Chairman Bro. R. Taylor
Annual General Meeting January 3rd 1982
Commenced 10.10 close 12.45
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, A. Thompson,
R. Chamberlain, P. Bowles, E. Spray, S. Spackman, L. Balwin & D. King
( J. Newett & F. Jenner (10.30).
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That the minutes were read as a true record.
The question of lighting at Ore was again raised also the berthing of D.E.M.U. stock in No.5 road. This would be pursued by the L.D.C. The last few trains into Ore at night gave problems for some drivers when they encountered drunks still on board. It was agreed that the guards should ensure that all passengers were in front of him from
Eastbourne and all out at Hastings with the exception of Ore passengers. The stock would be reduced to 4 cars if it was possible to re-organise stock working.
The Victoria - Gatwick Airport Rail Link was discussed, not a great deal of news on this at present. The advertisement from British Heart Foundation was brought up by the Secretary, he had followed this up with a letter to Head Office.
They had replied and were making necessary enquiries.
The voting papers for the 1982 A.A.D. was dealt with it was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. D. King.
That we vote for Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells.
The election of Officers was next on the agenda Officers for 1982 were elected as follows
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts, Assistant Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. D. Roberts.
Branch Auditors Bros L. Baldwin & P. Bowles
District Council Representative Bro. R. Taylor.
Trades Council Representatives Bro S. Tingley
Committee for 1982
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, A. Thompson & S. Spackman.
In the L.D.C. Report which followed. The 10 minutes extra signing on allowance was discussed. As from 4/1/82 only certain numbered turns were allowed the extra time, in spite of lengthy meetings between management, L.D.C. and
Sectional Council. It was in the hands of Sub-committee. Sectional Council to thrash out our claim.
A.W.S. equipment recently fitted to many units brought complaints from members, this including deafening noise when putting E.P. keys on and a high pitched whine whilst running. The latter attributing to bad adjustment of equipment.
Bro. R. Taylor gave his District Council report next. This included the new Federation of Unions, signal phones, wallet system recently introduced and problem associated with reed type, track circuits. These were to be altered to older more reliable systems.
Bro. E. Spray proposed a vote of thanks to Bro R. Taylor, this was seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
In any other business which concluded the meeting, the loss of work to Eastbourne depot was brought up by Bro. E. Spray. It was agreed this would be followed up.
The present dispute was discussed also the need for some form of Malgam dust to be on alway to car park, to eliminate walking through puddles. This would be taken up by L.D.C. reps. also pot holes in yard drive to car park and a length of rail which was well above ground level in the vicinity of car park.
It was agreed that a condition of service book be purchased for the Branch out of Branch Funds (minute 1/82).
Meeting closed 12.45.
Meeting May 23rd 1982
Commenced 10.15 close 12.30
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain,
S. Spackman & D. King.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes were read as a true record.
The question of yard lighting was discussed, this had been taken up by the L.D.C. it was now left that the cost of lighting would be very expensive, the holes in the car par area and the removal of a length of rail in car park was in the hands of the engineers.
In correspondence which followed it was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman. That the sum of £7.00 be drawn out of Branch Funds and sent to Hastings Trades Council for their Hastings Unemployment Claimants Advice Centre. This would be resolution 3/82. It was also agreed that a sum of £1.62 be contributed to Hastings Trades Council following on from their request for higher contribution 4p - 6p per member.
This was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
The voting paper for the International Workers Federation was dealt with. it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That Bro. D.J. Smith of Salisbury receive our Branch vote.
The question of union membership cards was discussed, owing to the lack of cards throughout our members. it was
proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. That the Secretary order cards for all members to bring us up to date.
Two of our drivers had been off sick that us there appeared to be no real hardship involved, a list would not be put up for them.
After receiving a complaint from one of our members about cab windows not being cleaned in intermediate cabs, it was decided to send a letter to A.D.M. to include all depots where units are cleaned. L.D.C. Secretary agreed to see to this.
In the L.D.C. report which followed the loss of work at Ore since 1968 was discussed. Bro. S. Tingley L.D.C. Secretary outlined what had taken place since then, equalisation of mileage etc and non co-operation of Sectional Council to put more work at coastal Depots.
Cross covering was brought up and Bro. S. Tingley outlined the position on this.
Strong complaints had been received from several members at Ore on the question of travelling by bus at the completion of 468 duty on some Saturdays. Letter had been sent to A.D.M. over this. The L.D.C. agreed after a lengthy debate, to closely watch alteration on Thursdays when performing L574 and to ask management for taxis instead of buses for drivers on that duty.
The proposed closure of Ore Depot was brought up, nothing definite at present. The L.D.C. had already listed many items with which to fight the case if the need arose.
Bro. R. Chamberlain proposed that a letter be sent to Branch Secretary N.U.P.E. wishing them success in their present dispute. This was seconded by Bro. R. Taylor.
Meeting closed 12.30
Special Meeting July 6th 1982
Commenced 3.18 close 4.08
Members present (21) Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, E. Spray, R.Chamberlain,
R. Scott, D. King, F. Jenner, A. Christian, P. Bowles, J. Newett, D. Rodgers, A. Arnold,
P. Hawkins, J. Gain, A. Thompson, J. Mould, E. Ball & L. Baldwin.
Correspondence was read out relating to the R.S.N.T. No. 77 and other letters relating to the present dispute. a discussion amongst the members followed. At the end of the this it was decided that a resolution be sent to Head
Office as follows.
That this Branch fully supports the action of the E.C. but our members feel that every effort should be made to bring this dispute to an early conclusion with a satisfactory settlement.
This was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. R. Scott. voting for this proposal was 20 for with 1 abstention.
It was also agreed that the Secretary should write to the T.U.C. and also to the local branch of the T.G.W.U. complaining about the extra coaches being put on the road thereby having serious affect on our efforts to obtain a good settlement.
It was agreed that a meeting would be held at 3.p.m. on Monday 12th July 1982, assuming the strike was still on.
Meeting closed 4.08 p.m.
Special Meeting July 12th 1982
Commenced 3.15 close 4.05
Members present (19) Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, J. Newett, J. Hoath W. Arling, E. Spray, R.Chamberlain, R. Scott, D. King, F. Jenner, A. Christian, R. Waghorne,
S. Spackman, D. Rodgers, A. Arnold, P. Hawkins, J. Gain, A. Thompson, J. Mould, E. Ball
& L. Baldwin.
Also present Branch Secretary St. Leonards Depot
Bro. J. Wallis & Bro. D. Kurse of St Leonards.
The minutes of the last special meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. king and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.
That the minutes were read as a true record.
Latest correspondence was read at out and discussed, the question of the Hardship Fund money which had been sent down from Head Office was discussed. This amounted to £108, it was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That this sum of money be kept for the time being.
This was voted on and everyone was unanimous.
Owing to the fact that a train have been taken out of the depot this morning the question of publicity was raised. After discussion it was felt that we would not picket the depot.
Other items discussed by members concerning the present dispute were pensions and also the question of dismissal notices which we understood were being prepared by management later to be issued to strikers.
It was agreed that we would meet again next Monday at 3 p.m., 19th July, 1982
Meeting closed 4.05 p.m.
Special Meeting July 16th 1982
Commenced 10.10 close 11.12
Members present (22) Bros. D. Roberts, A. Thompson, J. Gain, F. King, W. White, E. Spray,
R. Taylor, L. Baldwin, P. Bowles, A. Christian, W. Arling, J. Hoath, A. Arnold, R. Scott,
S. Spackman, D. Rodgers, R. Waghorne, J. Newett, E. Ball, S. Tingley, J. Mould,
& P. Hawkins.
Also present Branch Secretary St. Leonards Depot Bros. J. Wallis, E. Gates J. Norris, P. Bates & D. Kurse of St Leonards. & Bro. E. Rensham of Tunbridge.
The latest correspondence was read out relating to the present dispute, also details of the numerous phone calls which the Secretary had received since our last meeting.
Minutes of the last Special Branch Meeting were read. It was proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman. That the minutes were read as a true record.
Many members expressed their opinions on this stage of the dispute. Bro. E. Rensham of Tonbridge spoke on the details of the Branch Meeting held at Tunbridge and also of the general feeling of Tonbridge members.
After most members had expressed their views and concerns it was unanimously decided that we stand firm until our next Special Meeting which would be on Monday 19th July 1982, 3 p.m.
It was proposed that the Secretary should contact Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells, our A.A.D. representative to see if he could give a talk about the D.H.S. to members. The St Leonards branch, were also invited to attend this meeting. It was agreed that the Secretary purchase some sellotape for his use.
Meeting closed 11.12.
Meeting September 26th 1982
Commenced 10.15 close 12.15
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, D. King, S. Spackman
& A. Stratton.
Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman. That the minutes were read as a true record. In matters arising which followed, the future entrance of Ore yard was discussed also the provision of car parking space for 25 vehicles at the western end of the yard. The yard entrance would be north of Beaconsfield Road, this would also be used by ready Mixed Concrete lorries which were using the yard as a depot.
Cab windows and cleaning thereof were discussed, the L.D.C. Secretary agreed to contact A.D.M. Brighton over the provision of cleaning cab windows on the 10.02 Brighton to London Bridge service, 487 duty after a complaint by the Branch Secretary, cross-covering was discussed, we were still to cry on as before with no cross-covering.
Correspondence was rad and discussed, most of this covered the recent dispute and flexible rosters.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. S. Tingley gave details of the new procedure of the electing L.D.C representatives, he was in fact due for re-election at the end of this year. After discussing this he agreed to contact Chief Clerk Brighton for further clarification to re-election.
The Brighton M.A.S. Scheme was discussed the question of route learning around Norwood - East Croydon area over new tracks would have to be dealt with. Talks on this indicated a form of teaching for all drivers.
Flexible rostering were proving a headache for management, an emergency meeting over this for L.D.C.s was to be held on Tuesday 28th September 1982. It was agreed after the discussion by embers present. that the L.D.C. would not assist management in producing a new roster, we would let them produce one. We would also not allow them to “pad-out” existing workings to make up the 312 hours per 8 week cycle. In the event of any problems, the meeting would be adjourned to enable L.D.C. to contact Head Office for clarification.
No definite news on the closure of Ore Depot had been received although many rumours and other information indicated this.
Members present had no resolutions for next years A.A.D. in spite of this being on the agenda.
In an other business which concluded the meeting it was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. S. Spackman.
"That Bro. P. Bowles be removed from the position of No.2 Branch Auditor.”
It ws proposed and seconded by Bro. D. King.
“That Bro. S. Spackman should fill this position.
This was agreed unanimously.
Meeting closed 12.30
Meeting November 28th 1982
Commenced 10.05 close 12.40
Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, D. King, R. Waghorne,
E. Spray, S. Spackman, A. Thompson, J. Newett & L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last A.G.M. were read, it was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. W. Arling. That the minutes were read as a true record.
In matters arising, the question of cab windows on the 10.02 Brighton - London Bridge service, 487 duty was again raised also the general cab window cleaning. The berthing of diesel stock in No.5 road at Ore was again obscuring lighting to car park and causing problems to staff. This would again be taken up by the Health and Safety Officer.
In correspondence which followed a letter had ben received by our A.A.D./T.U.C. delegate Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells outlining a possible resolution over a secret ballot in the event of a further possible strike. It was proposed by
Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That the resolution be sent to Head Office for inclusion in the 1983 A.A.D. a follows.
“Rule 30 - Strikes & Disputes Clause (1) ballot of the membership shall take place if time shall permit. In the event that time shall not permit then the Executive Committee shall decide whether to withdraw members from their employment.”
This was voted 10 for and 1 against.
The nomination for the 1983 A.A.D. was dealt with next. It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley. That Bro. A. Allen of Tunbridge Wells be nominated for 1983.
The election of Officers was next on the agenda Officers for 1983 were elected as follows
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Vice Chairman Bro. J. Newett, Branch Secretary Bro. D. Roberts, Assistant Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.
L.D.C. Chairman Bro. W. Arling, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Stand in Bro. L. Baldwin.
Branch Auditors Bros L. Baldwin & A. Thompson
District Council Representative Bro. D Roberts.
Trades Council Representatives Bro S. Tingley
Committee for 1983
Bros. D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, D. King, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, R. Waghorne & S. Spackman.
Bro J. Newett proposed a vote of thanks to the Secretary for the work he had done during the last year. This was seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
A lengthy debate followed after this on the question of the proposed depot closure which was to be May 1984. The question of petrol allowance, staff trains, removals etc were all brought up. The L.D.C. confirmed that their main priority was to keep the depot open. The question of approaching St. Leonards Depot L.D.C./Branch Secretary over our joint problem was discussed. The electrification from Hastings - Tonbridge was still on the cards in the not too distant future.
In the District Council Report which followed the 312 hours which were being worked over 6 months at depots where flexible rosters were worked was still causing problems.
At the T.U.C. Congress the question of the let down by the T.U.C. General Purpose and Finance Committee was raised with the delegate Bro. A. Allen.
We learnt that the Welfare section of B.R. was to closed down. It was agreed that a letter be sent to A.D.M. Brighton deploring this action.
The question of men who worked during the dispute was raised, it had been decided to fine those members concerned.
In health workers dispute, poor response had been received from workers in the rail industry.
The question of one man operated trains in the St. Pancras - Bedford area.
Finally brought the District Council report to a close, resolutions agreed that the Secretary purchase a stapler and also pay Driver R. Scott £5.00 retirement grant.
Meeting closed 12.40.
Chairman Bro. R. Taylor
The last Ore ASLEF Branch meeting 02.03.1986
Back Row Left ~Right :Eddie Ball, Bob Waghorne, Neil Milligan (ASLEF), Steve Brentall, Dennis Roberts.
Front Row Left~Right: John Mould, Bill Arling, Syd Tingley, Jack Hoath.
Ore Shed in 1990