Chairman Bro. F. Elmer

A Special meeting was held on Sunday January 11th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The Chairman on opening meeting congratulated Bro. J. Murphy on being elected to the L.D.C.
Minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed, arising out of same Bro. H. Blackmore referred that all retired members had agreed to accept cash as a presentation. The secretary reported that he had received an application from the N.U.R. for a list to be taken round the Loco Shed for Guard Mercer’s widows. This was put to the meeting and carried. It was also agreed thar Mr. Reeves be asked to make a further collection on behalf of Bros. Farrington,
Pelling and Gasson. The secretary reported amounts collected for our members Bros. A. Wheatley £7.17.0., A. Leonard £7.0.0., J. Farrington £5.10.6., F. Pelling £5.13.2., J. Gasson £6.0.6.
The secretary then reported on the question of a meeting room and told members that he had taken the room for 12 months for the year.
Next on agenda Correspondence.
Circular from Tonbridge Divisional Labour Party asking for our delegates for 1948. moved Bro. R. Bridger second Bro. H. Blackmore. Bro. F. Robinson.
Moved by Bro. F. Bridger seconded by Bro. R. Cornford and A. Brooker.
A letter from V. Rumley withdrawing his nomination for Branch Secretary election of Branch Secretary and committee was then taken.
Election of Branch Secretary and committee was then taken
Branch Secretary
Moved by Bro. H. Blackmore & seconded Bro. R. Bridger. Bro. F. Robinson. As there was no further nominations Bro. F. Robinson was re-elected. Bro. V. Rumley was re-elected, Bro. V. Rumley was re-elected as Assistant Secretary.
Branch Committee
Bro. R. Cornford withdrew his nomination, so 7 members were left. It was then moved they form the Branch Committee. Carried.
District Council Delegate
Moved F. Bridger seconded Bro. A. Ashton, Bro F. robinson
Moved Bro R. Cornford seconded Bro. G. Warner Bro. F. Elmer
Voting then took place, 8 for Bro. F. Robinson, 7 for Bro. F. Elmer. Bro. F. Robinson elected.
Social Committee
The Chairman moved G. Warner seconded. “That this be left to the Branch Committee.” Carried.
Labour Party Fighting Fund
Moved by Bro. R. Cornford seconded by Bro. R. Bridger the whole og the Political Fund be sent to the local Labour Party. Carried.
The secretary then reported on the Mutual Aid Fund. We had £10.6.5 in the bank and Bro . G. George’s contributions had been paid for two years.
Bro. R. Cornford then gave a report on the L.D.C. and a good discussion took place.
Members present Bros. F. Bridger, A. Ashton, R. Bridger, L. Coomber, G. Warner,
& H. Blackmore
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday February 1st 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting and in their amended from it was by Bro. Warner and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger that these minutes were a true record.
Matters arising from the minutes, Bro. A. Ashton and Bro. C. Russell stated that Bro. C. Waghorn had spoken to them on the matter of the social committee, and that he was willing to give a helping hand in this. It was felt by all members that his proposed help would be most welcome and an asset to the branch. The chairman outlined the position regarding Bro. Waghorn’s membership at Tonbridge Branch and that the matter be left to the committee whose place it was to co-opt such valuable aid. It was moved from the chair that the secretary should call a meeting of the committee to deal with this matter, and the presentations to our retired members.
Military Service Act
It was stated that our members Bros. Howis, Wild, Heasman and Jackson were affected by this, and the L.D.C. should look into it. This was agreed to.
Parliamentary Panel
Bro. V. Rumley moved and Bro. H. Dyer seconded. “That we should nominate Bro. W.B. Cleaver. Bro. R. Bridger moved and Bro. Cornford seconded that we wrote to Bro. Cleaver and ask him if he was willing to accepted nomination, and we hold the said nomination over until the next meeting.
A letter from the Tonbridge Divisional Labour Party regarding the calling of an election fund. After a good discussion it was moved by Bro. G. Grosham seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That this correspondence lay on the table.”
A card from Head Office regretting that they have no minute books left. The chairman stated that this card seemed rather abrupt and that he we were entitled to some more information regarding the purchase of a book from Branch Funds and moved from the chair. “That a letter be sent to Head Officvr regarding this matter.” Carried unam
A letter from Bro. W. Cleaver regarding Bro. J. Wareham’s disciplinary case. At this stage the chairman asked if there was a further letter from Bro. Cleaver, owing to the fact that there was no further correspondence from Bro. Cleaver the chairman stated that there was another letter from this source and that the correspondence was not complete, the assistant secretary stated that this was a serious matter owing to the fact that trouble of a serious nature had arisen in this Branch before over the alleged non-reading of correspondence. It was the general feeling of the meeting that this should be rectified and it was moved from the chair. “That in future all correspondence be provided and that the correspondence dealing with this matter be re-read at the next meeting. Carried unam.
A circular from the British soviet Society, regarding the calling of a conference by this body jointly with several London District Committees of Trade Unions. Asking us to send delegates. It was moved by Bro. C. R. Cornford and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That we support this conference.” It was moved by Bro. G. Warner and seconded by Bro. G. Gorham. “That any member wishing to go, meet the own expenses. It was moved by Bro. G. Tullett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. “That Bro. R. Bridger be a delegate.” It was moved by Bro. G. Warner, seconded by Bro. G. Gorham “That Bro. V. Rumley be a delegate.” Carried.
Next business was L.D.C. report, Bros C. R. Cornford and V. Rumley outlined the work of the L.D.C. on the recent roster alterations and the visits to the depot of representatives of the management on the matter of Central heating of the lobbies.
The visit of Bro Branson Sectional Council Secretary and the results of the discussion with these persons. It was stated by the L.D.C. that discussion on the roster should take place at the branch and it was decided that the next Branch meeting agenda should include, discussion on this matter on the revision of the roster.
The L.D.C. agreed to see Mr. Reeves regarding the allocation of lockers, and the question of the notice regarding clothing coupons.
Bro. C. Cornford brought to the notice of the branch that Bro. Waghorn had made a notice case for our branch, to be places in the lobby. Bro. Cornford moved a thanks which was heartily endorsed by all present.
Bro R. Bridger raised the question of the posting of notice when any retired Brother passed away, no notice being posted when late Bro. Edwards passed away. It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the secretary post a notice on these occasions.”
Bro. V. Rumley stated the Children’s Party organised by the N.U.R. Benevalent Fund was an out standing success and moved. “That a letter of appreciation be sent to Bro. A. Smith, secretary of the Benevolent Fund.” Seconded C. Russell.
Members present Bros. A. Brooker, F. Pearson, N. Dye, C.R. Cornford, R. Bridger, K. Cavie, A. Ashton, F. Diplock, G. Warner, G. Tullett, C. Russell, V. Rumley F. Elmer & G. Gorham.
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday February 15th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The minute read the minutes of the last meeting, Bro. R. Bridger moved and Bro. A. Brooker seconded “That these minutes were a true record.”
The secretary asked a question on the minutes regarding the late Bro. Edwards and the late Bro. Harding and pointed out that the late Bro. Harding was not a member of our organisation or of the N.U.R. and moved that his name be erased from the minutes. Carried.
The minute Secretary then read the minutes of the Special Committee meeting held at 47 Stanley Road on February 8th. It was moved by Bro. P. Budgen and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That we adopt these minutes.”
The recommendation of the Committee to present the cheques to the retired Brother was turned down after a good discussion, it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That a dinner be held at Pantiles Grill and that the presentation be made on this occasions.”
The recommendation from the committee to form a special committee of 4 memers and that Bro. C. Waghorn be co-opted as chairman and that this committee be given powers to co-opted was endorsed by the branch.
The chairman then asked for nominations, the special committee is as follows. Bros C. Waghorn, R. Bridger, C.R. Cornford, J. Murphy & F. Bridger.
The Chairman moved that the committee be given full powers. Carried.
It was proposed by Brother R. Bridger, seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That we try to hold the dinner on Good Friday.” The assistant secretary agreed to approach the Pantiles Grill on this matterand he would communicate with Mrs. Powell requesting the Good Friday Workings to be sent down in good time.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. F. Bridger. “That a special committee be allowed to borrow up to £5.0.0. from the Mutual Aid Fund. Carried.
It was moved from the chair. “That the assistant secretary write branch reports to the Loco Journal and that a report of the forthcoming social be reported.” Carried
Next business was the roster alterations, after a good discussion it was moved by Bro. J. Murphy and seconded by Bro. Vanson. “That the L.D.C. approach the foreman to have the 5.40 a.m. to Forest Row and the 3.35 p.m. Tonbridge in Number 2 Link changed with the 9.6 a.m Eastbourne and the 4.37 p.m. Eastbourne from Number 3 link.”
Correspondence was next dealt with
Circular No.15/1948 Machinery of Negotiation Sectional council. This was treated as information.
Circular No.9/1948 Promotion and Seniority British Railways. Discussion on this was differed until later in the meeting when the promotion scheme was to be discussed.
Circular No.10/1948 Rostering of 11 day fortnight, Bank and Public Holidays. This was treated as information
Circular No.12 Election of General Secretary. This was treated as information.
Circular No.11/1948 Labour Party Conference – Whit-Sunday 1948. our nominee received 136 votes. And the branch considered this a good show under the existing circumstances.
A letter regarding a new minute book from head office. Bro. Ashton moved Bro. F. Bridger seconded. “That we purchase a minute book.” Carried.
A letter from Bro. Cleaver appreciating our guesture in wishing to nominate him for the Parliamentary Panel and outlining his reasons for declining. The Branch accepted this in the spirit in which it was sent, appreciating Bro. Cleaver’s wish to serve us in his present capacity.
Next business was proposed scheme for promotion put forward by our E.C. After a good discussion it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. F. Bridger. “That we support the E.C.’s proposed scheme for promotion and congratulate the E.C. on their far sighted policy.” Carried Unam.
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.10 p.m.
Members present Bros. F. Robinson, V. Rumley, R. Bridger, F. Bridger, P. Budgen, J. Murphy, R. Vanson, A. Brooker, D. Nye, A. Ashton & F. Elmer
An early monthly meeting was held on Sunday March 7th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
As Bro. V. Rumley was not present the Chairman asked for nominations for a minute taker, Bro. A. Brooker was proposed and as there was no other nominations he then read the minutes of the previous meeting which in a slightly amended form were proposed by Bro. F. Bridger seconded by Bro. F. Robinson. “That they be signed as a true record.”
In matter arising Bro. F. Robinson stated that he had called on the printers in the town for a minute book and priced ranged from 23/- to 27/- and were not very thick. It was then proposed from the Chair. That the secretary approach Baldwins to make us one taking the old one as a copy.” Carried.
The secretary then handed over a cheque for £2.3.8 from Head Office political fund. This will go to the local Labour Party Fighting Fund, as per minute of a Special Meeting on January 11th 1948.
Correspondence was next dealt with.
A letter from Bro. R. Bridger for secretary of the Social Fund asking the meeting to recind the minute re Pantiles Grill dinner. It was pointed out by the Chairman that it was only a suggestion from the Branch to the Committee.
Circular No.16.1948 re N.U.R. Propaganda. Leaflets enclosed issued from Head Office to combat it.
Circular Re closing of our N.H.I section. Treated as information. It was moved from the Chair. “That a vote of thanks be given to Bro. R. Cornford for ably carrying out his duties.” Carried Unam.
Circular 19/1948 Re Rule 29. Sickness Benefit, it was moved that a type written extract headed important be posted in the driver’s lobby.
Circular No.21/1948 Re New rates of pay. After a good discussion it was moved. “That the observations of this Branch be sent to the E.C.” Carried
L.D.C. Nominations.
The Chairman stated that these had been over looked at the last meeting and that this and the circular on the rate of pay had been the reason for calling this meeting early. The Chairman then asked for nominations.
Bro. C.R. Cornford proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. K. Cavie.
Bro. J. Murphy proposed by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. F. Bridger.
Bro. F. Elmer proposed by Bro. V. Prior. But Bro. Elmer declined stating that he would only stand if there was not enough nominations.
Bro. F. Robinson was also proposed but declined stating that he wanted to see younger men play their part.
Bro. A. Brooker proposed by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. Cavie.
The Chairman took the names of the voters to be held over till a further meeting.
It was agreed to ask the L.D.C. Secretary to write to Mr. Chimes Motive Power Supt. Re only a boiler-washer to represent this depot at the Ashford Conference also mentioning the non-passing of the men for driving duties at this depot.
Social Committee.
Bro. Cornford reported that they had obtained a room above the Grosvenor for Thursday April 1st at 7.0 p.m. for the presentation to the retired members.
The Chairman asked for any other business there being none he thanked members for their presence and closed the meeting at 1.20 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Cornford, K. Savage, K. Cavie, V. Prior, F. Bridger, P. Bridger,
F. Robinson, F. Elmer & A. Brooker.
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday Apil 4th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. C. Cornford. “That these minutes were a true record.
Election of General Secretary, it was moved that the Branch Committee should go into the vote on General Secretary.
A circular from Landore Branch regarding the new promotion scheme. As this circular was not official. The Chairman ruled that no action be taken. The Circular was read and discussed.
Election of Assistant General Secretary, treated as information.
The names of the following men were put forward for membership.
L. Penfold, W. Ovenden, W. Ford, S. Neal, G. Power, P. Fryer, J. Mace & R. Howell.
The branch agrees unanimously and it was moved by the Chair that we write to Head Office to speed up the business regarding new entries.
Next business was L.D.C. nominations and voting. As there was no record available of the previous meetings votes. The Secretary quoted the results from memory. The branch agreed to accept them with the privso that the original check be provided at the next meeting.
The Chairman asked for further nominations.
Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by A. Brooker, Bro. V. Rumley
Proposed by Bro. A. Ashton seconded by Bro. C. Russell, Bro .F. Pearson
Proposed Bro. K. Cavie seconded by Bro. F. Pearson Bro. F. Elmer.
Bro. A. Brooker then withdrew his nomination, Bro. C.R. Cornford stated that he was only prepared to stand if he had the Confidence of the Branch owing to certain persons in the shed questioning his activities regarding rest period the national conditions were consulted and Bro. Cornford actions were found to be in order. It was then moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That the branch recorded a vote of confidence in Bro. Cornford.” Carried Unanimously
Voting then took place resulting as follows
Bro. C. Cornford 6, Bro. J. Murphy 1, Bro. V. Rumley 5, Bro F. Pearson 2, Bro. F. Elmer 5.
The aggregate vote for to two meetings bringing the vote to
Bro. C. Cornford 12, Bro. J. Murphy 7, Bros. V. Rumley & F. Elmer tying for third place. A vote was taken again between Bros. V. Rumley and F. Elmer, resulting in 4 for Bro. V. Rumley and 5 for Bro. F. Elmer.
The official candidates subject to the check on the previous meeting are Bros. C.R. Cornford, J. Murphy & F. Elmer.
Bro. F. Pearson moved and Bro C. Russell seconded. “That a vote of thanks be given to the returning L.D.C.” Carried Unam
Bros. V. Rumley & R. Bridger gave a delegates report from the meeting on Soviet Anglo Friendship and Trade.
The Chairman thanked members for the attendance and closed the meeting at 1.0 p.m.
Members present Bros. A. Brooker, C. Cornford, F. Pearson, R. Bridger, C. Russell, K. Cavie, F. Robinson, F. Elmer, A. Ashton, V. Rumley & J. Murphy.

Bob Walls Collection
Fireman Unknown & Driver Vic Rumley
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday May 16th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That these minutes were a true record.”
A letter from the Tunbridge Wells Labour Party, inviting nominations for the K.C.C. elections, it was agreed that this lay on the table.
The Minutes Secretary reported to the meeting the loss of the minutes of the 1947 A.G.M. while these were not in his possession. It was moved from the Chair. “That the Secretary work to Bro. A. Brooker requesting him to make every endeavour to find the minutes of the A.G.M. as these are required for record purposes.” Carried Unanimously.
Discussion took place on the position of the candidates for the 1949 L.D.C. owing to the fact that the voting record of the first meeting could not be found. Bro. V. Rumley stated that although we were officially wrong, no useful purpose could be struck at this stage by the election preparations any withdrawal of one of our candidates would automatically lead to the N.U.R. man election, and moved. “That we recognise our three nominees as official.” Carried. Bro. V. Rumley moved. “That a different system to be used for the selection and election of our candidates in the future and outlined a plan whereby all members would get an equal vote on all candidates and no member would be disfranchised by last minute withdrawals. It was moved from the Chair. “That Bro. V. Rumley bring this matter up at the committee meeting and the next branch meeting.” Carried unan.
It was also moved from the chair. “That the notice for a Branch meeting shall include procedure regarding L.D.c. nominations.”
Bro. R. Bridger gave a report from the Social Committee
It was decided that the Committee (Branch) should discuss the raising of funds to pay the artists at the social given to Mr. H. Terry.
Bro. F. Elmer gave an interesting report on hosing.
Bro. R. Bridger reported the state of the car end compartments and the L.D.C. Sec was instructed to write a letter regarding same.
It was moved from the Chair. “That an item regarding the non issue of mac’s be placed on the next L.D.C. agenda.”
The Chairman thanked all for their attending and closed the meeting at 11.45.
Members present Bros. A. Ashton, R. Bridger, F. Diplock, J. Murphy, V. Rumley & F. Elmer.
A Branch Committee was held on Sunday May 30th 1948,
at 47 Stanley Road.
Bros. J. Murphy, E. Dodwell, F. Robinson, E. Brooker & C. Russell (Acting Chairman) were present.
Four items were on the agenda
The 1st being, re devising a means of taking the vote on major issues such as election of General Secretary etc, the Branch Committee consider if the best idea to distribute a voting paper to each individual member of the Branch and request that the filled up paper be returned to the Secretary or o member of the Branch Committee.
Item 2. Re devising raising of funds for artist for Mr. Terry’s Concert, it was suggested that a pay day collection be made, and that all future social functions be ran by the Committee formed for such purpose.
Item 3 to discuss proposed put forward by Bro. V. Rumley regarding L.D.C. elections. It was agreed that nominations be invited for the L.D.C. at the September & October meetings and that the vote be taken on the November & December Annual General Meeting. This would give members the chance to vote for a full list of candidates, and not only vote on the names put forward by one meeting, and it will stop members from being dis enfranchise by last minute withdrawal of candidates.
Item 4. To consider the formulation of a set of standing orders covering the calling of meetings and other branch meetings.
It was agreed that we keep strictly to branch directory and anything of importance, members of the branch committee to call special meetings.
Meeting was from 11 o/Clock to 1.10 p.m.
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday July 18th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. J. Murphy and seconded by Bro. A. Ashton. “That these minutes were a true record.
Arising out of the minutes a discussion on the loss of minutes of the A.G.M. 1947, and the letter written to Bro. Brooker was amended to the satisfaction of all member present and the following resolutions were carried. Proposed by Bro. H. Blackmore seconded by Bro. C. Cornford. “That when a minute secretary is appointed from the floor the secretary retain the minute book.”
Proposed by Bro. C. Cornford seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That the letter was written in accordance with instructions from the Branch.”
Bro. F. Robinson read the minutes of the Branch Committee meeting held at 47 Stanley Road on Sunday May 30th. It was moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That these minute were a true record.”
Bro. Elmer explained the events which led to the position which we were confronted in regard the social on behalf of Mr. Terry. Bro. C. Cornford moved. “That we hand the money collected for this social over to the social committee and ask them to carry on.” Carried.
Proposed by Bro. C. Cornford seconded by Bro. A. Ashton. “That nominations for the L.D.C. be accepted at the November and December meetings prior to the election and that the voting take place at the January and February meetings.” Carried.
Proposed by Bro. F. Robinson. “That the nominations for Branch Officers be accepted at the September and October meetings and the voting take place at the November and December meetings.” Carried.
Item 4 of the inutes was adopted as proposed by the Branch Committee.
Correspondence was next dealt with.
It was agreed that new members J. Wood and Geoffery be accepted.
Bro. C. Cornford gave L.D.C. report.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. C. Cornford. “That thw L.D.C. Secretary invite Bro. C. Branson to our next branch meeting.” Carried.
A suggestion for the L.D.C. regarding the lack of paraffin bottles on the engines was put forward.
A discussion took place on the 1 vacancy at Tunbridge Wells West for the 44 hour week list and it was moved by Bro. F. Elmer. “That a letter be sent to H.O. over the apparent in activity of the Sectional council No.2 the position appears to be worse than it was prior to Nationalisation, no minutes having been received for a period of 12 months.” Carried.
It was moved. “That the secretary write to H.O. asking them take up the matter of the use of the Welfare room for Branch meetings.”
The meeting closed at 1.15 p.m. The chair thanking all for their attendance.
Members present Bros. V. Rumley, F. Elmer, F. Robinson, H. Blackmore, C. Taylor, A. Brooker, C. Cornford, J. Murphy, A. Ashton, D. Nye & F. Pearson.
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday September 12th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding.
The Secretary explained why meeting was called a week early, as it was moved by Bro. K. Savage and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That the Secretary’s action of calling meeting be endorsed.” Carried.
It was then moved from the Chair. “That in future the minutes of meetings be in the hands of the Secretary at least 10 days after branch meetings.” Carried.
Nominations of Branch Officers for 1949.
Moved by Bro. F. Bridger & sec by Bro. K. Cavie, Bro. F. Elmer.
Vice Chairman
Moved by Bro. R. Bridger & sec by Bro. F. Elmer Bro. C. R. Cornford
Moved by Bro. K. Savage & sec by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. F. G. Robinson.
Assistant Secretary
Moved by Bro. F. Elmer & sec Bro. R. Bridger Bro. K. Savage.
Bros. F. Bridger, F. Pearson, R. Bridger, J. Murphy, K. Cavie, E. Dunonall & C. Russell.
Bro. R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report and the following resolution was moved.
“That the members of this Branch greatly deplore the action of Sub-Committee A of Sectional council No.2, in agreeing to clause B, of minute No.1, of their meeting on August 24th .
We submit that staffing arrangements, should be made before commencing rest days, to insure as far as possible, that they are not interfered with, and to ease the already difficult duties placed on the L.D.C.s.
Under the machinery of negotiations we also question the power claimed by the Chairman of Sectional council no.2, in authorising these minutes to be acted upon, before they have been ratified and by the full Council, trusting these objections will be fully considered by the Full Council.”
It was also moved that we endeavour to arrange for Mr. Branson and Mr. Cleaver to attend a special Meeting. Carried.
Members present Bros. R. Cornford, F. Elmer, F. Robinson, J. Murphy, F. Bridger, R. Bridger, K. Cavie & K. Savage.

Bob Walls Collection
Driver Vic Rumley
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday October 17th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Giving to the absence of the Chairman and vice Chairman, it was moved by Bro. K. Cavie and seconded by Bro. D. Nye. “That Bro. C. Cornford be Chairman.
The Minute Secretary then read the minutes of the July meeting which weren’t available at the September meeting. It was moved by Bro. J. Murphy and seconded by Bro. D. Nye. “That these minutes were a true record.”
Arising out of these minutes a discussion took place on annual leave for conciliation grades, and the secretary explained what had taken place at our depot regarding recent entrants into the several who had had the leave to which they are entitled cancelled from the local office.
The secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. K. Cavie and seconded by Bro. F. Bridger. “That these minutes were a true record.”
Bro. A. Brooker raised the question of the action of the secretary in calling last month’s meeting on the second Sunday and after a good discussion. Bro. Brooker proposed and Bro. K. Cavie seconded. “A notice of motion to recind Item 4 of the Branch Committee minutes of the meeting held on Sunday May 30th and the Chairman stated that it was up to the members to draft a new minute which will adequately cover this question and put it before the next meeting.
Correspondence was next dealt with.
At this stage Bro. Cornford left the chair in favour of the Branch chairman who had just arrived from duty.
A letter from Bro. C. Branson Secretary Sectional Council No.2 replying to the letter from our secretary on September 18th.
Owing to the District Council report dealing entirely with this matter the secretary gave the report at this stage of the meeting.
A letter from Stewarts Lane and Nine Elms branches regarding the open meetings called by them. The secretary gave the branch an outline of the action taken by him on this matter. Bro. F. Bridger moved the endorsement of the secretary’s action, seconded by Bro. A. Brooker.
A letter from the General Secretary in reply to the correspondence of our L.D.C. forwarded to Head Office by the Branch Secretary, regarding the Machinery of Negotiation – L.D.C.s. A good discussion took place and it was moved by Bro. C. Cornford seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That a resolution be sent to Head office on the grounds put forward by the Chair, to be worded by the branch Officers.
A letter from Eastbourne Branch regarding A.A.D. nominations. It was moved from the Chair that we write and support Eastbourne Branch in this matter, provided that a ballot be taken of the depots and then rotate yearly.
The Branch accepted Bro. V. Thorpe as a member.
Next business was nominations for Branch officers for 1949
Bro. C.R. Cornford proposed by Bro A. Brooker seconded by Bro. V. Rumley
Vice Chairman
Bro. R. Bridger proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. J. Murphy.
No further nominations
Assistant Secretary
Bro. V. Rumley proposed Bro. K. Cavie seconded by Bro. A. Brooker.
Bro. A. Brooker proposed by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by C. Cornford. Moved by Bro F. Robinson seconded by Bro. A. Dodwell. “That nominations cease.”
Bro. Cornford gave the L.D.C. Report.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. F. Bridger. “That the Branch support the L.D.C. in their action over the roster alterations.” Carried.
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.15 p.m.
Members present Bros. A. Brooker, J. Murphy, F. Bridger, C. Cornford, A. Dodwell, D. Nye, K. Cavie, V. Rumley, F. Elmer & F. Robinson.
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday November 21st 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro. F. Elmer presiding
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of last meeting and it was moved by Bro. R. Cornford seconded by Bro. F. Pring “That these minutes were a true record.”
Correspondence was next dealt with.
A letter from the Secretary of Sectional Council No.2 re minute 16 of the meeting held at Waterloo 20.8.48. the feeling of the meeting was that this letter was contradiction, and no action was taken regarding this letter.
The Sectional Council minutes of 20.8.48 were not read but handed round the meeting. Circular No.76/1948. Rates of pay Sunday Duty. This circular was thoroughly discussed and it was the feeling of the meeting that the last paragraph needed some clarification. It was decided that the Secretary should write to Head Office for clarification and also the Secretary and Assistant Secretary contact the office on this matter.
Next business was the first vote for Branch Officer for 1949. the secretary read out the candidate list of nominees and the asked for a vote Chairman, resulting as follows Bro. F. Elmer 2, Bro. R. cornford 6.
The Chairman then conducted the rest of the voting resulting as follows.
Vice Chairman
Bro. R. Cornford 3, Bro. R. Bridger 5
Bro. F. Robinson 8
Assistant Secretary
Bro. K. Savage 1, Bro. V. Rumley 6.
Bro. F. Bridger 6, Bro. F. Pearson 2, Bro. R. Bridger 3, Bro. J. Murphy 5, Bro. K. Cavie 5, Bro. E. Dunmall -,
Bro. C. Russell, 6 & Bro. A. Brooker 6.
Next business was nominations for L.D.C.
The Chairman asked for nominations.
Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger, seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. Bro. R. Cornford. Proposed Bro. R. Lambert seconded
A. Brooker Bro. V. Rumley.
Proposed Bro. J. Pring seconded Bro. A. Ashton Bro. F. Robinson.
Proposed Bro. J. Pring seconded Bro. R. Lambert Bro. F. Elmer.
Bro. R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report and various members brought points forward for the L.D.C. to deal with.
Bro. C. Waghorn gave the Social committee report and said how sorry they were on loosing their able treasurer Bro. F. Pearson, the same was felt by all members presence.
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting 1.5.
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, J. Pring, P. Savage, A. Ashton, F. Elmer, R. Cornford,
H. Love, R. Lambert, V. Rumley & C. Waghorn.
The Annual General meeting was held on Sunday December 19th 1948,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road at 10:45 a.m.
Bro F. Elmer presiding.
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and after being amended it was moved by Bro. C.R. Cornford and seconded Bro. A. Ashton. “That these minutes were a true record.”
Correspondence was next dealt with.
A letter from the Secretary of Tunbrdge Wells Industrial Council, regarding our membership. This was left for the Secretary to deal with.
A letter from the Secretary of Tunbridge Wells Labour Party, asking for nominations for General committee, delegates and officers.
Bro. J. Murphy, proposed by Bro R. Cornford seconded by H. Blackmore.
Bro. F. Robinson proposed by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. J. Murphy.
Bro. Elmer proposed by Bro. V. Rumley seconded Bro. R. Cornford.
Bro. A. Brooker proposed by Bro. F. Robinson seconded Bro. R. Cornford.
Officers, Treasurer
Mr. Dumbleton proposed by Bro. R. Cornford seconded by Bro
It was proposed by Bro. H. Blackmore seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That the L.D.C. Secretary write to the management and ask them to forward all men’s National Health numbers employed at this depot.” It was also suggested that they should enquire why the N.H. card was not been returned to the individuals to be signed.
New members, it was agreed that Bro. F. Brown should become a member.
Voting then took place for Branch Officers resulting as follows.
Bro. R. C. Cornford 3, Bro F. Elmer –
Aggerate vote for two meeting Bro. C.R. Cornford 9, Bro. F. Elmer 2
Vice Chairman
Bro. R. Bridger 3, aggregate vote for two meeting 8
Bro. F. Robinson 4, aggregate for two meetings 12
Assistant Secretary
Bro. K. Savage 2, aggregate vote for two meetings 3
Bro. V. Rumley 1, aggregate for two meetings 7.
It was agreed that there was no point in voting further on this brecause there was owing to Bro. F. Pearson’s transfer and Bro. R. Bridger’s appointment as Vice Chair, still one more nomination required for a full committee and it was proposed by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That Bro. F. Elmer be on the Committee.”
The officers of this branch are elected as follows.
Chairman Bro. C.R. Cornford, Vice Chairman, Bro. R. Bridger, Secretary Bro. F. Robinson, Assistant Secretary Bro. V. Rumley
Committee Bros. F. Bridger, K. Cavie, C. Russell, J. Murphy, E. Dunmall, A. Brooker
& F. Elmer.
Next business was L.D.C. nominations Bro. J. Murphy proposed by Bro. H. Blackmore seconded Bro. A. Ashton.
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report and a good discussion took place on the present difficulties with the rest day relief working. The meeting decided that it should be left to the L.D.C. to reach an agreement with the management.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 1.0 p.m. thanking all for their attendance
Members present, Bros. H. Blackmore, C.R. Cornford, J. Murphy, A. Ashton, F. Elmer,
F. Robinson, V. Rumley & A. Brooker.