Chairman Bro. F. Sherwin
Vice Chair Bro. C. Barrow
Secretary Bro. W. Brown
Assistant Secretary Bro. A. Pearce
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 25th January 1925
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
14 members present
Bros. W. Brown, F Sherwin, A. Pearce, W. Smith, C. Wilson, A. Norman, B. Peddleston,
L. Lower, D. Boyle, A. Charman, H. G. Bowden, H. Christmas, F. Brown & P. Reed.
Minutes of December meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Smith. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from December's minutes, re Brother Christmas complaint re 'back turn' on Boxing Day. Brother F. Brown asked to report of meeting with Mr. Maitland over this matter. He there upon explained all that took place at this meeting Mr. Maitland saying it would not occur again. Brother Christmas satisfied with report.
Correspondence re Army Reserve and Insurance Fund for Signalman, read and discussed.
Correspondence re Bro. Goldsmith Assurance money, read and discussed.
Bro. A. Pearce, nominated as delegate for Assurance Fund for this Branch.
Bro. F. Brown mentioned that Mr. Maitland wished that all Drivers when making overtime to ask for relief as he was afraid that if they did not, we should lose some of our work.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 22nd Feb 1925
12 members present
Bros. W. Brown, F. Sherwin, A. Pearce, P. Reed, C. Dotterill, L. Lower, W. Smith, F. Brown, H. Bowden, D. Boyle, C. Wilson & A. Charman.
Minutes of January meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. P. reed nd seconded by Bro. D. Boyle. that they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence re coupling of engines by Firemen at station and re Bro. C. Wilson’s case of higher duty pay, re nominee for Trades Union Congress read and discussed.
Much discussion arose from Bro. C. Wilson's case, he was willing to accept amount £35, but after much talk of money he has lost, he was advised not to accept it. Secretary was to write to Bro. J.T. Long and give him full particulars.
A new member was enrolled in the person of F.E. Wilde, proposed by Bro. C. Wilson & seconded by Bro. A. Pearce.
Bro. F. Brown was called upon to report of the meeting with Mr. Maitland with his fellow two delegates from N.U.R. The question of trying to obtain men's pay from under a better routine was brought up. Mr. Maitland said he has seen Mr. Dewaney about it and he suggested, a man be at Loco-Shed from 1.0 p.m. To 7.0 p.m. Thursday & from 10 a.m. till 5.0 p.m. Friday but after more suggestion nothing was definitely arranged, Mr. Maitland saying he would let delegates know anything that transpires over this question.
Question óf more lockers for drivers, Mr. Maitland said he was trying to get 23 lockers for 'Regular Drivers', but could not promise any for 'Spare Drivers'. He had taken measurements of lobby space and was arranging for lockers to be placed all round the walls.
Much discussion over Firemen being rated and no driving. Mr. Maitland looking into matter.
More discussion over Walking Times, but no further developments
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday March 29th 1925
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
11 members present
Bros. F. Sherwin, W. Brown, A. Pearce, F. Brown, L. Lower, H. Bowden, P. Reed,
G. Barrow, C. Barrow, E. Brooker & C. Wilson
Minutes of February meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. H. Bowden and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting re Bro. C. Wilson's case, all letters to and from Head Office were read and this showed to all present that something was being done in this man's case at last.
Correspondence, re. N.U.R. Programme and Company's proposed reduction read and discussed also correspondence re vaccination of members passing for driving. Members advised by Head Office to refused to be vaccinated if even they were asked to prior to being passed to higher-grade.
Bro. F. Brown asked Secretary if he had written to Bro. J.T. Long to see if we could have Sectional Council report sent to this Branch earlier. Secretary had not written, so was instructed to do so.
Bro. F. Brown reported meetings with Mr. Maitland on following subjects.
Payment of men, matter was taken entirely of Mr. Maitlland hands. Mr. Walker, manager now had charge of this case. One suggestion had been forwarded re payment at Harbour Booking Office, from 2.0 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Thursday and 9.0 a.m. To 8.0 p.m. Friday.
Lockers for Drivers, this matter in hand, a man has been down and taken all particulars, but the lockers cannot be placed around the wall, owing to bad state of walls, to be placed between window and door upright one above the other, 24 in all.
Three Drivers rates, paper had been sent down requiring turns of firing done by these men this last year no firing done by either. These men expected to be rated shortly.
Much discussion of seniority of Drivers H. Christmas & Browning. Mr. Maitland being under impression that Browning was senior to Christmas. The matter was bought owning to Browning being given Motorman’s job instead of Christmas. Everyting squared up now and Christmas has since worked Motorman, vice F. Masley.
Bro. F. Brown reported that in future all cases by L.D.C. to be sent by letter to Mr. Maitland. He will forward same to Mr. A.D. Jones for his sanction for these case to brought up with Mr. Maitland.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 26th April 1925
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
12 members present
Bros. W. Brown, F. Sherwin, A. Pearce, M. Smith, W. Smith, L. Lower, C. Barrow,
H.G. Bowden, D. Boyle, J. Denman, C. Wilson & P. Reed
Minutes read and discussed and proposed by Bro.C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.
Bro. F. Brown called upon to report of meeting with Mr. Maitland & Mr. Fuller: Owing to more work being expected and to save any inconvenience to men, it was suggested by Mr. Maitland that he should have an alteration in the 'Links'. He suggested the 'Pilot Link' be a link of its own, three rated Drivers re H. G. Bowden, D. Boyle & G. Woolgar to have three approved Drivers re G. Collins, L. Lower & J. Denham, booked with them as mates. For this way at would save considerable changing about in the turns all round. There was much discussion over this and it was sometime before anything was settled. In the end however Bro. D. Boyle proposed and seconded by Bro. F. Brown that Mr. Maitland's suggestion be accepted. This was carried unanimously.
Next came the question: who should work the 'Specials'. Pro. By Bro. H. Bowden & sec. by Bro. P. Reed. That senior man work the 'Specials'. Carried.
Pro. F. Brown & sec by L. Lower. That the 8.10 p.m. Pilot turn of a Sunday by worked by Approved Drivers and app. Fireman in turn. Carried.
Proposed by D. Boyle & sec by L. Lower. That F. Brown be congratulated on his report.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 31st May 1925
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
6 Members present Bros. F. Sherwin, W. Brown, A. Pearce, D. Boyle, F. Brown
& H. Bowden
Owing to small attendance, minutes of April meeting were not read.
Correspondence read and discussed.
Meeting closed at 8.0 p.m.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 28th June 1925
Bros. W. Brown, A. Pearce, F. Sherwin, L. Lower, P. Reed, W. Smith, G. Barrow,
D. Thompsett & A Charman
Minuts of April and May read and discussed and proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they be accept as a true record. Carried.
Arising from the minutes of April meeting, re working of 8.10 p.m. Pilot Turn Sundays, Bro. W. Brown did not think Mr. Maitland was working as per arrangements, that the six youngest Firemen should have a turn firing. Bro. W. Brown advised to see Mr. Maitland.
Correspondence re “Defaulting Secretaries” read.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 26th July 1925
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
12 members present
Bros. W. Brown, P. Reed, E. Brooker, A. Norman, F. Sherwin, W. Smith, A. Charman, H. Bowden,
A. Pearce, C. Wilson, F. Brown & G. Dortrill
Minutes of June meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, Proposed by Bro. H. Bowden and seconded by Bro. W. Smith.
Arising from these minutes re Bro. W. Brown's compliant re 8.10 p.m. Turn Sunday, he explained meeting with Mr. Maitland and this turn is now being worked as per arrangement.
Correspondence re 5% of mens wages, deduction from holidays through illness & Chinese Workers Union plea for help read and discussed.
Pro. By Bro. E. Dotterill & sec by Bro. A. Pearce.
That Mr. Maitland be asked if more cleaners could be passed firing and firemen passed drivers, so as to alleviate the excessive Lewes worked at present. Also that a gas ring could be installed in lobby for heating tea & food of the staff. Also that a light be fitted in sand-hole. The case of more lockers for drivers was also brought up and the L..D.C delegate was instructed to mentioned this to Mr. Maitland.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 26th July 1925
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair
12 members present
Bros. W. Brown, P. Reed, E. Brooker, A. Norman, F. Sherwin, W. Smith, A. Charman, H. Bowden,
A. Pearce, C. Wilson, F. Brown & G. Dortrill
Minutes of June meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, Proposed by Bro. H. Bowden and seconded by Bro. W. Smith.
Arising from these minutes re Bro. W. Brown's compliant re 8.10 p.m. Turn Sunday, he explained meeting with Mr. Maitland and this turn is now being worked as per arrangement.
Correspondence re 5% of mens wages, deduction from holidays through illness & Chinese Workers Union plea for help read and discussed.
Pro. By Bro. E. Dotterill & sec by Bro. A. Pearce.
That Mr. Maitland be asked if more cleaners could be passed firing and firemen passed drivers, so as to alleviate the excessive Lewes worked at present. Also that a gas ring could be installed in lobby for heating tea & food of the staff. Also that a light be fitted in sand-hole. The case of more lockers for drivers was also brought up and the L..D.C delegate was instructed to mentioned this to Mr. Maitland.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 30th August 1925
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair in the absence of Bro. F. Sherwin
6 members present
Bros. W. Brown, F. Brown, H. Bowden, A. Pearce, A. Norman & P. Reed
Minutes of July meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by A. Norman and seconded by Bro. F. Brown.
Arising from the minutes, re passing of more men. Bro. F. Brown said that when he approached the N.U.R. Delegate to make arrangements for meeting Mr. Maitland on the above subject he was ignored and in consiquence nothing was done in the matter, but the N.U.R. were holding a meeting on this Sunday. It was proposed that Bro. F. Brown find out what their decision was regarding passing of more men, and if of same opinion as us to carry on with the proposition of the July meeting.
Correspondence re – Strike Committee, Transfer of Staff and L.D.C. Conference read and discussion.
Bro. G. Bollen, sent a letter regarding his arrears and asked if he could have time to pay up. There was some discussion over this man's case, and it was decided to give him time, but Secretary instructed not to less than one quarter's subscription as first payment.
Newhaven Loco Departmentin July 1925

Andre Duchossoy Collection
Loco-men known in this photo are
Back Row L~R Unknown (1), William Terrill, Maurice Smith, Jack Hillman, Unknown (2), Unknown (3), Unknown (4) Unknown (5), Unknown (6) & Walter Ware,
Third Row 3rd from the right James Browning
Second Row first Alf Charman
Front Row 2nd from the left Jack Simmons, Arthur Rookley third from the right.
Info from Our Newhaven website
John Pelham Maitland was the Running Foreman (Shed Master) in charge at Newhaven Shed between 1924-1929 and is thought to be featured in this photo.
After John Pelham Maitland left Newhaven, he went to become the Running Foreman at Littlehampton & Bognor Sheds (1929-1935), and with the opening of new Loco shed at Norwood in 1935, he become the first Running Foreman where remained until 1939. In 1939 he was transferred to Nine Elms Loco Shed where remained until his retirement in 1950.
At this time, Newhaven had about 17 engines based at the shed of various classes, and therefore this photo may only feature Newhaven Managers/Foremen, Drivers and Firemen. Only two loco-men are seen to be dressed in their uniform whilst the others are in their 'Sunday's Best'.
You will also notice the letters of the L.B.S.C.R in the background and no there is no mentioned of the Southern Railway
Other Newhaven Loco men at the shed around this date are:-
Ernie King, A.H. Pearce, D.Boyle, L. Lower, Sam Lower, Ernie Collington, Earn Eacott,
W. Brown, A. Leonard, C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, Fred Wilmshurst, E.P. Ettridge, H.G. Bowden,
F. Smith, A.G. Wise, Ben Piddlesden
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 30th August 1925
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair in the absence of Bro. F. Sherwin
6 members present
Bros. W. Brown, F. Brown, H. Bowden, A. Pearce, A. Norman & P. Reed
Minutes of July meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by A. Norman and seconded by Bro. F. Brown.
Arising from the minutes, re passing of more men. Bro. F. Brown said that when he approached the N.U.R. Delegate to make arrangements for meeting Mr. Maitland on the above subject he was ignored and in consiquence nothing was done in the matter, but the N.U.R. were holding a meeting on this Sunday. It was proposed that Bro. F. Brown find out what their decision was regarding passing of more men, and if of same opinion as us to carry on with the proposition of the July meeting.
Correspondence re – Strike Committee, Transfer of Staff and L.D.C. Conference read and discussion.
Bro. G. Bollen, sent a letter regarding his arrears and asked if he could have time to pay up. There was some discussion over this man's case, and it was decided to give him time, but Secretary instructed not to less than one quarter's subscription as first payment.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting for January
held at the Labour Club on Sunday Oct 4th 1925
(deferred from Sept 27th)
Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair.
16 members present
Bros. F. Sherwin, W, Smith, P. Reed, E. Brooker, J. Potter, A. Pearce, H. Bowden, D. Boyle, C. Lower,
F. Brown, W. Brown, J. Green, C. Jenner, W. Terrill, H. Christmas, A. Norman & A. Rookley.
Minutes of August meeting read and discusses and passed as a true record, Proposed by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden.
Correspondence re L.D.C. Conference read and discussed and arising from this, Secretary was instructed to write Head Office concerning the pamphlets recently received, but having no signature on same.
Arising from August minutes, Bro F. Brown was called upon to report meeting with Mr. Fuller of Brighton four subjects. Three of the subjects re gas-ring in lobby, light in sand hole and light over lower notice case would be taken to Waterloo by Mr. Fuller. The 4th subject re passing of more men, etc. was next dealt with. With regard to seniority with Brighton, Newhaven stands on its own and has nothing to do with Brighton. Work can only be sent from Brighton. Mr. Fuller said he could not make another motor train at Newhaven. Hard job to keep present one. If Newhaven could work Boat Train more economically than Brighton, they would have to work it. By having fireman with a shed man, a driver would be done out of a job. Mr. Fuller said as a first word, that if the men could make any suggestions which would make more work, he would only be too pleased to meet the L.D.C. Delegate and discuss same.
Pro by Bro. A. Rookley that specified time should be made for walking from Lewes station to Shunter's lobby at Lewes Gas yard. It was decided that men could arrange that between themselves.
Pro. By Bro. F. Brown & Sec by Bro. A. Rookley. That Secretary write Mr. Bromley, with regards to promotion for Cleaners and rated Firemen.
Pro by A. Pearce & sec by W. Smith. That Mr. Love be approach and asked of new lockers could be distributed to men entitled to them.
Pro. By W. Smith & sec by A. Rookley that the 'Pilot Link' be put into ordinary link as before. Amendment to this by Bro. F. Brown. That Pilot Link stop as it is. On the vote the amendment was carried.
Pro by A. Pearce & sec by W. Smith. That Sunday night pilot working be restored: an app. Firemen working with a Driver every six weeks. Bro. F. Brown was asked to mentioned this to Foreman also.
Bro. W. Smith brought up another case, this being the working of Drivers in shed on Sunday afternoons. This caused much discussion and it was agreed to defer it to next meeting.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sunday 25th Oct. 1925
11 members present
Bros. W. Brown, F. Sherwin, A. Pearce, N. Bowden, W. Smith, C. Collins, F. Brown,
P. Reed, A. Norman, W. Ellis & C. Dotterill
Minutes of September meeting read and discussed and passed to be a true record, proposed by Bro. F. Brown and seconded by Bro. A. Norman.
Arising from the minutes, Bro F. Brown asked what replies he had to his letters concerning the transfer of rated men and cleaners and the subject of 'cleaning engines after 8 hrs'. These letters were read. Several members was dissatisfied with reply from Bro. J.T. Long, with regard to transfer of men. Pro. by Bro. F. Brown & sec by C. Dotterill. That Secretary write, long and see if cleaners can transfer to other Depots as Cleaners.
Bro. F. Brown reported meeting with Mr. Love regarding different subjects, two of these having been settled since last meeting re 8.10 pilot on Sunday and men lockers.
Correspondence re 'Retiring Age' & Pension Scheme, read and discussed and Secretary told to send in Branch resolution concerning Retiring Age and adoption of A.S.L.E. & F. Superannuation Scheme.
Secretary instructed to write Long with reference to W. Ellis transfer to Fratton in August 1923, also to enquire if Newhaven come under Brighton in seniority.
Bro. W. Smith proposed that L.D.C. Delegate go to Foreman regarding Sunday Working if Shed Man and Branch Turn.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sunday 29th Nov. 1925
13 members present
Bros. F. Sherwin, W. Brown, A. Pearce, P. Reed, W. Smith, D. Boyle, J. Denman,
C. Barrow, H. Bowden, A. Rookley, F. Brown & W. Ellis.
Minutes of October meeting read and discussed and passed as a true, proposed by Bro. H. Bowden and seconded by Bro. F. Brown.
Arising from minutes, Secretary was asked what replies he had from Long. These letters were read and seemed satisfactory to those concerned.
Correspondence re L.D.C. Conference read.
Letter from Bro. T. Goodyear, Eastbourne read, asking to support his nomination for 1926 A.A.D.
Bro. F. Brown reported meeting with Mr. Maitland with regard to gas rig in lobby, this cannot be installed. Lowering of light over lower notice case, several members mentioned that they though this had been done. Light in sand-hole, this is being complied with.
Mr. Maitland suggestion on the Sunday working seemed to meet with the approval of all concerned barring W. Smith. He stat that he would see Mr. Maitland on the Sunday Shed turn himself.
The next item on the list for the members to fight out was - suitable room for next year's meetings. Pro. by Bro. F. Brown and sec. by Bro. W. Smith. That the Railway Hotel be accepted on the terms stated by the proprieter - 1/9 per meeting. Carried.
Nominations for Branch Secretary
Bros. W. Brown, C. Dotteril & A. Pearce were nominated in turn, the two first named refused to accept the post, therefore Bro. A. Pearce was proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. L. Lower, and this was carried. Thus Bro. A. Pearce will be Secretary from 1926.
Nominations for Ass. Secretary
Bro.W. Brown was proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden and he accepted.
Nominations for Chairman
Bros. C. Dotterill, P. Reed, L. Lower, H. Bowden & F. Sherwin were all proposed and seconded for the post, but after much discussion and rumpus Bro. F. Sherwin was urged to take on the office again. Proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. P. Reed, he accepted.
Vice Chairman, C. Dotteril was proposed and he accepted.
The following will constitute the Committee
Bros. A. Pearce, L. Lower, W. Smith, C. Dotteril, H. Bowden, C. Barrow & W. Ellis.
The Delegates for Trades & Labour Council were omitted also were the Trustees for 1926. This will probably be executed at next meeting.
on Sunday 27th Dec. 1925
7 members present
Bros. W. Brown, P. Reed, L. Lower, A. Pearce,
C. Barrow, F. Sherwin & D. Boyle.
Minutes of November meeting was read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow.
Correspondence re ‘Wages Board’ and L.D.C.
Conferences at Head Office read and discussed.
Two items that were omitted from November meeting were duly executed these being two Trustees for 1926 and two delegates for Trade and Labour Council.
Bros. C. Barrow and L. Lower were elected as the Trustees.
Bros. A. Pearce and F. Sherwin to be Trades and Labour Council delegates for 1926
Bro. C. Barrow as the L.D.C. Spokesman reported of meeting with Mr. Maitland regarding Rule Books for spare firemen. Mr. Maitland informed him, that the steps required in the Rule Books were out of print and that was the reason why he hadn't given them to the men entitled to them. New Rule Books were in print and would undoubtedly soon be issues.
Bro. C. Barrow bought a complaint regarding to points at Seaford no dummy is being fixed, Drivers only knowing that point are alright by a ring of a bell and Shunter's tip. The Secretary unfortunately had to leave for work at this point. This case would be seen into undoubtedly.