Chairman Bro. K. Knowles
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th January 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. P. Elston, R. MacDonald, R. Harris, R. Simpson, K. Knowles & J. Carney
Bro K. Knowles was Chairman
The Chairman then opened the meeting at 10.18 by thanking all for attending todays meeting. The Secetary then read the minutes of the December meeting after which it was proposed by Bro. R. Harris and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes of the December meeting be taken as a true record. Unam
The Secretary then mentioned that he had received a phone call during the week from Bro. J. Davies which the voting over the E.C. vacancy second ballot. It was then proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. R. MacDonald. That Tunbridge Wells Branch do vote in favour of John Davies for E.C. Member. Unaam
On circulars it was mentioned that an application form had been received for Society’s National School. It was suggested that as Bro. R. Harris was our Branch Secretary Assistant he would value the experience of this school. Bro. R. Harris agreed that he would like to attend.
The Chairamn mentioned that also a nomination form for T.U.C. Blackpool 2nd to 6th September 1985. Bro. R. Harris made it known he wish to go and it was then proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. P. Elston. That Bro. Robert Harris be nominated to go to T.U.C. Conference Blackpool. Nam
The Secretary mentioned that he would get out the file on plan for the 80s and show members what management are trying with this year’s pay rise (1985) and get photo copies of same.
The secretary had put on the agenda; support day of action for the miners. After a short debate it was decided no action at present.
The Chairman that as there were no L.D.C. reps at the meeting, Health & Safety and L.D.C. reports held over until next meeting.
The Secretary who is Scruitineer did mention that on Saturday 19th January he did scruitinised the recent ballot and such the result was
Bro R. Collins 31 votes, Bro. R. Luckhurst 22 votes & 13 votes and one void out of 35 voted.
It was suggested that this item be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
Bro. K. Knowles asked if the Secretary could supply him with an accident form blue, due to him having an accident in the snow and ice involving his car, this the Secretary said he would do.
The meeting then come to a close at 11.22
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 17th February 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance
Bros Herriett, Stephenson, Collins, Harris, Simpson, Carney, Knowles, MacDonald, Bond
& Elston
Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman for this meeting
Bro. K. Knowles Chairman welcomed all and opened the meeting at 10.10. the Secretary then read the minutes of the January meeting of which Bro. A. Herriett proposed and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes of the January meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
It was mentioned that at the last meeting when no L.D.C. reps were available the problem over rest day men who are 04.00 Thursday, rest day Friday rest day Saturday and the R.D.R. who is rest day Saturday, the T.C.S. wanted the wording made clearer as the sheet on rest days as men were interprating. It differently from the T.C.S. after a short debates it was decided to change the last paragraph from previous days booking on time, to previous roster time. This was proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. All in favour.
Correspondence and circulars
On circulars it was taken as read except application for 1985 Scottish Trades Union Congress Annual Summer Schools which it was made known by Bro. I. Bond that he wish to go. After a short debate it was proposed by Bro. Collins and seconded by Bro. Harris. That Bro. Ian Bond be our nominee for the 1985 Scottish Trade Union Congress Annual Summer School – University of Stirling. Unam
The Chairman then moved to the agenda and asked the Secretary about the representative of Transport 2000. The Secretary did mentioned that he had been approached, but had not been able to get in contact with that person again. The members did feel that in preference to someone from that group, the Secretary be instructed to write to Bro. J. Davies and the closure of this line.
District Council Report
The Secretary mentioned that the minutes of the October meeting has now arrived and he read same and mentioned that the next meeting will be March 25th, Monday.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that this they had a meeting to go to with Mr. Childs, T.C.M. on Health & Safety. They also have sent a copy of the letter from Bro. R. Harris to Head Office. Sunday claim – please would you forward letter from management for Sectional Council.
On closure of the line, members asked on the position of London Allowance when memvers who decide to with the work and then agree for a 14a move outside the London Area. Do they keep their London Allowance. This position was explained.
On line closure members were urging the L.D.C. to find out all wjat they can on shuttle service between Tonbridge – Tunbridge Wells Central – identifiable work we should get it also when, if July this yer is the date of line being cut.
Bro. MacDonald asked about his claim for lost of pay as a rest day.
That ended L.D.C. report
On Health & Safety, Bro. L. Stephenson mentioned that
Signal T92 being dealt with, and all other Health & Safety work had been done.
Bro. J. Carney asked that Signal T136 repeat at South Croydon Reversible to seen in to again as it is not working
Bro. Collins asked thee up lne Eridge Sidings Signal to be removed on the grounds it is not being used and gives a brighter light obscuring the n main signal. This to be looked into.
The Secretary mentioned on Health & Safety of men that Bro. R. Brown had thes week lost his father and the Secretary had on behalf of the members sent a card of sympathy. All thanked the Secretary for prompted action.
On any other business
It was mentioned that this depot do make a Branch Closing badge. The Secretary did mentioned that he would like to see a depot closure badge which involved other member grades not in A.S.L.E.F. and would prefer that badge not be controlled by this branch. It was excepted that a depot badge be taken out of this branch control and left to the Secretary and other to make a depot badge. But it was the feeling of the majority of the memberes at this branch that a Branch badge be made. After a short debate it was proposed by Bro. R. Harris ad seconded by Bro. A. Herriett.
That a badge be made for this branch and for only A.S.L.E.F. members – Tunbridge Wells West Closure.
Motion carried – one against.
It was then debated who was to get these badges.
It was then proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris.
That one badge only be made for each A.S.L.E.F. members at Tunbridge Wells West Branch except Eastman who worked during the 1982 strike and each badge be numbered and all proofs etc be destroyed.
All in favour.
It was then asked that the Secretary do find out the cost of patterning the badge and cost of numbering each one.
The Secretary then asked the members if they would think of some designs for this badge and submit them to him by the next branch meeting. It was then mentioned that the Secretary invite to our next Branch meeting Bro. J. Davies over closure.
The Chairman the brought the meeting to a close at 12.30
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 17th March 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. R. Simpson, K. Knowles, R. Harris, J. Carney, S. Neal, H. Love, A. Herriett
& R. Collins
E.C. member Bro John Davies.
The meting started at 10.00 in the absence of the Secretary Bro. J. Carney and the E.C. member who both arrived at 10.10 with an apology from the Secretary who had brought Bro. J. Davies from Tonbridge station.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the minutes after which the Chairman for any comments, as none come forward it was proposed by Bro. R. Collins and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes of the February meeting be taken as a true record. Al in favour.
Then circulars and correspondence were then read
It was mentioned that the L.D.C. Course nominations as per circular No.54/1985. Bro. R. Collins was asked if he would like to attend this worth while course, but was declined as no other comment.
The Chairman then asked for any comments and Bro. J. Davies E.C. member asked if he could get the Secretary to read out a letter that he would be giving out at the next District Council meeting. The letter was on Trading Unions October 1984 Political Fund, and could the Secretary find out from the membership to their view so he could make a definite decision on our behalf. It was suggested by the Secretary that he would conduct a local ballot and report back to Bro. J. Davies at District Council.
The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report which some items had been mentioned prior to the Secretary arriving and therefore no notes were taken by him.
The L.D.C. Secretary did mentioned that a meeting was arranged for April 2nd, management and Sectional Council and on 3rd management, sectional Council and L.D.C.s of all men concerned.
No Health & Safety report in the absence of Bro. L. Stephenson.
It was asked at this time for 10 year badges for Bro.s A. Herriett and R. MacDonald. This will be done.
On badge, it was debate that Bro. R. Harris design be adopted as this branch’s doing badge and the will be subject to colours be made to that design. Proposed by Bro. Harris and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the Tunbridge Wells West Branch of ASLEF closure badge be of the design submitted by Bro. R. Harris. All in favour.
The colours to be submitted by next Branch meeting.
The Chairman then thanked Bro. J. Davies for attending our Branch meeting and the Secretary offered his chair at the table for him to speak from.
Bro. Davies thanked the Branch for inviting him to attend this meeting. He mentioned he enjoyed going around to the Branches to their meetings but now he is on the E.C. he has to have permission from Ray Buckton himself.
On the line closure, he did say he had looked into the files at Head Office were Neil Milligan and Tony Allen report over the line closure, they both attended when the T.U.C.C. held their meeting and the report gave to that committee which was very extensive. The report from the T.U.C.C. was in favour of keeping the line open on hardship. The unions had, had meetings with B.R.B. over depot closures and that the union did not agree with ay depot closures and B.R.B. did not propose to close any but of course Tunbridge Wells is a line closure with a depot along that line to be closed.
Staffing 1985 – 1990.
Another 10,000 to, we have already lost 30,000 in the last 5 years and taken on 25,000 new recruits during the same period. The 10,000 is broken down as same period. The 10,000 is broken down as 2,000 Salaried staff, 1,000 signalmen, 500 level crossing, 3,500 train crew, 1,000 fleet and 2,000 good house keeping.
It was then mentioned about meetings that have neen arranged. A Sectional Council and management. April 3rd notify of closure if any to L.D.C. with Sectional Council in attendance.
On some points on redundancy, management are claiming non mobility allowance to those who wish to take it.
Petrol allowance, if you do not take mobility is for life
On getting men to new areas, Norwood/Victoria re staff trains other than already board.
There was then a question and answer section after which the Chairman thanked Bro. Davies on behalf of the Branch and asked the secretary to write to Head Office with appreciation. This branch wishes to show in allowing Bro. Davies to attend this day.
Meeting then closed at 12.30
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 21st April 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
In attendance were
Bros. Herriett, Stephenson, Harris & J. Carney.
Bro. K. Knowles sent his apologies
The Chairman was Bro. Herriett, and the Chairman opened the meeting at 10.27
The minutes of the March meeting was then read and it was proposed by Bro. Herriet and seconded by Bro. Harris. That the minutes of the March meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Secretary then moved on to correspondence and circulars.
The Chairman then moved on to badges.
These extra badges to be made up in total by ordering extras to the total of 2 per member who has purchased their first option, these will then be offered to those members any who decline will be destroyed. All in favour.
On Health & Safety
Bro. L. Stephenson mentioned that he had not received a letter from Head Office on asbestos and he assured members that he had now been in written contact with Bro. N. Milligan when District Organiser. This unfortunately never got progress to Head Office and when Bro. D. Fullick took over as District Organiser he picked this up and has now been progressed to Head Office.
Other things progress
Water pipe –Oxted mess room, Uckfield sink unit, first aid box Eridge, T.W.W. sidings pot holes, water in dock sidings, Signal T136 repeater South Croydon.
L.D.C. Report was then next.
The main item was closure, mobility allowance was confusing nd the Secretary was asked to write to Sectional Council to clear up misunderstanding. This being debated members, then when finished the meeting was closed at 11.50
Colin Price Collection
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
May 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Mess Room of
the Driver’s Lobby Tunbridge Wells West
In attendance were
Bros. Knowles, Luckhurst, Herriett, Simpson & J. Carney.
The Secretary did receive one apology from Bro. Harris. The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.23 ans asked the Secretary to read the April minutes, after which it was proposed by Bro. R. Simpson and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the minutes of the April meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Secretary then mentioned that there was one voting paper on the table for the T.U.C. and as the member we had proposed Bro. Harris who as the paper but had been withdrawn as was explained at last meeting. So it was proposed by Bro. Herriett and seconded by Bro. R. Luckhurst. That the T.U.C. voting paper our vote do go for Bro. D. Bush of Slade’s Green. All in favour.
Bros. A. Herriet and R. Luckhurst asked the Secretary if they may have another membership card.
The Chairman then went on to ask the Secretary to read circulars and correspondence sine the last meeting.
The members then mentioned about badge being made for the Branch closure. The Secretary mentioned that in Fund ‘A’ is money from Head Office and to are this money a miss must be made. It was after some debate that. That £19.00 from Fund ‘A’ be taken from that fund and be used to subserdised the cost of the 35 badges made for this branch. Proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles .all in favour.
The Secretary mentioned that he still had Bro. A. Ashdown 1982 Strike Badge. It was debated by the members that this badge be sold to the highest offer and July 1st the closing date.
The lead impression be raffle away the members of Tunbridge Wells Drivers. It was then proposed by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. Luckhurst.
That A. Ashdown’s badge be sold to the highest offer received by July 1st 1985. All in favour.
Also it was proposed by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. Luckhurst. That the lead impression be raffled at the depot among the Tunbridge Wells West Drivers. All in favour.
The Secretary then mentioned that there will only be two more full branch meeting and a further meeting to close the meeting and that meeting is set for August 4th but no venue has yet been set. A suggestion was either the British Legion Tonbridge or the Angel Centre.
The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. Business
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that the L.D.C. had been to several meetings over the closure of the line and was concerned at the safety of the line when July 6th had passed.
It was mentioned that a meeting are to start with members of the Branch with Management and Sectional Council in attendance over redundancy and to mention options that members may want to take.
The Secretary did mentioned that he had been approached by Mr. Hart of the Groombridge Action Group, informing him of a meeting being held to try and keep the line open and wished a member of this branch to attend. It was then proposed by Bro. Herriett and seconded by Bro. R. Luckhurst. That no officer of this branch to attend any meeting or assistant from officers of this branch to any meeting to keep this line open. Motion carried.
On any other business badge again was mentioned and the price debated. The Secretary did say that the cost would be in the region of £160.00 and divided this by 34 would mean a cost of £6.50 per badge less monies on hold, this could be brought down to £4.50 or there about.
The Chairman then mentioned that as no other business was put before him the meeting closed at 11.31
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th June 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Mess Room of
at Tunbridge Wells West Depot
In the absence of the Chairman who was on holiday, Bro. A. Herriett was Chairman for this meeting. The Chairman opned the meeting at 10.15 and asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. The Secretary started by mentioned that Bro. L. Stephenson sent his apologies for not being able to attend. After the minutes had been read it was proposed by Bro. R. Simpson and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the minutes of the May meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
Circulars and correspondence was then read.
The Secretary did mention that he had received from Head Office and request for orders for 1986. The Secretary did mention that ordering now as it is normally done would mean the diaries being received in September and he felt that it would be awkward ordering any extra other than the one extra the Secretary would like. The members agreed with the Secretary and left it up to him to inform Head Office of this problem.
On badges it was asked the approx. cost, this was in the region of £160 divided by 34 is around £6.00 each when V.A.T. and extras have been taken into account. It was agreed that the Branch should find out from the members who wishes to have one of these badges, this the Branch can then arrange if maybe another order. The Secretary did request help on this as he has got to complete all branch work before 21st May 1985.
Bros. R. Simpson and R. Harris said they would ask members on their shift and collect £.00 for each member for their badge and July 21st will be the closing date for members to exercise their option and after that date we will only entertain those members who have said yes and paid.
The Secretary mentioned that he had receive a letter from Bro. A. Scott’s claim for a rest day, this being a copy of a letter sent to Area Depot Manager.
The Secretary mentioned that should be dealt with by the L.D.C. Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that he had knowledge of the claim and had been in contact with the Area Depot Manager (T.C.M.) and found that the man did not have a claim. The Secretary then left the letter for the L.D.C. to raise.
L.D.C. Report
The Secretary mentioned that the closure interviews were already completed and that the closure was being monitored by the L.D.C. Next meeting the L.D.C. had got arranged on July 6th on diagrams between July 16th and August 10th.
Health & Safety was held over in the absence of Bro. L. Stephenson.
Under any other business.
Badges, it was requested that the Secretary get in contact with Marks of Distinction with a view of getting every nad pay number put on the back of each badge. This the Secretary said he will do.
The Chairman closed the meeting by reminding members that the next branch meeting is Sunday 21st July will be the last full Branch meeting before holding over to Bro. D. Fullick on August 4th.
Meeting closed at 11.15
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 21st July 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Mess Room of
at Tunbridge Wells West Depot
The Finale monthly branch meeting of the Tunbridge Wells West Depot, was held on July 21st 1985 at 10 a.m,. in the Driver’s mess room at Tunbridge Wells West Depot.
In attendance were
Bros. R. Harris, A. Herriot, R. Simpson, P. Pepper, R. MacDonald, K. Knowles, C. Barker,
J. Carney and Honorary Member M. Allen
9 members
The Chairman Bro. K. Knowles opened the meeting at 10:10 a.m. and welcomed all for attending this last full branch meeting.
The Secretary Bro. J. Carney, then read the minutes of the June branch meeting after which it was proposed by Bro .A. Herriott & seconded by Bro. R. Simpson that the minutes of the June meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
Circulars and correspondence since last meeting was then read out and attention was drawn to the Political Ballot which will be held on Juli 31st. 4a.m. to 6 p.m. to cover all men at the depot.
The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. Report
Bro. A. Herriett then mentioned that due to men having depot visits and interviews. The L.D.C. had not had any meetings since the last Branch meeting but were waiting for a final meeting with management on closure of depot and closing L.D.C. on behalf of members. This meeting will also discuss moving of lockers and bits belonging to members.
The Chairman asked Bro. A. Herriett that in the absence of Bro. L. Stephenson had he a Health & Safety report to give. Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that no new Health & Safety items had been reported since the last meeting.
The Chairman then thanked the L.D.C. for their work with the representing of the depot and asked members to show a vote of thanks. It was then proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. P. Pepper. That this Branch meeting wish to thank all the L.D.C. members for all their hard work in the past and with the closure of this Tunbridge Wells West Branch. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved on to the Secretary who was compiling all the Branch boos and asked if a member in the absence of Bro. R. Collins who is an holiday to be an auditor with Bro. R. Simpson. It was then proposed by Bro. A. herriett and seconded by Bro. M. Allen. That Bro. P. Pepper will be Auditor with Bro. R. Simpson for the 1985 accounts, this being as Bro. R. is on annual leave. All in favour.
The Secretary then gave a report on the accounts held with Nat. Westminster Branch, Lloyds Bank and Nationwide Building Society. It was shown that after all expenses that £87.57 was on the table for members to instruct the Secretary. The breakdown of the accounts were
Political Fund Rule 37 Clause 5 £24.86
Main Account Rule 37 clause 1 £51.48
Nationwide Building Society £36.19
Sub total £112.53
Two members Political repayments £3.06
Stationary etc £4.55
In total of all three accounts £120.14
The Chairman then mentioned that he had received a letter from Bro. H. Love who after taking a collection for the late driver Vic Rumley and after paying for flowers, he had £16.00 left and wish to proposed that £4.00 from branch funds to make up to £20.00 ti be given to his widow. This was then proposed by the members, proposed by Bro. P. Pepper and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the letter by Bro. H. love be adopted and £4.00 be given from Branch Funds. All in favour.
The Secretary then mentioned that all accounts for the rest of money on the table must be proposed and seconded so that all monies could be shown.
The Secretary then mentioned that the accounts left for members to deal with where
Political £24.86
Main account and Clause 37 (1) £ 83.67
The members then debated the badges being made for the members. The Secretary had received a proof badge with the colours shown. This was found to be unsatisfactory as some colours were not in correct place after the colours had been correctly given with a view that the Secretary will act swiftly in informing Marks of Distinction of these changes it was found that only two members did not want a closure badge. This meeting being the dead line, these members where Bros. R. Harper and A. Dodwell. It was also mentioned that some confusion had set in to whom should get a badge, those members of Tunbridge Wells West when the badge was decided to be made or those members at the Branch when the depot shuts. The Secretary did mention then, taking into account the members who where at the depot when deciding decision was made and those members who are being made redundant come to 33 members which left two badges over.
It was proposed that men who is to receive a badge be listed and the two others be decided as well.
Bro. A. Herriett then proposed and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the two spare badges be offered to our honorary members Bros. M. Allen & F. Diplock, these members have both agreed to pay for their badges. All in favour.
It was then proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the list of members below do only get the Tunbridge Wells West Branch Closure Badge.
The secretary then mentioned that to make that minute correct all other minutes to do with the badges must be resided. It was then proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That all other minutes to do with Tunbridge Wells West Closure badge be resinded and the previous minute be the only one to stand. all in favour
The Secretary then said he had some items which he wanted the branch members to dispose of
1, lead impression of the 1982 Strike Badge. I twas proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That Bro. I. Bond be given the impression as he designed it. All in favour.
2, Proof colour badge of Closure of Branch. it was proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That Bro. J. Carney Branch Secretary be given the colour proof badge for all his work with the badge. All in favour.
3, Bro. A. Ashdown 1982 Strike Special badge No.15. It was proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That No.15 Strike Badge be given to the late Vic Rumley’s widow from this Branch. All in favour.
The Secretary then mentioned that he had some books which had been purchased by the Branch, some like the old Conditions of Service books had been over taken by new ones, that he has permission to dispose of these as he wishes and all old circulars be destroyed. It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. P. Pepper. That the Secretary has the permission of this branch to destroy or do what he may think fit with all papers and books belonging to the Branch, that he does not have to hand into Head Office August 4th. All agreed except one, Bro. R. Harris.
The Secretary did mention that among his paper work he had files on what has happen o men in posted letter to Branch Secretary etc. This was debated and agreed that all old files not active be destroyed, those still being dealt with be set to new Branch Secretary’s of the members new depot.
Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that the L.D.C. did have a special stamp and he proposed and it was seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the L.D.C L574 stamp be given to Bro. A. Herriett, L.D.C. Secretary, for all his work with that job. All in favour.
The Chairman then gave mention to members from the past who without them this branch would not be as close as it is.
Members like Bro. A. Brooker L.D.C. Secretary of many years, Bro. F. Diplock Branch Chairman and M.I.C. Instructor whose work for the Branch was valuable and all members who has left the industry and those who passed away. Special thanks was mentioned to the L.D.C. and Branch Officers and present members. The Secretary said he would write to the locomotive Journal a mentioned over the Branch.
The Secretary then said that monies as the table was Political Money £24.86. this the members debated anf it ws decided that if allowed and the Secretary to ask Vro. D. Fullick for clarification. That the balance left in the Political Fund £24.86 be given be to Bro. M. Allen of Eastbourne Branch to go towards payment of Weekend School arranged with Head Office. All in favour. Proposed by Bro. P. Pepper and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett.
The remainder of the money being £83.67 this the members wished to used to offset against the cost of the Closure Badges. It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. P. Pepper. That all the money left in the Branch Secretary hands being £83.67 be used to offset the cost the closure badges being made. All in favour.
The Chairman then mentioned that the Secretary had made arrangement to have a handing over meeting at the Angel Centre Tonbridge at 10.00 a.m. on August 4th with Bro. Derrick Fullick in attendance, our District Secretary.
On closing the Secretary said that this branch has been active since April 1906 and had a copy of the Locomotive Journal of the day sent by Hed Office and it mentioned we had started on the same day as Eastbourne. Now we are closing August 1985 – 79 years later.
End of Tunbridge Wells Branch 218
L - R Alvar Scott (Driver), Chris Wheeler (Guard), Vic Hodges (Driver (in cab window),
Donald Thake (Guard) & Unknown (Guard)
Colin Price Collection
The last days of T.W.W. depot being open in early August 1985
Tunbridge Wells
Handover Meeting
Sunday 4th August 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Angel Centre
Members in attendance
Bros. D. Fullick, K. Knowles, A. Herriett, R. Simpson, L. Stephenson & J. Carney.
On handing over, mention was given to members retiring be given a honary membership card. Branch Secretary has mentioned that he would be attending Head office on Thursday 8th August 1985
Branch books found in good order, accounts cleared and Branch closed by me at 11.00 Sunday 4th August 1985
Derrick Fullick
District Secretary
The last Tunbridge Wells West to Victoria train on the 9th August 1985
Left - Right: Station Cleaner Pete Hawkins, Driver Reg “Nana” Brown and
Station Chargeman Tom Bayliss.
Left ~ Right:
A.S.L.E.F. Branch Secretary John Carney, Pat Pepper, Robin Luckhurst, Fred Crampton,
Vic Hodges Guard, Reg ‘Nana’ Brown, Harold Nutting Guard, Chris Wheeler Guard, Jack Edwards Guard, Stan Austin, Maurice Holmwood (Relief Signalman), Len Austin, Len Simpson, Ken Cavie (T.C.S.) & Dick Sullivan
Steve Webb Collection
L - R: Driver Vic Hodges, Guard Jack Edwards, Driver Len Austin, Maurice Holmwood (Relief Signalman), Driver Fred Crampton, Guard Chris Wheeler, Driver John Carney,
Driver Reg ‘Nana’ Brown & Driver Pat Pepper
Colin Price Collection
This unit 1304 arriving at Tunbridge Wells West at about 19.50ish, with one of the staff shuttles to and from Eridge, which ran between closure to the public on 6th July and final closure on the 10th August.
Tunbridge Wells West after the closure of the railway line autumn 1985