Chairman Bro. F. Diplock
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
January & February
Sunday 15th February 1981 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock and the Secretary was Bro. J. Carney due to the fact that Bro. Exley had worked a late finishing duty for the previous night.
There were 6 members present when the meeting opened at 11 o’clock.
The Chairman asked for he minutes of the last meeting were brought before the meeting and were taken as a true record of that meeting. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded Bro. C. Exley. Carried unan
The Chairman then apologised to the meeting for not calling the January meeting but he moved that the next meeting take place on Sunday 22nd March 1981.
Bro. W. Baldwin asked the Branch Secretary if he had written to A.S.L.E.F. Head Office to secure payment for members of this branch who have not been paid when they had taken days from duty due to sickness and if he had, had a reply.
The Secretary Bro. C. Exley informed the meeting that he had sent the letter to A.S.L.E.F. but at this date he had not received a reply, he brought before the meeting a copy of the letter he sent to Head office.
Bro. Baldwin asked the Chairman to hold the progress of the meeting until he had left because he had to start his duty.
The Chairman then moved the meeting to Head office circulars. The Chairman asked the meeting to note that if the society had received the circulars then would he past them in the drivers messroom at the depot. The Chairman further moved that the circulars which were posted for this meeting be reposted in the drivers mess room he asked the member to note. It was then moved by Bro. J. Norris and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That all circulars to be taken as read to be posted in the drivers mess room until the next meeting.
The Chairman progressed the meeting to items of correspondence the Secretary read out three letters and items of correspondence which were in progress.
1 Bro. C. Exley re incident at Tonbridge
2 Bro. R. Harris re accommodation
Bro. L. Stephenson re fatality at Lingfield and his treatment after the incident.
The L.D.C. secretary had one item of correspondence he had one item to bring to the notice of the meeting.
This item was the way in which the A.D.M. issued a form one item to bring to the notice of the meeting.
The chairman asked the meeting to instruct Bro. H. Love who is a member of this society but is employed as a time keeper at the depot, not to accept delivery of form one type of charge no should he sign in writing for responsibility of the same.
The Chairman then asked for matter arising from of correspondence and head office circulars.
Bro. C. Exley then asked the membership of the meeting that if any member of this branch wished to attend the society school at Dorking for 1982 let him know as soon as possible because this year this school had been over subscribed and he felt that the earliest we could submit and application to gain a place on the course.
The Chairman the moved the meeting to Head Office circular the Chairman asked the meeting to note that if the society had received the circulars then would he past them in the drivers mess room at the depot. The chairman further moved that the circulars which were pasted for this meeting be reposted in the drivers mess room he asked the members to note.
It was then moved by Bro. J. Norris and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. That all circulars to be taken as read to be posted in the driver’s mess room until the next meeting. Unan.
The Chairman progressed the meeting to items of correspondence which were in progress
Bro. C. Exley re incident at Tonbridge, Bro. R. Harris re accommodation & Bro. L. Stephenson re fatality at Lingfield and his treatment after the incident.
This item was the way in which the A.D.M. issued a Form One change to a member of this branch. The Chairman asked the meeting to instruct Bro. H. Love, who is a member of this Society, but is employed as a Time Keeper at the depot, not to accept delivery of the Form One type of charge nor should he sign on writing for responsibility of the same.
The Chairman then asked for matters arising from items of correspondence and Head Office circular.
Bro. C. Exley then asked the membership of the meeting that if any member of this branch wished to attend the Society school at Dorking for 1982 let him know as soon as possible because this year this school had been over subscribed and he felt that the earliest we could submitted a application to gain a place on the course.
As there were no other matters arising the Chairman asked the L.D.C. Secretary to give his report.
Uncertified sickness – a letter had been sent to Sectional Council ‘B’ and they replied that a meeting with management is to be held over this matter.
I.U.P. Payments – It was discovered that no payment was made when members were going to attend medical examination. Sectional Council’B’ were requesting a meeting with management over this.
Bro. R. Plummer – Bank Holiday – day off duty with loss of pay was declined by the A.D.M. this was resolved with Bro. J. Norris.
Bro. Herriot Query over payment of wages
Operation of machinery of negotiation - still pending
Bro R. Harris accommodation now been handled over to A.S.L.E.F head office awaiting reply.
Disciplinary letters sent from A.D.M. to M.P.S. or driver concerned by Leading Railman
Bro. R. MacDonald – claim for driver rate of payment which had been turned down now has been paid.
Sunday workings been issued after the L574 scrutiny on duplicate sheets which showed train retimings from Tonbridge o the 1st February 1981. a reply has now been received.
Cover duties now have been implemented from Saturday 21st February 1981 = 332 Saturday 16.00 will now become 12.30 and cover duties = 320 06.00 cover duty.
Claim by Bro. J. Norris over loss of driving duty Sunday. Management now waiting reply from Bro. J. Norris.
The Chairman then move the following items which he thought should be passed.
He asked if the Physical Needs Break for Duty No.326 could be moved from New Cross Gate because the membership at the branch thought that the facilities there were not adequate. He felt that London Bridge would make the best place to have the break rostered. The L.D.C. Secretary replied that this was now in hand and should take place at the March Permanent Alterations.
The Chairman then asked about the use of Diesel Electric Units on which the Advance Warning System was operative. He highlighted the use of unit from theSouth Western Division which had A.W.S. operative and were coming into use over Central Division lime where A.W.S. had been fitted but the driver had not had full A.W.S. training.
Bro. Allen replied that has far as he was concerned he and a few other drivers were trained, and he had not isolated the system because he felt it gave us all a chance to use the equipment before it became standard practice on Central Division, if it was felt that the drivers who had not been trained on it use were uneasy over its operation then he and those who had been trained in its operation should take steps to isolate the system until all had been trained until use. The fact that it was totally new to some of the members of this branch made them feel uneasy about the approach to Victoria were it was operative did not stop them from obey the signals displayed required less of the indication in cab given by A.W.S.
The Chairman then asked Bro. J. Carney to give his report of the pontoon funding raising. Bro. Carney inform the meeting of the response and said that there would £2.10 to enter to branch funds when it had been completed.
The Chairman asked for any other business as none was forthcoming he closed the meeting at 13.00 and thanked all for attending.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 29th March 1981 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
There were five members present, the Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock
The Chairman opened the meeting at 11.00 a.m. and asked the secretary to read before the meeting the minutes from the last meeting.
That the minutes of the February meeting were a true record of that meeting. Moved Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin. Carried Unan.
The Chairman then asked Secretary to put before the meeting the items of correspondence.
Bro. A. Rigby and his request to the Secretary to get for him a card to allow himself to stop paying his political fund.
Letter from A.S.L.E.F. which was requesting branches to supply information of Branch Funds and also due to the increasing costs of administration the Society’s attempts to hold down expenditure.
Letter from A.S.L.E.F. which is a reply to a letter from this Branch to supply A.S.L.E.F. with details of the stand taken by B.R. Management when members have taken one or two days from duty because of sickness. I asked that this branch supply details of members who have not been paid because of the stand of Management.
Letter from Trades Council with a form to return to T. C. giving details of Branch Officers.
One further item of correspondence was for a driver who is under Railway Medical Officers Supervision.
The Chairman then moved to L.D.C. business.
Route Learning i.e. Selhurst and the loss of Sunday work.
The Chairman then moved onto any other business and matters arising The L.D.C. Secretary then gave a detailed report of the progress with lost of Sunday Work from the 1st July 1981. He listed the costs and losses incurred and the counter argument as put forward by management. There was full discussion and the meeting gave full support to the L.D.C. in its action to presume the work which we at this branch feel we are about to loss.
After this discussion the Chairman asked for any other items.
The Secretary asked that the meeting endorse the Secretary in his move to have the Executive Committee member of Southern Region, Bro. D. Fullick to attend the May Branch meeting to inform the meeting of this Society’s current policy over wages and conditions of service and also to present a number of long service awards to members of this branch.
That the Branch Secretary write to the E.C. Member with the intention of inviting him to the May Branch meeting. Moved Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. M. Allen.
After the above the Chairman then called for any other business after which, as there was no more business he called the meeting to a close at 13.00 p.m.
Tunbridge Wells Special Meeting
Sunday 26th April 1981 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The business of discussing the loss of Sunday work and what action this branch can take.
There were seventeen members present, and the main item were as follows, the branch Secretary was unable to attend but he sent a letter to state that he would back any decision made at the meeting.
Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock, Secretary Bro. J. Carney and assistant Chairman Bro. G. Brown.
The first motion before the meeting was.
"That this depot instructs our L.D.C. to put the following ultimatum before management. That unless this depot retains its percentage of Sunday work then this depot will be in dispute with management in conjunction with the traffic L.D.C.”
Moved by Bro. G. Brown and seconded by Bro. R. Macdonald.
After full and proper discussion the vote was taken and was as follows.
For the motion 15, against 0 & abstantenious 1. Motion carried.
The second motion before the meeting was as follows.
"That if we at this depot are to lose our Sunday work then we do not entertain any special openings on Sundays for fueling of engines or stock working. We further will not any longer do any train work on Bank or Public Holidays or undertake to do any loan work. All the above are not to clash with any motion for action from the traffic grades.” Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. Carried unam.
The third notice of motion put before the meeting was.
That we have a one day stoppage on Friday 1st May 1981, this will be subject to any positive intervention by management.
Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. D. Ward. Carried unam.
The forth notice of motion put before the meeting was as follows.
That a delegation be sent to Waterloo on Tuesday May 19th 1981 to meet the General Manager to protest at the unfair allocation of Sunday work and the complete withdrawal of Sunday duties at Tunbridge Wells West. Further we inform other staff grades at Tunbridge Wells West of our intention and ask them to note that anyone who wishes to accompany this delegation to Waterloo may do so. Management would be officially informed on the previous Friday, 13th May 1981 of this action, those who wish to travel to Waterloo must do so on the 09.33 from Tunbridge Wells Central or other convenient station and to apply for free travel or pay privileged rate.
Bro. F. Diplock declined the chair to the Assistant Chairman to speak to the meeting.
Moved Bro. F. Diplock and seconded D. Rodger. The voting was for the motion 14, against 0 & abstention 2.
The fifth notice of motion before the meeting was.
That if industrial action was to be taken that it follow this pattern
Early turn drivers strike – Monday
Late turn Guards strike – Tuesday
Signalmen strike – Wednesday
Late turn Driver’s strike – Thursday
Early turn Guard’s strike – Friday.
Bro. M. Allen moved the following amendment.
All of the above to be adopted only after full consultation with the relevant L.D.C. and after an open meeting where all can be consulted. So the above motion be held open till such meeting could be convened.
After the above the Chairman closed the meeting as there was no other business before the meeting it closed at 12.40.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 10th May 1981 11.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
There were eleven members present, the Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock
Also in attendance at the meeting were the E.C. Member for Southern Region Bro. D. Fullick and the Organising Secretary Southern Area Bro. N. Milligan.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and opened the meeting by asking the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meetings of this branch.
The Secretary read the minutes from the last full branch meeting held on the 29th March 1981. After this the Chairman asked if there were any matter arising from the minutes of the last meeting.
Bro. W. Baldwin asked if the Secretary if he had, had any reply to his letter sent to A.S.L.E.F. Head Office to get clarification over the subject of absence due to sickness for one or two days. The Secretary stated that he had received a notice of receipt of letter only.
The Chairman then asked if the minutes of the last meeting were a true record of that meeting.
That the minutes of the last meeting were a true record of that meeting. Moved Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin.
The Chairman then asked if the Secretary would read the minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 26th April 1981 at the usual venue.
After the minutes were read to the meeting the Chairman asked for any item arising from the minutes. Bro. W. Baldwin asked the meeting to note the call for strike action from the last meeting to point out to the officials of the Society that it was a call for strike action with which the members of the National Union of Railwaymen had rejected. That they would like to join our call for strike action to show that they felt aggrieved at the loss of Sunday work at this depot and branch.
That the minutes of the last meeting which was a special meeting were a true record. Moved Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Macdonald. Carried unam.
The Chairman then moved onto Head Office circular and any matters that may arise. He asked that all the circulars be putted in the notice case at the depot. As there were no matters arising the Chairman then asked the Secretary to move on to items of correspondence.
A letter from Portsmouth Branch which is a request from their branch to ask members of this branch to donate to a fund for the family of Bro. M. Lee who was killed in the course of his duties.
Letter from the Executive Committee and the subject was the industrial action at this depot.
The Chairman asked the meeting if there were any matters arising from the correspondence he asked the secretary to display the letter from Portsmouth Branch and make a collection in the usual way.
Bro. M. Allen gave his opinion to the meeting and called for a vote of thanks to be passed from the meeting to the E.C. member present to thank him for his support in the dispute at this depot.
Bro. W. Ovenden then rose and gave his statement and he felt that we at his branch taking past events into account had not been fully represented when we had, had a grievance.
Bro. W. Baldwin gave his view to the meeting covering the history of the dispute the fact that we were a Mixed Traction type depot and we were covered by that class of depots restrictions.
Bro. M. Allen asked that he make the following proposal.
That this Branch instructs it Secretary to send a letter of thanks to the E.C. for its backing when members of this branch were locked out. Propesed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney.
There was only one item of L.D.C. business to be put before the meeting that was the new roster which would take effect from the 1st June 1981 along with the new roster.
Bro. W. Baldwin then asked the Chairman if we could cancel Branch Standing order No. 17 to allow the meeting more time for Bro. D. Fullick to give his report and present Society long membership awards.
The Chairman then asked Bro. N. Milligan Organising Secretary to present the following member with his long service award and to address the meeting.
Bro. Milligan addressed the meeting by giving a vote of thanks to Bro. C. Taylor for his devotion to the Society. After which Bro. Milligan addressed the meeting giving his opinion of the present stand taken by British Rail management and how we can try to fight it stand. After also informing the meeting as to how he was towards support for this depot’s dispute but we were not the only Branch with problems. After closing the speech Bro. Milligan then handed the meeting to Bro. D. Fullick who addressed the meeting giving his report to this branches dispute. He informed the meeting that it was not A.S.L.E.F. Policy to condone unofficial strike action, but because of the situation at Tunbridge Wells then he felt that we warranted some support. After a very full speech from Bro. D. Fullick the Chairman asked if anyone wanted to ask the E.C. member any questions.
Questions were put by Bros. W. Ovenden, W. Baldwin & F. Diplock.
The Chairman asked the meeting to consider bringing the meeting to a close.
That we at this meeting indicate a vote of thanks to Bros. N. Milligan and D. Fullick for attending the meeting. Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. C. Exley. Carried.
The Chairman then asked for any other business as there was not anyu forthcoming he closed the meeting at 13.15
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 28th June 1981 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock who opened the meeting. The Secretary of this meeting was Bro. J. Carney, the Assistant Secretary, because the Secretary was away on annual leave. There were three other members present which made a total of five members present.
The minutes of the April Special meeting were read to the meeting there was a lively discussion over the motion
“That if we at this depot are to lose our Sunday work, then we do not entertain any special openings on Sundays for fuelling of engines or stock workings. We further will not any longer do any train work on Bank Holidays or undertake to do any loan work.”
which has now been left for advice from our Head Office. This advice will it is hoped will come when we receive a reply to a letter dated the 5th June 1981 under the heading of ‘Sunday Workings’. It was felt then brought to the attention of the meeting that the L.D.C. had conducted a ballot over the motion above, and the result of this ballot were disclosed to the meeting and were as follows.
For the motion 21, against 13, not returned or void 7. Total 41 members.
That in the light of the above ballot this branch was in favour of the motion.
That after which the minutes of the April meeting were taken to be a true record of that meeting. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. D. Godden. Carried Unan.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the meeting the minutes of April & May monthly branch meetings.
That the minutes of the April & May minutes were taken as a true record. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the circulars from Head Office. The Secretary mention of the fact that several voting papers had not been filled in and sent to the scruitineer. The Chairman explained to the meeting the reason for this error. This was due to the fact that we had invited Bro. D. Fullick & Bro. N. Milligan to the last meeting and because of this the voting papers had been overlooked. The Secretary
The only election paper that was applicable to their meeting was for two Society Representatives to the Parliamentary Panel. This Branch meeting felt that as we at this Branch did not have any information about the candidates and therefore it was felt that we could not give our support.
The Secretary drew the attention of the meeting to ASLEF Diaries and Head Offices apparent belief that this branch had only 40 members and not 41. It was then put from the meeting that the Secretary to write to Head Office to inform them of our membership total.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to send to ASLEF the total number of extra diaries which we require at this Branch.
After the above the Chairman asked the L.D.C. Secretary to give his report from District Council. Bro. Allen informed the meeting at the report had been posted at the depot and therefore he gave only synopsis of the District Council Report.
Bro. Allen then ask the if this Branch could ask the Secretary to write to Head Office to complain about the fact that the case of multiple items on circulars which makes the fillings of circulars very difficult.
Bro. M. Allen then gave the L.D.C. report
Chairs at Oxted and the provision of service at that station. Was it possible to have an Oliver Tom water heater to make refreshments.
Health & Safety Hempstead Crossing, guide lines on 20 minutes signing on allowance, compensatory pay on 2 additional day’s holiday, Form Ones, I.U.P. payment Bro J. Norris, Payment of wages on a Thursday when Rest Day before a Good Friday, letter from Mr. P. Parker, annual leave roster 1982.
Joint L.D.C. meeting 28th May at Norwood, holiday more flexibility between winter/summer, condition of track, cover duties.
Health & Safety, Eridge Forge Farm Crossing, Uckfield, inspection of units & T.W.W. yards.
That ended the L.D.C. report.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary if he would write to the Head Office to ask if they were going to increase the awards of payment and Resettlement and Redundancy payments. The invention of this request is to bring our Resettlements in line with those awards to the stalwarts and miners.
The Chairman then asked for any other business. The Secretary brought before the meeting the sum and result of the collection held for Bro. M. Lee of Portsmouth Branch who was killed whilst on duty. We at this branch collected £26.00. The Chairman asked the Secretary to send the monies to the fund for the late Bro.
After the above there was no other business the Chairman called the meeting to a close at 12.30.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th August 1981 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock and there were five members present,
The minutes of the last meeting were read to the meeting held at the above venue on 28th June 1981. That the minutes of the last meeting were taken as a true record. Moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. M. Allen.
The Chairman then moved the meeting onto the Head Office Circulars and as these had been posted at the notice board it was decided that would be taken as read. After this the Chairman asked if there were any matters arising from circulars. Bro. J. Carney asked if he could be put forward for any Society courses for L.D.C. Representative as and when the Secretary received any applications.
After this the Chairman he asked the Secretary if there were any items of correspondence to be put before the meeting and if all outstanding items of the same had been dealt with. The Secretary informed the meeting that a total of £31 had been collected for the two members of this society who had died in service and that he was in the course of dispatching two cheques to the respective branches for £15.50 to represent this branch’s donation. The Secretary had no other outstanding items of correspondence.
The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. Secretary to give his L.D.C. report and District Council report. Bro. M. Allen then addressed the meeting with the following
Health & Safety
Provision of hot water at Oxted, Bro. J. Carney had compared the number of P.N. Breaks at Oxted to East Grinstead which as better facilities and found that more P.N. Breaks were rostered at Oxted. This was now been pressed through L.D.C. channels.
Forge Farm Crossing, Uckfield, T.W.W. yards & Inspection of units.
Annual leave report on progress etc.
Bro. Allen then went on to give a report of District Council and the current thinking at the above meetings in regard to B.R.B. and E.C. thinking and policy.
After Bro. Allen concluded his L.D.C. Report and District Council report he asked the meeting that when the next elections for A.A.D. representative for this area are held that he would like to be nominated from this branch as area candidate.
That Bro. M. Allen of this branch be nominated from this branch to be delegate for A.A.D. 1982. Carried unam.
That upon receipt of the nomination paper for A.A.D. Delegate a meeting be called to endorse the same. Carried.
The Chairman then brought to the attention of the meeting the fact that Bro. M. Allen of this branch had sent a letter to Society H.Q. which he wanted publishing in the Locomotive Journal and that it had yet not been printed.
The Chairman then asked for any other business at which there was a very lively debate about the worsening condition of the track over which the members of this branch work and the proposed new service to be introduced by October 1981 to help with the ‘Brighton Line’ re-signalling scheme. The train which the members of this branch work are all to be re-routed into London Bridge and it was pointed out that we would lose route knowledge into Victoria station.
After the above debate the Chairman asked for any other business as there was not any forth coming he closed the meeting at 12.30.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th October 1981
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcome all for attending and also apologised for the absence of the Secretary who had telephoned him earlier to say that he was unwell. He asked Bro. J. Carney to take over as Secretary and in the absence of the minute book there were held over until the next meeting.
The Chairman then moved onto Head Office circular which he ask the meeting if they could be taken as read.
Moved from the chair and unopposed that all circulars from the last meeting until this be taken as read. Carried.
The Chairman then brought to attention of the meeting the contents of circular 169/1981 –Cuts in service and asked the meeting for its comments.
Bro. M. Allen who spoke for the whole of the members present said that this Branch was in agreement with paragraph 9 of the above circular but did not want any worsen of our Condition of Services and asked the meeting to instruct the Secretary to write to Head Office with this view in mind.
That the Secretary write to Head Office and point to the E.C. that we would like to see a joint approach by all the Railway Trade Unions to prevent any further cuts in services and to try to find any further reduction in expenses in other areas of railway operations. Moved Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. Carried.
The Chairman then ask the meeting to consider the contents of circular 171/1981 – Cut in Service day of action, he asked the meeting to consider the following. That E.C. Resolution No.2556/330 which is mentioned in the above circular should have been used on the 1st January 1981 when the first cuts were enacted and not well after many more similar cuts in services. It would appear from E.C. action that our Society only seem to protect the larger depot and not the small depots like ourselves.
The we at this depot were disappointed that cuts in service of the train service which we at this depot work were severed and yet when a threat of s loss some inter city services from Waterloo was moved that we should be expected to support strike action. Moved Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson.
The Chairman then congratulated Bro. M. Allen on is letter in the Locomotive Journal.
The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. on behalf of the Branch Membership to persue with whatever bodies available the reinstatement of the Sunday Service. Replying for the L.D.C., Bro. M. Allen informed the meeting that he was in contact with the East Sussex Travellers Association and he was preparing a plan.
The Chairman then moved before the meeting the circular which requested nominations for A.A.D. delegates and the request from Bro. M. Allen of this Branch who desire it was to attend the A.A.D.
That Bro. Aleen of this Branch be nominated be district 40 delegate. Proposed by Bro. R. Macdonald and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson.
As the Assistant Secretary was acting on behalf of the Secretary, Bro. Allen asked that endorse the voting paper and then asked the Secretary to counter sign it make the paper right for the Scruitineer.
The Chairman then moved to a letter from Bro. Plaine of Brighton Branch and district 40 delegate for conference 1981, which contained a list of the motion and minutes of the A.A.D. conference. It was asked that this be made available in the notice board at the depot.
The Chairman then moved the meeting to L.D.C. nominations for 2 years from 1982 and informed that Bro J. Carney and Bro. D. Godden were due to retire from the L.D.C. Bro. Carney had expressed the wish to continue on the L.D.C. but Bro. Godden wanted not to be nominated. This left one vacancy position. The Chairman asked if there were any applications. Bro. G. Brown expressed the wish that he be on the L.D.C.
That Bro. G. Brown be nominated as L.D.C. member for this branch. Proposer Bro R. Macdonald and seconder by Bro. L. Stephenson. As there were no further applicants the motion was votesd on and For the motion 4 & against 0. Motion Carried.
That Bro. J. Carney be nominated as L.D.C. member for this branch. Proposer Bro. M. Allen and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. The motion was voted on and was as follows. For the motion 4 & against 0. Motion carried.
The Chairman then asked Bro. M. Allen L.D.C. Secretary to give his report of L.D.C. items.
Bro. M. Allen addressed the meeting by informing it of the new wallet system for working diagrams that management were to introduce from the 2nd November, this was supposed to be in line with R.S.N.T. Decision 52, but the management interpretation fell well short of the decision.
The new system was that when a driver booked on duty he collected the wallet and when he completed the duty he returned it. The wallet contained only a copy of the driver’s working diagram and no other guide to assist the drivers neither did it relive the driver of his responsibility to check for alterations or speed restrictions. The L.D.C.had attended a meeting with management to discuss the system and the Motive Power Supervisors at Tunbridge Wells had been in attendance at the meeting. At this meeting the L.D.C. had pointed out its short comings.
After a short discussion Bro. Allen then moved onto other L.D.C.items.
Extra 10 minutes booking on allowance until January 1982 on duties going to London Bridge station.
Permanent Alterations – Staff to get an extra 10 minutes booking on time – declined by management.
Payment of wages – payment of wage when Good Friday in the week. Pay to made available on Wednesdays.
New workings – with the introduction of the new service to London Bridge this depot had gained 4 new trips to London.
Sunday service – Brighton and Redhill depots working train services down the East Grinstead line and the very poor standard of duty because of the need for men from the depots to the point of the service.
Travel Groups – the East Sussex Travellers Association were trying to get a bus service from Brighton to Uckfield that would connect with the train service to provide a service to London.
Speed Restrictions – the amount of speed restrictions imposed on the Hurst Green to Uckfield line
New Services – proposal or rumour of East Grinstead to Charing Cross service.
Amended Christmas – 28th as a New Bank Holiday and the provision of Sunday service.
Rest Day working 50% application declined by management.
Oxted line reply, T.W.W. route knowledge meeting to be arranged, condition of track awaiting engineers report.
Health & Safety
Shed road T.W.W., Hempstead Crossing, D.E.M.U. radiators anti freeze, timing of trains from Eridge to T.W.W., fire blanket, cable clips in tunnels, slipping of leaves.
Strengthening of 07.23 Uckfield to London Bridge, Oliver Tom at Oxted, 18:00 hours man on Saturday, overtime because of South Eastern traffic & Compensation Leave to be sent to list clerk.
That concluded L.D.C report
The Chairman then asked for any other business as there was non he closed the meeting 13.13.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 22nd November 1981 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock and there were 8 members present,
The minutes of the previous; the meeting held on 16th August 1981 and the meeting held on 18th October 1981.
That the minutes of the August and October meeting be a true record. Moved by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. J. Norris. Carried.
The Chairman then informed the meeting that he would not be standing for Branch Officer from the December meeting. Bro. W. Baldwin also mention that he would not be standing for Branch Officer. This was noted by the Assistant Secretary who mentioned that he had been informed by the Branch Secretary, Bro. C. Exley that he did not wish to stand for Branch Officer after the December meeting.
The circulars were then moved by the Chairman to be taken as read and this was unopposed. That the circular for this meeting be taken as read. Carried.
One circular was brought to the attention of this meeting which was about Society schools in March 1982 and Bro Norris made us known that he would like to be nominated and as no one else made it known it was moved. That Bro. J. Norris be Tunbridge Wells West nominee for the Society school at Dorking in March 1982. Moved Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. A. Young.
It was then mention that as the voting papers did not have to be returned until January 1982. If Bro. J. Norris was interested in any of the Branch Office positions it would help him to get on the list of them going to the school. It was then moved. That the nomination paper be held over to the December meeting. Moved Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. A. Young. Carried.
As there were no other matters arising from either circulars or correspondence the Chairman moved on.
Bro. J. Norris asked; as the line between Tunbridge Wells West to Uckfield and up to Oxted were to be closed for four days over the Christmas, would the L.D.C. ask management if the line was to searched before the line was reopened again, also what was going to happen to the units at Tunbridge Wells West will they be started?
The L.D.C. Secretary Bro. M. Allen replied, by saying that this was to be noted and dealt with in the normal channels.
Bro. M. Allen then asked the Chairman if any correspondence of T.U.C. delegates nomination papers been received by this branch. The Chairman replied and said to date he had not seen any but could be at Bro. C. Exley’s house or still in the post. Bro. M. Allen then said that he would be interested on being a delegate on the T.U.C. It was then moved. That Bro. M. Allen be this Branch’s nominee for delegate to the T.U.C. 1982. Moved by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded Bro. L. Stevens
The Chairman then brought to the attention of all, that the L.D.C. had a letter confirming Bro. A. Young accommodation move to St. Leonards depot as from Monday 23rd November 1981 and this branch would like to express a thank you for all the hard work put into the depot and as a L.D.C. Rep. and we as a depot wish him well at his new depot.
That this branch gives a vote of thanks to Bro. A. Young for all the good work he has done at the depot and as a L.D.C. Rep. and we wish him well at his new depot.
District Report.
The E.C. resolutions over cuts in service weas brought up and Bro Fullick was asked why this was not implement, he reply was that the E.C. was going to see the Transport Minister over this.
39 hour week which was deferred , with the E.C. trying to get an extra rest day.
The making of one union within the railway which needed 5/6ths of the A.A.D. of each unions to agree, but T.S.S.A. has dropped out.
Management re allocation of work will mean that the A.D.M. within the Central Division will increase from 3 to 7.
District Manager from 14 to 24 with Assistants
L.D.C. Report
Bro. M. Allen gave a brief description of a Sunday service that the East Sussex Travellers Association had asked for.
It was mention about Bro. R. Brown off sick over same complaint as last year.
L.D.C. has asked management a day to bring up to date the two new L.D.C. members ad to explain the work done so far at the depot.
London Bridge to East Grinstead on Sunday worked by Redhill men.
The Chairman then thanked the L.D.C. Secretary for and asked for any other business as none came forward the meeting was closed. Meeting closed at 12.30 p.m.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th December 1981 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman was Bro. F. Diplock and there were 5 members present,
The minutes of the last meeting held on Sunday 22nd December 1981. After they were read the meeting was asked that the minutes were a true record of the meeting. That the minutes of the November meeting of this branch. Moved Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. J. Carney.
At this point Bro. Allen aked the meeting to note that this branch had not received the voting paper to vote for nomination to T.U.C. Conference and he asked the Secretary if this branch had received the paper.
The Secretary informed the meeting that he had not received any such circular and he had know knowledge of ever having received any such circular.
Bro. Allen asked through the Chai that the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office to inform Head Office of this fact that we at this branch had not received the nomination voting paper. The Chairman ratified this request and expressed his disappointment at this loss but he noted that Bro. Allen was nominated and that we at this branch would give our support to him in his attempt to a hind.
The Chairman then asked that the meeting take the circulars as read as they had been posted on the notice board.
The Chairman then asked the meeting to confirm the election of Branch Officers.
Bro. F. Diplock past years Chairman asked the meeting to note that he intended to stand down as Branch Chairman at the year end and Bro. C. Exley also asked the meeting to note that he was intending to standing down as Branch Secretary but he was prepare to still take an active part in Branch affairs.
The first position for consideration is the post of Chairman.
That Bro. C. Exley be elected Chairman of the Tunbridge Wells Branch for 1982.
Proposed by Bro. W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.
A vote was called and it was unanimous in favour of Bro. C. Exley.
That Bro. C. Exley having been voted to position of Chairman be accepted in that post.
The next vote was for the position of Vice Chairman.
Bro. J. Carney informed the meeting that Bro. G. Ellard had expressed a desire to carry out this position.
That Bro. G. Ellard be elected to the post of vice Chairman for 1982. Proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded Bro. M. Allen.
A vote was held and it was unanimous in favour of Bro. G. Ellard.
That Bro. G. Ellard was duly adopted as vice chairman.
The next position was for Branch Secretary.
That Bro. J. Carney be elected to the post of Branch Secretary. Proposed by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin.
A vote was held and it was unanimous in favour of Bro. J. Carney..
That Bro. J. Carney be adopted as Branch Secretary.
The next position was for Assistant Secretary
That Bro. J. Norris be elected to the post of Branch Assistant Secretary. Proposed by Bro. M. allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.
A vote was held and it was unanimous in favour of Bro. Norris.
That Bro. J. Norris be adopted as Assistant Secretary.
The next position were for Branch Committee and it decided to adopt all the following due to their positions as one vote.
That Bros. P. Bodiam, G. Ellard, G. Brown & F. Diplock all be voted to the Branch committee. Carried unanimous.
The Final position was for District Council Delegate.
That Bro. M. Allen be this Branch’s delegate to District Council
The Chairman then called the voting to a close as all the positions had now been filled.
The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. Secretary Bro. M. Allen to give his report, which was as follows.
Provision of water heater at Oxted, Christmas Holiday, Track examination – Area Manager refused the application for the same, preparation of trains after Holiday.
Management was to book a man on duty at 00:01 on Tuesday 27th December provided that he was a rest day man.
Health & Safety
Ear protection,
Tunbridge Wells and East Grinstead yard and sidings, Oxted mess room – provision of correct number of chairs,
Tunbridge Wells – Locker room and diagram notice room Provision heater in both had not yet been started.
Reduction in service and loss of train service.
Loss of Sunday service was £67,500 revenue was £48,000.
Monday to Friday service was £34,000 which left a surplus of £15,000 after the fares increase was £62,500 and the cost of service was £46,000 with a surplus of £18,000.
Provision of Uckfield to Tonbridge service was £52,000 with a revenue of £6,000 + £7,500.
That concluded L.D.C. report.
The Chairman then asked if there was any other business as none forthcoming the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.40