1953 -1962
Chairman Bro. A. Pearce
Meeting held at the British Legion
On Sunday 27th January 1953
Bros. present R. Bush, W. Tansell, F. Wheeler, W. Mullett, C. Wickenden
& A. Rookley.
Also in attendance Fraternal Delegate Bro. S. Cheal Newhaven Branch.
Secretary reported transfer from Newhaven Branch of C. Wickenden, & W. Mullett, Chairman welcoming same, also Bro. S. Cheal the Secretary of Newhaven Branch, present as a visitor.
Held at the Community Centre
Sunday 18th December 1953
Members present Bro. A. Pearce, R. Bush, W. Sharp & H. Howard.
Election of Officers
Bro. Alf Pearce who is retiring was thanked for his services and wished a happy retirement from the members present.
Chairman Bro. R. Bush
Special Open Meeting
Held at the Station
Sunday 18th November 1962
This was an open meeting called to mark the presentation of H. O. token to R. Bush, Chairman for past 9 years and called at Station to give members at work and members of our contemporary union the chance to join in. a good number turned up, Newhaven & Eastbourne branches being represented.
In making presentation Bro. Tansell spoke of Bro. Bush’s activities both as Chairman and also his work on the L.D.C. Other speaker Bro. S. Cheal, Newhaven and Secretary A. Rookley spoke in same terms. All present wish Bro. R. Bush all the best in the future.
Bro. R. Bush thanked all present for turning up and for their wishes also H.O. for the Parker Pen & Pencil set.
Election of Officers 1963
Bro. R. Bush stated he would not stand again as if a younger Chairman were elected more interest would be shown.
Bro. Cheal raised a question re L.D.C and Branch work. Secretary report re District Council, letters from Head Office re closing of Seaford Branch and matters leading up to same. Happy to say that this matter has been shelved by Head Office.
Officers for 1963-64
Chairman Bro. C. Wickenden
Chairman Bro. W. Tansell 1964
Vice Chairman Bro. W. Tansell
Vice Chair Bro. F. Wheeler 1964
Secretary A. Rookley