers having to work more Boxing Days than others on the new agreed system of rostering for bank holidays, this was given a full discussion and it was decided that the Boxing Day 1975 rostering should be compared with the 1974 rostering and if  there was any evidence of this the position of rostering for the 1976 and future boxing days be re examined.

There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 14.00 p.m.

5 members were present.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

 Sunday April 6th 1975 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. B. Baldock and seconded Bro. D. Ward. “That they were a true record.”

Edenbridge Town Platform Overrunning

The L.D.C. Secretary reported on the position to date on this matter and read out letters of reply from his letters to Bro. R. Dickinson Sectional Council ‘B’ Secretary and Bro. N. Milligan Organising Secretary and in the light of the contents of these it was decided to await developments with the main object o get this item placed on an L.D.C. agenda.

Boxing Day 1976

With regard to the point raised on this by Bro. A. Rigby at the January meeting, the L.D.C. Secretary pointed out that due to the extra work coming in with the May workings, it could be impossible to work any on/off system, but as decided at that meeting the Boxing Day 1976 rostering would be kept under review.

Circulars & Correspondence

He Branch Secretary read out the contents of these received as from the last meeting and no questions were raised by the members on this.

District Council & Trades Council Report

Bro. A. Brooker the Branch delegate gave his report on the D.C.4 meeting followed by a full report on the proposed M & D Economies and questions that had been raised on housing.

L.D.C. Report

The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on plans in hand to present time and a full discussion was given on the accident that Bro. R. Aspey was involved in at Woldingham.

Financial Report

The Branch Secretary gave the financial report of the Branch for 1974, this gave fianaces of branch expenditure and deposits for the past year. The financial position of the Mutual Aid Fund and cash in hand at this time. These figures were accepted as a true record by all members present.

There being no other business the chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.00 p.m.

5 members present.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

 Sunday July 20th 1975 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The Branch Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. B. Baldock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That they were a true record.”

Branch correspondence and circular as from the last meeting were read and discussed by all and from these it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. B. Noakes, Brighton, be nominated from this Branch for Sectional Council “B” representative, this vote was given a unanimous vote of agreement and a unanimous vote from this Branch was given for Bro. J. Wandel, New Street  Birmingham Branch for Parliamentary Panel Candidate.

District Council

The District Council delegate gave his report on the District Council No.4 meeting at Croydon, on July 7th, followed by a Trades Council report that a special meeting had been called to distress the proposed cuts in bus services for this area.

L.D.C. Report

The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report to the member. This included new annual leave roster and rota order and this minutes has been made agreed and posted.

The position with regards to Edenbridge Town station platform had moved favourable forward, the item had been placed on L.D.C. agenda and this matter had been discussed with management and declined by them. The L.D.C. Secretary has now forwarded the complete file to Sectional Council “B”.

Proposed new building for station, ticket office and staff. It was suggested that ground on top dock should be used for the purpose of ticket office, as proposed use of loco dock would put present staff car parking under pressure.

The subject of rest day booking was discussed at the meeting and it was decided at that the existing L.D.C. minute covers i.e. if any man agreeing to work his rest day and has not put in for it off three days prior, as per L.D.C. minutes expect to be booked to work. Required and if declining turn given, is credited has having worked.

There being no other business, the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.00

4 members were present

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

 Sunday August 28th 1975 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The Branch Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Ashdown. That they were a true record.

Matters arising 

Rest day booking, the Secretary brought to the attention of the meeting that dissatisfaction was still in existence as to rest day booking. But it was left that this had been fully discussed t the July meeting and that what had been entered on the July meeting was correct.

Branch correspondence and circulars as from the July meeting were read and discussed. But due to the exceptional amount of work at the depot for this day, attendance was small and it was decided to await the November meeting for further discussion on some items.

L.D.C. Nominations

It was again decided for the same reason to await the November meeting for these.

Any other business, the Chairman brought to the attention of the meeting that changes on values etc as from the 16th September 1973 might necessitate some slight changes to the rules of the Tunbridge Wells West Mutual Aid Fund and that any proposed alterations towards on figures would be put forward for discussion at the November meeting.

New Minute Book

The Secretary informed the meeting that the Branch Minute Book was moving towards the last remaining pages and that he had purchased a replacement at the cost of £2.05. Nut unfortunately the dye and quality was not available as in 1948, and due to this the Secretary was instructed to purchase a second replacement if one was available.

There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 12.30  

2 members present

 Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting

Sunday November 23rd  1975 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That they were a true record.”

Matters arising

A unanimous vote by all members present was given for Bro. Rowe – Reading Branch for delegate to T.U.C. 1976 Conference, for Bro. R. Dickinson  - Ramsgate Branch as delegate to 1976 Labour Party conference, and Bro. W. Hutchins – Horsham Branch as delegate for Group 40 at 1976 A.A.D. conference.

Mutual aid Fund

This was deferred for further discussion at the January meeting.

L.D.C. Nominations

Vacancies for 2 L.D.C. members become available as from 1st January 1976. But the present L.D.c. Representative Bro. F. Diplock informed the branch that he did not wish to stand agin this time.

The Branch Chairman and L.D.C. Secretary Bro. A. Brooker expressed the thanks of himself and the branch committee for all the time and work Bro. Diplock had given to the depot, especially bearing to mind the hours of work that were involved in getting an agreement with management on the May 1974 Diagram Working Dispute, and where his knowledge of these brought it to a satisfactory conclusion.

This vote of thanks and appreciation was expressed by all members present.

It was proposed Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. “Bro. A. Brooker be nominated for 1 position and proposed Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock that Bro. B. Baldock be nominated for the other position. There being no other candidates it was unanimously agreed that Bros. A. Brooker and B. Baldock to nominated and elected as official L.D.C. Representatives for these two vacancies.


Branch Correspondence and circulars were read by the Branch Secretary and given full discussion. The Secretary brought to the attention of the meeting Circular 148/75 headed Consumption of alcohol and the importance of the contents of this circular to every driver.

District Council Report

The District Council delegate gave his report on the meetings of District Council No.4 on the 21st October ’75 which dealt with the financial position of B.R. and the proposed cuts in services.

L.D.C. Reports

The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report to the members, this included matters already in hand and concern of members to the position of safety at Hamsey Crossing. Bro. Pepper was concerned of the lack of washing facilities of Uckfield Station and this was being investigated.

Any Other Business

The financial position of British Rail both from branches and D.C.4 report was given a full discussion and a policy was adopted that a proposed scheme of Bro. F. Diplock for a reduced Sunday service that could operate at a far lower cost than the present one, and if it could be accepted might not necessitate the complete proposed closure of the Oxted to Uckfield, Tonbridge line on a Sunday, should be promoted and used in the most suitable quarters of the expense of Branch funds. This was agreed unanimously.

There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:00

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