Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday January 25th 1967 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The minutes of last meeting were read and moved “as read” by Bro A. Card seconded by Bro. R. Bridger.
Correspondence was read and treated as information, it was agreed to support Bro. Noakes of Brighton as A.A.D. Delegate, and Bro. J. Renshaw of Ascot & Reading as delegates to T.U.C. Congress 1967.
It was reported by Bro. R. Bridger on behalf of the Social Committee that a C.W.S. Bank balance of £56.0.0., a cash of £10.15 £125 was held.
It was pointed out by Bro. A Brooker that Bro. B. Gower was holding a balance of £26.0.0., held by Mutual Aid and of the members of this Branch.
In the light of the of the above report it was agreed to keep Branch going as separate identity.
It was agreed the following officers retain their positions for 1967.
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Branch committee Bros R. Sullivan, A. Card, W. Ovenden, P. Pepper & K. Savage
District Council Delegate Bro. A. Brooker
Trade Council Delegate Bros A. Brooker & R. Bridger.
To take the vacant positions it was agreed that Bro. R. Bridger be Vice Chairman moved by Bro. A. Card seconded by Bro. C. Taylor.
It was agreed that Bro. Brooker see Bro K Savage to see if he is willing to accept the Branch Secretary’s position, failing this Bro. A. Brooker to accept those duties short term to the next meeting.
It was agreed that Bros. Bridger and K. Savage be scrutineers for 1967.
Meeting closed at 12.30 p.m.
Members present Bros. A. Card, C. Taylor, R. Bridger & A. Brooker.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday March 5th 1967 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The minutes of the last meeting was read by the minute Secretary and Bro. C. Taylor moved and Bro. V. Rumley seconded. “That these minutes were a true record.”
Correspondence was then dealt with, and Bro V. Rumleymoved and Bro. F. Diplock seconded, correspondence on freight bonus be laid on table until District Council report was given by Bro. A. Brooker.
The Chairman Bro. A. Brooker they read a letter from Bro C. Taylor thanking the previous Secretary, Bro. B. Gower for his personal efforts and time given in assisting the Society to being a successful claim on behalf of Bro. C. Taylor’s son’s accident claim.
The Chairman then gave an L.D.C. report, which included an interesting correspondence with the management on Automatic Half Lighting Barriers which proved eye opening to the members present.
Following this came the report from our member to District Council, Bro. A. Brooker; on the last District Council meeting held on Feb 27th
Some of the items moved by him were the backing of Officers for 1967.
The E.C. Member Bill Williams report, claims for accident etc., Pay & Efficiency proposal by the B.T.C. utilising Trainmen instead of Second men.
Rail closures including 3 Bridges line and further Government proposal; new holiday and overtime rate proposals; single manning, an outline of Fright Bonus; Free Pass Restrictions, the new radio controlled MAFFIA LOCOS, new uniforms and issue proposals.the new pensions Scheme was then clarified very ably by our member and several examples were given for everyone’s benefit.
The being no other business, the Chairman thanked all members present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.45 p.m.
Member present Bros. C. Taylor, V. Rumley, F. Diplock, A. Brooker & K. Savage.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 30th 1967 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the minute Secretary, Bro. Bridger moved and Bro. Rigby seconded. “That these were a true record.
The Branch then recorded their vote for Bro. W.H. Williams Feltham Electric as their candidate for Executive Committee Representative, District No. 1.
Bro. R. Bridger then made a report on behalf of the Social Committee concerning the retirement of Bro. F. Bodkin, also the finances of Social committee, future income and the future commitments . A vote of thanks was recorded for Bro’s A. Card and K. Cavie for their efforts in running a pontoon, which had benefitted the Social Fund to the fine sum of £176.
The L.D.C. report was then given by Bro. Brooker following a meeting held at Waterloo on April 8th and at Victoria on April 26th. The purpose of these meetings being the new timetable, extra trains units weekdays, less on Saturdays and Sundays, and the staff position for immediate future, a very interesting report.
Following this came the report from the Branch Chairman and minute Secretary on the Public Inquiry Meeting at the Assembly Halls, Tunbridge Wells on Wednesday, April 26th, 27th , & “28th into the closure of the Lewes to Hurst Green line. A vote of thanks from the floor was given to the Chairman and Secretary for their coverage of this meeting.
There being no other business, the Chairman thanked all members present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.0 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, A. Brooker, A. Rigby & K. Savage.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 30th 1967 at 10.30 p.m. ???
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the minute Secretary, Bro. R. Bridger moved and Bro. V. Rumley seconded. “That these were a true record”
The appeal for Driver Guppy to be given over to Bro. Savage to deal with at the pay office.
Bro. Bridger then gave an account of the Presentation to Bro. F. Bodkim, also the letter of appreciation for a jolly fine evening out from Mr. Sutherland and his wife from Brighton, which was appreciated by members of the Social Committee. Bro Bridger stated that the amount of money now held in bank and cash in hand by Social Fund was now £64.5.5.
Bro. Bro. Brooker gave a very full report on District Council, which included items as mileage whilst travelling pass, maintenance of diesels and diesel locomotives, compensation paid out to the sum £52,377 to members for the first six months of 1967, Voluntary wage ---- Re distributing of Organising service card to be brought up to date, Manning Committee report on Single manning, Rest Day Working, report on Regional percentage, Frieght Bonus report, wages structure, alterations suggest for Machinery of Negotiations, London Allowance and allowance and sickness. Bro. Brooker the read a letter in answer to his letter from E.C. member Bro. W. Williams on closure of line from Hurst Green to Lewes, reduction of staff and future staffing positions.
Bro. Bridger then gave his Trade Council report and stressed the importance of Branch Member taking advantage of work Study Courses proposed by T.U.C.
After this came any other business and the Secretary was instructed to clarify the position within Head Office of drivers future when requested by station master to not as body guard for the collection of wages and in the event of attack, a drivers eye sight or health could be jeopardised so as to degrade his present station.
There being no other business the chairman thanked all members present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.30.
Members present Bros. V. Rumley, R. Bridger, K. Savage, W. Baldwin & A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 22nd 1967 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the minute Secretary, Bro. R. Bridger moved and Bro. A. Booker seconded. “That these were a true record
Correspndence was then read consisting a letter pf thanks from R.S. Rabbetts, Brighton no.1 concerning the amount of £3.2.0. collected for the M Guppy appeal fund.
Nominations of candidates for L.D.C. It was unanimously agreed, following nominations by Bro. Diplock and seconded by Bro. K. Savage. “That the returning officers Bros. A. Booker and R. Bridger be nominated as the Branch candidates and Bro. K. Savage be elected scruitineer.
There being no other business, the Chairman thanked the members present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.30.
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, F. Diplock, A. Brooker & K. Savage.