Chairman Bro. C. Cornford

Vice Chairman Bro R. Bridger
Secretary Bro. F. Robinson
Assistant Secretary V. Rumley

The monthly meeting was held on Sunday February 20th, 1949, 

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding

The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. It was pointed out that the minute Secretary had omitted one item and an amendium covering this was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That these minutes were true record.”

Correspondence was next dealt with.

A letter from the General Secretary regarding the greater allocation of papr to the Locomotive Journal, and the need for enlarging our circulation. It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That this matter be left for the Secretary to deal with.” Carried.

The letter sent to the General Secretary for publication in the Locomotive Journal, by the secretary and Assistant Secretary was read and the reply received. “This was debated at length and the action of the Secretary and Assistant secretary was endorsed unanimously by the Branch.

The next business was election of a delegate to District Council

Bro. A. Brooker nominated Bro. J. Murphy seconded F. Robinson,

Bro. F. Elmer nominated Bro R. Bridger seconded C.R. Cornford.

Voting took place resulting as follows

Bro. F. Robinson 1, Bro. Cornford 8. Bro. C.R. Cornford being elected our delegate to District Council for the ensuing year.

Next business was the election of two Branch collectors.

Bro. F. Elmer nominated Bro. V. rumley seconded Bro. W. Ovenden.

Bro. F. Elmer nominated Bro. V. Rumley seconded Bro. K .Cavie.

No more nominations forthcoming, these two members were duly elected. The Assistant Secretary agreed to post a notice to this effect in the shed.

Bro. F. Elmer then moved and Bro. C.R. Cornford seconded. “That collecting boks be provided.

Next business was election of Branch nominees to the 1949 L.D.C.

It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. C. Waghorn. “That a secret ballot be taken.” Carried.

It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. Elmer “That Bro. K. Cavie be scriutineers.” It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro J. Murphy. “That Bro. C. Waghorn be scruitineer.” Carried.

Voting then took place resulting as follows.

Bro. F. Robinson 4, Bro. F. Elmer 6, Bro. J. Murphy 2, Bro. C. Cornford 10 & Bro. V. Rumley 8.

Therefore the Branch nominees for the L.D.C. are Bros. F. Elmer, C.R. Cornford & V. Rumley.

The Chairman requested that as per minute, the candidates names be posted in the lobby fat the appropriated.

Next business was L.D.C. report.

Bro. C. Cornford and F. elmer gave this a suggestion was made by Bro. A. Ashton regarding the provision at a light over No.5 points.

The social Committee report and balance sheet was given by Bro. Waghorn.

Bro. V. Rumley moved and Bro. C.R. Cornford seconded. “That a vote of thanks be given to the Social Committee for the execeptionally good work performed in the past year.” Bro. F. Elmer moved and Bro. K. Cavie seconded. “That the whole committee be elected en block for the coming year.” Carried unam.

Bro. F. Elmer gave the councillor’s report

Bro. Waghorn informed the Branch of his action over the lighting at Hurst Green this met with the approval of all members present. Bro. C. Waghorn asked about  notice case that he made for the Branch. The Secretary was instructed to get the case from stores and put it up in the lobby.

This completed the business and the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.25 p.m.

Members present Bros. K. Cavie, R. Vanson, J. Murphy, V. Rumley, R. Bridger, C. Waghorn, C.R. Cornford, F. Elmer, A. Brooker, A. Ashton & K. Ovenden.

Bob Walls Collection

Fireman unknown & Driver Vic Rumley

The monthly meeting was held on Sunday April 3rd, 1949, 

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

This meeting should have been held on March 20th 

but was cancelled owing to the indisposition of the Secretary and Ass. Secretary.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding

The minute Secretary read  the minutes of the last meeting. It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. K. Cavie. “That the minutes were a true record.”

The Secretary raised the question regarding the delegates to District Council. After a good discussion, it was agreed that the minute be given effect to.”

Bro. F. Elmer raised the question of the raffle in aid of Labour Party Funds. After a good discussion it was decided that the draw stake place on Saturday  week i.e. April 16th.

During the discussion on the minutes the minute regarding the delivering of the minute to the secretary on the tenth day after the  Branch meeting was discussed. The following  resolution was moved from the chair. “Owing to the difficulty in the Assistant Secretary being confined to 10 days period to get written minutes delivered to the Secretary we agree that he completes them and  pass them to the Secretary as soon as possible.” Carried.

Five new members entry into the Branch was confirmed.

Bros. K. Young, J. Hewitt, F. Bone, R Saunders, L. Sandford & A. Rigby. 

It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker.

Correspondence was next dealt with

The first part was treated as information, but arising from discussion on the second part Bro. F. Elmer proposed and Bro. R. Bridger seconded. “That the following resolution be sent to Head Office.

“That this Branch is of the opinion that the issue of clothing should now revert to the pre-war periods of issue. As the clothing shortage is now not so acute.”

The Secretary then informed the Branch on the case of Bro. W. Whiting, and it was agreed that the L.D.C. watch all points made during their discussion and endeavours to safeguard our member’s position in conjunction with the Branch Secretary.

A letter from Bro C. Waghorn regarding  Branch procedure in connection with the L.D.C. elections and a requested for a special meeting. The Chairman and Secretary decided that they take no action before the next Branch meeting as the request did not conform with conditions laid down in the constitution of this Society. It was moved by Brother F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That this letter is out of order and we fully endorse the action of the Secretary and Chairman.” Carried unam.

The Secretary asked the Branch what was to be done regarding our next meeting and it was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “The that date of the next meeting be postponed to the 24th April, owing to the falling on Easter Sunday .” Carried unam.

Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report speaking on request for National Insurance numbers. Rest day roster,  and marginal time allowances.

The Chairman asked member present  to support the Branch candidates in the L.D.C. elections. The Secretary agreed to take voting papers for Organising Secretaries posting the Shed.

The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.30 p.m.

Members present Bros. K. Cavie, A. Brooker, R. Bridger, V. Rumley, F. Robinson, J. Murphy, R. Cornford, F. Elmer, W. Whiting & W. Ovenden.


T.W. Driver J. Pring, Class I 3 32028, at Victoria

 The monthly meeting was held on Sunday April 24th, 1949,

 at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding 

The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. It was moved by Bro. A .Brooker and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That these minutes were a true record.”

Matters arising. Bro. A. Brooker asked a question regarding the posting of National Insurance Numbers. This was suitably replied to by Bro. C. Cornford. The Secretary read a letter regarding Bro. C. Whiting’s case and Bro. J. Murphy asked a question regarding the L.D.C. election.

Correspondence was next dealt with.

System of reporting defects to locomotives.

A good discussion took place after the L.D.C. secretary had reported that this was not being put into operation on Monday 25th of April and that a meeting will be called before it is operated. Members present reported tat arrangements were made to operate this scheme. The L.D.C. secretary know nothing about these preparations owing to his being rest day on  23rd April and he agreed to see the Foreman on the morning of the 25th .

Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report.

The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.30 p.m.

Members present Bros. F. Robinson, C.R. Cornford, V. Rumley, V. Thorpe, A. Brooker 

& J. Murphy.


T.W. Driver J. Pring’s loco, Class I 3 32028, at Victoria

The monthly meeting was held on Sunday June 19th, 1949, 

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding

Bro. V. Rumley, Minute Secretary stated that owing to his moped for removal he could not take the minutes of this meeting, the Chairman asked for volunteers. Bro. Waghorn proposed and Bro. R. Bridger, seconded Bro. A. Brooker. Bro. Brooker stated that as long as the members had in mind what happened the last time he carried out these duties and still wished to propose him he would accept. 

The minutes were then read by the minute secretary. Bro. Murphy proposed and Bro Brooker seconded. “That they were a true record.”

The Chairman asked for any questions on minutes. Bro. Rumley asked position of repair card system. Bro. Cornford L.D.C. secretary at the time explained the position re letter sent to Mr. Powell and the use he had made of same.

Branch Authorisation of suspension pay for one day Bro. F. Diplock was moved by Bro. Brooker and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Carried

Circular 32/1948 re Lodging Turns

A good discussion was held, it was then agreed that a letter to be drafted by the minute secretary to be sent to H.O. condemning the agreement in principle and in detail.

Election of Organising Secretary Circular 36/1949

Ballot papers not at hand, branch committee to dealt with same as per minute – branch to support Bros. Bevan & Bidwell.

Political Fund Circular 37/1949

Bro. Cornford said he had been proud to have been able at the District Council to report that this branch is a 100%.

Free Passes Circular 38/1949

Bro. Cornford to raise matter with Mr. Stone re forms and position of member with under 15 years service.

S.R./R.N./410-28/4/49 Re Whitey as shed labourers treated as information with thanks to Bros. Cornford and Robinson for their handling of the matter.

Bro. Cornford then gave his District Council report. Mr. W.P. Allen invited but failed to attend, E.C. member verbally agreed to support men taking rest day after L.D.C. agreed to work.

Bro. Cornford carried on by giving his L.D.C. report. A dispute has arisen with local management re posting of notice of oiling tender boxes of Q class engines, in the posting up letters. Bro. Cornford had point out the agreement with previous foreman of them being added on shed days by fitters wether booked on not, appending has now been removed and replaced with one stating that they will be done by tube cleaner, matter still pending.

The Chairman then asked for any other business there being none he closed the meeting at 1.10 p.m. thanking the members fro their attendance.

Members present Bros. R. Bridger, P. Savage, J. Murphy, V. Rumley, C. Waghorn, A. Brooker & C.R. Cornford.

The monthly meeting was held on Sunday September 4th 1949, 

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

In place of the August meeting cancelled owing to the trip to Southend taking place on the meeting day

Bro. C. R. Cornford occupied the Chair

The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. It was moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. C. Waghorn. “That these minutes were a true record.” Arising from the miutes Bro. R. Bridger asked question regarding the letter sent to Head Office on Double Home turns. The Secrretary read a letter from Head Office. The Chairman stated that this did not answer our letter which pointed out that the renumeration was indadequate, that members also critised the 9 hours rostering and the answering loyalty passages in this passages in this letter. No action was taken.


The Lococmotive Journal Circular 47/1949

This was treated as information 

A letter from the British Soviet Society asking for a delegate to attend a Special Conference on Friday September 23rd. Moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. C. Waghorn.”That Bro. C.R. Cornford be our delegate.” Carrried unam.

Annual Assembley of Delegates Circular 63/1949.

It was agreed that the Secretary write to Bro. H. Upton at Eastbourne. It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by G. Gorham. “That Bro. C.R. Cornford be nominated, and that we should withdraw our nomination if necessary according to information received from Eastbourne.

Letter from Tunbridge Wells Labour Party inviting nominations for candidates for 1950 Municipal Elections.

Nominated by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro, G. Gorham Bro. F. Elmer

Nominated by C. R. Cornford seconded by Bro. G. Gorham Bro. D. Hutchings.

New Members

Bros. Woodcock and L. Huff acceptance moved by Bro. Gorham seconded Bro R. Bridger. 

Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report the L.D.C. member was asked to press for the other 12 lockers.

The Secretary was instructed to get collecting books for the collectors appointed by the branch.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 1.25

Members present Bros. R. Bridgr, J. Murphy, C. Waghorn, F. Robinson, C. Cornford, 

V. Rumley & G. Gorham.

 Alf Brown Collection

The monthly meeting was held on Sunday September 18th, 1949, 

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding

The Minute Secrtetary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. J. Murphy and seconded by Bro. F. Robinson. “That these minutes were a true record.” Arising from these minutes the secretary read the reply from Mr. Powell, and it was moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded Bro. J. Murphy. “That Mr. Powell be asked to make the presentations and that the Secretary invite Mr. MacCarthy.” Carried unam.

It was moved by Bro F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. A. Ashton. “That the terms of reference and the constitution of the social committee be reviewed at the annual general meeting.” Carried unam.

It was moved by the Chairman. “That the Secretary write to the secretary of the social committee requesting their presence at the next meeting.” Carried unam.

Correspondence was next dealt with

Concillation Board Circular 69/1949

This circular was thoroughly discussed and it was thought that some clarification on what was ------- service was needed. It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That the clause covering accident or ill health be brought up at the District Council by our delegate.” 

Next Business was nominations for Branch Officers.


Moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. J. Murphy Bro.. C.R. Cornford

Vice Chairman

Moved by Bro. Elmer seconded by Bro. V. Rumley, Bro. J. Murphy


Moved by Bro. A. Ashton seconded by Bro. J. Murphy Bro. J. Robinson

Assistant Secretary

Moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. C. Cornford Bro. V. Rumbly


Moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded Bro. V. Rumley Bro. J. Murphy

Moved by Bro. F. Robinson seconded Bro. J. Murphy Bro. A. Brooker

Moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded Bro. C. Cornford Bro K Cavie

Nomination for delegates for Industrial Council

No nominations

Nominations for Labour Party General Committee

Moved Bro. C. Cornford seconded Bro. F. Elmer Bro. F. Robinson

Moved Bro. F. Elmer seconded Bro. F. Robinson Bro. C.R. Corn ford

Nomination for the Delegate for District Council

Moved Bro. J.Murphy seconded Bro. F. Robinson C.R. Cornford.

Nomination for Delegates for Divisional Labour Party

This was left over to further meeting .

Bro. Cornford gave report from District Council

Members present Bros. A. Ashton, F. Elmer, J. Murphy, C. Cornford, F. Robinson & V. Rumley


 Fireman Fred Diplock and his unknown driver, Loco No. 31182 at T.W.W. 19.9.1949.

 The monthly meeting was held on Sunday October 16h, 1949, 

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding

The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That these minutes were a true record.” Carried.

During discussion on the minutes the question regarding A.A.D. rota system suggested by Eastbourne branch was dealt with, having had no system adopted it was agreed that the Secretary circulate this area with a view to obtaining their support for our candidate. Discussion took place on the social committee, at this stage the Secretary read a letter from the Secretary of the Social Committee, and a vote of confidence was propose from Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley.

Correspondence was then dealt with

A letter regarding Bro. R.G. Rigby at present off sick, the secretary gave the branch the facts regarding this business and it was treated s information.

New members

It was moved by Bro, C.R. Cornford seconded by Bro. V. Rumley “That Bro. C. Puckett be accepted as a member.

Nominations for Branch Officers were taken next.


Moved by Bro. C. Waghorn seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. C.R. Cornford

Vice Chairman

Moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. J. Murphy

Moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. V. Rumley Bro. A. Broker


Moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. C. Waghorn Bro. F. Robinson

Assistant Secretary

Moved by Bro. A Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. V. Rumbly


Moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded By Bro. J. Murphy Bro. R. Bridger

Moved by Bro R. Bridger seconded by C.R. Cornford Bro. J. Murphy.

Moved by Bro. F. Robinson seconded by By Bro. A. Brooker C. Waghorn.

Moved by Bro. F. Robinson seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. Bro. W. Stiff.

Bro. W. Stiff however declined this nomination.

No other further nominations forthcoming and this being the last meeting for nominations while we still had insufficent members for a committee, it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That a notice of motion be put to recind the minute regarding nominations of Branch Officers and committee, in order for the Chairman to ask for further nominations for the Branch Committee, at our next monthly meeting.” Carried unam.

Nominations for Tunbridge Wells Industrial Council Delegates.

It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro C.R. Cornford Bro V. Rumley

Moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro, V. Rumley Bro. C.R. Cornford

Nominations for Delegates to Tunbridge Wells Labour Party General Committee.

It was moved by Bro. F. Robinson and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. J. Murphy.

Nomination for Delegates to Tonbridge Divisional Labour Party

Moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. F. Robinson Bro. C.R. Cornford

Moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. J. Murphy Bro. A. Brooker

Nominations for Delegate to District Council

Moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. J. Murphy Bro. F. Robinson

Nominations for two collectors

Moved by Bro. F. Robinson seconded by Bo. R. Bridger Bro. K. Cavie

Moved by Bro. C.R. Cornford seconded Bro F. Robinson Bro J. Murphy.

Time and place of meetings. It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the secretary explore the possibilities of the use of the Welfare Room for Branch meetings before we decide on the time and place of meetings.” Carried Unam.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked the members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.15

Members present Bros. W. Stiff, A. Brooker, R. Bridger, J. Murphy, C. Waghorn, F. Robinson, C.R. Cornford & V. Rumley.

Mick White Collection 

The monthly meeting was held on Sunday November 20th, 1949

at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.

Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding

Bro. V. Rumley Minute Secretary was not present the Chairman asked for nomiations for minute taker. It was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded By Bro. C. Waghorn. “That Bro. R. Vanson take the minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That these minutes to be true records.” Carried.

Correspondence was then dealt with

A letter was read from Bro. B. Edwards “Tonbridge Branch”  re the transfer of Bro. A. Hollands and Bro. C. Woods.

Christmas Holidays Circular 82/1949

This circular was thoroughly discussed and it was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That as Christmas Day was on a Sunday this year, that men rostered for that Sunday must work roster except in case of illness.”

Nominations for Sectional Council

Proposed by Bro. C. Waghorn seconded by Bro. J. Murphy,  Bro. F. Robinson

Nominations for Branch Committee

Proposed by Bro. F. Robinson & seconded by Bro. F. Elmer. W. Ovenden.

Proposed by Bro. J. Murphy & seconded by Bro. F. Elmer. R. Vanson,

Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger & seconded by Bro. F. Robinson. F. Elmer,

Nominations for Justice of the Peace

Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger & seconded by J. Murphy. Bro. F. Elmer.

Proposed by Bro. R. Vanson & seconded Bro. F. Elmer Bro. F. Robinson

Nominations for L.D.C.

Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger & seconded by Bro. F. Elmer Bro. C.R. Cornford

Proposed by Bro. J. Murphy & seconded by Bro. Elmer. Bro. F. Robinson

Proposed by Bro. R. Vanson & seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. C. Waghorn 

Voting for Branch Officers 1950

Vice Chairman Bro. J. Murphy 1, Bro. C. Brooker 5.

Next voting for Labour Party General Committee

Bro. F. Robinson 4, Bro. C.R. Cornford 1, Bro. J. Murphy 4.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.20 p.m. 

Member present Bros. C. Waghorn, R. Bridger, J. Murphy, F. Elmer, W. Ovenden, 

C.R. Cornford, F. Robinson & R. Vanson.

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