1914 -17
Chairman Bro. A. Pearce
Vice Chair Bro. W. Smith
Secretary Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Minutes of the a Special Meeting Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday July 29th 1917
The meeting was called at the instructions of Head Office to discuss the National Programme and correspondence arising out of the same.
The Chairman being absent, it was proposed by Bro. Harris & seconded by Bro. Goldsmith. That Bro. A. Leonard take the Chair. Carried Unan.
Bro. Leonard in opening the meeting gave a very good report of the open meeting held at Brighton on the 22nd and enlightened the membership very much, the National Programme was fully discussed and correspondence arising out of the same from our E.C., and it was decided that the following resolution be sent to our E.C.,also to our Delegate (Bro. Niner St Leonards)
Pro. By A. Leonard & Sec by Bro. W. Smith. That we, the members of Newhaven Branch appreciate the endeavours of our E.C. In trying to improve the conditions of service of loco-men, and we hereby pledge our support in action it may be necessary to take in order to bring about the designed result, especially in regards to the eight hour question. Carried Unam.
Pro F. Harris & Sec. J. Green. That Edward Cyril Veverines be admitted as a member of this Society. Carried
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Aug. 12th 1917
Proposed by Bro. H. Bowden & sec. F. Harris. That Bro. A. Leonard take the Chair.
Previous minutes of Special Meeting read, held Sunday July 29th. Proposed Bro. H. Bowden & sec. F. Sherwin. That they be recorded as a true record. Carried.
A strong discussion took place on the question of the 8hour movement and a the proposal of the Newhaven Branch in the event of a stoppage, it was pro. F. Sherwin & sec. H. Bowden. That this meeting be adjourned for further information. Carried.
Voting papers for Bro. E. Croham.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Nov. 4th 1917
Pro. F. Sherwin & sec. H. Bowden. That D. Boyle take the Chair. Carried.
It was regrettable that our worthy Secretary Br. Wilmshurst was not able to be with us owing to illness.Bro. A. Leonard read minutes of previous meeting, moved by Bro. C. Barrow & sec. F. Sherwin. That minutes be posted as a true a record. Carried.
Correspondence be dealt with considerably discussion took place re delegations interview with Mr. Jackson Acting Loco Superintendent and the offer he had made re holidays and the ratings, of Firemen and Drivers was suggested that cleaners should have 3 days and after being passed as firemen 12 months to be entitled to 6 days. A number of cleaners were expected at the meeting but for some they did not put in appearance.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday December 30th 1917 at 7.0 p.m
When we had a pleasant surprise our worthy Chairman being on leave paid us a visit and took the Chair. Bro. A. Pearce retold some of the trials and hardships he had gone through and longed for the time to come back with us.
The minutes of the previous meeting was read and accepted and correspondence read and discuss.
Election of Officers took place when it was proposed by Bro. A. Pearce & sec. by F. Wilmshurst.
That D. Boyle be Chairman.
Propoed by Bro. A. Leonard & seconded Bro. J. Rye. That W. Goldsmith be Vice Chairman
Proposed by Bro. A. Pearce & Seconded by Bro. D. Boyle. That Bro. A. Leonard be Secretary.
Proposed by Bro. A. Leonard & Seconded by Bro. J. Rye that Bros. F. Sherwin, J. Rye, H. Bowden, E. Leach, F. Wilmshurst be on the Committee, and
W. Smith Check Steward.