Members present M. Hawkins, M. Allen, I. Osborne, A. Thaxter, B. Brown, J. Osborne, 

S. Weller, A. Flowers, I Wilson & one other name not recorded 10 members.

Bro. S. Weller advised that in line with Branch decision, badges had been ordered and now received, and were available from now for sale at £3.50. An all black version was available for Officers of the Branch.

Question, was there any further information on Thameslink proposals for Brighton. Functional Council Rep., that a meeting was planned for 7th February 1996, with D.F.C., L.D.C. and Thameslink Management.

Question, what was the advice on the instruction issued to route learners on how they carry this out i.e. unit numbers to be taken, train time, signature of supervisors en route? None, no one has information on this.
Question, is the route learning using the ‘Trips’ system an agreed practice? Local reps., that this has not been agreed and they 
will raise this with management.

L.D.C. Report
Arising from a meeting held 5th January 1996, the following issues were raised.
Cool water system for use by drivers during hot weather ad been requested and management are looking into this.
The kitchen area was not entirely clean at all times and this was brought to management’s attention. Generally the cleaning arrangements were satisfactory. It had been noted that water was leaking in through the ceiling in the kitchen area. 
Management indicated that they were looking at this urgently, and fuses in the vicinity had been removed for staff protection. 
Train Crew Manager, H.Q. had been informed.
Smoking continued to be a problem in the corridor. Management said they would speak to the T.C.S. and speak to anyone 
doing this and advise them of the conditions that applied. Drivers and others could report anyone smoking and action would be taken against them.
The issue of smoking in L.W.S. needed to be looked at. Management said that an alternative room for Train Crew will be looked and Depot Engineer Alan Davidson is being involved.
Defect books on units were not being used by Fitters and faults and remedies are not being recorded by them. Management advised that Fitters seem unaware of the system and Tom Tester will advise Fitters to look at the book and use the system now in place.
Cab doors were being left open and flooding was occurring when washing takes place. Management advised that depot staff and cleaners will be advised. Local reps should advise drivers to ensure that they close doors.
The Poor Performance procedure was discussed and management take the view that they prefer this to the Discipline Machinery. Local Reps. Advised the branch of the effect of this procedure.
Management advised that under the ‘Statement of Intent,’ Brighton was on list ‘A’, to remain open.
Rostering of relief drivers was becoming a problem and the view was taken by staff side that in line with National 
Agreements, relief drivers should be used in seniority order, and further if a driver was used on his/her rest day when a relief 
driver on normal duties was available, then a claim should be submitted.
Carpets and other equipment from trains was being thrown out and could cause a hazard and for concern by drivers, who from 
time to time thought that object was a body. Management will look at this, but this remained a difficult area to address.
The question of vandalism was ever present and the damage was severe. Management understood the problem and like the previous issue, this was difficult to deal with. The B.T. Police has limited resources and being given to locking up 1st class 
compartment areas where the main problems was. Some trails had been carried out. Drivers acces through the train would not 
be affected.
Traction training was underway, which will assist some of the present problems with traction knowledge.

H&S Report
In common with the local reps., the problem with leaking roof was being looked at. The latest information was the building department have been notified and should have attended today to deal with this.
A problem with the kitchen work top and surrounding tiles has been reported and management are considering use of a local contractor as the current cost of replacement work top is thought to be £1,000.
In relation to the water cooler, this was actively being pursued and management indicated the cost for bottle water in 1995, to be £2,000.
The walkway previously reported to the branch as yet still has not been done.
Tubes for the flycatcher have run out and at present, no spares are available.
A H&S walk was programmed for this coming Friday.



Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, M. Hawkins, S. Weller, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, 

M. Freeman, M. Gray, C. Ailleo, F. Langridge, D. Swaffield, S. Smith, M. Thompson, 

P. White, M. McCabe, M. Hunter & P. Bucknell.

Election of A.A.D. Delegate
Moved M. Allen & seconded P. White. “That this branch supports Bro. S. Weller of Brighton in the election vote.”
Nomination of delegate for the Labour Party Conference 1996 Blackpool.
Moved S. Weller & seconded M. Hawkins. “That this branch having received correspondence for nomination of Labour Party delegate – Blackpool, supports Bro. M. Thompson of Brighton.”

L.D.C. Report
Secretary report that changes to No. 1 Link, and Trainman’s roster were now in place.
Management had now agreed to install a cooled filter water dispenser at Brighton with on going maintenance.  Kitchen area matter still awaiting attention.

Matter arising
Question, concern over reports, that ‘Patch work’ blocking of units was being introduced at L.W.S.? (to reduce maintenance costs etc.) L.D.C. to look into this matter as they were not aware of this happening.
Question, a new type of repair book on units was being introduces, which requires drivers removing the top copy and submitting into the Fleet Engineer via supervisor? L.D.C. again were unaware that these were being put on units and would raise this with management.

H&S Report
Rep reported on the (LW.S.) lighting and walkways situation, also the North End Sidings, restrictions on ‘319 Units’.
The condition of Brighton Messrooms, kitchen area i.e. tiled workshops, filter cooler system.
Vandalism on late night trains and that staff must be alert to the need to ensure that rules are carried that rules are carried out no matter what.
Recent involvement at a joint inquiring involving a Three Bridges Driver.
New tougher safety glass to replace cab windows on “400 series” units, this will reduce the risk to drivers should objects hit these screens.
The lack of safety briefing days on South Central T.O.U. matter to be looked into by our District Secretary.

D.F.C Rep. Tony Allen explained the meeting by management D.F.C. Reps and Local Reps of the 7th February 1996.
Thameslink put forward plans on their proposals to have a link of drivers at Brighton and their intention to establish a depot at Brighton by June 1996.
They require 28 drivers, these would be drivers that volunteer ed to transferred from South Central T.O.U. to Thameslink.
In return Thameslink were prepared to sign a 3 year contract with South Central to release the staff and that within this period a depot would be formed and set up  men would have to decided= by 1st March, T.U.P.E. conditions would apply.
Once staff have agreed, there would be no reconsideration to remain South Central. Possible 3 year to 5 year project work.
Transfer to Thameslink to be completed by June 1999.
D.F.C. explained what little information they had and what of those who declined to transfer.
Various issues were put and Answers Given where possible.

Matter Arising
Question, did T.U.P.E. apply and how. Answer, yes although after 90 days new contracts could be proposed if new employer wish to change old one.
Question, has Thameslink management showed any move to hold open meetings. Answer, none as yet,
Question, would duties remain the same as they are now. Answer, no information was available to indicate otherwise.
Question, how would the South Central work be altered once the Thameslink work was removed. Answer, at this stage, local Reps could not give any clear answers.
Question, will reps. Be available later to explain further points. Answer, yes D.F.C. proposed a further two depot visits, 16th & 19th February.
The branch proposed another meeting on the 19th. 


HELD ON MARCH 4th  1996

Members present M. Hawkins, M. Allen, I. Wilson, D. Knight, S. Weller, C. Newton, 

M. Cole, A. Flowers, I. Osborne & J. Osborne.

Nomination for I.T.F.
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded S. Weller. “That Bro. M. Allen of Brighton be nominated as a candidate.” Carried unam.

L.D.C. Report
Secretary spoke about the following issues
Minor link alterations from 10th March, Bank Holiday rotation to be completed ready for next holiday period, agenda meeting arranged matters raised at the last meeting placed.

H&S Report
Rep reported on the following issues
Problems over ants in messroom, problems regarding leaking toilets, state of Brighton station platform track rubbish etc – 
matter could soon be forced upon Railtrack  to do something, work on North End (L.W.S.) still not done –ban still enforce.
Again members must ensure all rules and regs. are carried out on trains especially late night trains, recent incident would have resulted in driver being in court on charges.

Bro. M. Allen spoke about the very latest developments regarding the managements proposals.
The position regarding why a new letter was draughted.
The rights under T.U.P.E. which must apply.
Reference to the position of junior members should it arise.
Employment Relations Manager position as regards to previous meeting and the fact that matters were being altered against any previous agreements.

Item one, position of new letter, first letter was completely misleading, after D.F.C. had meetings with management, a new revised letter seeking volunteers was sent out to all driver members.

Item two, position of T.U.P.E. was explained as far as D.F.C. could be clear on.
Position of junior drivers being forced to go was untrue!
Employee Relation Manager was to take part is all talks
The volunteer dead line was Friday 1st March, as of Monday 4th  39 applications were received, once seniority etc had been sorted a list of these members who had been placed posted.
Thameslink indicated a need for 28, many issues had still yet to be answered, D.F.C had reported everything to members and it was a personal choice whether to go or stay, nothing had been withheld by D.F.C.
Tony spoke at some length on the issue of information being given or not given.
Certain information was obtained by a staff members, but had not thought to inform staff reps., this led to members accusing Reps. of with holding information that could effect members decisions. This Tony said was completely untrue, members knew everything that they knew the information was not being withheld just hadn’t any to give of anyone was, it was Thameslink. 

Paul Osborne


HELD ON APRIL 9th  1996

Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, S. Weller, P. White, I. Osborne, P. Edwards, 

F. Langridge & M. Hunter.
Election of L.P.C. delegate district No. 1 & 7
Proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Hunter. “That this branch votes of Bro. M. Thompson of Brighton.” Vote carried.
Election of Arrangements Committee District No.1 & 4 Delegate (1996 A.D.D.).
Proposed P. Edwards & seconded I. Osborne. “That this branch nominates Bro. S. Weller of Brighton for the arrangements committee.” Vote carried
I.TF. Centenary Congress 1996
Following the decision of Bro. M. Allen to withdraw owing to ill health retirement. On giving the circular consideration the member proposed the following. Proposed D. Griffiths & seconded F. Langridge. “That this branch nominates Bro. T.C.W. Jones Port Talbot branch for I.T.F. Congress”
Election of District Secretary District No.1
Proposed P. Edwards & seconded P. White. “That this branch wishes to nominate Bro. Len Warboys Portsmouth Branch.”

L.D.C. Report
Items reviewed by L.D.C. at agenda meeting.
New worktop for kitchen area, track cleaning – Brighton station, reports to fly killer in messroom, lost time delay forms – these are voluntary  and driver need not fill in these, patch blocking – claims that this confirms to standards wee not clear, two units (1963) had  cab heaters wired wrongly, so that they were  on permanently now have been corrected, still awaiting outcome of Thameslink at Brighton depot, L.D.C. to agree Route norms with T.C.M., issues raised at D.O.O. meeting held by all L.D.C. on South Central T.O.U.

H&S Report
Two items raised by members, light north end of L.W.S., doors in main corridor need attention to hinges and closing dampers.

Our delegate gave a report on events as follows
Recall lasted just one day, 40 out of 46 delegate rejected E.C. rule proposal report. This being the findings of the “Ruskin College Cambridge” into the running of our Society.
A call to retain a national roll identity restructuring cost estimated at £90,000 approx, and nothing has been achieved.
Members expressed their deepest concern on the delegates and following further debate proposed the following.
“That this (Brighton) branch wish to express it’s dismay and discuss to the fact that no progress was made at the special recall A.A.D. 
Further, although the principles of some of the items were not to the satisfaction of the delegates. The agenda items were not debated for guidance and discretion of the E.C., with a view to draw up of further proposal.” Moved P. White & P. Edwards. 


HELD ON MAY 13th  1996

Members present D. Griffiths, M. Hawkins, M. Cole, I. Wilson, A. Flowers, J. Osborne, 

A. Thaxter & B. Brown

L.D.C. Report
Items raised by Reps.
New Summer Rosters to be posted, Bank Holiday Rotation and workings will be posted by 23rd May.
Thameslink scheme Brighton, the proposed link scheme is now off, drivers are not committed to their applications. L.D.C. were not happy with Train Crew Managers handling of the announcement, nor was a list available for general information. 
L.D.C. suggested that members write personal letters to Thameslink and raised their concern with them.
Loss of work to depot, Monday – Friday 2 duties and 3 Sundays.
Travel documents staff travel has changed, new photos required when renewing them, cost to be met by members themselves. 
Further details on renewal are in notice case.

H&S Report
Item raised by M. Hawkins H&S Rep
Kitchen area, new worktops to be fitted very soon, some inconvenience will be caused by workmen, fire doors repairs now been made good.
L.W.S. lighting in sidings will done soon, although North End Sidings cleared, no berthing allowed with units.
Drivers requested to make out reports and hand in a copy to T.C.S. and one to H&S Rep., this will progress faults quicker.
During winter, men to be rostered (2) safety days, one day may include safety management conflict avoidance. Mr. G. Barcley Safety Manager was said to say when trouble starts walk away, don’t get involved. Should trains be damaged just carry out rules and regs/fault and failures. Leave trouble passenger to police and others. 


HELD ON June 3rd  1996

Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, M. Hawkins, W.Jones, M. Allen, M. Thompson, 

F. Langridge & M. Hunter
Election of District No.1 E.C. Member
Proposed M. Allen & seconded F. Langridge. 

“That this branch supports Bro. W.E. Mackenzie as its nomination.” Vote Carried.

L.D.C. Report
Bro. M. Hawkins reported on the following items
Safety Briefing Days, Management indicates that items not directly related to safety might be included within these days.
D.O.O. radios, Three Bridges to Brighton. Reports that some drivers have not been able to raise the signalman due to them not answering calls have been put to management, response was all calls should be answered, members not getting through should report all incidents where signalman do not answer call sent. Drivers must however Set Up all radios in these areas.
Travel Passes renewal notices, details of the renewal notices have been posted, dates when depot visits are due  still to be arranged.
Compensation leave, a revised method of informing members of whether or not they have been granted leave was to be introduced, this involved individuals getting their replies when they booked on duty via the N.C.T. Issue on leave not being granted early was being taken up, but position was explained why List Clerks were delaying replies, still unclear on the 
problem of leave being removed even when when that leave is being refused.
Additional overtime form making out reports wea now being stopped, drivers were being requested to complete these within their duty or at the end of work.

H&S Report
Items mentioned in report were reasons why kitchen refit was taking so long in Brighton messroom, new tops were to be fitted with new plumbing etc. 
Lighting in the locker rooms, had to be done when more than one tube needed to be replaced. Blue light replacement, H&S Rep. was doing out of his own pocket etc.
Members still not not wearing H.V. Vests and using unauthorised walking routes, L.W.S. to station, and that dismissals might be used or suspension, if members do no carry out rules and regs. As per the book.
Question, as drivers we are increasingly concerned about the lack of safety briefs by our management, what is the union 
doing about getting more? Answer, our D.F.C. Rep. explained the position they have been faced with. Members then debated the issue and recommended the following resolution. “That the this branch instructs the secretary to write to our General Secretary seeking leal advise on the issue of Staff Safety Training.” Proposed D.Griffiths & seconded W. Jones. Vote Carried

Special Acknowledgement
Our member and D.F.C. Rep. Tony Allen was to be ill health retired, all the members wished to record that we have been honoured to have such a dedicate union member, and that he would be greatly missed by all. We wish him well in his retirement.

Ian Osborne


HELD ON JULY 8th  1996

Members present S. Weller, W. Thompson, I. Wilson, R. Matthews, M. Hunter, I. Osborne, 

J. Osborne, M. Hawkins & C. Newton.

Correspondence from London Bridge secretary regarding fellow member Val Franklin who has been retired ill health, and has been made house bound through the illness with little or no pension. Proposed S. Weller & seconded I. Osborne. “That this branch wishes to donate £30 from general funds to the London Bridge Appeal.”

L.D.C. Report
Items referred to

Circular regarding “Unauthorised Riding in Cabs” position members would be put it in. All vacancy list have been suspended until position on D.R.I. is known as to staffing levels for Train Crews.
Question to Reps.
Question, what is the position of 319 units being used for the “Capital Coast Express” who would be working them? Answer, L.D.C. said manager have plans to introduce them on this service, but had no more information on this, until more information became known they could not say who would be working them.
Question, why is there a 1957 ‘CEP’ unit in L.W.S.? Answer, it was explained that these were being used to replace some VEPs, which were to be refurbished. These units were to be put on West Coast service trains, but no time had been stated as to the date.

H&S Report
Items put to members.
H&S walk about was due to take place on Friday 12th July, lighting in L.W.S (North End) was being sorted and hopefully it will be completed soon.
Kitchen area in messroom was now completed, issue over Worthing messroom was being sorted and hopefully points raised would be acted on, H&S Rep would be making sure this was done.
Again H&S Rep repeated the need for all members to wear H.V. Vest when on or near the track and the need to use only authorised walking routes.

Our District delegate Simon Weller gave a report on the outcome of this years A.A.D. conference.
Main issues were.
The political policies – twining with local Labour Party areas, the removal of B.R.B.s gagging rule, the ‘Save Our Railway’ campaign, minimum service requirement – ASLEF – would be in dispute with B.R.B. if they reduced the current levels, the 1995 Pay dispute, Driver Restructuring, introduction of 37 hour week, Health & Safety of members – Railtrack inquiring reports to be made available ot ASLEF and D.F.C. Reps –issue of driver monitoring, need to get installed of A.T.P. on routes for 125/140 m.p.h. trains before single man agreements are made, Machinery of Negotation, issue of release of Full Time 
Union Reps and officers to carry out union policy, call for branches to set up special meetings with the agenda of Society restructuring & changes to Society rules.
Delegate stated that at last this year’s conference produced a clearer method of policy working together that made this year’s conference. It was clear that work on restructuring our Society was needed and that all branched could play an important part in that process.
Moved M. Hawkins & seconded I. Wilson. “That a vote of thanks be recorded for a full report on the A.A.D.” Vote carried.
Motion put before branch as follows, proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Thompson. “That this branch instructs the Secretary to arrange a meeting of the Branch Committee to set up an agenda and dates for a special branch meeting(s) to debate and discuss the restructuring of this Society.” Vote carried.

Proposed motion, moved S. Weller & seconded M. Hunter. “That this branch (Brighton A.S.L.E.F.) deplore the fundamental inaccuracies contained in the April 1996 issue of the Sectional Appendix (Railtrack South Zone). Furthermore this branch instructs the E.C. to raise the matter with the appropriate bodies within and outside the railway industry to ensure that the errors are corrected and we, as drivers can trust such safety critical documents.” Vote carried.
Proposed motion, Moved M. Thompson & seconded M. Hawkins. “That this Brighton A.S.L.E.F. Branch donate £50 from the Political Fund to the Mersey Dockers Appeal. Furthermore the Branch Secretary be instructed to send fraternal greetings and best wishes in seeing an early and successful conclusion to their struggle.” Vote carried.
Moved J. Osborne & seconded M. Hawkins. “That this branch makes a presentation to Bro. Tony Allen for the work that he has done for this branch and our Society.” Voted carried


HELD ON AUGUST 12th  1996

Members present F. Langridge, S. Weller, M. Thompson, P. Evans, D. Shephard, 

D. Swaffield, W. Jones, D. Griffiths, C. Newton & M. Allen (retired)

1997 A.A.D. Delegate Nominations.
Formal letter seeking nomination received by Secretary from Bro. S. Weller. Proposed M. Thompson & seconded D. Shepherd. “That this branch supports Bro. S. Weller and nominated him as our candidate.” Vote carried, no other nominations.

L.D.C. Report
Two items to report, ‘Bank Holiday’ rotation and workings now posted. Recent review of all walking routes resulted in some minor changes. Purpose of this was connected with Driver Restructure.
Question, with regards to walking times and that most walking times remain unchanged. Information received s that some 
areas have changed i.e. Horsham & Three Bridges? Answer, this information will be passed on to L.D.C. and matter looked 
Question, agreement to provide Relief drivers with at lease one driving turn per week, when is this going to be, as Relief Drivers are still not getting rostered any driving duties? Answer, this issue will be put to the L.D.C. reps for them to take up with management.


Secretary informed branch that correspondence had taken place regarding the allegations of Bedford members working excessive hours and abrogating other working practices.
Letters were read out to members and the reasons why we had put this matter before the E.C. Following a debate a motion 
was put forward.
“That this Branch is disappointed by the (Ref. Resolution 811/393) in letter dated 9th August 1996. Furthermore in view of the wide ranging abrogations of National Conditions of Service, and the immoral flaunting of safe working practices, this branch instructs the E.C. to undertake a through investigation and action to prevent any further weakening of the Safety Standards.” 
Proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Allen.
Members also requested that this branch applauded the Secretary for taking up the issue.
Question, regards to the issue of excessive hours, an allegation that a member of this Branch has been working excessive hours covering Thameslink Bedford diagrams by telephone rostering? This matter will be put to the L.D.C. to take up and report back.
Question, a member of this branch has had his annual leave (2nd week) deferred to allow him to cover T.C.S. position, can this matter be looked into? This will be looked into D.F.C will also be informed.

An open meeting is being arranged by Barnham Branch, open to all train crews, venue Barnham Hotel, 11:00, 8th September, A.G.S. and E.C. member attending.



Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, I. Wilson, T. Fielding, D. Swaffield, F. Langridge, 

S. Smith, A. Warburton, P. Edwards, M. Thompson, P. White, M. Hunter, M. Allen

& Special Guest D.F.C. Rep. R. Luxford.

Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Following the branch decision to raise the issue of the abrogation of Conditions by Thameslink Bedford with our E.C., comments were made that we were out of order in the allegations, that a member of this branch was as guilty and that we need to address this problem before  raising this matter with our E.C. Members.
Question raised by Bro. P. Edwards, further comments and points made by by members I. Wilson, M. Thompson & D.F.C. Rep. R. Luxford.

L.D.C. Matters
Apologies from L.D.C. Secretary, unable to attend due to shift patterns and being at work.

H&S Matters
Apologies from H&S Rep, unable to give a report due to working. Brief report given in his absence.
Issuing of personal attack alarms to drivers and trainman “D”, medical restriction on drivers and jobs available, incidents involving white light crossing at Gatwick Airport – these are being raised with Railtrack/Gatwick Airport, drivers making out reports following incidents/SPADs.

Proposed motion
Following the issuing of letters by the Pension Management to members on the issue of B.R.A.S.S. 2 contributions a motion was put forward. All members present were concerned by the action of Connex Rail Ltd., and the Pensions Management. 
Proposed P. White & seconded M. Allen.
“That this Brighton  (A.S.L.E.F.) Branch instructs the E.C. and South Central D.F.C. to register its disgust with Connex Rail Ltd. In its action to no longer match increases in members BRASS Contributions and that matching contributions will not be made for new applicants.
Thereby making the Railway Pension /scheme less favourable to existing members than it was under the B.R. Board.
Also that members were not made aware of these changes until seven days after the cut off date.
Furthermore the E.C. be instructed to investigate the possibility, in conjunction with our sister trade unions of mounting an effective challenge to Connex Rail Ltd. Action in this request.” Vote carried.
Special Report D.F.C. Rep. R. Luxford.
Bro. R. Luxford D.F.C. gave a report on the following issues Revised Grievance Forms,
Agreements on Relief Drivers working trains allowing Group Standard 3251 to be complete, 
Instruction of Relief Drivers in leaf fall period, Payment arrangements of L215 to members undergoing Safety Training, Drink & Drugs Policy – method of reporting smells etc in cabs that might implicate staff as being under the influence, Medicals to be by birth date, occupational health service – if being use L215 to apply, Staff members – route learning – booking off away from home depots by prior arrangements, Setting up a working party into security of drivers at work, issuing of personal attach alarms to staff, Route & traction knowledge – members unable to carry out duties to retain own hours etc., also signing on times, Travel I.D. Cards, 
Track safety equipment on Class 37 locos, 
New Connex Rail Ltd uniforms type style etc and what’s being issued, 
New revised Brighton – London fast service using 319 units, 
Issues regarding Horsham staff reps Bro. Mark Allfrey and his dismissal on a charge of fraud.
Following this report, the branch proposed the following resolution.
“That this branch instruct the branch secretary to write to the General Secretary and the E.C. regarding the disciplinary action taken action against our staff rep. Mark Allfrey, of Horsham Branch.
Furthermore we instruct the G.S. to seek an urgent review of the discussion to dismiss our colleague, and failing to get a retraction, instruct the E.C. to santction a ballot of Connex Rail Ltd. Members for possible industrial action over this issue.” 
Proposed P. Edwards & seconded  D. Swaffield. Vote Carried.

Connex Rail Ltd, new negotiator to take the job of restructuring is a Mr. Gary Smith, talks have et to get underway, although 
management seem to think it will in by 1997.

John Osborne




Members present C. Newton, M. Hawkins, M. Allen (Retired), T. fielding, I .Wilson, 

M. Ryan, A. Warburton, R. Matthews, M. Cole, M. Bullen, S. Weller & J. Osborne.

Chairman read out the previous minutes of the meeting held on 7th October 1996.
Point of order called Bro. S. Weller raised an objection that retired member M. A. Allen was barred from seconding or proposing motions and minutes. He quoted society rule 6 of the ASLEF Rule Book.
Bro Allen replied by stating that the only area Retired Members  were debarred was on voting.
Chairman remained unclear on issue and requested advice. Secretary was instructed to seek as clarification and until otherwise a retired members name remained on record of minutes. 
Proposed A. Warburton & seconded T. Fielding. 
“That the minutes are accepted as recorded and reflect the business of that meeting.”

Letters received by secretary 
Acknowledgement to letter sent regarding B.R.A.S.S. 2 contributions of members. Legal advise was being sort from Queen’s Consul regarding the withdrawal of N.S.C. from matching contribution.

District Council Report
Bro. C. Newton District Council Delegate gave a report, District Secretary Len Warboys gave a report on the S.W.T. pay package. The deal was for between £26.4k and £25.3k average 44.5 hrs per week, Sunday included. This represented to 109% earn level increase pension increase of 51%  - £13,000, 6-11 shifts. Additional leave (32 actual days), D.O.O./mileage 
incorporated into salary. Package was presented to the E.C. which supported the S.W.T. D.F.C. and to put before our members. 
Meetings would be arranged to discuss the acceptance.
South Central (Connex Rail Ltd) were due to start talks with D.F.C. Reps on November 5th, and talks were also due to start with South Eastern. As with other deals the membership would decide.
E.C. Member Bill Mackenzie also reported on the latest package. A list of all companies that have been settle had been put into the journal.
Society restructuring following A.A.D. decisions on this the E.C. set about to draw up measures. These included reducing the G.S. and A.G.S. pay, altering the number of E.C. meetings, E.C. member would work more from home, reducing time of A.A.D. conference days, restructuring Head Office staff and introduce cost cutting throughout the Society. 

L.D.C. Report
Bro. John Osborne reported
Some alterations to working cause by the 8 weekly P.A.s meant some changes to links had to take place, these would be posted for member to see. The rostering of Relief Driver/Passed Trainman “Ds” owing to success by D.F.C., these men would now be rostered to work driving turns under arrangements reached with management.
Annual leave change overs, these were now done, those members who were unsuccessful had been informed as to why.
Questions, a report that C.C.E. trains were to worked by other depots was this true. Answer, this was not true, the situation was that the 319 units would be manned as at present.

H&S Report
Bro. Mick Hawkins reported on the following
L.W.S. the problem of broken glass etc left lying around, this had been noted and measures were in hand to clear up this. But this remained an on going issue all staff working in this area were asked to dispose of glass in the correct way.
Exposed cables button end of No.4 Mont. Sdgs.
Damaged ceiling area in locker room ‘C’ this was to be costed etc.
Worthing station – staff messroom seating was to be secured to walls, flooring around sink area to be replaced.
Issue of personal attack alarms, these were only being issued if a member of staff applied to Traincrew Manager’s office, they 
were not a general issue.
Legal guidance on H&S rep. position as their powers on imposing any kinds of sanctions. This was concern our rep as he could be made. 

I. Wilson, proposed S. Weller & second M.Cole.
Vice Chair      
D. Griffiths, proposed S. Weller & seconded T. Fielding
C. Newton, proposed M. Hawkins & seconded T. Fielding
S. Weller, proposed M. Cole & seconded A. Warburton
Assistant Secretary       
P. Edwards, proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Bullen
J. Osborne, propose R. Matthews & seconded M. Ryan
W. Jones, proposed B. Brown & seconded T. Fielding.
T. Fielding proposed S. Weller & seconded B. Brown
A. Warburton, proposed M. Hawkins & seconded M. Cole
District Council Delegate
C. Newton, proposed M. Hawkins & seconded J. Osborne
S. Weller, proposed M. Cole & seconded A. Warburton
Trade Council Delegate
C. Newton, proposed S. Weller & seconded A. Warburton
Labour Party Delegate
M. Thompson, S. Weller & M. Bullen
Committee members
The following committee members are re-elected in block
F. Langridge, I. Osborne, M. Hunter, P. Horan, S. Smith, B. Brown, M. Hawkins & D. Swaffield. 
Nominated as committee members 
R. Matthews, proposed A. Waburton & seconded M. Bullen
P. Evans, proposed S. Weller & seconded A. Warburton
A. Thaxter, proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Cole
M. Bullen, proposed M. Cole & seconded S. Weller.



Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, P. Horan, S. Gandey, R. Pennick, D. Jupp, 

S. Fuller, H. Hassan, N. Wallhead, N. Moye, T. Fielding, J. Debenham, R. Stobbart, 

F. Langridge, G. Lawrence, D. Neish, M. Bullen, R. Matthews, B. Brett, G. Wlodarkcy, 

P. White, C. Horlock, M. McCabe, M. Thompson, S. Weller, S. Spicer, M. Allen, 

M. Hawkins, I. Osborne, J. Osborne, S. Toughey, A. Pettett, W. Jones, P.J. Mantell, 

M. Ryan, A. Warburton, T. Parsons, L. Berry, R. Knevett & A. Gregg.

Letter from E.C.
Letter received from the General Secretary was in response to a point of clarification on the involvement of our retired members. A question was raised at the previous meeting was that retired members had no position as to proposing and seconding and could speak the acting chairman at the meeting remained unclear and instructed the secretary to write to Head 
Office. The reply received stated that retired members can speak on, have as view before the branch, can also move and second, the only exclusion was to vote.
Liverpool Dockers
A circular received from head office related to the current on going dispute which as resulted in dockers being locked out of their jobs.
Following the reading of this circular the following motion was put to the branch.
Moved M. Thompson & seconded P.J. Mantell. “That this branch having noted the correspondence wishes to donate £25 from the General funds towards this appeal.” Vote Carried.

Bro. John Osborne gave the following report on L.D.C. issues
Boxing Day service Connex & Thameslink were to run a  limited service and a list of volunteers has been made, there were 11 connex duties and 4 Thameslink, 17 names were on the list.
Booking on duty at the correct time. This was to be monitored from now on and staff failing to be on time would be warned and if continued then disciplinary action would be used.
Staff reporting for duty after sickness, members should note that when reporting back to work after a period of sick, they must do so before mid day to be able to work the next day if they report after twelve non, they would not be able to work, but told to contact them the next day before noon to be able to work and that this would be the following next turn of duty.

Driver Restructure Package
As members will have seen posted the offer of £17k basic has been rejected by the D.F.C. and that they would now be going back to the E.C. with this offer.

H&S Report
Bro. Mick Hawkins gave the following report on H&S matters
Locker room damage ceiling, this was down to be repaired and it was now awaiting the work to be done.
Worthing messroom, there has been some improvement although it still could be better.
Mont Sdgs (L.W.S.) contracts to repair lighting were in hand
Unauthorised walking across platform 3 into Mont Sdgs., it had been noted that this was still going on, members should note that their job and financial claim against the railway was being seriously put in danger by staff n ot observing the correct walking routes.
Questions raised the repainting of unit ends in yellow, this area was being reduced, why? Answer, position explained as to the amount of area painted yellow.
Question some of the foot crossings in L.W.S. were slippery is anything being done. Answer, H&S Rep was unaware of this, he would be looking into this and asked for all locations to be noted, he also stated that if at anytime members had a H&S matter to report it to the Production /managers or to the supervisors, once staff had made a report on a safety matter he could act on it quicker than he could if it only come to his attention on a walk about/safety day.

All nominations were elected except for Secretary  & District Council
C. Newton votes 19 & S. Weller votes 17, C. Newton elected on a majority.

District Council
C. Newton votes 17 & S. Weller 18, S. Weller elected on a majority. 

Bro. M. Hawkins acknowledge the work of the current chairman had done during his term of office and wished it to recorded in the minutes and called for a vote of thanks. Moved M. Hawkins & seconded C. Newton. “That a vote of thanks be given to Bros. D. Griffiths.” Voted carried.
Bro. M. Allen spoke of the retired member Bro. Ron Lifford who had been on Sectional Council Officer over many years for the Southern Region, had gone into hospital in London. Tony spoke about the work he had done and suggested that a card wishing him well could be sent on behalf of members.
Tony Allen  also raised the item referred to earlier regarding the position of retired members. He sort the chairman’s permission to submit a motion on the subject, chairman agreed.
Speaking on the item, Tony Allen now a retired member raised the issue that was questioned at the previous branch meeting. 
In that meeting a member questioned the rights of a retired member in moving or seconding a motion or minutes of the branch.
Society policy on this was contained within the Societies rules and the rights of retired members was held in rule 6 clause (11) the only thing these members were barred from was to vote, in all other aspects they could speak for or against motions. The action taken by the member was to attempt to stop retired member having any influence on debate, which was against society policy and disloyal to trade union members in general.
The member stated that he was not intending to stop retired members from attending meetings only to their rights as he felt that they were only able to speak.
He apologised for causing some doubt about the retired members involvement  in the branch.
“That this branch condemns the action of some branch members in attempting to silence retired members by restricting them from moving and seconding a motion or to assisting branch officers.
This is a disloyal act against those who have retired after a life time of loyalty to our society, and who are Honoured members of the branch.” Moved M. Allen & seconded P. White. Votes for 24 & against 16, vote carried.

That this 1997  A.A.D. instruct the E.C. to action the acceptance, by the appropriate bodies of hearing aids that correct the deficiencies of our members who would presently de deemed unfit for driving duties. Moved S. weller & seconded S. Toughey.

Forthcoming General Election
Following the trade unions backing for a return of a Labour Government, Bro. P. White put forward the following motion.
“That this branch wishes to donate the amount £170 from its political fund. This to be present to the Brighton Labour Party, and to be used in the campaign for the Pavilion Ward Candidate in the General Election campaign.” Moved P. White & seconded R. Pennick. Vote carried.
Proposed, revised Branch Standing Orders, Bro. S. Weller submitted a revised set of orders to be adopted by this A.G.M. current standing orders were “claimed” to be “out of rule with Societies rule book,” and submitted an amended set.
Chairman asked that each amendment to be read out and members could consider the amendments. A lengthy debate took place into these amendments.
1 On rights of retired members, there was no mention as to their rights or involvement within the branch.
2 There was amendments to election/nominations of both branch officers and local reps.
3 Changes to suspension of certain standing orders
4 Amendments to motions/resolution and debate.
Owing too the debate over changes to certain standing orders, the Chairman would not allow any further extension to discuss the changes and ruled them “out of time” to be referred to another meeting (A.G.M.).
It is recorded that previous branch orders state that only amendments to Standing Orders can be made at or during the A.G.M. of that year in which the A.G.M. is held. 

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