Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday March 12th 1972 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved, that they were a true record.
Election of Officers 1972
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker, Vice Chairman R. Bridger, Secretary Bro. D. Dore, Assistant Secretary F. Diplock.
Committee Bros. K. Savage, W. Baldwin, V. Rumley, C. Hallett, A Daugherty, A. Young & P. Pepper.
District Council No.4 Delegate Bros. A. Brooker, F. Diplock & V. Rumley
Trade Council Delegates Bros R. Bridger, A. Brooker, V. Rumley & F. Diplock
Scrutineers Bros. K. Savage, F. Diplock & W. Baldwin
It was proposed and seconded “That to ensure a bi – monthly meetings and a special evening meeting may the assistant officers could call a special meetings be conviened at the discretion of the Brach Officers.” Carried.
District council Report
Bro. A. Brooker then delivered a concise report on the District Council meeting. This included references to the open meeting at New Cross on 17th February, 1972, the reduction of staff in B.R. Workshops (Ashford & Swindon) and the cute in the loco and wagon building programme. Rest Day Working and the 500 surplus footplate staff on the Eastern Region, mileage payments, High Density Stock and London Allowance increases were reported upon, also noise levels in the cabs of D.E.M.U. stock.
L.D.C. report
Bro. A. Brooker, the L.D.C. secretary then delivered a short L.D.C. report. Further reference was paid to the “Shed Staff” position as previously reported.
Any Other Business
It was proposed and seconded. “That Trade Council Delegates, Bros. A. Brooker & R. Bridger should attend the dinner to be given for Bro. Tapp. Carried.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30.
Five members were present
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 16th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary.
Matters Arising from the minutes of the last meeting. It was started by a member present that the minutes should be amended as follows.
Election of Officers 1972 “Trades Council Delegate add – Bro. R. Bridger.
Agenda item re – Bi-monthly and normal meetings, add The Assistant Officers may call a Sunday Branch Meeting.
It was moved and seconded that the minutes as amended be adopted as a true record.” Carried
L.D.C. report
Bro. A. Brooker, L.D.C. Secretary, then delivered the L.D.C. Report. This included reference to the proposed installation of an additional in T.W. yard. The delivery of lockers of the cube type to be investigated, and a claim regarding the wardrobe type locker to replace these to be progressed.
Any Other Business
Reference was paid to meeting at Wimbledon and Victoria outlining the proposed cuts in train services from 1st May 1972.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11.10.
An Open Meeting was the conveined dealing with dispute commencing on Monday 17th April 1972.
The Chairman reopened the Branch Meeting and there being no other business, declared the meeting closed at 12.45
There were 18 members present
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday July 9th 1972 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the Assistant secretary.
Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting, it was pointed out that the word normal be deleted from sentence to over agenda item bi-monthly meeting or special meeting. It was moved and seconded that the minutes as amended be adopted as true record.
Minutes of Trade Council were read and included references to a collection for old people. It was pointed out that were a collection made at Tunbridge Wells West depot, all monies collected passed to a delegated member on Trade Council, and responsibility for payment, and use of moves to help old people to be shown on an account or balance sheet, or distribution to branches who make contribution to cause.
District Council Report
Bro. A. Brooker gave his report of the meeting on July 3rd 1972. the meeting opened with the observance of once minutes silence in respect of the dead in the Eltham Well Hall disaster. Points raised included managements promise of an early meeting with Sectional Council B on Time Table for 1973, although no change could expected an Brighton/Portsmouth services. Southern Region have pressed Ministry regarding grants for 1973, which ties up with completion of 1973 Time Table.
Detailed report D.E.M.U. services Tonbridge – Redhill sent to Ministry to obtain extention of grant. This rate will only be retained because of freight traffic as Channel Tunnel route still undecided. Cost of this route renders this no longer viable. Any electrification authorised would start with East Grinstead/Oxted and Tonbridge/Hastings.
Correspondence books to be discontinued, and loose leaf headed note paper to be substituted. Point made re loss of record by this new practice and of continuity by change of L.D.C. or Branch Secretary.
L.D.C. Reports
The L.D.C. Secretary reported on correspondence he had had with the A.D.M. as the new doors being fitted to the D.E.M. Units and the poor quality of door catches stressed the superior type of handle fitted to Unit 1317, which has now been tested for over 12 months and has well stood up to use.
Meeting with C.M.E.E. as the modification of fuses in auxiliary cupboard since the explosion of unit 1306. References made to Annual Leave vacant date application.
Rejection of an extra light in the yard owing to the cost being £1,500, and correspondence still on progress on new wardrobe type lockers.
Any Other Business
Bro. W. Baldwin spoke of his concern at the earnings level at Tunbridge Wells West Depot in to other Mixed Traction Depots on the Central Division. He feels that the amount of special workings that these depots are booked at weekends, should be shared out more fairly. So in this context he is to write to the A.D.M. explaining his feelings on this subject, asking for Diesel Locomotive training so enabling him to participate in ballast workings etc.
It was agrees that further discussion of this subject will be progressed at the next Branch meeting.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 13.00
Four members were present
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 22nd 1972 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, it was moved moved and seconded that they were a true record. Carried.
Matters arising
A question was raised in connection with issue of branch and L.D.C. correspondence books. The Secretary referred to an a item of correspondence that was to be red lster
Bro. A. Brooker the L.D.C. Secretary then delivered the L.D.C. Report. This report referred to the following topic dealt with since the last Branch Meeting
The 1973 timetable, the yard lighting, Mixed Traction status – Traction Training, Annual Leave wages collection, Lockers – wardrobe type.
The L.D.C. Secretary also referred to a letter re unit 1306 and the lack of reply on this subject from Head Office. The latest position re Driver C. Smith – Traction Training was clarified and a letter on the subject from Area Depot Manager was read.
Reference: was also paid to the unsatisfactory fitting of swing type engine room doors on D.E.M.U. Stock.
L.D.C. Nomination
The Chairman called for nominations for an official Society candidate to serve on the L.D.C. for the forthcoming term. There were no nominations from the floor.
Any Other Business
It was proposed, seconded and carried. “That this Branch instructs the Secretary to write to both District Council and Head Office on the subject of the recent letter in the Sunday Telegraph concerning the possibility of further massive rail cuts involving the curtailing of the national network to a mere 7,000 miles. Further that the Secretary should urge District Council and Head Office to liase with other railway unions with the view to organising token industrial action in order to bring public attention to the hardship that would be caused if such cuts were implemented.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30
6 members were present.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday December 12th 1972 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary. It was then moved and seconded and that they were a true record. Carried.
It was moved and seconded that Bro. B. Noakes be voted to 1973 A.A.D. Carried
It was moved and seconded that Bro. Ashkettle be voted to the Parliamentary Panel. Carried
The Branch then gave their approval to the prior nomination by the Chairman and Secretary of Bro Andrews for Sectional Council ‘B’.
It was proposed from the chair that the appeal from Briant Print Work-in Committee be laid on the table. Seconded and Carried.
Bro. A. Brooker then delivered the District Council Report. This was a lenghty and concise report covering many current topics including Rest Day Working, A.PT./H.S.D.T. London Allowance and the re-signalling of London Bridge.
Bro. A. Brooker then delivered the L.D.C. Report. This included reference to the following, lockers, consolidation on daily basis, uniforms, driver C. Smith, Boxing Day Workings 1972.
The Chairman then called for nominations for Branch Officers to serve in 1973. the following were nominated and seconded.
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker, Vice Chairman R. Bridger, Secretary Bro. W. Baldwin and Bro. D. Dore (Bro. D. Dore declined nomination) and Assistant Secretary Bro. F. Diplock. Scrutineer Bro. R. Bridger. There were no nominations for the Branch Committee nor for Branch Trustee.
Any Other Business
It was moved, seconded and carried. That the Secretary be instructed to write a letter of protest to the Area Depot Manager and Sectional Council ‘B’ re the late posting of Boxing Day working in views of abnormal requirements.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 13.00
6 members were present.