1969 - 74
1969 - 1974
Chairman Bro. D. Renville
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 17th March 1970
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Members present Bros. D. Renville, H. Allen, D. Creasey, C. Wickenden & S.Cheal
L.D.C. Report Bro. C. Wickenden L.D.C. Secretary gave a full on 2 meetings at Waterloo, 1 at Southern House. An agreement sought to have payment made on loss of mileage on cancelled trains, weekend working etc., all coastal L.D.C.'s from Ore to Bognor have formed a group. No Rest Day Agreements, no overtime when cover.
Wages facts from L.D.C. Meeting at Waterloo.
Average B.R. £ 29/7/- per week, S.R. 32/10/-
C Div S.E. Div S.W. Div
EMUT 30/12/- 31/3/6 31/18/-
MT 32/19/- 33/7/- 35/8/6
Mileage Rates in relation to London Allowance
Moved by Bro. D. Renville & seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. "That this Seaford Branch is disturbed and feels militant by the fact that the mileage rate paid to London men is calculated at 369/-, and discriminates between all other outside who receive 351/-, and yet continue to work trains over the same roads at the cheaper rate." Carried.
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 17th August 1972
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Members present Bros D. Renville C. Wickenden, H. Allen, D. Creasey & S.Cheal
L.D.C. Report, Bro. C. Wickenden reported that the L.D.C. Wrote in reply to managements complaint on the booking on time of Bro. Lipscombe for Boat Train duty. On Friday next was attended a meeting re the mock up of alterations to London Bridge. Lett4er 21.3.1972 for S.C. 'B' re L.D.C minutes re loss of work to Littlehampton, walking times at Lewes and alterations to duties. Walking time at Newhaven Harbour and letter written by L.D.C.Secretary regarding the use of M.L.V. Being used to cover the 06.05 Boat Train, this caused a very long and heated discussion in which all present took part. The Branch Secretary was called to order, although unpleasant the serious position Seaford was in as a Depot was accepted and the following motion was adopted. Moved by Bro. H. Allen & Seconded by Bro. D. Creasey. That the M.L.V. Be used to facilitate the passage of train crews between Seaford and Newhaven to bring about economies and to also eventually remove the need for a 'Staff Train running to Seaford'. Carried.
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 31st August 1972
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Memebers present Bros. D. Renville, S. Cheal, H. Allen, G. Hilton, C. Wickenden,
D. Creasey, V. Morris,
Organising Secretary N. Milligan & District Council 'B' G. Andrews.
Members present Bros D. Renville, C. Wickenden, D. Creasey, G. Hilton, F. Wheeler,
V. Morris & S. Cheal.
L.D.C. Report. Bro. C. Wickenden reported on the Branch Resolution re M.L.V. Being used and gave an assurance that every was now being made to retain all Boat Train work at Seaford.
The L.D.C.'s visit to a mock up at London Bridge proved to be very interesting the layout being explained, concerns was expressed by the Chief M.P. Inspector, that Seaford no longer had a duty to London Bridge, no sidings at London Bridge. Other signal boxes to cover a wide area which would be another of the 13 for the Southern to be a Victoria 1976. Management expected trouble over Mess Rooms at London Bridge.
Matters were discussed re spare coverage R.S.C. 514 and the booking on time altered on 521 duty to 08.21, it being agreed Seaford drivers would cover at all times as much of Seaford duties as possible, with Bro. Bird expecting a long stay away from work and in the event of another volunteer going sick, Bro. D. Renville agreed to volunteer to work on the other shift if necessary.
The booking of P.N. at the end of duty was also discussed and other steps which to insure the retaining of miles to Seaford duties.
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 10th October 1972
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Members present bros. D. Renville, S. Cheal, H. Allen, G. Hilton, C. Wickenden, D. Creasey, V. Morris,
Organising secretary N. Milligan & District Council 'B' G. Andrews.
Correspondence resignation of Bro. S. Cheal from the position of Branch Secretary. Organising Secretary N. Milligan explained that Bro. Cheal could not continue, and if a Secretary was not found the Branch would have to close. The matter was discussed at length, and a volunteer was found. Bro. V. Morris said he would take on Secretary so as the Branch would not have to close.
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 10th April 1973
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Members present Bros D. Renville, H. Allen, C. Wickenden, G. Hilton, S. Cheal,
F. Wheeler, D. Creasey & V. Morris.
L.D.C. Report Bro. C. Wickenden gave a detail report of meetings held 7th & 9th March with Sectional Council & management, also a joint scrutiny on the 21st March 1972 about the Redundancy of Seaford.
It was fully discussed by the floor about the Redundancies; Bro. D. Creasey said he was quite happy about the situation.
A Branch Meeting was held on Thursday 26th April 1973
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Members present Bros H. Allen, S. Cheal, D. Renville & V. Morris.
L.D.C. Report Bro. H. Allen gave detailed report of meeting held the previous day with management and Sectional Council, Brother G. Hilton Redundancy notice had been withdrawn and he would be going over to the opposite shift. Bros. Creasey and Wheeler to apply on the May vacancy list, for Brighton M.T.
A Branch Meeting was held on Wednesday 23rd October 1974
at the Royal British Legion Seaford.
Members present G. Hilton, C. Wickenden, S. Cheal, H. Allen & V. Morris
The Chairman opened the meeting at 6. 55 p.m.
Brother Dave Renville
All present stood in silence in respect to Dave, who is sadly missed by us all. Letter was read from Head Office expressing of deepest sympathy to the relatives.