Chairman Bro. E. King
Vice Chair Bro.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on
Sun Jan. 13th 1957
Bro. E. King in the Chair
15 Members present
Bros : E. King, D. Goatcher, M. Giles, S. Cheal, J. Lower, R. Turner, M. Smith, D. Renville,
F. Goff, W. Lipscombe, V. Morris, J. Nash, T. Sprague & C. Wickenden
Correspondence, a letter from St. Leonards Branch in respect of Bro. S.J.G. Cheal's transfer to this branch was read.
Circulars, acceptances of the 3% pay award, exemption of footplate staff from military service and traffic arrangements of the railways due to petrol rationing - staff position were read
A discussion took place on the circular re the working of rest days and the meeting rejected this, and instructed the Secretary to write endorsing a letter written to the management on the 22nd April 1951. Proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and second by Bro. J. Nash.
Branch register, with a view to making a branch register details of members were obtained from Head Office, some of which appear to be incorrect, and it was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. T. Sprague. ‘ That a notice be posted requesting the Secretary might tie this matter up with Head Office.
A.A.D. 1957. It was proposed by Bro. J. Lower and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That the Branch support Bro. Lennard as delegate for the 1957 A.A.D. Carried Unanimously.
T.U.C. 1957, it was proposed by Bro. J. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Nash. That the Branch support Bro. Lennard as delegate for the 1957 T.U.C., Carried.
Sunday work, a discussion followed on Sunday work. It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal. 'That Bro. M. Smith be allocated a Sunday Duty.' seconded by Bro. R. Turner (Carried).
L.D.C. were instructed to look into the matter of Shedman's Sunday Duty, being always covered by Shed labourer , and to have this matter rectified. Proposed by Bro. T. Sprague and seconded by Bro. J. Nash (Carried).
left -right Jock Hawkins who was the firelighter & on the right Fred Catlin fitters mate.
Jock had two sons Dave & John Hawkins. Dave was on the footplate and John was a platelayer for the rest of his days
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun February 10th 1957
15 Members present
Bros : R. Turner, J. Lower, R. Morris, R. Terrill, D. Renville, F. Wheeler, W. Mullett,
W. Lipscombe, T. Sprague, T. Norman, F. Goff, D. Goatcher, B. Simpson, C. Wickenden & S. Cheal.
The meeting opened at 11.0 a.m. and in the absence of the Chairman, Bro. E. King, Bro. S. Cheal was elected to the Chair.
The minutes were read of the previous meeting and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. T. Sprauge and seconded by Bro. F. Goff.
Correspondence, acknowledgement of voting papers in respect of A.A.D. 1957 and T.U.C. 1957 and the results of the elections were read. Mention was made of circular re restriction of the use of free and privilege tickets 1957 - Continental and Channel Island Steamers.
Letters from Head Office and Sectional Council No.2 were read, re rest day working. A discussion followed, and the general felling of the meeting was not to work rest days, and to condemn any member who do.
A reply to Bro. J. Knott's letter to Head Office was read, re accommodation transfer, and the Secretary was instructed to write to Head Office expressing dissatisfaction with their reply. Proposed by Bro. F. Wheeler and seconded by by Bro. W. Mullett.
LDC , a report of the meeting held on the 31st January 1957 was given by Bro, D. Goatcher (Chairman) and questions were answered. Cleaners Rest Room, the LDC were instructed to have this item place on the next agenda. Proposed by Bro. J. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Lipscpmbe. If no satisfaction be obtained from the management, a 'Failed to Agree' sholud be obtained and minuted. (Carried).
A disccusion tookplace re Sunday work, and it was decided that the LDC be allowed to formulate the roster with the management. Propsed by Bro. T. Norman and seconded by Bro. T. Sprague. That the L.D.C. also place on the next agenda item with regard item 20 which has bern violated. Proposed by Bro. W. Mullett and seconded by Bro. F. Goff.
The L.D.C. Secretary was instructed to write to sectional Council No. 2 for a ruling on the position of appointed men being sent to Brighton on loan Proposed by T. Norman and Seconded by D. Goatcher.
Driver Tim Norman
Leaving Culver Jn for Barcombe Cross Station
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun May 18th 1957
7 Members present
Bros. F. Goff, M. Smith, M. Giles, R. Turner, T. Sprague, S. Cheal, & C. Wickenden.
The meeting opened at 10.45 a.m. and in the continued of the Branch Chairman, Bro. E. King owing to illness, it was proposed by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. T. Spraque. That Bro. S. Cheal be elected to the Chair, this was carried unanimously.
The minutes were read of the previous meeting and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. T. Spraque and seconded by Bro. F. Goff. Carried Unanimously.
L.D.C. Report was given by the Secretary, and information was given to the Branch that a Drewary Diesel Shunting Loco. was to be introduced at Newhaven. The secretary had been also trying to obtain information about these locomotives, and was proposed by Bro M. Smith that the secretary write to the Branch secretary at Tonbridge, as it was that one had been in service there.
Proposed Holiday Roster was put forward for future years, and a discussion followed, it was proposed by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. T. Spraque. That this roster be accepted for future years. Carried Unanimously.
It was agreed that a notice be posted with a view to forming a Branch Committee.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Oct 27th 1957
12 Members present
Bros - S. Turner, R. Turner, T. Sprague, T. Holder, C. Evans, S. Cheal, F. Goff, B. Simpson, W. Mullett,
V. Morris, T. Norman & C. Wickenden.
The meeting opened at 11.0 a.m. with Bro. A. Norman in the Chair in the continued absence of the Branch Chairman.
The minutes were read of the previous meeting and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. R. Turner.
Correspondence was read including a reply from Branch Secretary at Tonbridge.
The Branch Secretary announced that he was residing at the end of the year, so it would be necessary to have an election of Branch Officers at this meeting, after a discussion it was agreed to call another meeting for this purpose.
L.D.C. Report was given by the Secretary who stated the L.D.C. were interviewed by Mr. Urie A.D.M.P.S. at Brighton on22.10.57. prior to attending and L.D.C. meeting, the reason for the interview being the refusal of the L.D.C. Chairman & Secretary to sign the minutes of the previous meeting held 28.5.57. which then turned into a personal attack on the secretary. A letter then being read out and signed by the Chairman & secretary which had been sent to Bro Hallworth, and copies to Bro. Channing Sec. Council secretary and E.C. member Bro. Hockling.
The L.D.C. meeting was for First Aid Classes, Mr. Perry asked the L.D.C. to bring this to the notice of members at the depot, hoping that some of them would join the class.
Newhaven Dual Link Rest Day Relief was then discussed and the L.D.C. felt that other links may become involved, it was proposed by Bro. Mullett, Seconded Bro. Goff that a special meeting be called next week to deal with elections of Officers and Rest Days.
L.D.C. nominations, as there were no nominations, it was proposed by Bro. S. Turner and seconded by Bro. T. Spraque. That Bro. D. Goatcher be asked if he would carry on fr a further period of office..
Ron Terrill Collection
Alf Charman & Tim Norman
Photo taken at Newhaven Marine Station
a Hornby loco No. 2001? is seen in the background awaiting departure
Minutes of the Newhaven Special Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 3rd 1957
Bro. T. Norman in the Chair.
15 Members present
Bros F. Goff, B. Simpson, M. Giles, W. Ware, W. Mullett, A. White, D. Renville, T. Sprague,T. Holder, C. Evans, A. Norman, R. Turner, W. Folwell, S. Cheal, J. Lower, & C. Wickenden.
The minutes were read of the previous meeting and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. R. Turner and seconded by Bro. W. Mullett.
Correspondence was then read.
The election of Branch Officers then took place and were as follows
Branch Chairman Bro. E. King
Vice Chairman Bro. A. Norman
Branch Secretary Bro. M. Spencer be approached to see if he would accept Secretaryship.
Assistance Secretary not filled
District Council Delegate, Branch Secretary or Bro. C. Wickenden
Branch Committee
Bros F. Goff, T. Spraque, A. White, J. Lower & W. Ware.
A discussion took place on the Rest Day relief in the Dual Link, it was proposed by Bro. W. Mullett, and Seconded by Bro. S. Cheal that the Rest Days be taken on early turn. Carried.
Rest Days in other Links then came up for discussion, it was proposed by Bro. F. Goff and Seconded by C. Evans that their Rest Days be taken on early turn.
Complaints were made by Bro. Ware on the conditions of the Drivers' mess room.
Bro. S. Cheal proposed. ‘That the Sunday alteration sheet be posted on Thursday, so the men would have advance notice of their being on duty to be altered.’ It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. F. Goff. That the L.D.C. be left to decided the alteration to Sunday duties.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun December 8th 1957
Bro. E. King in the Chair
6 Members present
Bros. T. Sprague, D. Renville, F. Goff, S. Cheal, E. King & C. Wickenden.
The minutes were of the previous meeting and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. T. Spraque and seconded by Bro. F. Goff.
Arising out of a discussion on the minutes it was proposed by Bro. Renville and seconded by Bro. Cheal. 'That Organiser W. Cleaver be invited to attend the next Branch meeting for the purpose of electing a Secretary, it was also requested that the present Secretary carry on until that meeting.
Correspondence was read including circulars on Penetrating Lines and Privilege Season Ticket Rates
An L.D.C. Report was then given by the L.D.C. Secretary. It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. T. Spraque. That this branch support Bro. Bowsher of Eastliegh in the forthcoming election for a delegate to attend I.T.F. Bienmial Congress 1958.
It was unamimously agreed the Secretary write to Head Office, for the E.C. Award to the Branch Chairman after holding office over five years, which it was hoped Organiser Cleaver would be able to present at the next meeting.