Members present I. Wilson, C. Newton, J. Osborne & M. Allen
In accordance with current Standing Orders, only minutes and correspondence to be read out all other business deferred to next meeting owing to inquorate meeting.Minutes of the previous branch meeting held on 2nd December were read out.
Bro. M. Allen asked that a reference to the gift proposed to retired member Ron Lifford be included in the minutes as this was part of the proposal agreed.
Secretary apologised explaining why he had not mentioned it.
Comments were made that the nomination for Assistant Branch Secretary had asked not to be put forward. Secretary was asked to write to the member over this issue.All current circulars were read out and would be posted on the notice board at depot.Membership application from D. Vallance to be held over to the next meeting.For Record Purposed OnlyConnex Rail Restructuring Offer.This offer had been rejected by the D.F.C. and district Secretary. It was hoped further rounds if talks would be arranged.John Osborne L.D.C. Rep. spoke about the revised diagrams involving 319/2s units on the Connex Express Service. With the increase of 319 work the L.D.C. would raise the level of traction knowledge to other links.
Current holiday change over now done, but with a change of Roster Clerk, issue of changes might be longer as they one consider less Important.
There was nothing on Health Safety.
Chairman recorded his dismay with the number of memebers attending meetings.
Ivan Wilson
Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, F. Lagridge, M. Thompson,
A. Flowers, S. Weller, H. Hassan, A. Warburton, C. Horlock, M. Allen
& Special Guest Speaker R. Luxford D.F.C. Rep.
Deferred new membership application.
A request by D. Vallance to become an A.S.L.E.F. member was presented to the branch. “That this branch accepts the application of Sister D. Vallance as a member.” Moved S. Weller & seconded F. Langridge. Vote carried.
Special Guest Speaker Address
D.F.C. Rep. Roy Luxford thanked our branch for allowing him speaking to members.Issued Addressed.
Disciplinary Procedures, R. Brookes Selhurst. Roy spoke at some length over the handling of the ballot, and why other issues had been linked to ballot.
The handling of this whole matter led to areas where the Society could have been in contempt of the law, that’s why we had to change. The lack of communication needed to be addressed first, not only at national level, but local level.
Issues on P.T.& R., the Bargaining Procedures and other agreements needed to be monitored as these areas were where management were looking at changing, and this is where we need to support our Council Reps and our union.
Driver Performance Profiling.
Station over shooting and S.P.A.D.s.
These matters were now being dealt with outside the disciplinary code. Drivers were not being made aware that these were still placed on their records and that high levels of points could result in the sack.
Although only one set of points were now being used and that some points did not reduce in time, some points remain on their records.
Age (55) being one.
Concern was raised regarding the “1963 type” rolling stock, reports had been received that the had rails on some units were breaking away as a result of corrosion of the coach bodies. Members have been injured, council will be seeking assurances over the state of these type of units but drivers should be alter to this problem.
Safety Training Day two was now being done with more emphasis on safety matters although “Business Awareness” was still part of this.
Diagrammed excessive days or hours
Agreements that required men to be booked off duty having been completing extra days etc was agreed. This was in response to ballast working and other such incidents.
E.W.S. have been allowing members to undermine current training/route learning. Recent incident involved a ex-Norwood second man learning Uckfield routes with other drivers, having not worked line for some 8/9 years.
Another proposal allowing crews to sign on/off at Three Bridges and paying extra allowance for travelling in their own time.
Safety equipment Class 37 locomotives, council had sort to have equipment placed on these i.e. short circuit bars, hook switch poles, but management declined too drivers would have to use methods of current isolation.
Complaints about new uniforms, a number of complaints had been made regarding the styling, colours and quality and none issue of foot ware.
Additional services south of Haywards Heath, extra services to Eastbourne and Worthing areas were planned for Summer timetables. Also extra South London Metro services were also planned. Planned reduction in Redhill was not going ahead as predicted.
Restructure Deal
Revised offer was now presented to council, this would be put to the A.S.L.E.F. executive before members were ballot on it.
Details of the package would be given to all members first before ballot. Offer was a basic salary £20,600 plus, extra for Sunday and a average of 37 week. This concluded his report to member.
A vote of thanks to Roy Luxford for his report was given. Moved C. Horlock & seconded S. Weller. Vote Carried.
On the issue of new uniforms, this was raised by members with serious complaints about the style, colour etc and the lack of consultation the following motions were forward.“This Brighton Branch wishes to express it’s amazement in the shades of colours and style used in the first Connex South Central uniform issue for Traincrew staff.
We feel that while these shades and styles may be acceptable for on train stewards, they are totally inappropriate for Traincrew staff.
Further, we feel they do not respect the profession of the job we Are expected to exercise when carrying out our duties.
We are not ‘Holiday Tour Operator Guides’, but a body of both men and women who are responsible for the lives of thousands travellers and commuters who in event of a mistake will instantly be on a charge of manslaughter.
Being mindful of this, a colour and style more fitting to reflect this responsibility is called for more in line with the police and fire brigade, than glorified school boy’s uniform.
This Brighton Branch therefore instructs its Functional Council Representatives for Connex South Central and the Executive Committee of A.S.L.E.F. to make serious representations to the management of Connex South Central with the view to making acceptable changes through full and meaningful consultations on the issue for drivers grades on Connex South Central.” Moved S. Weller & seconded M. Thompson. Vote carried.“That this Brighton Branch instructs its Secretary to write to all Branch Secretaries on Connex South Central, informing them of the resolution adopted by this branch, with the view of them adopting a similar policy.” Moved F. Langridge & seconded H. Hassan. Vote
“That this Brighton Branch instructs its L.D.C. Representatives to make representations to our management with a view to communicating the unsatisfactory nature, and derision with which the uniform is held in at Brighton.” Moved A. Warburton & seconded C. Horlock. Vote carried.
L.D.C. & Health & Safety Rep. Mick Hawkins
Members present J. Edisbury, W. Mackenzie, S. Jones,
M. Hawkins, I. Osborne, J. Osborne, S. Gillen, R. Perrin,
A. Thaxter, R. Matthews, M. Cole, H. Penter, A. Chumbley, D. Hogan,
A. Gregg, C. Horlock, I. Dove, A. Flowers & G. Bowen
H&S Report
Bro. M. Hawkins gave the Health and Safety report covering, Worthing P.N.B. toilets and messroom to be revamped. to be monitored. Unauthorised walking route Montpeller Sidings to No.3 platform, again staff were warned that disciplinary action would be taken against anyone caught using this route.Question, is there going to be a Haywards Heath P.N.B. point?Answer, it would appears so, H&S rep to monitor developments.
Question, was the H&S rep aware that ex D.I.G. 1963 stock were fitted with unsatisfactory driving seats?
Answer, yes it was to be progressed.
D.F.C. Report
Bro. R. Luxford (Three Bridges Branch) expressed his disappointment that the D.R.I. books were not yet in the hands of members, but explained due to inaccuracies the first print run been pulled at the eleventh hour. The new copies should be arriving in the next few days.
He proceeded to give a detailed summary of the main points, after which the meeting was opened to questions.
Question, is the full text of the deal going to be made available?
Answer, yes
Question, why was travelling back remotely booking off covered in the Drugs & Alcohol policy?
Answer, this was included at the D.F.C.s request to protect members. Should an individual decide to go for a drink it was their responsibility to travel back at their own expense, and not to use travel documentation.
Question, are the remote booking off locations specified or determined by travelling time?
Answer, determined by travelling time.
Question, will existing staff loose existing residential travel passes?
Answer, no, they are protect by the 1963 Railways Act.
Question, can I be moved three hours off a spare turn on to a running turn?
Answer, Yes.
Question, am I obliged to work rear end turns?
Answer, only post 1988 drivers.
Question, what is the maximum hours I can be rostered in a week?
Answer, 50 hours, but will be unlikely because of the expense for
management to cover all the additional rest days this would create. All rosters would be dealt with at local level.
Question, are we committed to annualised hours?
Answer, No.
Question, if a driver becomes unable to work in the Shunt Links are there any protection schemes?
Answer, they will be dealt with under severance arrangements. Also the Engineman’s Assurance Fund are forming a special insurance scheme.
Question, will fitters be moving units within yard limits?
Answer, not as part of the D.R.I., but it is something management are looking at.
Question, how will the 12% difference of Sunday working between depots be worked?
Answer, across the whole division.
Question, what will become of the Driver Instructors?
Answer, they will be interviewed for the position of Driver Assessor, of which there will be fewer. At present there was no job spec. available.Some concern was expressed at the possibility that mixed or full rear end diagrams could be included in the master rosters, as such a motion was put before the meeting.
“That this Brighton Branch instruct the D.F.C. to make representation to Connex South Central to receive clear and unequivocal written clarification on the following, from the proposed Driving Restructuring Offer. Prior to the commencement of the ballot.8.5.1. ‘Non Driving Operational Duties’ – that no full or mixed rear end turns will be included in the Master roster.” Moved S. Weller & seconded M. Hawkins. Carried unanimously.
Question, are C.E.B.s covered by the same provisions as P.N.B.s?Answer, yes
Question, will I get a P.N.B. if I work over six hours?
Answer, yes, any diagram over
Question, will ASLEF union dues become a percentage of our salary?
Answer, no, union dues will be set by the Annual Assembly of Delegates.
Question, what will happen if we throw the offer out?
Answer, this is the final offer. It was the D.F.C. opinion that management would seek to change the existing agreements anyway, particularly during future pay talks.
Question, would the Executive committee back industrial action in this event?
Answer, the Executive Committee President (W. Mackenzie) gave categorical assurances that any industrial action would receive the full support of the ASLEF leadership.
Question, is the P.T.& R. affect by this offer?
Answer, No.
Question, does this offer take into account the 1997 pay rise?
Answer, Yes.
Question, when does the pensionable pay element start from and what will happen to this years annual leave?
Answer, pensionable pay will be back dated to the 31st March, the annual leave will be progressed at Company Council.
Question, what happens to Relief Drivers?
Answer, The Relief Driver grade remains.
Bro. R. Luxford summed up stating that it was time to bite the bullet, he believed it was a good deal as we would be able to get. That management had made it plain there would be no further negotiations and this offer meant an increase in guaranteed pay and quality time off. It was now up to the membership to decide if they wanted this change. It was soley up to them.
A vote of thanks for Roy Luxford’s contribution and explanations was proposed. Move S. Jones & seconded M. Hawkins. Carried unan
Election of Assistant Branch Secretary (casual vacancy). M. Allen was nominated. Moved S. Weller & seconded M. Hawkins
Members present I. Wilson, R. Matthews, M. Hunter, W. Mackenzie, M. Cole, J. Osborne,
I. Osborne, A. Gregg, S. Weller & C. Newton.
Special Guest Speaker D.F.C. Rep R. Luxford
Chairman called for a minute’s silence to honour Bro. E. o’Keeffe, Selhurst. Eddie died suddenly whilst on a home visit to his family in Ireland. Chairman paid tribute to his work for the Society.
L.D.C. ReportBro. J. Osborne L.D.C. rep. gave a short report on L.D.C. matters
Rosters were now being posted, these did not have L.D.C. approval as they did not meet the criteria. Company council were fully aware of the reasons why, but advised members to work to these current diagrams within current guidelines.Management have now showed that Brighton’s depot establishment would stand at 141.Any grievance or claims would now have to be dealt with on a personal basis as managements decision to withdraw from the current procedures and machinery means that they will decide or not if a claim will be recognised.
Smaller personal copies of the rosters would be soon available.
Members warned about management’s new Pc/Tc timings
Proposed trials of a new train protection system on a section of line from Stoat’s Nest to Balcombe Junction were due soon.
Thes were on Thameslink units only, members in Links Nos. 1 &2 will be trained. This is a Railtrack scheme, who will be funding this training. L.D.C. were waiting further information on it.
D.F.C. Report
Bro. Roy Luxford our Company Council Rep. thanked our branch for the opportunity to address the branch meeting.
Roy paid tribute to Bro. Eddie o’Keffee for the work he had done as local rep and also district Council Chairman.
He paid thanks too all the Company L.D.C.s for their support on the summer rosters and diagrams.
Reference was also mentioned about the position of advocates dress codes and tome released. Release of staff reps. Was being threatened. Imposition of reduced Prep. & Disposal times. No payment of members, L215 agreement if taken off diagrams, also if Drug and Alcohol tested will only get basic rate.
He stated that unlike reports being circulated, Council have not refused to re-open talks, management closed talks and ignored the machinery process. Informed Council that their current release was being reviewed and put them back at the their depots.
Bro. W. Mackenzie, E.C. President and branch member asked the chairman the opportunity to address the meeting. Chairman agreed.
Bro. Bill Mackenzie gave a summary report on the E.C. position and the support given to both members and council.
Chairman thanked both Council Rep and E.C. President for their reports.
Following the current position on Connex South Central, the branch moved the following motions.
“That this Brighton Branch instruct the Executive Committee, in the event of an affirmative ballot for industrial action on Connex South Central, to use every means at their disposal to ensure that the national and local media are made aware of the catalogue of mismanagement,
intimidation and incompetence of the incumbent managers on Connex South Central.”
Moved S. Weller & seconded M. Hunter. Vote unam.“That this Brighton Branch wishes to express it grave concerns over the imposition of revised preparation and disposal times for E.M.U. stock on Connex South Central in conjunction with their intimidatory and arbitrary discipline policies, will result in members being forced to skimp essential safety checks.
Therefore this Brighton Branch instructs the Executive Committee to raise these issues as a matter of urgency, with the the Railway Safety Executive, the Minister for Transport and any other relevant bodies. ”
moved S. Weller & seconded A. Gregg. Vote carried unam.
Members present I. Wilson, M. Cole, A. Gregg, J. Buckingham, M. McCabe, H. Penter,
S. Smith, D. Shepherd, S. Weller, C. Newton, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, M. Hunter,
M. Thompson, A. Flowers, M. Allen, W. Mackenzie, B. Brown M. Hawkins, P. Osborne
& Guest Speaker R. Luxford Company Council Rep.
New Member ApplicationMoved M. Hawkins & seconded S. Weller. “That this Brighton Branch accepts the applications of R. Boniface of Brighton (Conductor Grade) as a member to this trade union.” Carried.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. J. Osborne gave a short report.
L.W.S. Depot – a new platform had been installed in the Washer Road , this was to allow drivers on 319 units to change ends whilst washing these trains. Special gloves were available also. Members to note, these are for 8 cars only.
H&S Report
Mick Hawkins reported on the following
Washer Road (LWS) as H&S Rep. he was against the way this was being done.
Lighting was to be provided on the platform.
The general state of LWS Depot & Sidings were raised with the H&S Executive.
All lighting posts were to be numbered to aid staff reporting any defects.
Empting of toilets from 1963 type stock within LWS Depot.
Sunday 29th June incident within Clayton Tunnel, this was being raised with Connex and Railtrack.
Addressing the meeting were Company council Rep. Roy Luxford and E.C. President Bill Mackenzie.Roy thanked the chairman for this opportunity in speaking on this issue, but called upon the E.C. member to explain how we reached the position of a ballot.Bill explained how at the A.A.D. Conference in Torquay, our General Secretary, Lew Adams, had been contacted by a senior manager from the Connex Board, to talk about the dispute. The result of this was that an emergency motion was put to the conference to lift the rest day/overtime ban, and for talks on the restructuring to re-start. This was passed by delegates. Talks were started and changes to the original offer was made.This revised package and the fact that on legal advice from Robin Thompson, ASLEF were in some danger of an injunction being issued against the trade union, the decision to put the offer to the members was taken.
Roy Luxford stated that Council were only called into the talks after the A.A.D. decision. Certain agreements were secured, result was that now company council and ASLEF had all loyal staff reps briefed on the package and that a series of depot meetings would take place for staff members would accept the package.
Every member of Traincrew will receive a booklet which sets out the revised offer, and all would be balloted later.
Our A.A.D. Delegate Simon Weller, whilst delaying his report on conference asked to address the issue regarding the roll of conference took. Simon explained how delegates were told of the meeting with Connex and why they passed the motion to lift the ban. Fundamental fact regarding what conference were told or not told have arising.
Members then put forward a series of questions.
Question, under the proposal a maximum of 50 hours per week was stated, how would this reflect in rosters?
Answer, it would be for local staff reps. And managers to work out rosters.
Question, before this goes to ballot will a clear and precise understandings to be given to members on all aspects of the package?
Answer, Council would seek to get this done in time.
Question, Trainmen/Relief Drivers, vacancies were still not being shown or filled? Why?
Answer, Roy explained the procedures and promised that Council would look into this.
Question, Trainmen/Relief Drivers, complaints that this grade were not being given equal driving turns. i.e. senior man rotation was not being applied, therefore how can members be credited
Answer, members should, must use the claims procedures fully, even though management may be not dealing with these claims at present.
Question, The Driver’s Charter, what is it?
Answer, this is a set of about eighteen objectives that have been thought out which spell out drivers position. And it is these aims that the unions is to set out and get.
Question, this package was designed to give time off. i.e. no rest day or large overtime workings. In any future dispute would members have to strike?
Answer, Strikers, this would only be if the membership were balloted all other avenues would be considered first.
Question, Sunday working, the first package spoke of blank Sunday’s, would this deal include them?
Answer, No, only booked/diagrammed Sundays.
Question, will diagrams show remote booking off, and travel time?
Answer, diagrams should show this.
Question, what did the average Sunday working mean to a driver?
Answer, the average out at 17-19 per driver.
Question, were Connex expected to receive fines by O.P.R.A.F.
Answer, no. Railtrack were fining them for cancelling trains a decision on O.P.R.A.F. imposing fines remained unclear.
Question was this the deal that was out put to the E.C. on Wednesday?
Answer, No. this was not.
Question, how will diagramming be done?
Answer, L.D.C. will have an input into links and traction and route agreement will apply in what duties go in what links.
Much as it is done now.
Question, what happens if this is rejected?
Answer, a decision will have to be made, Connex Rail have indicated no more offers. It remains to be seen whether or not they will and if a reduction in members working overtime takes place.
A motion was put to the branch setting out the feeling and condition members wanted. After a discussion it was decided to present this at the next branch meeting, as the ballot result would be known.
Moved M. Allen & seconded M. Cole. “That a vote of thanks be recorded for our E.C. President’s report and Company
Council rep’s report on the Restructuring deal and current dispute.” Carried.
Andy Owen
Members present I. Wilson, T. Allen, F. Maskell, R. Stobbard, M. Hawkins, I. Osborne,
S. Smith, M. Cole, M. Bullen, R. Matthews, A. Chumbley & J. Osborne.
Vacant position on Divisional Council, South Central, correspondence read out from S. Weller Brighton Branch and A. Reed Battersea Branch. Moved S. Smith & seconded M. Bullen. “That this branch nominates S. Weller, Brighton Branch.”
L.D.C. Report
Arrangements for washing of 319 units appear to be working without problem. Management will again be producing the roster and local representatives seem to have less and less input.
It was noted that the latest D.R. I. package has been rejected.
Local Representatives have invited to a meeting with management on D.R.I. issues on 2nd September 1997 .
An agenda meeting will be held on 5th September 1997 .
Matters Arising.
Concerns expressed over who is responsible for closing windows on 319 units when they are prepared for service and are required to be washed before entering service?
L.D.C. view that this not the drivers job, and drivers should report open windows to depot staff and await instructions. This will be raised at the meeting to be held 5th September.
De-icer units are being put into service with no operator on board, is this correct?
L.D.C. will raised this matter at the meeting to be held 5th September.
Health & Safety Report
Concern has been expressed over incidents of drivers having to run over bodies laying after fatalities. Management have indicated that their view is that all bodies should be covered. Correspondence to this effect has received.
The issue of fire fighting equipment on trains has been raised at a recent meeting and the following questions on this management have said that all trains should have full fire fighting equipment on board, and if a driver finds any short fall they should report this and equipment will be provided at the first opportunity.
Cleaning of staff facilities is still an issue but the refurbishment of the station could well cause its own problems.
Lamp posts in Lovers Walk are numbered now which will make indentification for reporting easier.
A Health & Safety booklet has been published, but none are available as yet.
Matter Arising
What is the position of trains which are found to have all fire fighting equipment when being prepared?
H&S Rep view is that no train should leave depot and enter service without all fire fighting equipment on board.
Concern expressed over contamination of walk ways in Lover Walk.
H&S Rep advised that this matter has been dealt with at a recent meeting..
A motion concerning D.R.I. was proposed, moved F. Maskell & seconded B. Brown. “That this Brighton Branch wishes to put forward the following proposed recommendations to the Executive Committee of A.S.L.E.F. and to the Company Council Representatives negotiating on behalf of the members on Connex South Central.
To achieve an agreed settlement with the company by:-
1, Agreement to a thirty seven hour working week.
2, A maximum of a roster of forty hours in anyone weeks diagramming.
3, That the duration of work should not extend beyond nine hours and a minimum of six hours.
4, Sunday Working, this to be outside the thirty seven hour working week and to be restricted to a maximum of nine hours and a minimum of six hours/
5, Sunday Working, to be paid at a rate of time plus half time or at a greater.
6, no remote booking on or off duty, all travelling to be diagrammed within the duties.
7, booking of all public holidays, staff booked to be paid at a rate of time plus half time all staff to be granted lieu leave.
8, Christmas & Boxing Day to be paid at a rate of time plus time worked.
9, Pensions, that full basic pensionable pay to be calculated from the implementation date of the agreement.
10, to agree full recognition of all bargaining and negotiation procedures with all Company council, local representation.”
Following a full discussion this matter was put to a vote, for 7, against 4 and abstained 2. carried majority.
A general view was that a special meeting should be held if ever a D.R.I. package is agreed to deal with the issue of Rest Day patterns and roster layouts.
G.C.H.Q Victory Celebrations
In relation to A.S.L.E.F circular G.C.H.Q. Victory Celebration the following motion was put forward, moved S. Weller & seconded A. Chumbley. “That this Brighton Branch is disappointed at the lack of full time officers, executive committee and A.S.L.E.F. banner at the G.H.C.Q. Victory Celebration. As such this Brighton Branch requests that every effort be made to ensure that Officers, Executive Committee and the A.S.L.E.F. banner be at any rally, march etc support by A.S.L.E.F” Carried Unan.
Members present. D. Griffiths, C. Newton, D. Swaffield, M. Thompson, S. Weller,
M. Hunter, S. Smith, A. Flowers, P. White & F. langridge.
Secretary explained the purpose of meeting, due to the short notice given by A.S.L.E.F. circular No.328/1997.
Nominations for Company Council Representatives Connex South Central.
The closing date for any such nominations was 30th September 1997 and that the next normal branch meeting was October 6th and that any branch nominations would not be valid therefore the vice Chairman and Secretary order a special meeting to put forward any nominations.
Secretary informed the chairman that he received two letters seeking nominations. Both these letters had been approved by the General Secretary under Rule 45.
Chairman then read out the two letters from Bro. G. Morris London Bridge Branch and then Bro. R. Luxford Three Bridges Branch in both cases the said members were seeking to be re-elected as company Council Reps.
Chairman then asked for a mover and seconder for each of the candidates. A request from the members present was put, requesting further nominations from the floor, chairman then allowed these to put two nominations were put.
Mover M. Thompson & seconded P. White. “That Bro. S. Weller is nominated to stand in the election for Company Council.”
Mover S. Smith & seconded D. Swaffield. “That Bro. M. Thompson is nominated to stand in the election for Company Council.”
With no other nominations the chairman called for a vote on all nominations. With no mover and seconder, Bro. G. Morris and Bro. R. Luxford nominations fell.
Bro. S. Weller, moved M. Thompson & seconded by P. White vote 7 for. Carried.Bro. M. Thompson, moved Smith & seconded by D. Swaffield vote 7 for Carried.Chairman and Secretary astained from voting. Chairman declared Bro. S. Weller & Bro. M. Thompson, be the Branch nomination to be forwarded to Head Office.
Members present I. Wilson, C. Newton, D. Vallence, S. Smith, D. Griffiths, D. Swaffield,
M. Thompson, A. Gregg, F. Maskell, M. Hunter, W. Jones, H. Hassan, S. Gandey,
P. Edwards, M. Allen & S. Weller
Guest Speakers E.C. President. W. Mackenzie & D.F.C. Rep. R. Luxford.
Election DFC Position (3rd member)
Three nominations Bros. Gunn (Norwood), Read (Battersea) & Weller (Brigton). Brighton’s nomination to stand as selected.
E.C. Report W. Mackenzie
Bill thanked the Chairman for allowing him to address the Branch Meeting.
1, Reference Circular No.398 – Southall Crash, Bill gave a run down of events of the accident and of the Society position on A.W.S. Isolation and other safety equipment on trains.
Cab Secure Radio failure – A.T.P. Society was to consider the safety and legal position on such items with the view to drivers taking action on working trains with equipment not in use.
2, Connex Rail and the New Personal Contracts of Employment
This was taken very serious as if allowed staff would have no rights. If management didn’t change their views on this, the Society will consider some sort of industrial action.
3, Society – Unions Finance PositionA.S.L.E.F. was undertaking to look at always in reducing its running costs, its day to day operating costs were more than incomes and whilst it had investments etc it needed to be more cost effective to be able to demands.
4, Current dispute against A.S.L.E.F. by R.M.T. Society has come under increasing attacks by R.M.T. and one in particular area membership of new recruits within the railways. Bill highlighted the position with Central Trains.
5, Membership Deduction Members were to be encouraged to go Direct Debit, this would actually save the Society money.
Question on the subject of union restructure rather than try to change everything, why not one part at a time. Bill explained what had happened over the last few years when changes were proposed.
Question on the Southall Crash and Isolation A.W.S. and othe equipment was A.S.L.E.F aware of an article in the Daily Mirror newspaper regarding a buffet stewart being called to the cab. Bill stated that all incidents or matter of safety were of concern and that the Society would put forward a case at the enquiry. Observations and comments were made by a number of members present.
Chairman called for a vote of thanks,. Moved M.Allen & seconded D. Griffiths. “That this branch thanked Bro. Mackenzie for his address to the branch.”
Company Council Report
Bro. Roy Luxford thanked the Branch for allowing him to made a report to members.
Roy referred to Circular No.314/1997 “R.M.T. Dispute with A.S.L.E.F.”
He referred to all the problems of Barnham Depot had over R.M.T. members and what took place, and the A.S.L.E.F members were treated by the local R.M.T. officers.
Pensions, Roy outlined our present position with Connex and the pending case regards to full pension.
Driver Restructure Package
Council were to look at all current aspects of the rejection and on staff views. Council would give it one more try, if it fails they would place a claim for a 1997 pay award.
On D.R.I., it was planned that in the event of a package a more detailed ballot would be conducted with one part being, ‘doing you wish to remain as you are?’ the others a choice of may be two kinds of deals.
Areas that were being considered were:-
Bank Holiday Working – different ways if pay.
L.S.S. retained – altered.
Possible Attendance Awards
Night rates being altered
Minimum late running 30 mins max.
Spare to incorporate safety talks etc.
Hospitals Leave unchanged
Maximum Sunday working numbers
Maximum Hours on spares etc
Pre/Disposal times – walking times
Issue on Individual Contracts
This was being addressed by Council, advice was not to sign up.
A.W.S. Isolation consideration to include C.S.R.’s and other safety aids to be included in driver’s rights to not work trains with passengers on-board. It is hoped that this would improve services etc, but if any member was disciplined then action would be taken by A.S.L.E.F.
Driver's Red Signal Reminder Buttons
Units were to be fitted with a safety button which would prevent traction power being given. All drivers would be receiving instruction once units had been fitted. But a date was still to be given.
Thameslink Brighton
As of 6th October a new depot had been formed, 9 duties had been transferred, 15 drivers were starting new positions on the 6th with 11 more on the 13th October, all Thameslink work would be transferred by the end of 1997.
Roy then referred to the current position on the Council election and about the nominations put forward by Brighton Branch.
As member within the Branch were standing, he regarded this as a no confidence vote, yet as a Council no branch had written to them or A.S.L.E.F Head Office and Brighton had always supported both Council members in the work done on their behalf.
A debate then took place by members, Bros. S. Weller and M. Thompson, who were the two nominees concerned replied to the allegations.
Chairman thanked Roy Luxford and called for a vote of thanks. Moved S. Weller & seconded D. Griffiths. “That this Branch wishes to thank Roy Luxford for the Company Council Report given.” Vote unam Carried.
L.D.C. Nominations
Chairman asked the members present for Brighton Connex south central Depot L.D.C. nominations.
Position (1) moved A. Gregg & seconded M. Thompson. “That Bro. I .Wilson be nominated.”
Position (2) moved H. Hassan & seconded F. Maskell. “That Bro. P. Edwards be nominated.”
Any Other Business
Item to be addressed by H&S Rep
Green paper hand towels available to staff in Brighton messroom.
Berthing of traction units/engineers machines in No.1 sidings wall sidings Brighton.
A number of lights in L.W.S. not working.
Information received was that Virgin Trains were not coming to Brighton, owning to track access not being gained.
Ref to L.D.C. nominations
Chairman made a ruling, a point of clarification was that there is no voting on nominations, only on the actual election, and
that voting would not take place at the same meetings as nominations.
Members present M. Thompson, I. Wilson, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, M. Fielding, S. Weller,
S. Smith, J. Payne, P. White, P. Osborne, I. Osborne, P. Garland, R. Matthews, M. Cole,
D. Swaffield, J. Buckingham & A. Gregg.
Branch chairman opend meeting at 19:07 with 17 members in attendance, the meeting was called especially for “A” shift to
make nominations for the L.D.C. elections.
Nominations for L.D.C. election 1997J. Osborne, Moved by M. Hawkins & seconded M. Fielding
S. Weller, moved by M. Thompson & seconded A. Gregg.
After the nominations the chair allowed a short discussion on the democratic process of these nominations and Bro. M. Hawkins was disturbed by was taking place within the Branch, he felt that “A” shift was being disenfranchised with their choice of candidate and this is why he requested a special meeting. A further discussion took place on whether the branch
should vote on nominations and as the rule book seemed unclear on this matter. Bro. J. Osborne moved & Bro. S. Weller seconded. “That the Branch Secretary, be instructed to write to Head Office to clarify the situation.”
A further discussion took place as to the calling of this special meeting and the chairman again reiterated what had taken
place and that he alone could not call a special branch meeting on his own, it had to come from the committee members
A question was also raised on the matter of Thameslink members voting on matters concerned with Connex and the chair
replied that correspondence was in hand with Head Office regarding this matter, at the moment we can only rely on telephone
conversations for advice.
Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, S. Weller, P. Edwards,
M. Allen, L. Berry, C. Horlock, S. Toughey, T. Fielding, I. Osborne, D. Swaffield, R. Carlisle,
S. Smith, A. Farmer, P. White,F. Langridge, I. Breeds, H. Hasan, T. Parsons, A. Cole
& A. Warburton.
This meeting has been called to allow “B” shift the opportunity of voting on the nominations for Brighton Staff Reps positions.
Chairman stated that the Secretary had been in contact with A.S.L.E.F. Head Office and had reached a clarification on the matter of could take part in the election. The understanding was that only members within that company could become involved; that being only Connex Rail members could vote. Each member was then given a voting paper. Sixteen voting papers were issued and sixteen papers returned to the Chairman and Secretary. These were sealed in an envolope, this to be opened at the next meeting when all papers would then be counted and the result of the election known.
The chairman announced that with the new depot of Thameslink now set up he would call for nominations for staff reps.
Bro. J. Osborne then asked the chair whether this was correct. Under the 1992/94 Procedures, no member could stand for staff rep’s positions unless they had been with the company for more than six months.
Chairman stated that the Procedures was formed when B.R. was “The Company” and that we now had a new situation which was not provided for.
It was felt that members within this “New Depot” needed their own Reps who where aware of the local problems rather than being represented by a depot away from theirs.
Further comments were made on this issue by members present. Bro. J. Osborne stated that he just wished to make the branch aware of the uncertain ruling and that this branch was not in danger of being disciplined by A.S.L.E.F or the train company.
Nominations for Staff Reps.
Proposed D. Swaffield, moved R. Carlisle & seconded S. Smith
Proposed A. Farmer, moved D. Swaffield & seconded P. White.
Proposed P. White, moved S. Smith & seconded R. Carlisle.
H&S Rep
Proposed R. Carlisle, moved D. Swaffield & seconded A. Warburton
Chairman stated that at the next normal branch meeting (10th November) further call for nomination would be allowed plus voting. An additional meeting would also be arranged for voting date to be agreed. These candidates would then stand as “Official” A.S.L.E.F. candidates in the Thameslink Depot, Thameslink would be advised.

Members present I. Wilson, C. Newton, A. Farmer, S. Smith, F. Maskell, J. Buckingham,
P. Garland, D. Swaffield, I. Osborne, J. Osborne, M. Cole, G. Wlodzarckzy, A. Cole,
D. Pumfrey, R. Matthews, H. Penter,A. Gregg, S. Weller, R. Constable, R. Hughes,
E. Shrubb, M. Fielding, M. Watts, J. Edisbury, M. Bullen, B. Brown, A. Flowers, M. Hunter,
& B. Shilliam.
CorrespondenceRef Cicular No.436/1997Election Company Council Representation.
The contents of the circular was read out to members along with elections agendas. With three candidates nominated, the chairman called for voting on two positions.
A, moved C. Newton & seconded J. Osborne Bro. R. Luxford Three Bridges Branch, 7 for 6 against 12 abstained
B, moved J. Osborne & seconded I. Osborne Bro. G. Morris London Bridge Branch, 9 for 3 against 13 abstained.
C, moved S. Weller & seconded A. Gregg Bro. M. Thompson Brighton Branch 13 for 2 against 13 abstained.Four Thameslink none voters
Chairman declared that Bro. G. Morris and Bro. M. Thompson be elected as the Branch’s choice.
Ref Circular No.422/1997 Company Council election Ballot, that the circular result be note as follows A. Read Battersea Branch 417 & S. Weller Brighton Branch 248.
Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, R. Carlisle, A. Penhallow, M. McCabe, S. Doyle,
A. Warburton, A. Farmer, D. Vallence, W. Rutter, D. Penny, S. Smith & D. Swaffield.
Chairman announced that this meeting had been called specially to elect staff reps for the Thameslink depot. Also that the secretary had received the following circular regarding the Company Council Representation.
Circular No.475/1997 Election of Company Council Represenative Thameslink. The Executive Committee had requested that Brighton Branch nominate a candidate for the position of Council Rep for a period of two years.
Moved S. Smith & seconded by A. Warburton. “That this branch wishes to nominate Bro. D. Swaffield as the A.S.L.E.F. candidate.”
Local Staff Rep
Under agreed proposed procedures with District Secretary and Thameslink, two local staff reps should be called for to serve members of Brighton. Moved R. Carisle & seconded S. Doyle. “That Bro. A. Farmer & P. White are the official representatives.” Vote carried 11 for.
H&S RepThat following the local staff election the following nomination was received. “That this Branch having received only one proposal for Health & Safety position, therefore Bro. R. Carlisle elect as H&S Rep.”
Members present D. Griffiths, I. Wilson, C. Newton, P. Edwards, D. Vallence, M. Thompson,
S. Weller,T. Fielding, A. Warburton, A. Farmer, W. Mackenzie & F. Langridge.
Bro. W. Mackenzie was asked to give a E.C. report. Bill raised a couple of matters.1, latest position on hearing with T.U.C. in part with R.M.T. Dispute which has been on going throughout the year.
2, Changes within the Society to address the financial state and the way subs etc are used.
3, Position on dispute on Mersey Rail.
4, Suspension of E.C. member – possible 3 year ban.
Various question were put forward on the above matters. Chairman thanked Bill for his brief address to members. Election of Branch Officer for 1998Chairman
I Wilson, moved A. Warburton & seconded P. Edwards
Vice Chairman,
D. Griffiths moved S. Weller & seconded I. Wilson
C. Newton, moved S. Weller & seconded I. Wilson
Assistant Secretary
D. Vallence, moved A. Warburton & seconded A. Farmer
J. Osborne moved I .wilson & seconded A. Warburton
W. Jones moved A. farmer & seconded P. Edwards
T. Fielding moved P. Edwards & seconded A. Farmer
A. Warburton moved I. Wilson & seconded S. Weller
District Council Delegate
S. Weller moved A. Warburton & seconded P.Edwards
Committee member
R. Matthews, M. Bullen, F. Langridge, I. Osborne, M. Hunter, P. Horan, S. Weller, S. Smith, B. Brown, M. Hawkins, D.
Swaffield, M. Cole, M. Thompson, A. Gregg & A. FarmerProposed on block, moved S. Weller & seconded A. Warburton
A.O.B.New Membership ApplicationThe following two applications were put before the branch,
Moved D. Vallence & seconded A. Warburton. “That D. Arnold (service supervisor Thameslink) be accepted as a member.” Vote unam.
Moved D. Vallence & seconded A. Warburton. “That S. Duffy (service supervisor Thameslink) be accepted as a member.” Vote unam.