Chairman Bro. A. Rookley
Vice Chair Bro. J. Hillman
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Special Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 17th 1946
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. B. Piddlesden, D. Smith, W. Terrill, S. Turner, J. Hillman, A. Rookley & E. King.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and it was proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. S. Turner. They be a true record. Carried.
Correspondence was then read the first item was circular of March 7th informing Branches of the amended agreement which now gives the right of an L.D.C. To Depots and at of to or more personnel a further item give a particulars of alterations to the Society's Rules, which incorporate advantages to the members.
As the constitution of an L.D.C. Is now applicable to this Depot. Chairman called for names for nominations for Branch Candidates for Election to such L.D.C. nominations as follows (votes):- J. Giles (1st), C. Wilson (2nd), A. Rookley (3rd), E. Collington (4th) & E. King (5th).
All nominations were carried individually and it was then proposed after further discussion by Bro. Piddlesden & sec. By Bro. S. Turner. nominations now cease (carried) and that Secretary communicates with the N.U.R. That this Branch nominates 4 candidates and supply names thereof. Carried .
Any Other Business. Letter was read from Bro. E. Eacott requesting one days suspension benefit from the Society for the misfortune sustained by him for passing a signal at danger. Proposed by S. Turner & seconded by J. Hillman. After discussion that resolution be sent to Head Office to obtain this suspension benefit. Carried.
A further item was proposed by W. Terrill. That Shed Representative see the Foreman re-rostering of Sunday duties therefore it was proposed by Bro. W. Terrill & sec. By Bro. B. Piddlesden. That a complaint exists that Sunday duty is not equitably rostered between links and that the Sunday duty in Link 4 is rostered off the latest back turn. Carried.
Proposed by B. Piddlesden & seconded by W. Terrill. That due to engines being supplied with Tilmanstone coal, engines be properly disposed after taking duty, before again taking duty. It was suggested that engines be supplied with 50% good coal where Tillmanstone coal is used. A further item was raised of the quota of Tillmanstone used at Brighton.
A proposition was made by Bro. J. Hillman & seconded by Bro. B. Piddlesden. A letter of condolence be sent in the name of this Branch to our late colleague of the N.U.R.'s widow Mrs. Bestin. carried.
Letter to A.S.L.E.F. General Secretary
Mr. W. P. Allen, Dear Sir,
Herewith an application from Bro. E. Eacott for discretion of the Branch to advice for one days suspension benefit.
This matter, and the circumstance appertaining thereto, where discussed at our Branch Meeting held on Sunday 17th March, 1946, when it was ‘proposed by Bro. S. Turner seconded by Bo. J. Hillman’ “and carried by members that this suspension benefit be paid.”
Will you therefore endorse the resolution and advise me as to payment to Bro. E. Eacott.
Yours fraternally, Ernest A. King, Branch Secretary.
Brighton Atlantic Class H1 No. 2038 Portland Bill on Newhaven Shed
the Engine Cleaner's lobby coach can be seen to the right
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Special Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun June 23rd 1946
Bro. A. Rookley
5 members present
Bros. J. Giles, D. Smith, W. Terrill, A. Rookley & E. King.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and it was proposed by Bro. W. Terrill and seconded by Bro. D. Smith. Minutes if the previous meeting were a true record.
Correspondence was then read by Secretary, which contained item re National Health Insurance and letters from Branch Members.
Discussion followed, which also included item from previous meeting, proposed by Bro. Rookley & seconded by Bro. D. Smith. That we heartly welcome the 2 of the official candidates returned to the L.D.C. And tender to them heartiest congratulations on the result of the election, and that all Branch Members afford them every assistance.
Question raised by Bro. D. Smith. As he started in the Company's service in 1934, was made permanent in 1938 and was still paying unemployment assurance could he be told, how much longer this might apply before exemption from payment was obtained. Secretary could not give an absolute answer to this query and as other might be interested, would write H.O. for their advice.
Letter was read from Bro, J. Cossburn, asking that, with the permission of the Branch, he now be prepared to offer his services as a Branch Representative on L.D.C. For the benefit of the men. Discussion took place to some length on this letter and it was formally accepted by those present, that this letter from Bro. Cossburn be held over to the July meeting and be made a special item of such meeting and be notified on Branch Meeting Notice for Secretary.
Letter read from Bro. Rookley resigning from Branch Chairmanship and commented by himself to the effect that Chairmanship be taken over by Bro. J. Hillman, present vice Chairman and a vice Chairman be appointed.
Discussion took place on this matter to some length with differing item.
Proposed by Bro. J. Giles & seconded by Bro.A. Rookley. That question be now left over to the July meeting and be made a first and special item of business and previously notified.
Secretary mentioned the case of Bro. W. Ware being suspended for one day in his absence, and quoted procedure. Proposed by Bro. J. Giles & seconded by Bro. W. Terrill. That Secretary obtain details from Bro. Ware and write to Head Office with a view to obtaining suspension benefit. Carried.
Question was raised by L.D.C. Member Bro. J. Giles re seniority of men returning to Company’s service from the forces.
Secretary quoted from Ministry of Labour order and Bro. Rookley replied from the aspect of the Sectional Council ruling.
Proposal came from Bro. Terrill. That L.D.C. Request that passed firemen be re-instated in their former positions by re-introduction of links as before May 11th, as far as is possible.