Railway accident on British Railways
Southern Region
Central Division
5BEL NO. 3053 seen at Ore on a R.C.T.S. on Saturday 1st March 1972.
After making the shunt at Ore the train departed to Eastbourne, Newhaven Harbour, Brighton & London Victoria
Sir, - I have before me a circular from the Divisional Division S.R., outlining the achievements of the past year, and no reflection his words are true.
We as part of the rank and file have tried in our own way to keep our industry well and truly on its feet. The D.M. goes on to tell us that every railwaymen can help to do this again in 1972.
Nevertheless one is apt to wonder at times whether or not these people are inclined to take us too much for granted.
Sunday, December 26, 1971, was a typical example. Reputable industries outside no doubt paid out substantial amounts in bonus payments to their employees for services rendered over the past year. We on the other hand were deprived of a day’s pay at the flat rate and told that our services were not required. If this was Management’s way of showing appreciation of our achievements during 1971, then prospects for the seem bleak.
I would strongly urge all Branches throughout the coming year to give every assistance possible to their E.C. to go forward without reserve into fight for Consolidation and substantial increases in wages for our members.
L.D.C. Sec.,
Ore E.M.U.T. Depot S.R.
* Ore Branch Meeting 12th December 1971
Sunday 26th December 1971
Proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner.
That the Branch should send a letter to the Area Depot manager, putting to him the following resolution.
“The men at Ore would be prepared to work the turns of duty provided that the men booked off duty that were rostered to work would be paid 8 hours pay. If not conceded then no men at the depot would be prepared to work at all on this day.”

Brighton Driver Don Hitchins on Brighton Belle
(5-BEL unit 3052) at Brighton, 28th April 1972

Seaford Driver Fred Wheeler & Littlehampton Johnny Tarrent
Fred Wheeler is seen relieving the Brighton Belle en-route, whilst the Brighton Belle was running on its farewell tour of the Central Division of the Southern Region.
30th April 1972

Extracted and adapted from
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday July 9th 1972 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
District Council Report
Bro. A. Brooker gave his report of the meeting on July 3rd 1972. Points raised included managements promise of an early meeting with Sectional Council B on Time Table for 1973, although no change could expected on Brighton/Portsmouth services. Southern Region have pressed Ministry regarding grants for 1973, which ties up with completion of 1973 Time Table.
Detailed report D.E.M.U. services Tonbridge – Redhill sent to Ministry to obtain extention of grant. This route will only be retained because of freight traffic as Channel Tunnel route still undecided. Cost of this route renders this no longer viable. Any electrification authorised would start with East Grinstead/Oxted and Tonbridge/Hastings.
Any Other Business
Bro. W. Baldwin spoke of his concern at the earnings level at Tunbridge Wells West Depot in to other Mixed Traction Depots on the Central Division. He feels that the amount of special workings that these depots are booked at weekends, should be shared out more fairly. So in this context he is to write to the A.D.M. explaining his feelings on this subject, asking for Diesel Locomotive training so enabling him to participate in ballast workings etc.
It was agrees that further discussion of this subject will be progressed at the next Branch meeting.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 13.00
Four members were present
Extracted and adapted from
Tuesday 17th August 1972
L.D.C. Report, Bro. C. Wickenden reported that the L.D.C. Wrote in reply to managements complaint on the booking on time of Bro. Lipscombe for Boat Train duty.
On Friday next was attended a meeting re the mock up of alterations to London Bridge. Letter 21.3.1972 for S.C. 'B' re L.D.C minutes re loss of work to Littlehampton, walking times at Lewes and alterations to duties. Walking time at Newhaven Harbour and letter written by L.D.C. Secretary regarding the use of M.L.V. Being used to cover the 06.05 Boat Train, this caused a very long and heated discussion in which all present took part. The Branch Secretary was called to order, although unpleasant the serious position Seaford was in as a Depot was accepted and the following motion was adopted. Moved by Bro. H. Allen & Seconded by Bro. D. Creasey.
"That the M.L.V. Be used to facilitate the passage of train crews between Seaford and Newhaven to bring about economies and to also eventually remove the need for a 'Staff Train running to Seaford.”
Extracted and adapted from
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 22nd 1972 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
Any Other Business
It was proposed, seconded and carried. “That this Branch instructs the Secretary to write to both District Council and Head Office on the subject of the recent letter in the Sunday Telegraph concerning the possibility of further massive rail cuts involving the curtailing of the national network to a mere 7,000 miles. Further that the Secretary should urge District Council and Head Office to liase with other railway unions with the view to organising token industrial action in order to bring public attention to the hardship that would be caused if such cuts were implemented.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30
6 members were present.
Railway accidents on British Railways
Southern Region
Central Division