Chairman Bro. E. King
Vice Chair Bro. A. Norman
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb. 8th 1959
Bro. W. Ware in the Chair
15 Members present
Bros : J. Nash, R. Turner, F. Wheeler, C. Evans, C. Wickenden, W. Ware, G. Hilton,
W. Lipscombe, D. Creasey, W. Mullett, M. Giles, W. Folwell, N. Folwell, F. Goff
& R. Morris.
The minute of previous meeting were read and passed as true record and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. F. Wheeler.
Correspondence was read including a letter written by Bro. S. Cheal apologising for not being able to attend the meeting as he was working, also he expressed views on the up grading of Passed Cleaners and Passed Fireman for Sunday duties.
Correspondence was read including a letter written by Bro. S. Cheal apologising for not being able to attend the meeting as he was working, also he expressed views on the up grading of Passed Cleaners and Passed Fireman for Sunday duties.
L.D.C. Secretary then spoke on why the meeting was called, this matter being that Brother W. Mullett had received two letters complaining to the Shed Master on the position of the Newhaven Depot in regards to the unproductive time, and that Passed Firemen R. Morris should not be placed on the roster for driving duties in place of Burtles. S. Turner who is unfortunately sick. Brother W. Mullett then replied and a discussion took place and L.D.C. Sec. C. Wickenden read a letter wrote to Brother E.H. Channing and the reply from Bro. Channing, that the Senior Passed Cleaner & Passed Fireman can be rostered in red ink.
A lengthy discussion then took place and no agreement could be and it was proposed by Brother C. Wickenden and Seconded by Brother C. Evans that a letter be sent to Brother E. H. Channing to come down to the Branch. Brother C. Wickenden asked the Branch if they wanted to carry on the same as last year for Sunday work as complaints had been made to one running foreman that men having lieu days off on Saturdays could come in for extra Sunday duties. It was agreed to carry on the same as last year.

A scene at Newhaven Loco June 1958
Ron Terrill is on the top of the Boiler the fireman bending over looking in the water tank is Mike Farley
and the fireman in the cab is Will Still
Ron remembers the occasion and believes the train had been involved in a crash somewhere between Oxted & Haywards Heath and was brought back to Newhaven Loco by Dave Renville. The Forman ordered us on arrival to take water as quick as possible because the tanks were empty on the terrier by the way the Boiler on the SECR “ L" class was drained to reduce the load for the A1

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb. 21st 1959
Bro. E. King was in the Chair
11 Members present
Bros. W. Mullett, C. Evans, W. Lipscombe, C. Bird, S. Cheal, J. Knott, C. Wickenden,
F. Goff, V. Harris, R. Turner & R. Morris.
The Branch Chairman commented on the minutes of the previous meeting and a discussion took place until the Area Representative Bro G.O. Dray addressed the meeting, upon which he agreed on the letter from Bro. C. H. Channing, which was read to the Branch at the previous meetings. He also outlined other cases relating to agreement in regards to machinery of negotiation. Bro. Dray said it is the duties of the local L.D.C. representatives to establish minutes with the management on the case of Passed Fireman R. Morris, also he would come down to future branch meeting if required.
Bro S. Cheal asked Bro. Dray to look into with regard the single manning of the electric loco as the dead-man was not instantaneous, also to be Newhaven conscious at Sectional Council .
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 15th 1959
8 Members present
Bro. E. King in the Chair
Bros. W. Ware. S. Cheal, E. King, C. Wickenden, M. Giles, F. Goff, R. Turner & R. Morris.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and discussed and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden.
The Chairman addressed the meeting, that two L.D.C. Reprensenative were to be appointed to serve during 1960. It was proposed Bro. S. Cheal ad seconded by Bro. W. Ware. 'That a ballot be held at the loco depot to appoint the two new representatives.' Proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. ‘That the names of the present L.D.C. still stand for re-election, also Bros. V. Harris & S. Cheal.
Correspondence was then read including a circular on Bonus train working and work study. Also the election result of the Assistant General Secretary, Bro. A. Griffiths, and Bro. S. Cheal nomination for 1960 A.A.D.
Bro. S. Cheal gave a report on District Council and proposed. 'That a fund should be started the residue of expense money paid to the District Council Delegate.' Seconded by Bro. F. Goff.
Bro. Goff spoke on the depot losing work and a general discussion took place.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun December. 15th 1959
6 Members present
Bro. E. King in the Chair
Bros. C. Wickenden, S. Cheal, F. Goff, W. Ware, E. King & R. Morris.
The Minutes were read of previous meeting and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. W. Ware and seconded by Bro. F. Goff.
Correspondence was then read and also voting papers. The election for the 1960 T.U.C. was for Bro. W. Terry of Selhurst to be delegate. Proposed by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal, for the International Transport Workers Federation, it was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. F. Goff. That Bro. A.E. Hooker of nine Elms be delegate, and an automatic choice for Bro. S. Cheal of Newhaven to be 19560 A.A.D. delegate.
Election of Officer for 1960
It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. That Bro. E. King be Chairman
Proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. W. Ware that Bro. C. Wickenden be Vice Chairman.
It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. F. Goff. That Bro. V. Harris serve also Bros. R. Turner and J. Nash.
Proposed by Bro. W. Ware and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal and the four previous Bros. F. goff, J. Lower, W. Ware and S. Cheal.
The present Branch Secretary said he wished to resign and was asked to put a notice in the loco shed requesting names for the position.
The L.D.C. secretary then spoke on Link alterations and a vote of thanks was moved to the retiring L.D.C. by Bro. S. Cheal.