Chairman Bro. C. Barrow
Vice Chair Bro. W. Smith
Secretary Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Special Open meeting held at the Co-Operation Hall on
Sunday June 16th 1912 at 3.0 p.m.
Chairman Bro T. Hatcher, Mr W. Warwick, A.S.L.E.F. District Organiser A.E. Harrison from Battersea Branch, Bros A.E. Marshall from Eastbourne Branch and Brighton Branch members Bros. T.W. Hatcher (Branch Chairman), J. Enves (Branch Secretary), F. Smith, J. Smith, H. Funnell, F. Wilson, F. Queen, A. Pope, G. Thomas, T. Leaney, T. Burtenshaw and F. Christmas, and several Newhaven men.
Bro Jack Enves in a few remarks stated that an effort was made twelve months ago to open a branch at Newhaven but it was not successful. As it was understood that several of the Newhaven men were now unanimous to join our ‘Society’ the present meeting was called to enable the loco-men to form a branch of the ‘Associated Society’ or join a convenient branch. It was pointed out that we had branches at all the depots in the Southern District namely St Leonards, Eastbourne, Brighton & Fratton, and the men of Bognor, Midhurst and Littlehampton with exceptions were members of the Horsham Branch but that see correspondence at each of those depots.
Bro. A.E. Harrison stated that from the experience of his serving the last twelve months in working with the A.S.R.S. he had come to the conclusion that the loco-men cannot get their business satisfactorily endorsed in a branch room consisting of all grades as it is very difficult to get our men together owing to our irregular hours it is best manage our own business by locomotive men only.
Bro. A. Marshall stated that from his experience of the Coastal Depots where loco-men had but two representatives out of eight he was of the opinion that loco-men must manage their own business through their own organisation. He also pleaded with the men at Newhaven to use this influence to get the four ‘Associated’ candidates for the Southern District returned at the forthcoming Conciliation Board elections.
Mr Warwick in a long and interesting address hoped the men at Newhaven would see their way clear to form a branch of our Society. He did not go there to ask them to assist us to form or build up our Society as we were now 24,000 strong with £ 188.000 at our disposal.
We were asking for but 1/- entrance fee when he joined the Society they paid anything up to 10/- and did not know whether the Society would be a success or not. A man joining now practically knew that he was joining a strong and finically sound organisation.
Bro T. Hatcher thanked the speakers on behalf of the meeting for their remarks and appealed for new members. But hoped they would elect a Chairman and Secretary so could manage their own business.
Seven Newhaven men responded by joining with promises from several men who were unable to attend.
It was agreed to form a Newhaven Branch and to elect Chairman and Secretary.
Pro. by A. Pearce, Sec. by L. Lower that Fred Wilmshurst, be the Secretary of Newhaven Branch, Carried Unanimously.
Pro. F. Wilmshurst, Sec. by D. Boyle: - C. Barrow be Chairman of the Newhaven Branch Carried Unanimously.
Pro. by T.W. Hatcher Sec. by H. Funnell:- That the following men be members of the Newhaven Branch,
C. Barrow, F. Wilmshurst, H.G. Bowden, D. Boyle, E. P. Ettridge, A.H. Pearce & L. Lower. Carried Unanimously.
Pro. by T.W. Hatcher Sec. by J. Smith: - That a vote of thanks be given to Bros. Warwick, Marshall and Harrison for attending also for their interesting addresses. Carried.
Pro. by Bro Warwick, Sec. by F. Smith: - That a vote of thanks be given to Chairman for the able manner he had performed his duties and vice of the opinion that we had a most pleasant meeting. Carried.
Bro. Harrison endorsed Mr. Warwick remarks and stated that when they opened the Bricklayers Arms Branch about five years ago it was a most disorderly meeting but the Branch is now 150 strong.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday June 30th at 6 o’clock
Present members from Brighton Branch: - T.W. Hatcher, J. Smith, F. Christmas, F. Queen & W. Baldwin, and members of the Newhaven Branch.
It being our first Branch meeting it was proposed by Bro J. Smith and Sec. Bro. A. Pearce. “That Bro. T.W Hatcher take the chair just to wake us up a bit.” Carried.
Minutes read of open meeting of June 16th Pro. C. Barrow & Sec. A. Pearce. “That they be accepted as a true record."
Pro. T. W. Hatcher, Sec. J. Smith. "That William Smith be a member of the Society, Carried. Pro. T. W. Hatcher, Sec. that William Goldsmith be a member of the Society.” Carried.
Bro. J. Smith explained the Benevolent Call Fund, its objects and what to pay and urged our members to take up same.
Bro. T.W. Hatcher in a few remarks explained the Pension Fund and asked for our support for same by returning him & Bro. J. Enves as Delegates.
Pro. by Bro. W. Smith, Sec. by Bro. C. Barrow that Bro. F. Wilmshurst attends a Conference to discuss the National Programme, Carried.
Pro. C. Barrow and Sec. A. Pearce that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro. T.W. Hatcher for the able manner he conducted the meeting, Carried Unanimously.
The Newhaven Branch held it meetings in the White Hart Hotel from the 30th June, 1912, until the 28th December, 1924, when the
Newhaven Branch relocated to the Newhaven Labour Club and the first meeting being held the 25th January 1925. The Branch
remained there until its last meeting on the 8th September 1963.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday July 14th 1912
Bro. C. Barrow presiding
Minutes read of the last meeting, pro by Bro. A. Pearce & sec. W. Smith. “That they be accepted as a true record.
Election of Officers
Pro. A. Pearce & sec C. Barrow
That Bro. W. Smith be Vice Chairman. Carried
Pro. L. Lower & sec. W. Smith
That Bro. H. Bowden be Check Steward. Carried
Pro. by Bro. C. Barrow & sec. Bro. W. Smith
That Bro. A. Pearce be one of the committee members. Carried
Pro. by Bro H. Bowden & sec. Bro. A. Pearce
That Bro. L. Lower be one of the committee members. Carried
Pro. by Bro. C. Barrow & sec Bro. A. Pearce
That Bro. D. Boyle be one of the committee members. Carried
Delegate gave his report of the Conference held at Brighton on July 11th 1912.
Pro. Bro. C. Barrow & Sec. Bro. W. Smith.
That the Secretary write to the Corresponding Secretary disapproving of Eastbourne proposal of having four & four delegates to submit the programme before the Company and they thought it have been better to have had five A.S.L.E.F & three A.S.R.S. Men. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday July 28th 1912
C. Barrow presiding
Minutes read of the last meeting, pro. by Bro. A. Pearce & sec. by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.
Letter read from Brighton re 4 & 4 to submit the National Programme, and it was agreed that the Secretary write to Brighton supporting their proposal.
Cleaners Lobby came up for discussion, Pro. by A. Pearce & Sec. By L. Lower.
That it stand over to the next meeting when we hoped to have moved there. Carried.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch
held at the White Hart on
Sunday August 4th 1912
when we had a good number present,
Bro. C. Barrow in Chair
Minutes read of the last meeting Pro. by Bro. A. Pearce & sec. by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried
Letters read from the Brighton branch re Joint action in submitting National Programme, and it was thought the reply was satisfactory.
Cleaners lobby again came up for discussion and was Pro. By Bro. H. Bowden & Sec. By Bro. W. Smith.
That the Secretary take up with Bro. Pullen concerning the same asking him to take up with Mr. Richardson at an early date. Carried.
Discussion took place re Cleaners having to stop and help coal engines and it was decided to it drop as what they would gain one way they would lose another.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday September 8th 1912
Bro. C. Barrow in the Chair
Minutes read of the last meeting, pro. A. Pearce & sec. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.
Pro by Bro. H. Bowden & sec. Bro. A. Pearce. That John William Green be a member of this Society.
Correspondence read from Brighton re deputation and also reply from our Superintendent which was very much appreciated.
Medalions again came up for discussion and it was proposed that the Secretary indicated to write for same.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday September 22nd 1912
Bro. C. Barrow in Chair
Minutes read of last meeting, pro. by H. Bowden & sec by Bro. W. Smith. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried
Pro. C. Barrow & Sec. A. Pearce. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office for Rule Books as it was thought it was time we had the same. Carried.
Pro. W. Smith & Sec. A. Pearce. That the Secretary be instructed to take up with Bro. Pullen, New X, asking him if he had taken up our letter of August 11th re Cleaners Lobby. Carried.
Pro. C. Barrow & Sec H. Bowden. That the Secretary be instructed to take up with Bro. Pullen New X re 7.55 p.m. Goods from Newhaven to Norwood and 1.5. a.m. Goods from Norwood to Newhaven, not having sufficient brake power, 10 ton and one brake wooden blocks 40 to 50 on. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday October 6th 1912
Bro. C. Barrow in Chair
Minutes read of last meeting, pro. by W. Smith & sec by Bro. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried.
Letter from Brighton, receipt from Head Office for branch dues and accepted as correct.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on the Sunday October 20th 1912
Bro. C. Barrow in the Chair
Letters read from Brighton & Battersea, re better Conditions for Loco-men.
3 days Holidays with pay each year, 10 per cent drivers making 20 per cent to receive.
Drivers when Fireman to receive 5/- a day. First year Driving 6/-, 2nd 6/6.
Passed Fireman when in the Shed to receive 3/3 per day. First year firing 3/9 2nd 4/-, 4th 4/3, an additional 10 per cent making 20 per cent to receive 4/9 per day.
Increases in pay to start from Friday Sept. 27 from, Holiday from Oct 1st 1912.
Bro. L. Lower proposed & Bro. A. Pearce Seconded.
That this branch express their obligation for their able manner in which they brought about such a successful settlement and think that we should not have gain any more through the Conciliation Board.
Bro. W. Smith proposed & Bro. H. Bowden seconded as an amendment.
That was not satisfied with settlement and thought it ought to have gone to the Conciliation Board as he thought we should have got a weeks holiday and 4/9 for all fireman.
For the amendment 2, against 5, the amendment was lost.
Election of Organising Secretary to stand over, minutes read of last meeting, pro. A. Pearce & sec. H. Bowden. That they be accepted as a true record.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart
on Sunday Nov. 3rd 1912
Bro. C. Barrow in the Chair
Minutes read of the meeting, pro. Bro. A . Pearce & sec. L. Lower. That they be accepted as a true record.
Letter read from Head office re application for clerks
Book of tickets accept in aid of the Blind, also rule books to hand.


Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Nov. 17th 1912
Bro. C. Barrow in the Chair
Minutes read of the meeting, pro. Bro. A . Pearce & sec. H. Bowden. That they be accepted as a true record.
Letter read from Battersea re open meeting also resolution from Battersea Branch re signatures of all person off men to assert them to get all station pass for them.
Pro. C. Barrow & Sec. A. Pearce. That this Branch does not think it will be any good having an open meeting for we shall get all the members we are gaining to get without a meeting. Carried.
Letter read from Brighton re Passed Fireman passes, also list of grievances. Pro. H. Bowden & Sec. W. Goldsmith. That the Secretary take up with Brighton Bro. J. Green. Holiday pass also Cleaners Lobby, and 8/- for drivers.
Pro. C. Barrow & Sec. A. Pearce. That Fredderick Charles Harris be a member of the Society.
Pro. H. Bowden & Sec W. Goldsmith. That Frederick Seager Sherwin be a member of the Society. Carried.
Voting paper for Organising Secretary filled up.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Co operative Hall on Sunday Dec. 1st 1912
When a good muster was present to hear the report of Bro. Enves & Smith, re the recent concessions granted by the Directors.
Pro. By Bro. F. Smith & Sec. By Bro. C. Barrow. That Mr. Warwick be Chairman. Carried.
Mr. Warwick in a few remarks said no doubt the men knew what had been granted and he gave a brief outline how the concessions were brought about and said it he would ask Bro. Enves to give his report.
Bro. Enves dwelt with some length reading the correspondence that had passed between the deputation and the Officials and then gave his report of the meeting with the Board of Directors and said they were meeting Mr. Billinton to discuss certain points that they were not satisfied with 8/ for Drivers 4/9 for Firemen and holidays for Passed Cleaners also passes for Firemen.
Bro. Smith said he did not think he could say any more than what Bro. Enves had said but he felt confident that when they went next time they would get a weeks holidays and thanked all present for their support and hoped they do the same next time as they need not be afraid as the Officials did not look at the signatures.
Mr. Warwick then made a few remarks with regards to concessions of other railways and said the Company worked on a basis one with another and said he did not think the Company had given much away as his opinion was that the loco-men were the back bone of the Company and urged all men to belong to their own Organisation they could demand what they wanted.
Several questions were asked and answered in a most able manner by the Chairman and he said he hoped he would be able to come and see them again, this brought to a close a very successful meeting when Bro. F. Wilmshurst proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman Seconded by A. Pearce. Mr. Warwick replied and proposed a vote of thanks to Bro. Enves & Smith, seconded by A.G. Wise. Bros. Enves & Smith replied.
* See District Organiser W. Warwick report below
(February’s 1913, Locomotive Journal)

H. Hills Collection
The Locomotive Journal.
Perhaps no one report has caused so much interest in transportation circles, the world about, as that of a train-ferry being established across the English Channel. Tourists from the United States
in particular, who have writhed and groaned with the mal-de-mer when making the Channel crossing, will no doubt be among the most grateful at the innovation.
According to news just come from Rouen, the much-discussed question of establishing ferry-service between Dieppe, France, and Newhaven, England, is likely to soon become an established fact.
At present, passengers and freight are transferred, at one city or the other, from the railway cars to steamers, transported across the English Channel and again loaded on the railway. By having ferry steamers, upon which the entire train could be transported without disturbing passengers and freight, not only would much annoyance and expense be saved, but also a considerable amount of time, now necessary to make these transfers, would be cut off in trips between London and Paris.
To undertake this service an Inter- national Railway Company was formed in the year 1910. It now states that negotiations with an English railway have been favourably received, and that a Bill permitting the establishment of the ferry has passed the British Parliament. The railway in question, with the French West State Railways, own and operate the steamers now running between Dieppe and Newhaven, and it is therefore considered certain that the other line involved will agree to this plan.
The new ferry will not exceed in length the one which has been so successful between Sweden and Germany. It is hoped to have the project inaugurated within a year.
To Americans, of course, it recalls, in miniature, the great railway ferry across the Mississippi, some few miles beyond New Orleans, or, again, across the Straits of Canso, at Mulgrave, in Canada, or over the Detroit River at the Michigan City.
Of course, the experience on each is almost identical. At New Orleans, taking this for example, before one-half suspects it, the train has run on to a boat fitted with three tracks, on each of which some of the cars have been switched. Then one is ferried across. Usually some of the passengers are glad of the chance to climb up into the cab of the engine and study its construction. Above rises the bridge, with the ferry operators—all about is the muddy water, and beyond, again, the great crescent that marks the city.
One feels a slight shaking underfoot as he walks around the boat, otherwise you would not know you were moving. In fact, when one takes his seat in the dining- car, before the other bank is reached, he will have become used to it and feel wholly unconscious of motion.