Chairman Bro. E. King
Vice Chair Bro. W. Ware
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 1st 1961
3 Members present
Bros F. Goff, G. Hilton & S. Cheal.
The meeting which was arranged for Sunday 1st January, 1961, could not take place as there was not a quorum of members present being Bros F. Goff, G. Hilton & S. Cheal.
The Secretary displayed the December quarter returns. As there were no voting papers which had to be at Head Office by 4 & 9 January 1961, it was agreed the Secretary visit our our Chairman Bro. E. King (at present on the sick list) for him to sign the voting papers if he agreed. This was done and Bro Evans of the Neath Branch only was support for the Parliamentary Panel and our own A.A.D. nominee Bro. S. Cheal for the 1961 A.A.D.
Bro. E. King agreed that should the next meeting for the next Sunday 8th January, 1961, not endorsed the action taken Head Office would have to be notified.
The Secretary paid the rent for room for 1960 to the Secretary of the Labour Club and those present left at 11.15 a.m.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 8th 1961
11 Members present
Bro. E. King in the Chiar
Bros. E. King, C. Wickenden, V. Harris, W. Ware, M. Farley, F. Bartholomew, G. Hilton,
N. Folwell, R. Turner, V. Morris & S. Cheal
The Secretary in calling upon the Chairman Bro. E. King to open the meeting and thanked him for coming along as he was still on the sick list. Bro. S. Cheal wished the Chairman and all present a very Happy New Year.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.50 a.m. and in wishing all the complements of the season, ranked all for their kind words.
The Chairman read the minutes of previous meeting also recording for meetings called for 19th July, 1960 and 1st January, 1961. Moved by Bro. V. harris and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That the minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true record. carried. Moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. V. Harris. That the action taken by the Chairman and Secretary arising from meeting held on 1st January, be endorsed in full. Carried. No questions arising from minutes were asked.
Voting papers, acknowledgements for 1961 A.A.D. and Parliamentary Pannel dated 4th January, 1961, were read. moved by Bro. W. Ware and seconded by Bro. C. Wickended. That this Branch support Bro. Beecher, Leatherhead. Carried
S.R. Sectional Council No.2 elections 1961, Bro. L.. C. Dray, St. Leonards, elected unopposed.
Branch Officers and Committee for 1961
Bro C. Wickenden expressed the wish not to be Vice Chairman, Officers and Committee the same except. moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. That Bro. W. Ware be Vice Chairman. Moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. F. Bartholomew. That Bro. C. Wickenden be on the Committee. Carried. As Bro. C. Wickenden agree. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That Bro. C. Wickenden be Newhaven Travel Agent, and after Correspondence post it be handed to him. Carried.
Newhaven Branch Funds
The Secretary explained the difficulty in being able to claim any payment for out of pocket expenses, e.g. 2 dinners for L.D.C. Representatives, and quote rule 36. Moved by Bro. M. Folwell and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. That the Secretary claim under rule 36 for 1960.
Moved by Bro. R. Turner and seconded by Bro. F. Bartholomew. That Bros. W. Farley and G. Hilton, be Branch Trustees. Carried
Quarter Return Sheets.
Much concern was expressed and the Secretary quote all members who were lapsed and behind in their payments. The Chairman examined the quarter return sheets informing all present they were in order.
Items for 1961 A.A.D.
The Secretary suggested an item to the Labour Party based on the grounds. That all empty property be rated at 1/3 in order to reduced the proposed increase in rates planned for 1962. This was discussed but received no seconder.
Moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. F. Bartholomew. That this A.A.D. instruct the E.C. to request the replacement of chin straps on all future issues of uniform caps.
Moved by Bro. W. Ware and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. That this A.A.D. instruct the E.C. to request the replacement of pockets in all future issues of overall trousers.
LDC Report
Bro. S. Cheal gave the latest developments.
Questions were asked regarding issues of Mackintoshes. Bro Folwell & other Firemen present, raised the issue of appointed Firemen being booked ‘On Loan’ to other Depots. Bro. Bartholomew quoted a 15 ½ hr turn of duty, other points raised being :- Newhaven Firemen asked to do P&D work when juniors on running duties. Duty numbers altered on arrival at other depots.
It was agreed that the L.D.C. Secretary write a complaint outlining the above to be signed by all appointed Newhaven Firemen, it was also agreed the Secretary telephone the Shed Master Mr. Perry to explain the directive of the Branch.
District Council Report, owing to the time factor the D.C. Delegate could only outline the main issues.
A.A.D. Report, owing to the time it was agreed that any interested member be ab allowed the verbal report.
Any other business.
Moved by Bro. G. Hilton and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That all future meeting to start at 10.0 a.m.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb. 26th 1961
Bro. W. Ware in the Chair
12 Members present
Bros W. Ware, C. Wickenden, V. Harris, N. Folwell, W. Folwell, F. Goff, G. Hilton,
J. Knott, C. Evans, F. Bartholomew, V. Harris & S. Cheal.
Minutes of previous meeting which were read by the Chairman, moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. M. Folwell. That the minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true record. Carried.
Question on minutes, arising from item dealing with Branch Funds. The Secretary read correspondence headed Branch Funds, Rule 36 also rebate form £2/2/7. Moved by Bro. J. Knott and seconded by Bro. M. Folwell. That the Secretry purchase a cash book, that an account be kept and audited each year. That all moneys received from the fund be signed for and in the case of a purchase being made on behalf of the Branch the Chairman to sign same. The above rules to be left in the front of all Branch Funds Cash Books. Carried. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That the Secretary write to Head Offic asking for the return of receipt for the lunches to the sum of 7/2d. Carried.
1961 A.A.D. result sheet, Disappointment was expressed with in result in Group 53, it appears a mistake for has been made at Head Office as Bro. S. Cheal only received 146 votes although being supported by Brighton No.1, Eastbourne, St Leonards and our own Branch. It was further agreed that if the receipt for Brighton No.1 was seen by the Secretary, that he again write, but this time on behalf of the Branch.
T.U.C. Men’s Gold Badge. The matter was discussed and information required by Head Office quote and in the light of the circumstances when Bro. E. King was supported last year,it was agreed that no nominee be forwarded.
Bro. J. Giles. The Correspondence fro, Bro. Giles which accompanied the ‘Accident Form’ was read also the remarks of Bro. S. Cheal to the General Secretary. The reply from Head Office was. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That the two members who were visiting Bro. Giles in hospital the next day, take all the correspondence and receive Bro. Giles comments. Carried.
Quartely returns and new members.
The secretary read quarter returns and the Chairman informed all present that the receipt received was in order with Secember 1960 quarto returns.
Members in arrears were quoted with the one ‘NON’. Moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. V. Harris 'That the Branch Secretary write to D. Creasey asking him to pay up his areas as his name has been crossed from the quarterly return sheets.' Carried.
New members Robert John Capon & Roger Guy, proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden.
1961 A.A.D. Agenda, moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. That owing to the large number of items on the Branch agenda, any amendments be dealt with by the Committee. Carried.
LDC Report
The latest corrospendence was read including the directive of the last Branch regarding Firemen. It was agreed that the reply was not completely satisfactory and that an item regarding Fireman be submitted also :- credit & payment, complaint re :- motormen covering Seaford duties instead of Newhaven Dual Link drivers.
Rest Day Working 1961. This Item was discussed at length and it was agreed that our representatives should negotiate for a 100% working of Rest Days for those who volunteered or no rest day working.
There were differences of opinion but it was agreed our LDC Representatives would have to be left to negotiate on the lines indicated.
District Council Report, Bro. S. Cheal gave the up to date position as briefly as possible owing to the time factor.
Any other business. Bro. F. Bartholomew raised the question of Bro. R. Terrill being allowed a set 4:45 a.m. diesel turn of duty. The position was explained by the LDC Representatives, as Bro. Terrill was due to go into Hospital on 18th March 1961.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun June 4th 1961
Bro. C. Wickenden in the Chair, later to be taken over Bro. V. Harris,
owing to Bro. C. Wickenden having to leave early.
6 Members present
Bros. C. Wickenden, D. Renville, F. Goff, V. Harris, M. Giles & S. Cheal
Minutes of previous meeting which were read by the Chairman. Moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. V. Harris. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a true record. Carried. There were no questions on the minutes.
Circular P.T. & R.A. Clauses 22 - 26
A long discussion took place on Circulars 22 & 26 and it was agreed that the matter would have would to be left the LDC and meeting with S.C. No.2, present to agree on the set up for Newhaven. At the moment it appears that for Newhaven to aviod a 'Shunt Link' with the abolition of the 'Dual Link', it would be an advantage to have one large link, but all would rest on Sectional Council No. 2. Moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. 'That where necessary two special meetings be held, one early and one late shifts, when definite arrangements have been made by S.C. No.2 and that the Branch & LDC Secretary be present at both meetings. Carried.
New members Roy Steele & Vincent Thompson.
Form 1s to Bros. J. Hillman & F. Bartholomew
The Secretary Bro. S. Cheal explained and quoted all correspondence on these cases which involve our two members refusing to go on loan and the fact that their advocate Organising Secretary Cleaver had both Form 1s withdrawn.
Moved by Bro. V. Harris and Seconded by Bro F. Goff
That the Secretary write a letter of appreciation to Bro. W.J. Cleaver thanking him for the representation given on the Form 1s issued to Brothers J. Hillman & F. Bartholomew. Carried.
Quarterly Return Sheets
The return sheets were examined by the Chairman and members present given the opportunity to examine same.
Bro. S. Cheal Annual Leave. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. M. Giles. That Bro. C. Wickenden act as Branch Secretary and District Council Delegate. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. D. Renville. That Bro. C. Wickenden be co-opted on the L.D.C. if and when necessary caused by through annual leave of L.D.C. Chairman and Secretary.
L.D.C. Report
The last L.D.C. minutes were quoted and satisfaction expressed with the introduction of deletion of clauses 22 - 26 as from 1st July, 1961, the L.D.C. could do very little without information from Sectional Council No.2
As some members had to leave early and with the absence of a quorum, the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.30 p.m.
*Ron Terrill thinks the form 1 was in connection with a divided train, worked by Driver Jack Hillman & his Fireman Fred Bartholomew. Jack arrived at Copyhold and when he contacted the signalman he was told his train had divided he only had his fitted head and the remaining wagons were at Balcombe Jcn. I think he had lost 46 wagons (not sure if that was the correct number) but I know the Three Bridges pilot had to go and fetch them.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Oct. 15th 1961
Bro. E. King in the Chair
5 Members present
Bros. E. King, V. Morris, S Oakley, M. Folwell & S. Cheal
Minutes of previous meeting, moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. S. Oakley. That the Chairman sign the minutes. Carried.
CorrespondenceCircular No. 68/1961. "The Lighted Flame" request for all Branches to purchase a copy of the Lighted Flame for presentation to the Local Library. Moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro, M. Folwell. That Secretary purchase one copy of the Lighted Flame (7/6) out of Branch funds.
Horsham Appeal for Bro. E.F. Jarman. The subject matter was discussed it being agreed that no general appeal be made.
Accounts:- 6 button badges 9/-The Secretary stated he would pay the 9/- although to date he had only sold 3 of the 6 badges.
Nomination Form 1962 A.A.D.Moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. M. Folwell. That Bro. S. Cheal be nominated. Carried.
Nomination Form International Transport Workers Federation, July 1962Moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. E. King. That Bro. S. Cheal be nominated. Carried.
New members John Hayward & Michael Burtenshaw.
September Quarter return sheetsThe Chairman Bro. E. King assured present the return sheets were all in orders.The Secretary read all who were not clear to date on the September Quarter. It was agreed that unless Head Office required 2/4d arrears to our late Bro. Bob Shimmans the matter be left. It was agreed that as Bro. E. Hillman was of sick and was always prompt with his payments the amount due (18/10d) be loaned from the Branch Fund. After appreciation had been express to the present LDC for their over the past 2 years, moved by M. Folwell and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. 'That Bros. V. Harris and S. Cheal be again nominated for 1962. Carried.
L.D.C. ReportBro. S. Cheal gave the up to date position and explained the 6 items had been submitted as an L.D.C. agenda.Bro. V. Morris raised the question of the 1.0 p.m. A/O turn on Saturday to 11.0 a.m.
L.D.C. Nominations 1962After appreciation had been expressed to the present L.D.C. for their work over past 2 years. Moved by Bro. M. Folwell and seconded by Bro. V. morris. That Bros. V. Harris & S. Cheal be again nominated for 1962. Carried.
District Council ReportNo report was given, Bro. C. Wickenden who attended the last District Council No.4 was unable to attend as he was working
Any other BusinessThe Secretary raised the issue of Election Results and the method adopted within the Society, which in cases had proved unsatisfactory and unless steps were taken, our Society could find that a case similar to the E.T.U. could arise. Moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. E. King. That the Secretary write to the Electoral Reform Society, to obtain full information in order that a suitable motion could be placed before this Branch to go on to the 1962 A.A.D. agenda
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 5th 1961
Bro. V. Harris in the Chair
5 Members present
Bros V. Harris, C. Wickenden, M. Folwell, F. Goff & S. Cheal
Minutes of previous meeting, moved by Bro. M. Folwell ad seconded by Bro. F. Goff. That Chairman sign the minutes as a true record. Carried.
Questions on minutes,
Why 1.0 p.m.A/O turn on a Saturday had not been submitted by L.D.C. for alteration to 11.0 a.m., answered by L.D.C. Secretary. Had contributions been loaned from Branch Funds for Bro. E. Hillman, answered by Secretary, Yes.
Had the Lighted Flame been obtained answered by the Secretary.
December quarter 1961:- 14 weeks due up to 31/12/61. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. F. Goff. That all members be informed after the 1st week in December, that 1 extra week is due. The Secretary to the use the yellow forms. Carried.
Voting papers for General Secretary
Moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. V. Harris. That this Newhaven Branch support Bro. J.L. Simons, Norwich. Carried
It was agreed that the Secretary should ask at District Council if Chairman of our Branch or this meeting should sign voting paper
New Member accepted Terrence Ivan Chinchen.
September quarter returns, the Chairman informed all present the return sheets were all in order. The Secretary read all the members names who were in arrears and quoted the amount.
L.D.C. Report
A full LDC report was given of the Last LDC meeting by Bro. S. Cheal. It was agreed much depended on S.C. No.2 and deletion Clauses 22 & 26 of PT&RA.
It was agreed that the new Running Foreman be advised that the roster had been incorrectly compiled as the firemen had been booked 4.42 p.m. when his Driver was 8.17 p.m., and the former Dual Link Driver should be need off the R.D.R. first to cover all Electrical work. It was further agreed. That the Secretary draw up a petition re Diesel M.U.T. Oxted Line
District Council Report
Bro. C. Wickenden gave a full report from his notes on all subjects matters
Minutes of the Newhaven Special Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Dec. 17th 1961
Bro. E. King in the Chair
7 Members present
Bros. E. King, C. Wickenden, M. Giles, G. Hilton, R. Turner, V. Morris & S. Cheal.
Minutes were read by the Secretary Bro. S. Cheal moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a true record. Carried.
Questions on Minutes: - The Chairman informed the Branched he had contacted the Newhaven Librarian who would be very pleased to receive a signed copy of the "Lighted Flame".
Society Ballot voting procedure, the acting Chairman to sign Ballot paper, reply dated 22 november 1961, acknowledgement re General Secretary.
Letter from Clapham Junction Branch re non Co-operation
Joint Electrical Branch Committee:- Suggestions for guidance, resolution from meeting held on 10th December 1961
Voting papers 1962 A.A.D. moved by Bro. V. morris and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That this Branch support our candidate Bro. S. Cheal. Carried
Election of Officers & Committee 1962
Chairman Bro. E. King, Vice Chairman Bro. W. Ware, Secretary Bro. S. Cheal
Bros. C. Wickenden, R. Morris, F. Goff, C. Lower, G. Hilton & R. Farley
Bros. W. Terrill & E. King
District Council Delegate Bro. S. Cheal
Branch Auditors Bros. G. Hilton & R. Farley
Travel Agent Bro. C. Wickenden.
September & December 1961 quarter returns
The assurance was given by the Chairman, Bro. E. King that the returns were in order and invited any members to examine same. The Secretary read out all members who were in arrears for September quarter.
tems for 1962 A.A.D.
Moved by Bro. E. King and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That the following item be submitted. That this 1962 A.A.D. direct the E.C. to negotiate with the Electoral Reform Society for the purpose of allowing all voting papers to be counted by an independent body, thus avoiding the possibility of this Society being involved in court actions such as that experienced within the E.T.U., which will further allow this Society’s system of vote counting to the same as the N.U.M., N.U.R. and other trade unions. Carried.
Moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. That the following item be submitted. That this 1962 A.A.D. direct the E.C. to submit a claim to the B.T.C. that the closing date on all monthly vacancy lists will be the appointment date to all successful applicants as per clause 3 of the P.T.& R.A. Carried
Moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That the following item be submitted . That this 1962 A.A.D. direct the E.C. to submit a claim to the B.T.C. for payment of double time for all time worked between mid-night Saturday and mid-night Sunday. Should failure to reach agreement after full negotiation machinery has been exhausted, this A.A.D. further instruct the E.C. to advise all member to take militant action in support of this claim. Carried.
Bro. S. Cheal moved an item relating to an alteration to Cause 8(c) of the P.T.& R.A., but this received no seconder.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Cheal L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on the last meeting with Sectional Council Chairman, Secretary and Representative Bro. R. Weeks, who are on the S.C. sub-committee relating the clauses 22-26 of the P.T. & R.A., the position was further explained arising from District Council report on this subject.
Another item dealt with the training of 1 driver and 2 Passed Firemen being trained for Electric Loco, when there were still senior Drivers who had not received training.
Moved Bro. C. Wickenden & Seconded by Bro. V. Morris "That the L.D.C. Secretary write to Management further on the subject of not training appointed Drivers for the Electric Loco". Carried.
L.D.C. Nominations 1962
The position was explained that Bro. F. Goff had declined to stand and it was requested that he Secretary write to Bro. J. Nash, asking him to stand for L.D.C. with Bro. S. Cheal.
District Council report
Bro. S. Cheal had previously explained Clauses 22-26 part of the long history of the 42hr week, and the grand effort our E.C. had put in on this issue.
Bro. S. Turner, Appreciation was expressed to Bro. G. Hilton for posting a list for Bro. S. Turner. Bro. G. Hilton handed the Secretary £5/-/-, and it was agreed the Secretary write a suitable letter to Bro. S. Turner.
Any Other Busineess
The Xmas Holiday leave arrangements were explained to the satisfaction of all concerned.
The meeting booked and arranged for Sunday 4th March, 1962, had to be cancelled owing to a heavy fall of snow on Saturday night.
Ron Terrill Collection
Bill Terrill & Alf Charman at London Bridge having brought up the 7.17 ex Brighton via Eridge & Oxted
7th June 1962.
West Country Class No. 34008 'Padstow'