Chairman Bro. H. Allison
Vice Chair Bro. J. Hillman
Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Jan. 26th 1935
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair
14 members present
Bros. H. Allison, W. Terrill, D. Boyle, A. Rookley, W. Brown, W. Clarke, E. Brooker,
J. Brock, F. Wilde, C. Lower, M. Smith, J. Green, J. Hillman & Chappell.
Minutes of October meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.
Arising from minutes, Bro. Clarke said he had interviewed Mr Urie re coal. Mr Urie had given orders for no more than 10 C.W.T Tilmo to be put on tender engines to work pilot turns, in case they are wanted for running turns instead.
Complaint re Fire-irons was being looked into, Bro. Clarke said he thought there was an improvement in the Fire-irons recently.
Application for more than 5 minutes in between engines to be prepared. Mr. Urie said he didn’t think they would allowed anymore time.
Men applying for leave of duty to be notified if such leave is granted.
Complaint re state of Driver's lobby, suggested that lobby should be scrubbed out more. Since tis comlaint had been made, there had been an improvement.
Trade Union week. Secretary asked all members who are off duty to attend meeting to be held Thursday Jan 31st at Labour Club, as a preliminary meeting to big meeting to be held Feb. 4th 1935 at Church Room, for the purpose of enrolling non unionist.
General Secretary Voting, Bro. Squance had a clear majority over all other candidates.
G. Bollen arrears, much comment arose on this subject, it was proposed by a member. That he be enrolled as a new member. This could not be done as we did not know if he was willing to join or not, so W. Clarke said he would see Bollen during the week.
W. Holland position in union, Secretary said he asked him if he intended paying his arrears (5 months). He said no, and said he would pay no more. Thinking that he may not realise his position. Bro. Clarke pro. and C.Lower sec. 'That Secretary write Bro. Hollands and explain the position to him.
etter read from Eastbourne Branch inviting our members to an open meeting to be held at Eastbourne on Feb. 10th, Bro. Jeans as speaker.
Election of Officers 1935
Chairman Bro. H. Allison, Vice Chairman Bro. J. Hillman, Secretary Bro. F. Wilde, Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown
Committee Bros. J. Giles, C. Lower, E. Brooker, M. Smith, W. Terrill & W. Clarke
Southern District Council delegates Bros. H. Allison & W. Clarke.
Trades Council Delegates Bros F. Wilde & W. Clarke.
Bro. Wilde took on Secretaryship again, when offering to help in collection moneys.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb. 17th 1935
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair
9 members present
H. Allison, W. Clarke, F. Sherwin, W. Brown, J. Hillman, E. King, F. Wilde, G. Chappell & C. Lower
Minutes of January meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.
Arising from the minutes, item re coal at our depot, Bro Clarke said that we are going to have a small supply of Betteshanger coal but for Boat Trains only.
Much discussion over Holiday list for 1935.
W. Holland arrears, Secretary wrote him letter as requested, but he said Hollands practically ignored letter.
G. Bollen arrears, Secretary said he gave Bollen necessary form to join again, through his mate and Bollen said he should have given them to him himself. Bro. Clarke said he would see him on this matter.
Pro. H. Allison 'That Bro. Clarke see Mr. Urie re G. Chappell working Sundays with other Cleaners.’
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 17th 1935
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair
12 members present
W. Clarke, E. Hillman, J. Hillman, C. Jenner, W. Terrill, M. Smith, J. Brock, H. Allison, H. Bowden, D. Boyle, E. King & F. Wilde.
Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.
(Coal, G. Bollen’s arrears & G. Chappell proposed Sunday work)
Holiday list for 1935, Driver Ware’s request to revert t original date. agreed to
Correspondence letters read concerning new machinery for dealing with Railway Servants disputes etc.,
Letter concerning G. Chappell’s arrears,
Letter from Sectional Council re Electric Extension Arrangements.
New Business
Proposed D. Boyle and sec H. Bowden. 'Secretary to write Mr. Jeans, protesting against unfair effect of present system of appointing ‘Motormen' in affected areas.'
Shed Committee to see Mr. Urie re Driver H Allison’s position in ‘Pilot Link’ with Driver F. Harris.
Hospital Committee meeting attended by Bro. W. Clarke on behalf of A.S.L.E.F. no further post to be taken as a branch.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun April 28th 1935
Bro. H. Allison
7 members present
Bros. F. Wilde, W. Brown, H. Allison, M. Smith, W. Clarke, J. Brock & A. Charman.
Minutes of March meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record
Letter re Electric extension and allocation of vacancies.
Bro. Clarke gave brief report on Trade Council meeting.
Bro. Allison gave brief report of Southern District Council meeting. The subject of temporary Cleaners joining the union was brought up and Bro. Wilde said he was instructed not to accept temporary cleaners, but Bro. Allison said that the union was going to accept them and get them to pay 2d per week for protection only.
Bro. Charman brought a complaint re unfair working of Sunday turns. Much discussion arose and Bro. Clarke was instructed to see Mr. Urie on this subject and also if possible to have a record posted in shed of Sunday turns worked by each man.
With regard to the long illness of Bro. Collins, Bro. Charman asked if it was possible for another list be subscribed to, for his benefit, and be kept open for a month or more and so much weekly be paid to him. All members at meeting were agreeable and it was proposed that Secretary make out list for this purpose.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun May. 19th 1935
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
9 members present
Bros. Wilde, J. Hillman, A. Charman, M. Smith, W. Brown, W. Terrill, J. Brock,
W. Clarke & C. Wood.
Minutes of April meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.
Arising from these minutes, Bro. Clarke said that Mr. Urie had not met them on various complaints brought forward during the April meeting
Bro. Wilde said he had had no more information re Electric Extension.
The Secretary said he had got D. Smith to fill in application form for membership. Bro. Clarke proposed and Bro. Terrill seconded his nomination.
Letter of thanks read from Bro. Allen for our support to his nomination for Assistant General Secretary.
Appeal letter read from National League of Blind.
Bro. Brock brought forward complaint re link promotion much discussion arose over this subject, and Bro. Clarke said he would mention the matter to Mr. Urie when he met them during the next week and he was also asked to ask Mr. Urie if he could give them any idea of the workings of the shed when the electrification starts in July.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun June 28st 1935
6 members present
W. Clarke, J. Hillman, W. Brown, C. Wood, A. Charman & F. Wilde
Minutes of previous meeting read and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. C. Wood.
No Correspondence
Shed Committee business report given by W. Clarke (Sunday worked to be posted in shed) etc
No other business owing to small attendance
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun July. 21st 1935
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair.
8 members present
H. Allison, A. Charman, F. Wilde, J. Hillman, W. Brown, C. Jenner, E. King
& M. Smith.
Minutes of June meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.
Correspondence re result of voting for position of assistant General Secretary, second ballot to be taken by Bros. Allen and Collick.
Proposed by Bro. H. Allison and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. 'That R. Cutler’s nomination be accepted.’
Bro. allison gave brief report on L.D.c. meeting of July 14th, 1935.
Bro. Charman asked if we could get a 9.0 p.m Fireman with Shedman, as this man had been excluded since Electrification started. After much discussion, it was decided not to press this further.
Bro. by A. Charman 'That application be made for smoke box rakes, as the one in use was not very suitable.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Oct. 27th 1935
7 members present
H. Allison, W. Terrill, W. Clarke, F. Wide, J. Hillman, F. Brown & J. Brock
Minutes of July meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. W. Terrill. That they be a true record.
Bro. Allison read a letter re General Secretary’s testimonial, subscription card enclosed for donations.
Letter re voting result for position of Assistnt General Secretary, Bro. W.P. Allen.
Report of L.D.C. meeting read and discussed arose on various subjects.
Pro. by W. Clarke and sec. by J. Hillman.'That P. Brdger & G. Bollen nomination be accepted.’
Pro. by W. Clarke and sec. by J. Hillman.'That Secretary write A. Rookley re his arrears.
Bro. Clarke spoke of bad state of lobby grate and wash basins. He was instructed to interview Mr. Urie on these subjects, also proposed carriage for Cleaners Lobby and also re brake adjustments by engine men.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 24th 1935
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. F. Wilde, W. Clarke, H. Allison, J. Brock, J. Hillman, G. Chappell, W. Brown
& C. Jenner.
Minutes of October meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke.
Secretary read a letter from A. Rookley re his arrears he stated that he wished to become Protection member only, as at the present time he was not a member of this Society. Much discussion arose over this letter and the members thought, Bro. Rookley should re consider his decision. Bro. Allison & Bro. Clarke said they would try and see him and speak to him on the matter.
Bro. Clarke gave report of interview with Mr Urie on the following subjects. Lobby Stove, to be examined with view to repair, by all accounts this has been done. Lobby wash basins, 2 enamel bowls to be placed outside lobby by window and lockers for cleaners to be placed where wash basins are at present situated. Cleaner's lobby, not conceded. cleaners to use Driver's Lobby. Brake adjustments, suitable tools to be placed on all engines for adjusting brakes by engine men. Smoke box rakes, two more smoke box rakes to be supplied. Sunday work, list of all Sunday work to be posted in shed. All specials turns to be in red ink.
Bro. Clarke proposed and Bro. C. Jenner seconded. 'That hours for payment of wages should be 2.30 p.m. - 10.0 p.m. continous Thursdays and 6.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. continuos Fridays.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Dec. 18th 1935
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair
11 members present
Bros. W. Brown, W. Clarke, E. King, C. Dotterill, F. Wilde, A. Charman, J. Hillman, M.Smith, H. Allison, H. Bowden, & J. Brock
Minutes of November meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.
Arising from the minute re Bro. Rookley arrears he states that he does not not wish to pay his arrears and remain a full benefit member, but he wishes to rejoin as a Protection member only. Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. E. King.
'That Bro Rookley nomination be accepted.
Re payment of wages hours, nothing definite decided on yet.
Proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That holiday list arranged by W. Clarke for 1936 be accept and be forwarded to Brighton
Correspondence re 100% membership read and discussed
Bro. A. Charman asked if he should apply for vacancy for Fireman at Newhaven. There was no need for him to apply as he was not redundant. Bro. Wilson should apply, as he is the next in order of seniority.
Election of Officers 1936
Chairman, Bro Allison, Vice Chairman Bro. J. Hillman, Secretary Bro. F. Wilde, Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown.
Committee Bros. M. Smith, A. Charman, W. Clarke, H. Bowden, D. Boyle, E. King & J. Brock
Trade Council Delegates Bros F. Wilde & W. Clarke
Southern District Council delegate Bro. H. Allison
L.D.C. delegate Bro. W. Clarke.
Bro. F. Wilde moved and Bro. W. Brown seconded a vote of thanks to Bro. Clarke for the efficient way he had carried out his duties as L.D.C. delegate for this Branch