The annual Meeting took place on Sunday, December 2nd, when there was a very good attendance, but still room for improvement. Correspondence from head Office was read, and a fair amount of discussion followed. A letter was read from the local Labour Party, asking for monetary assistance towards the expenses of the local elections, and a collection was taken which realised a good amount. The election of officers for the ensuing year created a lively interest and resulted in a few changes being made. Very instructive and educative addresses were given by Bro. Bumstead, of Ashford Branch, and Bro. Taylor, of Folkestone Branch, two of the nominees for the Sectional Council of the Southern group, and that good will accrue as a result of the visit of these two Brothers I have no doubt. I would like to take the opportunity of making an appeal to all members of this Branch to attend and take a keener interest in all matters relating to our organisation. That this will be one of the good resolutions made in the New Year by all members is the wish of
The photo on left, is taken outside Brighton Lovers Walk carriage painting shop in approx
1924/5 before conversion to an E.M.U.T. Depot in 1932.
The unit is a 3 SUB for the South Eastern Electrification scheme converted from ex L.S.W.R. steam stock the painting and trimming of these units took place at Lancing Works.
The units were steam hauled to Lovers Walk where the electrical equipment was installed. Hence the third Rail only on one road, it is thought this was for testing the units before they were steam hauled over to the South Eastern Division of the Southern Railway.
Lover's Walk Paint Shops
The Annual Meeting was held on December 16th, when Bro. H. Colebrooke presided over a fair attendance. We had the pleasure of having R. E. Bumstead, J.P., of Ashford, and Bro. H. Taylor of Folkestone, nominees for the Eastern Division of the Sectional Council, with us. Bro. H. Taylor gave an interesting address for about half-an-hour, and then left to attend the Tonbridge Branch Annual Meeting, which was being held on the same evening. Bro Bumstead then addressed the meeting and kept the members interested for another half hour, after which questions were asked and answered, and a vote of confidence was passed in the speakers. Bro. Bumstead replied on behalf of Bro. Taylor and himself and then left to attend the meeting at Tonbridge. We should like to take this opportunity to appeal to all members, in the interest of their organisation, to sink any petty differences which they may have, and come to the Branch Meetings. We realise that we all have our faults, and no one is infallible. We may have differences of opinion on different subjects, but we ought not to allow them to interfere with the members attending the Branch Meetings and rendering assistance to their officials when necessary. That our members will try and do this is the wish of the
MARCH 1924
Some time has elapsed since a report from this Branch appeared in our Journal, and as we have had the pleasure of the company of our Organising Secretary Mr. Barton Wild, I thought it a good opportunity to let other Branches know that the Horsham Branch is still alive and progressing. I think you will agree that we are very fortunate in having booked Mr. Wild for February 3rd , as at that time we did not know that we should have been out on strike and back to work by that date. It was real sense of enthusiasm and eagerness displayed by our members to strike a blow against the unjust attack made upon the conditions of service we were then enjoying, and when the call come from Head office every man came out, with the exception of five old sweats, who could not do us much harm, having no Firemen with them. A good number of our members turned up on February 3rd to hear Mr. Wild clear the air a little with regard to the settlement of the strike, and I consider he made a very good job of it, and answered all the questions to the best of his ability. The time for his departure came all too quickly, as he had to catch a train, so he left with thanks and good wishes of all present, and was asked to come again and bring J.H. Thomas with him. This he declined to do, as he did not want to be responsible for the welfare of J.H.T.
Railway accident on the
Southern Railway
Brighton Section
1. That as far as possible at Depots where electricity supersedes steam as a means of traction
all Drivers displaced shall have prior claim to positions of Motormen, or the option of
remaining on steam work.
Agreed that in the first place the position of Motorman shall be offered to Steam Drivers in
order of seniority at each depot affected by the substitution of electricity for steam traction. In the event of an insufficient number of Steam Drivers offering themselves for Motormen’s
posts at these particular Depots the offer shall be extended to other Steam Drivers on a Line
basis of seniority.
Failing a sufficient number of Steam Drivers being available by foregoing means Junior
Drivers on a Line basis to be allotted to the vacant Motormen’s positions.
2. The following the filling of vacancies as in the preceding clause all subsequent vacancies
be filled by locomotive men employed on the Southern Railway who are in the line of
promotion in order of seniority as laid down in the National Agreements of August, 1919, and the subsequent Agreement of April 24th, 1924, relating of Line Promotion on the Southern Railway.
(a) For reasons of health subject to
certification by the Company’s Doctor.
(b) In the event of redundancy in the
Electrical Department.
(c) For reasons which the Employees or
Company can justify.
(a) Agreed subject to the man concerned
being certified by the Company’s Medical
Officer as fit for steam work.
(b) Agreed.
(c) The Company’s representatives could not agree to this but intimated that each case arising outside (a) and (b) would be
considered on its merits.
Medical Examination of Drivers, Firemen
and Motormen after Sickness
DECEMBER 10th, 1924.
The following proposed arrangements for the medical examination of Drivers, Firemen, and
Motormen were discussed and accepted:-
(a) Men to be examined after an absence from duty of four weeks, and in addition -
(b) If absence is less than four weeks in the undermentioned circumstances:
1. If illness is such as might impair a man’s sight or otherwise affect his ability to
satisfactorily discharge his duties.
2. After an operation.
3. If illness is due to an infection or contagious disease.
4. Men taken suddenly ill from causes which include the loss of consciousness.
Substitution of Electric Traction for Steam
DECEMBER 10th, 1924
Substitution of electric traction for steam. (Deferred from last meeting).
The report of the Sub-Committee (see Appendix “A”) was considered and confirmed.