In 1887 the Executive Committee decided to replace the branch password and replace it with a Society Emblem and invited designs for a Society Emblem, and "that the first engineman and fireman be shown on this emblem, subject to their approval."

Railway accidents on the 


from http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk

Glynde 4th January 1887 

Involving Brighton Driver Henry Harland, Fireman unknown 




The following notice has been issued by the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway to their servants: -


On an after the 1st January, 1887, third class privilege ticket at reduce rates will be issued to the staff in the traffic department, for their wives and families, under certain regulations, in the same manner as they have been granted hitherto to the staff employed in the locomotive, engineer's, stores, and steam packet departments. The tickets will be issued to any members of staff, or to workmen in the employ of the company, either for themselves, their wives or any of their own children under fifteen years of age, and for daughters only above that age, if they are residing under the same roof with their parents, but not otherwise. Orders for privilege tickets can only be obtained on application to the stationmasters or heads of the departments in which applicants are employed, on proper forms provided for the purpose. All applicants for tickets for the staff in the traffic department must be sent to the general manager's department. The director having this concession to the staff it is earnestly hoped that every offer will be made to see that the privilege is in no way abused, and very serious notice will be taken of any transfer or other irregularity in connection with the use of there tickets."

We congratulate the employes of the company upon the valuable concessions herein contained. which we feel they will appreciate, and that the company will not have cause to complain of any irregularity or abuse of the privilege conferred.



The year 1886 has passed away, and I have every reason to believe that certain officials on the Brighton line have come to the conclusion that "Rambler" has gone with it; but no, I have only been sleeping, and perhaps the officials will now think of that very old but only too true, "Still waters run deep." I hope the year 1887 will be a more happy and prosperous one for my fellow workmen on the Brighton line, but I would remind them that they must be up and doing for themselves in order that my desire may be fulfilled; not carry on, as I am sorry to that a great many have done during the old year, like schoolchildren, and thinking that by sitting down with their eyes shut and their mouths wide open some kind friend with fill them for them. No doubt a great many of my readers will remember what I said at the end of 1885 about the year having such a bad ending; I am only too sorry to say that 1886 not only had a had ending, but it had a bad beginning, and, to speak truthfully, I must say it has been a bad year, so far as the employes are concerned, altogether; but I think the proprietors, when they meet at the forthcoming half yearly meeting, will have a good tale to listen to, and no doubt will separate in good spirits, only hoping that the next half year will turn out as profitable for them as the last. I wish the proprietor could see and understand the working of this line as I do; I feel confident there would be such a shine that never before happened on the Brighton line, though perhaps there are some who will never forget what took place shortly after the 1867 strike. I am afraid some of my readers will think I am rather serious in these my first "Ramblings" in the New Year, and, to tell the truth, I feel serious, for thinking over what transpired in the old year is enough to make any reasonable or sensible person almost turn melancholy; but I am very pleased to say I have still hopes of better times, for no doubt there are some that have had their eyes opened during the past year. but still I wish form my very heart that I could blot out the old year from my memory altogether, yet seeing that it is impossible, I mean to do my duty as a man, for I consider it is my duty to let my readers know all that has taken place during the past year, though space will not permit me to say much in these Ramblings. My readers may rest contented I have something in store for them, though perhaps I may not be able to write again for a few weeks. However, I must say the reason of my long silence is because a particular friend of mine, who is employed in the Battersea district, requested me not to write for a time, although the officials in that district had actually used their endeavours get up a petition amongst the workmen asking, only in rather a peculiar way, the locomotive superintendent to discharge my friend. But I am pleased to say it was an utter failure, and those men that actually canvassed their mates for their signatures are now ashamed or afraid almost to look their mates in the face. Although this happened some three months ago, I cannot forget the words my friends said to me when we were parting; he said, "Rambler," in all the this I have ever borne. I have grieved, I have sighed, and even wept, but never, never blushed before.

Whilst taking a walk on Sunday evening I had a handbill presented to me, and on reading it I was pleased to learn that it was a notice convening a special meeting of the Battersea Branch of the A.S.R.S.on Sunday next, the 9th of January, at 7 o'clock p.m., at the Duke of Cornwall; this I understand from inquires is with reference to the discharge of a member. Well, now, I hope the members of this beanbag will show up in their hundreds, which they can boast of, and let their afflicted brother see they are only too pleased to render him every assistance, and that they deeply sympathise with him in his misfortune.   



On Monday, January 3rd, a fairly well attended meeting of railwaymen was held in the Lecture Hall, York Street, Brighton, for the purpose of hiring an address from Mr. T. Watson, the Organising Secretary of the A.S.R.S., and forming another branch in that town. An old signalman was elected chairman of the meeting. The Organising Secretary dealt very fully with the objects and benefits of the Society, dwelling particularly open its trade union character and the necessity of such a union among railway if they meant to retain the privileges granted a few years ago. The benefits of the Society were pointed out seriatim, and the lecturer his audience whether full value was not given for the contributions each was asked to pay. The address lasted one hour, and at its conclusion twenty five persons paid their entrance fees. The principal officers of the branch were then elected, and it was decided to hold meetings on the first Monday in each month at the same place at 7.30 p.m. It is expected that the branch will soon become a strong one, and great credit is due to one or two members of the old branch for their work in connection with the opening of this additional one. 





A special meeting was held at the Duke of Cornwall, on Sunday, January 9th. The secretary read the correspondence in reference to the special meeting, the first being an application for donative pay from a firman, late in the employ of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, who was supposed to discharged through a reduction of hands, which the meeting did not agree with, he being an old fireman and the only one discharged. The member attended and stated the facts of the case, and it was the opinion of the meeting that he had been discharges through looking after his dues and to be paid overtime which he had worked. It was resolved that he be paid donative pay as per rule, and that his case forwarded to the General Office for the consideration of the Executive Council. The next case was that of an engineman who had been in the employ of the London and South Western Company, and after he had stated his case, which occupied about one and a quarter, and a few questions had been asked him, it was resolved that his case laid before the Executive Council for legal assistance for defamation of character, and that it be submitted to the Society's solicitor for counsel's opinion. The usual voices of thanks closed the meeting.

Railway accidents on the 


from http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk

London Bridge 27th Jan. 1887 

Involving Driver Charles Churchill & Fireman Henry Cooper, Depot 



Blue Anchor 27th January 1887 

Involving Driver George Sergeant & Fireman George Brown & 

Driver George Norris Arthur Holter both depots unknown 







Last Monday a deputation, consisting of Mr. E. Harford (general secretary), Mr. T. Watson (assistant secretary), of the Society, and a number of enginedrivers and guards employed on various systems of railways, waited by appointment upon Earl de La Warr, at his residence, Grosvenor-square, to submit to his lordship certain facts connected with the working of railways, with a view to promoting legislation in reference thereto. The noble lord received the deputation very courteously in his study.

Mr. William Galt (Member of the Royal Commission on Railway Accidents), in a few appropriate words, introduced the deputation.

Mr. Harford, in addressing his lordship, said there were several questions discussed by the Annual Congress of Railway Servants held at Brighton last October, which it was desirable should be brought before his lordship, who was not only a vice-president of the Society, but a nobleman who, in and out of Parliament, had always evinced an anxious desire to promote the interests of railwaymen (Cheers.) He scarcely thought that his lordship had been fairly dealt with, inasmuch as the Board of Trade had promised legislation on these particular matters some years ago when the Continuous Brakes' Bill was introduced by his lordship, but the promise had never been fulfilled. With reference to the brake returns they were misleading, and the Board of Trade was placed in this curious position with respect to their compilations, that in giving returns of brakes which " did not appear" and which "appeared" to comply with their circular of 1877, the bare showed there was doubt in the mind of the department. 

But, surely, when the conditions set down for brakes were issued ten years ago, Board of Trade should now at least be in a position to say whether those conditions were or were not fulfilled. (Hear, hear.) What the Society wanted with respect to this question was the appointment of a Committee of Experts, which should be composed of practical men like those his lordship saw before him, and who should decide what brakes actually fulfilled the conditions laid down by the Board of Trade in 1877. (Hear, hear.) Then again, he wished to point out to his lordship that the Society was very dissatisfied with the way in which the returns of accidents were issued. Now, of all the duties performed by railway servants 

shunting was the most hazardous, and of that class he might remark that about 11,186 of them had been killed or injured in seven years, or nearly 80 per cent. of the number of men engaged in shunting operations, which was about 14,000. What they complained of was that the returns did not show the risks to shunters.They were classed with porters, whose duties were not so hazardous, and thus accidents to shunters both grades were put forth separately. (Mr. Harford here quoted a number of statistics.)

Eari de La Warr: Are the officials of the Board of Trade in possession of these figures?

Mr. Harford: They are, my lord. Another fact was that the accidents to servants caught between vehicles were omitted from the returns of shunting accidents. He had also to call his lordship's attention to the question of the excessive number of hours almost constantly worked upon railways. In the public mind the evils of such a system were not so fully appreciated as they should be, but still his lordship would see that it was an element of great danger, and ought to be remedied. In the Bill introduced by Mr. Channing in the House of Commons it was proposed that power should be given to the Board of Trade to compel certain returns from the companies as to the time worked by their men, the clause being drawn to provide that the returns should show the cases in which men were on duty longer than twelve hours, or where men had to resume duty without nine hours' rest. The deputation believed that the making of these returns would strike a blow at the evils of overwork of which they complained-(hear, hear, and applause)-because they would show everyone what railways worked their men those long hours, and what railways adopted the reverse system which was more conducive to the public safety. (Her, hear) The deputation expressed, through him, their thanks to his lordship for the kindness extended to them; and if his lordship could see any way of sustaining them in endeavouring to obtain these returns as to the overtime worked, it would be of greatest benefit to the railwaymen of the United Kingdom, and highly conducive to the safely of the travelling public.

Earl de La Warr: Is it compulsory or voluntary that this overtime is worked?

Mr. Harford: In many instances it is compulsory; but the Society was opposed to the men working this overtime voluntarily. However, my lord, in all large industries there are men of sordid minds who do not recognise the injury they do to themselves and to their fellow workmen by working extra hours. We say the returns ought to be made with the view of preventing

Earl de La Warr: In order to prevent the men working even voluntarily?

Mr. Galt: It is to let the public see that there are long hours worked that we want the returns.

A Goods Guard said he had been at work for fifteen hours, and was then ordered to go another journey of fifty miles, which he protested against, but he had to go the journey: and was again ordered to work back another fifty mile journey. He went to the stationmaster, who said it was unreasonable, and told him to make the best of his way back in the first passenger train.

Earl de La Warr: Then you worked, as I am just told, twenty-three hours altogether?

The Goods Guard: I did, my lord.

A South-Western Driver complained that the nature of his duties did not allow him to take his meals, and that while he was fourteen hours at work under regular booked time. Such a strain upon the human system was not calculated to ensure the safety of the man himself or of the public.

Earl de La Warr: You refer to fourteen hours' duty"

The Driver: Yes, my lord, but any man after ten hours' duty begins to break down, and is not fit to discharge the responsibility imposed upon him. He  had always set his face against overime.

Earl de La Warr: Is your case as to hours an exceptional one?

The Driver: It is the booked time-some men worked it every day.

Earl de La Warr: Do you know if it is the case on all lines?

The Driver: I can only speak for my own line. The nature of the duties is very heavy, and a no man can under the circumstances do the work with justice to himself and with proper regard for the responsibility that lies upon him. I have closed my eyes when at work, but happily with no serious result.

Mr. T. Watson (assistant secretary of the Society) said he had examined the guards' time books on the North-Eastern and Midland lines; and in the case of the coal guards that run from Darlington to Leeds and York, he found that for three months the average number of their working hours were fourteen and fourteen and a half a day.

Earl de La Warr: Was that compulsory?

Mr. Watson: Yes my lord. At the present time, on the Midland Railway running from Child's Hill to Wellingborough, the average time is as much as that, and sometimes more.

Earl de La Warr: You mean fourteen hours?

Mr. Watson: Fourteen and a half and fifteen hours.

A Brighton Enginedriver said he had been working four trains and making as much as seventy-six hours in four trips. The company endeavoured to cover the matter by booking the trains within the twelve hours, but the work could not be done in the time. The trip often extended to fourteen or fifteen hours, because the men could not keep time with the trains. If the returns were made to the Board of Trade and issued by them, the system would soon be stopped (Hear. hear)

A Great Western Goods Guard observed that he had been as long as twenty-six hours on duty on a stretch; but that system was fast dying out and the long hours were being pulled down. He felt confident that the returns of the time worked over twelve hours would have the desired effect (Hear, hear.)

A Midland Driver said he believed that until something like what Mr. Harford suggested was done, the old system would be continued. (Hear, hear) They did not want to say to the companies that they wanted twelve hours for a day's work, as eight or ten was quite sufficient, but that the companies should make returns to the Board of Trade as to any servants who worked more than twelve hours.

If that were done the companies would soon properly regulate their hours. (Hear, and applause). As to the brake power, he had known many a narrow escape from accident through failures. Some good result would certainly come from experiments made by practical men, who could set the brake question at rest.

A London aLd North-Western Driver said his hours of work never exceeded eight hours a day, but he knew many men who were working fifteen hours a day.

Earl de La Warr: Drivers?

The Driver: Drivers and firemen, but if a man goes beyond the fifteen hours, then he can be relieved and travel home as a passenger. Many a man who is on night duty will be inclined to fall asleep, although he had had sleep in the daytime. (Hear, hear). With regard to brake power, our brake is non-automatic, that is, if anything happens to the train it does not apply itself.

Earl de La Warr: You mean if the train parts?

The Driver: Yes, my lord, then control over it is lost. The brake was the same as that used in the train with which the Penistone accident occurred, with the exception that it applies itself to the guard's van. On one occasion when running a train the ejector

pipe burst, and he ran three-quarters of a mile beyond the station, and had to go back.

He thought the experiments were necessary

so that they should have a better brake to deal with. They had orders not to use it going into a terminal station, so that it was known not to be efficient.

Earl de La Warr: Does the London and North-Western use an automatic brake?

The Driver: On some of the trains going to Scotland it is put on at Carlisle, but coming further south it is not used.

A Brighton Driver said his company's was in advance of most other railway companies, because they had made experiments and worked the Westinghouse automatic brake.

Earl de La Warr: Are all the trains fitted with it?

The Driver: Mostly all the trains, branch and main, and the only time the brake might not be used on every vehicle was when the traffic was heavy, as on the occasion of the Volunteer Review, when some few vehicles might be used which were not yet fitted with it. According to the statistics he believed it was the best brake in use. The stops made with it were marvelous in some cases. It was, he believed, the only one which fulfilled the conditions of the Board

Earl de La Warr: Have you ever found it put itself on when it was not required?

The Driver: I can't say that it is so. Sometimes, when running, a pipe might burst, but I cannot term that an actual failure. To my mind it is the best proof of its reliability.

Earl de La Warr: It does not often happen?

The Driver: Very seldom now, because they have introduced a much stronger pipe which resists the wear and fear. It is stated it is complicated, but that cannot be seen by practical men. The triple valve is one of the most efficient things connected with it. He should certainly like to see some experiments made with brakes: and, really, investigations by practical men would give them all satisfaction. (Hear, and applause.)

Mr. Galt: I would ask your lordship if you have read the report of the meeting of the Brighton Railway Company, at which the chairman stated that the Westinghouse brake had saved the company five times over what it cost, through preventing accidents.

Earl de La Warr: I did not see it; but it 1s very important.

Mr. Gait: Mr. Laing, the chairman of the company, actually stated commenced an action, and eventually withdrew from the case that. (Hear, hear.).

Earl de La Warr: Then since the brake has been in operation it has been paying for itself?

Mr. Galt: And more.

The Brighton Driver remarked that Mr. Laing, the chairman of the Brighton Company, said he was pleased that the Board of Trade had taken action in the matter. (Hear, hear.)

A Metropolitan (Underground) Driver said his class averaged ten hours a day, but then the atmosphere they had to breathe, and the fact that they had not a moment to spare, must be taken into account.

Earl de La Warr: Is it ten hours at a time?

The Driver: We do more than that, my lord; and we say that, taking the state of the atmosphere into account, ten hours is too much. (Hear, hear.) You have no time to eat a mouthful of food, and if yon attempt to taken mouthful you get a dab of dirt from off the tunnels, and you get that down into your system as well as the food. (Laughter.)

Earl de La Warr: That is ten hours for every day except for two years, but he thought after such a statement it was rather Sunday?

The Driver: For every day in the week, my lord, because we do as much on Sunday as any other day. We have one day off. As regards the brake we use, we never know it is on until we stop.

Earl de La Warr: Is it applied by hand?

The Driver: No, but it is non-automatic. The District line has the Westinghouse brake.

A South-Western driver described the faults found with the brake used on this line, and showed how easily it got out of order and became totally useless.

Earl de La Warr: What is the name of it ?

The Driver: It is automatic-& vacuum brake. The steam brake was of greatest value to goods trains.

A Brighton Driver (not the former speaker) said he had been in the habit of working the Westinghouse brake, and it was far the best he had ever used. He attributed any failures of it (if failures they could be termed) to pipes bursting. This only at most, caused a brief delay.

But that fault was being remedied? Hundreds of thousands of miles have been safely run with the brake. We often have the pleasure of seeing you on our line, my lord, because you frequently travel over it, and you must have seen the excellence of that Westinghouse brake.

Earl de La Warr: I have.

The Driver: I am sure that Mr. Laing was within the mark when he said the brake saved five times the actual cost of the working of it. (Hear, hear.) I have been in several accidents, but not much hurt, and if it were not for the Westinghouse brake I do not know what would have become of us. There is one other important question which I should wish to bring before your lordship, and that is the coupling question. I had a great deal to do with it in mot younger days.There is, my lord, a very great danger to the man who, under the existing system of coupling and uncoupling vehicles, perform these duties. We have goods guards present who can bear me out. (Cries of "Hear.") Our Society went to great expense on this question, and four of us were appointed as a committee to examine all the couplings shown at the Inventions Exhibition. We agreed to recommend, subsequently, that a sum of £500 be expended on ascertaining what couplings. were the best couplings. Those sent to Nine Elms goods yard of the South Western Company- the directors and officials of which were most kind in the matter-were tested, and some excellent couplings were produced at the time. That being so, if your lordship would bring your influence to bear upon the Board of Trade, something might be done in this direction.

Earl de La Warr. Is there an improved coupling used now ?

The Driver: Well, my lord, the coupling used now shows the great dangers to which the men are exposed. (Hear, hear.) And I might say, referring to the number of killed and injured, which Mr. Harford has pointed out, that it would be far better for five out of every ten of the injured to be dead instead of alive; because of the mutilations of their bodies, with the loss of legs or arms, and It was, he crippled for life. (Hear, hear.)

Mr. Galt: If the men are injured, do the companies compensate them ?

The Driver: If they belong to some of the clubs they may get something.

A Great Western Goods Guard: I have known £10 to be given.

Mr. Harford: We have no remedy under the Employers' Liability Act whereby we can claim damages for accidents in shunting, because the rules and regulations of the companies are so

skillfully worded, prohibiting men from going between or getting on or off  vehicles in motion, that it is impossible to maintain an action I have spent many years of the best part of my life as a goods guard, and I therefore know something about it. (Hear, hear.) If a man goes between the vehicles, or gets on and off them when in motion, and so gets injured and an action under the Employers'  Liability Act were brought, the companies would plead contributory negligence on the part of the man.We had a case for hearing at the York County Court, in which a man, who had tried to couple some waggons that stood on coal-shoots, and who, finding the coupling pole of no use to him, went between, fell into the shoot and fractured the base of his skull. Well, we took legal advice and commenced an action, and eventually withdrew from the case rather than be defeated, as we were assured by counsel we should be. The North-Eastern Company, however, then voluntarily agreed with us to give the widow £25. Now, my lord, the coupling pole has been brought rather prominently to the cognisance of the companies, in order to stave off our proposition that by improved couplings for which we awarded prizes-the men should be prevented from going between the vehicles. The companies held out some inducements to men who were expert with the pole, and a few weeks ago invited a number of gentlemen, including the officers of the Board of Trade and myself, to witness the operations in the yard at Derby. The companies had purchased five different sets of couplings, to which we had awarded prizes. Side by side were rows of waggons, with men around with poles, to show how quickly the coupling could be done by them. But this was a feat of agility. A man might be taught to walk a tight rope a la Blondin, and so it was with the men who had the poles. The Railway Times, which reported the trials from the companies' point of view, said that the poles had been in use on the Midland Railway for two years, but he thought after such a statement it was rather singular that shunting accidents had in no way diminished, but had slightly increased on that railway. Some high medical authorities stated that the use of the pole caused hernia; and I know that the case of "dead buffers" a man liable to get his arm crushed. I am afraid that the agility then displayed made a favourable impression upon the officials of the Board of Trade.

A Brighton Guard said there were some models of improved couplings in the Society's head office, City-road, and it would be satisfactory if his lordship saw them. (Hear, hear.)

A Great Western Goods Guard said the coupling of Younghusband, which had gained a prize at Nine Elms, could be fitted to any vehicle. As for the pole, he considered that it was utterly useless. He should be safer with his hands than with the pole. (Hear, hear.) The pole was shown in operation only in the daylight, but the majority of goods trains were knocking about in the dark. Press and the public could only see the pole worked in the dark it would be at once condemned. (Hear, hear.)

A South-Western Driver gave instances, which had come within his actual knowledge and observation, of how men lost their limbs while using the pole.

A Great Northern Guard said he had known coupling poles to cause both accidents and loss of life, and he had seen accidents occur in coupling which would have never occurred if there were proper appliances. He also wished to call his lordship's attention to the necessity of having goods waggons labelled on both sides. It did not much matter so long as the waggons were on the one line, but the interchange of traffic at junctions had the effect very often of reversing the sides on which the labels were placed, and hence accidents occurred to guards, shunters, and number-takers, through climbing over or passing under the buffers from side to side, to see where the waggons were labelled for. A man was heavily fined if he conveyed waggons beyond the stations for which they were labelled. If the companies which received waggons from the coal pits, ironstone mines, and salt works refused to receive them unless they were labelled on both sides, the requite reform would be carried out. (Hear, hear.)

A North-Western Driver said that on his line they had contracted out of the Employers' Liability Act. If he met with an accident he should have a guinea a week for 52 weeks, and if he could not eventually resume his work he should get a further sum of £50. This, however, was not what they wanted, but protection from accidents. (Cries of " Hear, hear," and applause.) His company had done much to prevent them.

Earl de La Warr: I am very glad to hear it. Well, gentlemen, I am very much obliged to you for the interesting statements you have made on subjects connected with the working of railways.

Your views and opinions on the subjects are very valuable to me, and - Mr. Galt: I was about to suggest, my lord, that in the beginning of the session there is little to be done in the House of Lords, so that your lordship would have the opportunity of making a full statement.

Earl de La Warr: Yes; I propose to ask Mr. Harford for what statistics he has, and then to take the earliest opportunity of bring ing the matter before Parliament. (Cheers.) I shall probably have an interview with the Board of Trade on the subject. My plan has been to go as far as possible in accordance with the board, and not to put them against us, because I know they are not against us in what is proposed, as far as they can go. (Applause.) Parliament rather objects to giving powers to the board, which I think they might very safely have. (Hear, hear.) The Board of Trade has no personal interests to serve, but is desirous, as far as it can, to prevent accidents. It is natural they should be so anxious. A greater difficulty lies with the companies, who are strong in the House of Lords, and stronger still in the House of Commons. Anything approaching money or great expense is the greatest impediment to us. I am totally unconnected with railways in a pecaniary sense, but I have always taken a great interest in these questions, both on account of the men themselves and of the public. (Hear, hear.) I hope I have been some service. I intend to pursue the same course in the future. (Cheers.) I hope on an early day to give notice in the House of Lords to have the question considered. (Applause:) The earlier it is done the better. What I intend to urge is the adoption of automatic continuous brakes, because the Board of Trade stands pledged to certain requirements, and make themselves responsible it they do not have them carried out. It is not advisable in Parliament to urge the adoption of any particular brake. I have nothing to do there are persons who have. The question it has fen bit their a to bring forward as soon as possible. (Hear, hear.) What you want is for the companies to make returns of the number of hours worked over twelve out of the twenty-four.

Mr. Harford: Yes, my lord.

Mr. Galt: Now there is the coupling question.

Earl de La Warr: That does not seem pipe, as there are two opinions about it.

Mr. Gait: Oh, there are no two opinions about it. (Hear. hear)

Earl de La Warr: Well, gentlemen, I am very much of oblige to you.

Mr. Galt and Mr. Harford then thanked the noble lord for the courtesy With which he had received the deputation, and for the attention he had paid to their statements; and then the interview, which lasted about two hours, was brought to a close.

Newhaven Town (N) 1847-1887 

The shed was to close in 1887 with the opening of the new shed opening at Newhaven 



Newhaven Loco Shed

Newhaven Town (N) 1887-1963 

The second Newhaven shed was located on the West side of Newhaven Town. The shed was 
constructed by corrugated iron (the shed was re-roofed (pre 1950s) with corrugated asbestos and corrugated asbestos gables), it had a four track straight dead-ended shed with a pitched style corrugated iron roof. The facilities at the shed were to include a turntable (enlarged to 60ft in 1917), a coal stage and a water column.

Newhaven shed was a sub-depot of the Brighton shed. Newhaven shed and depot closed on 
the 9th September 1963. 

The shed was in private use and was demolished in September 2014.




This branch met in good numbers on Monday. Contributions well paid up, and six new members paid their entrance fees, and one transferred; total thirty two member.


4TH MARCH 1887


The usual monthly meeting was held at the Club House on Friday 21st, with a good attendance. Correspondence read, four new members accepted, fourteen applied for transfer to No.2. The remainder of the evening was spent in a most important discussion.


extracted from RTCS book on locomotives of the LBSCR

On the 11th March, 1887 when engine No.312 “Albion” was standing under the coal tips on Battersea shed at 10.40 p.m. it had just worked an empty troop special up from Portsmouth and was being coaled in preparation for an early morning cattle train to Lewes when it run into by seven ash wagons propelled by “D- Tank” No.351 ‘Chailey’and crushed against a Craven goods. At the time the driver was oiling the motion, but by some lucky chance was flung clear and escaped injury, while the fireman who was having his supper in the rest room and therefore out of harm’s way, fell in his hurry to reach the scene and broke is collar bone.



The Bramely Loco shed closed in 1887, by the L.B.S.C.R.

In  1887 London South Western Railway Motive Power Depot and its predecessor housed London, Brighton & South Coast Railway engines after nearby Bramley shed blew down in an 1887 gale. For example Terriers Nos 36 Bramley and 77 Wonersh, at first and class C 0-6-0 No. 420 from 1890s. All carried  Guildford shed code, but returned to Horsham at weekends, for maintenance. This carried on until the Grouping when it ceased of course.




6TH MAY 1887



On Monday evening a successful team meeting was held in the large hall of the Hatcham Liberal Club, at which about 150 sat down to an excellent repast, the proceeds being devoted to the Orphan Fund of th Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. After tea there was an enjoyable entertainment, presided over by Mr. W. Elliss, of Battersea, supported by Mr. Foreman, who attended in lieu of Mr. Harford, the General Secretary, who was unavoidably absent. The hall was then will filled.

Between the first and second parts Mr. Foreman delivers a short address, in which he pointed out the benefits and working of the Orphan Fund. He made an earnest appeal to the wives of railwaymen to consider the value of this fund, and the society generally, and to insist upon their husbands becoming members. There were no doubt among those present some prospective wives of railwaymen, (Hear, hear, and laughter) Well, he could tell them being a railwayman himself, the railwaymen always made good husbands. (Laughter) He ought to know for he had had considerable experience. (Renewed laughter) He would advise those young ladies to see that their intendeds become Societymen before they become their husbands - (applause) - for however good they might be, if they neglected to provisions for the adversities of life they failed in their duty, and it became  a serious matter with the unfortunate wife or widow and fatherless children. (Hear, hear) There were more reason than for the Orphan Fund benefit that railwaymen should belong to the Society he represented, for its objects were to shorten their hours increase their pay, reduce the number of accidents that occurred, and in every conceivable way to improve the conditions of railwaymen. He trusted that the ladies, knowing this, would be favourably impressed towards the Society, and that they would use their influence with their husbands and hasten the time when railway work would be much safer, and the conditions of service greatly improved. (Applause)

The meeting terminated by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."




The first Branch of A.S.L.E.F. to be founded on the Brighton Line, was at Battersea, Nine 
Elms (1887 - 1890) & Longhedge in 1887, it later changed its name to the Battersea Nos. 1 & 2 Branches, and then it finally became the Battersea Branch. It was not a Depot Branch, but a Branch that covered the whole of the South London with a membership from depots of all the old companies (L.B.S.C.R., L.S.W.R., L.S.E.R. & L.C.D.R.)

This was quite a common practice for a Branch to opened at one location and it members 
being located at other depots within their area, such was the case with the opening of the 
Horsham Branch in 1898, with its members being based at Littlehampton and Midhurst (and probably with some members at Three Bridges) depots. 

The Battersea Branch was also responsible for the setting up of a number of Depot Branches 
such as the Nine Elms Branch. It is also known, that members from Battersea Branch were 
present at the opening of the Newhaven Branch in 1912 and Seaford Branch in 1935, and this was probably mirrored previously at the setting up of other Branches through out the 
Brighton Railway, whereby members from nearby Branches would go along support their 
fellow in Enginemen in the opening of their own Branch of A.S.L.E.& F.

The Battersea Branch was also responsible for setting up a Supervisors Branch, as the 
Supervisory grades were made up of Enginemen being promoted from the Enginemen grades.

Victoria Motormans depot opened on the 17th June 1928 

and Streatham Hill Motormans depot opened in 1936

*Prior to May 1890 Nine Elms was part of the Battersea, Nine Elms & Longhedge branch. On 15th May, 1890, the Nine Elms branch came into being in its own right with 21 members plus 3 transfers from Battersea & Longhedge



20TH MAY 1887



Sir, —In reference to the above, the following circular has been issued:- "In consequence of a large number of the staff not having availed themselves within the prescribed time of the opportunity afforded them of becoming members of the company's Superannuation Fund, which entitles them to superannuation, according to the rules and regulations, on members attaining the age of sixty years, and as many of the staff who have been some years in the company's service recently intimated their desire to become members, and who failed to do so when the fund started, or before they attained forty years of age, directors hereby give notice to all those who are eligible for membership, namely, the principal officers, their

assistants and clerks, booking clerks, ticket collectors, guards, policemen, signalmen, pointsmen, permanent way superintendents, inspectors and and timekeepers, locomotive

carriage foremen, timekeepers and engine-drivers, and any other officials who may have been since promoted to either of these ranks, that. with a view to making provision for their old servants on their retirement, the directors will be willing to entertain proposals from the men over forty years of age for their being admitted as members of the fund on the following conditions, namely: Any servant of the company eligible according to grade, under fifty years of age, will admitted as a contributing member on his intimating his desire to do and by paying the usual premium at the rate of 2 1/2 per cent. on his salary. Any servant having on attained the age of fifty and upwards, bat not beaned the years of age, will, in like manner, be so admitted by paying up his back subscriptions with interest at the same rate since he attained fifty years of age. Over sixty years of age by paying ten years back subscriptions and interest. It must be distinctly desirous understood, that anyone of availing himself of the present opportunity of becoming a member of the fund must declare his intention not later than Thursday, 30th June, 1887, after which date no such applications will, under any circumstances, be entertained, and all those who decline to embrace this opportunity of joining the fund will forfeit all consideration of their cases on retirement. Forms on which the necessary applications must be made can be obtained on application." I have made a rough calculation of the amount of money to be paid by a man over sixty years of age. I find this amounts to nearly twenty-two pounds. Now I should like to know how it is thought a man could raise such a sum of money, and what has become of the old Superannuation Fund that our chairman spoke so much of at the great meeting that was held at Brighton when he took the chairmanship of this company? Perhaps some of my fellow-mates can give me a little information on this subject.



3RD JUNE 1887


SIR,—I notice a correspondent, signing himself" Enquirer," gives a copy of a notice issued by the company re London, Brighton and South Coast Superannuation Fund. I can answer his question. The old fund is still in existence, for a short time ago several men received an allowance of 10s, per week from it. "Enquirer" asks how it is thought any man could raise the sum of £22 to meet the requirements ? I believe such an offer was made a short time ago and was refused, and, as a member of the superannuation fund, I consider the course adopted quite right. I do not think the company have the right to accept such an offer, or issue the notice quoted by "Enquirer," without consulting the members in the matter. Evidently it is not their money alone they wish to give away, and as a member I consider it is the duty of my fellow-workmen to object to such a course being pursued by a minority of the fund. The officials of this company appear to take a very high-handed course in dealing with their servants' property, and I hope my fellow-workmen will demand have a voice in the matter, There is no society or other fund connected with this railway causes so much dissatisfaction as the present superannuation fund. No matter who you speak on the matter-stationmasters, inspectors, drivers, signalmen, guards and others -the cry is the same, "We do not agree with it, but we are compelled to join." I believe the engine drivers during their last agitation had a clause inserted in their petition asking for some alteration, but I heard it was refused. Perhaps some delegate can give some information on the subject. I do not wish to be misunderstood by my fellow-workmen in this matter, and would ask those who intend joining the fund not to do so under the present circumstances. Let us have a proper understanding in the matter, for at the present time nothing is known by the rank and file respecting the two funds.-

Yours, etc., Tout.


Sir, - I am as anxious as " Enquirer" to know why so many hundreds of men have been done out of the old superannuation fund. There are hundreds who have been paying to the provident fund from twenty-five to thirty years in the expectation of receiving so much per week for lite after being worn out. But we are doomed to disappointment; the excuse is made that the provident fund was a failure owing to the pension fund. A proposal was made by the old members to pay more per week to sustain It, but no, that would not do. We have not to look far for the cause of all this. I should like to know how the company expects men that are close upon sixty years of age to pay back for ten years, the payment every month as follows:-Provident 2s. 6d., superannuation 2s. 9d., assurance 1s., and to pay the back money? I suppose it would be 2s. 9d. more per month, so we should have about 9s. stopped every month. How is a man to do so with, say, an income of about 20s. to 26s. a week? And even for the waste ground at the side of the line they make us pay 6d. per rod, of which three parts of it is not worth the trouble to turn up. I call be glad to get more enlightened upon the subject.

Your obedient servant, Jumbo




Having remained silent so long, it has been remarked from some quarters that I have been converted and joined the army of official's pups, but no, I am just the same "Rambler" as before. I have remained officials had remarked to a great number of the men employed under them that if " Rambler" would only stop those abominable ramblings, the officials would be able to work more comfortably with the men. Now, I want to ask a question: If the men employed in the locomotive department are working more satisfactorily now than they were when my ramblings were published, I shall be pleased if any man employed in this department will kindly state it, and I will give my own opinion after I have dealt with the superannuation funds.

In your issue of May 20th there is a question asked by your correspondent " Enquirer," but not been able to find the answer. May I ask your correspondent if he is a member of the new superannuation fund? if so he will find an answer to his question in the circular which contains the conditions and regulations of this fund; if not a member, if he will wait a week or two I shall be able to satisfy him on the point, as I purpose to deal with both the old and new funds of this company, as I consider the present a very opportune time for so doing. This question is the burning one on this line at the present time, and a great many do not understand what is meant by the old superannuation fund. I purpose giving all the information I have been able to gather respecting this fund. The first mention of the fund to the men was in 1867 no doubt a great many readers of this journal know that this was a very noted year in railway history. There were two strikes of very great importance, the first was the strike of the enginemen and firemen of this company, and shortly after that of the enginemen and firemen in the employ of the N.E. Company. The copy of the memorial forwarded to the Board of Directors of the Brighton company I am in possession of is not dated, but the reply with the men received is dated 21st March, 1867, and is signed Walter B. Barttelot, deputy chairman. The following is an extract from the reply:- 

"As evidence of the desire manifested by the board to deal liberally with their men, this company has established and maintained, without contributions from the men, a special fund to provide for the superannuation of incapacitated or old and faithful servants, at the credit of which fund there is now £22,853 available for that purposes."

I do not purpose offering any remarks upon this until I have given all the information I have in my possession, and I hope if any of my readers think proper to criticise me, they will not feel disappointed if I do not give them a reply for a week or two.

The enginemen and firemen's reply to the directors is dated March 23rd and is signed on behalf of the deputation by James Thompson, and the following is an extract:—

"The engine drivers are glad to hear that 'the company has established and maintained, without contributions from the men, a fund to provide for faithful servants,' which now amounts to £22,853, but they must say that this is the first time they heard of it."

The next mention of this fund is in a circular addressed from the traffic manager's office,

London-bridge, 25th March, 1867. This circular is in reality an address to the engine-drivers and firemen on the eve of the strike. I should like to publish this in its entirety, but as I should be occupying too much space, I give the following extracts, which are copied from it, and are the two last paragraphs in the address:

"Men withdrawing now should clearly understand what they are withdrawing from; permanent at a higher scale than is now paid by any other company, and from the privileges of the superannuation fund, which, as far as I am aware, no other railway company has yet established, and from which, notwithstanding the denial that such fund existed, every man must know there are now five of your body receiving permanent pensions."

" It is, perhaps, as well to say in thus addressing you, I am by no means acting in accordance with the wishes of the board, not one of whom know anything of this address. I am acting solely on personal grounds, in the hope that an earnest appeal from one who has worked so long and so effect in inducing you to pause before you adopt the ruinous course you seem now determined on.—

Yours truly (Signed) 


The next point I would like to mention is the circular issued November 24th, 1880, and signed "S. Laing, chairman."

However, as I have already occupied a great amount of space, I will conclude this letter with a promise to my readers to continue the subject next week.


10TH JUNE 1887



I am rather sorry to have to make a slight alteration in the course I intend to adopt with reference to these letters. During the past week I have heard a number of men that intended to join the new superannuation fund say they don't think they will have anything to do with it after reading the letter signed by "Tout," in your last issue. I must admit that to a very great extent I agree with "Tout," but I hope every man that is eligible will now take the opportunity and become a member of this new superannuation fund,

The following extracts are taken from the circular which I mentioned in my previous letter was issued November 24th, 1880, and for the first time, so far as I am able to learn, the old superannuation fund was changed and called the Company's Benevolent Fund:-

This fund ws started by the directors in April 1850 when one or two members, through old age etc., were placed upon it. There are now eighty four recipients of its benefits, consisting  of superintendents, stationmasters, engineers, engine drivers, firemen, locomotive foremen, guards, clerks, station inspectors, signalmen, switchmen, gatemen, watchmen, porters, etc. No subscription whatever has been made by the staff to this fund since its commencement, but the contributions by the directors of £1,000 per annum has been going on from the time it started, and last year (1879) the amount paid to the recipients of the fund reached £2.033 4s. 11d. for that year. Thus, it will be seen that the company have not been unmindful of its and infirm servants, who have really had no claim upon them except the of long servitude. The amounts are drawn monthly by the pensioner, who are allowed to enter upon any occupation they may be able to perform outside the railway. The allowance to each person ranges from 4s. to 25s. per week.

The total amount contributed by the directors to this benevolent fund, from the common 1850 to the end of 1879, is, with interest, £54,348 15. 5d., as per particulars below:- 

Contributions  at £1,000 per aun. £30,000   0s 0d

Inertest                                          £24,348 15s 5d

Total                                              £54,348 15s 5d

The passing of the Employer's Liability Act, which takes effect from the 1st January next, makes it necessary to decide what is to be done some of the above funds.

The Provident Society superannuation fund and savings bank will, of course, not be affected by it, is obvious that, if the men generally prefer to rely on the legal claim to compensation for accidents given by the Act, the company could not continue t pay for a condo insurance in the shape of a large voluntary contributions, to such funds as the insurance and b benevolent.

At the same time it seems a pity that the insurance and benevolent funds, which have worked so well and done so much good, should be broken up, and the directors are prepared to make some sacrifice in a pecuniary point of view, other than risk any disturbance of the good feeling so long and happily maintained between them and their employes, which must almost inevitably ensure if claims by the directors and officials; in my opinion it matter very little what name is given to the funds. The facts I have given cannot be truthfully refuted, they are all taken from original circulars issued by the company to the employes from time to time, but, with the exception of the incident which happened last year, when three men, whom the company discharged simply because they were old or over sixty years of age, obtained - through the enginemen and firemen, assisted by the officials appealing on their behalf - a pension of ten shillings per week, nothing has been heard of the old superannuation fund, so far as the workmen were concerned, for a number of years; and it is very evident the company are desirous that this fund should die a natural death. What will become of the funds, if there is any, remains a question. next week I purpose giving the conditions and regulations of the new superannuation fund, as it is called by the men, although it was established in January, 1872, and enrolled by the Act of Parliament. I have heard the question, "Does the present secretary and general manager know the whole history of the old superannuation fund?" asked at meetings of the enginemen and firemen over and over again, although I have never heard an answer given, I will say, seeing I am in possession of a copy of a resolution of the board, of Tuesday, March 26th, 1867 (this was the first day of the strike, and is signed," A. Searle, acting secretary"), that the present secretary and general manager knows more about the old superannuation fund than any person can tell them.


24TH JUNE 1887



Below is copy of the circular containing the conditions and regulations issued to the staff on 6th December, 1871, and approved at the ordinary general meeting of the Company, held on the 24th January, 1872:-

1, - All principal officers, their assistants and clerks, stationmasters, booking clerks, ticket collector, guards, policemen, signalmen, pointsmen, permanent way superintendents, inspectors and timekeepers, locomotive and carriage foremen, timekeepers and enginedrivers, hereafter admitted into the company's service, whose age shall not exceed forty years at the time of admission, shall upon and from their admission to the service, and so long as they shall continue in the service, be contributing members, and all other officials pro. moted to either of those ranks shall on promotion de required to become contributing members.

2, - The directors may, if they think fit, make special and exceptional arrangements with any future officer or servant of eligible rank, who shall be upwards of forty years old at the time of entering the service, as to the amount of contribution or benefit to be derived or both, and to admit him to be a contributing member on the footing of such arrangements.

3, - Every officer or servant of eligible rank, now in the service of the company, who, before the 1st of January, 1872, declares his intention to join the fund from that date, shall be admitted as a contributor, and shall continue a contributing member, whatever his age, without special terms.

4, - Avery officer or servant of eligible rank now in the service, but who has not previously to the 1st of January, 1872, been admitted as a contributing member, and if then not over forty years of age, shall, on satisfying the directors that he is of sober habits and not affected with any disease likely to shorten life, be admitted a contributing member; but, if then upwards of forty years of age, may at the discretion of the directors, on satisfying them as before, be admitted on the footing of the special arrangement herein-before made applicable to future officers or servants over the age of forty years, and shall then, so long as he is in the service, continue a contributing member.

5, - Any contributing member dismissed the service for dishonesty, or retiring to avoid such dismissal, shall forfeit all his contributions, and lose all benefit whatever from the fund.

6, -Any contributing member required by the company to leave the service, from reduction of staff or any cause except dishonesty or misconduct, shall receive back all his own contributions, with interest at 4 per cent. per annum, simple interest, and have no further claim on the fund; but in case of dismissal for misconduct only, not being dishonesty, or involving any pecuniary loss to the company, he shall receive back the amount of his contributions only, but without interest, unless upon appeal to the directors they should be of opinion, under special circumstances, that interest should be allowed.

7, - Any contributing member leaving the service of his

own accord, honourably, shall

receive back all his own contributions, without interest thereon, and have no further claim on the fund.

8, - In the event of the death of a contributing member before deriving any benefit from the fund, there shall be paid out of the fund to his legal personal representatives a sum equal to the amount of his own contributions up to the time of his death, with interest at 4 per cent. per annum, simple interest. If there should be no legal personal representative of such deceased contributing member, the directors may at their own discretion pay any sum payable in respect of his claim on the fund (not exceeding 250) to his widow and children, or either or any of such persons, without requiring a legally constituted representative, and the fund shall not be liable to any further payment to the estate of such deceased contributing member.

9, - Every contributing member who shall have been such for ten years shall, on attaining the age of sixty in the company's service, and thereupon retiring, or retiring from the service after the age of sixty, be entitled to an annual allowance for life, amounting to such proportion of the average salary received by him from the date of his first contribution till his retirement from the service, upon the following scale:- annum.

Per cent.

After 10 years' contribution, 25 of average salary.

After 11 years' contribution, 26 of average salary.

After 12 years' contribution, 27 of average salary.

After 13 years' contribution, 28 of average salary.

After 14 years' contribution, 29 of average salary.

After 15 years' contribution, 30 of average salary.

and so on, until after thirty-five years' subscription a member would (being sixty years of age)

be entitled to receive, as the maximum superannuation, fifty per cent. of his average salary while subscribing to the fund.

10, - Officers or servants now in the service who have remained in it uninterruptedly for more than ten years, and who join the fund at once, will be entitled to an extra superannuation allowance on the following scale:-Ten to fifteen years' past service to entitle contributing members to an additional superannuation of two and a half per cent, on average salary; fifteen to twenty years ditto, five per cent.; twenty to twenty-five years' ditto, seven and a half per cent.; upwards of twenty-five years' ditto, ten per cent.; such additional allowance being chargeable to the company's " Benevolent Fund.

11, - All superannuation allowances shall be paid quarterly, on the 1st of January, the 1st day of April, the 1st day of July and the 1st day  October in every year, an apportioned payment 

being made for any period less than a quarter of a year elapsing between the commencement of superannuation and the quarterly day of payment next succeeding, or between the last quarterly day on which the allowance shall be payable and the death of the recipient or cesser of the allowance as the case may be.

12, - The directors may allow any contributing member, having been such during ten years, who may retire from the service on account of ill-health or infirmity, if his illness is not occasioned by causes within his own control, to participate in the said fund as if he had attained the age of sixty years before so retiring, and in such case shall have power to modify his allowance if he  is partially employed elsewhere, and to deal with his case as they think well should he ultimately return to the service of the company.

13, - Any contributing member now in the service, who, upon the certificate of the company's medical officer, may have to retire on account of ill-health or infirmity before the expiration of ten years from the 1st January, 1872, shall be entitled to receive back his contributions, with compound interest, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum.

14, - Every contributing member who shall not have been admitted on special and exceptional terms as provided by this scheme, shall contribute a sum equal to two and a half per cent. on his actual salary. The company shall be at liberty to deduct the contribution pro rata as the salaries become due or are paid. At present the deductions will be made monthly.

15, - The company, at the end of every half year, to contribute out of its revenues a sum equal in amount to the sum which during the same half-year has been contributed thereto by the officers and servants of the company.

16, - The sole management and direction of the fund shall be vested in the directors.

17, - The directors may at any time appoint an actuary or actuaries to report such alterations

(if any) in the original regulations with respect to the benefits derivable from the fund, and also such additional regulations (if any) on the same subject as it may seem to them desirable to prescribe for the better or more efficient working out the intents of the scheme, and shall exhibit any deficiency which may be apparent in the fund, to meet the requirements arising or which may arise under the regulations for the time in force, such deficiency to be met by a reduction of the benefits assured, and shall point out the proper and just manner of making such reduction, and shall also, if they think fit, suggest an equitable appropriation or distribution of any surplus which may in like manner be apparent in the fund beyond the requirements likely to arise under the regulations for the time in force. The directors may act upon the report and make the alterations thereby recommended. No recipient shall, however, be called on by any such variation or alteration to refund any moneys he may have properly received under this scheme.

18, - The fund shall be invested on loan to the company as trustees thereof, interest, being allowed thereon at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum.

"ALLEN SARLE, Secretary."

"Rambler" writes:" There is one mistake in my last letter which I must correct. I stated that in the circular issued on November 24th, 1880, the old superannuation fund was changed

for the first time into the company's benevolent fund. I had forgotten that it was changed when the new superannuation was established 1872. I would kindly invite some of the readers of this journal to give their opinions on this subject, and I sincerely hope that every person interested in the question will preserve the copies of the Railway Review containing the extracts from the various circulars on the old superannuation fund. I am only too pleased to think I have been able to supply the information which so many of the officers and servants in the employ this company have long been in fifteen to twenty search of.


1ST JULY 1887



SIR, - We must all feel thankful for the information "Rambler" has given in your valuable paper; but he has not touched on the question of the pension fund, whether it was a failure or not for thirty years. It stated in my rule book that when I was worn out from further duty I should receive from the fund about nine shillings week for the remainder of my life. Last year the new rule books were issued, and the pension fund has vanished from them. It is as plain as A.B.C. that the company has made up their minds to do away with that fund, owing to very few of the old members joining the new superannuation fund. The company now think they are doing a great favour for those old members to allow them to join the new fund and to pay for ten years back; but I do not think many can afford to do so. The old servants are at the mercy of the company, for if they do anything wrong they are discharged, and it is at the option of the company whether they get their money back or not; if they do get it, no interest is paid, if you have been paying in for thirty years. It is worse than the Post Office, where they pay 2 1/2 per cent. But what U want to know is why the directors did not inform the old servants in 1872 that if they did not join the new fund there would not be any pension from the provident fund.

Your obedient servant



1ST JULY 1887



On the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway there was much extra pressure both for the convenance of blue jackets, soldiers, and their friends, and of civilians. Many travelled by ordinary trains; the special excursion trains of Tuesday ro Victoria conveyed 312 visitors from Brighton, 75 from Hastings, St. Leonard's. and Eastbourne, and 747 from Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. Adding a few from Chichester and Horsham the total came to 1,189. There were also considerable excursion bookings out of London. To Brighton five trains ran from London Bridge with 2,593 passengers, two from Victoria with 751, one from Kensington with 108, one from New Cross wit 361. Two excursions went from London Bridge to Hastings with 772 passengers, one from Victoria conveyed 167 visitors to Hastings, and 140 travelled to the same destination in the excursion from New Cross. The Eastbourne train from London Bridge was loaded with 488 passengers, that from Victoria carried 125, while 77 were added from New Cross. The excursion to Portsmouth from New Cross conveyed 271 passengers, that from Victoria carried 74, and 78 went from Kensington. to Boxhill, Sutton, and Dorking two excursions from London Bridge and 3,877travellers went down and 256 passenger were sent from other stations. Several thousands of excursionists were conveyed during the day to the Crystal Palace.


8TH JULY 1887




This question of superannuation has for some years been foremost in the minds of the employes of this company, and sooner or later  must come to a climax. Your correspondent

"Tout," perfectly right when he says: There is no society or other fund connected with this railway which causes so much dissatisfaction as the present superannuation fund. My reasons for adopting the course I have in connection with this question are twofold, first, in order to supply those whom I know have long been in search of information respecting the old superannuation fund; and, secondly, to supply the renders of this journal  with facts respecting this question of superannuation, before I attempted to criticise the two funds, viz., the old superannuation, or benevolent fund, and the new, or company's superannuation fund. Now it cannot be denied that this company did establish and maintain, without contributions from the staff, a superannuation fund for their old and disabled servants; and judging from the figures I have quoted from the circulars issued by the company, the fund was in a flourishing condition. The question immediately arises, why did the company start a second superannuation fund? There is no denying the fact that although the company, in the last circular I quoted. which was issued in 1880, considered itself wealthy, have found upon more than one occasion the premiums paid by the members to the superannuation fund have come very handy, and no doubt greatly assisted them in tiding over many a difficulty. However, this is a serious question, and one. which should be seriously inquired into by the shareholders.I have no desire to help those who are able but not willing to help themselves, and consider it prudent to stop short at this particular point, with the hint that I am of  opinion that it would be to the interests of the shareholders to spend a little of their time at the forthcoming half-yearly meeting on this superannuation question.

Now for the new superannuation fund. In the first place I must say my reason for advising those who are eligible to join, was not because the locomotive superintendent had been busy in pressing the men employed under him to do so; far from it. If I could only have seen half a chance to oppose him I would have done so, for I know full well what a fancy tale locomotive officials can tell, and how they sometimes leave those they have been speaking to, and laugh in their sleeve, thinking they have gained their point and made the party believe all they had said was gospel. No, my reason for advising men to join was because I am decidedly in favour of the "principle" of the new superannuation fund, though I must say I am far from being in favour of the carrying out of its detailed working, and perhaps it is only right I should point out some of the defects which cause so much complaint from the members, and perhaps some of those who have more power than "Rambler," and who profess to have the interests of the employes at heart, will endeavour to see if something cannot be done in order to put a stop to this discontentment, which reigns almost in every grade of the service. One of the strongest objections I have to the working out of this new superannuation fund is clause 16, which  says:—" The sole management and direction of the fund shall be vested in the directors." I consider that so long as the men are compelled to subscribe to the fund, they should have a voice in the management, and that it would be to the interests of the men and the company if the fund was mutually worked, for there is a great amount of mistrust against

directors and railway officers in general. I don't mean to say there is more against the directors and officers of this company, but it cannot be denied that railway officials have from time to time acted in a mean, partial manner towards those employed under them, and whenever the directors have been appealed to they have invariably backed up their officers without having a proper investigation. This has caused such a mistrust to exist in the minds of the working men, that I am afraid it will take many a long year to remove it.

The second objection I have is to men being compelled to subscribe to a fund of this description and not having a balance-sheet: in fact, the members of this fund have not received any information respecting its financial position since 1880, and what they received then was simply useless to them. The following is the only figures I have ever seen in connection with the new superannuation fund; they are taken from the 1880 circular, as follows:-It should be mentioned that the fund is invested on loan to the company as trustees thereof, interest being allowed thereon at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum. The following is a list of the subscribers and amount subscribed to the superannuation fund,

as at 31st December, 1879:-

                                             Subscribers.                Amount.

                                                                                             £       s.      d.


General Offices.                                                       107.                     2,401   19.   7.

Traffic Department.                                               1,683.                   16,012     2.   9.

Locomotive and Carriage Department.                   294.                      3,688   15.   1.

Engineers' Department                                              41.                      1,285     6.   0.

Stores Department                                                     11.                         255.  14. 10.

                                                          Totals.          2,136.                  £23,643.  18.   3

The actual amount that is invested on loan to the company, or the amount that is paid out to members who have been superannuated. or even the number superannuated is not known

by the members who are at present contributing to the fund. I know of nothing that is likely to cause more dissatisfaction amongst a body of workmen as this state of things; I consider it amounts to the directors taking a very great advantage of the position which they have over those employed under them. There are several other points which I also object to, at the same time there is also some very good points in the scheme, but I will not occupy any more space this week, but hope to deal further with the matter in my next letter, and also endeavour to give one or two of your correspondents that have written on this subject an answer to the questions they have raised.


15TH JULY 1887

Mr last letter was written rather early, and accounts for my not mentioning the sad occurrences which happened on this line during the past week. The week commenced with Mr. Godley, the stationmaster at Stoats' Nest, being knocked down by the Brighton Mail on the Sunday night, and literally cut to pieces. This sad news was received very mournfully, for the deceased was a railwayman of the very old school, one who had a kind word for everybody, and one who thoroughly understood railway workings in general. That is more than I can say of a very large number of stationmasters on this line. No doubt the ignorance displayed by a large number of them is on account of the very fact of there being no regular system of promotion in any department of this company, and therefore men appointed to positions are generally lacking the two qualities which should be taken into consideration,

Viz., ability and servitude. The qualities which most of them possess are pride, affectation afraid of soiling their hands, a desire to show off before the public, fond of showing their

authority over those employed under them, but when brought into contact with their superiors have not the heart of a chicken. may add here, Mr. Editor, that your General Note of last week, re Mr. Pierpoint, was well placed, for this good gentleman deserves all he gets until such time as he learns to keep his position. I have myself heard him upon several occasions address enginemen in the most abusive and objectionable manner, and the sooner this is stopped the better, for it  is becoming quite a topic both with the passengers and the employes on this line. The next occurrence was that of driver S. Ware of Battersea, who slipped off his engine and, falling on the back of his head, was killed almost instantly. The deceased was buried on Wednesday last at Brompton Cemetery, and was followed by nearly a hundred of his fellow-workmen. On the same day as Ware was killed another Battersea driver and a New Cross driver also fell from their engines and were severely injured. I am not surprised at men falling from their engines on this line; the only thing that surprises me is that a great many more do not do so. Those who have carefully read the circular containing the conditions and regulations of the superannuation fund, which was published in this journal on June 24th, will have come to the conclusion that it had been carefully drawn up by a member of the legal profession, and no doubt, as they were paid by the company they took particular notice that every point really worth noticing should be drawn in favour of the company. Has the company carried out the terms published? My answer is distinctly "No." Take, for instance, the first clause in the circular, which mentions  the grades of the service that are eligible to join the fund. Is it honest on the part of the company to compel men not mentioned in this clause to become members again? I say "No." Why are porters, earning from ten to eighteen shillings per week, and a number of them not more than fourteen or fifteen years of age, compelled to join the fund? Now, according to the terms, a man must be sixty years of age before he can claim his superannuation, and if he has been a member thirty-five years he can claim half his average salary, that being the maximum. Now these boys would actually have been paying into this fund for forty-five or forty six years before they could claim their superannuation. I ask, "Is there anything honest about this ?" Again I say "No!" And  moreover, even the boys in the signal cabins are compelled to and if the truth was known an umber of these, judging from their appearance, cannot be more than twelve or thirteen years of age. I must confess that the company have carried the power that possess over their servants a great deal too far. The next point I wish to speak upon is clause 15: The company at the end of every half-year to contribute out of its revenues a sum equal in amount to the sum which during the same half-year has been contributed thereto by the officers and servants of the company."Can anyone tell me whether the company has ever carried this clause out? If so, what is the reason the company has been afraid to give the members of this fund a yearly balance. sheet ? And, further, if the company does carry it out, I say the time has arrived when the company should employ an actuary or actuaries to report on this superannuation fund, for, in my opinion, the contributions paid by the members, viz., two and a half pent. on the salaries, Is far too much, and it would be to the interests of the company to reduce them, and the company would not have to pay so much themselves. Another objection I have is to the age (sixty years) before a man can claim superannuation. I consider it should be reduced to fifty-five, as the engine-men and firemen asked for upon more than one occasion. I may as well at this point answer the question asked by " Tout" on June 8. The enginedrivers have asked for two alterations—first, that it should be optional for them to join, instead of compulsory, as at present; the second was to reduce the age as stated above. Not being a delegate, I have had to write to obtain the answers to these questions in order to satisfy "Tout." The answer I have received is taken from the delegates report to the enginemen and firemen at Battersea, and the Battersea secretary is the party that furnishes me with the answers. In regard to it being optional, the locomotive superintendent would not hear of it, and immediately passed off this point to the age question. The locomotive superintendent

promised faithfully to use his influence with the directors to have the age reduced from sixty-one to fifty-five years of age. Whether this locomotive superintendent has ever done this I cannot say, one thing I can say is, he has never given the men any further answer.

Your correspondent, " Jumbo," asks why are so many hundreds done out of their old superannuation fund? The fund is still in existence, and if the men only combine, there is no fear but what the company would be obliged to come to terms. In the half-yearly report submitted to the proprietors on July 21st, 1886. the figures are given in the general insurance fund: Loss on railway servants' insurance £988 8s. On the debit side of the general balance-sheet I find: To Benevolent and Superannuation Funds, £160,918 0s., so that "Jumbo" will see that there is still plenty of cash in the old superannuation, at least it is on paper. In regard to the provident society which several your correspondents have mentioned, I will deal with that and the remaining portion of the superannuation fund in my next letter.....




The past few weeks on this line have been the busiest that I have witnessed. The Brighton Company have, for some few years, had a particular good name for being able to meet the requirements of the travelling public, especially at busy times, but this can be easily accounted for, for the company has, for the past fifteen or sixteen years, been building engines and carriages at a, very fair pace; they, have also spent money, I may say recklessly, in altering, rebuilding, and erecting stations, signal boxes, etc. Those that get the credit for carrying out arrangements on special occasions, no doubt found their task not so hard as a great many of the outside public imagined; but, in my opinion, the officials have never before last week really been put to a very severe test. The busy times, of which the officials make so much fuss, falls heaviest on those that have the manipulating of the traffic, and I think the travellers on this line found this out during the past week, owing the falling in of a portion of Betchworth Tunnel, which is situated about half a mile south Dorking Station. The line between Dorking and Horsham is blocked. This forms part of the direct Portsmouth line, and the line upon which those that attend the Goodwood races have to travel. The mishap occurred on Wednesday week about 5 p.m. There was no satisfactory arrangements made that night. Everything appeared to go on as if there were no officials to regulate the traffic; but from what I learn, a certain gentlemen, whose name has appeared rather conspicuously in 

these columns of late, instead of attending to his own business in seeing that the passengers and the staff employed under him were properly informed as to what arrangements were made, travelled to Dorking and examined the tunnel, gave instructions to have a ballast train, and made a boast that the line could be cleared in three hours. I should like to know what the good gentleman thinks of the situation now. So far as I can learn it will take as many weeks. I am bound to confess that the officials were thoroughly beat, and not so well up to their work as they imagined they were. for, two days after, the arrangements that had been made proved of such a poor miserable kind that it made things worse than they were on the night the tunnel fell in. No doubt plenty of practical railwaymen will understand when I say the officials were trying the penny wise and pound foolish system, and that the public did not get that attention which in my opinion they were justly entitled other to. There is one point I must mention, that although there has been such an enormous amount of traffic I have not heard of a single accident. No doubt the officials will take all the credit for this, but let me tell them plainly that the public have to thank those that have had to do the work, and not those that simply stood by and watched them.

I promised in my last letter to speak upon the remaining portion of the superannuation fand.

Well, if my readers will peruse clause of the circular published in the Review of June 24th, I am sure they will agree with me when I say it is one of the finest clauses in it, and one which the men could use with the greatest advantage against the company, and  I only wish the Midland enginemen  and firemen had such a useful weapon to use at the present time, for it 

those of the Brighton Company were to withhold their labour, or in plainer words were to strike, the amount of money which the company would be required to hand over to the men, would make the latter somewhat wealthy, for in some cases it would amount to nearly £50. This is one reason why I have advised the men to join this superannuation fund, and although it was kept somewhat secret in 1884, this was seriously discussed by those whom the men had chosen as their representatives, for I was myself communicated with upon the subject, but was forbidden to let any one know it, and the principle cause of the men not striking or being induced to do so, was on account of the way in which the directors answered the letters which was addressed to them, especially the one in which the enginemen and firemen expressed their disapproval of the way which the directors endeavoured to intimidate the local secretaries. I do not wish to imply that the letters themselves were satisfactory, beyond the fact that they were, with one exception, civil. The general cry is that the fund was originated for the benefit of the higher officials. No doubt this is true to a certain extent, for railway officials generally look after Number One first. I have been compelled to write these few lines rather hastily, and must leave one part of my provident society promise on the for another occasion. I must, before closing, say to the Midland enginemen and firemen, who I know full well are put upon their metal, to stand as men and take no notice of the fancy tales that some of your deceitful foremen may tell you; put away petty jealousies, trust and stand by those whom you may appoint as your leaders, and doubtless you will prove to the world that an English enginedriver and fireman has equally as good metal in him as any class of men that ever trod the earth, for at the present moment the eyes of all working men are upon you. You are upheld by all trades unionists. My closing words are, don't disappoint us.



A serious landslip occurred last week in the Betchworth tunnel, about half a mile from Dorking station on the London and Brighton Company's direct Portsmouth line, over which the principal part of the Goodwood traffic is run. Just outside Dorking station is a very deep cutting, leading into Betchworth tunnel, which is about a quarter of a mile in length. A ganger who was walking through was alarmed by some bricks falling about him. He at once rushed out, and tons of earth fell in with a great crash, carrying with it the roof of the tunnel for many yards. It is supposed that the heavy traffic resulting from the Goodwood races and the Naval Review has led to the slip, as many heavily laden express trains have run through the last fortnight. The slip has occurred near the spot where several men were killed by a fall of earth when the tunnel was being constructed. The traffic was entirely suspended, the passengers by the 6.24 Portsmouth up express having to leave the carriages and walk up the high embark- ment into the park, their luggage being brought by the same route. The slip, viewed from the top, presents the appearance of a deep chasm nearly 100 yards in circumference, and the fall of earth has taken place about fifty yards from the south end of the tunnel. It is contemplated that a week or two will elapse before the line can be again open for traffic. 


26TH AUGUST 1887


In recognition of the action of Linfield, the gamer, who, passing through the Betchworth tunnel just before the falling in of the roof and narrowly escaping being entombed, promptly ran forward and stopped the Portsmouth express, the directors of the London, Brighton, and South coast Railway have voted the man an honorarium of £10. It is understood that some months will elapse before the Portsmouth direct line can again be opened for through traffic, as the obstruction is a very serious one, and the landslip will probably involve the necessity of a thorough overhauling of the tunnel.


extracted from RTCS book on locomotives of the LBSCR

On 10th August, 1887 Belgravia Class, No 205 'Kensington' was in charge of the 3.22 p.m. Victoria to Hastings express, when Fireman William Ellis joined the train surreptitiously while passing over Grosvenor Bridge. This was on his way home, and as Clapham Junction was reached he stopped the train by using the electric communication bell. Jumping clear as the speed fell he would have identification if it had not been for the dog which always accompanied Driver Morgan on 'Kensington's' footplate. Sent after the stowaway, he caught Ellis near the line side fence and held him until the police arrived.


12TH AUGUST 1887


(started on Friday 5th August)


Mr. S. W. Johnson, the locomotive superintendent, issued the following notice tonight , and it will be posted upon the walls of all centres tomorrow (16th):

"In addition to a considerable number of the old drivers and firemen who applied to be reinstated, applications have been received from drivers and firemen, all experienced, from the undermentioned railways, volunteering their services, and in many cases they have been accepted, and are nowin the employ of the Midland Railway; London and North Western, Great Western, North Eastern, Great Northern, Caledonian, North British, Glasgow and South Western, Great Eastern, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and South Western, London and Brighton, London Chatham and Dover, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire, North London, Metropolitan, and Metropolitan and District. A large number of applications from men employed on the railways above referred to and others are now held in abeyance in order to give a further opportunity to Midland men to apply to their foremen for re-employment to the vacancies still open should they think well to do so promptly, and thus prevent serious consequences to them which must ensue should it be found necessary to take on more men from other railways." 

Early information as to be the preparation of this circular was obtained by the scouts of the Central Committee, and a general telegram despatched this afternoon to all districts, they included a warning to the strikers to ignore the company's invasion. The terms of the message were settled as a specially convened committee meeting, and the men still out were assured of being upon the eve of victory. it was remarked by some of the leaders that some officials had told them once already that their places had been filled, and that their own circular contradicted the statement. There was another call for "thumbs up" with unanimous response, the men appearing to relish silent substitute for cheering or noisy demonstration.




Mr. Harford read the following letter addressed to him by an engineman of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway:-

"I see according to the papers you are very busy, and hope you will be able to stand it without knocking yourself up. I should have very much liked to have been with you.

The strike will do a great amount of good, even should the company gain the day, for it will bring men to their senses, for, in my opinion, enginemen and firemen have for some few years been living in a "Fool's Paradise." I was very much surprised on Thursday when I received your telegram. I subsequently learnt that officials had been fearfully busy, and had managed to scrape a dozen men and boys together, and sent them in a bur to St. Pancras.

You will be surprised to hear that - was one of them, and - who you will remember was reduced last year. You will be surprised when you read that - took his wages just before he left here on Thursday. He had made 14 3/4 days in one week, and for his week ending on Thursday he had made 11 1/2 days. I should say for the past  two months he has never taken less than nine days for one week's work, I have been very busy going all over our depots in London, and find that five men have gone from New-Cross capable of taking charge, and about six who had never been out on an engine; six gone from Brighton, about an equal number of drivers and fireman, about twenty from Nine Elms, one only who was out on the line, the rest washers out and cleaners; Chatham and Dover, about fourteen capable of faking charge, the rest mere boys.

I do hope the Midland men will only hold out, for the company will get tired of the makeshifts before very long, and if unhappily an accident happens it will rouse the public.

The men here place no reliance in the Press, and that is why I asked you to keep me well informed. There is every appearance of the meeting being held upon such a seale as never before has been seen in this neighbourhood. I am certain it means a large increase of members all over the country.

The engineman that returned here yesterday morning came to see me and gave a very interesting account of his travels since Thursday night. He has never worked upon an engine, he filled his papers and was told to start work. This was at Leicester, where -— and about six more gone from this line are. This man asked for an agreement for constant employment, but was told they had no such things, He then told them to keep their job, and came back to London. He applied at Kentish-town on Saturday morning and the same routine was gone through. He says the men they are taking on are the lowest of the low, the most ignorant and dirtiest-looking men he ever saw, and that the majority of them have never been on an engine before. -- also got into my train last night in Victoria just as we were starting, and before we had Battersea Park he was out and gone before I have not as yet been able to find out what he has come for. I hope the Midland men will not start rioting or do any damage to property as that will only lower them in the eyes of everybody: but I hope most sincerely the men will hold out, and I am sure the company will be bound to come to terms. However, the Midland men have the unanimous sympathy of the men here, and we shall no doubt, during the present week, be able to show it. I send kind regards to yourself and the men of the Central Committee."



"Rambler" writes:- I wish to refer to the step taken by the Officials of the Brighton line to assist the Midland Company. I am bound to confess that I am somewhat ashamed of the actions of those locomotive officials, who have persuaded men employed under them to go and take the place of the men on strike. Had the Brighton Company been overstocked, there might have been some little excuse for this action; but such is not so, and I learn that one fireman, whom the officials have made a tool of, had actually made a ten and eleven days in one week, and on the Thursday evening in one week, and on Thursday evening when he left Battersea for the Midland he had taken £2 17s. as his week's wages. As he was paid at the rate of 4s. per day, he must have worked fourteen days and a quarter in one week, while the back week amounted to eleven days and a half. Now, if this should meet the eye of the locomotive superintendent. I hope a strict inquiry will be made into the way in which men are being worked; for in my conversation with several of the men, I was informed there was any number of them who had barely made their sixty hours. Shame! I say a thousand times over, that such a state of things as this should exist. This is a specimen of what officials will do, and Midland menthe have not joined their mates in the battle they are now fighting, may take warning, for there is a good lesson to be learned from the above.

The number of men gone from the Brighton line, who are of any value, is very small, but the officials have gathered the riff-raff, which they had previously been compelled to discharge, and sent them. It proves the character of those officials who would send such a sample of men to take responsible positions, and if anything happens through those men's neglect or misconduct, I hope the officials of this line will receive that which they most assuredly deserve. I am sure this disregard for the safety of passengers will open the eyes to the public, who will see that, so long as the companies can serve their own selfish purposes, they care for little-else. There are some men who are over sixty years of age, who have been pensioned off by the Brighton company, and whom the directors have certified are for every incapacitated from following their calling as engine drivers, have actually been solicited for the Midland but positively refused to accept the offers the officials mede them. When I am told that a man who cannot see many feet in front of him, and who has long passed his sixtieth birthday, is asked and almost intimidated to go on the Midland it makes my blood tun cold. This is what officials of the present day will do. I am pleased to see that a mass meeting of enginemen and firemen  is to be held at Battersea, on Sunday. Railwaymen should attend this meeting, and prove themselves true and faithful to their brothers in distress.

I must congratulate the Midland men who have stood so firm, and I enjoin them to hold out to the last and never sacrifice the honourable reputation they have so nobly won this past week. As for the blacklegs, as they are termed, I would have them to think for a moment and consider what treatment they will receive the remainder of their lives. I hope that upon reflection they will see the unprincipled nature of their position, and that they may yet join those who they have worked shoulder to shoulder with for so many years, for it is their common cause.

Now a word to those men who have worked side by side with me. I beg of them to return from the Midland honourably, and not aid so despicable a manner to defeat their fellowmen. If they do, the scorn of their fellow-workmen will for ever be upon them.


19TH AUGUST 1887


On Sunday evening a largely-attended meeting of the enginemen and firemen of the four southern companies was held at Battersea. A fireman occupied the chair, and was supported by Mr. Prymm, of Stratford, and several officers of the A.S.R.S. There were also representatives from nearly every railway running into London.

The Chairman, in his opening remarks, gave a brief outline of the dispute on the one the Midland, commented upon the subterfuges raised by the company, and ridiculed Mr. Thompson's letter. He said the business of the meeting was to consider the best way in which they could assist those out on strike, and to examine the class of men the officials had sent from the southern lines to fill the places of the strikers. The committee had not written any resolution, as they preferred to leave the meeting unfettered.

A Brighton engineman then moved—

" That this representative meeting of the engine drivers and firemen of the four southern companies having heard the facts of the cause of the strike on the Midland Railway, are perfectly satisfied that the enginemen and firemen used every effort to bring about an amicable settlement, and having failed to do so, were perfectly justified in refusing to work under the unjust terms proposed by the directors."

Another Brighton driver seconded it, and said deep he had been in two railway strikes, and he would be in a third one rather than any company should sit on him. He believed he was 

the oldest railwayman present, as he had been a railway servant forty-seven years. (Cheers.)

A Kentish-town fireman, who was heartily received, then gave a very interesting and detailed

account of the action of the men.

Another Kentish-town fireman gave an account of an Interview with Mr. Johnson, junior, at Kentish Town. 

A Child's-hill driver gave an account of how they had been going on there, and remarked that they had come out to a man.

A visitor from Leicester spoke on behalf of the men there, where only seventy-six had come out on strike out of nearly three hundred employed.

The resolution was then put and carried unanimously.

A Chatham driver then proposed, and a South Western fireman seconded, 

"That drivers be asked to subscribe 2s. 6d. and firemen 1s. weekly towards the funds, until such time as the dispute was finally settled; but from those who were unable to give the above amount, and from other grades, the smallest subscriptions would be most thankfully received".

A Brighton driver moved, as an amendment and a South-Western driver seconded, 

"That drivers be asked to subscribe 1s. and firemen 6d, weekly until the dispute was finally settled."

A Great Western man remarked that he had come there that evening to see what decisions that meeting arrived at, as the men employed with him were willing to stand by the decisions of that meeting. (Cheers.)

The Chairman remarked that he thought that was tribute of respect to the southern railwaymen. (Cheers.)

On being put to the meeting the resolution was carried.

A Brighton driver then said Mr. Harford was that evening opening a new branch of the Society in Inchicore, and he proposed that the meeting congratulate their brethren across the Channel on the opening of a second branch, and hoped it would prove a successful one, also that the chairman wire that resolution to Mr. Harford, in conjunction with the last resolution passed.

Mr. Little, formerly of Belfast, said he had very great pleasure in seconding that resolution; he was an Irishman, and one of the pioneers of the Belfast Branch; he had reaped the benefits of the Society, and he never had regretted having joined such a useful and beneficial association. (Cheers.)

The resolution was carried with enthusiasm. 

A very interesting discussion then took place on the class of men that had gone from the

various railways.Men from Stratford, King's Cross Kentish-town, Child's-hill, etc., all took part in the discussion. Ultimately a South Western driver moved, and a South Eastern driver seconded, 

"That this meeting passes a severe vote of censure upon those southern men who have entered the service of the MidlandCompany, also upon the officials for sending such a class of incompetent men to work the Midland engines, to the danger of the general public."

This was carried unanimously.

The delegates from Kentish-town, Child's-hill, and Leicester then gave the latest particulars 

received with respect to the strike.

The Kentish-town secretary entered the room, and gave a very lengthy and practical address, which was listened to with great attention. A discussion then took place respecting officials intimidating men employed under them to go and take the place of the Midland men.

The chairman remarked that he hoped this would be the last strike in which one body of men should stand alone. In t

In the next strike that took place he hoped every companies' men would join in, and then the companies would not stand against them one hour. (Hear Hear) Theforemen had a society, and when a strike like this Midland one took place they all worked together.

He did not say anything against their having a society  - on the contrary he gave them credit.

He said the deputy foreman at Battersea was the secretary—(a Voice: "And the South-Western superintendent of the running department is the chairman," laughter)-but he must say it was unjust for an official to intimidate a man to go and take the place of others on strike. (Hear, Hear)

A Brighton driver moved, and a Chatham driver seconded, 

"That this meeting learns with deep regret that the officials have used undue pressure to induce men to go on the Midland, and in the event of any further intimidation being brought to bear upon any enginemen or firemen, we shall consider it our duty to join the Midland men in this dispute." 

This was carried with only two dissentients.

A vote of thanks to the chairman closed what was considered the largest and best meeting ever held in Battersea.



The monthly meeting was held on Sunday last, and resulted in a good attendance. One new member was accepted. A claim for donation was granted, also one from the Benevolent Fund. A member was elected for A.G.M. Several other items were disposed of. 

The secretary reported that two members of the Society had gone to take service on the Midland, viz, one belonging to Brighton No. 1, the other to the New England Branch. After some opinions had been freely expressed denouncing their conduct, the secretary was instructed to report to the General Secretary so that action may be taken to have the members expelled. An expression of sympathy was passed with the Midland men on strike. The action of the officials in sending men down to assist the Midland Company was deprecated.




The General Secretary of the A.S.R.S. begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered in consequence of the strike:- Boiler Makers' And Iron Shipbuilders' society (per R. Knight) £20; Hull Trade and Labour Council, £3; "A Pound per Week Signalman, S.E.R.," 2s.; H.J. Reid, Esq., J.P., Birmingham, £2 2s.; Miss Harlow, Acton, £1; Cheltenham Branch A.S.R.S. 10s.; Per J. Uzzell, Wolverhampton, £5; Socialist League (per Mr. J. Lane, London), 12s. 9d.; Per C.S. Charlton, Hull, 20s.; "Canny Man," 2s. 6d.; T.W. London, 2s. 6d.

Total, £33 11s. 9d. 


26TH AUGUST 1887


From the acknowledgements of donations received, which are given below, it may appear ro some that but little response is being given to the appeal made on behalf of the men; but it should be borne in mind that a great many subscriptions lists at branches of the Amalgamated Society still remain open, and that they will be holding over amounts collected until the lists close. Iw would, however, perhaps be as well if those who have collected a fair sum would make an early remittance without waiting to close their list, as money is very much needed by those men who have been locked out. There are about 800 of such, and a great number of them have nothing what ever coming in to support them. With regard to the apparent lack of assistance from other societies, the interval of time between their meeting is sufficient to explain the delay.  

The General Secretary of the A.S.R.S. begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered in consequence of the strike. Amount previously acknowledged; £38. 11s. 9d. Enginedriver and Firemen,Stratford, £2. 14s.' Several "Whitelegs" South London, £1 8s. 6d.; Enginedrivers and Firemen, Wolverhampton, 2nd subscription, £1 4s. 3d., per No.2 Branch Secretary; Members Glasgow Branch, 12s. Members Hartlepool Branch 10s. 

Total £40 0s. 6d.

Correction. - In our last issue, £5 per J. Uzzell, should read "On behalf of the Enginemen and Firemen of Wolverhampton."


1887 - 1932

On the 1st September 1887 the Dyke branch was opened, with the first train comprising of 
seven coaches and a guard’s van, left Brighton at 8.00 a.m. and was hauled by a Terrier Tank 
0-6-0T No.41 Piccadilly.

On the August Bank Holiday of 1893 the Devil’s Dyke saw around 30,000 people 
flocking to the Dyke, with many of them being brought by train.

A Push - Pull workings was introduced in 1905.

The line continued until 1917 in midst of the First Word War as economy measures. The 
service recommenced on 26th July 1920.

The Southern Railway purchased a Sentinel Cammel Steam Railcar in 1932 for use on the 
Dyke Branch. Although operational successful, the single railcar and was not large enough to meet the needs of the branch line. 

The railcar was transferred away in March 1936. and was tried to other area parts of the Southern Railway and was finally withdrawn in 1940.

The Dyke Branch line closed on the 1st January 1939.




we have frequently asserted that the class of men whom the Midland Company had obtained to supplant those who had been discharged from other companies for various offences. To show that the assertions were based upon facts, we give below. one or two examples from the very large number of cases reported to us.

A driver who was some time previously discharged by the Midland Company for being drunk while on duty, was during the strike re-engaged as an express driver.

"A stranger," with another of the same order as fireman, was so ignorant of a locomotive that he did not know the parts of it. When essaying to apply for the "jet" he applied the steam brake and brought the engine to a stand. He went through some strange performance, and to such an extent as to frighten the platelayer who was sent to show him the road, and who eventually deserted his charge. This driver subsequently burnt the boiler.

A fireman drove a goods train to the Great Eastern Railway, with a guard as conductors. A collision with a passenger train was only averted by an inspector changing the points.

A late storekeeper, who was at one time a fireman, was entrusted with a shunting engine. He ran over a dead end with the engine, and almost blocked the passenger road.

a milkman who was dismissed from firing has been engaged to drive a goods train.

Five men who were dismissed from the South Western Railway were taken on to the Midland, and a coal man from the South Western was sent to fire.

From Exeter, one who was reduced for collision, and one who failed to pass for driver obtained positions of drivers. 

A driver who on the Brighton line who was reduced for causing an accident to a passenger was appointed driver. 

A driver who some tine ago ran along the wrong line and had collision is driving goods trains.

A North London driver who was dismissed for drunkenness was sent to drive goods trains, having a guard as conductor. Reported to have burnt the engine.

A Midland man who was put back for defective sight and a Brighton man who was dismissed were both offered jobs but honourably refused to accept them.

From the North Eastern at Carlisle and York we understand that there several who had been discharged for drunkenness and other offences taken on by the Midland, also one notorious character from Gateshead who only a few weeks before had been found helplessly drunk on duty. 



The monthly meeting was held on 26th August. The secretary being absent on duty a member kindly officiated. Two new members were enrolled. Application was made by a member late in the employ of the L. B. and S. C. Railway, for donative pay and the Protection Fund grant, but there being so small a meeting it was laid over until quarter night. A circular was read re Midland Strike, and 17s. was collected. Another sheet was ordered to be laid before the members on quarter night. Correspondence was read re election of delegates, which was considered satisfactory. A discussion took place on the opening of the Morley Convalescent Home, and the delegate was instructed to see Mr. Brewer, the secretary, on the matter. A letter was read from the Abergavenny Branch re assisting one of their members who had met with an accident, and it was resolved to let it stand over until quarter night.



The fortnightly meeting was held on Saturday last. Three new members were admitted. The A.G.M. agenda was again under consideration, and discussion at length. Those present expressed pleasure at the counts awarded the men out of employment through the Midland Strike, and hope that it would prove to all railwaymen who are non members that the Society is willing and able to stand by its members. £2 0s. 8d. has already been remitted by this branch's members, and further subscriptions will be thankfully received. Next meeting will be quarterly. 



The General Secretary of the A.S.R.S. begs to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered in consequence of the strike:-

Amount previously acknowledged, £40. 0s. 6d.; from the enginemen and firemen, Northwick £4. 12s., per A.S.RS. branch secretary; the enginemen and public of Croydon, 14s. 9d., per H. M.; Portsmouth Branch, Brick-lane Branch A.S.R.S., 6s.; Stratford Branch 

Associated engineers and Firemen, £7. 0s. 6d., enginemen and firemen Stratford, second subscription, £2 5s.; a Midland shareholder, 5s.; J. G. N., Hull, 1s. 8d.; Steam Engine Makers' Society, Manchester, £5; Ferry-hill Branch A.S.R.S., 7s. 6d.

Correction. - In last week's issue "Enginemen and Firemen, Wolverhampton No.2 Branch," should read. "From members and friends, £1 4s. 3d., pre Wolverhampton No. 1 Branch Secretary."




A shocking accident occurred on Monday afternoon to a fireman named H. Bishop, in the employment of the District Railway. His train left New Cross station shortly after two o'clock in the afternoon for Richmond, and whilst passing through the Thames Tunnel the unfortunate man fell from his engine, sustaining such severe injuries that he has since died.  



The monthly meeting was held on 26th August. The secretary being absent on duty a member kindly officiated. Two new members were enrolled. Application was made by a member late in the employ of the L. B. and S. C. Railway, for donative pay and the Protection Fund grant, but there being so small a meeting it was laid over until quarter night. A circular was read re Midland Strike, and 17s. was collected. Another sheet was ordered to be laid before the members on quarter night. Correspondence was read re election of delegates, which was considered satisfactory. A discussion took place on the opening of the Morley Convalescent Home, and the delegate was instructed to see Mr. Brewer, the secretary, on the matter. A letter was read from the Abergavenny Branch re assisting one of their members who had met with an accident, and it was resolved to let it stand over until quarter night.



The fortnightly meeting was held on Saturday last. Three new members were admitted. The A.G.M. agenda was again under consideration, and discussion at length. Those present expressed pleasure at the counts awarded the men out of employment through the Midland Strike, and hope that it would prove to all railwaymen who are non members that the Society is willing and able to stand by its members. £2 0s. 8d. has already been remitted by this branch's members, and further subscriptions will be thankfully received. Next meeting will be quarterly. 



The General Secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants  begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered in consequence of the strike. Amount previously acknowledged; £261 2s. 5d.; Enginemen, Firemen, and Guards, Hartlepool, 10s.; Fairfield, Glasgow, 2s. 6d.; Battersea Branch A.S.R.S. 17s.; F.A. Channing, Esq., M.P., £3 3s.; New Cross and S.E.R. Branch A.S.R.S., £2 0s. 8d., per Secretary; R. Spires, Vitoria Docks, 5s.; Glasgow Branch A.S.R.S., 3s.; Accrington Branch A.S.R.S., per secretary £3 15s. 6d.; Members and Friends,West Brompton Branch, £1 10s.; L. and S.W. Railway Enginemen and Firemen, £7 10s. 6d.; Grant from the L. and S.W. Railway Enginemen and Firemen's Protection Fund, £10; Bacup Branch A.S.R.S., £1 9s. 6d.; Tondu Branch A.S.R.S., 10s.; Enginemen and Firemen of Wolverhampton and District, £4 10s.; York Branch A.S.R.S., £1 9s. 8d.; Enginemen and Firemen, L.C.&D.Ry., £2 7s. 6d.;

Total £101 12s. 3d.




The monthly meeting was held on the 4th inst, with a moderate attendance. Owing to the resignation of the treasurer engine-driver was elected to fill his place. 

Secretary produced several books of tickets forwarded from other branches for prize drawings

ing was held on the 9th inst., with a very fair in aid of members, and a subscription list in aid 

of Sabin, of Birmingham.

A moderate amount was subscribed in aid of the Midland engine-drivers and firemen.

A discussion on the bye-laws of Benevolent Fund resulted in the matter being referred to the committee.

A special meeting will be held to consider the agenda for A.G.M. and other important business. for date see Directory



The General Secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered consequence strike:-

Amount previously acknowledged, £101 12s. 3d.; A few Members of the Selby Branch A.S.R.S., 10s.; Lowestoft Branch A.S.R.S., £1 11s. 2d.; Gateshead Branch A.S.R.S., £7 12s. 3d.; Collection at Brighton per A.G., 18s.Spa-road Branch A.S,R.S., collection, £l 18s. per D.W.; Same branch, collected by J.B., £1; Ambergate Branch A.S.R.S., £l 9s. 8d; Edge-hill Branch A.S.R.S., £2 10s. 6d.; Birkenhead Branch A.S.R.S., £1 6s.; A Radical M.P., £2; Collected at Croydon, per J. M. sccond remittance, 7s. 6d.; Paddington Branch A.S.R.S., £4. 9s.; London Saddle and Harness Makers' Trade Protection Bootety, £5; The Enginemen and Firemen of Battersea£6 17s.; Gift from the South-Eastern Railway Enginemen and Firemen's Contingency Fund £ 100; New Cross branch A.S.R.S. £2. 9s. 6D.; Enginedrivers and Firemen, Salisbury, £1 1s.; New England Peterborough Branch A.S.R.S, £1, Enginemen and Firemen and a Guard, Southampton, £2; Enginedrivers and Firemen, Enfield  Town and Place Gates Stations, Great Eastern Railway £2. 0s. 6d.; Durham Miners' Association, per Mr. J. Wilson £5; Enginemen, Firemen, and Guards, Hartlepool, 10s.; Members, West end Branch (London) A.S.R.S., £1; Shipley Branch A.S.R.S., 6s.; Enginemen and Firemen, Braintree, 13s.; Enginemen and Firemen, Brentwood and Colchester 8s.; "Nemo," 3s.; Ardwick Branch A.S.R.S., £1. 2s.; 

total £256 14s. 4d.



Mr. W. Elliss, being unable to call a meeting of the London, Brighton, and South Coast enginemen and firemen, desires us to publish the following statement:- Income: Total amount of subscriptions up to September 12, £14. 10s. 6d. Expenditure: Telegrams, printing, postage, and stationery £2. 2s. 6d.; gift to enginemen and firemen at Kentish-town, £6; forwarded to General Office for strike fund, £6 17s.; total, £14 19s, 6d.




The General Secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants  begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered in consequence of the strike. Amount previously acknowledged; £256 14s. 4d.; Canning Town Branch, A.S.R.S., £1 6s.; Dowlais Branch, A.S.R.S., 7s.; Camden Branch A.S.R.S. 13s.; Marylebone Radical Club, per A.J. Marriott, £1 1s.; York Branch A.S.R.S., £1; E.C.W., Brighton 2s.; Annie L. Brown, London £3; Collected at Nuneaton, per W.N.T., 5s.; Per A.F., Stratford New Town, £3; Brighton No.2 Branch £1 6s.; Wolverhampton enginemen and firemen per J. Uzzell, £5 10s.; Wigan enginemen and firemen, per J.P., £2 14s.; Stockport Branch A.S.R.S., gift from Benevolent Fund, £1, and collected among the members £1, both per J.M.; Staff at Northwich station (second subscription), £3; Accrington Branch, A.S.R.S. (second subscription), £2 4s. 6d.

Total £284 2s. 10d.




The General Secretary of the A.S.R.S. begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who have suffered in consequence of the strike. Amount previously acknowledged; £284 2s. 10.; G.V. Plymouth Branch A.S.R.S., 2s. 8d.; Newcastle Central Branch A.S.R.S., collected by J.J.H., £1 6s.; Annie Goff, Upper Norwood, £1; Castletown Branch A.S.R.S., per T.M., 5s.; Wolverhampton No.1 Branch A.S.R.S., further collection 7s. 6d.; members of Paddington and Shepherd's BushBranch A.S.R.S., second subscription, per C.H., £2 1s.; Leeds No.2 Branch 11s. 6d.; Gloucester Branch, per J.H. £2 10s.;  H.M. Croydon 1s.; railwaymen of Darlington, per W.H., 12s.; Newcastle No.1 Branch A.S.R.S. per J.S., £1; J.B., Spa Road, 1s. 3d.; collected per J.L., Watford 13s.; A. Whiteley, Chelsea, 5s.; H.S.P., Stratford, 19s. 6d.

Total, £285 18s. 3d.   




The General Secretary of the A.S.R.S. begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations for the assistance of those who suffered in consequence of the strike:-

Amount previously acknowledged, £285 18s. 3d. (by a printers' error this was erroneously shown as £285 18s. 3d. in last weeks issue); the collection by G.C. Bow, 9s.; Battersea Branch A.S.R.S. £2 7s. 6d.; enginemen and firemen, Trowbridge, £1, per E.H.; Accrington Branch A.S.R.S., third subscription £4; Fairfield Glasgow, 2s. 6d. per W.F; enginemen and firemen, Wigan, L. and Y. Railway, £1 per J.P.; drivers and firemen, Battersea , L.B. and S.C. Railway, £3 1s., per E.M.K.; drivers and firemen, Tunbridge Wells and Three Bridges, L.B. and S.C. Railway 16s. 6d., per E.M.K., Battersea; drivers and firemen Dorking, L.B. and S.C. Railway, 7s. 6d., per E.M.K., Battersea; 

Total, £309 2s. 3d.

The report of the Central Committee on Wednesday, showed that about 450 men are still unemployed. no change towards them in official quarters. One of the "competent" men pulled his fire out at Armley, near Leeds, having run short of water. There was a collision at Woodlesford, on Wednesday, with much damage to stock. Men are still emigrating from various centres. Very satisfactory reports from those who have already landed in foreign countries. five pounds has been received from the G.W.R. men at Bordesley, and £37 10s. 11d. from General Office towards the funds.

Railway accident on the 


from http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk

Kensington 11th October 1887 

Involving Driver Gibbs & Fireman Amos Smith, Depot unknown 






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